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have you ever.

Yes, and a PSA... DON'T use dripless candles for this ... Apparently, their wax gets SUPER hot... Who knew???

oops, got beaten to the punch...

and yes... Once... Peed while on top *blush*

... Slept with an ex... While they were with someone else...
Call me crazy, but I find what Cora von Fotze did kinda hot.... *Purrs* (Now, if it was the candle, sleeping with an ex, or peeing while on top - you might never know~ )

Have you ever been horny you blacked out after cumming?
No. Never been pushed to that limit.

Have you ever wanted to try something with your partner, but you didn't ask because you were afraid they would say no?
Yes, about one thing. But later on, I found out she was a slut about it, and then it was next to all that we did.

Have you ever wanted to be pleasing two people at the same time, but neither of them would allow you to please the other?
Yes, when I was a child I had a brother I would sometimes blame things on. It went both ways.

Have you ever met someone on the internet and then met them in real life?
Yes I have. Twice. The last one was from Bluemoon. We spent a week together.

Have you ever wanted to meet someone from Bluemoon in real life?
Several times. came to the point i woud know her better than herself,

ever completely spoken Your mind without thinking about anything you said?
A stately house, which is kind of the same thing, so yes.

Have you ever met a group of people and though "Yep... that stereotype is pretty much right".
Nope, I don't have a wallet, photos go on my phone anyway... especially the nudies.

Have you ever taken a nude selfie and posted it anonmyously somewhere?
Nope, I don't do nudes. Maybe if it's a sub of mine's kink, I will use it as a reward if she has been a good girl... Has yet to happen!

Ever gotten a nude that wasn't meant for you before by accident?
Nope, that never happened to me. I don't have friends who send nude pictures of themself to others.

Have you ever wandered around just to clear your mind?
Yup. Ended up getting lost but it was a fun adventure finding my way back. :)

Have you ever wished you had a sibling you never had?
In a theater no, at home yes.

Have you ever wanted to meet someone in real life from the internet, or have you done that?
I have done that twice. One of them was from Bluemoon.

Have you ever sent a picture over the internet of some part of your body totally naked?
Does face count? :p

Have to admit yes. But only once of anything 18+...

Have you ever done anything erotic over the internet, say through a webcam?
Si, muchas horas.

Have you ever been turned on by AndNich123?

Yes. :p

Ok for real. Have you ever mixed two foods you liked, even though they don't normally go together.
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