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Not what it seems(blair/lady)

Kyle looked at the woman, not being able to take his eyes off of her since she walked into the room. Eventually, the tall man stood up and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I'm here because I've been dragged here against me will," he said, shrugging, "So I'll let this guy right here explain everything..." He nodded to Drayke, then took a few steps away from the bed, starting to feel a little uncomfortable. The guy may be the largest guy in the room, but he was by no means the most charming or smooth with words. Not to mention, he didn't trust women. He didn't have a hard time getting them, but they always managed to run him over one way or another. Emily's mom took the cake though... Oh, well. He got his baby girl, and he didn't have to pay child support to some whore.

Kate walked into the guest room, grinning as she saw Emily sitting up in the bed talking to her stuffed pig, Rosie. "Hey, Sweetheart, I think Daddy wants you to be taking a nap..." Kate murmured, moving to lay down on the bed next her niece. The little girl pouted. "But I can't sleep," she whined. Kate smiled and pulled the little girl into the crook of her arm, cuddling her like she did at home when she would babysit for extra money. Of course, Kyle way over-paid her, but Kate was the only person he truly trusted with his daughter. Getting a babysitter while she was missing was rough on the man. Not to mention, Kate and Emily were very close. In fact, Emily was named after Kate, who's full name is Katherine Emily Abernathy.

Jax shook his head. "Mom's fine," he said, confidence in his voice. "Alexander has never laid a hand on her. It was probably the only thing she got out of the marriage." He scoffed. "She vowed to put up with his dangerous life style and be a part of a loveless marriage, and he vowed to not physically hurt her." Looking over at his brother, he shook his head. "That's not why your are sulking, but I would pry. I know how you get when I start to nag." With that, he raised his hand to signal the stewardess to get them a couple drinks.
Drayke sighed a little, "This is Kyle Abernathy, Kate's brother. Kate's Zane's lover,and their father is a cop..."Drayke looked a little at a loss for words."Zane's father kidnapped her as a threat, giving her to zane.Instead zane...zane loves her. Hid her here, with Dimitri." "Because no one knows where Dimitri lives."Alix sighed shaking her head looking ready to yell. "Don't yell at me, Zane'll be here within hours. Yell at him. Kyle'll sit with him if you need to get back to work."Drayke said before ducking out of the room.Heading for the guest room he knocked on the door before smiling at kate."Hey. I'm going to go pick up Zane and Jax, do you and Em want to go with?"

Alix sighed looking at kyle then at her brother,gently stroking his hair out of his face, looking worried."IT worries me that he hasn't woken up yet."She muttered sounding anxious because it wasn't often that dimitri was sick, much less hurt. Glancing up at kyle she looked concerned."How is alysa?And the twins?"She said sounding worried about how the woman would handle this.

Zane sighed looking amused."True. It's probably the only good thing she atually got."He sighed looking out the window before laughing."Well good. I hate when you have to know absolutely everything about what's wrong."He grumbled smiling sweetly at the stewardess as he took his drink before looking at jax."Just concern yourself with not letting your boyfriend kill you, not with what I'm doing."He said antsy and snappy because he didn't want to send kate away, but knowing he had to.
Kyle sat down in the chair beside the bed, which was a little too small for him, and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Well, uh, I don't think Alysa knows... She's been in the nursery and master bedroom with the boys..." He looked at the woman, then down at the man in the bed. He felt awkward; he felt like he shouldn't be there. He wanted to be at home. He wanted to be at work, making money to support Emily, or fishing with his buddies, or spending time with Emily in their little two bedroom house... Kyle liked a simple life. Not this. So it was hard to be in the middle of such chaos.

Emily jumped up and nodded, not understanding where they were going, but wanting to go. It seemed that her and Drayke had bonded over the past few weeks. "Definitely," Kate said, looking just as excited as her niece. She scooped Emily up and dressed her in her winter coat, then dressed herself in jeans, boots, a black pea coat, and a purple scarf. Once ready, she "followed Drayke out to the car. It was obvious she was nervous. It's just, Zane had been so quiet while he was gone...

"Well, whatever," Jax said, looking amused as he took a gulp of his drink. Another hour went by, and they were landing. Jax looked so happy that he might as well have burst.
Alix was quiet looking concerned before sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the other man with curiousity. "You look your not sure what your doing here.I assume you're here because your sister is?"Alix asked curious,because dimitri tried very hard to not talk to her about the darker side of his life, because she'd tried so hard to get out of it, and dimitri had nearly put himself in debt after he'd gined ontrol of the business, to send her to medical school."Dimitri would let you go...if you really want to..."She said though it concerned her that he was there, when he was so obviously american, it meant things were getting bad, espicially with dimitri hurt.

Drayke lked amused as he lookedat the two, driving as him and emily chattered, holding Emily's hand as they got out of the car, walking into the airport he picked her up and settled her on his shoulders."How's the view from up there kiddo?"He teased.

Zane swallowed hard as he walked off the plane, the withdrawl headache threatening to drag his feet out from under him,but he hadn't been about to let jax or kate realize he'd been using cocaine again to stay awake, to be aware of everything his father was doing. So worried about what his father was doing, that he was doing part of alexander's job for him in putting zane in a early grave. If he didn't stop soon, he was going to work himself to death. Smiling tiredly as he nudged jax, "I think you've been replaced. Seems drayke got a girlfriend."he teased his brother looking amused to see him so comfortable with emily.
Kyle sighed and nodded, gripping the arms of the chair with his large hands. "I'm here because I wanted to be with Kate and make sure she's safe," he admitted, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "I prefer home, but if it keeps Kate and my daughter safe, I'll do what these guys say." He shrugged and looked up at her with blue eyes, the corners a tad creased from age and lots of work in the sun. Other than that, Kyle look pretty good for his age. "I don't want to leave," he said, "If I left, Emily would be in danger... I can't have that. She's my life. So I'll suck it up for her."

Emily giggled the whole time she rode on Drayke's shoulders, her hands rested on top of his head. Jax laughed a bit and leaned in to kiss his lover, so happy to be back with him after a few long weeks apart. "Ah, that's okay," he said, "I can't blame him for picking such a little cutie pie as a replacement for me." He grinned and stroked Drayke's cheek. "I missed you, love," he whispered.

Kate finally stepped out of the car, walking around it and letting a huge grin spread across her face at the sight of Zane. Moving over to him, she threw her arms around his neck and crushed her mouth against his, kissing him hard and passionate. When she finally pulled away, her smile was even wider. "Zane," she whispered, nuzzling his neck. "I missed you so much..." Pulling back, she let out a sigh and caressed his cheek. "You haven't been sleeping... You look awful." She pouted a bit, but she had no room to talk. She looked a little pale in the face herself, for she hadn't been able to hold anything down the past week or so. She assumed it was stress, so she let it slide. "Are you okay?" she asked, noticing the same anxiousness that Jax had noticed on the plane.
Alix tilted her head a little loking t him, her face flushing little as she admired the hndsome man in front of her, her body reminded her uncomfrtably that it had been a very long time since she'd had sex. "If...if you need something to do, Dimitri probably has some work you could do. He might not want to admit it, but even the brilliant mind of Dimitri Rommanov needs help,when he's not concussed that is."Alix snickered looking down at her brother, joking because she ws so very worried about him. While she knew he had a concussion, she knew it wasn't that bad, he responded if you touched him, he just wasn't waking up. Which worried her,but not enough to take him to the hospital just yet. "You must love yur daughter very much, to do this for her."she said in slight amazement that a father could ever love their child that much.As a whole, the mob children were extremely messed up when it came to their fathers.

Drayke grinned leaning down to kiss jax, wrpping a arm around his waist, looking relieved to see him."I missed you to."He muttered before smirking,"Well this cutie pie's been demanding to sleep in my bed when her father's not keeping her in her own. And here it was Zane he ws worrying about."he said snickering because he hadn't been sleeping well, so when nightmares woke up the small girl, drayke was usually the first one there, because he was already awake.

Zane smiled as he lowered his head to kiss her hard, hugging her against him s he smiled at her."I missed you to."He muttered leaning his face into her hand, pouting a little."I don't look that bad."He sulked rolling his eyes a little as he climbed into the car, sighing tiredly as he sank back into the seat, closing his eyes as he pulled her ginst him, just wanting to hold her for the moment, going through withdrawl to bad to be fighting both his need for coke and for her at the same time.He'd deal with what he was going to deal with kate,after he slept some."I'm fine kate.Promise."He muttered kissing her gently.
Kyle looked a little stunned at how amazed Alix looked at the idea of him loving his daughter that much. He blushed a little. "Well, yea. She's my baby, and I'm all she has... I have to admit, I wasn't exactly ready for children at the time... But you know, I love her more than anything. She makes me a better person," he said with a smile. "And I drink a lot less beer." Looking down at Dimitri, he sighed. "Well, I'm not much for, uh, paper work. I'm more of a hands on kind of man, to be honest. I worked in construction back home. Before Emily came along, I was going to school to be an architect..." He clenched his jaw, not realizing that he said something out loud that he hadn't said in a long time; that he'd had real plans before he settled down to raise Emily. But being a single parent and tight on money, it just wasn't possible anymore.

Jax laughed a bit. "Well, when it concerns his sister, I'm sure he is still very much worried about Zane. As he should be." Reaching up, he grabbed Emily from Drayke's shoulders and head toward the car, settling the little girl between them before wrapping an arm around his lover's shoulders. "I'm definitely ready to make up for lost time," he purred, raising his eyebrows. "If you know what I mean."

Kate sighed and crawled into his lap, deciding that she missed him to much to pretend she was not needy at the moment. "You better be fine," she said, resting her head on his shoulder and kissing his neck. "So, how long are you staying?" she finally asked, looking sad as she said the words. She pulled back, and for the first time, you could see how pale her face was and how small she looked in the sweater she was wearing. "For a while, right?"
Alix bit her lip wondering over the thought of a father's love, before smiling wider. "Well, Di does his own paperwork.But he does own his own construction company, and he always is interested in redoing this place...he's not changed it since our father had it...he needs to change it."she sighed studying him, because despite being in love with his daughter, he seemed to miss being a architect. "....your being loud alix..."Dimitri muttered as his eyes fluttered open,"Kyle doesn't want to hear about your ideas..."he muttered a slight annoyance to the slurred words, because as much as he didn't want to change his father's house he still found the place slightly uncomfortable considering his history in the place."Shut up're supposed to be resting."Alix said turning to look t him, relief in her voice.

"Anyone should be worried with zane near their sister."Drayke snickered because he had a feeling that with the two together now, zane was never going to be left alone with kate if kyle could help it."Hmm I do.Let's get the munchkin back to her father, then we'll see."He smirked as he settled emily into her seat before getting into the car himself and heading for the house.

Zane smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close as he pressed his fce into her hair, shivering as she kissed his neck."For awhile yea."He muttered because it would take him awhile to figure out where to send her, so he was going to put it off s long as he could, even if he was going to tell her soon. Shuddering a little from both her sitting in his lap, and because his body was withdrawing he frowned as he forced his eyes to focus on her, shoving his own bodily needs to the side as he looked at her."Are you okay?"He muttered gently tucking her hair behind her ears,looking so worried about her
Kyle sat up in his chair, watching as Dimitri came to. He didn't feel like he belonged there, because he definitely didn't know the man very well aside from living with him the past few weeks. "Well, Dimitri, I could fix something up for you," he said, his eyes brightening at the idea of having some work to do. "I mean, to help repay you for letting Em and I stay here... I can do everything by myself..." He ran a hand through his hair, nervous but excited about the idea of designing something and building it himself. He'd never say it, but Kate always bragged about how incredible Kyle's handy work could be. In fact, he designed and built the little house that him and Emily lived in all by himself in order to save money.

Kate smiled, happy that he would be there for a while and totally oblivious about the things going on in his head. At his look of worry, she frowned. Honestly, she had no idea how bad she looked, but she did notice her clothes fitting loosely within the past few weeks. "What? Why?" she said, confused, looking insecure. "I mean... I don't know. I just haven't been able to keep anything down.... I guess I've lost some wait. I don't know. I'm fine though." Leaning down, she kissed his cheek.
Dimitri smiled a little before sighing s he clsed his eyes."Take to Alysa.She should be happy to help."He said relaxing but gld that the man seemed happier, the russian having been feeling bad because he hdn't been able to help him relax despite being with Kate again."Will you go check on alysa?She's probably awake by now..." "I am.What happened?"alysa said nikolai snuggled into his arms, looking at the three of them anxiously as she walked into the room,"Kyle?"She said looking at the man, because he gave off the air of being conident, of knowing what was going on, so she had become to enjoy his company.

Zane looked at her worried."You look sick."He muttered looking at her worried before sighing, "Good."He wrapped his arms around her in a hug, not fussing over her trusting that she knew if she was sick or not, nuzzling her a little as he got ut of the car hwen htey got home,yawning a little."Come on.I want a snuggle....unless you need to watch emily...."he said smiling at her almost shyly as he ran his fingers through her hair wanting to check her over himself, from head to toe in fact.
Kyle looked up at Alysa and shook his head. "I... Well, Dimitri was found looking pretty beaten up," he admitted, "But that's all I know. He just woke up." Standing up, he gave a nod to Alix. "It was really nice to meet you," he said softly, looking at her with that serious expression and sparkling blue eyes. He gave her one last smile before nodding to the others. "I'm going to get Em and put her down for bed..." With that, the man shuffled out of the room and left the three to their own devices, hoping he'd get a chance to talk to Alysa about building something... And hoping that he'd get to see Alix again, however he had no idea why...

When they got home, Kate sat at the foot of the bed and looked up at him. "I promise, I'll see if Dimitri's sister has some time to check me out and make sure I don't have something viral... But I really think I'm fine, Zane." With that, she changed into a large t-shirt and panties, then slid into bed, waiting for him to join her. She didn't even realize how thin she looked while she was changing, her naked body showing that she was definitely not as healthy as she had been before he left. Her ribs and spine were showing, but oddly enough, her stomach looked softer than before.
The two women looked worried but settled down to sit wit dimitri, trusting the others to come find them if they needed something.

Zne looked worried as he followed her inside, biting his lip as he considered what she hd said before sliding off his own clothes, letting the suit jacket hiit the floor, glad tht the needle tracks on his rms were healed, unless you knew where you were looking, nd what you were looking at, you wouldn't guess he was using again. Looking worried as he climbed into bed, he gently pressed a kiss to her stomach before kising her slowly."In the morning, I want alix to look you over."He muttered wanting more then anything to just hold her. Everything else could wait until theyd both gotten some sleep.
Kate looked down at him kissing her stomach, looking amused. "Ah, maybe it's your kiss that my stomach needs," she said, wiggling her hips a little at him. She let out a sigh and pulled him up. "Fine. Fine... I'll let Alix give me a check up, but Baby, I'm fine. I swear. I just missed you, and I think the stress made me lose my appetite." Drawing him down to her lips, she kissed him gently, but passionately. It was obvious that she missed him desperately. Pulling back, she snuggled into him, her eyes rolling up to look into his. "You were quiet while you were gone," she said with a frown, her eyes looking sad. "Jax called Drayke all of the time... I was starting to get the feeling you didn't want to talk to me." She shrugged a bit, but it was obvious her feelings had been her on top of feeling like shit the past few weeks.
"Hmm maybe."Zne smiled as he shifted,settling on top of her, his hips pressing into hers as he looked down at her, before smiling at her."I don't care. I still want Alix to check on you."He muttered as he let her draw him into a kiss, kissing her back before pulling his head up.Looking down at her and smiled a little, though the red rimmed eyes were strained."No...I wanted to talk to you.It's just been a bad few weeks..."He sighed softly before settlig down on top of her,snuggling close as he nuzzled her. "I...I just..."He stuttered a little, trying to figure out how to say what was going on withoutbeing hurtful.Then realized there were no easy way to say it.

"Kate...."he muttered raising up to look down at her,pinning her under him, not wanting to give her a chance to run away from him before he finished."My father gve me a ultimatium. He will kill me and you if I didn't walk away.But if I left you...he'd let you be.You and kyle."e closed his eyes resting his forehead on hers."Kate, when I leave here, I' going to set you up in a house at home...where I can't visit easily."He shuddered a little."Doing this will give me what I need, time.I wsn't ready to deal with my father. I can kill him i I'm given time, I just need it..."he muttered starting to ramble in the stress of telling her and twitching a little as the stress triggered a crving so hrd for coke that he nearly bit his lip bloody.
Kate froze, looking up at him with pain in her eyes. She had just gotten him back, and he was going to leave her again? Indefinitely? And while he was gone, he barely talked to her... She couldn't handle this. She hated sitting around, heartbroken and waiting for the man she was in love with to come back to her. It was for her safety, she knew, but it was becoming too much. "You're... you're leaving me?" she asked, swallowing hard. "You're sending me away?" Her hands moved up to push at his shoulders, wanting him off of her. Of course, he was much stronger than she.

Her eyes filled up with tears and she shook her head, not wanting to look at him. "I can't believe you'd do this to me..." she whispered, feeling a little unbalanced from the news, her missing him so much, and hormones.
Zane winced a little as she shoved at his shoulder, pressing tighter down ginst her, refusing to be moved away. Burying his face against her nek he sighed softly."Not forever."he muttered."Kate,love, I cn't take you home. And it's obvious from Dimitri's attack that father knows your here...I wont drag you into this fight when he offered to leave you alone..."He muttered sighing softly before moving away, letting her move away from him if she wanted."I already got one girl I cared for killed, I wont let him kill you."He muttered gently touching her hair, before dropping his hand, looking so sad as he got up."I'm sorry kate..."He muttered his shoulders drooping as he moved to his suitcase and dug out his stash, fiddling with the syringe as he considered shooting up. The pain of telling her was overwhelming him to much.He wanted to not feel, and high he wouldn't but...

Swallowing as he buried the drugs back in the bottom of his bag, he dug around for what else he'd brought her before sitting on the edge of the bed."Here....this is yours... it's secure, father wont be able to trace can still call me..."He mtutered looking so sad as he stared down at the satelite phone he'd 'burrowed' from one of drayke's contacts at the police station.
Kate let out a sigh, reaching up to wipe her eyes as he stood up and moved over to her suitcase. "I don't need your money or a fancy house. I'll stay with Kyle - What are you doing?" Her eyes went wide as she watched him shoot up. Her heart broke at the sight, and disappointment could be seen in her eyes. She moved the phone away from them and grabbed his arm, looking at the tiny, healing puncture wounds on his arm. "Oh my God, Zane..." she whispered, then looked up at him with glassy eyes. "I thought you were done with this, Zane. I thought you stopped." Letting go of him, she put her face in her hands. It seemed like everything was falling apart; he was leaving and using again, and she was feeling sicker everyday.

"I don't want to be away from you," she whispered, "I worry about other's killing you, and now I have to worry about you killing yourself." Her voice sounded so sad and defeated...
Zane shuddered a little as she grabbed his arm, jerking back even as he leaned his face into her hands, "...can't feel...hurts to much to leave you...can't feel like this."He muttered looking at her with eyes that were going just as glassy, with both tears and drugs,"I don't wnt to go away, but I need you to.Stay with kyle...he'll keep you safe...."He muttered lening forward nuzzling her a little."Don't be mad, I'll figure this out."He muttered shifting, nuzzling her affectionately, because one thing about the addict zane that had changed from when he'd been occassionally using, to now when he was almost always a low level of high, he was more affectionate, snuggly.

"I'll take care of everything.We're not going home for awhile.I just want to be with you for a few days before I have to go."He muttered because his father had given him that, a few days to get kate out of his system and out of his life. Though it was probably a good thing he was there with her, beyond feeling more emotionally stable, she was probably the only person in the world who could get him to really stop using. The only reason he'd started again had been he'd been away from her, now... maybe she could help him fight it off enough to not do it while they were apart.
Kate hated seeing Zane like this. She'd almost rather him be the man who had a hard time expressing hid feelings if it meant that he was not high... However, she swallowed back her tears and took him into her arms; showing him that her love was far deeper than the surface. She was with him through the hard times too, even if it hurt her to be away from him and see him like this. "Come on," she whispered, pulling him into the bed and covering them both up. She held him so that he his rest on her breasts, and she stroked his hair gently. "We will talk in the morning," she said, "You need to sleep this off and get some rest, because I'm not going to sit and watch you do this... I can't watch you do this."

As she stroked his hair, Kate closed her eyes and tried to rest. She wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her. But it was so hard to calm herself down when she was thinking about him leaving her for an extended time and him using again...
Zane sighed softly as he let her hold him, snuggling a little."I love you."He muttered cuddling her as he let her stroke his hair,closing his eyes as he let the worry go, letting her ease him to sleep.

In the morning Zane groaned as he rolled on his stomach, wincing as he pulled his pillow over his head, feeling the pounding headache, and wincing a little as he felt kate pressed up against him.Dammit, if he hed this headache it meant that he'd shot up, with kate near. Which meant she probably knew...sighing tiredly he sat up as he ran his fingers through his hair, getting up as he headed for the bathroom to get ready for the day, and get somewhat presentable, and less like a drug addict.

Drayke smiled sleepily, pleased as he nuzzled his face against jax's neck,wrapping his arms around his waist,"You know, we probably should get more sleep then we did..."He muttered nuzzling him a little before sighing."Does this mean I get to go home now?"He muttered sounding interested, wanting to go home, to take care of jax.Needing to be able to protect him
Kate rolled over, looking up to watch Zane moved to get dressed. She smiled a little. Despite everything, it was so nice to see him first thing whens he woke up... "Wear one of the sweaters I got you," she said with a pout, "No suit. Not today." Sitting up in the bed, she turned to television on (NOT on the news) and watched it as he got dressed. It was still a little early, and she'd learned the past couple weeks that moving around too quickly after waking up would send her into hour of vomiting... However, that didn't help for long. She groaned and jumped out of the bed, running into the bathroom and locking the door behind her. She definitely didn't want him to see her throwing her guts up, even if it could clearly be heard from the door.

Jax laughed a bit. "Ah, who needs sleep when I have you?" he said, leaning in to kiss his man. He grinned and sat up, turning on the lamp and nodding. "Yes, you can come this time," he promised, even thought he hated to say it. "I'm not sure what Zane plans to do with Kate, but with Kyle around, she'll be safe... I think it's Emily that's going to miss you the most," he said, laughing. Leaning down, he kissed his lover gently. "Let's go out on the town today. Get a bit to eat and do whatever..."
Zane smiled a little as he ran his fingers through his hair, the blond strands sticking up every which way. He was way past due for a haircut, but with everything going on the man just hadn't had time, looking more relaxed with the soft curls falling around his face. "Oky okay sweater it is."Zane said sounding amused as he tried to get rid of his haircut as he pulled on a dark red sweater and a pair of jeans, looking startled as she got out of bed. Swallowing hard as he moved to the door he twisted the knob,growling in annoyance when it was locked."Dammit kate, open the door. I don't want to have to pay for a new door."he growled twisting the knob harder before sighing. Twisting harder he sighed in relief as he heard the snap of the mechanics, pushing the door open he ved to her, crouching down,gently pulling her hair back even as he pulled out his cell, dialing alix's number, sounding slightly amused as he spoke to the sleepy doctor, hanging up as he stroked kate's back."She'll be here soon.How do you feel?"He muttered.

"Hmm I do."Drayke said laughing,"i am older you know, need sleep and everything."He said amused as he sat up,nodding pleased. Glad that he could go home,gently kissing jax."Well, I'll just have to go visit her if Kyle doesn't care.And it'll let me check on kate if Zane's not keeping her with him."He smiled a little before clambering out of bed, looking at jax."come on. I want to go out. Shopping. Everything we missed last time."He said grinning at his lver
Kate groaned. "If I was going to be nice about it, I'd say I was fine, but to be honest... I feel like shit," she finally admitted. "I have felt like this for weeks and it hasn't even remotely calmed down." She frowned and reached over to grab a towel to wipe her mouth with, then leaned into him tiredly. "I can't keep a damned thing down, I can't leave the bathroom before noon..." She pouted and looked up at him. "I'm really sorry... I didn't want you to come home to this. I wanted us to have sex and relax and enjoy each other. Not this." Reaching up, she ran her fingers through her hair, looking up at the door as Alix walked in. She blushed with embarrassment.
Zane looked anxious, pressing a kiss to her head as she leaned into him, sighing softly as he wrapped his arms around her."I'm should have told me.I would have come sooner, or got alix out here sooner."He muttered looking worried about him even as he picked her up. "Hey kate.Put her in bed Zane,and go away." "But-" "Go.Now."Alix ordered looking at the mobster, staring him down until he left. The russian woman smiled slightly as she turned her attention back to Kate, sitting on the edge of the bed looking worried."Now, tell me what's going on."she said gently starting to do a physical exam, trying to figure out what was happening.

ane frowned hard as he headed downstairs, glad that the sweater covered his arms, at least he could avoid having the junkie conversation with jax. Happily, his suits had kept his brother from realizing just how high he was most of the time. smiling slightly as he saw the other men, he looked amused."You two going out for the day?"He said loking amused t drayke's obvious happiness to be back with jax, and trying very hard to not think about how painful it was.
Kate looked a little worried about Zane leaving, but relaxed against the pillows and looked up at Alix. She bit her lip and shook her head. "I don't know what's going on... I think it's stress from Zane being gone and in constant danger. I have no appetite and my always sick, more so after I wake up until about lunch, but there are days that I can barely leave the room... I have to pretend to feel better than I do for Kyle or he'd freak out." Kate let out a deep breath, obviously looking stressed and tired from everything going on. "I'm sorry Zane called you this early," she said, "I'm fine. Really...."

Jax grinned and nodded. "Yea, we decided to have some fun in town while we had the time," he murmured, then tilted his head to the side. "Where's Kate? I figured you two wouldn't be able to be separated once we got back..." Reaching out, he took his coat from the maid at the front door and slid it on.
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