Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief [Ahren and Resident Homestuck]

John: Inquire about Vriska's desires

You're admittedly a bit surprised when Vriska makes no attempt to avoid the incoming explosion into her mouth, but her willingness to take you all in without flinching makes her just that much sexier to you. You watch her easily and lovingly swallow all you have to offer, shuddering to your core as the climax rushing over your body slowly begins to subside. Realizing how truly beautiful and perfect she is makes you almost want to cry tears of happiness, but you certainly don't want to get all emotional at a time like this. Your eyes lock with hers and stay that way as she pulls you out of her mouth. You let out a deep breath, a bit disappointed that such a glorious moment had to end, but you can't deny that you're anything other than completely satisfied. The one last brief lick she gives you still manages to make you gasp out softly and serves to remind you that her power over you is absolute if such small touches can elicit such responses like that. You know you have similar power over her, but you're pretty certain in the battle of seductiveness, she comes out on top.

Soon she joins you on the bed, pulling you down next to her and you follow without any complaint. Your arm quickly coils around her as she snuggles against you, informing you that she apparently thinks she loves you more. You can't help but chuckle softly. "Miss Serket, you are talking some nonsense, but I'll let it go this time only because of how incredible you make me feel..." You respond, still trying to catch your breath from the exhausting but fantastic orgasm. You tilt your head down, kissing the top of hers as it rests upon your rising and falling chest. As much as you loved all the positions you both had tried together, this one was still pretty special to you; Just having her next to you in your arms.

You knew you had yet to satisfy her tonight like she had for you, but you were not far from finished despite the position you both were currently in. It was just another amazing part of her that she was so patient to give you such an experience then wait until you were ready for more. When she makes her claim on her win you knew you didn't have much of an argument. Not yet at least. "Well... Yeah, you do win." You smirk, finding it a bit amusing that Vriska's competitive personality is still coming out even in situations like this. "I don't know about permanently, though. You win this battle, for sure, but the war has yet to be decided. I'm not finished yet, after all!"

You shake your head as once again she makes a statement you find ridiculous. "Me, perfect? After... that? You were the one managing all the perfection, I'd say. If you're gonna call me perfect tonight, I think I'd like to earn it. You shift your bodies a bit in order to pull her up some, allowing your lips to reach hers and engage in a nice, deep kiss. Your free hand reaches to cup her cheek in your hand before brushing back into her hair. As you pull back from the kiss you briefly drag your teeth against her lip while your eyes lock directly onto hers. "Vriska, if there's anything you want me to do for you right now I'll do it. If there's something specific in your mind that excites you, I'd like to know. On our first date I told you I'd do anything for you... at the time maybe I was getting ahead of myself and speaking too quickly without thinking, but a part of me knew I meant it. I do. So, anything you want, just ask..."
Vriska: Contemplate

You press closer to John as his arm wraps around you, your body fitting snugly against his almost as if you were made to fit each other. You feel his lips press against the top of your head and smile a bit, letting the slowing rise and fall of his chest calm you down a little. True, you had been the one pleasuring him this time, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t excite you as well for some reason. Perhaps it was just the fact that it was you who was making him react like he did, or maybe it was something else.

You grin in satisfaction, hearing his admission of your victory. It was fairly obvious at this point that you’d taken the lead, though you suspected he would try to reclaim it again at some point. You’re perfectly fine with that; it might even be more accurate to say that you’re very much looking forward to the attempt. Maybe he’ll even manage to make you reconsider your opinion. Which, of course, would just make you want to one-up him again. “You don’t get to doubt my permanent win until you beat it,” you inform him, smirking right back at him. You know he’ll rise to the challenge, and you know it’ll end up well for both of you. Hearing him protest at being called perfect, you start to open your mouth to reply as he shifts beside you, but you quickly forsake that idea in favor of kissing him. Within moments you’re smiling softly into the kiss, letting your lips part to lightly brush your tongue across his lower lip, teasing him a little. Reflexively, you lean against the warmth of the hand that appears on your cheek, nudging his hand just a little. A small shiver runs down your spine as his teeth graze across your lip, and your eyes open again to meet his, gazing at him with an affection you’ve never shown to anyone else and probably never will.

The offer you’re given makes you pause for a moment, half thoughtful and half surprised. You hadn’t been expecting to get a prompt like this, and now that he’s asking you directly what exactly you want, you have no idea what you want. Before he arrived you had never exactly put much thought into what you wanted in bed from someone else, and after he arrived you were too busy concentrating on him to even think about thinking about anything but the current moment. Plus, the last couple days haven’t been making it easier to take your mind off him. You sit in thought for a long moment, worrying your lip a little between your teeth as you think about it. You know there’s something you’d want, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.

A moment later, an idea occurs to you. It’s a strange idea, and not something you would have ever given a second thought to before you met John for the first time. It’s an idea that would place someone besides you in control, and instead of being a bad idea in your eyes, strangely, it excites you more than a little. The more you think about it, the more you suddenly want to make it happen. “How well can you tie a knot?” you ask him suddenly, shifting a little to look at him, your eyes glinting a little mischievously.
John: Test your knot-tying ability

As you watch Vriska's expression turn thoughtful, you inadvertently begin to get a little nervous. You had just told her that you'd do anything for her. There were a lot of... things that you probably didn't even know about, let alone know how to accomplish them with any relative proficiency. Vriska was your age, but her society was a lot different than yours. Who knew what was acceptable sexual activity for Trolls? How common knowledge would it be for a younger generation when apparently all the adults lived in space or something crazy like that? It was entirely possible she'd ask you to do something very strange and you'd have no idea what to do. Still, when she looks at you with that look of affection that is all for you, you realize that you really would do anything for her; You'd been entirely truthful and honest with her, and you weren't going to stop now. It still seemed crazy to love someone this much, but if that was the case then you were glad you weren't sane. Nothing felt better than having Vriska in your arms and loving her unconditionally and with all your heart.

You essentially see the lightbulb above Vriska's head turn on as she looks at you with a bit of excitement. Already you're dying to know what idea crept into her mind. Whatever it is, you're ready to return the pleasant favor she had just provided for you. She had challenged you, after all. It would be silly to turn down the opportunity to get revenge. When she asks you how your knot-tying abilities were, you look back with confusion at first. What could she possibly mean... ohhh. It doesn't take you too long to figure out what she was getting at, and your lips curl into a devilish smile. "Well I... have been tying my own shoelaces for like... ten years now! I think I can manage something." You tease a bit. Inside you're fighting back a bit more nervousness. You'd definitely never tied up a person before, and you weren't too sure just how she wanted it done. Then again maybe it didn't matter. The whole point was for you to be in control, right?

"I'll go and get some uh... material." You smirk, leaning in to kiss her deeply before somewhat reluctantly untangling yourself from her grip. Quickly you toss on some pants and a shirt and dash out of the room toward the alchemiter. As you enter the room you freeze. There's Rose. Sitting quietly in a chair in the corner, her face buried into a book while sipping something out of a glass that you're certain contains something alcoholic. She smiles at you and you return the gesture with an added wave, but neither of you say anything. Okay, you'd just try and play it cool as a cucumber. You whistle, strolling over to the alchemiter and tossing in a couple of materials as casually as you can. A quick glance to Rose shows she's still absorbed in the book. Hurrying to the best of your ability, you finish your alchemiter transaction and try to make your subtle exit. Just as you reach the door and you're thinking you avoided an embarrassing conversation, Rose's voice calls out your name.

"Be sure to make them tight. She's probably stronger than she looks..." Rose adds, only her pink eyes visible peeking over her book. You can't see the rest of her face, but you know exactly the sort of smile she must have at the moment and it makes you blush profusely. You try to laugh it off but it just comes off as shy and nervous, so instead of responding you just leave and try to minimize your embarrassment. Eventually you make it back to the room, still blushing, however when you see Vriska still naked and waiting on your bed, any embarrassment caused by your brief interaction with Rose dissolves from your mind instantly. Now that you're back with Vriska, she's the only thing that matters.

You grin as you approach the bed, slipping something out of your pocket and holding it behind your back as you free yourself from your clothes once again. "Hey beautiful, miss me?" You smirk, climbing back onto the bed and over to her for a nice, long kiss. "You've changed a lot, you know, from that violent, selfish girl you once were... but I think you're still due for some punishment..." You pull out of the kiss, grinning a bit wider as you reach out for one of her hands, tangling your fingers with hers as you raise it above her head and over to the right a bit. "I guess it's up to me..."

Your other hand reveals a silk strand of rope as you bring it over to where you moved her hand and quickly tie it around the headboard of the bedframe. You make sure to consider Rose's advice and tighten it considerably, but not enough to injure or cut off circulation. You do this with the other hand as well, effectively chaining Vriska to the bed and restricting her movement considerably. You crawl back down a bit and brush your lips over hers, teasing a kiss without really giving it to her before pulling back. She'd find herself unable to follow if she tried, and you can't help but smile with satisfaction. Vriska Serket probably would never allow anyone to do this, so the fact that you had her strapped to the bed, completely at your mercy, was delicious.

"Hmm, you've been pretty bad. Maybe I shouldn't stop there..." You mutter, tapping your chin in thought before allowing your hand to slip between her legs, brushing the damp folds with your fingertips. You were already rock hard again, unsurprisingly. So not immediately pounding into her was going to be as torturous to you as it was to her, but at least you could move. Now you had consider the next step...
Vriska: Evaluate knot-tying ability

You look right back at John as you wait for the seemingly innocuous question to sink in, watching his expression curiously. You doubt you’re actually going to have to spell it out for him - he’ll figure it out eventually. It was more his reaction to the question that you want to see than whether or not he’d pick up on the not very subtly disguised request. You blink slowly at him as you see the realization dawn on him, grinning back at him. It didn’t take quite as long as you thought it would, but that’s a good thing, right? You doubt he’s feeling as confident as he looks, though maybe you’re just imagining it to ward off your own nervousness.

“Have fun,” you reply, leaning up to keep your lips connected with his for just a little bit longer as he detaches himself from the confines of your arms. You give him a small wave as he disappears out of the door, rolling over in the bed. You form a loose cocoon of sheets around yourself while you wait, stretching out comfortably to your full length on the soft down of the mattress. Several thoughts flash through your head, almost all of them excited. Almost. The survival instinct is already deeply ingrained into the mind of a Troll from the moment it hatches. It then starts to grow and develop, but in different ways for each individual case. Most Trolls have fairly good reflexes and a healthy occasional paranoia. Some cases are more high strung than others, and some are simply so overconfident that the natural instinct shrinks instead of grows. Both of those extremes tend to die off fairly quickly. You used to be somewhere between the norm and the hubris-packed side of the spectrum, perhaps a little too close to the latter for comfort. Since you came to the meteor and...things happened, your paranoia spiked significantly. It was never really in your character to hand over control to someone else. At this point, it’s something you would never consider. With the one exception you sent out of the room in search of “material” not two minutes ago.

You wriggle free of the sheets, and several seconds later the door slides open to reveal your returning matesprit. Of course, you know exactly what he’s hiding behind his back, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating when you can’t get a glimpse of either it or the hand holding it. Grinning at him, you wrap your arms tightly around him as he comes closer, returning the offered kiss eagerly. The grin soon turns into a smirk as he starts to talk again. Your fingers interlace easily with his automatically, letting him draw your hand up and out. You reflexively tense a little, though after a moment you relax again, pushing away the natural instinct to pull away as you feel the strand of rope he finally reveals winding around your wrist, securing it to the headboard.

You wait patiently while he pulls up your other arm and repeats the motion, waiting until he’s finished tightening the rope before you flex your fingers experimentally, twisting your hands a bit as if testing the knots. Admittedly, he’s done a good job. You can’t really move all that much, not more than a few inches in any direction, which brings up the mixed excitement and edginess you were going for. You start to lean forward to deepen the almost-kiss he gives you, growling a little in frustration when he pulls away again, out of your reach. You tug forward a bit, straining for another couple inches, though you seem to have just missed his lips, which he seems to find satisfying.

After a moment you give up trying to get that kiss and lean back again. You suck in a soft breath as his hand moves between your legs, brushing against your already wet, warm folds. You instinctively want to reach up to pull him down to you so you can hold on to him or kiss him or both, but you have yet again forgotten that your arms are otherwise occupied and find yourself significantly frustrated when they won’t move from the bed frame. If this had been literally anyone else in existence you’d feel uncomfortable, but with John, all you can really think about is the fact that you really, really want that kiss. And more.

“I knew you could be at least a little bit evil; I’m proud of you,” you inform him, giving him a smirk. “So this is what happens when I’m bad.” You pause for a moment, thinking. “Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that I’m downright awful. Maybe I'm still violent and selfish. Then what?” You nudge his hand lightly with one of your legs, grinning widely at him.
Vriska: Evaluate knot-tying ability

You look right back at John as you wait for the seemingly innocuous question to sink in, watching his expression curiously. You doubt you’re actually going to have to spell it out for him - he’ll figure it out eventually. It was more his reaction to the question that you want to see than whether or not he’d pick up on the not very subtly disguised request. You blink slowly at him as you see the realization dawn on him, grinning back at him. It didn’t take quite as long as you thought it would, but that’s a good thing, right? You doubt he’s feeling as confident as he looks, though maybe you’re just imagining it to ward off your own nervousness.

“Have fun,” you reply, leaning up to keep your lips connected with his for just a little bit longer as he detaches himself from the confines of your arms. You give him a small wave as he disappears out of the door, rolling over in the bed. You form a loose cocoon of sheets around yourself while you wait, stretching out comfortably to your full length on the soft down of the mattress. Several thoughts flash through your head, almost all of them excited. Almost. The survival instinct is already deeply ingrained into the mind of a Troll from the moment it hatches. It then starts to grow and develop, but in different ways for each individual case. Most Trolls have fairly good reflexes and a healthy occasional paranoia. Some cases are more high strung than others, and some are simply so overconfident that the natural instinct shrinks instead of grows. Both of those extremes tend to die off fairly quickly. You used to be somewhere between the norm and the hubris-packed side of the spectrum, perhaps a little too close to the latter for comfort. Since you came to the meteor and...things happened, your paranoia spiked significantly. It was never really in your character to hand over control to someone else, especially if it would limit your movement. At this point, it’s something you would never consider. With the one exception you sent out of the room in search of “material” not two minutes ago.

You wriggle free of the sheets, and several seconds later the door slides open to reveal your returning matesprit. Of course, you know exactly what he’s hiding behind his back, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating when you can’t get a glimpse of either it or the hand holding it. Grinning at him, you wrap your arms tightly around him as he comes closer, returning the offered kiss eagerly. The grin soon turns into a smirk as he starts to talk again. Your fingers interlace easily with his automatically, letting him draw your hand up and out. You reflexively tense a little, though after a moment you relax again, pushing away the natural instinct to pull away as you feel the strand of rope he finally reveals winding around your wrist, securing it to the headboard.

You wait patiently while he pulls up your other arm and repeats the motion, waiting until he’s finished tightening the rope before you flex your fingers experimentally, twisting your hands a bit as if testing the knots. Admittedly, he’s done a good job. You can’t really move all that much, not more than a few inches in any direction, which brings up the mixed excitement and edginess you were going for. You start to lean forward to deepen the almost-kiss he gives you, growling a little in frustration when he pulls away again, out of your reach. You tug forward a bit, straining for another couple inches, though you seem to have just missed his lips, which he seems to find satisfying.

After a moment you give up trying to get that kiss and lean back again. You suck in a soft breath as his hand moves between your legs, brushing against your already wet, warm folds. You instinctively want to reach up to pull him down to you so you can hold on to him or kiss him or both, but you have yet again forgotten that your arms are otherwise occupied and find yourself significantly frustrated when they won’t move from the bed frame. If this had been literally anyone else in existence you’d feel uncomfortable, but with John, all you can really think about is the fact that you really, really want that kiss. And more.

“I knew you could be at least a little bit evil; I’m proud of you,” you inform him, giving him a smirk. “So this is what happens when I’m bad.” You pause for a moment, thinking. “Maybe I'm still violent and selfish. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that I’m downright awful. Then what?” You nudge his hand lightly with one of your legs, grinning widely at him.
John: Consider further punishment

Vriska's slight growl as your lips tease hers only manages to widen your already excessive grin. You've barely done anything but you can tell it's already beginning to drive her mad. Admittedly, it was frustrating for you as well because obviously there's nothing you'd like more than to just fuck her senseless right here and now. For now, that would have to wait. You take a few moments to scan her body again with eager eyes. You'd never seen a girl in such a position before, and that was thrilling by itself. What really pushed your excitement to the edge was that you had done it, and she trusted you enough to let you. The most breathtaking woman you'd ever laid eyes on was tied up, naked, and ready to let you have your way with her. Thoughts like that still made all of this feel like a wonderful dream. You thoroughly enjoyed the way she laid there with perfect breasts slowly rising and falling with her breaths while her blue-tinted nipples hardened due to the cool air, excitement, or a combination of both. Ultimately her outstretched, bound arms allowed her no way to manage her exposure. You don't imagine she'd cover herself, but knowing that she can't is definitely part of the fun.

When she admits being proud of your evil side showing, no matter how slight, you can't help but blush a bit. You guess it was a bit evil to put her in such a position. A position where you knew she longed to touch and kiss you, and she was so close to doing so, but was tightly restrained. Granted, you didn't do this against her will and you never would, but you knew the frustration was probably getting to her already. That was all part of the fun, and you knew it would make the eventual release that much more exciting. Honestly, you were proud of her as well for even considering this. Trolls in general were not eager to submit to anyone, and Vriska was the one who valued control the most. To give it over to someone else once probably seemed like pure madness to her. Who would have thought it would be you she finally allowed such an honor? Certainly the roles seemed reversed from what anyone might have imagined either of you in before and that sort of experimentation was what kept it all so exciting.

Vriska seems unwilling to let you stop there, though. She taunts you a bit despite her rather compromised position. Truthfully you hadn't planned very far ahead with this. Only a couple nights ago was your first time being with a woman at all. She seems to want to know how far you'd take it. Honestly, it wouldn't be much further than this, but you could still play along. "Truly awful? That would probably require a much more severe punishment. It's a shame we're on this meteor with no people, because someone as terrible as you would probably deserve to be paraded all tied up and naked through a crowded street." You grin evilly, gently brushing your fingers against her increasingly moistening folds once again. The idea kind of excites you, but then again you don't think you'd want anyone else to have the luxury of seeing Vriska naked. That was a pleasure reserved especially for you.

"But there is one other thing I think would be fitting punishment for you... You were pretty reluctant to do it before, but I have the upper hand now." You whisper as you lean over her to barely brush your lips against hers as before. You quickly pull away before she can push her lips into hers with whatever leniency she has, grinning as you do so. You're aware she's probably eager to hear what you'll say, but you continue to torment her by making her wait even for your words as you move yourself down her body, planting small, light kisses along her chest and belly, then eventually down her long, slender legs. You grab a bit more of the rope and begin to tie her ankles to the other end of the bed frame until she's completely immobile and vulnerable. Your glasses gleam a bit in the dim light, effectively hiding your eyes for a moment and giving you a somewhat sinister look, at least as sinister as John Egbert could look.

"Beg. For that kiss you want, or anything else, and... I'll consider giving it to you. It's completely up to me whether or not I do, but I can assure you you won't get anything until you try."
Vriska: Make demand

You can’t help but roll your eyes at the empty threat of being marched through a crowded street, completely devoid of clothing. While you agree that it’s a punishment worthy of what you’ve done, you’re in too much of a good mood to think on it for more than a moment. And you know he wouldn’t do that anyway. You think. Your thoughts are rather abruptly derailed by his hand brushing against you again, stiffening a little at the touch. A tiny groan escapes through your lips, though you bite it back immediately before it grows any louder. The last thing you want is to let John know just how much you want it. It’s one thing to be able to pull him down for a kiss whenever you want to release that pent-up need for him, but it’s another thing entirely to be unable to reach out for him when he’s so tantalizingly close to you. If he hasn’t given you the kiss you tried to get yet, he clearly has something else in mind.

One of your eyebrows goes up as he mentions having another idea, waiting for him to divulge it. You release a bit of the built-up tension as he moves over you, leaning up the couple inches you are able to in order to catch his lips with yours for a real kiss. You growl again, louder this time, as he pulls away again, far too quickly for you to kiss him properly. Curious, you wait for him to explain his plan to you, but instead of an explanation, you get the light brush of his lips against your skin as he moves down your body. You fight back a shiver as he passes your stomach, pressing up against his lips as well as you can without the use of your hands to help. Feeling him tug at one of your legs, you crane your head forward to look at what he’s doing, just in time to feel another length of rope winding around your ankle, tying it to a corner of the bed, following up with the other. If you had thought you couldn’t move before, you couldn’t have been more wrong. At least a minute ago you could move your legs and kind of shift a little. Now you can’t even move your legs. You have no choice but to simply stare up at him, a hint of a grin spreading across your face. The light reflecting off of his glasses make it difficult to read his expression, but you’re fairly sure you can visualize what he must look like at this point.

For a moment you just sit there, staring up at him, looking a little pensive as he finally told you what it is he wants. Admittedly, you’re torn between believing him and thinking he’s just trying to pull a bluff. Both of you know that he wants the same thing you do, and just as badly. The real question is which one of you will crack first. For the first time, you’re not entirely sure that you’re going to win this one. It’s a strange feeling, not being in control of his movements, let alone your own. But you figure as long as you aren’t sure, you can still have some fun with him.

“Well aren’t you getting bold,” you reply, your grin widening. “See, you may have the upper hand right now, but what happens when you start getting impatient?” You wiggle the fingers of one of your hands in what you’re fairly sure is his general direction, as if teasing him a little. You choose, for the moment, to overlook the fact that you’re just as impatient as he is. “Tell you what, how about I say this. Get down here and give me a kiss, Egbert. A real one.” A few hours ago, you would have been sure he would listen to you without question. Now you’re only mostly sure. But that won’t keep you from trying, just to see if he’ll listen.
John: Don't give in to demands

You let your smile grow even wider at Vriska's statement regarding your alleged boldness, having now moved back up her body to return face to face with her. "Well, I am taking lessons from the best..." You reply confidently.

You weren't surprised by her response at all. She had way too much pride to beg and it was in her nature to try and reclaim the upper hand when in a vulnerable position. She wasn't wrong to try and use your impatience against you, because you certainly were impatient. She was laying there naked beneath you, ready and willing. All you had to do was take her. It would be so easy, and you knew you both wanted it more than anything. Still, she wasn't exactly begging for that kiss like you asked. She was telling you to give it to her, which wasn't part of the deal at all. If this little arrangement was to work out, you couldn't give in so easily. You were curious how long she could hold out before resorting to the suggested begging. How long could you, for that matter? Ultimately it would come down to whoever broke first, but for now you had the advantage.

"I figured you wouldn't give in so easily. I wouldn't expect less from you, Vriska." You add, leaning down ever so slowly as your lips begin to close in on hers presumably to give in to her demand that you give her a real kiss. Just as your lips graze hers, giving her a mere taste of you, you pull back quickly like you did just a minute ago. Another soft chuckle comes from your throat. "What makes you think you're in any position to demand anything? I guess you must think I'm pretty predictable... Well, can't really blame you for that. I do have a solid track record of doing what you tell me to do. Tables have turned a bit now, don't you think?"

You tried to hide the fact that you were beginning to shiver a bit in anticipation. Of course, you couldn't do much to hide your arousal when you were as hard as you were, but you couldn't act too excited or impatient, otherwise she just might keep taunting you. You had to at least pretend you weren't getting extremely impatient. Now was the time to tease her a bit. If you wanted her to beg then you'd have to work a bit, because if you just let her lay there she would probably hold back for quite a while. You decide to take your lips and move them to her chest, hovering over her right nipple and giving it a brief lick before closing down on it and massaging it with your lips and tongue. You figured that wouldn't be quite enough, though, and gently trail a set of fingers down her smooth skin until you reach her hot, moist lower lips. You let a couple of fingers tease at her folds for a moment before pushing inside and curling upward to rub against the slightly rigged inner walls. Your eyes peer up, waiting to see how she'd react if at all. For a moment you free your mouth from her breast to speak.

"Begging is still more likely to get you what you want, but if you're still a bit too shy for that, then maybe I'll be convinced if you make a bit of noise... Or you can hold back and stay quiet in an effort to make me break first. And I'll just continue to barely give you tastes but never the full meal all night. It's up to you..." You smirk again, rather thrilled by your newfound willpower in this situation. The Egbert from a few days ago would have given in already.
Vriska: Make inquiry

Satisfied that you seem to have managed to bend him this easily, you shift a little, as well as you can, to lean up to receive the coming kiss. But before you even realize it, his lips have brushed yours and vanished again, a predictable move for literally anyone but John Egbert. You growl at him softly, the noise mixing with what sounds like a laugh of his own. Admittedly, he’s right, you had thought you had him figured out a few moments ago, given his history of obeying you without (or with minimal) question. Maybe he fully expected your behavior, but your expectation of his seems to be a far cry from the reality. Nothing you say seems to make him listen to you, which of course both infuriates you and makes you proud of him. Though at the moment the infuriation is predominant. You’ll worry about being proud of him later.

A quick glance away from his face tells you little about your progress. You think you may have seen him shiver a little, but at the same time there is very little you trust your senses with at the moment, so it’s probably just your imagination at work. You let your eyes drift closed as the warmth of his mouth takes in one of your nipples, effectively hardening the little nub. The light touch of the descending fingers tickles. You jump a little at the feeling before stiffening with a poorly concealed gasp as his fingers slip into you. You know that giving him a proper reaction is all the encouragement he’ll need, so you keep almost unnaturally still, sucking in small, shallow breaths. It’s not as if you’re fooling him, but it’s better than nothing.

You pause a moment to think before returning your eyes to his, giving him a smirk. “You say begging is going to get me what you want? Why didn’t you just say so?” Your grin widens a bit. “Feel free to start whenever you like. Beg to your heart’s content if you want.” It’s more than clear that what you just suggested wasn’t exactly what he had in mind. But to be fair, he didn’t specify who /did/ the begging in what he said a moment ago. All you did was twist the words a not-very-little bit. You doubt he thinks that you’ll cave right away, though. Your right hand tugs lightly at the rope securing it, more for the sake of moving than to try to break free. Chances are you could if you really wanted to, but you neither want to nor need to find out.

“Question for you, puny human.” You scrunch up your face for a moment, seemingly deep in thought, before you look back to him with a grin. “If you aren’t going to give me what I want, how exactly do you plan to give you what you want?” One of the things that makes this so difficult is the ever so small fact that what one of you wants, the other wants as well. If he sticks to his promise, you might not get what you want, but he doesn’t get what he wants either because they’re the same thing.
John: Begin the real torture

You have to admit you're kind of surprised at just how little of a reaction your teasing is getting you. Vriska was stubborn, but you surely thought you had an advantage here. Now you were starting to think that maybe it wasn't as much of one as you hoped. Nonetheless, it was still an advantage. When you touch her sensitive areas you can definitely feel her tense up, so it's not as if you're not affecting her at all. Could she really hold back much longer? Could you? As she speaks up again, your mouth curls into a satisfied smirk. It sounds as if she's going to give in to your demands, but the way she words it makes you a bit skeptical. Turns out you were right to be as she turns your demand on its head and instead tells you to start the begging. You can't help but laugh.

"No way! Besides, even if I begged for anything what could you do about it? You're getting pretty good with the jokes, though. I've taught you well." You sit back, gazing down at her appreciatively. It was only getting more difficult not to just say fuck it and start ravaging her immediately. No matter how much time passed you still had a hard time believing she was yours. It felt like a crime to be holding back when you had her completely at your mercy like this, but you already started down this road and you were going to win. It was the principle behind it now. If she's bringing out the jokes, you had to prove that you could be strong. You were running out of ideas on how to tease her into giving you what you wanted, though. She had held up remarkably well to things you were sure she'd at least utter a bit of noise for.

She continues to goad you further, though her calling you 'puny human' just makes you laugh even more. In the game you might have believed she meant it with malice, but here you consider it almost endearing. She questions on how you're supposed to get anything without giving anything, and you tap your chin in mock thought. "Well, I expect it cause you're the one tied up. I don't think it really requires any further explanation, Miss Alien. There are things I can do to you and you can't stop me..."

You lean back a bit, glancing to one of her feet. "Maybe I've asked for too much at first. So how about we start small. How about a... 'please'. You know, like, 'Please, give me a kiss, John'."

You reach one of your hands to the underside of her bound foot and lightly drag a couple of fingers against it. You were betting on her being ticklish, so if she wasn't then this was going to make you look pretty silly, but if she was then it could pay off as being something truly tortuous without resorting to anything genuinely evil.
Vriska: Make attempt to cover up your weakness

You smirk up at the human hovering over you, completely and entirely not surprised by his automatic rejection of your suggestion that he start begging. “If you begged for anything, I wouldn’t need to do anything about it. You’d just get impatient and give up trying to hold back for something that won’t happen” Of course you have everything worked out in your mind. So far nothing he has tried on you has worked, and judging by the look on his face, his ideas are finally starting to run dry and he’s trying to think of new ones. Which is convenient, because if he had retried any of the ones he’s already used you doubt you would last very long.

“I think it needs quite a bit more explanation if you ask me, puny human. Being tied up doesn’t mean not being the one in control. I could take over your mind right now and you couldn’t do anything about it.” That last part about mind control may have completely been a total bluff, but it sounds intimidating. Not that it seems to affect him at all.

“Maybe you did ask for too much. Nice to see we’ve come to that consensus.” One of your eyebrows quirks up at the new, modified request, your eyes following his gaze to your foot, narrowing slightly in suspicion. The solution he seems to be coming up with doesn’t look like a promising one for you. You tend to avoid letting people get close enough to you to be able to touch you partially for that reason. So far only one person you’ve known has managed to find and reach the two places you’re the most ticklish, so you’ve been relatively safe. But if he’s going to try what it looks like he will, you seem to be royally screwed over.

Feeling the light touch of his fingers across the sensitive bottom of your foot, your leg automatically jerks away from his hand, the sudden movement extracting a small creak from the rope securing your ankle to the bedframe. Turns out it’s tighter than you thought it was, or maybe you just haven’t noticed until now. The motion does bring your foot a whopping half inch away from his fingers, which is just about useless. And now he can see exactly how annoyingly ticklish you are. Could you play off your reaction as just being a coincidentally timed muscle spasm? Even as you consider the option you discard it. There is no way he would ever believe that, and even if he did you’re almost certain he’d try again just to be sure.

“Well done, Egbert.” You shoot him a grin, shifting slightly to let your leg relax again. “All right, how about this. Please don’t think it’s going to be easy for you.” Of course, you know as well as he probably does by now that his newfound discovery is going to make it very easy. But it just wouldn’t do to let him win that easily.
John: Kinda lose focus for a moment

You can't help but laugh when she mentions the mind control. "Um, pretty sure it's been well established that you can't mind control humans! If you could, you would have just used it on me when we were playing the game! Nice try, though..." You smirk, carefully observing her reactions to your leading touches. Her foot twitches quite visibly and that alone is immensely satisfying. Okay, it wasn't much to work with, but you were determined to cherish these small victories when you had barely made any progress so far.

Vriska's willpower was admirable, especially with how she continues to taunt you. Another twist of your demand causes you to shake your head and chuckle a bit roughly. You were definitely nearing the edge. You wanted her too badly to keep playing games that were satisfying neither of you. Well, you don't really know that she's not getting any satisfaction from this. Now that you think about it, she probably is. You have her tied up and completely at your mercy but she's still playing you like a fiddle. She's completely aware that at this rate you'll give in and she'll win.

You contemplate your next move while scanning her body for more potential weak points. Naturally you hesitate at certain alluring spots and it takes everything you've got not to start ravaging them for your own, selfish desires. It's not until you reach her eyes and you see that glint of deviousness. It's no longer taunting like it was a moment ago. Now, you can't help but just be entranced. The seven-pupil eye reminds you of her unique hold over you, without any assistance of mind-control. There's something else in her eyes now, though. Something that attracts you more than when you looked into them your first day on the meteor. You knew it sounded cheesy when you thought over it in your mind but there was no hiding from the truth. It was love, and suddenly you felt as if you hadn't seen her in years. An overwhelming urge washes over you, and you throw yourself on top of her, embracing her tightly. Your erection was pressed between her belly and yours, and still throbbed with anticipation, but right now all you wanted to do was hold her, at least for a little while.

You smush your face into her neck, nuzzling with all your might while breathing in her wonderful scent. Moments later you realize your sudden change of pace might be a bit confusing, and you pull away to get another good look in her eyes. You had even forgot that she was tied up and couldn't really do anything about your sudden presence on top of her. "...Sorry, I just... I don't know. It's hard to explain, but it's like I just remembered just how fucking much I love you, Vriska..."

You reach out to caress her cheek with your palm before leaning in to give her that long, passionate kiss you had been dying to give her for what now felt like forever. Nothing else could ever possibly taste this sweet, you knew that for sure. After a good while you part her perfectly soft lips with a bit of regret that lasts only as long as it takes for you to remember you can just kiss her again in a moment. Your hands quickly undo the ties, setting her free with a new hungry look in your gaze.

"What do you say we ditch this little game and just fuck until we pass out...?" You add with a mischievous grin.
Vriska: Screw it and fuck until you pass out

You grin right back at him as he easily calls your bluff, having expected no less from the kid. But, of course, that only meant he’d just have to try harder to figure something out. Your eyes trail his movements carefully, taking note of every inch he shifts. After a couple seconds your eyes lock with his, and even though you don’t let even a little of that smug smirk slip away from your expression, it doesn’t quite hold the same playful malice it had a few minutes ago.

Before you realize it there’s suddenly a John on top of you, enveloping you tightly in the human warmth you love so much. You start to shift to return the hug -- oh wait, you can’t, because you were the one who’d had the dumb rope idea in the first place. So you just kind of...sit there and let him hug you, you guess, since there isn’t all that much you can do besides that. But you suppose there are worse things you could have happening to you, right? When he leans in to kiss you you expect him to just give you half a kiss, like he’s been doing for what feels like ages now. By now you’ve given up trying to steal a real kiss, so you’re prepared to be disappointed yet again. But then he actually does kiss you, and you’ll be damned if it isn’t the best thing you’ve felt in hours.

There are very few things that actually give you the motivation to move when you’re tucked comfortably into your human matesprit’s arms, but you seem to have found one of them. As soon as the ties disappear from your limbs your arms immediately wrap tightly around him, pulling him closer with a strength you didn’t even quite know you had. Hugging had never quite been one of your top priorities, but now it seemed like hugging is all you want to do. Apparently it’s a side effect of not being able to hug. Or maybe you just really, really like him. Or both. His idea sounds nothing short of perfect. And that’s exactly what you tell him.

...several hours later…

You’re asleep...or at least you think you are. Maybe you’re somewhere in between being awake and being asleep. You dimly feel the warmth of the body you’re curled against, but you’re pretty sure you’re still sleeping. After a minute you shake away your cloud of drowsiness and tilt your head back to look up at John. He seems to still be sleeping, so you’re careful not to disturb him as you slip out from under the bed covers and stand up to stretch. You aren’t sure what time it is, but then again, time really wasn’t that much of an issue in space.

A quick glance at the clock shows that it’s actually still far too early in the morning to consider getting up. Your options are fairly few: you can get back into bed and go back to sleep, or you can get dressed and do something...early-morning-y. It isn’t even much of a choice at all - return to the comfortable warmth of the bed or risk actually seeing people?

Barely fifteen seconds later you’ve already burrowed back into the blankets like you’d never left, fitting yourself against John’s side just as you had been before. Hopefully the movement wouldn’t wake him - not that you would complain if it did. Sleepy John was always at least a little adorable.
Dave: Complete your magnum opus

Your name is Dave "True OG" Strider, and you're putting the finishing touches in place. What was once a bleak, empty storeroom was now home to one of the greatest creations in the history of mankind, trollkind, or even mayorkind. With one careful and final placement of a well-balanced can of Tab, you complete the largest skyscraper in Cantropolis. It towers over all of the other buildings majestically and if it weren't for your God-tier powers of flight it may never have seen the light of day. You land upon the floor so you can look upward.

For one moment you remove your sunglasses to behold the glory of the city without hindrance. Within moments a staticy voice speaks out from near your wrist.

"Dave! Come in, Dave! Are you there? This is Karkat. Over!"

You raise your wrist but not even for a second do you turn your eyes away from the magnificence before you. "How many times do I have to tell you, you don't have to say who it is, and you don't have to say 'over'. This isn't fucking Top Gun.

Oh how I wish this was Top Gun..."

"Oh my lord, don't even fucking start with the naked male human ball bouncing bonding ritual bullshit occasionally surrounded by winged metallic flight devices! This is more important so just listen for a second!" Karkat shouts back, surprising no one.

"No man you don't understand. Nothing is more important than this. Get to Cantropolis right now."

"What!? Why, what happened!? Fuck, nevermind. I'm coming! Stay there!"

You lower your wrist as you continue to gaze upon the culmination of years worth of work. It's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen and...

And it's completely pointless.

"aaaaa...." You begin, quietly, as the realization hits you. "-aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

With a swift punch, you drive your fist into the base of the canscraper and the pink tower begins to topple like a house of cards. The collateral damage alone is immense, cans bouncing into other buildings and knocking them over as well. You don't let it end there, however. You stomp through the impressive aluminum city like a blonde Godzilla, wrecking everything in your path. The Mayor looks completely shocked at first, frozen in his confusion, until he decides to follow suit. Now the both of you are dismantling all of your hard work.

Karkat enters to find nearly the entire city in shambles, and it was all he could do to not let his jaw hit the floor. Quickly, he rushes over to you and grabs your arm just before you destroy city hall.

"Dave! What the fuck!?"

"What have I been doing, man!? What have I been doing with my life?! Fuck cans! Fuck Sburb! Fuck everything!" You shout back, not even sure you care for an answer.

"Dave, snap out of it!" Karkat growls, giving you a swift slap across the face. He proceeds to find your sunglasses upon the floor and holds them out to you while shaking his head. You grasp them and place them back over your eyes before taking a deep breath.

"Thanks... I think it just all started to get to me. I can't take this fucking rock anymore."

"Trust me, I know exactly what you mean! Bad enough that Terezi has the most grotesque kismesis I could ever imagine! Yet I'm still not sure if it's worse than the sappy shit I hear from John and Vriska! I swear I still don't understand them at all! Maybe I need to just fucking get over it. They're happy and that's what matters, right?"

"Karkat, man, you've really grown up. Glad at least one of us has." You offer a slight smirk.

"Let's grab the mayor and go get some grub. I'm hungrier than an anorexic hoofbeast. We can talk about all this bullshit and bitch all we want then." Karkat shrugs, offering you his hand to get up from the position you stumbled into. There's still the occasional crashing sound as the Mayor continues the spree of destruction but as you wave him down he hops over without delay.

"Sounds great. Just as long as it's not actual grubs like last time..." You reply, dusting yourself off a bit.

"Uh, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Of course it's grubs. I said grub. What else could that possibly imply!?"



John: Awake to the most beautiful sight imaginable

Your eyes crack open to a vision of pure beauty. Vriska is there beside you, her hair messy in the most attractive way, and her eyes gazing upon you lovingly. You'd never get tired of seeing such a look right after you get up.

You shift a bit so you can raise a hand to her cheek, giving it a soft caress. "Morning, beautiful. Hope you slept well. I know I did..." You smirk. You always slept well after an evening of passionate love and last night was no exception. A moment later you lean in to offer her a soft but loving kiss, biting a bit at her lip as you pull away.

"Man, is it weird that every time I look at you after waking up I feel like I've been missing you for a year? I wish we didn't even have to sleep. Losing consciousness is totally lame when there's a perfect woman next to you..." You chuckle softly. You've ceased caring how cheesy your words might sound. You always wanted Vriska to know just how much you loved her.

"What time even is it..." You mutter curiously after wrapping your arms around her entirely and cuddling her close. "Ah who cares... Let's stay like this a bit longer, yeah?"
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