Not what it seems(blair/lady)

Jax looked over at him, moved by his obvious apprehension. Thinking for a few moments and taking a couple sips of his drink, he finally let out a sigh. "Zane, you won't fail her," he said, certainty in his voice. "But in order to follow through with that and stay wit Kate, you have to overthrow Alexander. This can't go on any longer. You have to do what Dimitri did and fight to turn this business around before Kate becomes a casualty." He looked down at his drink. "I'll stand behind you, you know. No matter what. You were more of a father to me than Alexander ever really was growing up. I have no issue taking him down if it meant we may get to leave in peace."
Zane swallowed hard staring down at his cup before nodding."I know."he said swirling his glass, intelligence, patience, and a cruelty that most forgot lived under that agressive nature of the lawyer showed through his eyes for a moment before his lips quirked into a smile."There's more then one reason I'm in russia, besides that I like St. Petersburg at Christmas."He smiled a little stretching a little, glad to finally have someone to talk to. For a closed off man who usually hated talking about himself, he was a genius, and genius required a audience to truly understand the game.

"I thought if Dimitri could start talking here, whispers here and there...father will be focused on what's going wrong in europe, not with what I'm going to do to him at home."That smirk was cruel and amused, as if daring him to ask, but almost promising that whatever answer Jax got, he wasn't going to like the daring idea. Besides.... Zane liked surprising people with his awesomeness. Standing he smiled at Jax, clapping him on the shoulder."Come on,comrade,better get you to bed before Drayke yells at me for getting you drunk."he said laughing as he headed for the door, despite his bad reaction, he had accepted that they were dating, even if he was still hurt they hadn't told him, thinking things had been going longer then they really had.But...he ws okay with them. It was okay.
"Sounds like a fantastic plan," Jax murmured, an equally cruel, satisfied smirk spreading across her face. "We just have to watch our backs at all times. Father is a smart man. He's probably already got a plan on the back burner in case he needs to get rid of us."

Jax rolled his eyes and got up off the bar stool. "It takes more than that to get me drunk," he said, following him down the hall and back down the stairs. When they got there, Kate was asleep and leaning against Drayke's shoulder, her bowl of popcorn sitting between them. She had over estimated her lack of need for sleep and passed out before the movie was even half way through. Jax laughed a bit and shook his head. "Poor girl, Drayke bored her to death," he said, smirking at his lover with humor flickering within his dark eyes. "You ready to go to bed, darling?" He raised his eyebrows, the Russian vodka making him overly flirty.
"I know. Even his heir is expandable to Alexander Lindstrom."Zane muttered looking amused as he followed jax downstairs, laughing softly at the sight before bending down, gently picking his girl up, pressing a kiss to her hair."Goodnight you two."He said rolling his eyes a little as he left the room, kate tucked ever so gently in his arms as he headed upstairs.Settling them both in bed he smiled yawning.

Drayke laughed as he stretched "I am. But I think you need to sleep."Drayke muttered loing amused as he walked upstairs with the other it amused him that zane had gotten him drunk."Come on love. Did you find out what you wanted?"He said not prying, just hoping that whatever had been bothering zane, he'd gotten it off his chest. Sighing as they settled into class he smiled as he laid down, looking content and happy to just be with jax.
Kate opened her eyes a little, looking up at Zane sleepily from where she was laying against his side. "Hey there," she whispered, smiling up at him with her eyes half way open. "Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on the couch like that," she murmured, then let out a yawn. She wanted to know how his talk when with Jax, but she decided not to bother him about it. The important thing was that he actually talked to his brother about what was bothering him... She snuggled against him and pulled the blanket up and over them. "You smell like vodka," she said with amusement.

Jax kicked off his shoes and removed his clothes, crawling up the bed in his boxers to settle down beside his lover. "He opened up, if that's what you mean," he murmured, wrapping his arms around the other and leaning down to kiss his neck with soft, gentle kisses. "It was a good talk. Thanks for staying with Kate so I could do that."
Zane smiled amused as he gently brushed her hair out of her fce pressing a kiss to her forehead,finding her adorable when she was sleepy."it's okay. If there's anyone I trust not to molest my girlfriend when she's sleeping, it's drayke."He muttered, drunk enough and sleepy enough, to not realize what he'd called her. For the first time in days, truly relaxed as he started falling asleep as he tucked the blankets around them."Hmm well,talking involves a lot of vodka for me."He muttered because it was true the more alcohol he had, the less like pulling teeth talking became for him.

"Tht's what I mean.Good."He muttered shivering a little as his lover kissed his neck,running his fingers through his hair."You're welcome, though I don't mind spending time with her.She's nice.Nicer then zane."He muttered poking fun at his friend even if he wsn't there, before sighing quietly."Jax,you should sleep. We'll have a early morning. You know Dimitri and zane areabout christmas, even with newborns, the bastard'll be up at dawn to get them home in time to celebrate with us and we'll be lucky if Zane stays in bed for a hour before he's in here demanding opening presents."He muttered yawning.
Kate's eyes flew open at the word "girlfriend" but considering it was dark in the room, it would be hard to notice. She grinned, a blush spreading across her face and she leaned up to kiss him lovingly on the lips. Her hand moved up to run her fingers through his hair and her eyes closed as she leaned back against the pillow. "I have a few things in store for you tomorrow," she murmured, "So you better get some sleep." With that, she turned around in his arms so that he was snuggling her from behind and went straight to sleep, so excited about what Christmas promised for them.

Jax sighed and nodded, even if it took him several moments to stop kissing Drayke's neck. "I know, I know," he murmured, pushing himself up on his hands so he could look down at his lover. "I just can't get enough of you." He grinned and moved one of Drayke's legs to the side so that Jax could settled between them, laying on stop of him so that their members rubbed against each other, even if he knew that he was soon going to give in to sleep. It would have been a perfect time to say he loved Drayke, but he was just too scared to open his mouth and let the words come out. After rubbing against his lover for a few moments, nipping at his neck and kissing his lips, with lazy open mouthed kisses, Jax finally let out a sigh. "Goodnight, love," he whispered, kissing him one last time before rolling off of him and settling in to sleep.
Zane smiled kissing her back, snuggling against his girl as he fell asleep."I look forward to it."He muttered smiling softly.

Dryke laughed graning as the other land between his legs, shivering as the other rubbed against him, groaning when jax rolled away though amusement darkened his eyes.Well damn. Smiling to himself he cuddled Jax s he settled down to go to sleep,muttering his unintelligable i love you against his skin before passing out.

In the morning Drayke frowned slightly s he realized one, the sun was up, and two that Zane or Dimitri hadn't pounced n them to get up yet. Frowning as he stroked his fingers through jax's hair he smiled slightly, tugging on the soft strands."You awake?"He muttered.

Meanwhile, downstairs both zane and dimitri had one of the twins as they curled up in the arm chairs by the fire, Alysa snuggled up in bed with dimtri's on call doctor, having brought them home late the night before because moscow didn't have the best hospital, and the former mobster trusted his own doctor better then any other. Both men were cooing-though they'd deny ever making those cute words that all people cooed at babies. They were hardened crimminals dammit, they did not do baby talk despite all evidence to the contrary.
Jax yelped and opened his eyes. "Ow," he mumbled, "Now I am..." He yawned and sat up in the bed, the sheet sliding down to expose his tattooed torso to the sunlight. He ran a hand through his messy hair and looked down at his lover. "Merry Christmas," he murmured, leaning back down to kissed Drayke full on the mouth, so happy to be with the man during the holidays. It made for a happy Christmas. "The others must still be asleep... Should we call for breakfast to be brought up? I'm starved, baby," he murmured, that hungry, whiney voice coming back.

Kate rolled over, her eyes flying open when she realized she was alone. Confusion coloring her face, she got up from the bed and put a black silk robe on, tying it tight around her waist before padding down the hall and down the stairs. When she got to the living room, she covered her mouth in order to not let out an adoring sigh. She literally felt her heart melt in her chest at the sight of Zane with the tiny little newborn. The man looked so... good with a baby. Despite what she had originally thought, Zane looked like he could absolutely be a father; a good father at that. "Good morning," she said after a few moments, coming up behind the two men and going to sit on the arm of Zane's chair. She immediately began to coo down at the little one, showing exactly how much she loved babies. "Oh! They are so adorable, Dimitri," she whispered, reaching down to stroke the baby's cheek. She desperately wanted to hold him, but didn't want to take him from Zane when they looked so sweet together. "What's their names?"
Drayke smiled as the other yelped, amused as he nuzzled him a lttle sighing softly in pleasure as he took in the sight of his lover in the sunlight, kissing him back."Merry Christmas."he muttered before smiling slightly at the whiney child voice in his lover's tone, "Hmm call."He said reaching for the phone and calling down to the kitchen to bring them food."They'll bring it up soon."He muttered kissing him slowly.

Zane smiled a little as he looked up at his lover, the small newborn laying on his chest, small fingers wrapped around his finger as he fed the boy a bottle."morning."He muttered leaning up for a kiss, pouting slightly as she cooed over the baby. "You got upstaged by a baby."Dimitri snickered a little cooing to the sleepy babe in his arms befre looing up at kate and zane. "This is Alexei, and Zane there has nikolai."Dimitri said with a small smile. "We thought you and the others could use the sleep. So we claimed the babies."Zane said smiling up at his lover, before sighing softly."But we can open presents if you want...."he said though he looked as relucant to give up the baby as she was to take him.
Jax grinned, happy that his lover seemed so tolerant of his whiney tone that came with being a moody person when hungry. "Thanks, love," he said, moving to kiss the other back. He moaned a little into the kiss, then pulled back. "Would you like to open your Christmas present?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. For the first time, Jax looked a little nervous in front of Drayke. He desperately wanted him to like his present that he specially got ordered one night while Drayke was sleeping. "Or we could wait for the other's," he said, shrugging, "It's up to you."

Kate's eyes were glued on the infant and Zane, absolutely in awe of how sweet her lover looked with Nikolai. "Well, Dimitri, they are beautiful," she whispered, sliding down into the large arm chair with Zane and resting her head on his shoulder so that she could be close to him while looking at he baby. Believe it or not, she heard to reluctance in his voice and had no intention of making him give up the child. "There's no rush," she murmured, moving to stroke the baby's cheek again. Her eyes glanced up into Zane's, and she smiled sweetly. "Who knew that you would look so perfect with a child in your arms?" she whispered, "It's... fitting."
Drayke smiled a little pressing a kiss to the other's hair before wrapping his arms around him."Welcome."He said smiling looking thoughtful, as if he wsn't sure what to think about jax being nervous, hoping so much that the other would like his present to, leaning in to kiss him before leaning back."Let me open it now, since you just had to look so nervous about it."He teased a little as if he wasn't nervous himself.

Zane smiled sftly watching the baby."They are aren't they?Soft and cuddly to."Dimitri said already in love with his sons, and acting so much different from how alexnder ever had. With his children, they had only been means to a end, for dimitri....they were his to protect and love. Zane winced a little swallowing hard before looking at her, pressing a kiss to her forehead."I think you've been fu-sc-se-..."Zane stopped trying to finish the sentence, it felt so wrong to say those words with the child snuggled into his arms."... been taking a leave of your senses."He muttered before sighing."I never wanted kids...never wanted to chance becoming my father..."he muttered pressing a kiss to downy blond hair. Dimitri's sons had taken after him in coloring, so blond and blue eyed that they could have been kate and zane's.A errie show of wht could happen.
Jax's eyes lit up a little and he jumped up form the bed, kissing Drayke quickly before moving over to the desk and opening up the side panel revealing a safe like you would find in a hotel. He punched in the electronic code, then pulled out a smallish blue box with a silver bow on the top. "You will have to forgive my wrapping skills. They only expand to bows." With that, he put the present in his lover's hands and sat beside him, watching his face intently for a reaction.


"Look on the back," Jax whispered, nodding to the watch. There was a date in engraved on the back of the face of the watch. "It's the day you came home with Zane all those years ago. The day you became apart of our family..."

Kate looked up at him with amused eyes as he avoided cursing in front of the child. Her face softened as she realized the same thing he did; the babies had the same coloring as her and Zane. They honestly could have been their's, which made her heart melt a little more... "You never have to be a father, Zane," she whispered, "But I know you would make an amazing one. I will always believe that." She leaned up and kissed him, even if it was obvious that she was disappointed at his statement about never wanting to be a father, because she certainly wanted to be a mother one day. "You want a cup of coffee?" she asked the boys, sitting up and looked over to Dimitri. "I'm going to get one for myself... Hey, Dimitri, would Alysa be up to company?"
Drayke looked amused raising a eyebrow at the safe."Afraid I was going to steal my own present?"he said snickering a little before smiling,"Well,I guess I shall forgive you.You're to cute to be angry at."He teased stealing a kiss as he opened the box, his eyes widening at the watch before smiling shyly."I just broke mine last week. Damned hooker busted it."He muttered smiling kissing him slowly."Thank you."he said wrapping his arms around him, before tilting his head to look at the watch, looking startled.", it seems you keep track of time better then I do."he said smiling."Thank you jax."

Zane winced a little as he looked down at the child in his arms, looking at a loss because he could see the disappointment, couldn't feel it like a stab to the stomach because he wanted kids in theory, some. He'd just never really considered the possiblity because he was scared shitless of being like his father, like dimitri's,hell even like drayke's neglectful one. "Yea,I'll take one."Zane said smiling. Dimitri grinned a little nodding,"And steal nikolai from him, take him up to see his mother. Alysa probably'd like to see him."He said because he didn't want to overwhelm alysa so he'd hold onto alexei for now.
Jax grinned at his lover, looking so relieved and happy to know that he liked his present. He rolled his eyes a bit. "You came home with Zane on Thanksgiving, remember? Not that hard to keep up with," he murmured, then laughed a bit and took the watch, putting it on Drayke's left wrist. "Keep the hookers away from this one, alright? This one is special, and I'd hate to have to murder a hooker." He shrugged a bit and leaned down to kiss him.

Kate smiled, trying to shake off her deep disappointment, and moved to the kitchen to get a tray of coffee, cream and sugar for the boys. Setting it on the coffee table in front of them, she moved over to Zane and ever so gently took the baby into her arms. Her heart was absolute goo, and her eyes were as soft as they had ever been. She looked good with a child, resting on her chest. "Oh, he's so tiny," she whispered, nuzzling the baby's soft blond hair and kissing its forehead as she left the room and went upstairs to see Alysa, forgetting her own coffee as she did so. She was just so distracted by the baby... Walking into the master bedroom, she grinned at Alysa and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "I have Nikolai," she murmured, "Alysa, that are so beautiful... I'm just... I'm jealous, really." She blushed and handed the new mother her infant. "You should have seen Zane with him. My God, he looked so good with a baby. Really. Too bad he doesn't want one..." She frowned and shrugged, trying to play it off like it didn't bother her. Of course, it did.
"hmm no, I guess it isn't."Drayke said snickering a little stealing another kiss as he twisted his wrist this way and that making sure it would stay put before grinning."Oh, I'll be sure to keep them away from it. It's the klepto's and zane I'll have to keep away."He said smirking because he ws probbably one of the few people that knew about zane's collection of watches.The man was seriously obsessed, while oddly he wore a cheap ass timex all the time even though he had a room full of priceless watches at home.

Zane smiled little wtching her with the baby, "He is."He muttered sadly, trying to not think bout wht she'd said, feeling horrible about what he'd said.He was so very confused. Since her miscarrige,he'd slowly warmed up to the idea of a bby, even if he wsn't sure he'd be a good father. "Thank you Kate."Alysa smiled tiredly as she sat up holding the babe in her arms before laughing quietly. "Dimitri didn't want any either. Which is why we're 30 and having twins.Finally I just took taking my pills and got pregnant...and let him get used to the idea as I grew fatter."She sighed softly, looking worried about her friend."Give him time.He's just figured out that he wants a girlfriend. Children take time to get used to."Alysa said gently looking worried about what the other woman would do to zane if he was really going to hold out on kids. Afraid kate would abandon a man just learning to love again,crushing him, changing him into alexander lindstrom, only worse. Because if they put zane's sadistic streak in control, without his would be bad.and she had a feeling that the woman sitting with her,was the one person who would change everything
Jax laughed a bit and shook his head. "Don't worry," he assured, "I won't let my brother get near that watch." With that, he got back up and opened the door to let the maid bring in their breakfast, getting ready to sit down to eat. He had no really expected a present from Drayke. That was the type of person Jax was. He liked giving to other people and taking care of them, not really expecting much in return. "Come," he said, nodding to his lover. "It looks like we have a little bit of everything over here."

Kate settled beside Alysa, looking down at her and the baby. "I know," she admitted, "And... I love him with or without children." She had not even realized that she actually used the L word as she looked down at the baby, smiling a bit. "I mean, he called me his girlfriend last night. That's progress, right?" She smiled and let out a sigh. She still wanted a baby one day. Really, she wanted a few of them. As much as she was growing to love that broody Zane Lindstrom, it scared her that she may be destined to be a childless wife to a Mob Boss one day... "We are still young, I guess. I turn 21 in a month and Zane's only 27... It's not like he still doesn't have time to think on it, I guess..." She let out a sigh, jumping a little as the baby began to fuss.
Drayke smiled as he got up to sit down to eat,nibbling on the food before pushing a ring box across the table."Here.Since you gave me your gift..."he said looking nervous, fingering the box."I know we haven't been together long...but you get hit on all the time,by everyone.Thought that if you had this...they'd leave you alone."He muttered looking nervous as he watched jax open the ring, the black gleaming metal with the words inscripted on the inside.-"What yields, is not always weak.". "You might give into your father, but I know you are stronger, stronger then you think."Drayke said giving him a small shy smile, "I thought this would remind you if you ever forgot."

Alysa smiled relaxing a little at that, but looking startled. Amused at the words, wondering if the girl had shocked zane yet by telling him that. "That's progress. But... don't expect him to keep it up.His father will never accept he'll try to keep denying it."She warned a little smiling softy, before sighing as she rocked the fussy child,trying to calm her son."You're still young, and Zane's tried very hard to forget that he ever considered kids as a child himself. He wont want to think bout it now. He'll dig his heels in,because him, and dimitri, and deathly afraid of failing anyone they love again."
Jax looked down at the ring, looking at it in silent awe. He took it out of the box very gently, turning it around with his fingers and reading the script. "Drayke..." he murmured, his eyes getting a little glassy. He swallowed hard and slid it on to his ring finger on his left hand, looking at it. It fit perfectly, and it fit his personality so well. "Drayke, this is perfect," he murmured, leaning across the table and pressing his hard kiss on the other's mouth. "I love it."

"Yea, you're right," Kate whispered, nodding carefully. She knew that Zane was a very complicated person, and being the woman in his life would never, ever be easy. He'd always be a challenge, but she was far too deep to ever turn away right now. She loved this man. "I just want him to be happy, you know? But happy is a strong word when it comes to Zane. I'm not really sure if he's ever been entirely happy..." Sighing, she leaned in to hug her friend, wishing that she could stay in Russia with Zane and the two other couples (and the babies) forever. It would make life so much easier for all of them. "I'm going to go get Zane and give him his Christmas presents," she said, "I'll send Dimitri up if you'd like?"
Drayke blushed a little at the praise, smiling shyly as he lened over to kiss him,sighing quietly."I'm glad.I was afraid you wouldn't..."He mututered nuzzling him a little before smiling."You're not supposed to cry love."He muttered wiping his eyes cler before kissing him again."Come on darling we better go downstairs before zane gets impatient."

Alysa smiled looing amused."I'm always right."She teased before looking thoughtful."he's...happier then I've ever seen him, and this is more then I ever hoped for Zane lindstrom."seh muttered hugging the other woman, her heart heavy because she knew the moment zane stepped foot back in the states with his father, he'd be back to being cold, calculating and vicious."No.I'll go down with you.Take nikolai so I can get up."She said smiling as she handed the baby over,standing slowly before stopping."Okay.Maybe you should send Dimitri up.I want to be downstairs to open presents with you all,but I don't think I can walk."She said smiling a little amused, not used to not being able to do things for herself.
Jax laughed a bit, choking on his tears as he stood up and wrapped his arms around his lover, resting his head on his shoulder for a moment. "Well, you caught be off guard," he admitted, closing his eyes and hugging him tight. He swallowed hard and let out a huge breath before stepping back a little and looking at Drayke. "I'm in love with you," he murmured, sounding way more confident than he actually felt. His hand moved up to rest on Drayke's cheek. "I love you... I just want you to know that."

Kate giggled a little and nodded. "I'll send him up... but, I was going to mention, most of my presents... Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable having him open in front of the babies," she said with a laugh. "Would you mind if we met you downstairs for lunch along with the boys?" She was being very discreet about everything, but she put alot of thought into Zane's gifts, and to be honest, she was having an entire room set up with his presents as they spoke. She smiled at her friend and leaned over to hug her again. It would be so nice to live close to Alysa. She was really going to miss her when they left.

Once down stairs, Kate looked over at the two men. "Dimitri, Alysa and Nikolai want you," she said smiling a bit, then looked over at her lover. She gave him a casual smile, but beneath it, she was an absolute nervous/excited wreck. Walking over, she held a hand out to him. "Come on... I want to give you your present," she murmured, smiling a bit. With that, she led him a back upstairs toward their room, but when they walked in, it was set up totally different than a couple hours ago. There was a huge tree by the window with lights and ornaments and garland all around it. Underneath it, their were mounds of presents underneath. "I wanted you to have that kind of Christmas that you haven't had; a kid's Christmas." She smiled up at him, looking for a reaction. What he didn't know was that in each box was an actual kid's toy; each one was a toy that Jax told her that Zane had wanted growing up, but Alexander wouldn't allow. Toy cars, board games, stuffed animals, video games... You name it, it was under the tree. "Go ahead. Open them," she said excitedly.
Drayke smiled wrapping his arms around him, leaning down to kiss to the other,holding him tightly, startlement and happiness in his eyes as he looked at the man, nuzzling him a little."I love you to."She whispered holding him tightly, nuzzling him a little."Love, were we invited to watch zane open his presents?I want to see this little kid christmas..."He muttered looking excited because it would be something to see Zane Lindstrom in tears.

Alysa laughed shaking her head."No worries. We'll be done for lunch."She said smiling as the woman left and dimitri came in, the small family settling into bed togethr.

Zane smiled looking up at Kate, tilting his head little."Well bring it in here."he said looking confused as he taken back upstirs, looking around in confusion at the christmas things in their room.Looking startled at her words, the brillant lawyer for one seemed at a loss for words as he moved over to the presents, confusion and pain showing in his eyes. Because he couldn't understand why she had done this, when he had kidnpped her, let someone hurt her, and pain because it hurt tht he knew that he had never had a normal christmas. Moving to sit in front of the tree he sat cross legged as he pulled a box into his lap, careully unwrapping it before yelping as a small yellow blob ran into his chest, giggling happily as he caught the small kitten that had been in the present. He'd always wanted a cat, and been denied so harshly that even as a adult he hadn't gotten a pet. Gently petting the small kitten that fit in the palm of his hand he looked up at kate with tears shimmering in his eyes, but happiness and love there to."Come here.Sit with me while I open these.It only seems right you get to help me open my first christmas."he said kissing her slowly after she sat down, grinning wider with each present he opened, the piles of toys ranging from briany toys, to cars, to everything you could think of. Though the whole time he held the small kitten on his shoulder as the thing slept there as content as Nikolai had been. Leaning over he smiled as he looked at Kate, the kitten and toys piled in his lap as he leaned over to kiss her, really he did look like a overgrown kid sitting there,"thank you."He muttered kissing her slowly, starting to get nervous about giving her her own presents."Do you want yours?"he muttered smiling so gently that it was almost hard to believe he could be so cold and sadistic

Jax grinned, so happy that his love was returned, and shrugged. "Let them have their time alone," he murmured, grabbed his lover's had and pulling him toward the bed. He laid down and pulled the other beside him, then rolled on top of him like he had the night before. He hands moved up the other man's body as he moved down to kiss his neck. "You are a sexy bastard, you know that?" he purred, rubbing his hardening member against Drayke's thigh. He felt so happy and totally... complete. No part of him wanted to leave this man's side. "Come on," he growled, kiss the man hard on the mouth. "Let's make good use of those items we bought last night."

"You like everything?" Kate grinned happily, her own eyes glassy with tears as she watched open his presents and hold the tiny kitten so gently. She kissed him back and nodded. "You're welcome," she whispered, stroking his cheek. "I just want you to have a bit of happiness before we go back home... I have to admit, I was a little shocked when your brother told me that you wanted a kitten so badly when you two were younger, but when I say this little one, I knew he was perfect." She reached down and gently pet the kitten, leaning into Zane. Her eyes rolled up to glanced at him, her eyebrows raised. "Sure," she whispered, extremely interested to see what he could have possibly gotten her. All the shopping she did for him distracted her from thinking about him actually buying her a present.
Drayke laughed groaning s he ws kissed, grinning as he was pushed down."You don't care about them, you just want me to yourself."She teased kissing him back tilting his head to the side as he ran his fingers through the other's hair, squirming as he pressed up aginst the other, never wanting to leave this bed, this man."Hmm I know."He said smirking before moaning."Hmm you'll have to get them,since you're on top."he growled.

"I do."Zane said smiling as he looked at his lapful of presents,before reaching up and picking up the kitten ever so gently, holding it in his hands as he thought."I think I'll name her Noyz."He said smiling blushing at her words."I wanted someone to love me without demanding anything...I thought a kitten would do that..."He muttered looking down as he pressed a kiss to her head before shifting to get up and walking to the wall safe and digging out the two presents, the one the pearl necklace she'd been admiring, and the other...well the other was something that showed just how oddly he could look at the world. Sitting down next to her again he looked nervous as he pressed the ring box into her hands, wanting her to open it first.

Inside there was a ring made of red amber, a rare amber that not only could look like yellow red, but like amber amber, and it was just a simple band that looked like it should break at the slightest touch, but amber was harder then it appeared, and the band was thick enough to be like steel. But it wasn't until she would slid it on tht she would realize there was a inscription on the inside, a series of numbers. 40.689848,-74.04459 Biting his lip nervously he waited to see what she would say about them."I know its not like all a normal christmas or anything..."he said staring at the floor looking anxious about her liking it.

the color of her ring:
Jax laughed a bit and nodded, kissing the man one last time on the lips before moving to the shopping back in the corner of the room. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he reached down and grabbed the gold-handled paddle. Twirling it in his hand, he moved over to the bed and licked his lips. "You know what to do," he said, grinning. "Strip... Oh, and roll over." He hit the paddled against the palm of his hand with amusement in his eyes. "Baby, you know I'll let you get your turn..."

Kate gasped at the pearls, her eyes immediately over flowing with tears. There was the pearl necklace she had wanted since she was a little girl, but never thought she would actually have. Biting her lip, she looked up at him with a loving smile, so caught off guard that she was speechless and at a loss for words for several moment. "I've always wanted a pearl necklace," she whispered, "Every since I was a little girl... How did you know?" She swallowed hard and look at the box in awe for one more moment before looking at the ring box in her hand. Her stomach was in absolute knots as she popped it open, and her eyes immediately went wide. "Zane! It's gorgeous!" she gasped, surprised at his unique, but beautiful choice of stone and band. Reaching inside, she went to slide the ring on her finger with she noticed the numbers... "What are these numbers?" she murmured, reading them and trying to figure it out.
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