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have you ever.

Yes, but I was in the hospital that time. Nothing too serious, my appendix got removed.

Have you ever tried to stay awake for five days in a row?
I've gone mudding at the spa and played with mud there - if that counts? :p

Have you ever gone out and gotten so drunk and ended up so far away from home?
I'm not the person who drinks alcohol despite its aweful taste. I drink only something alcoholic when I find it delicious. That means that I only take a sip from a beverage before I decide whether I like it or not. I got totally wasted and woke up in my bed without remembering how I got into it since I couldn't even walk straight without falling down. I got carried/dragged up and put into bed by some of my friends.

Have you ever pulled a prank on someone only to become the victim yourself?
VelvetBlossom said:
Nope. Would be curious too though.

Have you ever been randomly hugged by a stranger somewhere?

I have! At T in the Park 2011. A girl asked me a questions n and th n hugged me.

Have you ever been to a music festival?
Yes, I have been to the Love Parade in Berlin a few times. That were good times before they comercialised it...

Have you ever kissed someone for no reason?
Yes, I couldn't help myself and it was kind of a mistake. But, I couldn't stop it. It's not my fault he kissed back. It's a secret we both keep. :O

Have you ever gone on a blind date?
I'd need to own a car first so no, I never have.

Have you ever had the eerie feeling that somebody was watching you despite the fact that you were completely alone and nobody was around?
Yes, yes we have done that a few times. We were talking to us, but that still counts, right?

Have you ever talked to yourself and others were interested in what you were talking about?
RaznHellMichelle said:
I can honestly say 'No' although I admit all the kissing was out of this world!

Have you ever bitten into a piece of fruit only to discover you've also bitten a worm in half?

While I have never done that, when I was little - I did do something awfully disgusting. My Dad and I were out at a flea market, we were sellers. I was real thirsty and saw his Pepsi sitting there after he had left. Decided to take a large gulp ... realized he decided to use his almost empty can for ashtray. Nasty!

Have you ever wished if you could kiss a friend on the lips, even if that is all you were allowed to do, just to show him/her how much you appreciated the friendship?
Nope, I never have done that before.

Have you ever got so inspired by something that you couldn't stop thinking about it until you wrote it down on paper or converted it into some other kind of creative object?
My stories come to me like that sometimes. Just a thought triggers one off and I have to get it on paper.

Have you ever really fancied someone and felt that they may feel the same about you, and dropped hints to them hoping that they'd respond and show that your feelings were reciprocated, but they don't and you wonder if that's because they are as afraid as you are of making a mistake?
Hehe, yeah... currently there is someone I like but don't want to confess it too.

Did you ever got so distracted with something you completely forgot about the time until someone had to remind you how late it had gotten?
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