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Not what it seems(blair/lady)

Alysa laughed at the girl's words, before nodding."I should have guessed. Di didn't fight nearly enough about us going out by ourselves."She said sounding amused even if it did bother her her husband was that much of a control freak. She'd just gotten used to the rabid overprotectiveness. "Zane and Dimitri are control freaks.They'll never let us out alone."She said sulking a little before nodding gratefully."Sitting would be nice."A smirk curled her lips."Come on."She said glancing towards the balcony when she saw the men had gone back to their discussion,heading upstairs, amused that the two were so engrossed in the conversation about what zane wanted to do at home that they didn't see the two approaching them.

"You were to."Zane bickered back rolling his eyes as he watched the two amused, before watching them go.Settling into talk zane got down to the real reason he'd run half way around the world to talk to this man.

Drayke grinned looking around, before a startled laugh escaped, smirking at his lover."A girl?No. Your brother?Yes."He smirked, teasing him, seeing if he'd be jealous before shrugging."He was being a whiny little bitch.Figured he'd shut up if he was enjoying the new experience of being the one tied up."
Kate laughed a bit and followed her up the balcony, walking up behind Zane and sliding her hands down his shoulders and chest. Her lips brushed against his ear. "I should have known," she murmured, "You are way too big of a control freak to let me go to a Russian mall alone." She grinned and sat beside him at the table. She didn't look angry at all, even a little flattered. How could she be mad that he seemed to really care about her this much? "The least you can do is buy Alysa and I some coffee before we get to some more shopping," she murmured, leaning up to give him a quick kiss.

Jax grimaced and put his hands up. "Please. Stop there," he said, shuddering, "I want to know nothing about you handcuffing my brother to a bed." He moved through the store, looking at all the different paddles, floggers, lube... He spotted a strap on and laughed. "Keep a secret? I've been in to both guys and girls since I could remember, but I had one girlfriend in highschool - Well, you know the one - that would actually fuck me with a strap on. He grinned at him and shook his head. "Have to admit, I like real dick better, but still..." He shrugged and analyzed some of the toys.
Zane yelped a little as she touched him,shivering a little as he looked over at her, looking relieved she wasn't angry."Well, you said you were missing friends. I thought I could let you have friends."he muttered looking embrassed about getting caught, before smiling, ordering her a glass of coffee and alysa a warm glass of milk. "I'm not allowed having coffee?"Alysa asked as she sipped her milk, wincing a little as she rested a hand on her stomach.It seemed she'd overdone the walking for the day. "No you're not. I was already addicted once, I'm not starting my kids out early."Dimitri said smiling a little, and it was amazing that 7 years ago after he'd killed his twin, he'd been a heorin addict, so strung out that it had been amazing he hadn't killed himself. But he'd overcome it, and the experience had left him even more desperate to keep his life on the legal side of things...but it looked like Zane was going to drag him back into the blood thirsty world of the mob. Alysa frowned at him resting a hand on her husband's arm before swllowing hard,"I....I think I'm in labor guys."She said shuddering as her body ached, so concentrating on how her body ached that she didn't see the panic on the men's faces, it would take kate taking control to keep the usually very in control men to pull it together.

"If it helps, I slept in a different room that night."Drayke snickered looking around as he followed, his mouth falling open a little." Jax.That's actully kinda hot. Might have to have a threesome just so I can watch."He said snickering s he leaned over to kiss him,"Do you want anything?"He muttered nuzzling his lover a little, pleased to do whtever jax wanted.
Kate smiled at him and took a sip of his coffee. "Well, thank you..." she murmured, tucking her shopping bags under the table. "You, sir, are not allowed in those bags." She raised her eyebrows at him, wanting him to know she was serious.. At Alysa's words, her eyes flew wide open. She looked at the boys, seeing the obvious look of horror on their faces, and decided that she seriously needed to get things under control. "Oh, um, everything's fine," she assured in a calm voice, moving over to the other woman. She smiled at her, trying to comfort her, and took her hand in her own. Looking down, she watched as the woman's water broke and left a large wet spot on the floor. "Dimitri, you will have to carry her out to the car and let Zane drive to a hospital. I'll go too," she said, "Zane, you need to call Jax and let him know what's going on, okay?"

Jax kissed him back, his eyes lighting up with lust. "Oh, I'd love a threesome..." he murmured, "It's not like we can't just send the girl home afterward. After all, I've become to used to sleeping next to only you at night..." He grinned at that, then looked at all the toys. "I want that paddle," he admitted, picking it up with a grin. He also picked up the strap on, just in case the find a pretty Russian girl over the Christmas vacation, a plug, and some lube.
"I'll meet you out at the car, jax and drayke are just downstairs. I'll grab them then we'll be out."Zane uttered nodding looking at the horror stricken look on Dimitri's face as he held Alysa's hand. "Oky...I can do that."Dimitri said slowly as if he was a little slow in the head. He wasn't it was just, he wasn't ready for this yet. Despite having talked about it for years, the idea o children scared him so badly that it ws freaking him out now. "Okay, lets go."Dimitri said muttered soothing things in russian to alyssa as he led kate down to the car. Settling her in the large backseat, gently stroking her hair as they waited.

Drayke grinned,"mm I like sleeping next to you to."He muttered kissing the other laughing at the things Jax was buying his eyes widening slightly as Zane walked in and paid for everything without even waiting to see what they were buying."Come on you two. Alysa's in labor.We have to get to the hospital."Zane said to his brother and Drayke before walking out again not even waiting for them to respond as he headed out to the car.Glancing at the other two as they reached the car, nodding towards the girl's chauffered car."You take that one and meet us there. I'll drive them."He said smiling slightly at the sight of kate helping dimitri remain calm and comfort alysa.Heading for the hospital, quickly but safely, on the edge of panic as they got the hospital. Seeing Dimitri coming undone at the sight of his wife in so much pain and lmost being a father was making the american gangster come unglued.
Jax got into the back seat with his lover, letting the chauffer driver them back to Dimitri's house. He looked at Drayke after a moment of silence, turning to face him. "Have you noticed the way Zane acts when the talk about kids or Alyssa's pregnancy?" he said, raising his eyebrows. "It's weird... I mean, I don't know why/i]. My brother has never expressed any interest in children. At least not to me." He leaned back in his seat and rest his hand on Drayle's knee. "Well, whatever. Maybe Kate's changing him for the better... Maybe he will take the business into his own hands and do what Dimitri did. I certainly won't stand in his way."

Kate jumped in the front seat with Zane, smiling at him. She had no idea what was going on with him, but she wasn't about to bring it up now. When they got to the hospital and doctors started to rush Alyssa inside, she grabbed Dimitri's arm. "Zane and I will stay in the waiting room if you need anything, okay?" she said to the nervous man. "Everything will be okay... When you see those babies, nothing else will matter." She gave him a smile, then led Zane over to the couch in the empty waiting area. "Wow..." she whispered to him, sitting beside him. "That was crazy, right?" She shook her head. "Amazing, but crazy... I hope they won't mind us still staying even with the babies here..."
Drayke nodded a little resting his head on jax's,"It's a emotional response, for a man who's pretended he's emotionless for to long."He said because he couldn't understand what had caused Zane to react to the idea of the baby or jumpy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, but something was driving him to the edge."Let's hope he will.Maybe seeing how good it's working for Dimitri, will make him want to."

Zane smiled slightly nervous as he watched Alysa get wheeled back, pressing a kiss to her fingertips as Dimitri talked to kate for a mment."Okay. We'll be back.Relax.Be easy. Zane?"The gangster waited till zane looked at him."Relax."he ordered as if he expected it to be obeyed before disappearing inside the room with alysa. Zane swallowed hard shifting nervously, for once so anxious that the feelings needed motion, mvement, and for a man who usually gave nothing away, it said somethign to see him so worried about a girl he'd come to love as much as he had sorsen.He'd adpted the slightly younger princess as a sister, and this was killing him."They wont. Dimitri thinks he's going to get to skip midnight feedings and diaper changes with us here. Free babysiters."Zane said looking jittery before taking a deep breath trying to relax as he shifted laying down with his head in her lap, kknowing she'd play with his hair if he did, and he was going to relax if it killed him.Dimitri didn't need him to freak out over the miscarrige that no one knew about, when they were going to have newborns in the house soon enoough.
Jax nodded, agreeing with his lover. "Maybe," he murmured, leaning over to kiss Drayke's neck affectionately. He loved this man. It was that simple. He may be attracted to woman, but this man was it for him. He was a goner, and he wanted to spend forever with him. However, like his brother, he had issues on admitting lover. He wanted to say it, but it wouldn't come out. "Well, let's have a nice dinner at the house," he murmured, "On the balcony... with wine and everything. We can keep the phone close by just in case they need us."

Kate looked down at him, gently stroking his hair back and away from his face. Her other hand rested on his chest. She laughed a little. "Oh, well, I'll definitely help out... I love babies," she admitted, shrugging a bit. "My older brother has a one year old niece. She's adroable... I used to babysit for extra money. Well, I'm sure you know that." She ran her fingers through his hair, gently kissing him on the lips. "What's wrong?" she whispered, taking his anxiousness personally, wondering what she did to make him act so weird.
Drayke sighed softly in pleasure,clsing his eyes as he felt the other kiss his neck before laughing softly."Hmm tht sounds good. "He muttered climbing out of the house as the driver parked, asking the cook to mke them something and set up a table on the bedroom balcony before loking at jax as he wrapped his arms around him."Are you okay?"He muttered nuzzling him a little because he didn't know what to think about their relationship,but he couldn't admit he was in love, not when he had no idea what jax ws feeling.

Zane smiled a little looking amused for mment before sighing, closing his eyes as she stroked his hair."I've never been around one. Though I'm pretty sure my dad dropped jax at some I can't be tht good with them."He muttered, for once using his father as a role model for something. Which said just how very out of his element he was. "Just nervous.I don't like hospitals, and I like being here for alysa even more."He muttered trying very hard to not think about his last hospital viil for sarah, because his father had been cruel enough to make sure his girlfriend would live long enough to give him hope of saving her by getting her to the hospitl....then everything had come apart.Bettwen his hatred for hospitals and being the only one to know about kate, he ws being to hate hiding things from her, it was no surprise he ws acting weird.
Jax wrapped his arms around the other, kissing him softly. "I'm perfect," he murmured, smiling, "I'm in a beautiful country, in a place my father doesn't even know exists, and I'm with you..." He smiled softly, then led Drayke out to the balcony and sat down across from him at the candle lit table. He took a nice gulp of the expensive red wine as they waited for their food. Reaching across the table, he offered his hand to the other. "I just... I just want you to know how truly happy you make me," he whispered, smiling anxiously at the other. "I hope you are as happy as me."

Kate looked down at him with concerned eyes, still stroking his hair. "You have no reason to be nervous," she assured, "Everything will be fine. Promise." She smiled at him and looked up toward the hall way the led to the cafeteria. "Baby, you want some coffee?" she said, calling him by the term of endearment that she had a while back, not even thinking about it. "I'm going to get some, but if you prefer just to sleep, I'll stay awake and let you know if anything happens." She shifted to stand up, having no idea that he was upset about the miscarriage that she was not even aware of. If she had known, she would have been severely heartbroken. She may be young and intent on having children after marriage, but if she would have known she was pregnant, she would have been extremely protective of the child.
Drayke smiled a little kissing him back,relaxing t jax' words."Hmm it is perfect to be somewhere your father doesn't know."He muttered before settling into his seat reaching out and taking the other's hand, raising it up to press a kiss to his knuckles."I do. And I am. I haven't been this happy in a long time."

Zane smiled closing his eyes gain before focusing to relax, using all that icy cold control to force himself still knwing he ws making her nervous."No.I'm going to get some sleep."He said blushing ever so slightly at being called bby. Endearments were odd, no one but his mother used them in his life, so it made a flush of pleasure grip him to hear if from her."Stay up.I'll sleep."He muttered willing to let her believe he was upset about other things instead of what he really was and well...he never slept well.He could always use more sleep.Closing his eyes he drifted off to sleep as she got her coffee, though he tossed and turned the whole time before a tired looking dimitri ppeared in the doorway, looking tired."....she's fine. We'lre all fine. The boys are fine."He muttered tiredly, softly as to not wake the sleeping zane as he leaned down to kiss kte's cheek."You want me to carry him out to the car and get a driver to take you home, or wake him up?"
Jax smiled wide at the other's words, shivering as he kissed his knuckles. "Life has never been better," he admitted, then looked up at the maid who brought them a plate of steak, potatoes and vegetables. Immediately, he began to dig in. There was no denying that Jax was very much a "red meat" kind of man. "So, what do you think of my purchases today?" he asked with interested, "You want to try them out later?" He raised his eyebrows, a smirk on his lips.

Kate looked up at Dimitri, smiling wide and leaning into the kiss on her cheek. "Congratulations, Daddy," she whispered, then shook her head. "Oh, no. Get back to your family. We can manage. He's a big boy." She laughed a bit and looked down at Zane, rubbing his back gently like she always did whens he woke him up. She liked to do it the same way every time so that he always knew it was her. "Zane," she said, "Come on. Time to go home... The babies and Alyssa are fine." She stroked his hair gently and smiled at him. "I'll drive if you'd like, and you can go back to sleep as soon as we get there..." Her voice was very soothing, because she liked being gentle with him. She noticed that he didn't get that a lot (except from his mother) and she liked taking care of him just like he took care of her... If only the two of them could admit how serious their relationship was.
Drayke grinned as he started to eat himself, tilting his head slightly."I think I'm going to use them later.Though I hope you frgive the none use of the strap on I have something better to use."He teased smirking at him.

Dimitri smiled blushing t her words before heading back to the twins and alysa. To pleased to stay out there and wait for zane. "Hmmm?Zane muttered sleepily as kate rubbed his back looking up at her sleepily as he sat up,"No, I can drive."He muttered looking tired s he got up, holding out his hand for her, wrapping his arm around her as they walked. Pressing a kiss to her lips as they got to the house he smiled as they headed inside, pausing to look at kate."Do you want food before I hed to bed?"
Jax laughed a little, nodding enthusiastically. "I would sincerely hope so," he murmured, looking amused. "We can save that for... a special occasion. Maybe a pretty Russian girl that doesn't mind that the two men she will be with will end up cuddling each other at the end of the night, not her?" He grinned at that and popped another piece of steak in his mouth, chewing and watching Drayke with nothing but affection in his gaze. Glancing at the door, he could here the other couple walking in the front door downstairs. "Looks like they're home," he murmured, taking a sip of his wine.

Kate looked up at him with a smirk. "I'm sure I could manage on my own," she murmured, "Go on to bed." Leaning up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a sweet, gentle kiss. After all, he'd need all the rest he could get before she unloaded his Christmas gifts on him the next day. "I'll get something to eat and bring it up to the room," she murmured, "You want me to bring you something? Maybe a drink?"
Drayke raised a eyebrow looking amused as he leaned over to kiss him slowly. "Maybe that'll be my christmas present for you. I'm sure di knows someone pleasing."he said amused as he ate befoe looking at the other couple as he got up."come on,lets go see what they know."

Zane growled as he straightened looking down at her."ymmm I think I'm more awake now."he said nudging her towards the stairs."well have the maid bring something up. right now I think I want to sex up dimitris house while he can't have sex."the blond mobster snickered kissing her hard and loving, a edge of pain with pleasure,that was zane to a t
Jax smirked and kissed the other back. "Mmm, I couldn't think of a better Christmas present," he murmured, then looked over his shoulder and nodded. "Yes, let's make sure Zane is still sane after all that drama and if they babies are healthy." He laughed and moved down the stairs toward his brother, knowing that he really should have a heart to heart with him. It was about time, because Zane had been acting strange for far too long... "Hey," he called out to his brother, smirking as Kate backed off from the kiss with a startled expression. However, she was relieved, because she really wanted to hold out on sex until the next night, just to make everything that much better for Christmas. "And how is our new little family?"

Kate smiled and wrapped her arms around Zane, turning to look at the other couple as she rest her head against his chest. "Our they are fine," she murmured, "Babies are okay." Jax nodded, then looked up at Zane. "You want to go upstairs and have a drink at the bar?" he asked his brother, nodding toward the stairs... Kate could tell Jax wanted to talk to his brother, and it worked well with her own plans, so she went along with it. "Yea, go have a drink with your brother. Drayke and I can entertain ourselves..." She looked at Drayke with a grin.
"I think Zane wouldn't have left if they weren't okay."Drayke muttered because he knew Zane, knew the man would have lost his mind if something had happened. Loking amused as they walked downstairs he looked amused at Zane's put out look at his alone time being interrupted. "Di's a pile of goo.It's kinda sad."Zane said amused because even if he hadn't really see the man, he could imagine the goofy ass smile on his face. "You're so mean, you heartless bastard."Drayke teased. "damn straight."

Zane looked startled at the offer of a drink before giving his best friend a look. "Hey hey I'm not the one who said it!Don't look at me like that!"The cop growled hiding behind kate. "She'll find something good to do, and I'll find something else to do. We'll be entertained in the same room or something." Zane smirked amused at his ablity to terrify the man even if drayke knew he'd never hurt him. "Okay, lets go get that celebratory drink."Zne said bemused wondering what jax wanted as he headed up for dimitri's private bar.
Kate laughed a bit and nodded. "Yes, we will watch a movie or something," she murmured, "I am I'm going to grab some snacks from the kitchen, because I'm starving..." With that, she moved out of the room to grab a few things to eat, then into the living room where the big screen television lived. After going through the large DVD collection, she turned to put a comedy into the movie player. "I can tell Jax is luring him in to a talk," she said amused as she flopped down on the couch beside him. "It will probably do him some good. He's been acting so... off." She frowned, looking a little worried, but settled in to watch the movie and eat a bowl of buttery popcorn.

Jax sat down at the private bar, letting one of the maids fix them both a couple drinks. Relaxing music could be played in the background, and a fire was burning in the fireplace. It really was a beautiful place... "Zane, what's wrong?" he asked after several quiet moment. "You've been acting completely strange the past week." He frowned and took a sip of his drink, sighing as the liquid ran down his throat. "And don't think for a second that I don't realize that you flinch every time the words "pregnancy" and "baby" pop up... The question is, why? I thought all these years you weren't even interested in settling down with a woman, let alone having children with her. I get that Kate's... special, but come on."
Drayke smiled as he looked over at him, reaching into the bowl for some of the popcorn before nodding."He has been....and he's not talking about it.Which is weird.Usually everyone and their mother knows when Zane wanted to bitch."he muttered before he to settled in to watch the movie.

Zane took his drink smiling slightly as he swirled his dink in the glass, for once not downing the russian vodka in one swallow,the alcohol burning it's way down his throat. Unlike american vodka, Russian vodka was almost pure alcohol. "I have not."He grumbled before sighing watching the other for a moment before looking at the fire again. "Isn't it enough that my...kate got raped?Isn't that enouh to make anyone act weird?"He grumbled annoyed because he hated the feeling he was having to tell jax about everything. Because the best secret was kept when no one but you knew it but he wanted to talk....he was just digging his heels in about it, like a stubborn dog getting dragged to the vet's
Kate sighed a little, having a hard time focusing on the movie when she was so worried about Zane. "You don't think he's getting tired of me, do you?" she whispered, glancing at her lover's best friend. "I mean, do you think that's why he's acting weird?" She swallowed hard, so worried that maybe this was the ending that she was hoping for; that he didn't care for her as much as everyone insisted. She so wanted to believe that his was no temporary, but Zane was such a complicated man.

Jax looked at his older brother with guilt in his eyes. He hadn't been aiming to make Zane think of Kate's rape, but at least he was getting closer to the source of his brother's problem. "Zane, I'm your brother. We argue and fight, but you know I'd take a bullet before I let you down... Whatever's wrong, you can tell me, and you know I won't tell a soul. Not even Drayke, if that would make you feel better." He took another drink of his vodka, happy that it was strong. He needed strong. "But you have to get it off your chest before it makes permanent damage."
"I think he's stressing out about something...but I don't believe its that."Drayke sighed shifting a little to look at her."Kate, if Zane was tired of you, you'd know it by now. He would have never brought you here, or let you go with alysa, then follow after. Or stay with you after..."He stopped shrugging a little looking a little guilty for thinking about her rape. "He's complicated kate.He'll talk when he's ready."he said shrugging.

Zane sighed a little as he saw Jax's look, rolling his eyes a little."Don't give me that look."He grumbled sipping his drink leaning back in his chair, giving his brother a side long look, a smirk quirking his lips."I do have a bullet if you want to take one for me."He muttered looking amused, before growing serious again because there was a few things he needed to tell someone, not only because planning things were easier with help, but because the idea his father had caused kate's miscarriage...yea..."....Kate was pregnant. She miscarried."He said shortly, the only way he could say it.
Kate smiled at the other man, scooting over so she could rest her head on his shoulder as they shared popcorn and watched the movie. "Thanks for making me feel better, Drayke," she murmured, "Hopefully Jax will get to him..." She took a bite of popcorn, chewing on it for a moment. "I just hope that my Christmas gifts will cheer him up," she admitted, "It's going to start with a very tradition, homey Christmas... Then I've got a few surprises under my sleeve." She giggled a little at that, snuggling up to Drayke in the same way she would have to her older brother at home.

Jax looked at his brother with a mixture of absolute shock and pain. He shook his head, taking a drink and trying to process the information. "Oh... Wow," he whispered, "I... I'm really sorry. Kate must have been beside herself." It as obvious, of course, that Jax didn't realize Kate had no idea about the pregnancy or the miscarriage. He looked down at his drink and swirled it around. It broke his heart a little to know that Zane's chance of having a bit of... normalcy had been taken from him so quickly. No wonder the man was acting so sensitive about Dimitiri's children.
"You''re welome."he muttered glncing down at the woman resting against him,"Hmm that'll be interesting.We're anything but normal."he muttered amused and wondering just exactly she was planning or if zane would eb okay with it.

Zane sighed a little as he inored the lok he was getting sipping his drink."She doesn't know. Carina said...said it would be better if she didn't. Kate would blame herself, and upsetting her more then she already is about being kidnapped isn't what I wanted."He muttered before sighing a littel running his fingers throuh his hair, before glancing at Jax."I'm tired Jax.Of this.Of being forced into a corner..."he said sighing quietly, because he was worried that jax wouldn't approve of the man's desire to recreate everything.
Jax looked at his brother with concern. "Zane... I see where Carina is coming from, and I'm sure I'd do the same if I were put in the same situation, but that a huge secret," he said, frowning a bit. "I can tell how much you care for that girl downstairs, even if you can't. You haven't looked at a girl like that since Sorsen or Sarah, and have you noticed the way she looks at you? I'm not sure I understand why, but Kate seems to adore you in all your broody glory. And if you want to keep her, I mean really keep her, you can't have something like this going on... She needs to know." He gave the bartender his glass to be refilled. "Maybe after tomorrow. Let her give you this Christmas she's been planning in that pretty head of her's before your tell her."
Zane looked down at his glass with all that broody presence, staring at his glass as he got it refilled, befre sighing. Looking over at his brother, for one he seemed off foot with something, not knowing what to do, wincing slightly at the mention of the two women he'd failed so badly.."Who wouldn't like me in my brooding glory?I am a god."He said snickering a little even if the worry and fear of kate freaking out of him showed through his eyes before sighing softly."We'll celebrate christmas, then we'll see."He muttered before looking down at his glass, for once, the man needed advice."...What if I fail her to Jax?I can't do that. That's why I wanted to protect her from this..."He said even if he knew that in the long run, he'd had no chance of hiding their lost child forever, not when his heart was as entangled as it was.
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