Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief [Ahren and Resident Homestuck]

Vriska: Attempt and mostly succeed to listen

You’re content enough at first to listen to Aranea’s story...but then again, that was when you assumed she would stick to the beautifully brief first few words she said before she really started. A couple minutes into the lecture, you start to get a little bored. Five minutes later you find yourself wondering if she’ll be done anytime soon. Five minutes after that, you consider walking away like she said others have in the past. But John seems to be engrossed in the story, so you figure you might as well pay attention as well.

You take a seat on the ground, maintaining a loose grip on his hand as you continue to listen to the story. It’s actually kind of interesting, but given your ancestor’s long windedness, you suspect that anyone who’s already heard it might be ready to rip their ears off by now.

By the time she’s finished lecturing, your eyes have kind of glued themselves to her, just staring blankly while you absorb the sudden influx of information. A little surprised by the suddenly tight grip on your hand, you glance over at John, meeting his eyes with a slightly confused look, wondering what he’s thinking. You tighten your grip on him to match his anyway, scooting a little closer.

You grin a little to yourself when Meenah mentions shouty nubs. It sounds like something Terezi would have said a long time ago, and for some reason the fact that it’s coming from Meenah makes it funny. John takes a little longer to figure out what she means by “shouty nubs,” but he picks up on it fairly quickly. Really, anyone who’s even met Karkat once could probably figure out who she means.

It takes you a moment to realize you’re being talked to, and after a delay of a couple seconds, you quickly return your eyes to John’s. “I’m going to have to go with the fish puns are a dealbreaker. He’d be irreparably frustrated within minutes.” Well, at least that’s what you’d think. But if the fish puns didn’t scare him off the first time, they might not the next time. Great, this might mean Karkat in a quadrant with a ghost. Does that even work?

You turn back to Meenah, half grinning. “What do you think, Peixes lookalike? Gonna go after a quadrant with shouty nubs?”

Terezi: Focus on that strange disease called friendship

You watch curiously as Karkat starts to calm down a little, clearly making an effort not to start shouting again. When you came into the room in the first place, you thought he might just keep shouting, and honestly you wouldn’t blame him if he did. As easily as he says he’d cut you the same slack you gave him over the last sweep or so, you’re still pretty sure that if he knew what you wish you could tell him, he’d forget that slack fairly quickly. But you’re glad, at least, that he’s decided to focus on his friendships instead of his quadrants. From what you’ve been able to gather, that is, quite a lot, quadrants have been nothing but trouble.

“Hm...maybe it isn’t so much of a disease if you want to try it out, is it?” You shoot him a toothy grin, glad that he’s at least laughing again. He’s been too moody to laugh for ages, you’ve almost forgotten what it sounds like.

“But seriously Karkat, at least try and be friendly. I guess you’re almost like Vriska, in a way. You don’t even realize it, but you’re starting to pull away from everyone and you don’t want to talk to anyone because you feel powerless to do anything, and that’s not true. Sure, people have paired up and they like to spend time with each other, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to spend time with you. John’s done a ton of stuff with you. Rose and Kanaya probably would if you talked to them. I don’t know what’s up between you and Dave, but he probably would too. And so would I. You don’t have to handle this alone if you don’t want to.”
John: Board the fishpun boat

Meenah immediately shoots Vriska an irritated look, though you can't help but stifle a laugh. "Yeah, sounds like a perfect match to me. I think it would go swimmingly." You tease, trying to play along with the stupid water puns. It only seems to further annoy the seatroll.

"Watch it, blue buoy. My trident gonna make fronds with your chest again soon. And you, Serket wannabe, I ain't gotta admit nofin' to you. And don't forget I'm the original recipe Pixies! Any Piexes after me is a pale imitation." She grumbles. You just turn your gaze to Vriska and smirk with appreciation for her ability to bother this dead Troll heiress.

"Sounds like an admission if I've ever heard one. Oh, sorry, would 'adfishion' be better or does that miss the mark?"

You had to admit you were having a lot of fun with the fish puns, but you certainly didn't envy those who had to interact with Meenah on a daily basis. You're not sure how long you'd be able to stand it. Then you remember that they're stuck in the afterlife together for all eternity. Suddenly you realize that that's what Hell must be: An eternity spent drowning in fish puns. Meenah just sort of grunts at you and stands up, grasping her trident once again. You reflexively wince as if you were prepared to be skewered right that moment but the lanky seatroll just rests it upon her shoulder and turns her back to you.

"Wastin' my time with you! I have an army to recruit for. Count yourself lucky, shrimp, cause next time I see ya it'll be at the end of my precious poker!"

"Heh, that's what she said." You grin, only to soon realize that comeback makes no sense in this context. "Wait..."

"Yer weird... Lata suckas." Meenah scoffs, heading off into the forest.

"I'm weird? Vriska, is that true...? Am I... weird?" You ask with mock surprise.

Karkat: Consider options

The look on your face is one of clear disgust.

"Oh lord, you're comparing me to Vriska now? Wow, I really do need to lighten up if we're going down that road. Congratulations, you win! I am so not interested in being Vriska that I will even go out of my way to try and... ugh... make friends with Strider. Excuse me while I vomit pure stomach acid in my own mouth for a moment. I don't even know how such a thing is even fucking possible, though. You can't tell what that guy actually likes versus what he's pretending to like because of how horribly shitty it is. What sort of idiocy is that? Maybe I'll start with Rose. Ever since she got into the gross beverages that make her actually funny and charismatic she's been much more tolerable. Just need to pry her away from Kanaya for a single goddamn moment.

Okay okay, I get it. Just need to calm down for a second. Deep breaths. But still remembering to breathe this time... Anyway... What about us? Are we good?"

Be the Strider

You rolled lucky and got the pleasure of being Dave again, and as you wander the weird forest you soon come across a semi-familiar sight. A Troll lady in red. At first you believe it to be Aradia due to the horns, and you were all about hanging out with her. She was cool and interesting. However, this one was a bit... curvier, and despite her eyes being blank and yours being hidden behind sunglasses, you feel them connect and suddenly you get frightened for some reason. She grins at you, approaching slowly with hips swaying. Her red outfit was not a god-tier hero of time outfit but rather what looked to be some sort of... schoolgirl getup? Did Trolls even have school? Wait, you remember seeing her in a dream bubble before, albeit so very briefly. You thought she was Aradia then, too. She seemed sweet enough though she didn't say much at the time.

You're not certain you like the smile she's giving you but you try to play it cool.

"Uh, sup?"

She mutters a few words but you don't understand them at all. You think it sounds Japanese but what the fuck, how would a Japanese Troll make even the slightest bit of sense? You almost think maybe you're just legit dreaming but you feel her hand push you against a tree and the feeling is all too real. She lets a slender finger trace the record design on your shirt a few times before speaking up again, this time in English, though so heavily accented it still takes you a minute to decipher.

"Want to have fun, silly human boy? I am bored."

"I don't even really know you! I know I'm cool but I don't uh, sleep around?" You respond, losing a bit of that cool persona at the end. With your luck she wouldn't be talking about that and you just made the biggest idiot out of yourself for all eternity.

She pouts with those big full, red lips. You had to admit you were a bit tempted to just say 'fuck it' and do whatever but it still didn't seem right. The next thing you know her hand is grabbing yours and thrusting it onto her chest. You tense up as you quickly realize you have a handful of ghost Troll boob. Your face is beginning to turn as red as your eye color.

Suddenly a loud, high pitched noise echoes out amongst the trees and a figure which looks to be Karkat in a red sweater runs up to the both of you with a whistle in his mouth almost as if he had been watching from a distance, waiting for the right moment.

"Excuse me, human. Halt your inappropriate act. I will not allow you to take advantage of poor Damara like this. I realize we come from very different cultures, but it is completely unethical to make unwanted approaches to a woma-"

He continues to speak in long, unbroken sentences. Never in your life did you think you'd prefer Karkat over anyone else, but his ancestor is making that a reality.

You can only sigh heavily and mutter. "I fucking hate dream bubbles...."
Vriska: Summarize events of the long was Aranea talking again?

You give Meenah an easy smirk in response to the irritated glare she shoots your way, amused that she seems to be so easily ruffled. You don’t bother to conceal your chuckle at John’s addition, knowing that it will only further add to her irritation.

The smugness briefly disappears as she continues, not because of the thinly veiled insult to you, but because of the blatant threat aimed at John that you aren’t convinced is entirely in jest. Your grip on John’s hand reflexively tightens, as if just sheer willpower would generate some sort of force field that would keep Meenah’s rather large trident away from both of you.

“I think ‘adfishion’ would suit her perfectly, actually.” The grin returns as quickly as it disappeared, shooting the seatroll another smirk. It really is amusing to watch her get frustrated at the small, petty jabs despite her outward confidence. You feel a shift next to you as she stands up, and you tense quickly upon seeing her hand move to the weapon, prepared to move to stop her if she looked like she would throw it.

Once it’s apparent that she has no current interest in impaling your matesprit on a giant fork, you settle again, letting your grip on his hand loosen just a little. Watching her deliver a last feeble insult before walking away back into the forest, you barely succeed in repressing your extreme urge to stab her with her own trident. But you figure it wouldn’t really do much besides make her angry, and an angry heiress isn’t something you feel like dealing with right now. With a sigh and an hurried apology and farewell, Aranea heads off after Meenah, calling for her to wait. You watch her go with significantly less animosity; she was long winded as hell, but at least she was somewhat interesting and not threatening.

You return your attention to John, grinning at the exaggerated surprise in the question. “Yes, John, you are very weird,” you reply, bumping your shoulder lightly against his. “Almost as weird as literally everyone else on the meteor and in the dreambubbles are. Which is almost as weird as I am. So sure, let’s go with weird.” You lean over to sneak a small kiss, standing up and pulling him with you. “Weird is good. I’m completely cool with weird.

"So we met ancestors...what now?"

Terezi: Mentally backpedal a little

You inwardly cringe at the mistake you realize you made moments after you made it. Oops. You hadn’t meant to compare him to someone he seems to hate, it was more of you thinking out loud than talking to him. But in a way, it is true, even though he hates the comparison. You can’t help wondering, though, if he actually will try and make friends with Dave. They seem to have hated each other for the majority of time you’ve all spent on the meteor, so if they actually formed a somewhat positive relationship it would be pretty cool.

One of your eyebrows creeps up at the slowly rising volume of his voice, a subtle signal for him to cool down. Thankfully, he quickly realizes and does calm down, and you smile a little to yourself in satisfaction.

Your face, previously angled downward just a little while you listened to his small rants, snaps back to its former position, tilting up to look at him in surprise. “What kind of question is that supposed to be?” you demand, grinning widely at him. “Of course we’re good. There isn’t much in any goddamn universe that would make us un-good. At least on my end.”

Be the heiress

You don’t want to be the --

What do you mean you don’t want to be the heiress? Being her would be the biggest motherglubbin’ privilege to be had in the dreambubbles. Be the glubbing Peixes already.

Fine. You are now Meenah, and you are more than a little amused at what you’ve stumbled upon on your way to recruit your makeshift army. Looking ahead, you can easily make out the dull red shape of your session’s Time player, as well as the bright red of Kankri’s sweater. They both seem to be standing by a tree, talking to someone you can’t quite see. You catch the word “human” a good few times as you approach. Is there a human there? Man, this just keeps getting better and better.

“Reeled in another one so soon, Megido?” You come up on her other side, effectively interrupting Kankri's verbal dissertation with an easy grin. “Aw look, it’s a human! Doesn’t look too happy, does he?” You turn to the human, who you recognize as the “coolkid” on the meteor carrying some of the younger trolls and a few humans. “Cool it, coolkid, ya aren’t any different from the rest of us, we all get this. Enjoying yerself?”
John: Suggest a familiar activity

You're more than happy to accept Vriska's confirmation that you're weird but so is everyone else. Yeah, you certainly weren't the only weird one, especially after meeting the Trolls. You soon find yourself being guided to your feet along with Vriska and pondering her next question. It was a good one, for sure, because you really had no plan at this point. Honestly, you were happy to just stay here under the trees forever as long as she was beside you.

"Huh, I dunno... Glad we finally have some privacy though. It's tough being right next to you and not be kissing you at pretty much every possible moment. Especially when I have you here in this beautiful forest." Your arms coil around her waist as you pull her toward you into a nice, deep kiss. It was good to know kissing here in the dream afterlife whatever was still just as nice as when you were awake. Your tongue persuades her lips apart so it can join hers in a gentle caress. Finally you pull away just a bit to stare longingly into her eyes with a very content smile.

"It's still not even half as beautiful as you are..." Your smile turns into a somewhat mischievous grin as you let a hand gently trail up her spine and into her soft, flowing hair. "So, I wouldn't mind just having some sloppy dream forest makeouts..."

Dave: Move your hand already

You're Dave again but for once you're not sure you want to be. Whoops, despite the sudden interjection of the guy who wasn't Karkat (who was still talking despite you clearly not listening) you still had a hand firmly planted on an alien ghost breast. So, now would be a good time to move it. Anytime now.

Soon, yet another figure approaches and you quickly recognize her as that punk girl who always talks in water terms. She's okay, you guess, but you weren't exactly itching for more company at this moment. She makes a finishing pun related to Damara having caught you and sure enough you were red-handed, still... holding her. Finally you yank your hand back.

"Awesome let's just... have every circus freak show up at once to make me feel as awkward and uncomfortable as possible. I ain't doing any acrobatic fucking pirouettes for you guys. I'm done with that shit." You grumble, crossing you arms to make sure your hands weren't commandeered again anytime soon.

Kankri finally stops talking as he glances between the crew that has formed. "If none of you were listening then I'll just have to start over. I don't much care for your rudeness and Meenah I'd appreciate it if you were to tag your puns just in case anyone could be triggered by them. We do not know much about these humans. They could be very disturbed by the your favorite subject which you throw about so casually, even into words that do not normally invite such arrangements."

Damara just sort of grunts at Meenah's intrusion, after mostly ignoring Kankri's. You don't know what to make of it but there appears to be some beef between the two girls.

"And uh, to answer your question. Yes, I am having the time of my life. Not like you'd know anymore, being dead and all. I gotta say being alive is pretty fucking incredible. With all the breathing and having normal eyes. I was thinking of having an alive party. I'd invite you but uh... I dunno, would kinda ruin the theme, you know?" You direct toward Meenah, but it seems like your attention being taken away frustrates Damara and she quickly grasps your chin to turn your face towards her again.

The next thing she does makes you tense up immediately, which is slowly begin to pull your sunglasses off. You quickly bat her hand away. "Woah, no one touches the shades."

She pouts again, pressing herself closer to you. "Let's... get alone, human." She speaks again in that nigh unintelligible accent. Her slender fingers trail back down your shirt and reach your jeans and you really can't believe she's still doing this with an audience.

"Okay. Nope. Listen, you're super pretty and all, but it wouldn't work out between us. You see, I'm alive, and you're not. Kind of a deal breaker in any sort of relationship." You quickly reply, placing your hands on Damara's shoulders and pushing her back and out of your way. "Nice seeing all of you freaks again."

With that, you dash off into the forest as fast as your legs will allow. You think you hear Kankri before the voice completely fades. "That human really needs to check his life privilege."

Karkat: Abscond

Back to being Karkat. Going to get whiplash if you keep being other people so quickly.

"Well good. It's good that we're good." You immediately wince at how stupid you sound but quickly shake it off. "I think I'm going to go for a walk. Maybe there's something interesting in this dream bubble to get my mind off of all that shit for a little. Uh... Thanks for talking, Terezi. See you around."

With that you stroll out of the room and immediately find yourself in a rather familiar foresty area. It's nice to see a place that looks like home, even if it wasn't how the land around your hive in particular looked. You spend a few minutes just walking and you even spot Dave in the distance. You consider approaching him, but as soon as you notice his proximity to yours and Megido's ancestors you immediately turn the complete opposite direction. Poor Strider. He was done for sure.

It's not long until you come into a small clearing and two figures stand in the middle of it, embraced tightly. At first you gag, because it was John and Vriska and you've seen enough of their sickeningly sweet displays of affection to rot every single one of your teeth out. Then again, you told Terezi you'd try to get by that stuff, and perhaps it was time to show Vriska you didn't really hate her like she probably thought you did.

"Egbert and Serket. You're asleep and you still can't stop locking lips. Unbelievable. Do you even remember to breathe?"

"Oh, hey Karkat! Uh, heh, yeah sometimes we do, but if we didn't have to breathe we'd probably never stop!" He replies with a grin, somewhat loosening his hold on Vriska to turn toward you.

"Totally sickening. Maybe someday you'll dream of nothing but me chewing on someone's face and we'll see how you like it!" You shoot back, though with a grin of your own.

"Hey, we did just see Meenah. I think she's into you. Interested in playing a little 'Go fish?'" He snickers, waggling his eyebrows in a ridiculous manner.

"Ugh, she's fine, but... I'm not filling any quadrants with a ghost, let alone a ghost sweeps my senior. How would that possibly even work?

"Well.... You know, to be totally honest, when I was with Jade, she mentioned you, like... a lot."

"She did?! I mean... well no shit. Who wouldn't mention me? I'm the best fucking Troll. Sorry, Serket. Them's the breaks." You shrug, trying to play off your initial excited reaction. John unfortunately seemed to have caught onto it anyway.

"Yep yep. I had to prod her for a while but I finally got her to admit who she found the most handsome and she said Karkat. That's even with Dave in the picture."

Your eyes widen. She thought you were more handsome than Dave? You try to fight back the grin that wants to appear on your face. "Yeah well..... who cares what she thinks. She's ugly and has big glasses and buck teeth!" You knew you were having a harder time playing this off now. John just wasn't buying it at all at this point.

"I'm not the best judge, since she's my sister, but she's real pretty, Karkat. Once you meet her in person, you should totally ask her out! I know she'd say yes!" John says with clear excitement. It's almost like he wants you to get together with his sister. That guy was weird.

"Jegus, if she's that hard on for a date then... maybe I'll have pity on her. No promises, though!" You offer in compromise. John grins a bit wider. You're fairly certain he knows you planned on doing it as soon as he mentioned Jade talked about you favorably. You're not sure why but you liked Jade a lot. Despite your unfavorable description of her, you did agree with John that she was very pretty. You were kind of curious how she'd grown in the past couple years, too...
Vriska: Accept sloppy dream forest makeouts

You roll your eyes at him with a grin as he brings you closer, wrapping your arms around him tightly. You let him pull you into a kiss, leaning up to press your lips against his. Even though you’re dreaming, the sensation of his warm lips on yours feels very familiar, very nice, and very, very real. Your lips part readily at the urging of his tongue, letting your own tongue slip out to brush against his before drawing back to look at him with the faintest hint of a smile.

“You’ve gotten far too good at lying. You must be spending too much time with me,” you tease with a grin, shivering as his hand moves up your spine. “But I’d be lying too if I said I was opposed to sloppy dream forest makeouts.” You smirk at him, pulling him closer into another kiss, running your tongue lightly across his lower lip.

Meenah: Give up and abscond

You make no effort to conceal the openly amused grin you have plastered all over your face at the human’s obvious discomfort as he pulls his hand back from where it’s being squashed against Damara’s chest. What’s even more funny, if possible, is Kankri’s obliviousness to the fact that just about nothing the kid could ever do would ever make her feel uncomfortable.

You ignore Kankri completely, rolling your eyes vaguely in his direction, if only just to acknowledge that you heard him. If he thinks you haven’t heard him, he’d most likely launch into yet another lecture on the importance of paying attention to lectures. Hell, he’d lecture about lectures if you gave him the chance. The grin never breaks as you watch the kid’s growing discomfort. Clearly he isn’t sure how to handle a dead Troll who’s trying to undress him in a dream bubble.

Watching him extricate himself from the tangle of arms and legs that is Damara and run off is flat out funny, to say the least. You don’t try to stop him, and though she looks vaguely irritated, neither does she.

"A'right Vantas, Megido. I'd love ta stick around and talk aboat humans and shit, but I got an army ta raise. See ya." You quickly abscond before Kankri can start going off about triggers and the human again, not about to wait for yet another lecture.

Terezi: Explore

You give Karkat an awkward half smile at his response, nodding quickly at his decision to go for a walk. God forbid it gets more awkward in here.... You wait until he’s already out the door to follow him outside into the forest. Taking a moment to deliberate, you head off into the forest, simply curious to see what you’ll find. Before long though, you end up getting bored and returning to your real self on the meteor.

Okay that was quick, now be Vriska again

Jeez, you’re feeling flighty today, aren’t you. But you really can’t blame yourself for enjoying being Vriska. Being Vriska means you’re back to being one half of a sloppy dream forest makeout. Right now, however, the light rush of footsteps on the grass alerts you to a third person approaching.

Pulling out of the kiss reluctantly, you keep a loose grip on John’s hand, glancing to the side to see Karkat coming into the small clearing. Great. You had a feeling that a perfect dream bubble was too good to be true. It’s not that you hate Karkat or even really dislike him, but you get the feeling he either doesn’t like you or he still doesn’t like your relationship. Or both.

You turn to face him at the same time John does, keeping a loose grip on his hand. A small smile grows on your face at the playful banter between the two. It’s kind of funny, actually. At first Karkat hated all of the humans, and now he’s standing in a dream bubble joking around with one. At least from what he says he doesn’t seem to have any real problem with your relationship save for the fact that you and John were locked in each other’s arms when he walked up.

You grin at his skeptical response when he’s reminded that Meenah might like him, biting back an outright laugh at the strange eyebrow wiggle John directs at him.

At first when Jade comes into the conversation you’re a little confused. But the idea of Karkat and Jade in the red quadrant is so unexpected will never use this word again, ever...cute, that you almost don’t even realize he’d just downplayed you to set himself up as the best Troll.

“You wish you were the best Troll,” you shoot back at him, watching him curiously for a reaction. Under any other circumstances, you suspect he would have argued with you. But as John goes on to tell him how Jade considered him more attractive than Dave, you easily catch the grin that appears on his face, despite the obvious efforts to restrain it. And his half-baked attempts to insult her make it even more painfully obvious that he doesn’t mean a word of what he says.

Once the suggestion is out that he should ask her out, you know any hope he had of trying to deny his attraction to her is completely gone. If John approves of the match, he doubtless won’t hesitate to ask her out earlier than the earliest possible opportunity. To be honest, the excitement coming from both of them is nice, especially since when you’re all awake it’ll probably be awkward again. But for now, you’re content to just smirk at Karkat.

“And you thought I was crazy for falling for a human,” you grumble at him, giving John’s hand an affectionate squeeze. “Looks like the little hypocrite’s just about ready to jump ship. Going to run off into paradox space to find a human matesprit, Karkat?”
Karkat: Cease discussing relationships for tonight

You scoff at Vriska's comment. "Back up, Serket. I'm not falling for any human! Besides, I think you're crazy for plenty other reasons than that! Anyway, Jade just happens to be moderately tolerable for a human. That's it! Don't act like you've suddenly spun this shit around on me. You're the one still clinging to Egbert like a clawgrub."

John just grins, gripping Vriska's hand tighter. "Wow, moderately tolerable. High praise coming from Mr. Crabby here. Maybe I'll have to warn Jade before she's hypnotized by such a smooth talker like you, Karkat."

"Whatever. At least I'm still somewhat concerned about the continuation of both our fucking species! How is anything going to work out if we keep pairing up like this?" You growl in response. It was true that there was the possibility that the only way the Humans or Trolls would continue as a species would be by procreation, but that certainly wouldn't work if Humans and Trolls kept getting together instead of Humans and Humans, and Trolls and Trolls. John definitely wasn't taking that concern seriously. He was too obsessed with Vriska to care.

"Well, a great man named Ian Malcolm once said... 'Life finds a way'." John quotes. You're pretty sure he's just spewing lines from another movie since that's all he really seems to know. You roll your eyes.

"Egbert, you have once again made me stupider just for having listened to your inane cinematic vomit. I'm leaving now, so have fun slobbering over each other." You raise your hands in a 'I'm done with this shit' manner before heading back off toward your sleeping body. Maybe you'll wake yourself up just to get away from all this nonsense.

John: Wake

"So salty. He and Jade are going to be so adorable together." You chuckle, turning back to Vriska. "Granted, not as adorable as we are, but hey who is? Now... where were we...?"

And the two of you proceed to have the greatest makeout session in history.

The next morning you awaken, and despite having spent a good portion of the time sleeping actually being conscious and active you feel quite relaxed and well-rested. You're certainly more than happy to still have Vriska wrapped in your arms as well. You place a gentle kiss upon her forehead only to notice her eyes flutter open soon after.

"Morning, gorgeous." You grin, cuddling her as close as you can. You allow yourself to just hold her quietly for a little while before a thought begins to nag at your mind. "Maybe it's selfish but I don't care what Karkat said about our species' and re-population and all that. I just know that I want you and no one else..."
Vriska: Wake up

Your grin shows no sign of dissipating at Karkat’s loud, insistent assertions that he hasn’t fallen for a human. Judging by the smile he almost had on his own face, he’s doing nothing but make it more painfully obvious that he likes the human in question. You roll your eyes at his jab at you and John, making no move to detach yourself from the hand you’re holding. Contrarily to what he seems to want, all you do is tighten your grip to match John’s, completely unruffled. In retrospect, you’re doing fairly well, seeing as a few weeks ago you would have just shot back a stinging remark, which would do nothing but result in a word war.

The resurfacing of the issue of repopulating both Humans and Trolls does little to give you pause. You’ve been aware for ages of the difficulty of reviving two entire races from practically nothing, and you know perfectly well that Humans and Troll couples will shrink the possibilities. Choosing to ignore the remark, you wait semi patiently until Karkat just gives up and leaves, looking thoroughly fed up with both of you.

“The idea of Karkat with anyone is funny,” you say in reply to John’s prediction. “From what I’ve heard of Jade, the idea of him with her takes it to a whole new level.” You grin at him, returning to the comfortable closeness to him in order to participate in the greatest makeout session in history.

Whether a few minutes passes until you wake up or a good several hours, you aren’t sure. You wake to the feeling of warm lips on your forehead, though it takes you a few seconds to realize that you’re actually awake. You open your eyes to see the brilliant blue of John’s eyes, and before you can do anything about it a sleepy smile has already crossed your face and you’re snuggling closer to him, still comfortable within the circle of his arms. “Morning,” you mumble softly, placing a light kiss on the underside of his chin. You just stay there, wrapped in your human cocoon of warmth for a few minutes while you start to wake up fully.

“Don’t worry about Karkat,” you reply, leaning up to look at him. “He’s been going on about repopulating everything for ages. Sure, it’s selfish for me to want to be with you and you to want to be with me? But here’s the thing, I don’t care either. You already know that.” You shift a little closer to him, curling one of your arms up to run your fingers through his hair. “Let’s just do whatever the hell we want and worry about repopulating later.” You lean up for a brief kiss, letting your teeth just barely graze his lower lip, pulling back again with a small grin. “If Karkat has a problem with us, he can come in here and complain. Until then, I’ll be perfectly happy to be with whoever the hell I feel like being with.”

You stretch for a moment with a sigh before settling even closer to him, if that were even possible given the fact that you’re just about as close as you can possibly get already. “Sleep well?” You know you did, despite the fact that technically you were awake for most of your sleep. And perhaps mostly owing to the fact that you slept in what is by far the most comfortable position you’ve ever slept in.
John: Learn troubling news

You smile against the soft kiss Vriska offers you, enjoying the warm feeling that courses through you as you taste her. Sometimes it was nice to remind yourself that she was still here and still yours. Your hold on her tightens a bit more as she informs you that she didn't care about what Karkat said. You knew that already, but it was still nice to hear her confirm it. Honestly, you didn't think Karkat cared as much as he put on. He was just looking for an excuse to yell at you guys again, though this time it was more in the friendly manner than the angry manner. It was obvious by now that Karkat yelled pretty much 24/7 about anything and everything, even if he wasn't actually upset.

Your smile curves into a larger grin as she asks about how you slept. At first you just let your eyes drift shut and press yourself closer to her, relaxing against her with synchronized breaths. "Does a Strider wear sunglasses?" You finally reply, implying that of course you slept well. "Never better... Especially when I spent most of the night awake with you. And to wake up next to you like this? Yeah, I don't think I need anything else. Just this." You decide to keep curled up together for a while longer, because why would you willingly leave such a comfortable position with the most beautiful girl to ever exist? Every so often you have to just look at her and amaze yourself with just how strikingly perfect she is. It makes your heart soar each time, and you never want to let her go.

Unfortunately, you both succumb to hunger eventually and decide to reluctantly break the comfortable embrace to go seek something to eat. Hey, if you could sustain yourself on Vriska alone, you would, but it seems even in a God Tier body you can still be subjected to the temptations of food. So together you abscond from bed and begin the day in search of sustenance.

Hours in the future, but not many...

You sit beside The Mayor constructing a new addition to Cantropolis. It seems to be the highest tower yet, and he's giddy with excitement over the creation. Then again, that could just be all the soda you've given him. You'll choose to believe it is a combination of both. You're not sure why constructing buildings out of cans is so amusing, but it manages to entertain you and The Mayor is by far the most personable and charismatic person on the entire meteor. You're not sure how this works. Likely because he's the only one who seems happy to see everyone all the time. You envy his optimism.

"Dave, come check this out!" You call, hoping to get your friend's attention. He's been quieter than usual today and you think it has something to do with Terezi since she was currently absent. Dave strolls over, observing the building carefully, tapping his chin to make the entire thing seem even more official.

"Needs a stronger base. The terrorists could come by and just topple that thing over like nothing. This isn't nothing, John. This is civilization as we know it. You can't just be mugging for the camera and kissing babies and thinking you can run a city that way. No. You have to deliver the real shit. Freedom. Democracy. Cans."

"So..." You respond with a dumbfounded expression. "More cans on the base...?"

"More cans on the base."

"You could have just said that!"

"Play the part, Egbert! Pretend you're Nick Cage, the only man possible of building that tower and if you don't do it, a million people will be robbed the pleasure of seeing your beautiful face for the rest of their lives." Dave gestures wildly while saying this. It seems like normal Dave is still there, but something is still off.

"So, where's Terezi?" You decide to ask straight out.

"Dunno, but I saw her earlier today. Didn't take me long to figure out what was going on. She reeked of Faygo and fake miracles. Also shitty clown makeup. I guess she's hatecrushing on Gamzee or some shit? I still don't understand that black romance nonsense. So we're not a thing anymore cause I don't really think I can handle a relationship where my girlfriend is fucking a juggalo she hates on the side."

"Wait... Gamzee is Terezi's Kismesis...?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Is that the word? I guess so. It's okay. We're still friends. No big loss. Maybe Karkat can get off my ass about that now, though he seems bothered over different shit now and weirdly friendly to me. It's actually a bit worrying..."

"Oh..." You frown slightly. You couldn't help but find this news distressing.

"Yeah, life goes on. Now get that base going, Egbert." He orders, turning back to his canvas on the wall.
Vriska: Take Terezi’s advice

You are more than content to wait for some kind of response to your question, happy to just have his warmth next to you, close enough to feel his steady breathing against you, matching your own breaths. The rhetorical question he gives you in return is quite enough to answer your question, seeing as you haven’t yet seen Strider without his shades on over the last couple years. The reminder of the time you spent dreaming brings a half smile to your face, remembering the dream bubble the two of you visited together. You consider getting out of bed in search of food, but to be completely honest, you don’t feel at all like moving from your current position. Comfortably pressed up against him, you relax for another several minutes, just breathing in his familiar scent.

After a while, the desire for food surpasses your hesitance to leave the warm circle of John’s arms under the blankets, and you roll out of bed and return to your room, quickly tugging on a set of clothes and rejoining him in the hallway to set out on a quest for breakfast. To be fair, you did work up quite an appetite last night, and you haven’t eaten since yesterday before he found you in the halls.

A few hours later, but not all that many...

After eating, you and John split paths. You’d waved him off to Cantropolis, and you’d gone off to retrace your steps to some of your haunts that you hadn’t visited in a while. Now you find yourself near your starting point again, and in need of something better to do than walk your path again.

On your way down the main hall, you hear the familiar sounds of a one-sided battle taking place inside one of the combat practice rooms someone had set up at some point back when you all first arrived on the meteor. From what you remember, there’s only one person on the meteor who actually uses the rooms on a fairly regular basis. And given what Terezi told you yesterday and what happened in the dreambubbles last night, you figure there couldn’t be much harm in going in and talking to the current occupant of the room. But perhaps you shouldn’t be too eager to approach him when he’s holding a sharp, deadly weapon and you’re not.

You slip your dice out of your jeans pocket, jogging them experimentally in your hand. Tossing the eight tiny octahedrons into the air, you watch they come down again into your hand, morphing into one long saber, tinted a deep shade of cerulean blue. Satisfied, you quietly open the door to the room, coming in to see Karkat slashing away at one of the training dummies, having not noticed your entry. You slip up behind him silently, watching him for a few moments. He actually isn’t bad, given what you’re seeing now.

You wait until just the right moment. The only problem is successfully intercepting him without losing your own head to those colorful blades. You suspect he’ll feel threatened at first, but ideally he’ll realize that you aren’t trying to kill him and loosen up before one of you accidentally kills the other. Between strikes, you quickly step out from behind him, extending your own blade to effectively block his sickles from contacting the training dummy, bracing yourself for the inevitable surprised reaction.
Karkat: Continue training

You're the Knight of Blood, and once again you're training alone. That's usually how it goes. Honestly, you're not sure how much more practice you can get out of these training dummies. It's pretty much just exercise and something to kill time at this point. Right about now you're kind of happy to be alone because you really needed to mull over some thoughts. You spent some time with Dave earlier and through that you both managed to deduce that something was going on between Gamzee and Terezi, which was quite a shocking revelation at first. You really wanted to know why, and whether or not that was the cause of your Moirallegiance ending, or a result of it, or neither.

Either way, you were disappointed. Not really angry for once, just depressed and confused. You had a good talk with Terezi right before you found out all of this, and now you're afraid to face her again. In fact, you've actively avoided her most of the day and usually you had been happy to have her around, even when she was still flushed for Strider, whom you considered your nemesis at the time. You hated that you were letting this get to you so much. Who Terezi filled her quadrants with was none of your business, but still... black with your best friend? Or, ex-best friend in this case. It was just so unexpected and the thought of them... doing anything together, whether it be fueled by love or hate, kinda disturbed you.

The sound of your sickles continues to echo throughout the chamber in a rather predictable set of clangs and tings against the metallic statues. Eventually you begin to grunt as you slash at them harder, and faster. You were beginning to hate their blank, faceless bodies. They showed no sign of wear or pain, and you wanted to see the results of your work. You suddenly pause your attacks to reach over into a pile of chalk. With the green, you hastily scribble a snarling face onto one of the training dummies and step back to observe your work. Okay, it was shit. It was supposed to be Jack, but it looked more like a really angry cat. Whatever, the concept was still there. Heh, cats... You kinda miss Nepata you think as you return to slicing at your newly-faced target.

All of the sudden the clanging sound of your blade strikes a different tone, that of colliding with another weapon than the training dummy. You quickly spin to notice Vriska holding out her blue saber, intercepting your strike with a somewhat satisfied smirk.

"Holy grubfucking musclebeast shitstacks, Serket. Do you want your head sliced clean off? John would probably go grimdark in an instant." You quickly reply, withdrawing your blade and stepping backward. "You've got globes, though, I'll give you that..."

You actually chuckle, shaking your head a bit. "Fuck it. I'm actually glad you're here. I'll come right out and say it. I'm sorry I was such an asshole before. To be honest, I always respected the way you played in our session. Sometimes I felt like you were the only one who gave a shit. I tried to organize those idiots as they bumbled around with their jackassery but I never felt like I needed to tell you to try harder or pick up the pace. Maybe you did it just so you could be the best but hell at least it got us somewhere. We may not have been able to win without your ascension to God Tier.

So, there it is. Don't expect praise on a regular basis or anything. I still have a fucking reputation to maintain! Now, what do you say we make this a bit interesting?"

With that, you grin wickedly, swiping down toward Vriska with a colorful blade. Your attack was wound up enough to where she'd be able to easily block it, but you weren't gonna hold back too much.
Vriska: Seek out your matesprit

You smirk at Karkat as he spins around to confront you, easily seeing that you’d successfully startled him well enough. The colorful obscenities he lets loose is more than enough to tell you just how surprised he is to see you here. You hold your position while he yells at you, retracting your own blade only after he removes his. “You wouldn’t be able to slice my head off. You’re going to have to give me more credit than that if you’re going to tell me I’ve got globes.”

It is a little confusing, however, to hear a laugh instead of more yelling. You had always just assumed that for the last couple years he’s hated you as much as he always seemed to, which is quite a lot. So hearing him start to talk about how helpful you were is surprising, to say the least. And hearing an apology in the middle of all of it is even more surprising.

As expected, the praise and compliments last all of a few moments before he’s back to his normal shouty self. You doubt he would ever be that nice to you again. Even when he is nice, only on the rarest of occasions does he actually act like a nice person is normally supposed to act. Though you suppose you’re being hypocritical, seeing as the nicest you’ve ever been to anyone besides John isn’t very nice at all.

You see the sudden attack coming from miles off, a flash of color that is Karkat’s weapon arcing down at you. In a flash, your own blade has risen to meet it, the ringing sound of metal clashing with metal bouncing off the walls of the room.

“Not bad, Vantas,” you comment with a smirk, glancing up at the crossed blades. “Interesting, if you’d prefer to use your word for it. A little slow, of course, but that’s only to be expected.” You hold for a moment, just enough time to fit in a quick wink before pressing forward suddenly, shoving him backwards. You use the momentum the push gives you to take a step forward, aiming a quick sweep at his side.

...a while later, the exact time of which you don’t bother to keep track of...

You have to admit, Karkat isn’t bad at fighting at all. To be honest, you think he’s at least as good as you are. By the time you both had gotten tired of fighting, you’d each won a few quick bouts. Maybe those training sessions aren’t such a bad idea after all, seeing as now you seem to have someone who is actually willing to practice with you. You figure you might even come back at some point to pick up where you left off.

But for now you decide to go and find John, leaving Karkat in the training room with his green-faced opponent. It’s been at least several hours, and you find yourself itching to feel the warmth of his skin again, as ridiculous as you know it makes you seem. Yeah, you guess you are turning into that one person who can’t go a day without seeing their matesprit. But to be fair, you did wait two years to finally get to meet him.

You expect that Cantropolis will have been repaired to satisfaction and its few workers will have left by now, John included. Going off of your prediction, you set off toward the general direction of Cantropolis, assuming you’ll run into him at some point in the hallway.
Karkat: Strife

You laugh again, only to stop yourself so you can focus on blocking her sudden follow-up attack. The blades clash once again, the echo of their collision shooting through the mostly empty room. "I was just going easy on you. Don't worry, that was a one time thing. You haven't really ever fought with me, Serket. You don't have any fucking idea what I'm capable of!"

You immediately retaliate and proceed to have one of the greatest sparring matches in history.

After a while, you and Vriska part ways. For once you ended an encounter with each other without scowling, or glaring, or anything of the sort. You're not exactly sure what compelled her to seek you out, but it was... nice to patch things up with her. It helped that she'd mellowed out a bit since John's arrival. You like to think you're an expert in all things romance, but truthfully you never really expected filling her flushed quadrant was just what Vriska needed. Now that you think about it, it makes a bit more sense. She was always desperate for approval. She wanted to be the best. Now that she has someone who genuinely thinks she's the best, maybe she feels like she doesn't have to try to be so dramatic and dangerous all the time. Granted, how dangerous and dramatic could one be on this meteor? You were a year away from anything else. You could only hope that Vriska wouldn't make some stupid decisions once the game was back on. John would likely prevent such a thing, right?

By now your arms were tired from swinging the sickles. That was enough practice for today. Maybe you'd go try and bug Kanaya for a change. Hell, maybe she could auspisticize between Terezi and Gamzee. Surely she's been itching to do that for a while now, what with the lack of blackroms on this meteor.


John: Intercept

John Egbert you are. By now the city of cans was goddamn immense and you had to wonder just when and where it would end. It was a big room but surely it had to stop somewhere, right? The Mayor seemed to be nothing if not enthusiastic about the entire thing, still. He was a man of simple pleasures and you could certainly respect that. You, however, had other things on the mind now. Well, more like a single person. That person being Vriska. A concept that would surprise exactly no one. After a while, your mind just naturally floated back to her. It was amazing how despite spending an entire month with each other you still were just as eager as ever to see her. Who would blame you, really? She was a fantastic girl. Course, the recent new benefits of the relationship didn't hurt either.

You eventually wave goodbye to Dave and the Mayor and stroll back into the hall. You briefly consider going to just hang out by yourself for a bit. Maybe Vriska needed a bigger break from you than you did from her, but it was hard to fight the desire to feel her lips against yours. Maybe you'd just go see how she was doing and if she was busy or something you'd leave her be for a little longer...

However, as soon as you start down the hallway you notice a familiar silhouette and immediately you begin into a sprint. Once you're within range you wrap Vriska into your arms and swing her around before setting her back down and pulling her into a nice, long kiss.

"Hey gorgeous..." You whisper as you pull back slightly. "Was just thinking about you... Um, feel like hanging out?" You inquire innocently with a typical John smirk. Course, you had a few intimate things on your mind, but you'd certainly have fun just doing normal things with her, too...
Vriska: Contemplate

You pause for a moment on your way down the hallways to think. Did you actually just spend more than five minutes in an enclosed space with nobody to keep you company but Karkat Vantas without using the sharp object you were carrying to cause damage to any and/or all people currently on the meteor? Yeah, you think you did. Terezi would be so proud, you think wryly. You did do what she wanted, albeit in a rather violent way. But it was productive, right? At least, productive in the sense that it was better than aimlessly wandering the halls in a halfhearted attempt to find something to do. Definitely more productive than that. And being able to fight someone without outmatching them or being outmatched, you have to admit, feels good. Relieving your tension with John is one thing, but having a weapon in your hand is satisfying in a different way, one that works better to eliminate your constant restlessness. Like Karkat himself said, you were busy in the game, then all of it suddenly stopped. Going from constant activity to literally no excitement in just about no time flat wasn’t fun.

But had your fun today, and by now you’re impatient to see John. You soon discover that finding him proves to be a much simpler task than you thought. Within a few minutes you hear the sound of rapid footsteps, and you look up to see him coming towards you faster than you expected. You find yourself grinning a little, already impatient for the inevitably approaching hug.

“Hi, J-- hey!” You start to call out to him, only to suddenly be snatched off your feet with a yelp and spun around before you can finish. Reflexively, your arms quickly latch onto him and stay there, even after he sets you back on your feet. You have no time to try to talk again before his lips are on yours, so you decide to just shut up and kiss him back with a smile, tightening your grip on him.

You pull away a bit when he does, rolling your eyes at the little smirk he gives you. Yes, you do feel like hanging out, whether he genuinely means hanging out around here or means hanging out a little more...privately. Either way, you are most definitely all right with hanging out.

“I think hanging out sounds nice,” you reply with a grin, leaning up to press your lips briefly to his before reluctantly extricating yourself from the hug. Reaching down with one of your hands, you tangle your fingers with his, giving his hand a light squeeze. You turn to walk back the way you came, tugging him with you. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about returning to the bedroom, so you figure you’ll take a walk and probably end up there anyway. So you set a course in that general direction.

“Let me guess, Cantropolis is safely on its way to completion and the amount of multicolored chalk dust in there is enough for you to kick up a dust storm thick enough to cover the entire place in chalky powdery fogginess.” You really have no clue what’s going on in Cantropolis. Though judging by how much Terezi loves the place and the one time you’ve been anywhere near it, you suspect that the intended humor behind your remark may be offset by the possible accuracy of it.
John: Return to your room with Vriska

You gladly take Vriska's hand as she begins to walk with you down the empty hallway. Your other hand runs through your hair as you sigh heavily while thinking of an appropriate response. "Hoo man, completion? I'm not even sure completion is a thing. The cans will eventually take over the entire meteor at this rate. And the chalk, oh god, the chalk. Just thinking about it makes me want to cough up a multicolored cloud of potentially toxic residue."

You give off a light chuckle, but the carefree tone soon fades and you drift into a somewhat forlorn expression. You imagine it won't take long to Vriska to worry about you if you keep looking like this, so you figure it's better to just talk about what's bothering you right now. "So, I guess Dave and Terezi broke up... Dave seems cool about it but who really ever knows with him. It could be eating him up inside but he'd never show it or admit it. He could also really not be bothered by it at all. I'm not sure which option is more irritating. I thought they had a good thing going, but rumor going around is that Gamzee guy and Terezi have one of those black relationships now. Dave kinda wanted nothing to do with that, and I guess I can't really blame him..."

Your hand squeezes Vriska's a bit harder as you glance over to her. "Just kinda reminds me how tough it is for humans to deal with how different troll relationships are. Even so, I just want to remind you that I love you and if for some reason you ever filled another quadrant I'll still be here for you. I suppose I just wish Dave had felt that way about Terezi because it would be nice. I liked them together, but Dave's a different sort of guy. Maybe he just needs some time."

Without really realizing it you both end up in front of the door to your room. You had just been walking and this seemed like the logical direction to go. Truthfully your mind had wandered to some certain moments in you room with Vriska quite a few times today. It was hard to get her out of your mind now. That was always true, but now more than ever. The last few days and nights had been nothing short of magical and there was no doubt you wanted to try and recreate them as often as possible. Still, you weren't going to assume Vriska was just as eager as you were. If she needed a break from that sort of thing every once in a while, you'd respect that. You still wanted to hang out with her, though, and your room was a good place to do that. You eventually take her inside and pull her into another nice, long kiss while you savored her taste. Every chance you got to kiss her you made sure to not take it for granted, and every time was just as amazing as the last. When you eventually draw back slightly you smile again softly, gazing into her eyes.

"Sooooooo.... Guess we made it to my room somehow. Funny how that works... Anything you'd like to do in particular? Maybe stay up all night watching the extended versions of Lord of the Rings?" You smirk, wondering if she would even realize how long that would be. You'd actually find that to be a lot of fun, but a part of you hoped she had something else on the mind...
Vriska: Suggest something in particular

You grin a little at him at his response, giving his hand a slight squeeze. “Enjoy spitting out toxic chalk dust. As long as you don’t kill yourself with it, I’m good.” It takes you a little more than half a second after John’s expression changes for you to notice. He looks a little...concerned, if concerned is the right word to describe his expression. You’ve slowed down a little and half turned to him to say something when he starts talking. You laugh to yourself a little, realizing that the two of you have gotten to the point where you don’t even have to say anything for him to know that you know he’s upset about something.

You listen patiently to the bits of news you’re offered, a little surprised at the news that Dave and Terezi broke up. Last time you saw them together they seemed fairly happy, though to be fair it’s been a while since you did see them together. You’d just assumed that your general antisocialness was at fault and their relationship was still fine. But you remember being worried about that very thing a month or so ago, when your own relationship first started. You knew he knew about the quadrants, and since you can’t really control the quadrants you fill, you had wondered if he would be bothered by it, and as it turns out, he wasn’t bothered by it. You guess Dave is just what John said, different. But the Gamzee thing is a little unnerving, to be honest. You never knew she had a thing for him, and you weren’t really aware he had much of a thing for anyone besides Karkat.

“I can’t pretend to know much about Dave...but I know that if I had both my red and black quadrants filled and one of them told me that there was a blue concupiscent quadrant or something I wouldn’t be too happy either. Time is the best thing you can give him now, I guess. But I don’t know what to tell you about Gamzee, I’m afraid. Never knew him all that well....”

At some point you realize that you’ve ended up back at the door to his room while you talked, and now you’re standing by the door, your hand still grasping his tightly. You follow him inside, moving in for another kiss quite willingly, wrapping your arms around him with a grin. “I guess we did end up back here, didn’t we...” You roll your eyes at the Lord of the Rings suggestion. “Isn’t that like twelve hours? Thirteen?” You pretend to think for a moment, tapping your finger against his back. “As mindblowingly entertaining as it sounds, I think there just might be a better use for this room.”

You lean up to press your lips lightly to his, just barely brushing against his skin before pulling back again, smirking just a little bit. Without even realizing it, your hands have found the hem of his shirt, gently tugging at it. “I don’t suppose you happen to have any idea what else we could do in here, do you?”
John: Consider possibilities

You don't even realize the extent of your stupidly-wide grin right now. You knew suggesting a 12-hour movie marathon wouldn't exactly excite Vriska Serket. You figured you'd toss that idea out there first, then suggest something a bit more intimate, but it seems her mind was in the exact same place as yours. The way her finger lightly taps against your back as she suggests another use for the room makes you shiver a bit. You never could get enough of her subtle little touches. It was incredible how her body could do such simple things and still manage to excite you more than you could put into words. She continues to prove her aptitude when she barely grazes your lips with hers. Instinctively your face moves forward as she pulls away, trying to capture her quickly escaping lips but to no avail. By now her hands have located your shirt and were ever so slowly pulling it up. You do your best to try and think of a witty response to her question that was not really a question, but she was already turning your brain to mush.

"Well... I'd try and think of something, but you're being kinda distracting with your sexiness and seductive ways... So I think I'm just gonna have to let my instincts decide..." You utter softly, placing your hands onto hers to help guide them up higher. As the shirt rises you shudder at the light touch of her fingers against your bare skin and eventually your shirt is up and over your head, the neckline taking your glasses along with it. After quickly fixing your eyewear, you carelessly toss the shirt and it lands in some random spot, your attention not even remotely on such a thing.

Your hands rest upon Vriska's waist for a moment, looking her over with a sort of contemplative expression. "Hmm, this just won't do. We need to make it even!" You state with a smirk. Your hands slide up Vriska, taking her shirt up along her body in a similar manner. Your movements are a bit quicker, partially due to eagerness and partially due to the slight chill on your bared skin. Once her shirt is off you gaze upon her chest with a small smile, but you still don't look entirely satisfied. Quickly, you reach back and unsnap the blue bra still shielding her breasts. With a quiet pap the garment falls to the floor and you take in the sight of her exposed breasts, perfect in their subtle sway after having been released from their cloth prison.

"There. Even now." You grin, leaning in to kiss her with a heavy need. You pull her close though you keep some space between your bodies to allow your other hand to grasp at one of her breasts, kneading the soft flesh against your palm and teasing the nipple with your fingers. The hand upon her back slowly moves up, massaging against her smooth skin as it does. Your fingers trace the bumps along her spine, enjoying the feeling of her soft hair brushing against your knuckles. You continue on along up her neck, through her hair on the back of her head and out the top. Grasping at her right horn you pull her head to the side, exposing her neck which you kiss and nibble hungrily. You briefly pause the attentions on her breast to allow that hand to drift downward, resting upon the button of her jeans and undoing it, followed by the motion of tugging down her zipper. With a bit of assistance you help the jeans slide down her legs and crumple down against her feet. You withdraw from her neck momentarily so you can look at her, now only in her panties and looking impossibly beautiful.

"You'd think by now I wouldn't be so shocked when I look at you but... you're just so amazing, Vriska..." You speak in almost a whisper, swallowing between a couple of deep breaths.
Vriska: Even the playing field a little

You smirk a little, feeling him move forward in pursuit of your lips. As the shirt starts to move up faster, your fingers brush lightly against the smoothness of his skin. By the time you’ve gotten the shirt completely over his head you’ve gotten a little impatient, accidentally snagging the frame of his glasses on the fabric of the shirt, a problem that is quickly fixed once the shirt is gone.

It’s only a few moments before his hands are on you, pulling your shirt up. You raise an eyebrow at him with a grin, allowing him to tug your shirt over your head, though you are careful not to let your own glasses get caught by the shirt, and send it the same way his own went. With one more quick touch, your bra is on the floor and out of the way, finally allowing you to move closer to him, automatically reaching out to wrap your arms around him, returning the offered kiss. A shiver runs up your spine at the touch of his fingers moving up your back, and you move a little closer to him, pressing into the hand massaging your breast.

You easily follow the urging of his hand at your horn, tilting your head to the side to let him nip at the soft skin of your neck. The gentle pressure of a hand at your zipper immediately sends your heart into overdrive, beating furiously against your ribcage as if it were trying to break its way out of your chest; you wouldn’t be surprised if he could feel it as well as you could. One of your hands reaches down to help slide the waistband of the jeans off your hips, letting them slide to the floor in a soft rustling of fabric. You kick the jeans to the side along with the small heap of clothing on the floor, fairly sure that you won’t need them for a while.

Even though by now you’re (almost) used to having his eyes on you, a blush still rises to your face under his inspection, the offered compliment only deepening the blue tint to your cheeks. You grin at him anyway, pulling him into a tight hug. “So hypocritical,” you mutter into his ear with a small laugh, planting a light kiss on his jaw. “Since when are you allowed to tell me I’m amazing when you’re guilty of the same thing twice over?” As you speak, you’ve started to pull away from him a little bit, your hands settling at his own waistband, making quick work of the zipper on his jeans and tugging them down to join the rest of your clothes.

“What was that you were saying about making it even?” You smirk at him, moving closer to pull him into another kiss, nipping gently at his lower lip for a moment before pulling away just a little, your lips still brushing against his. “Perhaps we aren’t as ‘even’ as we could be though. You’re wearing entirely too much.” Your grin grows a little wider, the tips of your fingers eagerly working at the waistband of his boxers. Despite having already done this several times, you’re still no less impatient than you were a few days ago, especially now when you’re pressed so closely together with hardly any clothes on at all.
John: Take a little taste

At first you're not sure if it's your heart or Vriska's thumping like a jackhammer but you soon realize it's both. It's kind of surreal that after all this time and all the things you've done together she still excites you this much even before all of her clothes are off. She could get your blood pumping just by giving you a quick smile or a wink, so you suppose it's not that surprising. The way she blushes as you look upon her still gives you the impression that she has similar feelings, and you have no complaints whatsoever about that. You're still not sure how you of all people managed to snag such a spectacular woman but you were not going to let the opportunity go to waste. When she pulls you into the hug and responds with a compliment of her own it seems it's now your turn to blush. The excitement in you only rises further as you feel her hands tugging at your jeans and pulling them down. You carelessly kick them away amongst the other rejected articles of clothing. They will be of no use. The loose fabric of your boxers did nothing to hide your arousal but you'd passed the point of caring about that a long time ago.

"How about we're both amazing together? Cause that much is true..." You respond, hoping she'll at least concede to that. You're still not sure why she seems so adverse to taking your compliments since she originally was so boastful and somewhat vain. You think it might be because she feels she doesn't deserve compliments anymore. She had been conditioned into believing she was evil and a bitch by others and while she played along with it for a bit, it eventually got to her. It didn't matter. You genuinely thought she was amazing and you were going to let her know it at every possible opportunity.

The kiss she offers you is eagerly returned, your hand happily returning to her breast until she pulls back away. You pout briefly as her lips tease yours while she speaks but you can't hold back a smirk when she implies that it's still not even. You're not sure how. You're both only in your underwear, but you're not exactly going to resist her stripping you further. You did agree, though. You were still wearing too much. Both of you were. With a little impatience your hands find hers to help assist her with your shorts. As they come down the elastic waistband catches on your erection briefly before freeing it, making it bounce back into its upright position soon after. Already your cock throbbed in anticipation for her and you blush again at just how transparent your excitement was.

"Uneven again, let's end this debate once and for all, okay?" You smirk, kneeling down in front of her. Your fingers curl around the band of her panties and slowly slide them down her hips, soon revealing her smooth, moist lips. It takes you a moment to realize your mouth is hanging open and you close it, swallowing hungrily. Your hands work their way back up her legs as you lean in to plant soft kisses along her inner thighs. With a glance upward you move your mouth to her vagina, extending your tongue to give it a nice, long lick. Following a deep breath, you exhale cool air against her before pressing your mouth against her lower lips fully, sucking and licking rather vigorously while reveling in her exquisite taste. Your wandering tongue eventually slips inside the incredibly hot passage, tasting her from within as you try to look up and observe her reaction. Your hands are tightly gripping her hips now, partially to help support her as you're certain she'd be finding it hard to balance soon...
Vriska: Request a chance at retribution

Your eyes follow the boxers on their way to the ground, settling for a moment on his erect length before drifting back up to meet his eyes again with a grin. The apparent blush on his face makes his self-consciousness adorably obvious, though perhaps that’s a bit hypocritical given the generous blue tint to your own face.

You roll your eyes, grinning back at him. “By all means, end away. Arguing about evening things out is such a pointless waste of time.” You let the tips of your fingers trail from his sides up to his shoulders as he moves down to kneel in front of you, absentmindedly rubbing small circles into his skin, watching him tug your last remaining article of clothing off, making good on the promise to even things out completely and finally. As his hands and lips work their way back up your legs, your heartbeat speeds up at a significant rate, the movement of your hands stopping to instead lightly grasp his shoulders.

A quick look is all the warning you receive before you feel the soft wetness of his tongue running between your legs. You let out a small, surprised groan, the muscles in your legs tensing against the tremor that runs through you. A small breath of air puffs against you, feeling almost icy cold against the feverish warmth of your skin, then his mouth is on you again, sucking at the warm, wet folds between your legs.

To be fair, you do your best to keep quiet. But once his tongue finds its way into you, pressing up against the walls of your passage, you can’t help the long groan that slips out as you lean your head back, digging your nails into his shoulders. By now it’s only his firm grip on your hips that keeps your trembling legs from giving out entirely.

“John...” You make a valiant effort to string together a coherent sentence, but you find yourself rather...distracted by his tongue exploring your throbbing passage and end up trailing off with a yelp as he brushes against a particularly sensitive spot. Still not completely convinced that your legs are steady under you, you edge backwards slowly a couple feet until the back of your legs press against the covers of the bed, pulling him with you.

“That is so not fair,” you murmur quietly, letting your fingers run lightly through his hair. “You aren’t even going to let me even things out again?” you demand with a slight smirk.
John: Approve of offer

Vriska's continued gasps of pleasures reinforce the idea that you had chosen the correct path as you continue to lick at her passage hungrily. You try to smile up at her, but your lips are a bit obscured for the moment. As her hands come down upon your shoulders you respond with a tighter grip upon her hips, both of you now using each other for support as you try to get an even better angle into her with your tongue. You can feel her struggle to try and stay upright while being so thoroughly teased and it seems to only become increasingly harder as time passes. You hear her gasp your name only to interrupt herself with a soft cry that sends a warm feeling of satisfaction through your entire body. You don't think you'd ever tire of hearing the effect you have on her because you're still surprised you could have this affect on any woman to begin with. The fact that it's Vriska makes it infinitely better. There was no other person or object or anything that you'd rather have other than her and you love the fact that she seems to feel the same for you.

She finally begins to make small movements, backing up toward the bed. You do your best to allow this while also keeping up your tongue's eager attentions, eventually ending up with her against the edge of the bed. You emit a soft chuckle upon hearing her words which seemed to contradict what she had said a couple minutes prior. You have to admit her desire to evenly return what you've given her so far was a thrilling thought. You had never really wanted to push her to pleasure you without being able to please her at the same time. If she wanted to, though... God, you'd let her without hesitation. Your hands, still resting firmly on her soft hips, help sit her down on the edge of the bed to finally relieve her of the tension of trying to stand while being probed by your tongue. You're not quite done, however, and you kneel at the edge of the bed with her, pushing her legs apart to give you considerably better access than before.

You glance up again with shining blue eyes, full of love and affection, while you pull away to consider her words. "Well, I certainly wouldn't dissuade you if you want to return the favor. In fact, I'd love it... but I'd hate for you to feel left out..." You explain, briefly taking one of her legs in your hands, lifting it to your lips as you kiss along the perfect grey skin in short, feathery motions. From an outside observer you'd probably appear to be doing nothing short of worshiping her, but you're not entirely sure that would be the wrong idea for someone to have. Each curve of her was alluring and sexy and you wanted to give attention to every single inch of her. You pause briefly to smirk. "But unless you stop me I think I'm gonna keep trying to make you make happy noises..."

Your lips make their way up her body until they're back at her warm center and you're already starving for her again, so you waste no time pressing your entire mouth against her folds to lick and suck as if attempting to satisfy the most feral craving. Your tongue strokes against the lips, twisting itself to slide inside as deep as possible while you pull back every so often to give her clit sharp strokes with your tongue and even soft nips with teeth. You're still not sure why she tasted so good. Probably because she was yours and you needed her more than anything...
Vriska: Follow up on your offer

You gladly accept the assistance in pulling yourself halfway onto the bed in a sitting position, relieving your legs of the impossible responsibility of holding you up while his tongue invades your soaking passage. Your legs spread further, following the urges of his hands to allow him to get closer. An affectionate grin spreads across your face as you look down at him, and you laugh a little. The idea that you might feel left out isn’t quite so funny as it is incredibly untrue. Left out is the one thing you certainly don’t feel, and you never have around him.

A hot blush rushes to your face as his lips brush against the sensitive skin of your legs. Somehow just that simple gesture sends a thrill of excitement through you. You return the grin he gives you, bracing yourself against the covers to look down at him. When he leans in again, pressing his tongue into you, you can’t help shivering violently, stiffening suddenly with a gasp as he starts to suck at the engorged folds between your legs, brushing against your clit every so often.

You let him go on for a little while before your hands drift down to grip his shoulders again, gently tugging him up to your eye level, your breathing still a little quicker than normal. Standing up again, you wrap your arms tightly around him, drawing him into a light kiss, letting your tongue meet his, brushing gently against his lower lip.

“Maybe I want to make you make happy noises,” you mutter against his lips, smiling a little. “You’ve done more than enough for me. I want a turn. Quit arguing and deal with it.” You take the opportunity to provide him with a smirk, knowing he won’t argue with you when you put it that way.

You let your fingers trail their way from his shoulders down his chest as you kneel down in front of him, looking up at him with a grin. You aren’t completely sure how to do this, since you’ve never really been in a relationship before. Maybe it’s just something that comes naturally.

Extending your tongue, you run it lightly along his shaft, brushing your hair off to the side. You aren’t sure what to make of his taste, though you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think every part of him looked and tasted nothing short of perfect. Your grin widens a little, and you carefully take him into your mouth, careful not to let your fangs anywhere near him. You wouldn’t hesitate to bite him, gently at least, anywhere else, but you’ll take special care of this. Your tongue swirls around the tip lightly, and you push down a little further, sucking gently as you pull back again, grinning up at him. “I win.” You smirk again, moving in, parting your lips to envelop him in the warm confines of your mouth.
John: Concede

You were certainly prepared to continue pleasuring Vriska with your lips and tongue as long as possible. She shivered like you were running an ice cube across her body, but you knew the response was inspired by nothing but heat. Each reaction, no matter how small or subtle, ignited a motivation within you that you're frankly shocked that you had. At this point if you were told this was the only way you'd ever be able to engage in intimate activity with Vriska, you'd still feel like the luckiest guy ever to exist, and she was barely touching you. While your mind is almost entirely focused on making Vriska feel the heights of ecstasy, there's still a part of it that likes to remind you that yes, this really is happening. Yes, Vriska is with you, letting you touch and taste her in the most private ways. You still have a hard time understanding just what sequence of events lead to you and her in this position, but you were certainly not going to complain. She was amazing and you'd never let her go.

By now your lips and tongue were nearly on auto-pilot, which was nice because you could spend less time being paranoid about your attentions and more time just focusing on Vriska. Her taste, her scent, her desperate gasps for more. You'd be perfectly satisfied with doing this all night but the raven-haired troll seemed to have other things on her mind as you feel her grip at your shoulders and tempt you upward. At first your reluctant, wanting to stay and please her lips engorged with dark blue lifeblood, but she wishes you up and her desires still come first so you rise until you're both standing again. You take comfort in her quick breaths, knowing that they were a sign you were doing well, so for whatever reason she wished you to stop it was not for lack of good feelings. You happily float into the kiss, sharing a bit of her taste with her and shivering a bit yourself at her teasing motions with her tongue. What she says next, so lovingly yet with a hint of lust, makes your breath catch in your throat.

Yes, a part of you wanted to argue and convince her to allow you to continue, but that alluring smirk she gives as she lowers herself makes it hard to form any words at all. "Vriska..." You barely manage before gasping at the light touches of fingers against your chest. Her movements as she moves further down your body seem to be going in slow motion because at this point you know exactly what's about to happen and your body simply does not want to wait the few agonizing seconds. She's then kneeling before you, looking up with a grin that knows what effect she's having on you, and sure enough just seeing her in this position is driving you completely wild. Then you feel it, the exquisite sensation of a warm, moist tongue against your shaft. You gasp out immediately, your hands tightening into fists at first in an attempt to restrain yourself. If you reached out to grip at her head you feared you might attempt to guide her too quickly and you wanted her to take this at her own pace. You'd be lying if you hadn't been wanting this since you were first established as her matesprit, but you never were going to make her do anything she wasn't comfortable with. Besides, for a while those fangs were quite concerning as well. Thankfully, you've been near them enough by now to know she can be careful with them when necessary.

Suddenly she takes you into her mouth and you moan softly just feeling her lips surrounding you. You instinctively reach out to run your hands through her hair now, realizing trying to keep your hands occupied with anything but her was a pointless endeavor. Your knees wobble a bit, and you know you won't be able to maintain a standing position too long with her working at you like this so you take a moment to position yourself next to the bed and sit down on it as she did. You chuckle softly at how quickly the tables have turned but it's quickly cut off by another moan as she makes a spectacular swirling motion with her tongue. The sucking motion she makes as she pulls out makes you shudder to your core and you adore the way she grins up at you as you pop out of her mouth.

"Ah-I... don't think I can really argue too much right now so... yeah, you win for sure. Damn it, Vriska... how are you so perfect...?" You manage to utter between heavy breaths before you're finally struck speechless by her taking your erection back between her lips. Your hands grasp onto her horns, helping guide her just a bit before stroking them between your palms. At least this way you could still pleasure her a bit while she worked such magic against the sensitive skin of your shaft.
Vriska: Continue being perfect

You follow John back to the bed, moving up a little more to keep as close to him as possible. Admittedly, you hadn’t been sure if you would be able to do this well enough to make him react like this, though from the sounds he’s making, you’re fairly certain that you’re doing a good job of it. It’s more than a little exciting knowing that you have this kind of effect on him, enough of an effect to cut him off mid-sentence. Of course, you won’t argue with the fact that you win. You always win. Even here. Except when he wins. You might be willing to give some ground.

You feel the warmth of his hands curling around your horns as you move in to take him into your mouth again, and you follow the gentle pull he gives you, quite happy to take orders for once. It is, after all, his pleasure you’re going for this time. Still, the arousing sensation of him rubbing your horns is enough to make you pause for just a moment, reflexively bumping yours horns up against his hand to feel more of it. The motion brings him further into your mouth, and you gently caress the skin with your tongue, pulling back again to look up at him with a grin.

“I’m perfect because you’re around,” you inform him, letting the tips of your fingers skim briefly across his leg, absentmindedly wondering exactly what kind of magic had turned whatever you had been a few months ago into what you are now. A month ago you wouldn’t have been able to see yourself like this, but now that you are, you’d rather be here than anywhere else in the universe.

Another slight shift in position brings your lips back to his cock, brushing against the warm firmness of the tip. Carefully, very gently, you let the tip of one of your fangs graze the skin, just enough so that he’ll feel it, barely even touching him. You could just as easily bite down as you had elsewhere on his body. But you aren’t about to betray the tremendous amount of trust he must have in you to let your teeth anywhere near him like this. No, you’ll indulge yourself in just a touch, but you’ll make sure it never feels anything but good to him. But there’s one thing you want to try.

Without warning you push forward, taking him fully into your mouth, feeling his tip brush against the back of your throat. You hold the position for a split second before withdrawing again, looking up at him with a smirk. What he had done for you felt pretty damn good, but ideally you just one-upped it. It’s kind of funny, you think, that you’re both so eager to please each other that you’re literally competing for the chance.

“Yes, I definitely win for sure,” you agree, grinning up at him. You aren’t quite done yet, however. Returning your lips to his shaft, you press a light kiss to it before moving down on it again, sucking at him slowly. You aren’t about to stop until you’re satisfied that he’s satisfied.
John: Experience complete satisfaction

You exhale a breathless laugh at Vriska's implication that she's only perfect because of you. You'd like to argue that point, but it's getting progressively more difficult forming coherent words when she's making you gasp and moan so frequently. You do consider that perhaps she's right. You're both perfect because you're together and you can't see anything wrong with that concept at all. It's certainly hard to deny that what she's doing right now is anything short of perfection, after all. Your hands continue to grip at her horns, occasionally tugging at them to help guide her along your shaft without even really realizing it. Eventually you force yourself to calm down a bit and you return to gentle strokes along the orange and yellow stalks arching out of her head. She was doing such a phenomenal job giving you pleasure so you could only hope that this small gesture returned at least a fraction of the favor.

Soon your body jerks a bit in an instinctive response to the sensation of fangs being ever so gently brushed against the very soft and sensitive skin of your cock. You release a sharp gasp, gripping her horns a bit tighter, but do nothing to discourage her. When you had fantasized about having her in this position before, there was always the lingering fear that those fangs could cause some trouble. You didn't know what Trolls considered pleasurable so there had always been a bit of a risk getting so intimate with a species you knew to have violent tendencies. After all, they even had romances based off of hate and rivalry, and you really had no idea where the line was when sex was involved. Vriska, however, seems entirely aware of your comfort, and proceeds to just barely touch the fangs against you making the entire situation even more pleasurable than ever. Just the tip of those sharp teeth send a nice shiver down your entire body and you have no intention on stopping her. You trusted Vriska with your life. You figure that even in the worst case scenario, if something horrible happens to your penis thanks to all this, at least you had gotten to experience the best sex anyone ever had; You're convinced of that for sure.

Suddenly she takes you into her mouth entirely, and you feel yourself be consumed almost entirely until your tip hits the edge. Your head drifts back as you moan, but you quickly return your eyes back down to her, almost as if you had to see what she was doing to believe it. You knew she'd never done this before so the fact that she seemed so... naturally talented was very impressive and impossibly sexy. How you were lucky enough to be the guy Vriska Serket would do this for you're not sure you'll ever know. She begins to pull out and you exhale slowly as she does, returning your fingers to her hair for a bit, running the soft strands through your fingers until you slip out of her mouth completely. She smirks up at you, well aware what she had done was good and her following words elicit yet another weak laugh.

"Y-yeah, you do... I gotta say I don't mind at all that you're so competitive when it comes to this.. A-ah... but just you wait until it's my turn again..." You finally speak out in a hoarse tone. It's thankfully a very short moment before her lips are back on you and returning you to the blissful, dreamlike state. Your hands slip back to her horns, helping guide her once again as your breaths become quicker and heavier. You're barely moving but beads of sweat are trickling down your jaw, proving just how well she works you up while doing this. You feel your cock pulse and throb to an even greater degree and you imagine she knows what that implies by now. It was amazing how she had barely done anything, but at the same time done everything to bring you to this point. Your hips are rocking now, trying to inch against her even more and get yourself to that climax you so desperately crave.

The tension grows quickly, and that feeling of her warm, strong lips and tongue working your shaft so expertly make it impossible to hold back any longer. The grip upon her horns tightens even more, and you feel it approaching like a rushing wave. "Oh god, Vriska, I love you. I'm gonna..." You try to gasp out in warning, just in case she does not want to take all of what you'll offer into her mouth, but there would be little time to avoid the sudden surge of your hot seed as it flows out of you with stream after stream. Your entire body shudders roughly with the intense orgasm and the incredible feeling that comes with it.
Vriska: Take shameless advantage of body heat

As you start to pull away you feel the pleasant warmth of John’s fingers moving into your hair again, and you look up at him once you’re fully clear of him, half wanting to see his response and half just wanting to look at him. Moving in to start again you can tell he’s getting more restless, hearing his breaths quicken in the heavy silence of the room. Inside your mouth you can feel him building up, the increased intensity of the pulsing giving you a fair warning of the extent of the effect you’re having on him. If you could properly smirk at him from this position, you most definitely would, even if only to revel in the knowledge that you have this kind of effect on him. You welcome the movement of his hips against your lips, letting your tongue drag lightly over the sensitive skin of his shaft.

You feel the hands on your horns tighten suddenly, and knowing what that means, you redouble your efforts, taking him a little further into your mouth, caressing him delicately with your tongue to help him along. The warning he gives allows you just enough time to figure out what’s coming before it does. You feel his body move under your attentions, and almost before you realize it, he’s spilling his seed into your mouth. Rather than pulling away, you hold your position, allowing him to ride out the orgasm before pulling back again, swallowing smoothly. The hot liquid tastes strange, but not in a bad way. Somehow it tastes like him, and only him, and because of that you love it.

Once you’re sure that he’s done and completely satisfied, you pull away again, letting him slip out of your mouth with a final flick of your tongue. You look up at him, maintaining steady eye contact with him as you detangle your horns from his hands and climb onto the bed next to him , pulling him down to lie next to you. You tuck yourself in tightly under his arm against his side and settle there, just listening to the beating of his heart and soaking in the warmth of an extra body next to yours.

“Love you more,” you mutter into his chest, grinning a little. It’s kind of amazing how it seems like you’ve done everything with him and yet barely scratched the surface of what you could do with him. Even now, you suspect the night has only just started. True, you’re already snuggled up to him like you’re already finished, but only because you’re willing to wait until he’s recovered from the afterglow to move again. “I still win. Absolutely, completely, and permanently,” you inform him with a smirk. You assume he knows that arguing isn’t an option at this point. He could certainly try though; the attempt would be most welcome.

“I swear I warned you against being perfect at some point. You never listen to me,” you grumble halfheartedly, grinning up at him anyway. Somehow your legs end up tangled with his, drawing him in closer to you almost without realizing it. You brush a stray lock of hair out of your eyes, carelessly draping an arm across him, partly because you’re too lazy to hug him properly and partly because he’s giving off a pleasant warmth that you very much enjoy feeling. You assume you’ll most likely have to forsake this extremely comfortable position soon in favor of something more...exciting, but you’re happy to settle for this for the moment.
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