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have you ever.

Actually yes.

Have you ever had sex with a someone who was, to be not be so crude, having their monthly visitor?
Mmm, she was on the last day, so kiiiinda. But she wanted me so bad and didn't want the "visitor" to ruin the evening as she would seem unworthy that evening, so she cleaned out very well and things happened.

Ahem, Have you ever orgasmed in a weird situation/place?
No. I had my tear ducts cauterized to stop something like that from happening. ;)

Have you ever indulged someone in a sexual act you really didn't like?
Yeah. I and my best friend did that while having a bro-talk. We were 13, though....

Ever wanted to be something you aren't right now - for the sake of someone else?
Yup. I've even told them, but they didn't want to realize. But I don't fret - they will realize when it's too late and think of what I said...

Have you ever sneezed so hard you started to nosebleed?
No - I don't do cocaine.

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you were the other gender, and thought you might like it?
*Smirks* Oh yes... Oh, so many times~ I'm kinda sadistic that way. I will really try to make sure they do the right thing first, but in the end after I give up and things come all crashing down on them... Ohh, the thrill!

Ever been gagged by something else than a gag(and a cock)?
Frequently - my flatmate is renowned for making...'questionable' cooking choices.

Have you ever eaten something terrible but it was made by someone you care about and had to lie and say it was great?
No. I let them know and come with pointers. Usually they are happy to have me respect them as human beings and can take construct criticism.

Have you ever made out with someone in the dark, only to find out they're not who you thought they were?
Relationship... never been asked by a nasty person. Sex? *shrugs* had a one night stand with someone I deeply disliked because she was just a catty bitch... just had kinda rough sex.

Have you ever cross-dressed?
Yes... There's that fine line between admiring gaze and leering creepily... Fun, funny come on ... And sleazy creep...

Have you ever made love to someone with their sibling asleep in the bed with you two?

No, but the idea isn't one that repulses me completely. I find it quote interesting if someone actually the guts to do that. Although, some part of me is creeped out by that idea. I guess it's the fear of being caught, which would push both partners to find other ways to showcase their enjoyment & pleasure. Now the though of that, I like...

Have you ever walked in one someone whilst they were undressing themselves? Even catch a glimpse of something you shouldn't have? If you don't mind saying, who did you walk in on, I'm curious to know *sticks her tongue out*
Does post shower dressing count... Walked in on my roommate as she was applying lotion (with shimmeree shinees in it... We were going to go out for girls night)... She had one foot up on the bench at the foot of her bed... Towel had slipped down and hung off her hips... Was embarrassing... But sexy, partly from the way her hands played slickly over her body...


Have you ever had sex on the beach... (no, not the drink ;) )
No. Once you get that sand in there you never get it out.

Have you ever left a hickie on a private body part of someone?
Yes I have.

Have you ever lost control of your bodily functions because the sex (including oral) was so damn good?
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