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have you ever.

Actually I think I have, but I'm not certain. I'm must have though because I am just that good. I'm just saying.

Have you ever made someone so mad they couldn't even speak to you?
Yes, even thought the anger was quickly quenched as that person realized it was nothing to be mad about, rather the contrary.

(I kinda want to answer more of what you guys have gotten above, sooooo....
- Yes, I once told someone I loved them without actually loving them at the time(I later did). It hurt like hell for myself to do so, and I am still paying for it to this very day. Although, it's a choice I stand by and would have done again for several reasons.
- Yes, I once had one crying on me in middle of sex. It was just so good and she was so happy with me in that moment she started to cry. It was a good night.

Have you ever wanted to do as I just did; Answer questions other people have gotten just cause you want to be "open" about it?
Yes I have. I've also wanted to just be open an tell things on here. lol.

What would you like to ask a fellow "mooner" if given the chance? (mooner=Bluemoon rper)
I would ask them for their reason to be here. And being specific. My initial reason to be here was for sexual arousing, but my reasons have gone rather bland.

Are you outgoing enough to talk with others online? I am thinking of voice with a mic. If one think about it, it's kinda like picking up the phone when it rings IRL, but this person wants to talk with you, and is not out for your money etc...
Yes, and I actually do. I voice chat with a few different people from this site.

What is the most taboo subject matter, to you, that you have seen on this site?
lol. Ironically I was looking for incest rps. I found them!

What is the most number of rps you've ever had going on at one time?
No. I got lots of booze around my penthouse though, but I don't really drink that often.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone through the internet?
Lying? Don't appreciate being called a liar. Why would anyone lie about something like that, and to answer your question, no I do not.

Do you have any pets?
Lol. I think you misunderstood AndNich, he answered your question about what he finds disgusting about a person. . . Which is when they are lying.
Also you might want to rephrase your question of do you have any pets to Have you ever had any pets. Just the name of the game. . .

Yes I have had pets and still do.

Have you ever been to a concert that you didn't like the music genre that was playing?
Well then I apologize to him. lol. It's been a long two days. It's been a long two, three weeks in fact. To answer your question, when I was a kid my parents made me go see a country band that my mom liked. Even then, it was still ok. So no.

Hmmmmm, another question. Let me think. Are you considered funny among your friends?
Have I every been considered funny among my friends. ..
Does my mom count? Lol nah, I kid. Yes my friends find me amusing, funny even.

Have you ever crushed grapes with your feet to make wine?
No. I can honestly say never, but I have had wine. Yeah, and some of it you could still taste the feet it was so nasty.

what would be your dream job?
(MissClover was right - A thing I find disguisting with a person is when they lie.) - My dream job... *Shrugs* Getting paid to play video games I guess? Although, I am not really picky when it comes to jobs. As long the hours are alright, the environment is decent and the salary is decent, then I can do next to anything. I am in a so-so job right now, but I am getting crazy hours for lower than minimum wage.

Have you ever gone to a store, wanting one thing but being tricked into buying something else by something and then gone back later to complain/return it?
Yea. Lol. But I wouldn't say I complained. I just respectfully returned it, "Not what I wanted." XD

Have you ever had a chemical burn?
Never. I respect the power of the flame, even if the power of the flame doesn't respect me.

Have you ever gotten someone off in public?
what? hell no *feels like just slapping someone* >.<

have you ever wanted to watch someone do that in public and suddenly have dirty thoughts about it?
No. Although I do enjoy being the pole.

Have you ever smacked a total stranger on the ass in public because their bottom was just asking for it?
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