have you ever.

Yep, but very challenging to eat (how to stop your nose from smelling the horrible aroma)

Have you ever eaten escargot?
No, but it's something I really want to try. (I also really want to try durian.)

Have you ever had a reaction to a food allergy in a restaurant?
No never but I'm sure it's a scary experience, even if they were chihuahuas!

Have you ever danced ballroom style?
Oh big time! Not pretty for me. LOL

Have you ever dressed up for Halloween or a con and what did you dress up as?
I dressed up for Halloween when I was younger. I went as a pirate, ghost and what else I can't remember.

Have you ever made a costume for someone else and if yes which one?
Yes but nothing all that great. Just a zombie set for a group of my friends for several halloween/events. Small time stuff.

Have you ever mixed two foods together without knowing if it was going to be good and you ended up liking it?
Yes, provolone and tomatoes grilled cheese sandwich.

What's the most thoughtful thing you've done for someone else?
Nope. Do they even work outside of movies? XD I find it to be something very theatrical so I'm always skeptical of giving flowers.

Q: Have you ever pranked someone by playing the opposite gender?
Well, yeah. Isn't there a five second rule? lol

Have you ever found yourself singing in the shower to a tune playing?
Yes, I have. Was a little bit awkward when it turned out that I wasn't alone at home.

Have you ever been on a talent show? If yes, what did you do?
Who cares if you weren't home alone, so long as you enjoyed yourself. Singing is such a wonderful thing in the shower.

Nope, never.

Have you ever run so far that you experienced the 'runner's natural high?'
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