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have you ever.

(Crazy artist? lol)
Yes, I started to stipple a picture and my dog started eating the paper. Now all I have left is a bad phone pic of the work in progress :(

Have you ever had such a bad headache that it hurt even just to keep your eyes open?
( Close enough, I was shooting for Crazy Artisan or Mad Craftsman)

Yes, and I hate those...

Have you ever thought about launching your alarm clock accros the room in hopes that it shatters into a billion pieces?
All the time, actually. I probably am the crazy one afterall.

Have you ever lied, and had to tell another lie to support that lie, that has ended up forming into this extremely elaborate story that you still need to 'lie' about to this day?
No, I was never good a lying, and its a skill I have never tried to develop, much to my detriment.

Have you ever been yanked into the sky by a power kite you were trying to fly and didn't know what you were doing?

Have you ever looked back at an old rp (or even a current one) and noticed mistakes you made or things you would have written differently?
Yes. I took the blazing wing challenge on a dare once from one really beyond hot waitress
(never again)

Have you ever attempted to make love to a womans ass, only to have her say that if she allowed it, your ass was also fair game, and she then gestured to a strapon from her toy collection?
Pazzo said:
Yes. I took the blazing wing challenge on a dare once from one really beyond hot waitress
(never again)

Have you ever attempted to make love to a womans ass, only to have her say that if she allowed it, your ass was also fair game, and she then gestured to a strapon from her toy collection?

Nope, unfortunately not.

Ever dropped and broke something in a store?

A jar of salsa, and I was being a dumbass. Mom said I couldn't have the Raphael ninja turtle figure I wanted 20 something years ago....

Ahem. In light of this recently recovered memory, has anyone broken something as a result of a tantrum?
Not that I can recall

Have you ever been intimate with some one significantly younger than you? A five or more year age difference.
I wish I had...

Have you ever broken a mirror on purpose to see weither you'd have seven years of bad luck or not just to see if it's true or not?
Fortunately not.

Have you ever wanted to cook something for someone and it went terribly wrong for one reason or another?
..... NO!!! I have never tried to make a woman breakfast, and scorched her eggs, burnt her bacon, or blackened her toast... Never....

Have you ever successfully found a way to make yourself do something even though it was the most difficult thing ever?
Nope, I don't think so. I've done stuff that I could have gotten in some trouble for, but nothing that dramatic.

Have you ever watched porn with someone else?
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