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have you ever.

I might be crazy and would forget my head at home while my body goes out of the house, but I'm not that crazy/forgetful to put on some underwear. That's for me what's breathing air is for others. And I'm addicted to breathing so...

Have you ever tried something incredibly crazy/stupid just because you were curious?
Yes. I once put my finger inside a socket as a spark appeared every time I flipped the light switch. I had an... shocking experience. (I've had lots of heart-scans as well after that, so I am 100% fine, I assure you. I got perhaps shocked straight? Haha - Either way; I was young, stupid and curious.)

Have you ever made out with one of the same gender?
Nope. 'Bout the only door I won't swing open. (No offense to those who have.)

Have you ever taken a Forum Game to such a dark place that people stop playing it?
Yes. I have pretty vivid dreams in the first place, and it gets weirder when I dream in my dreams.

Have you ever felt like breaking the rules just to get punished on purpose?
All the time. Jokingly of course.
Perhaps seriously on accident. XD

Have you ever listened to a particular song on purpose because you knew it might put you in a certain mood?

have you ever wished that you could wear something but would make other people think your really the opposite gender by wearing that
Nope, I don't really care much what other people think of me regardless of what I wear.

Have you ever lost a wallet only to find it years later and find tons of cash in it?
Kind of. I wouldn't say a ton of cash, but 20 bucks worth. Which is a lot considering I don't carry cash. XD

Have you ever got up for someone just for them to go back to sleep and you were up all by yourself at that point?
Yes - Was on stream! Was streaming Outlast. Was an awesome experience to live that much into the game that made me scream <3 My viewers went ballistic too :p

Have you ever wondered how much a wood a woodchuck could chop if a woodchuck could chop wood?
Nope. I don't wonder how much a lumberjack would chop wood either.

Have you ever regretted something before you could even actually do it?
Oh yea. All the time. One of my work uniforms was all black. o_o;

Have you ever kissed someone and it made your lips tingle and almost feel numb?
Yes. Several times. I'm sure once it was just the type of lipgloss the girl had on.

Have you ever pined over someone that was half a world away?

Have you ever beat up a friend of yours because you care for him?(Beating him up to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, and physicall have to "tell" him)
A couple of times. But most of the time it was the result of trying to make sure they didn't end up in jail or arrested by MPs. Typically led to fighting them afterwards again because the first fight 'wasn't fair' because they were drunk. lol

Have you ever witnessed someone 'finish last' because he was being a nice guy? Explain.
Lol this probably isn't the way you meant it but yes. .. because the lady's pleasure came first before his. . . ^_~

Have you ever masturbated at work?
Nnnnnyyyyeeesss? I feel like it would depend on the type of attachment. There's attached, and then there's 'stuck in the bed because she smashed your ankles with a sledgehammer'. lol

Have you ever shot a rocket launcher (any form of one)?
No :p I am rather shy when it comes to that. Although, I have sung songs and put them on youtube(recorded it drunk, posted it sober)

Have you ever gone without anything to drink or eat for 4 days+?
Drinking no. Eating yes. It wasn't fun. I'm not happy to say this. Most embarrassing thing I have to admit deals with that.

Have you ever told someone you loved them and not meant it?
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