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Not what it seems(blair/lady)

Drayke looked amused even as he took his sweet time stiping down as he rolled over, glancing up at him as he smirked."Are you so sure that I'll let you paddle me?"He asked amused even if there were nerves in his eyes, because the man was so not used to being the one bottoming in ny sense of the word, so he really wasn't used to getting his ass paddled.

Zane looked up at her looking even more anxious as she cried because he hadn't meant to upset her. Smiling a little as he realized she was appy he smiled shyly, "Alysa said something...texting is amazing."He said snickering amused that the woman had texted him even as they'd watched the girls shop. Looking anxious at her opening the ring he smiled a little."It's totally one of a kind.Like you."He muttered smilling a little before squirming uncomfortable, looking down at the kitten in his lap,gently petting her ears as he blushed,avoiding looking at her."It's the longitude and latitude for the statue of liberty....where we first probably don't were on a school trip and I was not nearly as together and handsome as I am now...I was following you and you fell over me on the way up the was then when I stopped you from falling that I started feeling...something for you."He muttered blushing harder, because he knew she didn't remember the geeky, slender law student that hadn't become what he was now until years later. He'd been a slender geek then, nothing like the tall broad muscled geek he was now.
Jax raised his eyebrows. "Oh, you'll let me," he murmured, grinning a bit. "Because you love me." Grabbing a fistful of his lover's hair and pulled him up to kiss him from behind passionately. Letting him go, he knelt behind him and caressed his ass before raising the paddle and bringing it down on the other man's behind. Jax licked his lips, turned on by the dominance of the situation. He continued to paddle Drayke until his ass was bright red, then through the paddle to the side. Immediately, he began to gently massage the other man's ass while kissing his neck. Like his brother, he loved only liked unleashing pain for the chance to soothe the person afterward.

Kate looked up at him, shock in her eyes. It took several moments for her to find the right words, her eyes growing even more teary than before. Truthfully, she would not have realized that the man who caught her on the stair case of the statue of liberty was him, but now that she did know, it seemed like destiny... Just one more puzzle piece to her life was revealed. "Zane," she whispered, swallowing hard. "All this time?" She tilted her head to the side, biting her lip innocently. It was crazy to think the young man who caught her so long ago was the ma who was in front of her now, but the fact that he had felt something for her ever since was so powerful. She was speechless; So speechless that she couldn't express her feelings with words. Instead, she slid the ring all the way onto her finger and reached up to grab his face, pulling him down for a passionate kiss.
Drayke yelped as his head was pulled back, groaning as he kissed him back, groaning as he felt the other caressing his ass. Whimpering quietly he squirmed as the man paddled his ass, tears clinging to his eyelashes as his skin brightened to red,shivering softly as Jax mssaged his ass, tilting his head to the side to let the other kiss him."I want kisses...real kisses."he muttered shifting a little nudging his lover, trying to get him around for a real kiss.

Zane looked even more anxious when her eyes filled with more tears."Yea, you were falling. Dad didn't say that I couldn't help you, so I did.And well...sorsen had just died-"He rambled, so anxious to make her like it beause he so wanted her to like it, that the complicated man didn't realize she was crying because she was so overwhelmed with what it meant. "Well...yea.I guess. More like a curiousity....just checking know making sure dad wasn't doing anything kidnapping you when I was in russia."he muttered looking at her, his eyes dropping to her lip, growning hard at the sight of her biting that plush lip was just so inticing. Not realizing that he'd admitted to loving her since then, having always figured it was just to keep himself out of jail, not that he'd developed a really bad crush on her when she was 17. Smiling happily when she slid the ring on, he kissed her back before pulling her into him, gently settling the kitten to the side as he pulled her into his lap, groping her, having every intention of making this a very normal christmas, by making love to her on wrapping paper and under the trees....well, he figured that was a normal coupels thing anyways
Jax grinned and nodded, rolling on to his back and yanking Drayke down for a loving, open mouthed kiss. His hands roamed all over his lover's body, pulling him into a close, erotic embrace. Reaching between them, he grabbed Drayke's cock and gently began to stroke it. "Baby, you were great," he purred, "And for that, you should top tonight." With that, he grinned and continued to stroke the other's cock. "It's the least I can let you do..."

Kate wrapped her legs around his waist, running her fingers through his hair as she kissed him back passionately. She just wanted to be as close as possible to him... Her hands reached down to begin tugging it up and over his head, then let her hands roam over his naked, muscled torso. "I've never had such a perfect Christmas present," she murmured, leaning down to kiss him again. The ring was just so... perfect. She was never going to take it off, because it symbolized her life. Things were not going to be easy, but she didn't care. All she wanted was him.
Drayke moaned kissing him back, wincing a little as his ass hit the sheets, the skin tender, even though it was a pleasurable odd che. Groaning as he thrust up into the hand stroking him he groped the other man, laughing quietly."I get my ass paddled, and I get to top?That seems wrong somehow."he teased kissing him a little before rolling them over, before pushing up some."Strip."He ordered pushing up off the other just enough to give him room to undress even as he eagerly helped him get naked. his mouth though, headed straight for jax's cock, swallowing him down,having every intent of enjoying everything of his christms present.

Zane whimpered in pleasure as she wrapped herself around him, his hands settling on her ass as he ground himself against her, already pulling at her shirt, smiling a little as she groped him."Hmm me either."His smile was so childlike and sincere it almost hurt, since he meant every word. Kissing her back he smiled before spilling her back onto the floor, tugging her pants down even as he nudged her legs apart,"Now darling, you're going to enjoy staring up at those shiny christmas lights you got, while I rock your world again."He smirked as he kissed down her body, his tongue sliding into her as he lost himself in eating her out before his teeth scrapped against her skin as his head came up, looking startled as he looked over his shoulder, frowning at the kitten sitting innocently on his back, pawing at the curly blond hair that seemed to make a perfect toy for the golden kitten.
Jax growled and nodded, quickly fumbling with his clothes and throwing them off the bed. His body practically quivered with need as he rolled over to get on his hands and knees. Reaching back, he grabbed the back of Drayke's head and pulled him down to kiss him passionately from behind, growling against his lips. "Lube's in the nightstand," he said with a smirk, nodding to the drawer beside the bed. "Hurry up. I feel like I'm going to fucking explode."

Kate let out a laugh, shaking her head. "Rock my world, huh?" she said, before letting out a high-pitched moan. She spread her legs wide for him, submitting totally as he ate her out. One hand moved up to tweak her left nipple and the other hand moved to tangle within his blond tresses. When the kitten made an appearance, she giggled and sat up to gently take it off of Zane's back. "Now, now, kitty," she cooed, "You may be as cute as a button, but he was mine first." She grinned and kitten the kitten on the nose before setting her up on the bed.
Drayke groaned kissing the other, smirking as he took his time getting the lube and pouring some into his palm,seems jax wasn't the only one with zane's sadistic tendencies. "Hmm go ahead.I'll enjoy you even if you come."he teased slipping his fingers into him, taking his time stretching him,gently prodding at his prostate, having every intention of making him lose control.

"definately."zane said smiling before frowning as he watched her with the kitten, pouting slightly as he laid on his side, resting up on his elbow."Hmm I see how it is. I'm not as cute as a button."he said pouting before smirking as he pulled her back down to him, laying her out on the floor again, laying her out so the christmas lights danced over their skin as he slid his hands up her arms, smirking as he laced their fingers together, pinning them up next to her head, effectively handcuffing her as he rubbed against her, the head of his cock probing against her but not pressing in."Hmm now that I'm your toy instead of the kitten's toy, whatever are you going to do with me?"
"Ahhhh," Jax groaned, leaning down to press his face into the pillow. He was shuddering with pleasure, squeezing his eyes shut and enjoying it without losing control. He gripped the sheets and looked over his shoulder at his lover. "Stop teasing me, you bastard," he moaned, lust in his eyes. "Please, baby..." His tattooed muscles tensed with each breath, trying to keep control.

Kate giggled and looked up at him, her eyes full of love as she laid helpless before him. Her eyes connected with his in a way that nearly stole her breath away... She bit her lip like she had before and wiggled her hips underneath his. "Zane," she whispered, "Make love to me." Her expression was serious as she looked up at him with want and need. For the first time since they had met, she didn't just want him to fuck her. She wanted him to show what he was feeling, because she knew how hard it was for him to verbalize it.
Drayke smirked a little watching the other man, lleaning down he sank his teeth into a ass cheek before smirking."You my love, are very demanding for a bottom."He teased before sliding his fingers out of him, settling on top of him, leaning down to kiss him slowly as he slid into him,groaning as he tried to not come right away at the feel of the man's body around him.

Zane smiled looking down at him, a small smile on his fae as he looked down at his lover, the movement stealing his breath as he felt her pressing aainst him. Eyes widening at her words, smiling almost shyly, his thumb absently, unknowingly stroking over her ring, betraying what he was feeling even as he sank into her, lowering his head to kiss her."You, my dear, are lovely."He muttered as he nuzzled her, taking his time making love to her, for the first time really taking his time and not just fucking her.
"Drayke," Jax moaned, grinding against the other man and crying out as he was penetrated. Just like Drayke, he had not been a bottom very often with his past lovers, so it was still a little new. He was still tight and sensitive. He knew he was about to cum, even if he wished that he could hold out longer... Reaching around, he grabbed Drayke's hand and wrapped it around his cock. After just a few stroke's of his lover's hand, Jax was letting out short, desperate pants. "Oh, fuck," he gasped, spilling his seed into the hand of his lover and the sheets below them.

Kate grinned at his words, turned her head to nuzzle him. She let out a little gasp of pleasure as he entered her, then immediately went into a pattern of sighs and moans as he slowly made love to her. It was amazing, perfect even. She'd never experiences such pleasure... The connection between the two of them was breathtaking. "Zane..." she whispered, closing her eyes and biting her lip. Her legs moved up to wrap around his waist, pulling him deeper into her. She was far too deep in love and pleasure to think about protection or getting pregnant with a child that he potentially would not want...
Dryke gasped his eyes going wide as he felt the other coming, shivering as he spilled his seed into hi, hand hand stroking over the other as he ollapsed on top of him,shifting to the side so he wasn't crushing him even as he panted, closing his eyes as he nuzzled him."Oh damn.That was fun."He muttered after a moment smiling at his lover.

Zane smiled softly as she nuzzled him, blushing slightly at the intimate contact, the man feeling more relaxed and pleased with himself nd her, ore relaxed then he had been since she'd been hurt."Kate..."he muttered kissing her gently as he pressed against her, spilling himself deep in her, his lips burided against her neck as he gently bit her."I love you."He whispered softly, quietly, almost to quiet to be heard as he lost complete control of himself and came, not even thinking about g etting her pregnant despite knowing he'd done it before.
Jax collapsed into the pillows, panting and glancing at his lover. He laughed. "Very fun," he purred, scooting over to press a gentle, loving kiss to his lover's lips. "Let's take bath." He smiled at Drayke and stood up to walk over to the bathroom, running some warm water and pouring in some lavender bath soak. Walking back into the bedroom, he pulled his lover to his feet and let him to the bath. "Best Christmas ever," he whispered, leaning in to kiss Drayke. The worst part about being so happy was knowing that he was about to return to a dangerous life that could potentially end it all. It scared him so much to think about losing Drayke.

Kate rolled her body into his, arching her back and letting out a deep, pleasure filled moan as she came with him. As she lay their panting, her body connected with his, she heard his words and froze. She looked up at him, so overwhelmed with everything that had happed. The necklace, the ring... And now this. A wide, sunny grin spread across her face. "I love you too," she whispered, sitting up to press a kiss to his cheek. "No matter what." Wrapping her arms around him, she nuzzled him and held him close. She wanted this moment to last forever...
Drayke grumbled aas he was dragged out of bed, smiling a little s he kissed Jx back sighing quietly."It really is."He muttered though his eyes showed pain because he knew that in the morning they were going back to NYC, into a viper's nest that was going to get someone hurt. It scared him to think that jax would pay the price for zane's revolt. Lening back into the tub he wrapped his arms around the other man,holding him against him."Zane's not going to allow your father to take kate away is he?He's going to turn on him."He muttered having put some thought into it since the brother's had talked, and come to the only conclusion that made sense though he had every faith that alexander lindstrom probably thought his son would never dare to turn on him.

Zane groane das he pulled out of her, smiling sotly as he shifted to the side, laying down half on top of her, his legs still tngled with hers as he smiled at her, a small shy smile, that spoke volumes because it was such a very true and rare smile."Good.Cause going home is going to be a no matter what thing."he muttered his mood darkening as he held her against him, and even if he didn't want to..."Kate. When you were...raped... you miscarriaged a baby. Our baby."he blurted, for once the usully sauve and wordy man just let the words spill out, unable to keep it from her anymore, like jax said, he couldn't keep it a secret without it eating him live, nd well, after sex his guard was done, and whatever he was thinking about spilled out his mouth.
Jax leaned back against his lover, closing his eyes as he let the warm water and Drayke's voice soak in... "No, he's madly in love with her, even if he won't say it," he said, "He won't let my father touch her. Not now. It's most definitely going to be a war." He sighed and turned his head to the side, kissing his lover's neck gently. "Which was why I was going to suggest that Zane leave Kate here in Russia with Dimitiri and his guards... My father doesn't even know where Diminitri lives, and even if he did, Dimitri's guards are brutal. She's be a thousand times more safe here... And, well, I was going to put it out there that maybe you could stay with her. For support." He swallowed hard, closing his eyes and trying to avoid the reaction that he knew was coming. But the thing is, is that he knew he was going to have to go with Zane. That was his brother - his family- and he was just as involved as Zane. However, he could not stand the thought of Drayke getting any more mixed up in it that he already was.

Kate's smile slowly faded, and her eyebrows creased together. "Baby? I wasn't pregnant, Zane," she murmured, the color draining from her face. Well, she had been worried about not getting her period, but she blamed it on the fact that she was being much more sexually active than she had before Alexander kidnapped her. She thought that played a part in it... But she was pregnant? With Zane's child? She swallowed hard, looking pained at the thought. "Is... Is that why you don't want children?" she whispered, immediately thinking that he was angry at her for it. Her eyes started to overflow with tears, except they were sad tears this time.
Drayke growled t his lover,the anger in the sound so instnt and intense he couldn't say anything before he lowered his head to bite the other hard."You know that's not going to happen, for me or kate.Zane wont let her stay, he'll drive himself insane with obsessing over if she's alright here,even if he knows Di'd take care of her."He sighed softly. "And me...well, you're father wont leave you out of the fighting, you need someone watching your back, as you watch zane's."He muttered nuzzling him a little. "Though...we might be able to convince him to leave her here.Maybe."He said frowning thoughtfully, wonderin gif it would happen.

"You were."Zane muttered avoiding her eyes, looking pale and shaky, because he was scared she was going to be angry with him for hiding it."Rina thought it would be better to not tell you...but it's been eating me al..."He trailed off at her question frowning in confusion because he didn't understand it. "What?no."He said sitting up on his elbows to look down at her, "Kate...I don't want kids because I don't want to beome my father not...whatever you're thinking.Kate?"He muttered looking down at her wnting so much to pull her tight against him, but afraid to touch her in case she weas angry with him, before sighing as he tugged her into his arms,holding her tight so she couldn't hit him even if she wnted.
"OW!" Jax yelped, looking over his shoulder at his lover with narrowed eyes. "I'm a big boy, Drayke. I can watch my own back." He frowned, and looked away from him. After a few moments of silence, he let out a deep breath. "The only way Zane will leave Kate here is if you are here as well. It would make him feel better about leaving her... And it would make me feel better to know that my father can't get to you. Please, Drayke. It's for the best," he murmured, "After all, you are high on my father's hit list..." He ran a hand through his hair and looked back at his lover with a serious expression. "Two months tops... I was thinking that my brother could use inside information to get my father prosecuted and put behind bars. This would give us time to gather some guards of our own and sort things out. We need the business to shift and have strong people on our side before our father knows what's coming."

Kate leaned into him a sniffed, but didn't sob. She didn't want him to see exactly how awful she felt... "I just... It's hard to think that we could have had a little blond, blue-eyed baby and..." She shook her head, trying to calm down. It was such a complicated emotion she was feeling. She was not attached to the baby inside of her, for she was unaware of her pregnancy, but the thought of a child being lost to such cruel circumstances was heart-wrenching. "I need to get on birth control," she murmured, "We can't let that happen again." Reaching up, she wiped her eyes and looked up at him with sad, pained eyes. "M-maybe it's best that we don't bring children into the equation..." It was hard to think about, but she knew it was true. If someone could take her unborn child away, someone could take her living child away. As much as she wanted children, she absolutely refused to let that happen.
Drayke siged nuzzling the other for a moment,"And zane can watch himself to, and he still got posioned."he pointed out before loking torn,wrappn his arms around his lover."...fine.But you still have to convince him to leave her here....or kate to stay.She wont want to."he muttered already invisioning just how ugly that fight was going to be. "Fine.I'll stay here with her, if he can convine her to stay here."

Zane sighed softly pressing kiss to her head, stroking her hair, looking anxious before he nodded."I know...whih is why I didn't want to tell you...I didn't want you to feel bad about something I should have prevented y father from doing...I should have protected you..."he muttered his guilt for not being able to protet her ate him alive before wincing a little,"I know. Children are never a good least not now...."he muttered because for some reason the thught of a baby wasn't freaking hi out...well, at least not in his post sex state. Later...when he ws more aware, he'd probably freak out. "I'm not going to let you get hurt again kate..."He muttered stroking her hair, his mind lredy spinning because it scared him badly to think about her or any potential child they had being hurt in any way.
Jax let out a sigh of relief, nodding. "If he convinces her to stay, you will stay with her," he murmured, "If he doesn't, than you can go. All bets are off, okay?" Leaning back, he kissed his lover and closed his eyes. "This are going to get ugly from here, Drayke," he whispered, "More dangerous than ever before. But no matter what... I love you, and we will be together." He nuzzled him a little, then moved to step out of the tub and grab towels for the both.

Kate pressed her face into his chest, squeezing her eyes shut and letting his gentle caressing calm her down. "Let's just look forward," she whispered, "The past is the past, and our future is going to be way too complicated to take our eyes off of it." Looking up at him, she stroked his cheek. Her gaze was sad, but tender. "I love you, Zane," she whispered, the gently moved away from him in order to stand up and pull him toward the bed. "Let's get some sleep..." With that, she laid down beside him, snuggled up against his side, then placed the tiny kitten on his chest. She smiled and pet the sleepy kitten, then looked up at her lover. "Can we watch some television for a little while?"
Drayke smiled a little as he looked at the other, lening over to kiss hi gently as he got up."We're always better together."He muttered sounding slightly anxious because he was almost hoping zane couldn't convince her to stay, because he wanted so much to protect jax, even if it meant putting hiself at risk. He needed to be there to protect him.

Zane sighed softly,"Okay. We'll loook forward."he muttered though he wasn't looking forward to that because he knew just how dangerous it was going to be. Looking up at her his eyes grew anxious at her words, and despite having already saying them, he couldn't force the I love you past his lips again.Letting her pull him up he smiled softly as he snugled his irl, gently petting the kitten as he flipped the tv on."Yea, watch whatever you want."He muttered handing her the remote even as he closed his eyes, so relaxed that with her being safe and with him, that even just laying down in bed was putting him to sleep.
Jax nodded, giving his lover a small smile. Leaning over the sink, he looked at himself in the mirror, grabbing his razor and shaving cream. With slow and gently strokes, he gave himself a clean shave. "I haven't heard a peep from Zane and Kate all day," he said, "I'm assuming his Christmas went better than I thought. Of course, I couldn't get him to tell me a damn thing about what he was getting her." He rolled his eyes. "Sometimes my brother is ridiculous."

Kate smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, just happy to be with him and see that he was safe. Reaching over, she flipped the channel until something could her eye... It was Alexander Lindstrom. On the news. Eyebrows creased together, she sat up in the bed and turned up the volume.Of course, they were talking in an entirely different language, but a video of Alexander was on the screen. He was looking directly into the camera, as if he had someone filming him, and a person sat in a chair next to him with a black silk bag over their head. "Zane," Kate said, nudging the sleeping man. "Your father is on television..." She peered at the TV, her heart pumping. The news anchor played the video, and Alexander's charmingly cruel voice could be heard.

Alexander grinned at the camera, dressed in a beautiful, expensive suit. It looked like he was in the back room of the cell hall... "I wanted to direct this message to my son, Zane," he said, "Son, I have always put my deepest beliefs in your ability to be professional. However, you have disappointed me. It seems... that you have a grown weak, eh? Well I'm going to give you a choice. You can hand over Miss Abernathy to me so that I can go through with the original plan that her captivity insured... Or you can watch person after person die..." The older man grinned. "And I promise, Son, that these people will not be selected randomly. Quite the opposite actually."

And with that, Alexander lifted the bag off the person's head beside him. Kate let out a scream. "Zane, that's Kyle! It's my brother!" she gasped, looking absolutely scared to death for her older brother. "Oh, God. Oh, God..."
Drayke laughed shaving himself as he stood next to the other, feeling oddly domestic. "Only sometimes?I find him riddiculous all the time, with his holier then thou sadistic streak."He said poking fun at his friend even if he wasn't there, because it wasn't zane thought he was better then anyone, it was he just didn't understand why he got treated differently then everyone else. He could be riddiulously stupid sometimes.

Zane whined as he was nudged stirring sleepily at her words, sitting up on his elbows as he struggled to figure out what was being said. He was to tired to sort out the russian, his hed not catching up quickly before he frwned t the sight of his father and his hostage. Even as he listened to alexander's words he was already getting up, reaching for his jeans, leaning over he grabbed kate's arms, shaking her a little."Stay here. I'll be right back okay?And watch the news. Try to figure out anything else."he said almost hitting the door at a run, before forcing himself to slow,knocking on the door and exchanging a few quick words with the russian before they both headed in opposite directions.

"Dammit!"Drayke cursed as the bathroom door snapped open, frowning at the trail of blood sliding down his chin before his head snapped around in surprise at zane's appearance. Even half dressed, the man was pissed."Get dressed. We have to go. Now."Zane growled before walking out again and returning to his rooms, grabbing kate's arms."You're staying here. with alysa and drayke okay?Kate. I can't take you back with me, do you understand?I'll be one more hostage for me to have to protect."He growled because he had no idea what to do he just knew he couldn't take her back with him to new york, but he knew that leaving her was just as risky, without being able to protect her, even if he trusted Dimitri. "Kate?"He growled anxious and pissed, trying so hard to not scream at her, because he knew she wsn't used to things falling apart like this. And while he wasn't used to things like this it wasn't out of his realm of normal either.

"W...what was that..."Drayke stared after his friend, so shocked that he had nothing to say even as he scrambled out the door to get dressed, knowing better then to disobey Zane when he was in a mood.
Jax shot a look at Drayke. "What are you doing?" he said, scrambling to grab his clothes and throw them on. All he wore was a pair of jeans and a thin t-shirt, too rushed to put on anything close to stylish like usual. "You aren't going, Drayke. You promised, remember? You have to stay with Kate... Please, don't fight me on this." He slipped on his boots and looked a this lover with serious eyes. "The best thing you can do in this situation, Drayke, is to go down there and convince Kate to stay. Because she will not live to see tomorrow if she doesn't." He had not even seen the news, but he knew by the way that his brother was acting that this was beyond serious.

Kate looked at him with absolute fear in her eyes, his firm tone and grip on her arms scaring her a little. "Zane, no," she whimpered, but didn't have the voice to yell over him. "Please, Zane, you can't leave me! I won't let you!" she said, watching him leave the room. Her heart thudding in her chest, she jumped out of the bed and began to throw clothes on so that she was no longer naked, then sat on the foot of the bed to watch the Russian news castor talk about the breaking news of Alexander's latest crime. As she did, the kitten crawled into her lap.
Drayke nodded, "Well I can't really convince her to stay can I if I go to see her bare ass naked can I?"Drayke growled annoyed with the other man for thinking he could forget before sighing."Sorry."He muttered stealing a kiss befre nodding."we'll get her to stay. Though I wouldn't put it past zane to lock her up downstirs."he muttered s he pulled on his socks and headed out of the room to find the others.

"I have to. Kate, I can't take you with me."Even with the tight grip on her arms as he walked back in, it was obvios despite the icy control he was keeping on his voice and face, that his hands were shaking. "I will lock you in here if I have to, don't make me have to. Please.Don't mke me leve with you angry with me."He sid softly pressing kiss to her forehead as he knelt in front of her, so focused on his lover that he didn't pay attention to the other men walking in.

Dimitri held up the two shirts he was holding, "I got what you asked for." "what is it?"Drayke asked after a moment seeing Zane wsn't nswering as he focused on kate, looking at the two dress shirts, not understanding until dimitri held up the side so they could see the metal on the inside."A few years ago Zane had a idea about combining old and new. Kelvar stops bullets, but it sucks at knife fights. Chainmaille wont stop bullets but will stop a knife. It's light weight and easily worn under something."he said shoving one into jax's hands, for once worry darkening grey eyes."You'll watch your back?"He muttered, before looking at Zane."Z, plane's ready. You have to go."

"Kate..."zane looked at kate, looking so upset at leavivng her behind even as he stood, stroking her hair softly, for once at a loss for words.Biting his lip he bent, pressing a kiss to her forehead."I love you."He muttered against her skin, to low for her to even hear,even if she could feel him shaping the words against her skin."Stay please."he muttered stepping away from her, his icy ontrol starting to break because he didn't want to leave with her angry but he was still going to leave her behind no how she felt, it would just scatter his attention if he was worried about her coming after them,even if he knew she'd have to fight dimitri and alysa both into the ground to do it.
Kate started to shake terribly, tears spiking her lashes as she listened to him. She couldn't believe this. He was leaving her? She tried to take deep breaths, but the fear that flowed through her veins was making it too difficult. It wasn't that she didn't trust him or that she was trying be clingy, but she was scared to her death. Not only did she have to worry about him leaving an never coming back, but she had to worry about losing her brother as well; a man who took care of her for a majority of their childhood. "Zane!" she croaked, "No, please... Please, take me with you! I'll help. I will fight with you. Please..." Her chin started to quiver, and when he began to walk away, she jumped up from the bed to follow him. However, she was intercepted by Jax. '

Jax held her, not letting her follow Zane, then looked up at his brother. "Go," he said, trying to be the strong person in the situation, even if he was feeling the exact same pain about leaving his own lover. "I'll follow you. Drayke's staying." Kate was thrashing around in his arms, screaming at him to let her go. She could easily be heard all over the castle. "Drayke, you have to get her," Jax said, wincing as he held the fighting her at bay.
"Zane, you'll be careful wont you?"Drayke said watching the man as he walked, "Лучше не монстра монстра, а затем будет тихо сожрали. Я играть в эту игру."Zane said over his shoulder, as he tensed, but kept walking. Dimitri paled a little as he translated mentally, before offering at drayke's confused look, afraid he understood what zane was going to do, and deathly afraid for his friend. "It is better to out monster the monster, then to be quietly devoured. This is his endgame...whatever it is..."Dimitri shrugged helplessly as they watched zane tense at the screams, and grab kate, picking her up easily, though it took both drayke and dimitri to keep her from getting awy.

"Go.He wont wait if you're not in the plane with him."Drayke ordered pain showing in his eyes as he looked at the jax,"we got her. Take care of him."he growled already moving towards the bathroom with dimitri, kate held between them, knowing they were going to piss her off, but hopefully if they shocked her... Switching on the cold water, Drayke shoved her under the spray, frowning at her, his own tears spiking his eyelshes even if he wasn't outright crying."Kate?Zane wouldn't concentrate on getting kyle out i you were with him. now.Are you going to staay in there and calm down, or do you want to see alysa?"He said already hearing the russian couple in the bedroom talking, and the soft cries of the twins, who's naps had been disturbed by the screaming.

Zane settled into his seat on the plane, glancing up when Jax got on before going back to staring out the window as the plane took off."Alexander-"He said, there was no way he was ever referring to the man as father again."Kidnapped Kyle Abernathy, and is going to keep killing her family until I turn her over."He said calmly, icily, as if this wasn't eating him up alive. "I can't go home yet. We have to make a stop when we reach the city. Though you might want to go home.You don't want to be seen with me if someone sees us."He said giving the round around because he hated himself for choosing to do it, but it would buy him time, time to get his bearings and instead of the slow takeover he had planned, his father was forcing him to act rashly, which he didn't like, so he was talking anxiously and trying so hard to not think to hard about kate hating him.
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