have you ever.

Yes, I tried to give a homeless person some money (it was everything I had) and she wasn't satisfied with the amount. Seriously?! It's not like I'm Bill Gates. lol

Have you ever given someone a secret valentine and never disclosed who it was from?
Never, I've been in enough situations where it's happened to me.

Have you ever really craved a dish and when you finally had it was disappointed it didn't taste anything like you'd imagined?
Several times, unfortunately. It really sucks when you’ve got this idea of just how something might taste, and you end up either being totally disappointed or completely hating the dish when you finally try it.

Have you ever been able to recall a dream with near-perfect detail?
Totally agree!

Often, I typically have very vivid dreams. Not good when they're nightmares (shudder)!

Saying that, have you ever had to force yourself awake (or at least try to)?
Yes, friends have said I talk in my sleep...and sound like Jabba the Hut! LOL

Have you ever trick or treated?
Yes, in one of those 'make your own ice cone' machines. There was blood everywhere! lol

Have you ever had a toenail turn black and fall off?
Turn black, yes. Fall of, no. I slammed one of my fingers in a door once and part of the nail turned black.

Have you ever had a hangnail on each of your fingers/toes or at least two at the same time?
OMG yes! They can be really painful MF's! I've had to 'tape' the offenders so's to give them some time to heal.

Have you ever bitten your tongue, lip, or the inside of your cheek when you were eating, so badly that your eyes teared in pain?
I can't remember the last time I bit my tongue. And the inside of my cheecks are like the reversed scars of Joker, but I mostly get them in my sleep.

Have you ever had more than one ingrown nail at once?
Honestly, I've never experienced an ingrown toenail. Sounds painful!

Have you ever experienced a cramp in the middle of the night, waking you up enough to fall out of bed in pain?
I haven't fallen out of bed specifically, but I used to get leg cramps at least once a week that were bad enough to make me scream.

Have you ever had a medical emergency (ie: had to be taken away in an ambulance) in public?
No! To that extent. Hope if you experienced that things afterward was okay?

Have you ever fallen for someone you know you shouldn't have?
Yup. Power Rangers was that movie for me. I never was a fan of the original shows, and my friend insisted on taking me to see it. It definitely had its moments of being over-the-top like the original, but was so much better in terms of action and non-cringy acting.

Have you ever read a book and wished they would turn it into a movie?
Naturally, of course. Though, sometimes the movie falls pale in comparison to the book. Sometimes it's more satisfying to watch the movie first and then read the book second- discovering there are more details to the story when you may have been yearning for 'more'.

Passing it on.
Yup, pretty frequently. Although I'm not really a snob when it comes to book-to-movie adaptations. As long as they cast good actors and any plot changes are logical rather than gratuitous, I'm happy.

Have you ever read the novelization of a movie?
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