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Parasite Eve Roleplay Game

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He closed his eyes and remembered the notes he had taken, moving to the gate. "Are we opening it then?" He asked, ready to on a moments notice.
Volke helps steady Allison as she lands, making sure she doesn't fall when her balance was lost.
Volke looks around for anything of notice. (Search 21 Nat 20, Spot 18)
"Yep. Alice is providing the current codes now." Xavier moves over and types some numbers into a keypad. With a groan, the iron gate goes up into the ceiling. "Alright, the sightings were in this area. Now, we can split into pairs as planned, and keep in contact on the MIST cell phones, or we can stay together. Choice is yours."

Besides the previously mentioned damage, Volke doesn't notice anything.
"I vote we stay together. We are stronger as a unit and if there is something dangerous down here, we need to make sure we have all we can get to handle it." Allison voiced her opinion a little louder than needed, obviously a little uncomfortable in the sewage.
Volke follows Xavier, trying to hide her presence in the party as much as possible. (Spot 15, Listen 20, Search 13 Nat 1, Move Silently 22, Hide 20)
(Spot 20, listen 23, search 16, move silently 30, hide 16)
Allen subconsciously moved in front of the group, feeling inclined to stay in front of them, so he could take the blow if need be.
He raised his gun quickly, his eyes cold as opposed to the usual sadistic smile. Something had changed within him today, that was for certain.
Volke draws Hades, aiming it at the hissing shadow (assuming that the hissing an the shadow are in the same direction), preparing to fire upon hostile ID'ing.
Xavier draws his Falcon, and taps his glasses. "Fire." He says as he fires at the (yes, hissing) shadow. It makes a catlike sound of pain as the bullet hits it.
Asura runs forward toward the target, only shooting when he figured out what it was.
The NMC is a larger humanoid, with far longer arms and shorter legs than normal. It's hairless, with glowing yellow eyes. It has claws on it's hands.
Allison looks in the direction of the gunshots and her eyes widen slightly. She aims at it and lets out a quick shot before moving to the front of the group.
He hesitates, looking at it, not quite remembering what Luna's shifted form was. "Luna? Is that.... Is that you?" (Diplomacy 30, Animal empathy if it applies- 16)
The NMC hisses at Allison and leaps turns her, claws bouncing off Allison's Tactical Armor. Xavier shoots at the NMC again, missing.
Allen, full of rage, charges after it.

(Grapple, as in a tackle attempt, rolled a 19)
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