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have you ever.

Yeah, I was running orientering many years ago, and sometimes nature called. It's by far any pleasant thing, but one gotta do what one gotta do.

Have you ever blow-dried your hair so much something smelled burnt afterwards?
No, but I have listened to songs a second time and thought it wasn't as bad as I remembered.

Have you ever done a fetish in bed which you didn't really like, but your partner really wanted you to try/do?
Yes. Don't want to overshare, but I'm sure the feeling was mutual at some point.

Have you ever been in a sandstorm so incredible it blocked out the sun?
No. I can honestly say I never have.

Have you ever left the house and realized you forgot to put on an article of clothing you normally wore? (I.E. underwear, bra, pants. lol)
Yes, Pants(I thought that shit only happened on TV, dreams and whatnot, but there I was, going to work in only the top of my uniform...

Have you ever gone out somewhere in one outfit and come home in a completely different one?
I think I once put on a bra as I lost a bet when I was drunk at a party. But I am not sure if that happened.

Have you ever felt like someone is watching you, just to turn to see if there was, but not seeing anyone?
Yes, all the damn time. I'm a very suspicious person ._., often it makes me look like a weird person.

Have you ever felt like flirting with a co-worker?
Yeah. I don't really have anything tying me down here, so it's fully possible. Well, besides that this is one of the best countries to live in...(according to some global research)

Have you ever gone somewhere just to see what it was like for then to leave immediately afterwards?
Yes. For awhile there all the time.

Have you ever done something that made you realize a lot of the limitations you think you have are in your mind? (Rappel, Skydive, etc...)
Mmm.. not really. I kinda weaved my thoughts into what my limits were and they are rather accurate. (I have very few ones)

Have you ever been mistaken for someone else by someone?
That never happened to me. I don't look like someone else with my hairstyle.

Have you ever tried something new and then kept it that way because you liked it?
Looks like I should phrase my questions better. I meant something like a new hairstyle or something else.

There are only me, myself, I and sometimes my cat in my room so no. Besides, my fantasy is too crazy to let something like that happen. The solution isn't pretending that there are no monsters, it is believing hard enough that these monsters can't harm you nor even get close enough to you without harming themselves.

Have you ever sung a song or had a great idea and thought that you should have recorded it because you forgot it after a few seconds?
Yeah, many times. I like to suddenly break out in song~

Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment, only to accidentally delete it?
(I actually had what you answered me as a question, but changed it... How curious.)

Yes, I have. I have a scar on my forehead(Yeah, like harry potter, but mine is not a lightning) which I needed surgery for when I got it.

Have you ever given someone oral while really having to go to the bathroom?
Once, but a lot of things was going on in my head at the time.

Would you ever move to a different country if given the chance?
I have, however I don't do it anymore. I have no business to conclude there.

Have you ever felt the need to approach someone very badly, but can't/don't as you fear they might not even acknowledge you in a way?
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