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have you ever.

While I can take this several different ways, I will keep it clean.

Yes, first time was at camp when I was seven.

Have you ever needed help opening a jar?
Oh yes. I threw the man a bone and made him think I needed his help. Played the damsel in distress card. "Oh help me kind Sir. Won't you open this jar for me?" lol.

Have you ever seen someone that needed help and passed them by anyway only to feel bad about it later?
Yes. I am quite the gambler and I am VERY far into the green area. Although, I have some secrets... (No, it's 100% legal and not cheating.)

Have you ever offered yourself up for someone as a bet/prize or the likes?
If submission counts, then yes.

Have you ever shot your cum on a woman's body just she could rub it in? (or rubbed in a guy's cum if you're female)
Not quite, but I once blew a such load that filled the girl's mouth completely and she had to pull out as the amount made her gag and the few final squirts got into her face which she then rubbed around there.

Have you ever had your rearhole licked?
Yes. I once met The King.

Have you ever looked at some kid and thought their parents ought to smack him/her?

Have you gotten up and thought you had to get dressed only to realize you didn't because you were wrong about what day it was?
No, never been on a double date (thankfully!)

Have you ever seen something that you probably shouldn't laugh at, but found it funny and got caught laughing?
No. I know that's a common thing in people, but I lack that reaction - which I am thankful for.

Have you ever Masturbated to someone's profile picture on BMR?
No - but a church in France - yes. That was fun.

Have you ever accidentally said the phrase 'lol' in real life after spending too long online?
Yeah... One of my moments where I was truly ashamed of myself.

Ever Picked up someone else's phone and pretended to be them when it rang?
Yes - the girls I live with do that all the time as a 'joke'. No phone left unlocked is safe.

Have you ever bought someone an edible birthday present, then gotten hungry when the stores were closed and eaten it yourself?
Yes, but sadly I'm too honest to keep it since I tend to shop in small stores.

Have you ever done a spider-man kiss? (i.e. one partner upright, the other upside down) prizes for guessing where I got the idea *blushes*
Yes. If you count standing at the edge of a cliff and jumping off into water crazy. I did until I did it.

Have you ever asked a random stranger in an airport to dinner, right there and then?
Not at an airport, no. But I feel like there's a story there! I did, however, go to a gas station VERY late at night and went home with the chick working there for a one-night-stand after she payed for my burger which she made me. *Shrugs* I was just a little bit hungry...

Have you ever given someone oral while they did something else? Reading book, gaming, writing etc etc
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