Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief [Ahren and Resident Homestuck]

RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Be indecisive and use your epic manipulative skills to turn around a simple question

You give a small grin, pulling yourself up as John starts to head back toward the beach. With his help, your legs go around his waist again, anchoring you safely to his back as he leaves the water It seems colder out here now than it did before, and the water in your hair isn’t helping. Shivering, you press closer to him, using his body heat to keep yourself warm.

When you feel yourself being lowered your arms tighten around his neck automatically to keep from falling, at least until you feel the blanket beneath you. You release your hold on him for a moment, then suddenly he’s right on top of you and your arms are again wrapped around him. A towel wraps around the two of you, trapping you against him.

You murmur a soft greeting upon finding yourself face to face with John again, smiling against his lips as he moves in to kiss you. You feel a slight tingle at the light touch of his fingers to your leg, and you let your lips part, finding his tongue with your own and brushing against it. Your heart rate quickly speeds up as his hand works its way slowly up your leg, creeping far too slowly up your warming skin. Your breath hitches as the tips of his fingers brush between your legs, and you know he can feel the shiver that rushes through you at the sensation. His hand is gone as quickly as it came, moving to your other leg. You feel a slight twinge of disappointment, but you quickly quell it. Just because you want more doesn't necessarily mean he'll just wait for him to make the first move...just in case. But you can only wait for so long.... You make a halfhearted attempt to slow your breathing as he pulls away, completely failing at sounding the least bit calmer than you feel.

You wrinkle your nose at the several drops of water dripping onto your head. A little bit of water splashes into your eyes, but you quickly blink away the offending drops, clearing your vision again. Right now you can think of literally nothing else except how warm his body is on yours and how closely you’re pressed against him, wrapped in a huge towel with next to no clothes on.

Grinning, you return the quick kiss, wrapping your arms around him, pulling him closer. “You really need to learn that you don’t need to ask me stuff like that, John,” you whisper into his ear with a grin. “I want to do whatever you want to do. Really. Sitting here and talking, walking around, or even running up and down the halls shrieking. I’ve had two years on this place, I’ll let you decide for yourself.”

You lean up for another kiss, pressing yourself up against the warmth of his body. Being this close to him in the “ocean” was one thing, but without the water getting in the way or cooling you down and with the towel wrapped around the two of you, you doubt you’ll ever be cold again.

The tips of your fingers lightly brush against his back, tracing patterns on the warm skin. Then you realize that it’s actually kind of late. The deceptive brightness of the room has made you forget the time. Everyone is probably already in bed and asleep by now, and swimming has tired you out a little, so you really are cool with whatever John wants to do. “What do you feel like doing?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Make request

You let your eyes slide shut as you just listen to Vriska's voice softly entering your ear. She wants to do whatever you want to do, but your mind is fogged over with no coherent thought taking shape other than simply wanting more of her. As you happily return her kiss, the touch of her fingers upon your back forces a shudder over your body and tantalizes you further. You were at the point where you barely hear her ask you directly what you want to do, and even once you piece the words together you don't really know how to respond. You sensed it was getting late, but you weren't really tired. What did 'late' even mean on this meteor? Everyone kept track of time so they knew how much longer they had on their trip. Morning and Night weren't even really a thing. Trolls had been nocturnal anyway, so you're thankful you're in a place that allows you to coordinate your sleep schedule.

Instead of responding you press your lips to Vriska's once more. There was a clear intent behind this kiss. You wanted to excite her and make her hungry for more and your heart pounded against her chest further describing your want. By now your body is pressed up against her completely and without even realizing it you're making slow grinding motions, pressing your hardness between her legs in a way that might as well spell out exactly what you want without even needing words. Still, your uncertainty was like a poison to your recently bolstered confidence. It was always there eating away when you wanted to make a major move. Tonight, however, you were determined to do something. You loved Vriska, and she loved you. That alone made things easier. Still, the tension was nerve-wracking. You pull away from the kiss and gaze down into her eyes as you try to find a good set of words. It seemed like you had suddenly become extremely aware of your own mouth. Your tongue felt too big. You felt like you had too much saliva. Your teeth felt weird. Finally, you swallow hard and utter out in a husky voice you barely recognize.

"Vriska..." You begin to tremble with nervousness and excitement, "I want you to sleep in my room tonight..."

Such a request was not abnormal by itself. You and Vriska had fallen asleep cuddled up plenty of times in both of your rooms. Yes, you had even willingly slept in her slime cocoon and you didn't have a single complaint (other than the fact that she seemed to do it fully clothed) because it was worth it to be next to her. This time your tone and current position implied that sleep was not exactly what you were getting at. The look in your eyes would do it if nothing else. Though you don't feel the need to be even more obvious, your hand had a mind of its own and was beginning to crawl up her body, eventually resting upon one of her breasts and kneading it eagerly. You could feel the nipple through the material of the swimsuit even better than the previous shirt and bra and you tease it a bit with your fingers as you awaited her response.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Accept request

Any trace of exhaustion that had been weighing down on you a moment ago quickly vanishes with the touch of John’s lips to yours. There’s something different about the kiss this time, something in it that suggests he wants more than just kisses and occasional small touches. Whatever it is that he’s doing, it’s working. You’d been a little antsy for a while, and the feeling of his lips on yours coupled with his light grinding against you is driving you half mad. And from what you can tell, you’re not the only one. Your hands creep from his back to the back of his head, pulling him further into the kiss, and almost automatically, you let your hips rock up to meet his, pressing every inch of yourself you can manage against him. You lean up to prolong the kiss as long as possible when he starts to pull away, letting your head lean back again once it’s broken.

For a few moments after he asks you to sleep in his room tonight you just stare at him in confusion. You were probably going to sleep in his room tonight anyw- oh. Ohhhhhhhh. Your mind reaches the correct conclusion in less than half a second. You can’t even believe you didn’t get it right away, considering that he’s lying right on top of you grinding against you. You hardly notice the hand creeping up your side until it’s gently massaging one of your breasts, the finger playing with the nipple sending a tingle through you.

You look up at John with a slight smile, still half unable to believe that he actually still wants to be your matesprit. As if just being with you wasn’t enough, he’d even agreed to sleep in your recuperacoon with you on several occasions. Invariably he’d always look nothing short of adorable when you’d wake up to see him next to you, completely covered in the green goo. Which is why you more frequently opted to spend the night in his room, curled up comfortably in bed. That way it wasn’t slimy or disgusting for either of you. But the idea of spending the night in his room doing...well, certainly not sleeping, at least for not the entire night, excites your imagination far too well.

“I...” You stop after a moment, realizing that you really have absolutely no idea how to respond. Do you even want to do this? You’ve been impatient for weeks now, but now that it’s actually time to decide, you’re a little nervous. Then your mind goes back over the last few weeks, remembering various small details about your life since John got onto the meteor. Yeah, you definitely want to do this. You’ve waited long enough.

“Yeah, I think I want me to sleep in your room tonight too,” you finally reply, a hint of blue creeping up into your face. You pull him down for another kiss, deep but sweet, then you sit up, shrugging off the towel. “I have sand in places I really shouldn’t have sand...I think I need a shower. Meet you back at your room in a half hour?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Prepare...

You did your best to stop yourself from shaking as you gazed down at Vriska, awaiting her response. You don't do a very good job of it, but you manage enough so you don't seem like your nerves are totally shot. It amazed you that this girl still wanted to be your girlfriend, but you had no complaints that she did. She briefly looks confused at your request, but the real meaning behind it seems to quickly dawn on her. She begins a response only to hesitate causing you to tense up instantly. Oh god, did you misread her? Was she still not ready? You were so stupid. Maybe you could still play it off as just wanting to sleep?

But she soon finishes her thought and they're the sweetest words you've ever heard. After her admitting her love for you, that is. It's difficult to suppress the immense grin now upon your face. If her acceptance through words wasn't enough she pulls you into another kiss which you lovingly return. As she sits up, you follow along and let your weight off of her. Yes, a shower would be good... Yes, meeting you back in your room in half an hour would also be good. You should say that to her.

You manage a very flimsy nod because for some reason you can't form words at the moment. Your mind is too obsessed with how beautiful she looks right now. The blue blush upon her cheeks was so lovely on her. She tried so hard to hide it but you never wanted her to hide any of herself from you. You wanted every part of her as perfect or imperfect it was. You reach a hand out to caress her cheek softly, gazing into her eyes with a deep adoration that she likely never received from anyone before you.

"Half an hour it is then..." You say quietly as you stand up and help her to her feet. After putting your clothes back on you place the remains of the food and the towels back into the basket and head back to your room, holding Vriska's hand the entire way.

Once back at her room you reluctantly let her hand go, not breaking eye contact with her until her door slides shut. You take a deep breath and enter your own room. The next half an hour is spent making sure you're ready... A shower, brushing of the teeth, fixing your hair. You then look at your room and wonder if you should put some music on, or alchemize some candles, or maybe some rose petals.

Wait. This was Vriska. She probably would wonder why you had lit your room on fire or scattered flora everywhere seemingly for no reason. All you both really wanted was each other. You do, however, dim the lights to a somewhat romantic setting. Too bright would feel awkward but too dark and you wouldn't be able to see her. You definitely wanted to see her. God, you wanted nothing more than to see her. You then discard your towel and quickly put on your black shirt with the green slime ghost on it with some jeans. This was the shirt she told you to make two years ago and it signified the first day you met her, even if it wasn't in person. You forego shoes and socks since they'd just be a nuisance.

You spend the remaining couple of minutes pacing around your room. Now you were more nervous and excited than ever. The knock upon your door could not come soon enough. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, it happens and you nearly jump at the sound. Without a moment's hesitation you're at the door, pressing the button and letting it glide open...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Attempt to get rid of those pesky nerves

The hand that reaches over and brushes against your cheek does nothing but increase the blue in your face, but for once you don’t look away when you feel the heat in your cheeks. There’s something in John’s eyes that you like, and you aren’t sure what it is. You just know it makes you feel weird and fuzzy inside.

You let him help you up, brushing away a few stray grains of sand from your arms and legs. You probably don’t want to be trailing sand down the hallways. Tangling your fingers with his, you wait until he’s packed up the basket again before walking with him out of the room, slipping on your socks and sneakers again on the way out.

After you let go of his hand and head into your room, you stand in front of your door for a minute, staring at it. In a half hour you’re going to go out that door and into John’s room don’t even know what then. You’re nervous as hell, but you’ve been waiting for this, and there’s no way you’re going to chicken out now.

With that figured out, you take a quick shower, washing all of the sand out of your hair that had gotten in it after you went swimming. Even when wet, it’s significantly unruly. After you dry it, it’s in its usual flying-all-over-the-place mess. You make several frustrated attempts to tame it with a comb, but as usual, it doesn’t work.

You stare in the mirror for a few minutes, having dressed again in your normal sign top and jeans. It doesn’t seem right. Tonight is supposed to be special, and you’re about to go over to meet John in a T-shirt and jeans. It just seems too casual, but you have nothing else to wear, so you guess you’ll just have to go in this.

Glancing at the time, you realize that you still have a good ten minutes before John will be expecting you to appear. At least it’ll give you time to calm yourself down before leaving. You aren’t even sure why, but you’re suddenly nervous. You’ve never had a real matesprit, much less a human one, so you don’t even know what to expect. Just how different are humans from Trolls? You guess you’ll find out soon enough...

A couple minutes later, after staring at the door again for a while, you see that it’s been about a half hour. You’ll probably be expected just about now. You start to head towards the door, then you pause for a moment. Kicking off your shoes and socks, you press the button to open your door. You probably won’t need them. You lock your door again from the outside and walk the couple steps to stand outside John’s door.

Taking a deep breath, you lift your hand and give the door a few quick, sharp raps. You hear soft footsteps approaching the door, and it slides open to reveal him standing there barefoot in jeans and the shirt you’d talked him into making two years ago when you first decided to start trolling him. The room is significantly darker than it had been when fully lit, but there is just enough light so you can easily make out every detail of him when he’s standing right in front of you.

You offer him a slight smile, stepping forward into the room to let the door close behind you, your toes fidgeting a little from your nerves. “Hi.” You stand there for a moment, staring into his eyes for several long seconds. “Is it crazy to have missed you for the last half hour?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Reunite

Seeing her standing in your doorway causes you to take a sharp breath. Your eyes scan her up and down and your heart seems to catch in your throat almost as if you were seeing her for the first time again. She, like you, was just wearing her simple t-shirt and jeans but that was actually something you loved about her. Vriska had always been beautiful to you and she always would be, no matter what she wore. In fact you rather liked the casual, barefoot look. Besides, the clothes were going to end up in the same place regardless of what they were, if you had anything to say about it...

The shy little greeting she gives you is about the most adorable thing you've ever heard, though you certainly wouldn't say that to her directly. It was taking all your willpower not to just ravage her immediately without even giving a response. Your fingers were at your sides, twitching with the insatiable need to touch her all over. She speaks again, and your grin widens further at her words if that was even possible. You finally move into her, placing your arms around her with a tight embrace, gliding a hand through her luxurious hair, so there's no light between the both of you whatsoever. It was as if your bodies had developed a symbiotic relationship and couldn't live being apart for hardly any time at all.

"If that's crazy then you may as well have me committed..." You mutter as you lean in to press your lips into hers. The kiss begins soft and sweet but soon turns immensely passionate as if you hadn't kissed her in years. Without even realizing it you soon find that you're pushing her into the door with your body nearly trapping her against it. Your tongue wrestles with hers almost ferociously and you grind your hips against hers letting her feel your desire.

Your hands begin to start exploring, sliding around to her hips and slowly moving up her body. As you find the hem of her shirt you allow your hands to start pulling it up her body. It ascends a few inches to reveal her belly until you pause seemingly arbitrarily. Your lips separate from hers and you take a few rough breaths. You can feel both your hearts pounding at insane rates and the look in your eyes screams your need to feel her further. Still, part of innocent sweet John lingers in them and that was the reason for your hesitation.

"Vriska, I am... so nervous it's kinda unbelievable. This... this is my first time and... well. I do know that I want this. I want you more than anything." You whisper before placing another soft kiss onto her lips. "I also love you more than anything... I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much. So I just want you to know that if you're not ready or having second thoughts, I understand. I'd wait until the end of time for you..."
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Give a little encouragement

You end up with a ridiculous grin on your face as you’re enveloped in a warm, tight hug, wrapping your arms around him in return. Something drags through your hair, probably his hand, and you close your eyes for a moment, just enjoying the closeness.

Pulling away after a few seconds, you lean in to meet him halfway in a light kiss with a smile. Several moments later, you deepen the kiss a little, and suddenly you’re being backed up, your back hitting the door with a soft muted thump. You feel his body press against yours, keeping you lightly pressed to the door. Somewhere in between kisses you feel his hips collide with yours, sending a wave of pleasure through you.

Your breathing gets a little faster as John’s hands move to your hips and locate the hem of your shirt, hooking under it and pulling the black fabric up a little. A breath of cool air hits your belly as the shirt creeps up several inches, then stops rather suddenly a few seconds later. You pull back from the kiss and look into his eyes, seeing in them the same desire you have, to not stop, to keep going. So why did he stop? Is he getting too nervous? Are you making him uncomfortable?

You grow a little nervous at his first few words, but as he continues, you feel significantly better. The light kiss he gives you brings the soft smile back to your face as you return it for a brief moment. It’s kind of cute how he’s worrying for your comfort, even after you reminded him that he didn’t need to worry about that. You honestly wouldn’t mind if he were more insistent, or more rough. You think you’d like it, actually. After essentially being in control of everything in your life since you were a grub, it’d be exciting to see what it’s like when you don’t get to decide how things go.

“Don’t be nervous, John,” you murmur softly, pulling him into a hug. “I want this as much as you do, but I’m nervous as hell, so one of us has to quit being nervous.” One of your hands finds its way up to his hair, brushing through the familiar black strands in a rather awkward attempt to reassure him. “And it had better be you,” you add, pressing your forehead gently to his with a smile.

“Remember what I told you all those weeks ago? I won’t break. If you want to be rough, then be rough. It’s okay, I promise, I'd love it.” Your hands move down to where his have frozen, your shirt still bunched up just below your ribs. Gently, you give his hands a light push, starting them again on their path up your sides. “And...I love you just as much.” Your hands move to his shoulders and give them a light tug, pulling him in for another kiss.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Try a bit of roughness

You already feel better as soon as Vriska begins to reassure you, hugging her back tightly. The gentle sensation of her hand in your hair assists in calming your freaked out nerves and you return her smile as she presses her forehead against yours. There wasn't really any way to voice how happy she was making you right now, so you just grin wide at her insistence that you be the one to stop being nervous already. She then makes it a point to remind you that she won't break, and even encourages you to be... rough.

You sort of freeze at such a suggestion, only coming out of the trance when she assists your hands back up to her sides and pulls you into a kiss. You melt into it, continuing to push her shirt up as you had been previously, gripping against her skin strongly with your hands. Hearing her speak her love for you dissipated any nervousness you had and re-energized you completely. The fact that she wanted you to be rough was thrilling, though also a bit concerning. Did you even know how do be rough? It didn't matter. You'd figure it out. You were now more determined than ever because you wanted nothing more than to make her happy.

You pull back from the kiss only to suddenly tug her shirt off over her head, tossing it aside as if it served no purpose anymore. "Okay, I can try some roughness... but you have to promise me something..." You begin, smirking seductively. Okay, well you attempt and you know you probably are still a bit too dorky to pull off a truly sexy look, but you're going to try your damnedest. You pause your train of thought to take a moment to admire the gorgeous, shirtless Troll girl in front of you and you're greeted with much more of that pristine grey skin than you're used to. Her breasts are still concealed by a modest cerulean blue bra, but they filled it nicely. She had gotten a few inches away from the wall in order to help you get the shirt off, but you quickly shove her back, running a hand back into her hair and gripping the back of her head tightly. You lock eyes with her, looking deadly serious if only briefly.

"Promise me you'll make some noise... Don't hold it back." You growl as you initiate another voracious kiss. It's enough to where you cut yourself on one of her fangs again, but this time you don't even so much as flinch. The small bit of pain was too overwhelmed by how much adrenaline was running through you. If anything, it felt good.

Your other hand moves downward to her jeans, unbuttoning them and sliding the zipper down all the way. You can't hold back a blush as you remind yourself you're undressing the breathtaking Vriska Serket in your bedroom. Usually you'd only daydream about moments like this, but it was real and much more exciting than you ever could have anticipated. You begin to slide the jeans off of her hips and down her legs until gravity takes them the rest of the way. Your lips separate from hers once again as you yank her head back in order to expose her neck. Instantly your lips are upon it, kissing, nibbling and biting as if it were a genuinely delicious meal, and you allow your tongue to give some attention to the dark spot you had created earlier.

After a minute or so you step back again, taking some rough breaths. The hunger in your eyes really did make you look like you were ready to devour her, and now seeing her in just her bra and matching panties was sending that appetite into overdrive. She had always looked beautiful, but her simple outfit never did her fantastic body justice.

"Vriska... You're nothing short of a goddess..." You utter softly with a slight smirk. It was definitely referring to her beauty, but also a subtle nod at the fact that she actually sort of was a goddess in a way. After all, the Trolls had created your universe. It was such an insane thing to realize that you were in love with someone who had a hand in making everything you ever knew. Even yourself.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Decide that neither of you really needs clothing

You smile into the kiss as you feel his hands start to pull your shirt up further, moving away from the wall in order to let the shirt slip over your head and land on the floor several feet away, leaving the upper half of your body dressed only in a blue bra. Grinning back at his sort-of-sexy sort-of-dorky but somehow completely adorable smirk, you pull him closer.

“Promise you something? Name your price,” you reply, giving him a confident smile. You hadn’t noticed you had moved from the wall in the first place, but suddenly he sharply pushes you back into the wall, digging a hand into your hair and taking hold of the back of your head. Something within you tingles with excitement at the sudden movement, and you look into his eyes, noticing that he’s actually being serious now. Or at least, it looks like he is.

Your grin grows wider at his request, your arms tightening around him. You think you can do that if he wants you to. Before you can respond you’re pulled into another kiss, this one significantly more forceful than the last one. Not that you’re complaining, of course. You return it, letting your lips part so your tongue can slip out and wrestle with his. You feel his lip catch on one of your fangs, spilling several drops of blood, but you ignore it, lightly running your tongue across the small puncture mark on his lip. It’ll be healed soon anyway, so it doesn’t make a difference.

Your attention suddenly flashes from the feeling of his lips on yours to the brush of his hand on your jeans. A shiver of excitement runs through you as his fingers quickly undo the button and move to the zipper, tugging it down in one smooth motion. You can feel his face get a little warmer as your jeans work their way off your hips and down your legs, and finally into a crumpled heap on the floor. Somehow you manage to step out of the heap of denim and kick it aside without breaking the kiss, now only in your bra and panties.

The hand in your hair suddenly yanks down, bringing your head back to expose your neck and leaving you to stare at the ceiling. Your eyes close as you feel him start to kiss and nip at your neck, teasing the delicate skin to the point where your breathing gets significantly shallower and quicker. He brushes over the darkened patch of skin from earlier, getting from you a little gasp for his trouble.

When his hand disappears from your hair and he backs up, staring at you, giving you that immense compliment, whatever miracle has kept the blood from rushing to your face up till now collapses, turning your face blue yet again. It’s incredibly frustrating how little control you have over the blushes.

“You and I both know I’m far short of that, John. But thank you anyway.” You pull him back in for another kiss, a brief meeting of the lips before you pull back again. Your hands move from his shoulders, trailing down past his chest to the hem of his shirt, lightly tugging at it. “It’s not fair, you know,” you say with a grin, letting your hands inch his shirt up slowly. “I want to see you too...and as much as I love that shirt with those jeans, it’s all getting in the way.”

You let your hands continue up their path, slipping off his shirt and tossing it to the side along with your own. Your hands move down to the button of his jeans, and you look up at him a little uncertainly, as if to ask permission. You still aren’t sure how comfortable he is with this, so you don’t want to go too far without his approval...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Continue casting aside clothing

It was no surprise she didn't just accept your compliment without denying it first. Vriska had always been very confident about herself, but for some reason her appearance wasn't part of that. You had no clue why. Terezi and Kanaya were also attractive, but Vriska was on another level entirely. The way her hair flowed wildly around her. The fascinating eyes that were unlike any others. Those fierce, yet attractive fangs. You had told her how much you loved every bit of her time and time again, but even if she denied it every time that just meant you'd tell her again later. You return the quick kiss, shivering at her touches along your chest and down to the edge of your shirt. She begins to draw it up slowly, claiming it was only a hindrance at this point. You couldn't agree more. You don't make any attempt to stop her from slipping it off and tossing it away similarly to how you had removed hers. Now bare chested, you fail at holding back your blush. Yeah she had seen you shirtless already but this situation was sort of different. That was one step closer to... well...

"Well, now that you're seeing me, I hope it was worth the wait..." You mutter, nipping at her lower lip as her hands venture further down to your jeans. She hesitates over the button, gazing at you cautiously. Instead of just straight out telling her it's okay, your hands move to grasp hers, urging her to undo the button and pull down the zipper. With your guidance she eventually pulls them down to your ankles and you kick the pants aside with little interest as to where they land. You're now clothed only in your Ghostbusters boxers (hey, your wardrobe was still made up of underwear you didn't really expect anyone else to actually look at), and your glasses if one were to count such as clothing; At this point there's very little to hide your immense arousal, tenting the loose fabric with ease.

Once again you have to remind yourself that yes, you are in your underwear with a beautiful alien girl and no, it wasn't a dream. You were basically like Captain Kirk! You're the handsome, space explorer wooing the alien woman. It's you. For some reason you're just not nervous anymore. Maybe the endorphins were just doing their job, but Vriska's encouragement certainly didn't hurt. Just knowing you had a girl like this who loved you as much as you loved her made you feel like you could do anything. With that thought energizing you, you let your hands pull Vriska into you again, trapping your hardness between your bodies so there was no way she didn't feel it easily. You then grip her ass tightly while flashing a wicked smirk before letting your hands journey up her body again. Your fingers massage into her skin as they make their way along her back and occasionally you drag your nails aggressively; Not enough to break skin, as you keep them well trimmed, but probably enough to elicit some sort of reaction. Meanwhile you torment her with numerous short, taunting kisses, biting at her lip every time you pull back.

Having her down to her underwear was exciting and all, but... you couldn't stop there. You wanted to see all of her. As your hands reach the clasp of her bra they start the unlocking process. Or try to at least. Damn, the thing was confusing! You chuckle with a bit of embarrassment, letting your face flush further than it already had. "Oh man, I was doing so well, too... I think..."

Finally you get it and your face lights up with the excitement over your victory and the anticipation. You step back and let the bra fall off her chest, revealing her remarkable breasts, perfectly round and sized for your hands with provocative blue-tinted nipples. You were a teenager with access to the Internet so it's not like you've never seen any before, but never any in person, and never any from a girl you were as attracted to as much as Vriska. You're staring. You should probably stop staring.

You fail to stop staring.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Try to distract your matesprit

Still looking up at John, you feel the warmth of his hands on top of yours, pressing you to continue. You are only too happy to keep going, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans before pushing them down and out of the way. You pull back for a moment, catching a glimpse of his boxers. The things that make up the pattern on it are unfamiliar to you, but there’s something tenting the fabric of the boxers. It both scares you and excites you that you have this effect on him. But it’s mostly just exciting. You’ve waited for weeks to be able to do this, and now you have him all to yourself.

You allow yourself to be pulled into another tight hug and return it, feeling the hardness under his boxers press comfortably against you. This time when he grabs at your ass you aren’t taken as much by surprise, looking up at him with a bit of a grin. As his hands start to creep up your back, teasing the sensitive skin with his fingers and occasionally his nails, your body shudders against his, and you let out a small groan of pleasure. You eagerly return the small half-kisses he gives you at the same time, leaning forward insistently in an attempt to keep his lips on yours for more than just a second at a time. Frustratingly, he keeps slipping away before you can do much but return the quick kisses. But every time you think you’ve got him he pulls away again, nipping at your lower lip.

You growl a little, still trying without much success to get a proper kiss from him. “Damn it John...” you growl at him in between kisses, your arms tightening around him. It’s infuriating how you can’t seem to get him to stay still for just half a moment so you can kiss him, and the warmth of his body pressed so close to yours is driving you just a little bit crazy.

You smirk at him as you feel his hand reach the clasp of your bra, his fingers attempting to unhook it. It’s just a simple pair of hooks, but he seems to be having quite a bit of trouble figuring out how to work the clasp. You consider reaching back to help him with it, then it snaps apart with a quiet snick

As John steps back, looking thoroughly happy and triumphant over the small victory, you keep the straps of your bra sitting on your shoulders for a couple seconds, pushing away the sudden shyness that’s attacking you. But come on, this is John you’re talking about. You shouldn’t be nervous around your matesprit. You let the bra fall after a moment, leaving you completely barechested in front of him. Whatever embarrassment you had earlier fades away gradually, and you offer him a tentative smile.

After a few seconds, you realize that he’s staring. You move forward a little bit, reaching out to gently take his shoulders, pulling him towards you until he’s standing only a couple inches away from you.

“Are you okay?” You grin at him, giving him a quick kiss. “I know we aren’t a whole lot like humans in a lot of ways, but I’m pretty sure we’re not that different.” With a quick wink, your arms wrap around his waist, pulling him further in until your hips are lightly pressed against his. You lean up to press your lips to his again, gently running your tongue across his lower lip.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Kiss somewhere other than the lips for a change...

You remain entranced until you feel gentle hands rest upon your shoulders, guiding you closer. When you hear her voice you finally look back into her eyes, returning the quick kiss and allowing a rather large grin to spread across your face. With a flirtatious wink she pulls you into her again and you shudder at the sensation of her tongue gliding across your lip. You hold her tightly in return, enjoying the feeling of her bare, soft chest against yours as you press into her body.

"I... I'm definitely okay. You have no idea how completely and utterly okay I am..." You assure her, stroking her hair and her horns as you draw her into another deep, impassioned kiss. In the midst of the heated embrace, you let your hands slide down to her hips. You then lift her off her feet in a manner that encourages her to support herself by wrapping her legs around you. You then carry her to the bed, dropping her onto the soft mattress which springs up and down against the sudden force of a body being laid onto it. You take a moment to admire her from your standing position, her hair pooling around her in beautiful, fluid strands. She was an a divine sight to behold, much like a legendary piece of artwork. You wanted to personally thank each cell and molecule that had a part in holding such a lovely form together. Eventually you lean over her, reaching a finger out to gently and teasingly run along the bottom of her right breast.

"Humans have these too. I've uh... just never seen any up close and certainly never touched any... I apologize for staring, but it's just because yours are absolutely fantastic." You utter softly, grinning as you begin to climb over her body, soon ending up face to face with her again and losing yourself in her eyes full of love and excitement. "You are rather different, though... You're far and away more beautiful than any human I've ever seen. But Vriska, even if you had a body totally contrary to that of a human, I'd still love you unquestionably..."

You lower yourself into another fiery kiss, letting your hand grip at her breast tightly. You loved finally being able to touch her like this without any clothing dulling the sensitivity, but you were interested in touching her breasts with more than just your hands... Your lips part from hers, raining short kisses down her jaw and neck before stopping at her collarbone to run your teeth across the skin around it. You waste very little time there, however, and continue down further. It's hard to stop from trembling with excitement when your face is now directly next to her flawless breasts, but you contain yourself as you grip one in your hand, guiding the nipple to your lips as you flick your tongue out over it. Your eyes glance up for a reaction before pressing your lips against the hardening nipple, taking it into your mouth completely. Your tongue begins to thoroughly work itself around in strong circles until you bite down on it with your teeth. You hold back some until you see her response, as you're still testing the waters regarding what 'rough' means. You hum lightly, letting the light vibrations of your mouth help enhance the intimate moment.

You bring your lips off her body for a moment, gazing up towards her face. "...More?"
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Give John another reminder

Feeling his hand running through your hair, you press closer to him, shivering a little at the brush of his hand against your horns. You more than happily return the kiss, looping your arms around his neck in order to keep him as close as possible. His hands move down past your hips and lift you up, forcing you to hook your legs around his waist to keep yourself upright. You rest your head on his shoulder for the duration of the short trip to the bed, keeping yourself firmly latched to him until he drops you.

You land on the bed with a soft thump, your already wild hair fanning out around you. Looking up at him, you can’t help but smile at the look on his face. Your arms come up and wrap around him again as he leans down over you. You suck in a quick breath, feeling a warm finger brush against the lower curve of your breast. Before, it had felt good when he’d touched your breasts through the fabric of whatever shirt you were wearing. Now when the finger runs along the sensitive skin, you grin at him, a little amused by his excuse for staring. You hadn’t expected to hear it, but it feels nice nonetheless to know that he likes what he sees.

You tilt your head up a little to meet him in a kiss with a smile, biting down lightly on his lower lip. When he starts to pull away you release his lip, letting your head retreat back into the softness of the bed.

As his lips trail down your jaw to your neck and collarbone, your heartbeat speeds up exponentially. By the time he’s gotten to your breast, your heart is thumping against your ribs so hard you wonder it isn’t audible by now. The light brush of his tongue over the slightly blue nipple sends another shiver through you. You look down at John to see him looking up at you for a moment before returning to your breast.

You feel his lips on your breast again, then his tongue running its way around it, then his teeth clamping down. Your hands automatically tighten on his shoulders, clenching down with a soft gasp. Something buzzes gently into his light grip on your nipple, sending small shocks of pleasure through your already partially hazy mind. You take a somewhat shaky breath, pressing up against him the slightest bit more.

Suddenly the vibration stops. Why did it stop? It feels amazing beyond possibility, why did it have to stop? After a moment you realize he’s looking up at you asking you if you want more. What kind of silly question is that? Of course you want more, his lips might just be the best thing you’ve ever felt, whether on your own lips or on other parts of your body.

You let one of your hands travel down to ruffle his hair affectionately. “I love how you still think you have to ask me for permission,” you say with a grin. Your legs wrap around him again from behind, pulling him just a little closer. “Let’s just go on the assumption that the answer is always yes. Really. Whatever you want to do, just do it. It’s your call.”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Do away with Vriska's last pesky bit of clothing

You chuckle softly at Vriska's response and react by moving back up her body, grabbing both of her hands in yours and pushing them over her head somewhat forcefully. There's an almost feral look in your eyes as you brush your lips against hers tauntingly before pulling back. "I wasn't asking you for permission. I was asking if you liked it. Now I'm not a complete idiot. Your body language says you do, but I like hearing your voice..." You finally kiss her deeply, grinding your hips against her as you do, eliciting a small moan from your throat. You release one of her hands to return attention to her breast, kneading and massaging it while occasionally pinching the nipple between your fingers.

When you withdraw from the kiss you look into her eyes once once again, smirking wickedly. "Though... I suppose I shouldn't just be prompting you for a response like that. I'll have to make you more vocal with action instead..."

You kiss back down to her breasts again to resume feasting upon them. You give the other some focus this time, taking as much of the soft flesh into your mouth as you can. You assault her nipple with a frenzy of sucking motions, licks and bites while your hand tries to please the other, occasionally humming your throat to produce more vibration. After a minute or so you switch between them again as if you just could not bear to see either superb breast go unloved for too long. It really was quite a thrill to have such a wondrous chest at your fingertips, enough so that you feel like despite your fierce arousal you could probably spend all night attacking them. Suddenly you give a rather harsh bite on the nipple, gazing up to her as you do. She had requested rough. You wanted her to have it.

You weren't going to settle on just pleasing her breasts, though, and you gather your courage for the next course of action. The hand you weren't using for stability over her body began to slowly trace down the random patterns in her skin until reaching her hips. Thoroughly, you rub your fingers between her legs against the fabric of her panties. The sudden rush of heat upon your hand is almost overwhelming. God, she was excited. You were as well, though that was a bit more visibly obvious. You swore your heart was going to burst through your chest just knowing Vriska was below you, burning hot and ready and waiting. With a deep breath you grasp the band of her panties and slowly guide them down her legs. Once they were off you kneel back to take in the sight of her fully nude form.

"Vriska... you're... wow..." You mutter, unable to really gather any more meaningful words together as your face flushes profusely. If you weren't as hard as a rock before you certainly were now...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Rid John of the rest of his clothes

You offer no resistance as John’s fingers tangle with yours and push your hands up above your head, widening your already considerable grin. Admittedly, he’s doing better than you originally thought he might. You lean forward again, trying once more to keep your lips attached to his, a tiny growl bubbling up again. Then he finally gives you the kiss you got a preview of a moment ago, his hips rubbing up against yours. The small sound he makes only gets you more excited, and you bump your hips against his in return. The pressure on one of your hands disappears, to instead relocate to toy with one of your breasts, each of the intermittent pinches making you groan a little into the kiss.

After the kiss breaks you draw back a little into the covers, grinning up in return to his smirk. “I don’t think I’d object to any of your actions,” you reply, stealing one more light kiss before he moves back down to start again on your breasts. The attention he’s lovingly giving to both of them is enough to have you gasping within a minute, your free hand going down to comb not quite gently through his hair, if only just to let out the restlessness that you’re fighting. A particularly hard bite on one of your nipples makes you jump a little in surprise, stifling a yelp.

You fight back several shivers that run through you as his hand moves down your body in strange patterns. He brushes against several sensitive areas on your skin in the process, making you twitch slightly a couple times. And as if that isn’t enough, the hand slips between your legs, starting to rub. Despite your best efforts to not react too strongly, you can’t help squirming a little under him, letting out a long groan as heat comes rushing to your lower half impossibly fast.

The hand moves again, too soon, and comes to rest on the band of your panties, curling around it and pulling away your last bit of clothing. When you feel them around your ankles you kick them off to the side, glancing back up at John with an almost completely blue face. Without the panties on, you look, surprisingly, the same as a human, save the grey, perfectly smooth skin, and you’re already a little wet from the attention his fingers were just giving you. You feel a little more blood rise to your face, though you don’t take your eyes off him for a moment. On the bright side, he seems to be blushing just as much as you are.

Sitting up from where you were lying on the bed, you mirror his kneeling position, letting your hands move forward to run lightly over his chest. “Wow?” You grin at him, leaning forward to press your lips to his lightly. “You are so beyond adorable it’s just so...” You hesitate for a moment, your hands creeping down a little to trace across his stomach. “What about you?” Moving forward a little, you lightly press your now exposed hips against him again, feeling the hardness beneath the fabric of his boxers.

Slowly, you hook your fingers on the waistband of his boxers and tug down a little. You look back up at him, then take a small, quick breath and push them down altogether.

You give yourself a moment to take him in, staring down at him like you’ve never seen a human bulge before. ...Well, you haven’t seen one before, human or troll. You aren’t sure what standard you’re supposed to compare him to, but from your point of view he looks big.

“My turn, I” You offer a slight laugh, moving your hands back up to rub gentle circles on his shoulders. “It’s not even fair how much I love you...” You pull him into another kiss suddenly, mashing your lips against his and pressing against him, wrapping him tightly in your arms.

You pull away again after several seconds, keeping a couple inches of space between your face and his. “Just in case you didn’t know,” you add on as an afterthought, giving him a soft smile.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Eagerly explore the naked Troll

You continue to stare in awe at Vriska's completely exposed body. Everything in your mind is foggy, and time seems to grind to a halt. For a girl whose mind control powers didn't work on humans, you're certain you would literally do anything she asked at this moment. You tremble a bit with sheer excitement, especially at the sight of the moist, hairless folds between her legs. It seemed like a human woman's, but knowing Trolls don't give birth it likely had another use entirely. Kanaya had once offered to teach you about Troll biology but you politely declined the offer while blushing red as a tomato. There was no way that conversation wouldn't have been extremely uncomfortable. Though because you didn't take that opportunity you didn't really know what to expect while undressing Vriska. It wasn't that you wouldn't accept and love her for however she was different, you just wanted to be able to please her as much as possible. Now that it looked as if you two would be... compatible, so many concerns were out the window and you could just now focus on making her groan with delight.

You only break free of your mesmerized state when she sits up against you, seemingly amused by your so very eloquent reaction. You grin as she compliments you, and shiver as her hand glides across your skin. Then she moves her hips against yours and you exhale as if you hadn't been breathing for the last two minutes. Actually, you might not have been now that you think about it. She seems to wish to return the favor of being undressed and you can't even really form the right words at the moment. Yes, yes please. Those would probably be the ones, but you just manage a weak nod. Then in one motion she pulls your boxers down your hips and to your knees. You swallow heavily as she looks at your shaft which was happily standing at full attention for her as the tip shined lightly with a small amount of fluid. You're not sure if you can blush any more but you feel your face get even hotter as she stares. You were sitting naked with Vriska Serket. You've never dreamed anything as amazing as this. How could it possibly be real?

She echoes the opinion you had given of her and you laugh along with her, letting your hands reach out to grasp her hips tightly. Her following words cause a deliriously warm feeling to rush throughout your entire body and you return her kiss with equal ferocity, growling into it as you do. You hold her tight against you and god help you if you ever let her go. When she pauses to speak once more, you stare into her eyes with a look of affection you've never had for anyone or anything before.

"Oh, I know... but hearing you say it will never stop making me feel like the luckiest guy in all of time and space. God, Vriska, I love you so much... I can't put it into words... So, hopefully I can prove it to you..." You utter softly, pulling her back into the kiss. Amidst the passion of your bodies pressing together you slip a hand between them and down to the junction of her legs. Soon her engorged lower lips are at your fingertips and the mere sensation of touching them causes you to moan into the kiss. You decide, however, that you would quite like to see it as well, so you gradually lower Vriska onto her back again and pull away from the kiss after letting it linger on for some time.

You shoot her a handsome smirk as if to say you're going to explore now, and you move yourself further down after finally kicking off the boxers which had still lingered at your knees. Her legs part instinctively upon touching her again and you're now given a much better view of her exquisite folds. "Every part of you is so impossibly beautiful..." You say with great sincerity in your voice as you part them with one hand and insert a couple of fingers with the other.

"Geez, you're so hot and wet... incredible." You continue with a tone of genuine fascination. Your exploring fingers curl upward against her walls, looking for any particular spot or position that might make her cry out in particular. You then take notice of the nub of flesh that is her clit and move in until you're close enough to press your lips around it. You begin to let your tongue work at it for a bit before trapping it between your teeth and you let out a pleased groan while gazing up to gauge her reaction once again. Eventually you slip your tongue inside her as much as possible, licking roughly against her insides while still thoroughly pumping your fingers as well. Realistically, you weren't sure what to make of the taste, but knowing it was hers made it absolutely delicious. Still, as this was going on your unattended cock throbbed against the soft bedsheets. You knew you couldn't wait much longer to be inside of her...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Attempt and fail to tell John just how much of an effect he’s having on you

You return to the kiss without any complaint whatsoever, enjoying the warmth of his body pressed against yours. One of his hands worms its way between you, traveling downward, coming to a stop between your legs. His fingers brush lightly against you, making you shiver a little and press closer to him. As he starts to move you backwards and down, your arms tighten around him, making sure he comes down with you.

Once you’re again lying on your back and he pulls out of the kiss, you release your grip on him, letting him move down. The sensation of his hand between your legs again makes you spread them without even realizing it, settling them on either side of him. You hear the first few words coming from him, but as you feel his fingers slip into you his voice kind of just turns into a blur of noise, and you stiffen suddenly with a sharp gasp at the strange sensation of his fingers inside you.

You relax again after a second, letting yourself adjust to the feeling. As his fingers start to move, hitting a particularly sensitive spot, you let out a whimper, a distinctive shiver running through your body. Feeling his lips close around your clit, your legs tighten around him in surprise, your hips moving up a little to press closer to him. The gentle bite is enough to make you do half a crunch with a groan, relaxing again only when he releases the sensitive flesh from his teeth.

Another surprised groan forces its way out of you as the softness of his tongue finds its way into you, rubbing against your inner walls. His tongue combined with his fingers moving in and out stirs something inside of you that feels unfamiliar but so incredibly good. Your hands move down to latch onto his hair, holding onto it more to occupy your hands than anything else. The feeling that’s slowly building inside of you is starting to scare you a little, so you move back from his lips and fingers, moving your hands to his shoulders and bringing him back up to eye level with you. You can feel his length pressing against you, pulsing the slightest bit, and right now you’d like nothing more than to feel it somewhere other than pressed against your leg.

“John...I don’t know much about any of this...and you’re so far beyond amazing I don’t even know how to describe it...but before we go further...I just want you to know that...well, you said this was your first time...and this is kind of my first time I’m nervous as hell and I'm probably doing a terrible job of telling you...but I know that I want you more than anything else.” You pull him into a kiss, and you can taste yourself on his lips, sharp and strange. Pulling away again, you give him a sly grin. Maybe you can cover up for your awkwardness by finally getting to the point and telling him what you want. “Now are you going to get on with it and do it already?” Your hips rock up again, rubbing lightly against him, encouraging him to keep going.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Do it already

Vriska's gasps and groans as your tongue eagerly investigates her tight passage were like a majestic symphony, and you'd gladly lick her all night if it meant more. You were honestly astonished that you could make a girl respond in such a vocal manner, but your instincts were thankfully treating you very well tonight. You really wanted nothing more than to make her happy. To give her everything you had to offer. However, as you continue you suddenly notice her pull back and guide you back up her body until once again your eyes are connected. You were briefly confused, wondering if you had done something wrong, but there's still a look of love and passion in her gaze that suggests just the opposite.

Her words are a bit aimless, but hearing her voice her desire for you fills you with an energy and need unlike any other. How a girl as spectacular as Vriska could ever want you more than anything is still a strange thought, but certainly one that brought you to the heights of happiness. It was a good thing she had stopped talking for the moment to kiss you, because you would have done so otherwise. Curiously you wonder how she feels about tasting herself on your lips, but the kiss is just as strong and fervent as ever. Eventually her lips part from yours and she offers you a sexy smile which would melt the hardest permafrost. She then follows with some words that please you in an unimaginable way. They sounded impatient and restless and so very much like the Vriska you loved. There was no other way you would have expected or wanted her to say it. You gasp lightly at the feeling of her hips pushing against you and you respond with a grin before pressing her lips to hers again. While you lock her into a heated kiss your body begins to shift over hers a bit. You then reach down between the two of you and grip your shaft, positioning it at her warm, slick entrance. You pull back from the kiss but only just enough to where your eyes are able to lock onto hers yet still keeping your faces close enough to breath the same air. Once you're there, your hand returns back to her side while the other moves behind her back to hold her against you as well as help support yourself.

You then push in, parting her moist walls with your steeled member. Immediately you're gasping out at the sudden tightness and heat surrounding you, but you keep your sapphire eyes full of lust and devotion on her, not even looking away for a moment as you journey further. You keep a watch for any severe discomfort in her expression or voice, just in case it hurts her more than anticipated, but as you continue you get no indication that you should stop. Your arms surround her strongly, holding her with a solid grip until you reach your hilt, your tip brushing against her inner edge as if she was made to support you specifically.

Your heart pounds in a frenzy and you take a deep, rugged breath as you take a moment to enjoy being completely inside Vriska, reveling in the shared loss of virginity. It was a heavenly sensation and you never wanted to leave. Your lips brush against hers ever so lightly as you whisper, "I've wanted to be inside you since the moment I saw you, Vriska... It's more amazing than I ever could have imagined..."

You initiate a powerful kiss as you begin to draw yourself out almost all the way to the tip, then you thrust back into her with a sharp force while biting down on her lower lip. A groan from your throat vibrates against her lips as you drive all the way inside once again, your hands clutching her body with substantial strength. Any impression that you might be aiming for sweet and gentle was now gone, and you shudder at the sheer ecstasy flowing through your veins. Attentions you had given to yourself in the past via your hand now seemed like a pale, offensive imitation of the true pleasure you were feeling now.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Wonder just how much he’s capable of

You find yourself pulled into another kiss almost as soon as you make your request, and you eagerly return it, coming up just short of attacking John’s tongue with yours. You feel his hand move down and then something coming to rest between your legs, ready to enter. If you had imagined this earlier you would have been so much more nervous than you are now. But now, instead of being nervous in the least, all you want is for him to push forward and, like you said, do it already. Somehow you start to pull back from the kiss at the same time he does, locking your eyes onto his. You aren’t sure exactly what your expression looks like, but you assume it looks fairly similar to what you’re seeing on his face, namely, raw passion and desire. You press up against him at the slight urging of the hand that slips behind your back, watching him steadily while you wait.

Then he shifts on you slightly, and suddenly he’s inside you, pushing forward, slowly pushing further in. Your hands automatically clench on his shoulders and you let out a breathless groan, feeling yourself contract around him as he enters. It's painful, but you've felt pain before, and this is nothing compared to other things you've felt. Besides, this is a good pain. You keep your eyes firmly locked on his, clinging tightly to him as he slowly pushes further into until you feel his hips against yours, indicating that he’s fully and completely sheathed in you. At the same time you feel him brush against something deep inside of you, having reached your limit as well.

You happily receive the light kiss with a smile, letting your grip on him loosen just a little as you get used to the feeling of having him inside you. The idea that he could have wanted this even from the time you accidentally walked in on his entrance you’ll don’t think you’ll ever be able to wrap your head around, but you don’t really need to understand it. All you need is to keep him here, just like this.

Returning the kiss, you hold him tighter against yourself as you feel him start to withdraw, drawing back almost completely. Then he suddenly thrusts forward forcefully, burying himself in you again with a bite to your lip. It's not so much painful as sudden and unimaginably pleasurable. Taken by surprise, you let out a cry against his lips, your back arching off the bed just a little bit.

After a moment you slowly relax again, pulling back from the kiss. You realize that you’re breathing heavily, still holding onto him like your life depends on it. You aren’t quite ready to let go of him yet, but you do manage to offer him a smile.

“You, Egbert, are just too perfect for your own good, you know that?” You offer him another light kiss before letting your head rest on his shoulder, closing your eyes contentedly for several seconds. “Really. You’re amazing.” You place a careful, gentle kiss on his neck, letting your fangs drag lightly over the skin as you pull back to gaze into his eyes, losing yourself yet again in those beautiful, bright blue eyes. “And you know what?” you add, pulling his face down until there’s less than an inch separating your lips from his. You stay in that position for just a couple seconds before giving him a small kiss, releasing him again. “I think you can do even better.”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Attempt to be in control

You relish every lively cry from her lips and a part of you wishes someone else could hear it. You took pride that you could bring Vriska Serket to such heights of pleasure that even she would lose control, but ultimately you were the only one who truly needed to hear it. She proceeds to offer you some very encouraging words while placing soft kisses upon your lips and pleasurably dragging fangs along your neck and you find it hard to believe anyone could consider you perfect. "If I'm perfect it's because you make me that way..." You reply as you emit a slight moan as her walls constrict around your throbbing shaft. The feeling of her nails along your skin was intoxicating, and you briefly arch your back at their command. A slight laugh comes from you at her final statement, staring into her eyes with a rather curious expression.

"Is that so..." You utter contemplatively. Without much warning you draw out and pound into her again, grunting as you do. Between a few heavy breaths, you continue, "Sounds like something the bossy Troll I know would say..."

Your body shifts again as you grip her wrists, wrenching them above her head as you lock your legs around hers in a position that serves to immobilize her. You knew she wasn't weak, but neither were you. Not anymore. You had confidence that you could keep her where you wanted if necessary. You resume your thrusts into her, equal parts long, quick and hard, with small growls accompanying each one. That feeling of pure bliss built up further with every heavy motion into her, and it just urged you to continue.

"You were quite happy telling me what to do two years ago. I was happy do follow your every order... but..." You lean down, pressing your chest into her breasts as you quickly bite at her neck during a particularly rough thrust, following by tilting your lips to her ear. "You're mine tonight..."

Your lips find hers again, capturing them with intensity and welcoming her tongue with yours while your hands tighten your grip on her wrists. Another heavy plunge into her tight passage is quickly followed by another. You make sure to bottom out every time, and you moan against her lips hungry for more. After some time your lips part and you're nearly panting. Your eyes stare into hers with a half-lidded look of carnal infatuation and you speak with a husky tone. "Though... if there is something you really want from me... Beg for it... and maybe I'll oblige." You add with a rather fiendish smirk. Would Vriska Serket ever beg for anything? You'd have to admit it would be quite a turn on. You're still not sure where this side of you came from, but you're quite glad it revealed itself.

You finally release her hands as you push yourself up, shifting again until you're sitting on your bent legs above her. It was a spectacular view of her flawless body, and the thrill of watching yourself disappear into her completely was unmatched. Your arms, having gained some length over the past couple years, reach down and grip her heaving breasts, kneading them between your palms and digging your fingers into the incredibly soft flesh while you continue impaling her with your entire length.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Let someone else take control for once

You listen to the reply to your last statement, just enjoying the sound of John’s voice. Then he pulls back and slams in again, shaking the bed with the force of the sudden movement. It sends another pleasurable shock through you, but you manage to contain the feeling in a gasp, your hands clenching down on him again as you feel him settle back into you, fitting perfectly inside you as if you had literally been made for each other.

You feel him move again, and suddenly your hands are pushed roughly above your head and held there by your wrists, his legs twining around yours, making it nearly impossible to move. You could pull away if you wanted to...maybe. His grip feels like it might actually be strong enough to keep you in place even if you tried to move. But you don’t want to try to move. You take quick, shallow breaths as he continues, grunting a little every time he drives back into you, bringing back that strange feeling inside of you that’s slowly starting to build up again.

A slight smile curves your lips as you listen to him remind you of how easily you manipulated him two years ago while he was playing the game, and how he actually did running around doing everything you told him to do. Another hard thrust brings you back to the present with a long groan, and an thrill runs through you at his next words. It feels surprisingly exciting to not be in control for once, and you’d quite happily agree to belonging to him for the night.

You start to reply, then you’re cut off abruptly by his lips coming down on yours, wiping all memory of what you were going to say from your mind as you part your lips to let your tongue escape and wrestle with his. The tightened grip on your wrists goes unnoticed for the most part as the thrusts continue, using just the right amount of force to make you groan softly into the kiss. You lean forward to keep his lips against yours for as long as possible as he pulls away, locking your eyes onto his again. Just the expression on his face is enough to make you want so much more, and you laugh softly at his suggestion. You would certainly be very impressed if he’d ever be able to make you beg for anything. It just makes you wonder if he could...and if he could, how he would.

When the hands on your wrists disappear, along with most of his weight on you, you look up at him, your newly freed hands moving down a little to grasp handfuls of the bedcovers on either side of you. You feel his hands come down on your breasts, gripping them almost painfully, and you let out a small yelp in surprise.

You just lie there for a few seconds, just reveling in the feeling of him pounding into you and toying with your breasts, letting the pleasure inside of you slowly build up to more. Your hands creep slowly up to grasp his upper arms after a few moments, pulling him down a little. At the same time you lean up, grabbing his shoulders to pull him back down to the bed with you. You can feel your legs trembling a little, whether from excitement or from something else entirely you can’t tell.

You pull him closer, nails digging into his shoulders with the effort. The demand that then comes out is almost instinctive, as if it isn't just you that wants more, it's the sensation that's still building in you, wanting more and more until it's satisfied. “M-more...” you whisper into his ear, your voice shaking the slightest bit.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Make her beg

Your head arches back with a hoarse groan as the intense pleasure of plunging into Vriska begins to overwhelm you. Your hands continue to vigorously torment her perfect breasts and you don't really return to reality until you feel her hands begin to pull at your arms. A part of you wanted to deny her drawing you back down, but it's hard to resist the fervent need to press your body against hers again. You follow her down, sucking in air through your teeth as her nails dig into your shoulders, allowing a bit of fiercely arousing pain to shoot through you. The way she's trembling beneath you is such a wonderful response to your actions thus far, and it's hard to hold back doing the same when you're feeling so consumed by excitement and passion.

Briefly, you bury your face into her shoulder as you slam into her a few more times and you hear her whisper a simple yet amazingly powerful word into your ear. Never had a single syllable affected you so severely and just hearing it sent a wave of pleasure throughout your body. Vriska Serket pleading for more of you would be something you'd remember forever, and you certainly wanted her to have it. You wanted to give her everything you had to offer. Your lips begin to plant tender kisses and bites along her neck and shoulder as your thrusts begin to come quicker but with still a substantial force. Eventually you return your lips to hers, kissing her with an ardent need while your movements cause you to grunt, growl and moan into her mouth.

When the long, hungry kiss finally breaks your eyes flutter back open to see that at this point your glasses were now fogging up to a ridiculous degree. You take a quick moment to wipe them clean before clutching her back with one hand and her hip with the other, helping guide their motions. The heat between your bodies was astounding and between that and your heavy movements helping to penetrate Vriska fully you were beginning to form a nice sweat, coating your body with a rather attractive shine.

"I never want to stop fucking you..." You whisper to her somewhat suddenly between deep, ragged breaths. You feel as if those words had just left you without even a thought, and you can only hope she isn't put off at all by the sheer bluntness of it. It's not a genuine concern, knowing her as you do, but you never wanted to mistakenly give off the impression that sex was all she meant to you, no matter how spectacular it was.

The ecstasy was building up exponentially by the second and you knew it wouldn't be long now until you reached climax. You wouldn't be able to forgive yourself if you finished without making her come, so you slow your movements to make your approach more manageable. The hand upon her hip releases it to run up her body until it reaches her hair, digging through from behind and gripping her forked horn as you sharply pull her into another rough kiss. You decide to let the slowed movements play into the more controlling persona you had adopted earlier, knowing that any reduction in speed or force could disappoint her. You just had to find the right methods to help bring her closer to the edge without stumbling over it yourself first.

When the kiss breaks, you tug at her lip with your teeth briefly before gazing into her eyes expectantly. "I think... you still want more... So let me hear just how much..."

The hand that had been caressing her horn moves between your burning bodies, eventually reaching the tip of her passage. Your fingers then begin to rub against her clit with a definite purpose, hoping to draw her as close to the peak as possible. Your cock feels just about ready to burst as it throbs against her tight walls, thicker than ever with arousal.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Completely lose any sense of free will

You feel John’s movements start to speed up, and when he eventually brings his lips back to yours, you return the kiss, greedily biting at his lower lip every few seconds, your own gasps and groans mingling with his between kisses. You open your eyes to a pair of very cloudy glasses, and you can’t help grinning a little at him as he wipes them. Lifting yourself up a little to allow his hand to slide under your back, you fit perfectly against him, your body moving in perfect sync with his under his guidance. Looking back up at him, you take a moment to just stare at him, admiring everything from the glasses perched on his nose to the slight sheen of sweat covering his body. A single thought floats into your mind, he's perfect. Absolutely, completely perfect.

The words he suddenly whispers to you, even though they sound like they were rushed and not entirely thought through, sound like one of the most wonderful ideas you’ve ever heard. You certainly wouldn’t mind doing this forever, and your mind never even touches upon the idea that he might only want you for sex, and it’s definitely not a course your mind ever took. But you’ve already fallen for him so hard that it’s impossible to even imagine not loving him for every single perfect part of him, sex or no sex.

You notice his thrusts start to slow down a little, though the force behind them remains enough to pull little gasps from you every time he drives into you again, and you wonder if he's getting tired or if you did something wrong, various scenarios running through your mind before his traveling hand interrupts your thoughts. You shiver the slightest bit as his hand creeps from your hip all the way up to your hair, and you let out a low groan as his hand reaches your hair, grabbing the sensitive horn and dragging you into a kiss. Returning the kiss eagerly, you let your lips part, bringing your fangs down to just brush his tongue before you pull away again.

Your eyes widen a little at his next words, almost a little out of amusement that he still thinks he could make you beg for anything.

Apparently you’re the one who’s going to be proven wrong here. You emit a gasp as you feel his fingers start to rub against your clit, your arms tightening suddenly around him as he brings you closer and closer to your limit. You start to move under him, bringing your hips up as well as you can to meet his, just aching for that moment of release.

“More...” you whisper again, feeling yourself constrict again around him, waiting for it to happen. “J-just a l-little more...p-please, John...” Your face turns a deep blue as you realize what you just said, without even noticing it. But at this point, in the heat of the moment, you don’t care what you have to say for him to give you that one extra push to send you over. You pull him into a deep kiss, your hands moving to the back of his neck to hold him there until you pull away again, staring directly into his eyes, your expression pleading for just that little bit more.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Give her a little more and lose all rational thought

As your fingers continue to massage her clit, her needful words caress your ears with a pleasant smoothness. She blushes beautifully, seemingly unaware that she was truly that desperate for release, and you grin with a sense of triumph. There was no doubt that you were literally the only person to ever hear such words from Vriska Serket and surely you'd remain the only one. At least, you hoped you would be. Now experiencing such a passionate moment with her made it just that much harder to ever imagine her doing it with anyone else. You had told her you'd understand if she ever had to find a kismesis and do everything such a relationship entails, but... what you were doing with her now felt like more than just sex. You loved her so much and you had never felt closer to anyone. You knew it was foolish to expect her to follow your race's standards of romance, but there was a part of you that hoped that just maybe she could care for you enough to never feel the need to fill that other quadrant.

Another deep kiss reminds you that wasn't anything to worry about right now. You could feel her walls tightening around you while her hips squirmed in attempt to draw herself even closer to the edge. When the kiss breaks and you look into her eyes once again you were excited at the desperate need in them, not satisfied with only words begging you for more. You wouldn't say it, but you were quite thankful she did as you asked because you were just as close as she was. You allow the hand upon her back to resume guiding her, gripping her tightly as your thrusts regain speed.

"As you wish..." You whisper as you place a soft kiss upon her lips, your face blushing further. You weren't sure if you were inadvertently slipping in a movie reference at a rather inappropriate time or if you genuinely just felt that was the right thing to say, but the odds on the former were high. As much progress as you had made being mature and sexy, you still were a complete dork at heart.

The intense pleasure was on the rise once again, and your breaths and grunts were taking a much more ragged form. It was getting hard to think about anything other than pounding into her. Nothing else even existed right now except for Vriska and the bed that supported your bodies. With every passing moment you feel more exhilarated, and the sensation somehow keeps growing even when each previous moment seems impossibly good already. Your fingers cease tormenting her clit and return to strongly grip at her side, pulling her into you with every hard impaling motion; Each one making your tip brush against the limit of her passage. Your lips collide with hers again in a few sloppy, aimless kisses and beads of sweat slowly begin to roll down your chin. However, knowing you're so close causes you to quickly halt any further attempts at kisses to lock your gaze onto hers, knowing you had to see her as you both reached the edge. Then it hits you like a wave crashing against the shoreline, and there was no hope of holding back any longer. Your entire body begins to shudder like your very center is the source of an immense earthquake.

"Oh god... Vriska..." You moan out as you push all the way inside. Your bulging cock quickly erupts with stream after stream of hot seed, coating her insides. You offer a few more heavy thrusts in order to allow her gripping center to milk you for every last drop. The sheer ecstasy of your climax was unlike any you had ever felt before and you swear you see stars behind your eyes. If a dimension of pure, unfiltered pleasure existed then this was the portal to it, and you can only pray hers is just as wonderful.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Finally let go

You feel him grant your request instantly, his movements speeding up again, bringing you even closer to the edge with a short, whispered phrase that you recognize vaguely from one of the human movies everyone used to watch. You smile softly to yourself at the reference; apparently even in bed the adorable nerdiness doesn't leave him. The small kiss he gives you sends a shiver down your spine, even with that small touch. You allow the hand on your back to guide you, pressing closer to him as your hips start to move even more against him, trying to find the best angle possible to maximize your pleasure.

You let out a pent-up breath as his fingers leave your clit to instead grab onto your side again to help him keep slamming into you, somehow impossibly managing to brush up against you every time, bringing out half-formed groans from you with each thrust. John’s lips brush against yours briefly several times, and you lean up the slightest bit to meet them, letting your lips mash against his a little wildly. Your teeth catch his lower lip in between them, careful not to cut him again but biting down on it a little before releasing it again. Then he’s pulling away, and your eyes meet his, seeing your own expression mirrored on his face. You don’t need to have crazy weird telepathic powers to know that you’ve both reached your breaking point.

His body starts to shake before he gives a particularly hard thrust, and you feel him erupt inside you, ejecting his seed deep within your body. The last few thrusts finally push you over the edge, and the building pleasure inside you suddenly snaps. With a noise that’s somewhere between a scream and a heavy sigh, you let your own climax rush through you, sending a powerful shudder through your body as your juices spill out around him, along with a feeling of complete, utter bliss. Somewhere in the midst of it, you hear yourself gasp out his name between ragged, uneven breaths, your hands clamping down hard where they had settled on his back, nails digging little crescent-shaped marks into his skin as the waves of pleasure crash through your body.

After a few glorious seconds, the sensation ends, leaving you with your arms wrapped tightly around him, your body trembling in the afterglow, half from excitement and half from exhaustion. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears and against his body, loud and fast, as your breathing starts to even out a little. It takes another several seconds before you trust your voice enough to try to talk. Even then, your voice sounds a little unsteady to you.

“I don’t know what the hell you felt just then,” you murmur softly, pulling him a little closer, “But for me...that was amazing, John...” You let your voice trail off into a contented silence, unclenching your hands from where they’re digging into his back, letting your forehead rest comfortably against his, gazing up at him with an expression of love and affection just for him that you’d never let anyone else in any universe see.
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