Not what it seems(blair/lady)

Kate giggled a little at Zane's loss of words when it came to "girly" things, then turned to Alyssa. "I'd love to spend the day with you," she murmured, bouncing a little in her seat at the idea of shopping in Moscow. She wondered if he would giver her money... Normally she would find it weird, but what else was she going to do? It's not like she could get a job in her situation. Her and Zane might have gotten very close and attached, but to the rest of the world, she was still his captive. Once she was done with breakfast, she squeezed his hand under the table. "Don't let me come back to you all battered and bruised. You are way too pretty for a black eye," she teased, then stood up to put her plate in the sink. "I'm ready to go whenever you are, Alyssa," she said, bouncing a little with excitement.
"I'd look amazing with a black eye.Better then Di."Zane sid smiling a little as he squeezed her hand, standing to dig out his wallet before Dimitri waved him off. "Mi Casa, Su casa." "...your russian, not spanish." "I spent my honeymoon in spain.I picked up some bad habits."Dimitri smield leaning down to help Alysa up as he stood, kissing her gently as he handed over his credit card."Go.Shop, find something interesting." Zane smiled settling Kate on her feet hugging her gently before laughing."Have fun."

Alysa smiled as she let dimtri help her into her jacket before looking at Kate."Let's go. Drayke and Jax'll be up soon, so they'll keep them from beatng themselves up to badly."She said smiling as she kissed her husband heading for the door, amused at kate's excitement. It reminded her of a emotionally battered zane who despite still reeling in the emotional aftermath of his girlfriend's death, had been so excited to hit the streets with a equally wild Dimitri. the two had turned moscow upside down, and everyone had loved them for being charming and beautiful
Kate smiled and followed Alysa out to the car, which of course had it's own driver. Siting in the back seat with the other woman, she watched the city fly by. It was truly beautiful... "Thank you for having me," Kate murmured shyly, "I know that Zane probably brings all of his girls out here... I'm sure it gets weird for you and Dimitri." She blushed a little. The one thing about Kate, was that she needed to be snapped out of her denial. She truly didn't believe she was special to Zane, because she believed he was treating her how he treated all of the woman his father had gifted him with over the years. Biting her lip, she looked down at her lap with an insecure expression her face. "But... I can't help it. He treats me like no other guy ever treated me before, and I want to think it's because he, you know, cares about me," she murmured, blushed, "Not because I'm the flavor of the week... Not to mention I feel so lonely sometimes, being with Zane and his brother and Drayke mostly... No family. No girls. I... Wait, I'm sorry. I'm rambling." She shook her head. "I just haven't been around another girl in so long."
Alysa turned to look t her, looking bemused at the woman's rambling before laughing softly."It's weird to have someone here with him, more then it is to not."She said trying to figure out what the other girl really thought. Because surely Kate knew that Zane wouldn't be like this for just anyone wouldn't stand on ceremony, or want to know what she wanted all the time like he was. "This is zane's one truly free safe haven. Away from Alexander Lindstrom's control....Dimitri drowned Moscow in blood to get away from his own father. Alexander would have been dead long ago if Di had a chance, Zane..."She shrugged helplessly because even if he wanted to end Alexander' control on everything, hated him for what he did, he was still his son. Zane still loved him, as much as he hated him.

Rubbing a hand over her stomach she smiled a little."It doesn't get much better. The girlfriend of a mobster, or former mobster, has a limited amount of female friends, because most woman don't want to chance the risky nature of their businesses... And since sarah and sorsen died, Zane's gone even more then normal to the extreme to keep women out of his life. Believe me kate, he cares.Otherwise, we'd never be having this conversation."Alysa said knowing zane had extended alot of trust to reveal where he usually hid from his father. Alexander knew he went to russia, but not even Alexander lindstrom knew where Dimitri's rural tightly guarded house was.
Kate looked up at her a smiled, her heart fluttering at the idea. She genuinely looked so happy to have someone (a woman, especially) assure her that she was special to Zane... "Thank you," she whispered, "That means a lot..." She laughed a little and nodded. "Yea, I'm sure friends aren't much of an option in this lifestyle... But you and Dimitri seem so... happy and in love." She glanced down at the woman's pregnant belly. "I'm not sure if Zane would ever give in to that..." It saddened her to think Zane may never want a life like that; marriage, children... She always dreamed of having a husband and kids one day, maybe even a dog. But she also knew that there were going to be a lot of sacrifices to be made if she made a life with Zane. However, the more and more she began to get to know him, the more and more she realized that she wouldn't be able to ever leave him. No other man could ever compare to Zane Lindstrom.

As they stepped into the city of Moscow, Kate looked around with excitement. "Christmas is coming up," she murmured, "I want to get Zane something he will actually like... But I also want to get him something, you know, different. I want him to experience a real Christmas, not a Christmas where Alexander just gives him a few thousand dollars to get something he wants..." She really wanted to get something person and sweet, because she had a feeling that Zane had never had such a thing.
"You're welcome."Alysa smiled resting a hand on her stomach beore laughing softly, "We paid a high price for walking away and changing everything. It wasn't always this easy. Zane's....still stuck.He has had no reason to want out, but no real reason to stay besides Jax, and jax wants out to."Alysa bit her lip looking concerne for the other woman, afraid she would expect to much from a emotional damaged man. Dimitri might be damaged, but not even his father had done the head job Alexander had done on his eldest son."I think youre giving him a reason to fight back."He muttered before sighing, knowing that there had to be another reason zane was here besides just vacation. He hardly ever did something without multiple reasons."....I think he wants to."Alysa said smiling slightly, because she knew Zane, knew more then anything zane wanted a normal life, but thought he didn't deserve it. "I sincerely thinks he wants to."

Alysa smiled as she walked down the street with her, stepping into Moscow's most famous shopping mall, the former imperial palace, with the rooms changed into small shops and such."I don't think anyone but drayke and jax has ever tried to give him something like a normal christmas."Alysa said as if she read the other woman's mind, smiling as they walked.Despite the discomfort of walking with twins, she knew it was good for her
Kate felt so much better after Alysa talked to her about Zane... In fact, she felt incredibly relieved to think that Zane cared about her as much as she cared about him. Looking around the store, Kate was enchanted. She felt so... overwhelmed with all the beautiful things that surrounded her. "Well, it doesn't say much, considering Drayke and Jax were practically raised by the same man. None of them know what a real, homey Christmas is," she murmured, a little sadness in her voice. Looking around, she spotted a beautiful navy blue men's sweater. She grinned and held it up for Alysa to see. "You think Zane would where this? He looks so good in sweaters... Much less severe," she murmured, analyzing the item of clothing. It was truly odd that a young woman in the nicest shopping mall in Moscow was looking at things not for herself, but for Zane.
Alysa smiled looking bemused s she watched Kate pick out things for zane. It was so much like zane when he'd first come over. He'd shopped for everyone but himself. They really were well matched."Well, we'll have to show them a homey christmas then."she sid laughing a little before looking at the sweater, laughing a little."I think he'd be very confused why he was getting it. But he'd like it I think."She said lking through sweaters trying to get something for Dimitri."He needs some relaxing clothes. Di has a rule that Zane's not allowed wearing suits here, otherwise I'm not sure Zne would ever wear anything but suits."

Zane winced as his back hit the padding, his foot kicking out at the mn standing over."You used to be such a sub zane. Go back that that."Dimitri snickered as he landed a well placed kick to the man's side as he flipped kicked to his feet. "You wish.I no longer take orders from you, bastard."Zane said snickering. The two slipped easily between russian hand to hand fighting, japense and amercian street fighting. It ws a good thing that they had each other, otherwise they'd never be able to stay in shape. Drayke snickered a little as he glanced at jax as they stepped into the gym."I told you they'd be in here."
Kate bit her lip and nodded. "You're right," she murmured, "The man needs some casual cloths..." With that, she grabbed him a few stylish sweaters and a couple pairs of nice jeans. She then moved over to the woman's clothes, looking around at some of the dresses and such. It wasn't that she wasn't interested in shopping for herself, it was just that she was a little overwhelmed in doing so. Zane was still very much the dominant in the relationship, and as sad as it sounded, she was worried about buying something that he wouldn't like on her... "So are you due sometime before Christmas?" she asked, looking at the other woman with a smile.

Jax laughed a little leaning against the wall and looking at the other men. "Of course they are here," he murmured, "Because they are insane." He rolled his eyes a little. Even Jax did not understand or know much about Dimitri's relationship. All he knew was that there was a lot more than what met the eye, and that he was almost positive he didn't want to know much detail. "Where are the girls?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. "I can't believe Kate is out of your sight..."
Alysa smiled as she choose a few sweaters for herself, slightly smaller, before smiling at kate."Christmas day actually.Dimitri's birthday to. He keeps saying they have to stay there longer, just so he doesn't share a birthday with his children.Said his life was screwy enough without that."Alysa said snickering as she started getting clothes for herself. She was very definately the dominate in her relationship with Dimitri,even if he was in charge of every other relationship in his life.

"They are pretty insane.Should I be worried about your sanity, since your related to zane?"drayke teased amused as he leaned aginst the wall next to Jax, looking bemused as always as he once again tried to figure out the reltionship he ws pretty sure he didn't want to now about. But he was to curious to not figure it out. Zane snorted laughing as he foot swiped Dimitri, grinning as the russian hit the matts, within moments sitting on the other's back pinning him there. Refusing to be budged as he looked over at jax. "Alysa took Kate shopping. They needed some girl time."Zane said as he gurnted keeping dimitri on the ground even though he tried to push him off. He didn't win alot so any time he did, was something to rub into the russian's face. "Get off me zane."Dimitri growled putting his hands on the mats and pushed up, grinning as zane tettered on his back like a little kid playing horsey.
"Oh wow twin babies for christmas."Kate said giggling a little."I would love to spend christmas out here its so beautiful...and I love babies."She grinned but shrugged."I dont know how long we can stay though. Alexander said Zane had to be back before the week was over, didn't say why though..."After they checked out in the front store and moved farther into the mall kate spotted a jewelry store. She just couldnt help it...she had to go look. Jewelry was so hard for a girl to not at least look at...walking over kate looked into the case with gleaming eyes."Wow..."She mutteredlooking down at all the pretty rings. The diamondswere beautiful but she spotted a pearl necklace tht made her heart melt. She had always wanted a pearl necklace as a girl. It was her dream. but unlike zane her family couldn't really throw money around very much."Tht's so beautiful."

Jax nodded."Good."She muttered."Kate needs some time away from you for awhile."He grinned at tht, showing he was only teasing. She really did need to spend some time with a woman who could sympathize with her on many levels because as surprised as jax was about the idea ,he did not picture kate leaving the family anytime soon."Well, are you boys going to stop horsing around long enough to go out to lunch?"He asked raising his eyebrows.
Alysa pouted a little at the idea of them leaving so soon."Oh no, that doesn't work. I'll tell zane you have to stay longer."She said hving no doubt tht she would be ble to do it. Smiling as she followed kate to the jewelry store she smiled a little, before grinning."Well, you could buy it you know. Zane said buy what you want."She said amused that even if dimitri was paying for this shopping trip, Zane would be paying him back eventually. Zane just couldn't stand the thought of some debt between them

"Hey, I don't see you being away from your boyfriend."Zane pouted before collasping to the side as he was pushed off, sighing a little. "I wasn't his captive, moron."Drayke snorted amused as he stood. "Lunch sounds amazing.Where do you want to go? The girls are at the mall, we could go there, spy on them."Dimitri said as if it was normal to spy on his wife, but for him it was. He spent alot of time alysa didn't know about following her around and making sure she was okay.
Kate sighed, staring at the necklace with obvious awe. "No... No, I couldn't. It wouldn't feel right," she murmured, blushing a little. She let out a deep breath and shook her head, stepping away from the jewelry case. With that, she started walking around the mall, trying to not walk to fast for the heavily pregnant woman she was with. "It's just so hard to shop for a man who has everything and if he doesn't, he has enough money to buy it for himself..." she murmured, frowning a bit. Walking by a Victoria Secret, she raised her eyebrows. "Hm, I wonder if he'd like me wearing lingerie..."
The girl was so obviously lost, for Zane was also her first real relationship. She was just so nervous about everything.

Jax rolled his eyes at the men. "You two are absolutely ridiculous," he murmured, "Really? You are going to use our spare time spying on women shopping? I have never heard of something more boring..." Jax was being a little whiney, but he didn't really care. He just wanted a beer and some lunch. "Fine. Let's go. It will be better than going somewhere else to lunch and watching you two mope..."
"Well if it mkes you feel better, I don't think Zane wants everything. He just wants you to be happy with what you buy."Alysa sid smiling s she wlked with the other, panting slightly because even with kate walking slow, she was still huge and couldn't walk fster. "Zane likes anything that deals with his girl in less things between him and her skin. Which would defintely be lingerie."Alysa tesed amused at kate's words walking into the store with her, starting to find some things, keeping in mind zane's personal tastes.

"We are not. I'm being perfectly reasonable. My wife's pregnant. What if she needs me?"Dimitri said logically as they headed out to the car to head intoo town. Drayke rolled his eyes a little as he wrwapped his arms around jax as they sat in the back of the car, amused that dimitri would let alysa have a driver, but insisted on driving himself. Settling back into the backseat with jax he pressed a kiss to his head."You're whining darling."he teased a little,."I don't know wht you're talking about. I wouldn't mope."Zane said from the front seat frowning in confusion
"You seem to know Zane well," Kate said with a smile, "It's so nice to talk to someone who... Well, knows Zane. Most people would put me in the nut house for falling for a man who's father kidnapped me. But, you know, my life wasn't that great to begin with." She shrugged a bit. In all the time she ad been with Zane, she refrained from talking to much about her own life. She knew he knew a lot because of all the spying he did, but she also was sure he didn't know some things... And she wanted to keep it that way. Walking over to a rack, she picked up a black and red set. "Oh... You, uh, think he'd like this?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. She had very little experience with lingerie...


Jax frowned and leaned into his lover. "I'm not whining," he murmured, though he totally was. He narrowed his eyes at his brother. "What ever! You are moping right now!" he said, bickering with his brother like they so often did. When they got to the mall, Jax looked around, eyeing things and scanning the place for the girls. "You better not let them see you, or they are going to be pissed," he warned.
"I grew up with Zane. Like Drayke,Dimtri adoted me when I ws young, and Di refused to let me go to far.So I can understand the whole kidnapping thing...Di kidnapped me once."She said smiling a little at the thought of her husband before looking at Kate with a smile, trying so very hard to make the woman feel at ease, because she wnted the other to stay around,because it was the first time she'd ever seen Zane like this....and she liked Kate.."I like it."alysa smiled nodding towards the dressing room.'You better try it on. I'd hate for you to get hack the house and then have the wrong size for everything."

Drayke snickered a little looking amused."You are to."He teased rolling his eyes as they followed the other two inside, the two settling glasses and dark jackets around them, the clothes looking different enough from their usually well dressed normal clothes to be a disguise for the girls."Well, then we'll just have to make sure they don't see us."Zane said looking around,"I do not mope. You're making things up."He said frowning at his brother.
Kate frowned a bit, but nodded. "Yea, you're right," she murmured, "I won't be long... You have to give me an honest opinion though." She grinned at her and moved over to the dressing room, stepping inside and stripping down. Looking at herself in the mirror, she swallowed hard and started to put on the red and black lingerie... Once it was on, she was pleasantly surprised with him much she liked it. She turned around and surveyed herself carefully before calling for Alysa and unlocking her door for her to come inside and look for herself.

Jax rolled her eyes at the other two men. They looked like idiots, but he supposed love made you an idiot. He was absolutely positive that if Drayke was a very strong, powerful man, he'd be acting the same way... "They are over there," Jax said, pointing to the girls as they looked into the jewelry case. He smirked. "Looks like Kate eyed something..." He watched as the girls walked away from the jewelry store and into the lingerie store. "Are we going to get some food while we spy?" he whined, "I can walk and eat..."
Alysa smiled a little before stepping into the dressing room, glad that the dressing room was big enough for them both. Resting a hand on her stomach she grinned at the other, "You look good. Very sexy. I wouldn't expect you to make it out of bed after Zne sees it."She teased looking amused before stepping back."Want to see what else there is?Surely you need more then just that."Alysa said, a big believer in if you have one, you always need more.

Drayke smirked little wrapping a arm around Jax's shoulders, pressing a kiss to his hair."ARen't you so glad I'm not acting like that, whiner?"He teased at the younger's whining for food before smirking at the love struck idiots.He knew why they were like that. Both hd always had trouble conecting, so the women they did conect with, they did it so deeply that stalking didn't seem odd for them. Zane rolled his eyes before nodding towards on the bistro shops, "Come on. We'll sit down and eat. It's not like we can't see them walking around."He said glad that the palace turned mall had a upper story with the balcony overloooking the shopping below. So they could stalk without ever leaving their seats.
Kate bit her lip, happy to have to approval of the other woman... "Okay, but I'll need some help," she murmured, stepping back into her clothes and walking back out of the dressing room. She started to look around, her eyebrows creased with thought as she scanned all the items of clothing... "Oh! Purple..." She grinned and lifted up the piece of lacy, purple lingerie. "What about something like this? Oh... or this? You think this is a little... too much?" She lifted up a strappy teddy that left little to the imagination.


Jax looked at his lover and pouted. "Stop calling me that," he mumbled, then let out a sigh of a relief. "Finally! I'm starving!" He followed them into the bistro, ordering a very large plate of food and a strong drink. Jax was definitely a huge baby when he was hungry... He took a big bite of his sandwich and looked over at the other two men. "I'm not stupid. I know you two... We will end up staying for Christmas," he said, with an amused smirk. "So I suppose we will be buying presents in Russia this year? I like it."
Alysa laughed softly loking out the outfits even as she chose some comfy pants for herself. Dimitri was just going to have to deal with it, not that he was going to have time to complain about no sex, since he was going to be dealing with twins. Smirking at the strappy little thing Alysa nodded."Zane'll have you in a pair of handcuffs so fast that it wont be funny if you wear that."She snickered because despite never bringing girls here, zane lindstrom's eccentric tastes for sex were known world over, at least among the mob families who had either daughters that wanted to jump his bones, or sons he was friends with."Get it.Now..we should stop in the sex shop to. Since you're buying lingirie, we might as well go the whole way."She teased.

Drayke laughed softly kissing his lover,"I'm sorry."He said sounding contrite, but the amusement in his eyes said he wasn't all that sorry. The other smirked as they ordered their own plates of fod digging in as they settled in to talk. "Of course you're not leaving till after christmas.I'm not dealing with newborns by myself." "You want us to stay to be cheap babysitters?That's mean."Zane smiled as he ate. "No, mean would be saying you cant have sex under my roof, and not use whatever they're getting in victoria's secret."Dimitiri said leaning over the edge trying to see what the girls were getting, but the angle was wrng to see into the store. "You can't do that." Drayke snickered rlling his eyes at the two, "He's the only person besides your father who can boss you around, I'm pretty sure he could make it so you can't have sex."Drayke said snickering because it was true. Zane might dig his heels in, but whatever their connection, dimitri was the only man zane gave in to all the time.
Kate widened her eyes a little. "Sex shop? My God, you really do know Zane well," she said, laughing a bit. "I'm not sure I would know what to do without you at the moment..." She smiled at her new friend, then went up to the checkout, putting a pile of different lingerie sets on the counter. Once they paid, she started to move toward the sex shop, feeling a little nervous at the idea. She'd never, ever played with toys before... Hell, Zane was the one who took her virginity, so her experience was limited to what he chose to show and do with her. "You are going to have to help me..." she admitted, "What, uh, kind of toys do you think I should get?"

Jax laughed a bit. "I'm not sure Zane even knows to do with a child... You sure you are willing to leave him alone with two infants?" he teased, but was little serious. He really had no idea how Zane would be with a baby. He'd never really pictured his brother with a child, they yet, Kate was changing him in ways that Jax had never imagined... He smiled though; it would be exciting to have Christmas in Moscow, especially with Drayke.
"Well, Di keeps dragging him shopping and refusing to let me go. I assume he's going sex shopping."he snorted laughing a little before smiling as they walked in, looking over at the girl."Hmmm we'll start on the casual end. A vibrator, for those nights Zane's at work,"she teased giggling a little."Handcuffs, maybe that logger over there..."She said nodding towards the fawn skin flogger hanging on the wall, as if it wasn't totally weird for a pregnant woman to be in a sex shop.

"You feed it, and change it, what else could there really be?"Zane said sounding defensive over the child rearing thing, his heart stuttering for a moment as he tried to not think about Kate being fat and round with his child, the dream cut to short by the memory fo what had ended it. Drayke snickered looking at jax as he ate,"I think you're right. He shouldn't be trusted with a little one. He might drop them." "That's true."Dimitri said looking thoughtful his look amused."I would not!"Zane sputtered glaring at all three of them
Kate nodded, taking everything the woman was saying into consideration. She moved through all the vibrators, finally selecting a powerful looking one with possible double penetrations. It seemed like it could be... fun. And hey? If she was going to be adventurous, she might as well go all out. After picking the vibrator out, she grabbed the flogger Alysa picked out and a pair of strong handcuffs that she thought Zane might enjoy, along with some lube and vibrating nipple clamps. "He's so not going to know what hit him," she laughed, paying for everything. She felt good about all this, because she had the absolutely perfect Christmas planned for Zane.

Jax glanced at his brother, noticing him wince slightly at the sound of him being around children. It looked like he was in pain for the tiniest of moments... It confused Jax. "Calm the fuck down, Zane," he murmured, "We are only teasing. If our father could hold us as babies without dropping us, then I'm sure you could do it." He made a note to himself to ask his brother what was going on with him, but until then, he would drop it. "The girls are leaving... the sex shop right now," he said with a smirk, then looked over at Drayke. "I think we should check that place out..."
Alysa grinned nodding, amused over the woman's purchases, approving of her choices. It seemed Kate knew Zane well, even if she wasn't left alone, Zane was going to enjoy teaching her how to use that vibrator. "He might die of a heart attack if you dump this on him all at once."alysa said giggling as they walked out of the shop, before something caught her eye, snickering as she nudged kate's arm."Don't do it obviously, but glance up towards the balcony as we past the bistro."

Zane rolled his eyes sulking at the teasing, the pain he felt over the miscarriageg making him even more broody then normal."I think he dropped you. It would explain some things."ZAne sulked. "Aahhh,zane stop being mean."Drayke snickered laughing s the two men leaned over the edge of the balcony to look at their women coming out of a sex shop, smirking slightly as he looked at jax and nodded."We should.Lets go now before they decide to ditch us for the girls."Drayke said snickering as he finished up his food.
Kate laughed a little. "Well, he's going to have no other choice," she murmured, then looked at other woman with confusion. As the walked past, she discreetly glanced up toward the balcony. Sure enough, all four men were sitting up there eating lunch. No doubt they were their to watch them. "That bastard," she cursed, shaking her head with amusement. "I should have known... He's much too controlling to let me be alone in a new place like this." She rolled her eyes and glanced at her heavily pregnant friend. "Alysa, you want to take a break and sit down for a bit? Maybe get a cup of coffee?"

Jax narrowed his eyes. "I was NOT dropped as a baby, asshole," he snapped, bickering with his brother like usual. He grinned at his lover and nodded, leaning over to gently kiss him. "Yes, let's ditch them before they ditch us," he murmured, very interested to see what they could find in the sex shop. Stepping inside, he glanced around at everything. "Have you ever handcuffed a girl to your bed?" he asked out of curiosity, a smirk on his lips. "You know, when you got those fancy police cuffs for the first time?"
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