Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief [Ahren and Resident Homestuck]

RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Continue being 'Dangerous John'

Your position shifts as Vriska's does, but your body remains close to her. You didn't want her to be even more than a few inches from you right now. If anything, you wanted no separation between your bodies at all, but she appropriately reminds you of the other occupants in the room. It was true that at any moment, despite some added protection by the darkness, they could basically turn around and see both of you in a compromising position. You pause momentarily, wondering if you should dial it back a bit until you feel her reach out for you. The way she brushes her soft fingers along your cheek and jaw only furthers your urge to pounce upon her regardless of anyone else's presence, and you form a devilish grin when she informs you that she doesn't care either.

"I only see the one who matters anyway..." You whisper, nipping at her lips in a tempting manner as she brushes them against yours. You couldn't believe the effect this girl had on you. You were always kind of awkward and dorky, but just a taste of her lowered your inhibitions and made you drunk with desire for more.

She says she likes your 'dangerous side' and that just increases your excitement further. Who knew John Egbert had a dangerous side? Certainly not you, and you were him! Okay, maybe it wasn't actually dangerous but it certainly was more brazen. Rose had been right. You and Vriska complimented each other perfectly. She quelled your pathetically innocent dorky mannerisms and you tempered her anger and fury in order to bring out a softer and sweeter side of her that she was just as unaware of. Your hands tighten around hers while you return her kiss with fervor.

"Why do you have the subtitles on? I can't read your Troll gibberish." You suddenly hear Dave complain from his position amongst the group. You briefly tense from the sound of the voice until the words spoken finally register in your mind and inform they had nothing to do with you. You had basically forgotten a movie was playing and even now you're only vaguely aware of it. To be honest, you wouldn't mind watching a Troll movie. Perhaps Karkat's claim of being educational would be a truthful one, but the only learning you're interested in doing right now is learning how to cause Vriska to tremble with excitement. Kakat responds in an unsurprisingly angry manner, but you've already stopped paying attention to whatever bickering was taking place.

"Heh, well if you like it I'll be sure to draw it out more often, then..." You utter with a sort of growl into her ear as you lean forward. The truth is you really have no idea what you're doing. Your mind is just sort of running with amalgamations of movies you've seen combined with subconscious recollection of very detailed dating advice once given to you by Rose on a day she had been particularly bored. You're rather amazed that you remembered any of it since at the time you couldn't have been less interested, even finding it kind of 'gross.' Kissing a girl? Why would anyone want to do that? Oh stupid, naive Past John.

You suddenly nip at the tip of her pointed ear then continue with soft nibbles down the edge and to the lobe. Your ever shifting desire to taste every inch of her eventually brings you back to her neck where you eagerly kiss and graze at the delicate flesh. Meanwhile, your hands are getting impatient. Your left hand releases Vriska's and returns to where it was beneath her chest, tracing a finger along one of her ribs as you gather some courage for what you wished to do next. You take a deep breath before cupping her breast in your palm. The mound of flesh was even softer than you had anticipated, and the perfect size for your hand. Some deep concentration was necessary to keep the childish part of you from getting too astounded by your first time touching a breast. You were actually thankful her shirt was still on otherwise it might have hypnotized you completely. Your heart was racing at the rate of a marathon runner at this point.

You allow your hand to gently massage it for a few moments before halting rather abruptly. It was as if an alarm had gone off in your mind thanks to a brief millisecond of awareness and re-awakened your uncertainty. You pull back to gaze into her eyes. "Vriska... gosh, um... This is okay... right?" You figured her reactions so far had been quite positive, but you still would feel better to hear her approval. Being the aggressive one was thrilling, but you hadn't changed completely overnight. You still weren't entirely sure what she wanted, therefore you weren't quite ready to just take any part of her you desired. No matter how much you really really desired it...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Remind John that you still aren’t going to break

Long before you would even think of breaking off the kiss, Strider’s voice cuts through the darkness suddenly, complaining about the subtitles that apparently Karkat has put into place and startling both you and John out of your kiss to look in his direction. You may or may not shoot a dirty look at the back of his head. It’s not an uncommon experience to have to listen to Dave and Karkat’s verbal faceoffs when one of them finds even the slightest fault with the other. Quite honestly, it’s a pain to listen to. If they won’t either just fight or just shut up, then their arguments are pointless. And probably mostly over Terezi.

Your irritation is subdued rather quickly when you feel John’s warm breath in your ear, promising that he’ll let this side of him show itself more often from now on. Your side of the chair sinks a little as his weight shifts so that he’s leaning almost directly over you. You’re close enough to him to be able to feel his body heat warming you up a little. It feels a little confining, but surprisingly, you like it a lot.

For a moment you consider pulling him in for another kiss, but then you feel teeth brush lightly against your ear, making their way down your ear with the occasional nip until he reaches the thin skin of your neck. Your heart rate has by now increased to a ridiculously fast speed, and you swear he could feel it pounding against your ribcage. The tip of a finger makes its way along one of your ribs, almost to the point of tickling you a little. Then suddenly a hand is resting lightly on top of your breast, and you can feel the warmth of the skin even through your shirt as the hand remains there, kneading the flesh just the tiniest bit before it suddenly stops cold.

You’re a little surprised for a moment, wondering if something had suddenly gone wrong. Have the others noticed what you’re doing? The movie can’t have ended already? Not that you’d’d happily sit here kissing John for hours on end without noticing that more than a few minutes had gone by. You glance around, but everyone seems to still be focused on the movie, which isn’t more than a half hour in at the most. Karkat, of course, is completely riveted, aside from the occasional glare directed at Dave. Terezi looks decidedly put out with both of them. You look back up at John to see him looking into your eyes with a hint of uncertainty. When he voices his thoughts, you can’t help but grin a little. You’re no more experienced than he is in this area, but you still find his reluctance to move forward without your approval kind of adorable.

“You’ve never been on top, have you?” You pose the rhetorical question with a bit of a mischievous grin, and you’re not even sure if he’ll fully understand what you mean. But he probably will. Going off of his sudden hesitance, you can tell that he’s clearly never tried anything remotely like this before. Of course...neither have you, but nobody needs to know that. You've picked up on some of the humans' vernacular while you've been here. To be fair, he did spend the last two years on a big ship with his sister and who the hell knows what prototyped sprites. You sense that he either has no idea what to do or he’s just worried that he might be going too fast. Or both. Either way, you’re enjoying the more aggressive side of him. You wouldn’t want to change him for the world, but you can’t deny that you find this side of him thrilling.

“I seem to remember telling you something a while ago...what was it....” You pretend to think for a moment before your face lights up in a moment of fake inspiration. “I’m not going to break if you touch me, I promise,” you remind him with a soft smile. “I’ve survived worse than the devastating, bone-crushing powers of your hand.”

You decide you’ve waited long enough since last feeling John’s lips against yours, so you hook your arms around his neck and pull him down into a kiss, brushing the tips of your fingers across the soft skin at the back of his neck. Several seconds pass, and you let go of him, letting your fangs run lightly along his lower lip as you pull back a little to return your gaze to him.

“Trust me, just go with your instincts,” you murmur, letting one of your hands rest on top of his right hand. “I’m not now, and never will I be made of that ridiculous clear stuff you humans call glass.”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Trust Vriska

As you gaze down upon Vriska in anticipation of her response, a cryptic grin spreads across her face. She answers your question with another question, and it does a fantastic job of catching you off guard. Bwuh? What? On top? No! You've certainly never been on top or the bottom or off to the sides or anything like that!

"I... I uh..." Is all you manage to squeak out. You can only hope the shade of darkness is hiding at least some of your considerable blush. You're not certain she actually expected you to answer that question. She must know this is your first time doing any of this... Right? Was it not hers as well? If she was... experienced, then you just felt even more unprepared than before. Here you were ignorantly probing her body like she was some sort of alien (Okay, she was some sort of alien but that was beside the point) while she's wishing she had a figurative clock to check as she bores of your awkward hesitance. Oh, God. You've been such an idiot.

Your sudden increase in apprehension begins to calm as soon as she continues in that delightfully wistful voice of hers. Not only does she basically tell you she's okay with this, but she reminds you that she's not as fragile as she might look on first glance. It seemed obvious once said. After all, she was a member of a race where violence and murder was common, accepted and even expected. She had lived alone with no company other than a gigantic arachnid for a custodian. Sensitive was probably the last adjective one would use to describe Vriska Serket. So why were you treating her like some sort of porcelain vase? Well, you knew why. You were just a nice, normal human named John. Being gentle with a woman was your default setting (right after paralyzing anxiety). She was aiming to override that. You wanted to let her...

Before you can muster out a more verbose response than your last pathetic attempt, you're pulled into a kiss. The familiar sensation of her lips against yours is more than welcome at this moment, and you return the kiss with all your might. The timidness that had scratched its way back to the surface was now being locked away again and you're more than happy to see it go. The back of your neck tingles with the soft caresses of her fingertips and you're now basically climbing on top of her. Thankfully the chair was large with a nice cushioned arm to cradle her in, allowing you to position yourself over her in a comfortable manner. Your body shudders in pleasure as the kiss separates and you feel those sharp fangs lightly drag across your bottom lip. You almost craved her sinking them into you, which sounded kind of crazy, but you couldn't deny that after the initial shock the first time you had cut yourself you had actually liked the sensation. Your tongue flicks against that particular spot to find it had already healed. Perhaps a benefit of being God Tier, you wonder. It would explain why, despite a Troll lifestyle, Vriska's skin was essentially flawless.

Your eyes drift back open from the kiss though they remain in a half-lidded position. You feel her hand on top of yours again as she asks you to trust her. To go with your instincts. Earlier your instincts had been to clam up and scurry away out of fear you'd mess something up, but the more reassurance she gives you with her words, eyes, and body have changed things considerably. Your instincts were now to consume every bit of flesh she offered you. You can't help but laugh softly when she tells you she's not made of 'human glass'. You take a moment to tap her glasses lightly.

"Huh... What do you call this? Transparent aluminum?" You ask with a smirk. Even in this position you can't help but make a stupid movie reference, but hey she had made a joke first so everything was fair game now. Besides, she probably hasn't seen Star Trek IV so you figured you were in the clear.

But she was right. She was not made of glass. 'Man the fuck up, Egbert' You mentally instruct yourself with advice Dave might offer as your eyes absorb the stunning woman beneath you. Your bodies were now pressed together and you felt that both of your racing hearts were in sync. You hear some more muffled voices from the center of the room but you don't even make an attempt to figure out what they're saying. Your heart was pounding so loudly in your head that you're not sure you could even if you wanted to. If they saw you both now, chances were you'd never hear the end of it. How much time had passed? If you were lucky, Karkat chose a particularly long film. Maybe he chose some Lord of the Rings style epic that would last four hours. Wishful thinking on your part. You just wanted as much time in this position as possible.

"Well, I did say I wouldn't be as gentle next time. I certainly have no intention of lying to you..." You respond with some coarseness to your voice. By now your eyes had adjusted to the darkness and thank god they did because even desaturated by the lack of light she's still magnificent. Your hunger grows every moment your lips aren't on her so you waste no more time as you thrust them back into a rather feral kiss. You let your tongue duel with hers as you let your left hand return to her breast now unhindered by your uncertainty.

You begin to feel even more daring than before, and your hand only remains on her breast for a moment before venturing downward. In a similar manner to your previous encounter, your fingers slowly begin to slip her shirt up. You don't allow it to curl up too far, as after all you are in a room with others. You leave just enough room for your hand to slide under, allowing your nails to drag across her side without the pesky cloth separating the touch. You gasp softly in between kisses at the sheer excitement of caressing the hot flesh.

You finally break your lips apart to kiss back down to her neck, but this time it wasn't gentle pecks but more fervent gnaws and licks. You couldn't get over how good she tasted and it just made you constantly crave more. Your hand was not satisfied either, just running along her side, and it moves back up to her breast. This time it grips the supple dune of flesh from beneath the shirt. You weren't quite brave enough to slip it under her bra just yet, but this was still quite exhilarating. A wandering thumb finds the nipple pushing up from beneath the fabric and circles it a few times teasingly before giving in and massaging it directly. You make sure not to leave the other breast unattended as you eventually glide your hand over to it and resume toying with her. As you do, you give her neck a good bite. Not anything that would break the skin, but enough to likely give her a good jolt.

Your hips are against hers and you can't help but begin to lightly grind against her, getting a good sense of the heat emitting from her lower region. By now the hardness in your jeans is likely very apparent.

"God, you're hot..." You growl softly, not really indicating in which manner you mean. Regardless, it was both. She was both beautiful and extremely warm, and it was thrilling to know the latter was thanks to you. The hand upon her breast now moves around to her back while still beneath the shirt, raking your nails against her skin as your other hand journeys downward. The tips of your fingers slide into her jeans ever so slightly, but as they touch upon the band of her panties your uncertainty returns for an infuriatingly quick moment. You compromise with yourself, letting your hand still move downward but on the outside of her jeans. Your hips separate from hers briefly so you can rest your hand between her hips and, after calming your excited nerves a bit, rub against her through the material of her jeans with your index and ring fingers.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Strongly approve

John’s suddenly hesitant, awkward answer to your question is just what you expected. No matter, he quickly realizes that he doesn’t have to actually answer the question. And as you draw back from the kiss, now almost completely below him, you can feel a shiver run through him. You smile a little in satisfaction. Good, so the sharp tips of your fangs work on him.

You draw back a little more, blinking in surprise as the tip of his finger taps against one of the lenses in your glasses. “I call that a lens,” you reply with a grin, flicking at his hand playfully. The reference goes over your head, but you still get that he’s probably trying to be funny. If only you’ve seen half the movies he has...then again, maybe you don’t want to watch the movies he likes.

Off to the side, you can hear Karkat and Dave locked in an argument with the occasional input from Terezi, but their voices are largely muffled by your focused concentration on John. A quick glance at the movie tells you nothing about how much time has passed since last you looked, but it can’t have been long enough for it to end yet. You brush away your momentary worry and return your attention to the guy hovering above you on your shared chair. You have to admit, you could definitely get used to looking up at him from this angle. Though how someone can look both so deliciously innocent and so powerful at the same time, you have absolutely no idea.

Suddenly you find your lips captured by another kiss, this one unexpectedly fierce, and you easily let them part to allow your tongue to wrestle with his. At the same time you feel the returning light pressure of a hand on your breast that soon disappears, only to be replaced by a warm hand at the hem of your shirt, pushing it up the slightest bit to allow him to sneak under the fabric. You can feel the pull of nails dragging on your skin, slowly creeping up your side, and you suck in a quick breath as his hand reaches your ribs, half tickling you and half just running across your skin. It’s clearly having as much of an effect on him as it is on you, since his breathing is getting more frequent and a little more audible as his hand travels further up your side.

After a few moments, you feel him pull away from your lips, to instead make his way back to your neck, the slight grazes and light kisses from before turning into something more insistent, his teeth now nipping sharply instead of just brushing the skin, sending small tingles down your spine. A tiny gasp escapes you as his hand settles over your breast and his thumb plays with your hardened nipple for a few moments before moving to your other breast to pay equal attention to that one. Then, suddenly, he bites down harder on the delicate skin on your neck, sending a visible shiver through your body. It crosses your mind that you must seem even less experienced than he does; even though you talk like you know all the ins and outs of a physical relationship, it’s still only your first time, and here you are letting small touches like this send tremors through your entire body like some girl who’s completely new to this...which you are. To be fair, John is doing far too well and you can’t even think straight right now so you have no idea what the hell you’re thinking or doing.

Somewhere in the back of your mind, you are aware that you’re pressed together extremely closely - close enough so that you can feel his hips, pressing tightly against yours, start to move a little, just barely grinding on you, but it’s enough to send a shock of pleasure through you as you allow your hips to rock up gently to meet his, feeling clearly the rising stiffness in his jeans. Not that you’re any less swear if you get any warmer you’ll just spontaneously combust.

You smile softly at the quick, heated comment, feeling every motion of his left hand as it trails its way to your back, leaving a burning path behind it where his nails dragged along your skin. Then his other hand is making its way down to the top of your jeans, and you can feel him tugging a little at the waistband of your jeans, slipping under it for a few brief moments before seeming to reconsider and withdraw. Disappointment flashes for only a moment before you feel his hips lift from yours, to be replaced with his hand resting on you, in the perfect position to...

Oh god, even though the thick denim of your jeans heavily mutes the sensation of his fingers rubbing gently against you, you still can’t help letting out a heavy gasp as you feel him start to rub against your lower area, sending wave after wave of pleasure through your body. Your back arches off the chair the slightest bit and your hands come around to comb through his hair, though not as lightly as they had before. Somewhere along the way you’re grasping handfuls of the thick black strands, then your hands move down to grip fistfuls of his shirt, drawing him closer to you.

Through the mind-clouding sensation of John’s fingers rubbing against you, you feel a distinct satisfaction, almost a small triumph. For someone who has never been on top, he’s doing surprisingly well. Or at least, you’re happy with what he’s doing. You still have to figure out how to temporarily turn off his “gentle John” setting to make it a little more...interesting, but you can’t deny that his attentions at the moment are feeling beyond fantastic. If what he’s doing feels this good with a pair of jeans separating you....

You shake away the sudden thoughts with a little guilt. You’re still in a dark room with John and four or five or six other people, and you’ve got a long way to go before anything more happens. And the movie is probably at least two-thirds done by now...if any of the humans, god forbid Terezi saw you like this they’d be laughing at you for eternity.

But Terezi and the others are watching a movie right now. You smile, half to yourself and half up at John, and pull him into another kiss, letting your hands slip back into his hair to hold him there as you gently pull at his lower lip with your fangs.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Completely lose track of time

You're still John Egbert. At least, you think you are. You're pretty certain very few people would recognize you at this moment with your hand pressed between the legs of a beautiful woman. The hard gasp Vriska let out at your touch was almost like a trophy for your progress. You wanted to hear it again. You wanted to make her groan with delirious bliss, but... sadly that couldn't be done here. Not while the others were still present. The movie volume was up enough to where it easily covered your whispers and gasps but someone would turn around the instant they heard a scream. Momentarily your eyes look toward the others just to make sure they were still properly occupied by the film. Dave, as far as you could tell, was bored out of his mind, but it looked like he was suffering through the movie for Terezi's sake. Who knew Dave was a softy like that? There were unexpected sides of everyone being revealed on this meteor, it seemed. Rose and Kanaya were off to the side, and the Troll girl was emitting a strange glow from her body to help illuminate a book they were both enamored by. You kinda wanted to know what the deal with the glow was, but it was in no way more interesting than the girl beneath you who was still breathing heavily from your touch.

You notice Vriska is smiling up at you, and that's all the approval you'll ever need. You had taken quite a risk by touching her so intimately, and in this position, but she looked quite satisfied. However, there was a glimmer of untapped desire in her eyes and you were sure it occupied yours as well. Both of you knew you wanted more. As her hands slip through your hair you let out a contented sigh. You couldn't get enough of that feeling, especially now that she's doing it even more vigorously than before. You have no issues with being joined by another kiss and you let it linger for a good, long while. The way her fangs tug a your lip is a mind-boggling sensation. It should be painful, but you like it. A lot. You rather want to feel them being dragged along other parts of your body. Except probably that one... Well, maybe if it was done with extreme caution...

You allow your fingers to massage against her lower region while you partake in the kiss and you desperately wanted to feel her without any pesky layers of clothing hindering you. By now you're basically as hard as your jeans will allow you to get and you finally withdraw your hand in order to let your hips press against hers once again. The bulge in your pants begins to grind up against the heated spot between her legs and you can hardly believe that only a few measly layers of clothing are separating you from... Well, yeah. You have just decided at this very moment that clothes were the worst invention ever. It still felt incredible, though, and it was quite a relief to be able to press yourself up against something soft and warm like this. "What are we doing..." You halt the kiss to ask rhetorically with a light chuckle between breaths. The kiss continues while you wonder if 'what you were doing' was silly or extremely sexy or both. It felt good so you honestly didn't care.

One particularly hard clash of the hips causes you to moan softly into her mouth. Immediately you flush in slight embarrassment for making such a noise. Somewhere you had gotten it into your head that guys weren't supposed to do that, but you couldn't help it and you could only hope she enjoyed the sounds of your pleasure. You were incredibly thankful you had decided to deal with your arousal earlier because otherwise you likely would have erupted in your jeans with the first collision of your hips with Vriska's. There wasn't much doubt that you'd have to do it again after this if you somehow manage to make it through the rest of the movie without exploding in your shorts. You were now basically full on grinding with Vriska while your friends sat just ahead of you. Had someone told you a week ago this is where you would be at this moment, you would have laughed in their stupid faces. Now it is your own stupid face to be laughed at. Or something...

Yeah, Thinking was getting hard. Not only was your arousal clouding your thoughts, but someone as inexperienced as you could only go so far before realizing he's rather short on ideas. Well, you had some but they involved things you were certain you didn't want to do in such a public place. Things you still weren't sure you were ready for, despite the precarious position you found yourself in now. You finally let your lips separate from Vriska's so you could pull back and observe her expression again while you smile down at her with charming blue eyes. God, she was gorgeous. Your hips continued, rubbing your bulge against her slowly, while the hand upon her back worked to massage her searing hot skin. It was unbelievable how good mashing your bodies together felt even with clothes on, and you wanted to make sure she was feeling the same pleasure.

After letting the deep stare into Vriska's eyes continue for a few more moments you draw her into another passionate kiss and lose yourself in it completely. A few nice, strong grinds from your hips soon follow and you have to break the kiss momentarily to gasp out in delight. You don't waste time re-establishing it, however, and you work in a few sharp but playful bites at her lower lip. At this point you wish you had fangs to share with her the same shocks of excitement she provided for you, but you'd have to make due with your nubby human teeth. Meanwhile the hand not upon her back returns to give attention to her superb breasts (though back above the shirt this time) as if it needed to be touching them in order to stay alive. Your breaths were coming at a much more rapid pace now and during a brief parting in your locking lips you whisper to her.

"Vriska... I..."

"Oh my god how long are these credits?" Dave groans, squirming in his seat as if he's been strapped down against his will.

You curse under your breath as you halt your movements. You wanted so badly to remain on top of her. To continue touching and caressing her as if you had never held a woman before. Okay, you hadn't, but even if you had your attraction to Vriska would not have been dampened in the slightest. You try to enjoy a few more moments of your bodies being pressed together before reluctantly rolling off. You do your best to catch your breath and shift your position so it didn't look like you had such a raging erection knowing that the lights could flicker on at any moment.

You do, however, reach out to hook your right arm around Vriska's left and entwine your fingers with hers. "Wow, movie's over already? We can't catch a break, can we?" You chuckle softly while still breathing heavily, turning your head to gaze into her eyes. "Maybe it's for the best, though... When I said humans made out during movies a lot, it uh, usually isn't quite like that... At least, I don't think it is...

Though maybe it should be because... damn."
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Be thoroughly irritated with the seemingly short movie

Okay, you’re sure you’re not supposed to feel this good. It just doesn’t seem fair that you should get both a kiss and John’s fingers rubbing against you. Not that you’re complaining, of course. You don’t think you’ve ever felt anything quite so amazing as this before, and in between the quick, heated kisses you’re practically hyperventilating. You’re close enough to him to have been breathing the same air for a while now. The sudden withdrawal of his hand from between your legs is enough to make your hands slow their rhythm as you sift through his hair...and then his hips come down and clash with yours again. The impact drives another sharp gasp from you, and your hands tighten where they’re grasping for handfuls of his hair. You can feel the hardness in his jeans rubbing against the heated warmth in your own jeans. “I think,” you breathe, biting lightly at his lip, “we’re supposed to be watching a movie.” You don’t bother to continue, instead choosing to return to the kiss, grinning a little at the very idea of skipping this for a movie.

Suddenly you feel him push up against you significantly harder, and you feel the slight vibration of a moan against your lips. Your smile widens. Sure, you didn’t expect to get a sound like that out of him, but since you somehow have that effect on him, you won’t try to complain. You’ve all but forgotten that your friends are still here, your attention taken up entirely by the heat of him grinding against you. Despite the layers of clothing that separate your bodies, you still can’t repress the quick, heavy gasps that escape whenever your hips rock up to meet his, rubbing up against him with every movement.

You reluctantly release his lips when you feel him start to pull back, slowing the movement of your hands through his hair. Looking up at him, you find your gaze captured by a pair of bright blue eyes that you just can’t help but be mesmerized by. Yeah, you find human eyes weird, but seriously, you can barely focus on anything with John staring at you like that. It’s infuriating to be so subject to just a pair of eyes. Still, you find yourself staring right back at him, the rhythm of his hand massaging your back almost hypnotic. And the sensation of him rubbing against you is pure heaven.

A slight smile returns to your face as he pulls you in for another long kiss, and you let yourself just go with it, returning the kiss with ease as you pull him closer to you. His hips collide with yours several more times, driving a breathless groan from you that’s muffled by his lips on yours. Oh god you did NOT just make that sound. At least nobody else could hear it besides John, you think to yourself. It’s already embarrassing enough that anyone could hear it.... To your credit, the effect he has on you is so incredibly distracting that you figure you can make an excuse of it. The kiss breaks for a few short moments, and then it’s as if it had never stopped and you can feel teeth nipping at your lip, teeth that aren’t as sharp as yours but still have the effect of sending a delightful shock through you. You feel his free hand come up to toy with your breasts and the quickened puffing of his warm breath on your face between kisses.

Your eyes open again to look at him when you hear him start to talk, but he doesn’t get further than a few words in before you suddenly hear Strider’s voice cut through his words, complaining about something about the credits. You hear him shift in his seat and Karkat growl something at him. Damn, you guess the movie’s over. You look over to see Dave squirming in his seat, Karkat and Terezi stretching, and Rose and Kanaya emerging from a book. Kanaya’s glow flickers off, leaving the room in near complete darkness.

What sucks the most is that John’s suddenly stopped moving against you. You look up at him again and offer him an apologetic grin, shifting into an upright position as he rolls off of you. You feel a bit strange without his weight settling on you, but you know there will be plenty of time for that later. For now, you pull your shirt down from where it had slid up a couple inches and let your fingers tangle with his in a more natural-looking position. It hasn’t escaped your attention that he’s breathing just about as hard as you are. You turn to look at him, and you can’t help laughing a little at his reconsideration of the norm for making out during a movie. Either way, you know you’re probably never going to be able to make it through a movie again if he’s next to you. Come to think of it, your attention span is probably going to drop to next to nothing if you ever try to concentrate on anything besides him again. At least, when he’s anywhere near.

“I don’t know what you humans normally do during movies, but I thought it was pretty great,” you murmur, giving his hand a squeeze. The lights fade on and you blink a few times in the light before looking at him again. Your hands in his hair seem to have made it more messy than it originally was. “It’s a good thing your hair is normally messy,” you say, reaching out with your free hand to smooth down his hair a little with a soft smile. You stretch with a contented sigh. “I think that was a great movie, don’t you?”

With a grin at your own small joke, you catch Karkat looking at you. You return the look with a rather pointed glare before looking away from him and back to John. “Or at least, it was a great use of the time we otherwise would have spent watching a crappy movie,” you add in an undertone.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Feel like a jerk

You beam proudly with a fair bit of a blush when Vriska voices her approval of your alternative 'movie-watching' experience, and you can't help but give a slight goofy chuckle when she tries to tame the hair she had made a considerable mess of. You notice Karkat eyeing you both and Vriska seems to waste no time making a comment that was no doubt intended to irritate him. Karkat may have been excessively angry but he wasn't dumb. The look on his face made it clear he knew neither of you had watched a second of that movie.

"I'll say. Hey, we should watch another right now!" You joke back with a grin, tightening your grip on Vriska's hand.

"Oh? You really enjoyed it did you?" Karkat responds in a dubious tone, arms crossed.

"It was spectacular. Amazing. Wondrous." You continue the charade, giving Vriska a very unsubtle wink.

"John, can you even name one of the Threshecutioners in the film?"

"Uhhh......... Egon?" You throw out a completely random guess. Egon sounded like it could be a Troll name, right?

"Fuck you, Egbert." Karkat growls. It's not in the usual enraged manner where he comes up with some fancy insult you'd never even considered before. It's more like genuine disappointment. The whole thing stops being funny at that point and a realization hits you like a hammer. Karkat picked a movie he probably thought you'd enjoy and you essentially spat in his face by not watching any part of it. Your cheerful expression fades as Karkat just walks out of the room without another word. Dave soon approaches, his gaze still turned in the direction Karkat had headed.

"You spent that whole film snogging, didn't you?" He asks coolly. You blush slightly and scratch the back of your head with the hand not grasping Vriska's.

"Well uh..."

"Hell fucking yes, son. Give it here." He adds, holding out his fist. You return the fist bump awkwardly. "John, your taste in women may be confusing as shit but you have your priorities straight. That movie was duller than an economics lesson from Rose. Also I think I'm pretty sure my 8 year old self created better special effects with a bag of shitty fireworks. It wasn't even good ironically."

Dave's approval doesn't exactly make you feel any better for hurting Karkat's feelings. Terezi then approaches with the Mayor in tow who appears to have slept through the entire thing. "Anyway, if you're not getting your freak on or anything maybe come by later and we'll hang out. The Mayor says some shit that'll blow your mind."

"Dave! The Mayor doesn't say anything!" Terezi interjects.

"Oh oh he says things. Not with words, but he says things. Real talk." Dave utters with a sage nod. He then gives a casual wave as he strolls off with The Mayor. Terezi follows, making sure to give both you and Vriska a licentious grin which only serves to unsettle you. Rose and Kanaya are still off in their corner chatting, so you turn back to Vriska finally.

"I'm such an asshole..." You sigh, resting your head on her shoulder. "As annoying as he can be, Karkat is still my friend. I should have probably tried to pay more attention to his movie. Regardless of how shitty it is.

That said... I can't complain about how I did spend that time." The grin returns to your face as you raise your head back up to gaze into Vriska's eyes. "You're incredible, Vriska... I don't know what comes over me when I'm with you, but... I like it. I've never felt this good. Promise me we can do that again sometime, heh... I really want to make you feel as amazing as you do for me..."

You lean in to give her a slow, passionate kiss while raising your free hand to caress her cheek softly. After letting it linger for about a minute you pull back, biting at her lip lightly as you do. "It's impossibly hard not to just be kissing you at every moment..." You whisper, still only an inch away from her. Unfortunately, that lingering guilt in your mind is also hard to avoid.

"I should probably go talk to Karkat. I'm sure that's not an activity you wish to tag along on, so... maybe we can have another date later?" You add with a hopeful smile. "I might first need another shower to cool off though..."
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Find something else to do besides making out with your matesprit

Glancing over at Karkat, you can see that he looks about ready to kill something. As he starts to walk over and John plays into the small joke, you grin a little, returning the slight squeeze on your hand. At least he’s in a better mood than Karkat is. Of course, now that you think about it, just about anyone could be happier than Karkat looks right now.

You kind of stand there awkwardly next to John as Karkat demands some sort of proof that he had actually been paying attention to the movie. You remember watching the movie once some time ago, and a few names spring to mind at the question, but Egon is deeeeeeeefinitely not one of them. You resist the urge to perform a spectacular facepalm, but at least it seems to irritate Karkat that John hadn’t watched the movie. As you watch him storm out of the room with a ground out parting remark, you wonder if you should feel bad. You shrug it off. He’s been mad at people before. It’s just a movie...right?

You’re distracted from your temporary musing by Dave. At least he seems significantly more encouraging than Karkat was. Even if he...kind of voiced his disapproval of you? You can’t tell if that was supposed to mean anything or not. You don’t particularly care either. You watch as Terezi pulls the Mayor over and follows Dave out of the room. The grin she shoots at you, you swear, is dripping with suggestivity. Not that she’s’re just still unsure how you feel about her.

That doesn’t stop a hint of guilt returning as John’s head settles on your shoulder, sounding somewhat regretful. Maybe you should have thought about how he would feel if Karkat freaked out or something because neither of you had watched any of the movie. That doesn’t change the fact that you’re still irritated with the other Troll...but John looks kind of upset. You hate that look of...upsetness.

The look of upsetness doesn’t last long though. You return the unexpected kiss eagerly though, a hint of blue returning to your face as you pull away. Yeah, the impossibly hard not to be kissing at every moment pretty much sums up both of you. But you know he’ll probably want to go after Karkat and try to calm him down. It’s cool, you could wait as long as you need to.

“No, I don’t think I want to go talk to Karkat with you. You two can get chummy together without my valued input. Take as much time as you need, I’ll be around,” you reply with a grin. You pull him into a quick, tight hug before releasing him again. “And for the record, you make me feel pretty amazing just by being here. Wouldn’t miss doing that again for anything.” You steal a quick kiss before turning to head out the door, flashing him a smile before disappearing around the corner.

You manage to make it all the way to your room before realizing that, as always, you have nothing to do in here. You lean on the wall thinking for a few minutes before a thought crosses your mind. It’s probably a terrible idea to follow up on that thought, but now you’re curious and you kind of want an answer.

You leave your room, locking the door as usual on the way out by tapping out a quick combination on the keypad by the door and pressing the lock button. As you start to leave the residential area, you realize that the room next to yours has been marked as John’s. A slight smile creeps onto your face; if it had been anyone but him you probably would have moved further down the hall. Of course, not that anyone is stupid enough to want to live next to you. You’re cool with his room being next to yours though. You’re more than cool with it.

Anyway, that’s beside the point. You leave the hallway, heading for the tiny confusing chalky town of...Can City? Cantopia? Cantropolis? You can never remember what it’s called at any given moment. The thing has taken up an entire room at this point, and by the look of it, it’ll probably take up the entire freaking meteor by the time you get to the new session. As you pass the doorway, you see Terezi glance up from where she’s doing something or other with the Mayor, probably having smelled your apparently blueberry-ish scent as you passed. You never come down here without a reason, so you know she’ll follow you to see what you’re here for.

You keep walking for a while before rounding a corner into a new hallway and turning around to face her. “All right Pyrope, what was that about?” you demand, crossing your arms. “I know you don’t approve of this, so spit it out. What’s your actual opinion of me and John?” At this point you aren’t sure if she’ll even answer you. Which would still answer your question, but you’d still rather hear it out loud if she thinks you’re going to spontaneously decide to kill him and everyone else in the middle of the night or something like that.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Get some relationship "advice"

It takes a minute for you to shake yourself out of a lovestruck trance directed at the door Vriska had taken out of the room, and the light feeling in your chest from when she hugged you still remains. You'd be surprised if it was even possible for her to make you any happier, so it was nice to know that you provided her with a similar happiness. As much as you'd love to replay the scene of you two together over and over again in your mind, you had to find Karkat. You knew it was very likely he'd just angrily tell you to go away, but you had to make an attempt. So with that, you head out of the room in search of the cranky Troll.

For about fifteen minutes or so you search fruitlessly, even attempting to message him through Pesterchum. No response and no sign of him in the most common hangout spots. It isn't until you're taking a journey down a new hallway that a repetitive clanking sound lures you into a large room with various faceless statues. Upon closer inspection, they were more like training dummies, and off in the corner Karkat is slashing away at one with his orange crabclaw sickles. Seeing Karkat armed and irritated suddenly made this seem like a pretty terrible idea. You half want to just turn around and leave, but despite not turning toward you, he has already detected your presence.

"What the fuck do you want?" He growls, cutting one of the arms of the dummy clean off.

"Nothin'. What're you doing?" You respond in an attempt to act casual.

"Ballet. What the hell does it look like I'm doing, you nookgobbler?" He finally halts and turns in your direction. "We may still have about half a sweep until we reach the new session but that doesn't mean all of us are gonna laze around on our fat asses all day! We're all gonna be fighting the second we're there! Jack is right fucking behind us, after all. Surprised Serket isn't still locked onto your lips like a fucking parasite..."

"Karkat, about that. I'm sor-"

"Don't bother. I get it. My insight into the quadrants is goddamn immense and she's flushed for you worse than a winning Poker hand. Granted I'm less of an expert in your human romance but it's not exactly a fucking secret that you're infatuated with her. Why her still escapes me but what-fucking-ever. I've already accepted that while you two are anywhere near each other there's no point in trying in getting a second of your attention." He explains in a slightly calmer tone before turning back to continue his attacks.

You're not really sure how to respond to that, and it seems like Karkat senses your uncertainty.

"Don't mistake this for jealousy!" He snaps, turning his head to shoot you a glare.

"So what is this, then?"

"It's not anything! It's me saying I understand, okay? Fuck! Do me a favor and save your human sentimentality for someone who needs it!" Karkat gives a harsh laugh as he continues his aimless attacks.

"So nothing is really bothering you?" You respond with clear skepticism in your voice.

"Your vast genius favors you today, Egbert! For that I am eternally thankful! You may go now and feel assured that I did not need your fucking pity."

"All right then." You shrug, turning to head back toward the door. The clanking of the sickles stops after a few moments and Karkat's voice continues.

"John. Don't fuck it up."

"Huh?" You turn back to Karkat who seems even more serious than before.

"If you love her. Don't. Fuck. It. Up."

You remain there silently for a moment before nodding. You knew now why he 'understood'. His frustrations with Dave were more than just not meshing with his style of humor. It had to do with Terezi. Karkat blamed himself for losing her, apparently. You wanted some elaboration, but now didn't seem like the time to press the issue. Karkat would talk about it when he felt like doing so. Knowing him, that could very likely be never, but you'd be there if he changed his mind.

For now you'd return to Vriska. You had to consider Karkat's words carefully. They were vague, but you had a feeling you know what he meant.

Terezi: Confront Vriska

You're now Terezi Pyrope and you have no idea why Vriska is suddenly hanging around Cantropolis. She hates the place, but she's hated any place with people for the past two years. You'd often go months without even seeing her, and now you've seen her twice in a day. John's arrival truly has brought her back to life, so to speak...

But John wasn't with her right now, so what did she want? So you follow out of sheer curiosity. You half wonder if she's luring you down a quiet hallway to get back at you for trying to kill her, but she's had plenty of chances to do that already. As soon as you turn the corner into the next hallway she demands to know about your opinion on her relationship with John. It rather catches you off-guard. It was strange that she cared about your opinion all of the sudden, but you think you understand...

"Oh Vriska... It's cute how despite pretending not to care about what anyone else thinks, you're still desperate for approval." You laugh, closing the distance between you and her a bit before pausing to lean on your cane.

"I'll admit I initially worried about the safety of John. Ironic, I know, given my past with him. Things have changed and I'd like to be his friend. Naturally, him being involved with you seems like a poor idea. Who knew what your plan was? You bring suffering and chaos to anyone you touch.

But I've come to realize the person who always ends up suffering the most is you. Maybe he's the only one who can save you from yourself."

You shrug, giving a bit of a mischievous grin. "Anyway, calm down, big bad spider. I was only teasing you back there. I could hear your heart racing while he was next to you so I thought I'd mess around. Don't deny you were intrigued by my suggestion."

You take a few more steps as your grin widens even further until you're basically right in her face, speaking in a sensual voice. "You might not admit it but you'd love to be fucked by him."

You return to your spot a few paces back and soften your smile. "But... if you truly care about him, then don't fuck it up."

John: Wait for Vriska

You're once again John Egbert and you decide that trying to search all over the meteor for people is kind of a pointless exercise. So instead you return to the door of your room, gazing up at it with a smirk. In order to claim it as your own you placed the defaced Armageddon poster you and Davesprite wrote on at the beginning of the trip. You figured it was a good enough symbol. You then glance to Vriska's door and your smile changes to something warmer. You couldn't wait for the rest of this year, spending it right next to her like this. Maybe you could even spend the night with her like you had before. Nothing serious. Just relaxing sleep with your girlfriend in your arms...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Try to make sense of what Terezi’s telling you

Terezi’s slightly surprised expression at your sudden question is expected - you assume she probably didn’t expect you to ask her about this, of all things. To be fair, you didn’t expect you to ask her about this. You just have to know exactly what she meant by her suggestive looks and comments.

You wonder if coming to find her was a mistake as you watch her approach you with a laugh. It’s infuriating how well she knows which strings to tug to irritate you. And it’s infuriating that it’s infuriating.

And it’s also infuriating that she’s right about just about everything she’s saying. Your mind flashes back to the many times you’ve done something horrible, only to get something bad in return. You crippled Tavros and ended up getting haunted by just about every Troll you ever killed. You killed Aradia and you ended up bleeding to death. You killed Tavros and you got literally stabbed in the back and spent the next two years wandering the meteor on your own. Then John showed up and you actually ended up smiling for the first time in almost a sweep.

You start to open your mouth to protest, but she cuts you off, informing you that the things she was saying was just meant to screw with you. It still doesn’t completely convince you, but you’ll take it for now. As she approaches you, looking even more infuriatingly amused or happy or whatever the hell she’s trying to show you, you fix her with a glare. Her sudden, carefully said, very direct statement startles you into taking a small step back. You...what? You blink in surprise for a moment before what she said actually registers in your mind. It might not have been as surprising as it is now had she said it earlier during the movie...but now the idea both excites you and scares you. She’s right, you’d never admit it. You don’t even know if you’ve admitted it to yourself. Is she even right? Maybe she don’t know.

Your expression changes somewhat as hers does with that last comment. It doesn’t sound like she’s teasing you with that one...she almost sounds like she’s being serious. You can’t help wondering if she’s suddenly acting like this because of Karkat. You haven’t really talked to anyone over the last two all. But that doesn’t mean you haven’t been at least partly paying attention to what’s been going on. Thinking back, you’re pretty sure something got screwed up with Karkat and Terezi, something that didn’t need to be. You don’t know what, and you don’t particularly care. You just wonder if it’s got something to do with what she’s telling you now.

You regard Terezi for a few moments quietly, trying to figure out what she was trying to say just there. After a couple seconds you decide it means whatever you want it to mean. In this case, you’ll take it to mean that she’s warning you not to screw up with John. Like you need help screwing up with him. With your record, everyone probably thinks he’ll be dead or horribly mutilated by tomorrow.

“Look Terezi, there’s just about no way I won’t fuck this up. Yeah, I care about him. And I’m going to do whatever the hell I can to make this work. I’m just really lost here.” You kind of want to just keep talking aimlessly and just get rid of all that steam on why you’re just about convinced you’re going to screw up, but since this is Terezi Pyrope you’re talking to, you’d sooner go talk about feelings with literally anyone else. Not that you will. You’re just not going to talk about your feelings with anyone. Because it’s stupid.

“See you around.” You stalk past her and down the hallway, ignoring both Dave and the Mayor as you pass by the room on the way back. You’ve already violated your hatred of this place by showing up here - the last thing you need is to be seen here longer than you have to be.

At first you return to the room the movie was played in, but Rose and Kanaya are still talking there, probably about whatever book they buried their noses in during the movie. You’ve already had more than enough of everyone else’s think you’ll pass on the golden opportunity to go and talk to them. John’s probably done talking to Karkat by now, so you guess you’ll just go and find him. Or maybe you’ll just head back to your’re already tired, and you’ll probably know when he gets back since his room is right next to yours now.

You decide that you’d rather go with the latter option, so you pick your way back through the hallways to the large hall with everyone’s rooms lining it. You can make out a figure standing all the way down where your door is.

At first you wonder who bothered to come anywhere near your room. Then you realize quickly that it’s John, and all confusion disappears. The short conversation you just had with Terezi prods at your mind insistently, and you brush it away with a slight grimace. The last thing you need is to let her teasing get to you. Or even that thing she said right before you left. You know it would be only too easy to screw up. But for now, you’ll enjoy what you have.

As you approach, you notice that he’s too busy inspecting the two doors to see you coming. He seems to be looking at the magic 8 ball symbol on the door. Yeah, it’s not all that conspicuous, but there’s never any doubt about who the 8 ball belongs go. You decide that since he’s so absorbed in staring at the doors you might just feel like...

Sauntering up behind him, you silently move forward until you’re directly behind him, staring at the back of his head. Then you slip your right hand into his left hand, coming around to stand next to him. “You know, I’ve been meaning to make mine look more interesting. I’ll have to think about it,” you remark, pulling him into a quick hug. Stepping back again, you offer him a smile. “How did it go with Karkat?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Terezi: Contemplate this curious new side of Vriska

Your smile fades almost completely as you listen to Vriska's response. You can hardly believe it but you actually feel... bad for her. Any concerns you have that her feelings for John might not be genuine are out the window at this point. She cared about him but clearly she didn't know how to handle a romantic relationship and was convinced she'd ruin it. Unfortunately you have no advice to give her. You're not exactly one to give advice. The advice you had already given essentially ran your advice-giving well dry. Nevertheless she turns and walks off. With a curious tilt of the head you decide to let her go without making any half-assed attempts at trying to make her feel better. She would only consider it insulting anyhow.

You return to Dave who is busy drawing on the wall with The Mayor. The smorgasbord of delicious colors hit your nose and lighten your mood almost immediately, and your mischievous grin returns.

"You're back in one piece. Not that I didn't expect you to be. If you two got into a fight I would have placed money on you, anyway. Thought you come back at least a bit bloody though." Dave says without turning to face you.

"Don't underestimate her, Dave! She's a God Tier, you know! The only reason I managed to stab her in the first place is because she was so sure I wouldn't do it. Now she's always on the defensive." You respond as you reach over to grab some chalk.

"Yeah, you only got one shot and you blew it. Terezi Pyrope: Biggest fuckup ever." He continues with a slight smirk.

"Says the guy who died about a dozen times!"

"If you wanna make an omelette you gotta break a few Daves and I am currently the tastiest omelette ever to exist." He shrugs.

"Dave! Don't try to distract me with comments about your delicious human breakfast foods! Besides, I'm relieved she didn't die. I didn't want to kill her. I just thought I had to. I think she might be fine now... She won't be rushing off to fight Jack solo or anything stupidly suicidal anytime soon." You muse softly as you begin to add to the mural on the wall. Dave's motions halt for a moment as he turns to you.

"Why... Because of John?"

You nod.

"Well, John's a great guy." Dave continues and returns to his drawing. "If he likes her then he'll bend over backwards to make her happy. If all she needed was someone to care about her then she probably couldn't have picked a better guy. He'll serve her like she's a new permanent resident on butler island."

"Dave, why don't you serve me like one of these human butlers!?"

"Because I am profoundly lazy."

John: Reunite with your matesprit

You're no longer Terezi, which is a relief because it's kind of scary being her. You had lost track of time a bit as you gazed upon Vriska's door. Your thoughts had been occupied by her, and you loved the warm feeling you got every time you imagined all the times you had kissed. You already couldn't wait to see her again so you could continue said kissing. You wanted to give her all the kisses. All of them. You're so involved in such thoughts that you don't even notice someone approach you and grasp your hand. There's only a split second of surprise before you're smiling at the comforting warmth of Vriska's touch.

She comments on her door design and you smile, giving her hand a squeeze before joining her in a tight hug. When she asks about Karkat you chuckle softly and shrug.

"Oh he's... Karkat. He seems okay with us now. I think a lot of his frustration comes from Terezi and his relationship with her... or lack thereof. Maybe I should tell him how Jade was always bringing him up? Thinking about them together is pretty hilarious but hey, it's not any stranger than you and me!" You grin. Talking about Karkat reminds you about what he said and you dwell on it a bit more.

"Vriska... I've never been this happy. So I'm not gonna mess it up. I promise." You add, softly before pulling her into a nice, sweet kiss. You were going to uphold that promise, even if that meant taking things slow. You keep her close, pulling back just enough to look into her eyes. "So, beautiful... how about that date?"

Prepare for date

(Weeks in the future, but not many...)


"Dude, calm down! Your anger is just hurting your concentration!" You shake your head at Karkat who is desperately fumbling with his gamepad.

"Why is a plumber driving a go-kart anyway!? This game makes no sense! I want to punch him in his douchebag face!" Karkat growls while still making an effort to win the game.

"I don't know. Blame Japan."

"I don't know what the fuck that is! Instead I will blame you for making me play this awful piss-poor excuse for a game!"

"Aw, don't be a grumpy gus! Admit you're having fun!" You prod him with your shoulder and he looks about ready to kill you until something flashes on the screen.

"AH HA! I got the star! Prepare to have your shit wrecked, Egbert!" He grins wickedly. It was amusing how quickly Karkat's mood changed sometimes.

Over the past few weeks, things had been going quite well. Nobody had really given you any guff about being with Vriska, and even seemed to support it now. Between you both, there had seemed to be a wordless agreement not to take things too far when you were alone together. Course it meant That said, you were aching to be closer to her with every passing day. You figured you'd know when the time was right. Speaking of Vriska, you glance at your watch and quickly toss down your controller.

"Whoop! Gonna be late for my date!"

"Hah! That's right! I knew you'd turn and run when faced with your inevitable defeat!" Karkat cackles.

"Yes, you did it buddy. You won at video games! Don't worry. I'll take the title back later." You reply before dashing out of the room and down into your own.

You look yourself over in the mirror for a moment and are pleased with the results. Your outfit was pretty casual with a striped, button-up shirt alternating between your blue and Vriska's, with some frayed jeans and sandals. Both you and Vriska had concluded that neither of you were all that fond of 'fancy' dress-up dates. Besides, it wasn't like there were expensive restaraunts to eat at around here. In fact, there wasn't a lot to do in general, so the dates usually ended up being just some cuddling in front of a movie that neither of you paid much attention to or talking about nothing in particular. It was nice, just spending time with her like that. Your plan tonight was slightly more elaborate, though.

After making sure your hair was properly messy you grab the basket of food you had prepared and stroll over to Vriska's door still conveniently next to yours. You give it a light knock and begin to whistle happily as you wait for her to appear...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Stop smiling Okay then go ahead and freakin’ smile

The news that Karkat’s finally withdrawn his complaints about you comes as surprising news, but welcome news nonetheless. Though John’s interpretation of him is eerily close to the impression you got from Terezi. You take a moment to remember who Jade is. The one with the round glasses and the bright green text, right? You think you remember her. Just the idea of her and Karkat together is funny. But you could see it. The idea is actually kind of cute. It kind of does suck that she’s stuck for another year without anyone who’s actually alive for company. You know what that feels like.

You find yourself smiling again as you’re pulled into another kiss. You’re doing it. You’re doing the smiley thing. You’ve got to stop doing the smiley thing. It feels weird. And everyone knows you never do the smiley thing. But with John it’s okay. You’ve already smiled enough around him to accept the fact that you won’t stop smiling anytime soon.

...But you’re still doing it when he pulls away again. You might as well accept your fate of eternal smileyness. At least when he’s around. “I think that date sounds like a wonderful idea.”

Continue on the established pattern of dating

(weeks in the future, but not many...)

You are still Vriska Serket, though you aren’t sure what that even means any more. In the last few weeks since John arrived on the meteor you’ve gone from the apathetic, lonely Troll wandering the meteor once every few days and keeping to one room for the rest of the time to something completely different. For the record, you’ve failed miserably at not doing the smiley thing. It’s a regular thing now, and you have no problem with it whatsoever. As long as you don’t do it in front of the others. Everyone else seems to have stopped arguing with John about you, and even Karkat hasn’t complained since that last time a few weeks ago.

Oh, and you’re flushed for the last person in any universe you expected to end up with. And somehow you’ve managed to not screw up over the last few weeks. You and John have decided to slow it down a little though. While you’re eager to move forward, you want to make sure you’re going at a pace that he’s comfortable with too. And you’ve done a good job of it - nothing has gone past sharing a chair or curling up together on the floor in front of a movie with a good few kisses. Nothing more than that. And you’re happy as long as you get to spend time with him.

And even the time you haven’t spent with him has been marginally better. Karkat isn’t shooting you murderous glares any more, Terezi’s stopped with the suggestive looks and comments, and, well...anyone else on the meteor is just as indifferent as they always have been. When you’re not with John you’re either in your room or wandering the meteor like you used to, but it doesn’t feel like just something to survive through any more.

You pull your thoughts out of reminiscence and return to the present. You’re supposed to have another date with John soon, and it wouldn’t do for you to not be ready. You stare into the small space that isn’t quite a closet where your clothes are hanging. You have an overwhelming array of choices. Hero of Light cantaloupe or normal black with your sign on it. Clearly it’s going to be an extremely difficult choice.

...Nah, there's pretty much absolutely no doubt in your decision. You'd rather wear dark colors than the vibrant bright orange and yellow of the Hero of Light outfit. You certainly don’t miss your God Tier clothes, or the memories that come with them. Anyway, you’re more comfortable in your normal T-shirt and jeans. Maybe the shirt and jeans would make more sense....

Yeah, you’re good with those. You quickly change into a new set of clothes, remembering to slip on a bathing suit under your clothes. John had mentioned something about a bathing suit then make a halfhearted attempt to comb out the wild mess that is your hair. The brush glides through your hair without a problem, but as always, the black strands just won’t move from their stubbornly locked mess. Bluh...whatever. You never have been able to control that.

Before you realize it, you hear a knock on your door, probably John. The carefree whistled tune that floats through the door as you approach it leaves no doubt in your mind; there is only one person on this piece of space junk that whistles who would come knocking on your door. ...Well, there’s only one person on this piece of space junk who would come knocking on your door, whistling or not.

You reach out and quickly tap a button on the keypad, unlocking your door and sliding it open with a faint hiss to reveal John looking infuriatingly handsome with his messy hair and his outfit that is thankfully as casual as yours is, if not more. You don’t fail to notice that his shirt combines his bright blue with your cerulean blue. And he’s carrying a somewhat large basket. Well this is new...he’s never showed up with a basket before.

“Hiiiiiiii, John!” You close the distance between the two of you and wrap him in a brief hug before pulling back again. You let your hand slip down and tangle your fingers with his, stepping out of your room and tapping in the quick combination to lock it again. “What’s with the basket?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Reveal your grand date conjuration

Your smile morphs into a goofy grin as Vriska emerges from her room and embraces you with an elongated greeting. Her mood has been more upbeat over the past couple weeks and it warms your heart to see her so happy. You can only hope she realizes she makes you just as happy. She'd have to, considering you sort of tell her how happy you are pretty much daily. You return the hug as well as you can while still holding the basket before clutching her hand with your free one. She's in her familiar shirt and jeans but you're totally fine with that. She always looks fantastically beautiful, and you can't help but love her wild, flowing hair. You glance down at the basket as she inquires about it and shoot her a very mischievous smirk.

"Oh just Karkat's organs. I finally lost it and killed him but didn't have time to stop by the trash cute on my way over. Hope you don't mind!" You utter in a somewhat unsettling tone with half-lidded eyes. Okay, that joke was kind of morbid and it's hard for you to keep the act going very long. You finally laugh and nudge her shoulder with yours. "It's just some food. You know. Sandwiches. That sort of junk. Come on, I prepared something else!"

You begin to walk and guide her along with your hand clasping over hers tightly. You twist through the elaborate hallways almost like you actually know where you're going until you come across a door that seems pretty standard and ordinary, just like all the rest. You flash Vriska a grin as you open the door which only greets the both of you with darkness at first. As you stroll in, you flip on the light, revealing a very large room that has undergone some unique modifications to make it look unlike the all the other dull, metal rooms of the meteor. One half of the floor was coated in warm sand, while the other contained a flowing body of water that somehow moved along the 'land' like gentle waves. The light illuminating the room had been tinted to resemble sunlight and the walls were painted a nice ocean blue. There was still one last thing, however. With a snap of your fingers, a gentle breeze begins to flow along the room. Ah, the benefits of controlling the wind.

"Ta-da! Welcome to the beach! Or... well, as good as I could make it. Getting all this sand in here took a while! I'm not sure what this room was for originally, but there was a big deep empty pool-like thing on the end there. When filled with water you could mess with some controls and make the water kinda 'flow'. Maybe it was for mixing chemicals or something? There was nothing weird in there though, I swear! Whatever powers it made the floor kinda warm too, making it pretty nice for the sand. Then uh... well, all the specifics are kinda boring now that I am actually saying all this. But yeah! I figured I'd make this cause you said you kinda liked exploring your game world during your session. Land of Maps and Treasure?

Anyway, I thought we could have some lunch and maybe just go for a swim and chill out!"

You bring her out into the center of the room just before the water and take out a blanket from inside the basket and lay it down upon the soft sand. Soon after you remove your glasses to slip on a pair of sunglasses and turn to Vriska with a very straight-faced expression before pulling her into your arms. Though you're unable to keep yourself from grinning for very long. "How do I look? Am I a coolguy Strider yet?"
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Stare at the “beach” like an idiot

You can’t help rolling your eyes at John’s initial excuse for having that basket. While the concept of him carrying around a basket full of Karkat’s insides sounds incredibly disgusting and not disturbing at all (which probably isn’t a good sign), his ridiculous expression pulls a grin onto your face. You’ve actually gotten somewhat used to human food over the last few weeks, mostly human sandwiches, since the other Trolls keep eating all of the hoofbeast meat before you can get at it.

You let him pull you along several long hallways, some of which you haven’t ventured into in a long time. After a while you start to wonder if he’s lost, but then he stops in front of a door that looks identical to all of the other doors here. Opening the door reveals just a dark void, unassuming as all of the other empty rooms are.

“John, what-” You start to form a question as you follow him into the dark space, wondering why he picked a room that was so deeply embedded in the maze of rooms. Then the light turns on, and you blink in the sudden...sunlight?

It takes you half a second to realize that you’re actually still on the meteor. This room doesn’t look anything like any of the others on the’s bigger...and bluer...and sandier...and significantly wetter. You look down and see that you’re standing in sand, and further down is the beginning of what looks like an ocean-like pool that looks like it's actually moving. Now John’s strangely casual clothes and shoes make perfect sense.

You stare around at the room as John starts to explain how he got it to look like this. You have to wonder how long it took to figure all of this out and get it to work. It can’t have been easy at all.... A light breeze starts to blow its way around the room at a snap of his fingers, ruffling your hair a little. It feels nice, actually, and it blows tiny grains of sand across the surface of the makeshift beach.

You kick off your sneakers and socks as he starts to pull you toward the center of the room, leaving them back by the door. Wearing sneakers to the beach would just end in you spending hours cleaning sand out of them later. Now barefoot, you follow John to a spot only a few feet away from the water, feeling the warmth of the sand on your feet as you go. It’s a pretty nice feeling, actually.

"Yeah...I always did like exploring LOMAT...there was always something interesting to find there..." You briefly return to your small planet, but your attention is too fixated on John to stay on LOMAT for long. After helping him set out the blanket, you find yourself pulled into a hug looking into a pair of dark lenses instead of John’s bright blue eyes. You raise an eyebrow skeptically for a moment before responding.

“Nah, I don’t think so. You’re so much cooler than Strider could ever hope to be.” You lean forward and give him a quick kiss, pulling back to look at him with a grin. “And this has got to be the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.” You sit down on the edge of the blanket, crossing your legs. Taking a handful of the warm sand, you let it run through your fingers back onto the floor. “Seriously, it’s amazing...and the sandwiches you brought had better be just as amazing!"
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Feel triumphant for a successful date idea

"Yesss... Finally I have achieved my life goal. Being cooler than Dave. Suck it, Strider." You say with a grin before happily returning the kiss Vriska offered you. A warm feeling fills your chest as you follow her down to the blanket and listen to her admiration of your makeshift beach.

"I might not be Jade and have the ability to carry entire planets around with me, but I did have this room and an alchemiter. It took some work, but I was happy to do it for you. So, I'm really glad you like it... An amazing girl deserves an amazing date." You continue with a pleasant, genuine smile. Hearing her approval made every second of the setup time worth it and then some. You would have transformed the entire meteor if you thought it would make her happy.

"And duh, of course the sandwiches are amazing! I have got you covered. We got meatball with parmesean. Traditional ham and cheese. My personal favorite: BLT with a hint of spicy mustard (or grubsauce if that's your thing), and finally peanut butter and jelly because I mean you can't go wrong with the classics right? Also stocked up on the soda and chips. Rose tried to get me to bring wine and I said no, thank you, sister I am not old enough yet! She said that didn't matter anymore. I said the last thing I need is for Vriska to think I am trying some shenanigans to get her drunk! Do Trolls even get drunk? Well, regardless, I passed on her suggestion. Rose! Drinking! I never would have thought. Dave told me about how she was before her date with Kanaya once. Man, I wish I had gotten to see that.

Wow I am talking way too much! Sorry! Heh, I guess I'm just excited that you liked my idea... I'm always trying to think of special things to do for you. It's tough on this meteor, though. Even so... just spending time with you, even if it's just to lay in bed and stare into your strange, beautiful eyes, has made me happier than ever. These past few weeks have been the best of my life..."

You remove the sunglasses and return to your normal ones. You didn't want anything to diminish your ability to view her right now. She was way too gorgeous for that. You then scoot closer, wrapping an arm around her waist, and pull her into another kiss. You let this one linger slowly while your other hand reaches out for one of hers. It begins soft, but you progressively deepen it, tantalizing her with your tongue. As delicious as the sandwiches sounded right now, they didn't hold a candle to her taste. You draw back eventually, letting a satisfied smile curl across your lips.

"Also being able to kiss you pretty much whenever I want has been quite the contributing factor to that happiness..." You profess softly.

Eventually you reach for the basket and begin to pull out some of the food and drinks. "Oh um... so I hope you brought a bathing suit like I suggested. I swear this whole thing wasn't just a ploy to get you in one! Although maybe you weren't even thinking that until I just said it... That was pretty stupid of me! Uh, but we don't have to go into the water if you don't want to. I guess I should have also asked if you knew how to swim. Even if you don't I uh... I could teach you!"
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Attempt to cover up yet another blush

You try and fail to push down the slight tint of blue that rises to your face at John’s compliment, returning the incredibly contagious smile he shoots you. You’d be surprised if you ever got tired of seeing it. As long as he’s happy, you’re also happy.

Listening patiently to the long list of sandwich types he churns out, you take a peek into the basket, inspecting its contents for each of the sandwiches he mentions. You have no trouble recognizing any of them except the peanut butter and jelly. You still haven’t tried peanut butter and jelly. For some reason the stuff sounds disgusting. But then you also thought the same about Hawaiian pizza. Once the sandwich list ends you expect him to slow down a little, but he seems to pick up even more speed, starting off on a tangent about Rose and how she’s been drinking. You kind of just stare at him curiously while he expands on his opinion on Rose and her drinking habits. Yeah, he is talking a lot. But you like it. It’s just another one of those things you can’t help loving about him.

Your smile grows a little larger as he comes closer to you, an arm settling around your waist. You half-turn to meet him halfway, only to find yourself tangled in a kiss. After several seconds you let your lips part, smiling lightly as you let your tongue play with his, all food forgotten for the moment. For some reason, kissing him never seems to get old no matter how much time you spend doing it.

As you pull away again, you let one of those soft smiles creep onto your face, a little more blue coming up to your face. “Yeah, I think being able to kiss you this often really does have its advantages, doesn’t it,” you reply, sneaking in one more quick kiss before sitting back to let him get at the food.

Once everything seems to be out of the basket and on the blanket, you reach out and snag one of the ham and cheese sandwiches and a bottle of the human bubbly drink called Sprite. It’s actually not bad, as long as you don’t drink it too fast.

You grin a little at his small attempts to explain the reason he asked you to bring a bathing suit. “Relax John, I’m wearing a bathing suit under this.” You reach out and give his hand a quick squeeze. You start to answer his indirect question about whether or not you can swim, but then you stop abruptly as you realize that you never actually did learn how to swim. You’ve been to a beach before, but you never cared enough to get into the water and try to learn. “I...of course I can swim!” You wait a moment to gauge your own believability. You’re pretty sure that sounded like the most pathetic excuse for a lie ever. “All I never learned to swim...but I’ll still get in the water if you promise to teach me sometime. I kind of never needed to swim on Alternia...and then in the game I never had to learn either, so I guess I just never learned,” you mutter, now a little irritated with yourself for never having thought of learning to swim. You eye your sandwich for a moment, then pick it up and take a bite of it. “But what better place to learn than a beautiful beach on a huge meteor hurtling through space?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Test the waters

She had told you to relax, but after confirming she was indeed wearing her bathing suit, relaxing was probably the last thing you'd be able to do. You were incredibly curious, but there would be time to see it later. Vriska initially claims to know how to swim, but her tone makes you skeptical, resulting in a raised eyebrow and smirk from you. It was a lie almost as bad as the time you tried to tell her you were 'totally ice cool'. She finally admits with some hint of shame that she never actually learned, but thankfully she seems willing to let you teach her. You grin happily.

"Yeah, I promise I can teach you! Well, I can try at least. Never taught anyone how to swim before, heh. It's real easy, though!" You assure her, nudging her with your shoulder as you bite into a sandwich. "Really though, it's fine. Plenty of people don't bother to learn especially when they don't live near water or live in cold climates."

You think for a few moments while taking a sip from a soda. "My dad taught me. He was always really good at that sort of thing. Not overly strict but not overly forgiving either. I've heard of parents that teach their kids by just tossing them in and saying 'hey go at it!' and that just strikes me as insane. Then you have the ones that are overprotective and won't even let their kids near water. So, he was able to manage a balance between those things. I guess your childhood was different and explains why you might not learn a skill like swimming. I imagine if it didn't seem important then you figured why waste time on it? Can't really blame you. In fact, I'm honored to be the one to teach you! So it worked out in the end!"

You beam with a delighted expression, continuing to make some progress on the sandwich. It was impossible to stop smiling right now. Everything was working out perfectly, and it all served to remind you just how lucky you were to have Vriska as a girlfriend. You follow with some idle conversation as you both eat lunch, but even with periods of silence it didn't feel awkward at all. There was just something relaxing about sitting on that makeshift beach with her and not really talking about anything in particular. After a sufficient amount of food had been consumed you stand up from the blanket and stretch.

"Well, I think I'm gonna see how the water is!" You announce with a grin as you unbutton your shirt and then toss it aside. You have to admit you're slightly nervous since Vriska had never seen you without a shirt on. While she had been able to see your entire life via the Trollian client when she was first talking to you, she had assured you that she never really watched you apart from when you were in the game session. You're thankful for that, because you had always been a skinny kid, but two years ago you were even more twig-like. You had used a lot of the downtime on the ship to start exercising a bit more since there wasn't a whole lot else to do. Granted, you were not even remotely close to being a bronzed, muscled Adonis, but you did have more tone than before. The jeans and sandals are next to be discarded leaving you in just a pair of light blue trunks.

"Here goes nothin'!" You yell out as you dash toward the water with little concern to how cold it might be. It's not long before you're in up to your neck. You then turn toward Vriska and wave, making sure not to get your glasses too wet. You wanted to be able to see her perfectly, after all. "Yaaaahhh kinda cold at first but best solution is to just say screw it and go in completely. Actually, it's pretty nice! C'mon, Vriska! You can just walk right in!"
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Go swimming?

You take a moment to remember your hive on Alternia. Did you ever have any water nearby? You might have...even if you did, you wouldn’t have had time to learn to swim anyway. So you guess John’s list of excuses for not ever learning how to swim could apply to you also...maybe. It still sucks to have to admit you don’t know how to do something, even if it’s something as trivial as swimming. You’re working on that. You swear by the end of the day you’ll at least know how to stay on top of the water.

...but you’ll learn to swim later. For now, you’re happy to sit on a blanket on a beach inside a huge meteor and have lunch with your matesprit. You never really used to be one for small talk, but everything feels so much more natural with him, so you can’t help chatting with him just a little. The rest of the time you’re silent, but neither of you seem to mind the silence, so you sit there in silence for a while, just eating. Once you finish your sandwich and half of another, you finish your can of Sprite and watch John finish what he’s eating.

You look up in surprise as he suddenly stands up and announces that he’s going to try the water. Looking up at him from where you’re sitting, you watch him toss his shirt aside onto the blanket. Do not stare, do not stare, damn it you’re staring you said don’t stare.... You fail miserably at your hurried mental commands to yourself, unable to resist staring at least a little bit. You have to admit, he’s not as skinny as you might have expected him to be. Even though he’s not exactly perfectly toned and muscley, you still can’t help looking. You watch him run at the water, and if it’s cold, it doesn’t seem to bother him at all. Soon he’s completely in and he’s just a head sticking out of the water facing in your direction. A hand emerges from the water as well, waving at you. Does this mean you’re supposed to get in? can’t say no to that voice....

“All right, all right, I’m coming,” you call back with a quick wave. You disentangle yourself from the blanket and pull your shirt over your head. Kicking them to the side next to John’s clothes along with your jeans, you’re left standing in a modest one-piece swimsuit - cerulean blue, of course. You wouldn’t dream of deviating from your color. You had considered a two-piece while you were pacing in your room earlier, but you had chickened out. The idea of swimming already had you nervous enough.

You walk to the edge of the water, contemplating it quietly for a moment as you watch the tiny waves lapping at the sand. It doesn’t look very inviting to you...but John’s waiting for you all the way out there, so you might as well at least try it.

You take a few steps into the water until you’re in up to your knees, testing it out. It feels cold for a moment, then your legs get used to the temperature and now the rest of you is a little cold. You keep walking until you’re up to your neck as well, about half a foot from where John is. Experimentally, you go in a little further. You successfully make it to the same distance he did and stand there, providing him with a mock glare that isn’t realistic in the least because of the wry grin plastered across your face.

“I didn’t think it would be this warm,” you admit, turning and edging to the side on your toes so that you’re standing right next to him. “But you’re right, it wasn’t as cold once I got in.” You offer him another smile, bouncing a little on the tips of your toes. “But...what are we supposed to do now that we’re actually in the water?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Admire Vriska

You watch patiently as Vriska begins to remove her clothes, dipping your head into the water a bit further so only your eyes and the top of your head are visible. Perhaps you didn't want her to see just how wide you were grinning. You emit a soft chuckle to yourself as she's revealed to be in a rather self-conscious one-piece. It's actually sort of adorable how shy she is around you sometimes, especially given how she acts with other people. You'll admit there's some disappointment that she didn't choose something more revealing, but it was all right. You had sort of put her on the spot, after all. That being said, she still looked absolutely amazing. You could see the attractive shape of her body much better than you could when she was in her shirts and jeans. You were already somewhat familiar with her moderately sized breasts due to your roaming hands during some of your more passionate make-out sessions, but it was nice to get a decent look at their actual shape. As far as you were concerned, they were the perfect size. You knew how some guys thought 'the bigger the better' but that thought process didn't apply to you. You preferred the sort you could fit into your hand easily. The kind that looked becoming without being distracting. Granted, hers were really the only pair you had any firsthand experience with, but you were more than happy with them. The rest of her figure was slender but not skinny, and you were particularly a fan of her long, smooth legs which were now fully visible in her intriguing grey skin. You hadn't really gotten a chance to feel them yet due to those jeans she always wore, and you were itching to get a chance. It was a shame such a body was always going unappreciated. You'd have to make up for that. There was so much left of her you had yet to explore and with each passing day it became harder to resist.

Your train of thought is broken as Vriska finally makes her way over to you and gives you a very fake glare which you can't take seriously for even a moment due to the grin she's also showing. There's the question of what you should do now and you glance upward in thought.

"Uhhhhh... You know, I didn't really think that far ahead. To be honest, I didn't even think I would pull this off, heh." You blush, slightly embarrassed that you had managed to make it this far only to not really have a plan once you both were in the water. Going swimming had been sort of a rare activity for you, especially since it was kinda boring alone and most of your friends were either on other ends of the country or on remote islands.

"Maybe I lied..." You add with a devious sort of smirk, turning to face her and pulling her into your arms until you extinguish any space between your bodies. "Maybe I did want to see you wear something a bit more revealing... Can you blame me? I wasn't lying when I said you were the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I'm probably never gonna stop saying that, either..."

You close the gap even further by tilting your head into hers and kissing her deeply as if, despite all the water surrounding you, she was the only thing even remotely able to quench your thirst. Any feeling of cold from the water has been eliminated completely now that your bodies are pressing against each other. The warmth combined with the gentle waves makes for quite a nice, relaxing moment and you let the kiss linger in it for a good long while. As you eventually draw back, you do so while biting at her bottom lip eagerly.

"You do look fantastic, by the way..." You whisper softly with another smirk as one of your hands sneaks to her rear and gives it a sudden squeeze. You briefly wonder if she'll start chasing you down for doing something like that, but you're in the water and you know how to swim so she's at the disadvantage. "Anyway, let's start off with something simple. Hold onto my hands and try to make your body horizontal in the water by kicking your feet. Don't worry, I won't let go..."
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Learn to swim...or at least to not drown

As you slowly wade into the water, you notice that half of John’s head has disappeared into the water, and now all that’s visible is his glasses and the top of his head. It looks kind of comical, actually. Still, you can’t help the good several shades of blue that sneak up to your face. You’re kind of surprised at how awkward you feel wearing only a bathing suit in front of him. After all the sloppy makeouts, you’d thought it would be easier. Though you can never really feel uncomfortable around him, so it’s probably just a little shyness. You’ll get over it. You’ve already kinda gotten over it.

You grin a little at his blush and the apparent lack of things to do now that you’re both actually in the water. You don’t mind though, it’s not like you’d know what to do on the beach. It’d be perfectly fine with you if you could just sit in the water and talk.

Letting yourself be pulled forward into a hug, you loop your arms around his neck, leaning back the slightest bit to be able to look into his eyes. “Maybe I wore this on purpose...maybe I just wanted to leave some to the imagination,” you reply, wrapping your legs around his waist, effectively anchoring yourself to him.

You lean forward into the sudden kiss, pulling him a little closer with a smile. It’s surprising how nice it is to kiss him when you’re neck deep in cool water. Not that you could have known even if the water had been freezing. John’s body heat is enough to keep you perfectly warm when you’re this close to him. You press yourself closer, smiling softly as you pull away.

You yelp softly in surprise as you feel one of his hands move down and squeeze, making you jump a little. You roll your eyes at him, knowing you probably should have seen that coming. After a good several weeks of keeping your hands somewhat to yourselves, it’s not like you aren’t itching to explore a little further too.

Glancing down at the water, then back up at him, you unhook your legs from around his waist and move your hands down to grasp his tightly. Slowly you lower yourself back into the water until you feel the tips of your toes touch the floor. “If this doesn’t work, I’m going to kill you,” you say with a grin.

At first you kick a little bit without success, still keeping John’s hands in a deathgrip. It really would suck to have survived all you did only to drown on a date with your matesprit. But with his help, you manage to learn how to tread water in a couple minutes. Great, so now you are able to at least be in the water without having to worry.

In another half hour or so, you’ve gained a rudimentary knowledge of the basic doggy paddle, and the backfloat you kind of discover by accident when you try to go backwards, so you’re at least able to go deeper in than where your feet touch the ground. And by now your hair is just dead weight with all the water it’s soaked up, trailing a few feet behind you like an dark swirl of ink. You tried wringing it out once several minutes didn’t work very well, so you just gave up and let it hang. You reach out for John’s hands, pulling him a little further in and latching your legs around his waist again.

“Okay, I’ll admit swimming can be fun.” You lean in for another kiss, pulling him into a tight hug. “Almost as fun as kissing you is,” you add, resting your head on his shoulder. Although you know he can’t see it, you smile into the softness of his neck, tightening your grip on him. It is actually nice to just be able to go swimming and just be with him, almost like a normal matespritship. You plant a small kiss on his neck before leaning back again to look at him. “I might just have to stay here and hug you forever.”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Say it already

Vriska's little cry at your squeeze is a delightful sound which you can't wait to hear more of, and her threat just widens your grin even further. "Being killed for being a shitty swimming teacher? Heh, I wonder if that's truly a Just death." You respond curiously. "But don't worry... I'd never let you go."

And you don't. At least until she requests it. It doesn't take long for Vriska to get down most of the basics to the point where she doesn't need you holding onto her at every moment. There's something slightly disappointing about that, because you enjoy having her latched to you like her life depended on it. That said, you're just as happy helping teach her new skills. After all, she helped you in the game plenty of times, as abstract as it seemed then. By now her hair is soaked and has lost some of its wild, bouncy quality. You actually rather enjoy seeing her wet and somewhat helpless just because it's such a contrast from her normal look and personality.

Eventually she pulls you back to her and admits having some fun with you out there in the odd, fake ocean learning to swim. You feel her legs hook around you and your heart rate increases while you return the offered kiss. Having her legs around you in such a way was doing wonders for your already growing arousal and your arms wrap around her strongly, holding onto her as if she might sink and disappear forever if you let her go. You smile with satisfaction when she adds that kissing you was still the more entertaining activity. You're not sure there's anything you love more than just holding her close to you like this while reminding yourself that this amazing girl truly is your girlfriend.

"You did awesome! And forever's a long time..." You smirk, letting a palm rise to grip the back of her head as she rests it upon your shoulder, and a slight shudder rushes through your body at the kiss upon your neck. "And yet I still don't know if it's long enough."

When you're back to looking into her eyes you remain silent for a moment as your mind processes a thought. "...I wonder if being God Tier affects our lifespan since it's supposed to be immortality... Kanaya told me the higher on the hemospectrum a Troll is, the longer they live. Like you could live for hundreds of sweeps. A sweep is like 2 Human years, so that means normally I might only live for about 50 sweeps at most..."

There's a slight sadness in your voice as you admit this. It's not something you really wanted to bring up, but you figure you had to make sure she knew that fact just in case she was unaware. "We're God Tier but haven't stopped growing. But who knows, maybe we stop aging once we're 'adults'? Either way, I just want you to know that I'll be with you as long as I live..." You smile warmly as you let your hand come around from the back of her head to caress her cheek softly before leaning in for another earnest kiss. After you withdraw you stare deeply into her eyes as if you're hypnotized for a few moments. You feel you've waited long enough to say it.

"I love you, Vriska..." You confess softly with complete and utter sincerity. You're trembling a bit at the sheer relief of finally saying those words, and partially with some nervousness at how she might respond. You knew she had a hard time talking about feelings, and Karkat once implied admitting love was rare for a Troll. "Don't feel like you need to say it back... Just know I do..."
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Contemplate the implications of God Tier-ness

“I guess we’ll just have to settle for forever and then some,” you say with a grin. Spending forever just like this wrapped in his arms sounds nothing short of perfect to you. Forever might not nearly be long enough, but it’s all you could ask for.

Your expression darkens a little when he wonders out loud what being God Tier means for his lifespan. You’d almost forgotten that humans all live about the same amount of time. But only fifty sweeps...that’s as little time as the lowest blood castes have, maybe even a little less. Since you have cerulean blood, he’s right, you have the potential to live for at least a few hundred sweeps. Or at least you would have the potential to live a few hundred sweeps if you still lived on Alternia. You aren’t sure exactly what kind of benefits being a God Tier is supposed to give you. If it really does give you immortality, then you’ll never have to worry about lifespans. But if it doesn’’ll lose John before your life is even a quarter over. Just thinking about it makes you feel a little empty inside. The slight sadness you can hear in his voice doesn’t escape your attention either. For a moment you wonder what you’d do if he died after only a few dozen sweeps. Then you quickly take your mind off it. You know if you think about it now you’ll start to worry. You just hope that the latter option is true and you’ll both just stop aging once you fully mature.

You pull him a little closer as you return the kiss eagerly, one of your hands moving down to gently stroke along the base of his neck. When you pull away again you find yourself staring into his eyes. He looks like he’s about to say something.

It takes you a moment to register what he says to you, and you’re left staring at him in surprise for a good several seconds. Did he just say...yeah, you think he did just say what you think he said. You already knew it...but somehow it feels...different to hear him say it out loud. You realize that the slight shaking you can feel isn’t just John. You’re also shaking a little. And you don’t know how to respond. You just have no clue how you COULD respond. Of course you feel exactly the same way...but matespritship is normally supposed to be about pity. What you feel for him doesn’t feel like pity...but you don’t know what love is supposed to feel like. But maybe it’s supposed to feel like what you feel when you look up at your matesprit. Because you know your heart speeds up to an impossible rate whenever you see him. Maybe that’s what it’s supposed to feel like.

After a few seconds you realize that you’re staring at him again. You mentally kick yourself, realizing that you probably look like an idiot. You have no idea how to tell him that you feel the same way about him as he does for you...but you can’t just leave him hanging without saying anything. You lean forward a little so your forehead rests against his. “I...I know you know how I feel...” you say quietly. “Iloveyoutoo...” The words come out in a rush as a whisper, barely audible. Had you been any further away from him he wouldn’t have been able to hear it. You can feel heat rush to your face, along with what you’re sure is a deep shade of cerulean blue blood flooding your cheeks. You suck at emotions. It feels good to have finally said it though. You tighten your legs around his waist and pull him into another kiss, clutching him even closer to you. Maybe he won't notice the deep blush...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Reconsider getting out of the water

Vriska's hurried, quiet words fill you with an elated feeling unlike any other. It was true you already knew how she felt, but you were just so thrilled she was able to say it like that despite it not really being natural for her or her species. You return her kiss vigorously, unable to stop the smile against her lips, and hold her tighter than ever. You think you even begin to feel tears forming in your eyes. You used to be so confused when people cried during times of happiness, but now you think you finally understand.

Every time the kiss breaks it's quickly followed by another, and another. Each with a definite force behind it while a hand on the back of her head helps keep her against you. The heat of the moment has only served to excite you even more than you already were and you wanted to just devour her. After what seems like a good five minutes of just non-stop kissing you finally pause to stare into her eyes. There's a definite, somewhat feral hunger in your gaze, complimented by a rather devilish grin. You're breathing heavily, partially because you need some air after having your lips locked against Vriska's for so long, and partially because you're just that excited. Needless to say your heart was pounding like a drum as well, and there was no doubt she felt it.

"I did know, but it still meant a lot to me to hear you say it... Thank you..." You whisper softly as you lean in to kiss her again. It's a powerful but short kiss as you begin to work your way from her lips to her jaw and then to her neck, nipping and licking at every inch of the warm skin you come across.

You then pause for a few moments, letting your teeth gently graze along her neck until you're near her ear. "Vriska, do you have any idea how indescribably sexy you are...?" You growl with a seductive huskiness. You still could not believe how wild she drives you. Just being near her made you say and do things that would cause you to flush with embarrassment to otherwise even think about. You still didn't know a lot about this other John that revealed itself during such moments, but you liked it.

Suddenly you bite down upon her neck, following up by sucking upon the spot on her skin roughly. It seemed as if you were determined to leave a mark this time, and you'd be impressed if she managed to stay entirely quiet. You were still somewhat nervous doing such things, but her voice in your mind would then remind you that she wasn't fragile like glass. You continued to suck at her neck, enjoying the taste of her perhaps a bit too much, but who would blame you? All the while your hand returns to her ass giving it another considerable grab. Making a mark like this would likely stay visible for a while, or at least long enough for someone else to see later, so you were essentially making a statement as well. Vriska was yours. Course, everyone on the meteor already knew that, but you had to admit that the thought of the others getting a glimpse into your bolder side was rather exciting.

Finally you withdraw your lips, taking a moment to admire the nice darkened spot on her neck and before pulling back to gaze into her eyes once again. "You're a wicked girl, you know? If you truly did wear that to put my imagination to work. It's already working overtime as it is. Going crazy with thoughts of you anytime we're not together... Laying in bed or in the shower..." You trail off as you blush since to you it seemed obvious what that implied. You're just now aware of your immense arousal and how it's very noticeably prodding against her bottom as if things still weren't obvious enough. You had been relaxing in the water so easily you thought you might have been able to avoid that, but Vriska was just too enticing. The shorts were not as restricting as the jeans, so she was likely getting some assistance for her own imagination as well.

"S-sorry. I'm a guy it just kinda happens. I was thinking we'd go back to the blanket soon but now I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't get out of the water yet, heh..." You chuckle lightly. You were thankful the ripples and small waves in the water would do all right in masking your shorts even if she were to let you go.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Entertain the imagination

You start to pull out of the kiss after several seconds, but then you find yourself going in for another one not half a second later. The sensation of John’s lips moving against yours is intoxicating, to say the very least. The gentle pressure of his hand behind your head pulls you even further in, nearly every inch of you pressed up against him. You’re fairly sure that even forever won’t be long enough to stay like this for.

When he finally withdraws his lips from yours you open your eyes to meet his, looking up at his expression. There’s something about his eyes that sends little tingles down your spine, some kind of desire in them that somehow makes you want more. You can feel his racing heartbeat pounding against you, and his breathing matches your own quick breaths.

Your smile returns as you tilt your head up to meet his kiss halfway. Within moments, his lips have moved, trailing from your own lips to the line of your jawbone and finally down to the soft skin of your neck. You feel a shiver run through your body as his teeth run lightly up your neck until his warm breath is tickling your ear. Just the sound of his voice is enough to increase your heart rate significantly.

You feel John’s teeth clamp down on your neck without warning, sending a considerable jolt through you. Then he starts to suck on you where he’s bitten. For a few seconds you’re able to keep quiet, your arms and legs tightening around him considerably from the effort. His tongue brushes against your skin again at the same time as his hand grabs you again, and before you realize it a tiny groan has escaped your lips, hardly more than a breath, but still audible. Your already significantly blue face flushes deeper at the sound, but you make no move to pull him off. You know the mark he’s leaving won’t go away for at least a day or two. Sure the others will notice, but as far as you can tell they’ve withdrawn their objections to your relationship. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to any of then, save the fact that John isn’t usually this forward.

Not that you aren’t enjoying it, of course. When he finally pulls away, you can feel a slight throbbing where he had been sucking on your neck, and you know there’s a dark blue mark there now. You let your lips curl into a small grin at his vague, halfhearted accusation of your invasion of his imagination, though the red that floods his face soon after confuses you a little. You think you might know what he meant, but you still aren’t sure.

It takes a minute, but you soon realize that he’s pressing against your lower region, a fact that distracts you significantly from whatever your train of thought was a few moments ago. To conceal your sudden distraction, you lean in for one more quick kiss, then you let out a soft laugh and release your stranglehold on his neck and waist, floating back from him a few inches.

“I’m totally cool with staying in the water. It’s nicer in here than I thought it’d be,” you say with a somewhat sly smile. A few quick kicks of your legs brings you in a small circle until you’re directly behind him. “Hey, I think I’m getting the hang of this swimming thing. I just have to hang onto you and suddenly I don’t even need to try!” You hook your arms around him again from behind, lightly brushing your lips against his shoulder before letting your chin rest on it.

“I guess your imagination is just going to have to deal with the extra work then, isn’t it?” you murmur into his ear, running one of your hands lightly along his arm until it reaches his hand, where you tangle your fingers with his, your other arm still comfortably resting around his neck. Under the water, the tips of your toes trace around his ankles before your legs loosely twine around his, your knees effectively hooking around his. “I’m sure your mind can handle it...”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Abscond from water

Your body instinctively leans forward a bit as Vriska finally pulls away from you. It still needed her. After only a second you were missing her warmth pressed up against you. It seemed as if she was getting a bit braver with the water, and you watch curiously as she circles around to your back. The sudden feeling of her arms around you from behind along with the gentle brush of her lips on your shoulder force a pleasurable shudder to run through you. Her snarky comment draws out a minor chuckle and you glance over to her head resting upon your shoulder.

"Wow, you did it. You mastered swimming already. What a pro." You shoot back with an amused smirk. You certainly had no complaints with such a method.

Now she was teasing you further. Grasping your hand and hooking you from behind with her legs in a rather enticing manner that only served to drive you even crazier since now you couldn't even really see her. It seemed like she was determined to make you squirm after you had admitted the toll she was putting on your overworked mind. Your eyes drift shut as you listen to her seductive voice adding to the torment.

"I don't know if I can handle it much longer..." You utter back barely above a whisper. You were already lost in a daydream about her, using the sensation of her body against your back to help fuel those thoughts. "Because what my mind can conjure up is still nothing compared to the real you..."

Your free hand reaches up to gently run along the skin of her arm resting upon your neck as you tilt your head down and give it a kiss. "C'mon, let's dry off before we get all wrinkly."

You begin to ascend out of the water and as you do you move your hands to Vriska's hips, helping her onto your back as you carry her out. As you reach the blanket once again you set her down on her back, only to immediately climb on top of her. One of your hands reaches into the basket to grab a large towel which you wrap around the both of you at once.

"Hi." You're grinning rather mischieviously as you look down at her and within moments you're greeting her with a passionate kiss. You allow a hand to take advantage of the current situation, running it along one of her legs that you have been so desperate to touch for quite some time now. Your fingers trail down as far as you can reach while still allowing you to be locked in the kiss. It was astonishing how good the smooth texture of her skin felt upon your hands, especially now being slick with the water. You allow the hand to return upward at a rather agonizingly slow rate until you reach her inner thigh where your nails lightly tease the sensitive area for a few moments. It was so tempting to touch her more intimately and you fail to resist ever so slightly brushing against the spot between her legs as you move your hand to her other thigh.

As you draw back from the kiss, a few drops of water from your still wet hair idly fall onto Vriska's forehead. Once again your heart is racing like crazy being up against her like this. You both had been doing so well by taking things slow, but now you're in this position again and this time with less clothing separating you both. Still, you didn't want to make any major moves until you could sense she was truly ready. "So... uh, what do you wanna do now?" You ask softly before leaning down to steal another light kiss.
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