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have you ever.

Yes, yes I have. The names I got called in the past...

Have you ever burried something in the depths of your mind so you won't have to remember it ever again?
Sorry for making you remember...

Yes, I have. I traveled to a far away town in Germany with my family just to go to a restaurant. We were close to the border in the north.

Have you ever celebrated a hollyday with strangers?
I have. It was a thing at the local mission where people volunteer to invite families who just lost their homes over for Christmas and my family volunteered. They were great company and we invited them back to celebrate new years as well.

Have you ever....hmmm....oh. have you ever gotten caught responding to an rp here by someone you didn't want knowing you were into this sort of thing?
Not really.Who's that uncareful about personal stuff?

Have you caught by any close relative of yours while masturbating?
No. I did write something once for someone on a word file on my computer. I accidentally deleted it though. Was I ever going to show it to them? I think when I started it, I said no I wasn't going to. I think.

Have you ever had feelings for someone you knew you couldn't be with? I mean in the sense of dating.
Bahahaha. All the time. It's practically the story of my life. </3

Have you ever walked into a room, forgot why you went in there, gave up and sat down, only to then just remember why you went in there in the first place? So now you have to get right back up and go back into the room.
Revnarh said:
Yeah, been there.

Have you ever seen/read something that you wanted to try out and then just done it?

Yes, more than once.

Have you ever slept in an awkward place?
Yeah, several times just for fun and to plan ahead. Not to forget to thinking about where I could be in five or ten years.

Have you ever thought about the question of life, the universe, and everything?
Yes i did! but then i grew tired of it and went back to watch the movie Dumb & Dumber 2!

Have you ever wondered about what happens to your trash when you dispose of it?
You mean after throwing it into the trash can? Yes, when I was younger and didn't know what happens to trash after it got thrown away.

Have you ever drawn something on someone or woke up and discovered that someone drew on you?
Yes i did draw something on someone! Once in a fieldtrip the responsible teacher fell asleep at the bus and my friends and i drew a penis at his right cheek,and at his forehead we writted "Pretty Woman",is was hilarious.

Have you ever had any bad experience with a wild animal or had someone close to you do so?
Yup. A donkey once kicked me and barely trampled me. I was maybe five years old.. I managed to jump away as it kicked me so it wasn't severe but it nearly trampled me when I fell down. Luckily my dad shoved the animal away in time xD

Have you ever asked a very, very stupid question?
Yes. Someone asked me why I liked soccer and handball and I said I liked playing with balls :shy:

Have you ever found something you used to like disgusting/boring now that you've grown up?
Yep. Going to church. Once I turned 18, I never looked back.

Have you ever found something you used to think was disgusting/boring but now like?
Yup! I used to hate red beets when I was younger, but now I like them.

Have you ever dreamed about something that you never saw before and then recognize it from your dream?
Literally impossible xD

Have you ever guessed the end of a movie/book correctly whilst watching/reading it?
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