Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief [Ahren and Resident Homestuck]

RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Screw the recuperacoon, you’re perfectly comfortable where you are.

You aren’t sure if John will believe you at first, but when you feel a pair of warm arms wrap around you and pull you closer, you realize that you were stupid to worry about it so much. Your arms tighten in return almost automatically to match his. You don’t even know why you need this much reassurance. You’re not used to needing it. But you’re relieved to hear it all the same. You close your eyes as one of his hands runs over your hair, as gentle as the voice reassuring you that he didn’t think you were messing with him. The idea that anyone would believe you is foreign in itself, but this is something you’ve never even considered. You never thought you would end up being comforted by John Egbert on a sofa on a huge meteor hurtling through space. Yet here you are.

Karkat probably freaking out you just know is an understatement. Freaking out is what he did when you showed up in the same room as John and you were staring at each other as if you’ve never seen each other before - which, in John’s case at least, was true. But when he figures out this particular development, you’re fairly sure you won’t hear the end of it for days. You smile to yourself in amusement just thinking about his reaction. But he’s right about Rose and Kanaya - they probably won’t pay too much notice to it. Neither of them might be too happy with you, but they never really interacted with you while on the meteor.

You find yourself again looking into his transparent eyes, knowing that there is no way in any universe that he couldn’t be completely honest with that look in his eyes. How anyone could find you as “fantastic” as he seems to find you is beyond you, but you still can’t help smiling at the compliment.

“I suppose the human concept of ‘girlfriend’ would also work in this context,” you reply with a grin, leaning into the comforting warmth of his arms. “I suppose I owe her a thank you as well...I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to meet you at the rate we were going.”

You let your voice trail off into silence as you tip your face up to return the kiss. After two years of being unsure about what you wanted, it seems to have only taken a surprise appearance from John to make you realize how completely you’ve fallen for him. You let your lips part further, a little less reticent, letting your tongue brush up against his. It’s actually kind of impressive that he hasn’t stabbed himself with either of your fangs yet.

A few moments later you feel yourself being lowered so that you’re lying on the couch with your lips still locked with John’s. Your hands somehow weave their way into his hair again, just enjoying the feel of his soft, short hair between your fingers.

When the two of you finally break apart, you brace your forehead against his, a small, affectionate smile curling your lips a little. Your can feel the heat in your face and you know that you’ve effectively managed to flood your face with blue again. The flushed color fades a little as you consider the possibilities of Karkat’s reaction when he realizes that you and John have officially engaged in “sloppy Troll-human makeouts.” He’s right, you decide, Karkat will definitely have a fit when he finds out. It’ll be far more satisfying than you’re willing to admit to watch him freak out over it.

You keep your eyes fixed on John, zoning out for a moment in the relaxing sensation of his fingers combing through your hair. It’s calming somehow, the occasional gentle tug on the thick black strands.

You realize that John is actually right. Blinking yourself back to full awareness, you realize that you yourself had almost fallen asleep like this, wrapped snugly in his arms. You would give up your recuperacoon any day if it meant you could spend your nights enveloped in this warmth and comfort.

“The weird slime cocoon can wait,” you mutter softly, bringing one of your hands forward to brush his cheek lightly. “I’ll easily have a good night’s rest here.” And it’s true. You nearly drifted off a minute ago - you know that you could easily sleep the rest of the night away in this position. You’ve waited two years to be able to do this, and you’re reluctant to let any moment with John go to waste.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Get a lecture from Crabbypants

Little could have made you happier than hearing Vriska reject her normal method of sleep in order to spend the night next to you. The sofa was surprisingly comfortable but you think just about anywhere would be with her there so wonderfully close. The grin on your face couldn't possibly be wider as you lay upon your back, holding your new matesprit slash girlfriend tightly in your right arm. Your left hand clasps around her right one as it rests upon your chest and you turn your head to give her one last soft kiss. After it subsides you can't help but let out a yawn. The day had been full of more excitement than usual. In fact you had nearly fallen asleep in your own driveway after screaming at the nonexistent Davesprite in the sky. Being angry was exhausting, and apparently so was being extremely happy. Your heart had worked its fair share of overtime with how it raced every time you looked at Vriska, or any time she touched you. And the kissing? Let's not even get started.

"Yeah... Let's just crash here then. Rest well, Vriska... I know I will." You say with confidence as you tighten your hold on her. You think it's a shame that you have to sleep at all since that's just a chunk of time where you're not consciously aware of the exquisite woman in your arms. Yes, perhaps you could dream about her and that would be lovely, but the real thing was preferable. It was too bad that neither of you had a Prospit to go to anymore. It would have been great to be able to fall asleep beside her only to wake up with her there immediately after. Perhaps you were just being greedy, though. It had been such a perfect evening it was only natural not to want it to end. Thankfully you both still had plenty of time in the coming days.

Vriska's warmth is better than any blanket, and her cozy softness helps draw the inevitable state of sleep even closer. You make sure to cherish every moment you're still awake and aware of her touch, but eventually exhaustion overcomes you.

There's no shifting during the night. No midnight snack cravings. No disturbing nightmares. It's the best night of sleep you've ever had and as you finally stir awake, it's natural and relaxing...

Until you open your eyes and you're greeted by Karkat's menacing scowl looking down upon you and Vriska with clear judgement.

"Oh! Good morning, Egbert! Did I startle you? I'm so very sorry!" He essentially barks. You're getting used to his ornery tone already. You wonder if it's even possible for him to speak softly. His typing quirk made sense before but you didn't actually expect him to speak like he had capslock on all the time.

"Karkat, you've done it. You broke my sarcasm meter. I tested it on Rose so I thought it was unbreakable. Kind of like Bruce Willis. But now it seems more like Samuel L. Jackson. That is to say very breakable." You murmur, still holding Vriska tightly. You don't even care that Karkat is seeing you both like this. You want him to know, even.

"Egbert, shut your fucking trap about your shitty movies! Because of you I don't have my shitty movies! I mean my movies! Would it have killed you to at least attempt to hook the computer you nearly demolished back up to the network?!" He growls, gesturing to the console you toppled last night with your poor wind control. You briefly look guilty.

"You're right, that was my bad... and I would have, but I just... got distracted." You reply with a satisfied smirk, turning to Vriska who could not possibly be still asleep after a tirade from the yelling prince. You feel bold now. You and Vriska admitting your feelings for each other boosted your confidence level eightfold, and you prove this by giving her a nice romantic kiss. Turns out kissing her still was as fulfilling as it was last night.

Karkat's eye twitches as it looks like he's harnessing all his power not to let loose a flurry of expletives that would shatter the entire meteor. He refrains, but speaks through clenched teeth. "John. I see you spent a good deal of time last night guzzling what appears to be some of your disgusting human sugar beverages. You must be in need of the bathroom. Come. Let me show you where it is."

"Oh man, now that you mention it, yeah I did drink a lot of Crystal Pepsi. So worth it, though! But can't you just tell me where it-"


"Okay! Geez!" You wince, reluctantly untangling yourself from Vriska's grasp. "I'll be right back, matesprit." You add with a handsome grin. You don't see Karkat nearly gag immediately upon hearing that phrase. He, in fact, seems to be smiling eerily as you turn back toward him and let him lead you out into the hallway.

It's a ridiculously short walk to the bathroom but before Karkat can say anything you quickly thank him and dash inside. A couple minutes later you waltz out whistling at your newly refreshed feeling, eager to get back to Vriska. However Karkat is still standing outside the door, arms crossed with a rather angry expression. All things as normal, basically.

"Oh, uh how kind of you to wait for me. That's very nice and not creepy at all." You say with a raised eyebrow, turning to head back to the alchemiter room.

"Egbert, what the fucking human horsedick do you think you're doing?" He calls to you in a chastising tone.

"Going back to my girlfriend. Man, that sounds so awesome..." You say with a lighthearted laugh. It really was amazing to be able to say that. You were probably going to take every opportunity to say it that you could.

"I warned you about Vriska, John!"

"You told me, bro?" You snicker, finally turning back to Karkat who seems not amused in the slightest.

"Stuff your shitty references up your colon! You never think about things before you act! You even know her history and you're still letting her hypnotize you into doing whatever she wants! That's how you literally let her talk you into getting yourself killed! You're merely lucky that it happened to be a time where you wouldn't stay dead!" Karkat growls. His attitude is doing a bang up job of killing your good mood.

"Karkat, maybe you don't know her as well as you think you do?"

"HA! That's hilarious! Genuinely the funniest thing you have ever said! I take back anything I ever said about your jokes, John! Maybe there's hope for your comedian career yet! Sadly I think you don't even know why what you just said is funny. It is funny because you are telling me, the one who has known Vriska for sweeps, that I don't know her as well as you, someone who has barely known her for a day. You are not even the same species! How do you think you can even begin to understand what she wants?!"

"Maybe it's just my human nature! Maybe being human actually gives me better insight into a person's feelings, even if they're a Troll? The time we spent together last night was genuine. She likes me and I like her. That's really all there is to say on the matter." You state firmly, hoping that taking the conversation seriously would get through to Karkat more easily.

"John that's fucking ridic-"

"All she ever wanted was someone to show some faith in her. Someone to like her for who she is. I do. I know she did some bad things. Things that would be unconscionable for a human, even, but I think these past couple of years have mellowed her out some. Maybe all she ever really wanted was someone to love her? Troll childhood is so fucking lonely. I don't know how you do it. No wonder you all are so violent and angry... I think you guys aren't as different from humans as you think. You still crave acceptance. Companionship. Love." You explain softly, almost surprised by your own insight.

"Don't even think you have the slightest god damn mother fucking CLUE about our culture! Jegus, I'm trying to do you a favor here!"

"Well I didn't ask for your help! I'm gonna be with Vriska and there's nothing you can do to stop that!" Your voice raises as you toss a hand up in the air in frustration. "Don't make me choose between friendships, Karkat! I was hoping we could all just hang out and not make things all complicated and dramatic! I guess I was really fooling myself with that! I mean I haven't exactly known you for any longer than her! So if you end up making me choose then... Well, don't make me choose."

"Fine, John. Go make out with Vriska for an entire year. However I've seen enough of your human films now to get a pretty decent idea on human romance. You're all satisfied with one measly quadrant, which isn't even technically a quadrant in that sense but that's not important! Us Trolls have four. We're compelled biologically and socially to fill these quadrants! If I'm in a red romance with someone and they are in a black romance with another and I see them kissing, that's totally fucking acceptable! But for humans, that sort of action would be seen as 'cheating'. What are you going to do when Vriska makes an effort to fill that quadrant with someone else? Even if it's not the same sort of relationship, they'd likely do a lot of very intimate things!

Are you prepared for that?"

You had been in the motions of turning your back toward Karkat and walking away as he spoke, but as his speech went on you had come to a stop. "I... I don't..."

Karkat sighs softly and for once he doesn't yell. "I am your friend, John! I know something like that would hurt you so I really am trying to get you to think about this! I mean yes I also think you've completely fucking lost your mind if you're actually romantically involved with Vriska Serket but at the moment that part isn't relevant. Only her nature as a Troll."

"Well... Thanks, I guess. I'm gonna go back now, though. We'll talk later, okay? I'll fix your computer..." You call back with a slight smile, but as soon as you turn around again your expression saddens.

Eventually you make it back into the alchemiter room and drop back onto the sofa. You lean back and remove your glasses, setting them aside in order to rub your eyes. You let out a bit of a strained laugh. "Okay maybe that reaction wasn't as funny as I expected..." Just being back with Vriska again is already restoring your good mood, but you can't help but play up the exasperated look just a tad in hopes of a nice hug and kiss from your lovely lady.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Resist the strong urge to murder the Knight of Blood

You shift slightly to allow John to twist onto his back, waiting until he’s done moving around to settle again. The warmth of his arms proves to be more than enough to keep out the cold of the room, and you find his upper arm to be a perfect pillow, although it takes a couple seconds to position yourself so that your horns won’t bother him during the night. Once you situate yourself perfectly, you kind of sprawl out a little, letting your right hand rest on his chest. The steady feel of a heartbeat under your hand is surprisingly relaxing, especially when a hand moves to rest on top of yours, enveloping it in warmth. You return one more kiss with a smile and then return to your arm-pillow.

It takes you a while to fall asleep, mostly because you’re contemplating the upcoming day. John’s appearance has put you in a better mood than you can remember being in during the meteor ride. But you know that the others will soon learn that you’ve filled your flushed quadrant, and none of them will be too happy when they see who you’ve filled it with. Still, the feel of John’s arm around you eventually lulls you into a light doze, which quickly turns into a deep, peaceful sleep. For the first time in a long while, you don’t wake during the night.

A good six or seven hours later, you half wake to the sound of John’s voice talking to someone quietly. You don’t bother to open your eyes at first - you figure whoever it is will probably leave after a moment. It’s only when you hear the familiar hoarse shouting of Karkat that you open your eyes and mentally groan. Of course. Of course it’s him. You wouldn’t care if literally anyone else walked in, but you know that Karkat is about to explode bigtime. He yells at John about something to do with the computer lying on the floor by the television. By this time you’re completely awake, so you’re able to return the brief kiss with only a little confusion.

Despite your reservations, you suppose now is as good a time as any to endure the inevitable shouting monologue from Karkat. You know there is no way he won’t just freak out on both of you; it’s better to just get it over with early. But maybe not this early.

With a small yawn, you push yourself into a half-sitting position, fixing Karkat with a look that’s somewhere between cold regard and irritated exasperation. The one night you’ve actually been completely happy has ended rather abruptly, and you’re not thrilled about it. He isn’t voicing any direct opposition to what he’s seeing on the couch in front of him, but he’s clearly not happy with what he sees. When he offers, rather forcefully, to show John to the bathroom, you know he’s going to unleash a torrent of ranting as soon as they get out of your earshot. Probably mostly about how you’re going to go on a murderous rampage, kill everyone on the meteor, and toss John’s heart out the window. You’ve just about had it with him. Nevertheless, you sit up completely, making room for John to get off the couch and follow Karkat out of the room. You return the smile though. No need for him to see your irritation.

You contemplate following them quietly to listen, but decide against it. You wouldn’t invade either of their privacy. Well, you wouldn’t hesitate to pry into every crevice of Karkat’s private affairs. You wouldn’t invade John’s privacy, at least.

As you wait for the two to return, you hear a faint echo of a shouting voice. It’s probably Karkat yelling at John, you figure, but all you can hear is an echo - the words aren’t discernible in the least. You get up and start to pace restlessly around the sofa, your sneakers tapping softly against the floor. Even though you aren’t trying to listen in on their conversation, you can’t help but wonder what they’re talking about. That is to say, you are almost completely certain that they’re talking about you, but exactly what about you is what’s tugging at your mind. John already knows a fair amount if not all of the things you’ve done.

You still can’t stop your mind straying every few seconds. Not when you know that one of your (former?) friends is in the hallway by the bathroom talking your matesprit’s ear off about why he disapproves of you as a couple. The horrible thing about all of this is that everything Karkat has been saying about you is true. You did kill your friends for “immensely shitty reasons.” You did kind of used to be a murderous psychopath. And whatever he’s saying to John now is probably true. He can be an asshole at times, but he’s an honest asshole. For all you know, you could still be a murderous psychopath. You haven’t seen any evidence to corroborate the possibility and the two years you’ve spent on the meteor gave you time to think, but sure, it’s always possible, you guess.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching the room, and you turn just in time to see John appear around the corner. His mood has clearly changed for the worse since his talk with Karkat, who is incidentally nowhere to be found. You watch as he heads directly for the sofa and returns to his seat, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. Yes, he definitely seems upset about something. This worries you, mostly because it’s such an anomaly from his normally happy mood. You are almost certain that his suddenly changed mood has something to do with Karkat. God, you miss it when things were easier and Karkat didn’t probably hate you.

You park yourself next to John on the sofa and wrap your arms around him without hesitation. The look of exasperation on his face shows that he is clearly more than a little upset. You kind of want to see that goofy smile of his again. It just seems so completely unlike him to not be in a good mood.

“What’s wrong?” you ask, pressing your lips softly to his for a few long moments before drawing back to look at him. You figure that might be the best way to get him to open up to you. Even though you’re now matesprits, you know it’ll probably take a while for him to be able to talk to you comfortably, and you’ll probably take a good while to easily talk to him too. But for now, you just want to get a smile back on his face.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Touch the horns already

There was no better cure to the funk Karkat's lecture put you in than Vriska's comforting embrace as she returns to her rightful spot next to you. Your eyes had still been closed when you felt her lips press to yours and the sudden, exhilarating sensation sends a delightful electric tingle throughout your body. You more than happily return the kiss while pondering her simple yet complicated inquiry. When you both part you slip your glasses back on in order to get a good look at her, and you've now all but forgotten any brief sadness had even existed. You almost even forget to answer the question because your mind can barely believe that this beautiful alien girl wants to be with you.

Your arms wrap around her in response, eager to keep her close. Your face brightens and your dorky smile returns. "Well... it had been a few minutes since I last kissed you, but we now solved that dilemma. Sooo... nothing. Nothing is wrong at all." You say fairly confidently. It was true, for the most part. You were happy to be with her again. However you get a feeling that she might not be satisfied with that answer. Something Karkat had said bothered you, but you're not sure how to bring it up. The last thing you wanted to do was put a damper on your day just as it starts by discussing the intricacies of Troll romance and what it means for your relationship.

You let your hands delicately caress Vriska's back in a somewhat massaging motion while you gaze deeply into her eyes. "Karkat's being an asshole. In other news, grass grows and birds fly." You add, hoping that might be enough for now. "He's not happy about us which we both saw coming a mile away, so I wouldn't worry about it. Nothing he says could stop me from being with you."

One of your hands moves upward to help guide her into another blissfully good kiss, and once it's over you pull back only slightly in order to keep your faces closer together. "Even with that interruption, waking up next to you was still the best thing that has ever happened to me... Just knowing that I hadn't dreamed last night. I... can't remember the last time I felt this happy. Maybe never. Thank you, Vriska..."

Your eyes occasionally glance upward and at this point she's probably wondering why. There was something you've been wanting to do for a while now, and you feel like now that she's your girlfriend you might have permission. Slowly, almost anxiously, you let one of your hands reach up to the top of Vriska's hair. Once there, you give her candy corn-like forked horn a tentative touch with your index and middle fingers. The texture was like a smooth bone but with a unique warmth. You wondered if they had any feeling. If so, were they sensitive? Your hand eventually moves over to the hooked horn, touching it in a similar manner. Shortly after, your eyes glance back to Vriska and you blush slightly, realizing you probably seemed like an idiot being fascinated by something Trolls had their whole life.

"Sorry, I uh, I guess I should ask before touching you like some sort of creep..." You mumble with some embarrassment. "Y-your horns are really cool, though..."

You follow that sentence with a sigh, realizing immediately that it was the dorkiest thing you've said since landing on the meteor. "Oh my god, I sound like such a tool... Vriska, this is your new boyfriend. He is not some smooth coolguy like Dave!"
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Try to get an answer out of your matesprit

You frown a little at John's answer to your question. You know something is bothering him; he just isn't telling you what. From what you heard, that is to say, the vague echo of an infuriated Karkat, there is no way there is absolutely nothing wrong. The shouting sounded far too enraged to have meant so little to him. But the rhythmic rubbing on your back combined with the bright blue of his eyes staring into yours is making it difficult to argue at the moment.

The news that Karkat's being an asshole comes as no new information to you. At all. You did know this was coming. From way more than a mile off. You'd seen it even since you started talking to John in the first place. He had made it fairly obvious once he started warming up to the humans that he thought you would just end up killing them all or something. Yes, you did play a large role in John's (first) death, but that was for his benefit. You aren't sure whether to take Karkat's objections as resulting from hating you or resulting from actually caring for John. You know he's justified in his accusations either way.

Your thoughts are interrupted as you let yourself get pulled in for a kiss, turning into rather incoherent mush in your head. It's so strange how John seems to be able to cut off your train of thought with such a simple gesture, but you return the kiss easily nevertheless, tightening your arms around him for a few moments before pulling back to return your eyes to his. A soft smile has somehow worked its way into your face; that seems to happen a lot when you're around him. Especially after a kiss. It doesn't make sense to you that you would have a similar effect on him, but it's comforting at least to know that he's happy. Or at least, he's acting like he's happy.

You're a little confused when you see John's eyes flicker upward for a moment, followed by the same thing several more times. It's only when you realize that he's looking somewhere above your head that you realize that he's never really seen your horns before last night, so that's what must be diverting his attention.

The light touch of his hand on your left horn comes as a bit of a surprise at first, but you don't really mind it, though you start a little at the sudden sensation. You can feel his fingers brushing up against first one of your horns then the other, sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine. It's not exactly the same feeling you would get if he'd touched your skin; it just feels amazing for no particular reason.

You can't help the slight laugh that comes out at his reaction to his own reaction. It doesn't sound creepy or weird at all - not to you at least. It's difficult to relate since you've had your horns for as long as you've been alive, but you understand it. At the mention of Dave, you roll your eyes, partially out of genuine amusement and a little to cover up the slight change in your expression. The subject is still a little sore since last night, but you don't want to let on about it. The last thing you need is to cause more problems between John and his friends.

"You might not be Strider, but I'm flushed for you, not him," you remind him softly, tightening your arms again before drawing back to look at him with a more serious expression. "But you can't seriously expect me to believe that nothing's wrong. Something Karkat was saying is bothering you, isn't it?"
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Discuss complications of inter-species romance

Your grin widens to a ridiculous degree when Vriska reminds you that you're the one she's flushed for. You knew it, of course, but hearing her say it was delightful. You already wanted to pull her into another kiss, but you're interrupted by the change in her expression. You suppose you shouldn't be surprised that she's curious what had bothered you so much, since if all that had happened was Karkat disapproving of the relationship then you would have just laughed off the whole thing as planned. You hadn't exactly expected Karkat to say something that would actually get to you. As your smile fades your eyes glance away briefly, almost as if you're afraid to bring it up. However, it was going to come up eventually. Perhaps it was better to discuss it sooner than later...

"Well... In Karkat's defense, it wasn't really him that bothered me. He just reminded me of something I guess I didn't want to think about." You begin, implying you still don't want to think about it. You're not even sure how to say it at this point.

"Vriska, you probably know by now that humans only have one type of romance, which is like your flushed quadrant... Moirails and Kismesises... Kismesees? Kisme... you know what I mean. Also that other one I can't remember the name of. Those things. We don't really have them. Well, we do, but not the same way. Agh, this is complicated!"

You look visibly frustrated now, but you take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down. "He said Trolls are biologically compelled to fill each quadrant, and even though black romance deals with hating someone else, it still involves... you know... kissing and... intimate stuff sometimes..."

Your chest begins to sting just thinking about this. You tighten your arms around Vriska while leaning your head in to rest it upon her shoulder. "So I guess the idea of you doing... things with someone else, even if it means something different, just... kinda hurts. But I guess that's selfish of me. You're not a human. I shouldn't be expecting you to ignore your biology for my sake." As you speak you have to wonder if you sound as pathetic as you think you do. You hate that she's seeing you get so emotional already. As a Troll she likely wasn't used to it and if anything you were probably just making her uncomfortable. How could someone so strong and confident like Vriska like you so much?

You tilt your head to nuzzle her neck gently and after a few moments you lean back and look into her eyes once again. "I know we haven't gotten to that point yet, but I just want you to know that... I want to be with you no matter what. So if it comes a time where you find someone for another quadrant.. I'll understand. Heh, if it were up to me I'd try to romance you in all the quadrants! All of them! But I could never hate you so I guess I'd be a pretty lame kismesis. I'd like to think I could be your moirail too, though. I think for humans that's basically a soul mate, which can often be their girlfriend or husband or whatever. That's just more selfishness from me, though. In the end... I just want what's best for you. I want you to be happy... You deserve to be."

You allow a hand to rise and stroke her cheek gingerly. You couldn't be sure how she'd respond so you just hoped you didn't come across like some desperate or clingy boyfriend already. You hadn't even been together a day and already you were going off about having a hard time thinking about her with someone else. If you were going to be fair, you had tried to stop the subject from coming up and you were only being honest now that she inquired further. Perhaps she would appreciate that, at least.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Remember what human relationships are

You nod as John reminds you of the simplistic single “quadrant” of the human species; you did remember that humans only had a flushed quadrant-that-wasn’t-really-a-quadrant. But you had never thought about what that might mean for the other Troll quadrants - especially the caliginous one - in the context of your relationship with him. His discomfort is apparent, but he seems to push it down and keep talking.

At first you don’t see the problem with the concept of doing “intimate stuff” with a kismesis and for a moment you’re confused. Then it hits you. Humans don’t have that means they wouldn’t be used to the idea of their matesprits doing...things...with another person.

You know you’ve interpreted it correctly when his arms tighten and his head comes down onto your shoulder. Your arms go around him again, one hand moving to rest on top of his hair in what you hope is an at least somewhat comforting gesture. You don’t really know what you can say to make him feel better, partly because you just have no idea what to do and partially because you’re not used to the wide range of emotions humans are vulnerable to. You do find it sweet in a way that he cares so much about whether or not you’re in a blackrom with someone just aren’t sure how to respond.

But you know that you wouldn’t be able to hurt John like that. And it’s not just because of what Strider said to you. It’s because you genuinely don’t want to do anything that would upset him that much. Of course, you wouldn’t be entirely uncaring if you saw him in a blackrom with someone else - not that he would be in a blackrom because he’s human - but you know it wouldn’t affect you as much as it would affect him if the roles were reversed.

You reach up and take the hand brushing against your cheek in your own, giving it a squeeze as you try to figure out how to reply to this sudden development. “I...well, Karkat was right, technically we are biologically required to fill all of our quadrants. Or at least, biologically for the flushed and caliginous quadrants. The other two are more social requirements. On this meteor, the chances of finding a partner for any of my three unfilled quadrants are slim to none. But even if I did find someone to fill the caliginous quadrant...that wouldn’t change how I feel about you at all.” You pause to kiss him lightly before drawing back to look at him, fixing your black eyes onto his bright blue eyes. “I suck at all this sappy romance stuff, but I’ll say it anyway. I’m not the only one that matters in this relationship. It’s great that you want me to be happy. But not if it means you’re not.”

You stand up off the sofa, pulling John with you and into a tight hug that wouldn’t have been easy while sitting down. You just stay there with your arms wrapped tightly around him for a good several seconds. It’s surprising how nice it feels to just be this close to someone. You’ve never really let yourself feel anything - until he showed up. You aren’t even sure you would be able to be in a blackrom with anyone if it meant he’d be hurting because of it. It almost scares you that you care about him this much. Just thinking about where you’d be if he hadn’t shown up brings back memories of the last two years spent here.

After a good ten or fifteen seconds you reluctantly release your hold on him and draw back to look at him again, moving your hands to rest on his shoulders. Even now you’re holding onto him tighter than you’re aware that you are. “Don’t think you have to change anything about yourself for me.” You feel a hint of color rising in your face from the sudden display of affection, but you barely notice it. You’re too busy gazing into the pure blue of John’s eyes, still wondering how he could be flushed for you even after everything you’ve done and knowing full well the possibility of having to share you with someone else.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Lose control just a bit

You allow Vriska's light kiss to comfort you. Your near meltdown at the mere thought of ever having to share her with someone else almost pathetically brought you to tears, but she wasn't just telling you to deal with it like you thought might happen. The words that followed returned a brighter smile to your face. It seemed as if she wouldn't sacrifice your happiness for her own, and it was such a sweet thing to say. Especially for Vriska. You had to wonder if the other Trolls knew she had this side of her all along. They probably wouldn't believe it if you told them and it was likely Vriska didn't want them to know anyway. So for now you simply enjoy being the sole person she allows to view this rare compassion, because it was all for you to begin with. "Vriska..." You utter softly, not quite sure what words to follow up with, but there was no time as the next thing you knew she was pulling you off the sofa and embracing you tightly.

Your arms waste no time in mimicking hers as you hold onto her as if she might disappear if you didn't. You then allow your eyes to drift shut. The warmth of your bodies and the beat of each others hearts was all either of you needed right now, evidenced by neither of you speaking for some time. You never imagined that just holding someone could be so satisfying, but you felt any concerns you had were now melting away and being replaced by just a singular grateful feeling. Grateful for her.

As she pulls away, your eyes flutter open once again and you're immediately gazing back into her own. When she mentions you shouldn't change for her, that enchanting blush returns to her face and by that point you're hypnotized. How was she so perfect? How did you get so lucky? You didn't really care. All you cared about was that you had her, and you'd do everything in your power to make the relationship work.

"Okay... how about this. I promise not to change, as long as you promise not to change!" You offer with a lighthearted tone. The next thing you know you're lifting her up and spinning her around in your arms with a playful laugh. It seemed so effortless. You weren't quite sure if it was because she was light or because you had gotten stronger over the past couple years, but soon you have her back on her feet and you're admiring those mesmerizing eyes of hers once again. "Thanks for understanding, Vriska... I... I know I shouldn't have worried so much but... well, the only reason it bothered me so much is because you really do mean a lot to me... and... wow it's hard to think while staring at you because you really are that beautiful!"

There's a silence between you, but not out of awkward uncertainty this time despite your fumbling of words. Instead there's a yearning building up as you watch her, your gaze darting between her eyes and her lips. Soon you're pulling her into an impassioned kiss. You savor her exotic taste as you return her to the sofa, guiding her onto her back as you ascend over her. The aggressiveness of the kiss this time finally causes you to be a bit clumsy and cut your lip on one of her fangs. You pull back in surprise, but the brief pain subsides and you just chuckle as your tongue licks away the drop of blood and you resume kissing her.

Your body is almost moving on auto-pilot at this point. One arm is still wrapped around her which is also assisting in holding your own weight over her, while the other hand is grasping her above the hip. Your fingers somehow make it under the hem of her shirt, lifting it up slightly and exposing a tantalizing glimpse of that flawless grey flesh. Your lips finally break from hers to plant small kisses along her cheek and jaw. Once they're at her neck you allow your teeth to gently graze along her skin in between tender kisses while your hand ventures up even further. Your fingers gently massage along her side and instinctively your hips grind against hers momentarily. There was no doubt that she felt your arousal this time. Your hand was now inches from Vriska's bra and seemed to show little sign of stopping until...


Karkat's grating voice causes you to bolt upright, but thankfully he wasn't actually in the room. The voice just happened to carry very well through the large door, much to your simultaneous relief and chagrin. "Uggghhhhh that.... fuckass..." You mutter with an expression of contempt which makes it seem like you are trying to make Karkat explode with your mind. There's a bit of irony in your choice of profanity which rubbed off on you from Jade which originally rubbed off on her from Karkat. It seemed most appropriate right now.

As you look down at the gorgeous woman below you, you tense up as you're suddenly brought crashing back to reality. Her shirt had been pulled up a bit and her belly was teasingly revealed. The mood had effectively been killed, though, and now you were observing the scene as if you were Dr. Jekyll who had just regained control from Mr. Hyde. All you could think about now was how incredibly, enormously unprepared you were if things had gone further. Awkward John was now back in full force as your face flushes like a beet and you dismount from your position.

"I uh... yeah I told him I'd fix that so... I'll just.... go.... do that..." You stutter, walking backward and nearly tripping over the table as you do. You manage to stabilize yourself but as soon as you turn from Vriska you thrust both your hands to your forehead in a facepalm x2 combo. "Stupid stupid dumb." You mutter to yourself as you grudgingly work toward hooking the computer back up.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Come seriously close to...well...

A smile creeps onto your face at John’s reply to you, and then suddenly his arms are locked around you and you’re spinning around in a tight circle for a few seconds before you feel the floor under your feet again. You keep your arms around him an extra couple seconds, partially because you’re a little dizzy and partially because you’re just enjoying his warmth. When you release your hold on him, you return your eyes to his, listening to him tell you things that you never in a million earth years thought you’d hear directed at you.

You stand there for a little while, watching each other as if you both know what’s going to happen next and neither of you wants to stop it from happening. The next thing you know, he’s pulled you close and your lips are locked tightly with his, this time with no restraint keeping the small, closed-lips kisses you’ve had before from deepening.. Dimly, you’re aware that he’s pushing you backwards. For a brief moment, you wonder if you might trip on something. Then the backs of your knees hit the sofa and you feel yourself being lowered onto your back. For a split second, something close to alarm flashes in your mind, but it’s quickly squashed by the urgency of his lips on yours.

You feel something catch on your right fang, and for a moment the kiss breaks. It turns out that something was John’s lip, and you mentally kick yourself for not being more careful. Stupid damn fangs....Your worry over hurting him dissipates quickly as he ignores the small cut and returns to the kiss. You can now taste the slight metallic tang of the bright red human blood on his lips, and if anything, it only invigorates you further.

At some point between returning to the sofa and this moment, the hand that isn’t at your back found its way to your hip, at the meeting between your jeans and your shirt. You can feel his fingers push the black fabric of your shirt up a few inches; although his fingers are a little chilly, they leave blazing hot trails where they brush against the small area of your bared skin.

Then the hand slips under your shirt altogether, and suddenly the kiss has been broken and his lips make their way to your cheek, along the line of your jawbone, and all the way to your neck. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, and a shiver runs through you as his teeth lightly graze the delicate skin directly above the speeding pulse of your blood. All the while, his hand creeps up your side, rubbing comfortingly against you. You feel his hips come down and briefly collide with yours, and you don’t fail to notice the hardness in his jeans. By now your breathing is quick and urgent, and your hands have grabbed fistfuls of the front of his shirt in an effort to pull him closer. The moment is absolutely, completely, in all conceivable ways, perfect.

Until a loud, insistent shout reaches your ears, Karkat’s voice demanding to know if John had fixed his computer. Suddenly, the spell is broken, and John sits up abruptly to locate the source of the voice, which is apparently not in the room, the burning trails left by his hands suddenly extinguished as he pulls away from you to check the door. At least Karkat isn’t actually in the room, you think grimly, releasing your hold on John’s shirt and letting your hands fall to your sides. You know Karkat had no way of knowing what he was interrupting. But you’re still furious with him for multiple reasons. One of which was that you had been given a momentary peek into John’s more aggressive side, and although it startled you for a few moments, you liked it. Now that bold confidence was gone again, back to the charming, awkward Egbert that you loved all the same. You didn’t think it was possible for a face to be as full of blood as John’s is now. You ache to pull him into a hug or even another kiss, but Karkat has done a wonderful job of destroying the mood. You don’t even have the heart to laugh as John stumbles on the table on his way to the computer....

Once John’s back is turned, you sit up, pulling your shirt back into place, and rest your head on the tips of your fingers for a few seconds. How far would things have gone if Karkat’s voice hadn’t suddenly interjected? Are you even ready for a physical relationship? No, wait, that’s a stupid question, of course you’re ready. You’re Vriska Serket, you have to be ready for anything.

...Fine, you’re terrified and more than a little disoriented. You’ve never even come close to this kind of relationship, much less with a human. You have no idea how to handle what you're feeling. You don't know how far things would have gone had Karkat not interrupted when he did or what you would have done had they gone far enough. The idea is unnerving and exciting at the same time. You like John so much it almost hurts, but it's frustrating beyond reason to be questioned or interrupted almost every step of the way, especially when things are actually going well for once.

You get up off the couch and approach John, who seems to suddenly be absorbed in reconnecting Karkat's computer to the television. For a moment you hesitate, wondering what he’s thinking about now. Then you hesitantly place a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back a few inches from the computer and looking carefully into his eyes.

“John?” You give his shoulder a light squeeze before shoving your hands in your pockets and coming to stand in front of him. “Is everything okay?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Try and explain sudden shift in attitude

As you fiddle with the computer cords you make every effort you can not to face Vriska. For some reason you're terrified that you had gone too far, and your mind is racing with things you wanted to say to her. It was beyond distracting, and you could barely focus on the electronic device in front of you. "Stupid Karkat, what does he think I am, a computerologist? Gonna smack those nubby horns off his nubby head..." You grumble as you finally find the right cord to plug into the television and snap it in. You seem almost oblivious that your irritation is not because of the computer but actually due to the fact that you just had an amazing moment with Vriska and it happened to get very rudely interrupted.

Suddenly you feel Vriska's hand lightly grasp your shoulder, pulling you to face her. She inquires if you're all right and at first your eyes dart away from hers as your face flushes again. "M-me? Yeah, course! I'm totally cool. Ice cool. Cooler than Strider. He's got nothing on the King of Cool which is me! Haha!" You blurt out quickly. There's a ridiculous grin on your face which seems forced and unnatural. However, your eyes eventually reconnect to hers and you realize that no one in their right mind would believe a word of the thing you just said. It was basically the most absurd lie in the history of anything and you're already regretting saying it. The grin fades and turns into a more sincere warm smile.

"Vriska..." You begin softly, reaching out to place your hands on her hips and pull her closer. You still leave a bit of space between the two of you so you can sufficiently look into her eyes. "I guess... I'm just nervous. This is my first relationship... but I don't want it to be full of mistakes. I don't want to come off like some guy just going for the first pretty girl to smile at him. The guy who rushes into a bunch of stuff and has it explode in his face but he's okay with it cause he's young and there are other girls. Cause you're not just any girl... You're Vriska and you're genuinely special to me... I felt a connection with you even when we were just interacting with a chat program and I had no idea what you looked like. I only want you... So I can't mess this up."

You let one of your hands reach up to cradle her cheek delicately, letting the silence sink in for a few moments as you search for your next words. For that time you're perfectly content just looking at her and taking comfort in the knowledge that despite your little transformation a moment ago she did not seem offended or upset. "Don't get me wrong, though... Being close to you like that was beyond incredible... I'd just prefer it to be right... As in, when we're both sure we're ready and not in a place where Karkat could conceivably barge in on us at any moment. Man... the last thing I ever want is to associate his stupid face to any of our uh... intimate activities.

Your beautiful face, on the other hand, is the perfect thing to associate." You grin handsomely as you pull her in for another deep kiss, drinking in her perfect flavor while your arms wrap around her and tighten. Eventually your lips part and you rest your forehead against hers. "Anyway... Sorry if I was a bit um... enthusiastic back there. Kind of surprised, myself... Just know that if I ever do something you don't like, just tell me and I'll stop. I'll never hurt you..."
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Try and fix the awkwardness

You keep your eyes fixed on John’s, even though he seems to be avoiding looking at you at first. The level of awkwardness is building quickly, and you have to find a way to bring it back down. It’s clear that what just happened wasn’t normal for him and he might be uncomfortable with it. Then suddenly he’s giving you the most ridiculous, transparently fake grin you’ve ever seen while stuttering out a weak attempt at trying to convince you that there was nothing wrong. You don’t even bother to reply, you just look at him with a reproachful expression. You doubt that anything he could have said could be farther from the truth than what he just said. Not that you blame him, you’re feeling about as awkward as he probably is...

You allow yourself to be pulled in a little so that you’re a few inches apart, looking at him with a small smile to match his as you listen patiently to the real reason his mood suddenly changed. Honestly, it surprises you that he thought he might seem like one of the guys he just described to you. You start to open your mouth to say something, but you’re cut off by the light pressure of his hand on your cheek. Even after nearly a day, his touch still sends a shock through you, as if you’re not expecting him to be real until you actually feel his skin on yours, so much so that you nearly miss what he’s saying.

A slight laugh manages to escape you at the thought of remembering Karkat every time you and John so much as kiss. You agree, you would rather not bring him into your relationship. Actually, you would rather not associate with him at all right now, period. But it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to enjoy a whole year without the shouting Troll’s presence, so you just resign yourself to the fact that he’ll always be around to ruin a moment between you and John every now and then. You can plot your diabolical revenge for his sabotage later.

But until then, you see no reason to worry about it. You see that smile of his you love for a moment before you’re kissing him again, your arms circling around him and pulling him closer. What you did to deserve him, you’ll never know. You know you’ve done nothing to deserve anything even close to what John is, so something must have rolled you infinite fluorite octets if he really does care for you this much.

When you break apart, you sigh lightly, letting your forehead rest against his. “John...those guys you were comparing yourself aren’t like that at all.” You bring your arms up to link around his neck loosely. “And I’m not going to break, you know,” you add with a grin. “You don’t have to worry about me.”

You tilt your head up a little to kiss him again, briefly, then with a few quick movements, you finish hooking up the last few lines to Karkat’s computer. “There. Now the douchebag can watch his shitty movies in peace.”

One of your hands ventures down to take hold of John’s hand, your fingers intertwining with his. Even with the sudden interruptions, the last twelve or so hours have been the best you’ve had in a long time. You have no idea how to even begin to try and say any of that without sounding ridiculous, so instead you settle for a tight grip on his hand.

“And maybe now Karkat will shut up and just be grateful that your windy thing didn’t break his computer,” you mutter, shooting the offending laptop a glare.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Suggest potential social encounters

Feeling Vriska's arms around you again dissolves any remnants of worry regarding the moment you both just shared and your subsequent reactions, and her lips eagerly returning your kiss instantly reignites the thrill of her taste and touch. You're not sure how things could be working out more perfectly, even taking the interruptions into account. When she assures you that your comparisons to other guys was unwarranted, you can't help but grin joyfully. You just wanted her to know that you truly, genuinely adored her and it seemed like she understood that. Your eyes never said otherwise, because anytime they looked at her they were bright with honest affection.

Her insistence that she would not break makes you snicker a little and you give her a rather suggestive look under half-lidded eyes. "Oh yeah?...Hhmmm... Maybe I won't be so gentle next time, then." You speak in a flirtatious tone which you yourself are admittedly a bit surprised to hear. It was clear you were becoming more comfortable around her, and it helped relax the awkward and flustery John somewhat. Perhaps you were just eager to see that rare blush from her again.

You watch as after another quick yet still invigorating kiss, Vriska proceeds to make quick work of Karkat's computer, and her comment elicits a hearty laugh from you. "Good to see you still have that fiery attitude when needed." Your hand happily tightens against hers once you feel her fingers tangle with yours and you again get a light, pleasant feeling from the simple gesture. For some reason, holding her hand like that seemed like a nice representation of feeling so connected to her.

Her eyes still shoot daggers at Karkat's computer, but you let your free hand reach up and tilt her chin until she was facing you once again. "Vriska... I don't really think I'm like one of those guys either... It was a momentary freak out which was probably totally unwarranted. It's just that you've been here for two years and basically been alone, by your own admission. Combined with Karkat's shitty attitude toward you, I wouldn't be surprised if all that kinda got to you. That maybe you felt you didn't deserve to be happy."

You continue to gaze fondly into her eyes as you bring her back into your arms completely. You knew you had just let go only moments before, but you just wanted her to feel your warmth for a bit longer. It seemed like it would help emphasize your next point. "So I suppose I just like reminding you that yeah, you do deserve it. That my feelings for you aren't an attempt to get some uh... physical nourishment... You're amazing, Vriska, and I'm gonna do my best to convince the others of that. Hell, maybe I'll even convince you..."

Your lips press against hers, initiating another absorbing and romantic kiss, letting it linger for a long while before drawing back. "That said... it might require us to hang out with them occasionally... I won't force you, obviously, but it would be nice if my friends were on good terms with my girlfriend, heh. Think you'd be okay with that? It's totally up to you."
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Accept that you’re going to have to talk to people eventually

You grin easily at the suggestive comment, sensing that John is finally getting over the awkwardness that had been present between you at first. Your attention is diverted from the computer by the light touch of his fingers under your chin, turning your head back to him. You’re relieved at least when he tells you that he doesn’t really see himself as the kind of person he just described. You bristle a little at the reminder that you’ve been here alone for the past two years since it brings back a number of unpleasant memories, but you push it down, knowing that he’s just trying to look out for you. Two years was a fairly long time to be on your own, you won’t deny that. But knowing what you’ve done, especially since starting the game, you can’t see how this kind of happiness could possibly be right.

You still can’t help smiling as you feel his arms circle around you again, warm and inviting. You settle into the embrace immediately, enjoying the feeling of complete security that envelops you in this position.

You still doubt that you’re as amazing as John claims you are. And you know the others aren’t going to go for the idea that you’re not as much of a raging psychopath/bluh bluh huge 8itch as you seem. It just seems like he’s looking at you from the wrong angle - or he’s at least looking at a side of you that even you didn’t know existed until last night. The only part of you he can see right now is the part that’s giving him smiles and kisses. The other, more prevalent part of you isn’t as friendly. But for now, you happily return the kiss, leaning up to get even closer to him. When you break apart after several long moments, and he proposes hanging out with the others, you nod. You knew he’d want to be around his friends, so you’re willing to spend time with them too if he wants you there. You know they won’t change their minds about you. But you're fine with being around them. Or at least, you'll tolerate/deal with them for John's sake.

"Of course I'm okay with it - it's a good idea for you to get to know everyone else," you reply, doing a fairly good job of sounding encouraging. "They've all probably been wanting to meet you, so you should spend time with them. And I’ll come if you want me to....”

You pause for a moment, turning back toward the door. “If you want, you could go find them now. Everyone’s probably awake by now and it isn’t late enough for everyone to have split up into their various sappy romances yet. And Strider’s probably already let people know you’re here, so they’ll be wanting to meet you.” You know John is probably also eager to see his friends again after two years apart, and he still hasn’t met Terezi or Kanaya or any of the others besides Karkat yet. “We could split and meet back where a half hour,” you offer. “You still haven’t picked out a room to stay in. Out this door to the right, take your first left then your third right and that’s where all of our rooms start. Whichever rooms aren’t marked as somebody’s are empty, so you can just pick from those.”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Get some much needed relief...

As Vriska mentions that you have other friends waiting for you to greet them you give a short nod. "Yeah... Rose actually might be pretty upset knowing I didn't come see her last night. I should at least go apologize profusely that I won't be able to marry her now." You respond with a smirk. "Just one of many fine ladies that is going to sadly be denied the prime Egbert cut. It's all your fault. Claiming me as your matesprit. You're breaking all the hearts right now. All of them."

You stand there for a moment silently and you swear you hear crickets chirping. "Okay, wow that was lame and crappy! You're right, either way. I'll go find a room then say hi to the others." You add, though you've still made no attempt to let Vriska go. "Just... don't disappear on me or anything!"

You sneak one last brief kiss before finally releasing her and turning toward the door. Already you miss staring into her gorgeous eyes and you spin quickly to flash one last smile before exiting the room.

The hallway felt colder without her next to you, but you'd manage. You follow the directions Vriska had given to you and sure enough you come across a series of doors, some very conveniently labeled identifying their occupants. Karkat's was obvious. A sheet of paper plastered to the steel door with a hastily scribbled -NO FUCKING ENTRY FOR ANYONE EVER.- It was straight and to the point, though you found it cute how he added some small text between the 'anyone' and 'ever' which was almost invisible at first. -except terezi- Aww, crabbypants did have a heart after all. You figured it was likely shriveled and black but he had one just the same.

Dave lazily had put up a drawing of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff to signify his door. Rose had her Hero of Light symbol, Kanaya and Terezi had their signs. It all seemed appropriate. Vriska's was further down the hall and you're not surprised she purposefully had chosen a room away from the others. You're incredibly curious about what's inside but you respect her space and resist the urge to snoop. You do, however, choose the room directly next to hers. You didn't want to make assumptions but you planned on spending a lot of time with her. Why not make the walk to see her a very short one? With that, you press the button on the keypad next to the door and it swooshes open like something out of Star Trek.

As you enter, the lights flicker on and present something not unlike a mixture between a nice hotel room and a H.R. Giger painting. There's a large, comfy looking bed with red sheets embroidered with a gold pattern, not unlike similar designs you've seen elsewhere in the complex. A television. Computer. Bookshelf. Oh, and plenty of strange looking tubes and cords jutting out everywhere for seemingly no reason. Where did they go? What purpose did they serve? Why did this place have to be so spooky? You also consider it pretty cool though, so there weren't any real complaints. You instantly flop onto the bed and gaze toward the chandelier on the ceiling.

You enjoy a few moments of silence with your thoughts. They are, of course, about Vriska. You still can't believe how great things are going and just imagining her face makes your skin tingle. You laugh to yourself joyfully. You already can't wait to see her again. To hold her. To kiss her... As your thoughts drift in that particular direction your body pulses with excitement. That moment you had with her... the one right before Karkat so rudely shocked you into awareness... You had never felt so alive and eager for something. It was amazing, and although you were telling the truth when you said you were nervous and probably not ready, you knew you wanted to be that close to her again eventually... and then some. You suddenly felt restricted and confined. Like you desperately needed a gasp of air.

Your eyes dart across the room where you focus upon another door. Inside appears to be the bathroom, fully stocked, with a fairly nice looking shower. You remove your glasses and set them next to the sink. Your overshirt gets tossed aside, followed by your shirt, and your shoes and your socks... Finally, in one swift motion your jeans and boxers and with that you take a deep, satisfying breath. You're hard as a fucking diamond and while you're not entirely sure where you compare to other guys, you feel enormous. Just thinking about her warm touch and her sweet kiss and her sensuous voice; It was all driving you crazy. You start the shower but you don't even wait for it to get warm. Within a second you're soaking under the rushing water and actually enjoying it in its current cool and refreshing temperature.

You lean against the back wall and grip your shaft causing you to let out a relieved sigh. Your eyes then drift shut and you let your imagination take over. You picture Vriska in your mind and you don't even make an attempt to fantasize about her in any further state of undress. Even in her normal outfit she was still the sexiest thing you had ever seen. She could be in a fucking parka for all you cared. If your moment together hadn't been interrupted and you had actually managed to see a breast, even just one, you very well may have shot off in your pants. Maybe Karkat was now your best bro for life for saving you from a scene so pathetic and embarrassing.

Slowly your hand begins to work itself along your length and god damn if it isn't the best thing you've ever felt. Well, kissing Vriska still was, probably, but this was up there. Thoughts of said kisses were perfect fuel at the moment and your cock twitches every time you mentally relive them. "Vriska..." You moan softly and instantly you're blushing due to that cry of her name being entirely involuntary. Being shy about such a thing seemed silly since you were literally the only one there but then again you didn't know some of those Trolls well. Maybe they bugged the rooms and were having a nice laugh about you calling out your new girlfriend's name while touching yourself. Shit, maybe the sick fucks were watching and enjoying it. You didn't even care at this point.

Your breaths become heavier as the motions of your hand speed up. Each stroke sends a rush of pleasure rolling through your body and your other hand grips your tightened sack, massaging it as your visualizations progress to the point where you were on top of Vriska. Even thinking about the moment where you cut yourself on her fang is arousing. You haven't even been going at it very long but you're already just about to burst. Everything about that moment had been perfect. You think about the taste of her as you kiss to her neck and the way you could feel her pulse racing under your lips. You think about your hand sliding under her shirt, caressing her perfect God Tier skin. You think about her quick, panting breaths which urged you to continue. And finally you think about the gloriously exhilarating instant where your hips connect with hers.

"F-fuck!" You exclaim as the climax rushes upon you harder than you've ever felt before. Any previous time you brought yourself to orgasm felt like piddling raindrops compared to the hurricane you're experiencing now. Your cock pulses with each stream it releases and your legs begin to feel weak. Slowly your body descends onto the floor of the shower and you turn your head so the water isn't streaming directly onto your face. You're breathing as if you had been underwater for ten minutes and only just now surfacing, and you're shuddering with the most incredible feeling.

You truly believe one has never felt more satisfied than you do right now. Completely empty and happy. A rather strained laugh escapes you between breaths. You're still hard, somehow, and a few lingering drops of your seed trickle down your shaft before being washed away. You are absolutely spent and you feel like curling up and falling asleep right there. You said you'd say hi to your friends though and you weren't going to let your selfish little... distraction keep you from them any longer. Besides, you also had another date with Vriska shortly. You certainly were not going to miss that for anything.

With great effort you finally make it back to your feet, wobbling considerably before finally gaining balance. You then proceed to use the shower as it was actually intended and wash up. Brushing of the teeth and fixing of the hair follow as you gaze into the mirror. You definitely feel like you look more mature these days, but you still can't shake some of that goofy looking youth. Did Vriska find you as attractive as you did her? It seemed hard to believe. You didn't doubt her overall feelings, either way. You also have to wonder how she'd react if she knew what you were just up to with her in your thoughts. It would have to remain a mystery, most likely. It's not like you were going to just casually bring it up over dinner.

Once you had dressed, you proceed out the door with a bit more bounce to your step. You now felt like you could find Rose and interact with her without your thoughts being entirely obsessed by Vriska... Only partially obsessed...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Snap out of it and be normal Vriska

You grin a little at the idea of John apologizing for not marrying Rose. The idea is amusing to you since Rose and Kanaya have been together for a good chunk of the time you’ve spent on this meteor. You’ll just take a wild shot in the dark and say she’ll be totally fine with your choice of matesprit. Or, at least, she won’t mind. That’s the easy part, of course. The hard part is getting everyone else to believe that you’re not insane. Which you are. But you’re perfectly happy getting the “prime Egbert cut.”

After a moment of slightly awkward silence, you find yourself returning one more kiss and raising a hand to wave him off, watching him leave the room. You just kind of stand there with your hands in your pockets, watching the empty doorway. Now that he’s gone you feel a little of the loneliness that had been your life for the last couple years. Only a little of it though. It doesn’t feel nearly as...boring, for lack of a better word, as it had earlier.

Looking around the room, you realize that the entertainment options available to you at the moment really, REALLY suck. You guess you’ll just have to find somewhere else to screw around. You consider returning to your respiteblock, but there’s barely any room in it since you still have half a million dice scattered around your floor. In your current state of mind, you’d probably stick yourself full of the contents of your own strife deck if you took one step inside.

You give up on that option and decide to head to the room John appeared in. Doubtless there will be a few other Trolls and/or humans there, but you did promise to at least try to get along with the others...which you’ll choose to interpret as sit awkwardly off to the side and listen to their various ridiculous conversations. In other words, you’ll tolerate them. Doesn’t mean you have to talk to them...does it? No, you decide, it doesn’t.

Having somewhat narrowed down your options, you think it’s about time to stop standing here staring at the door in the general direction John went like some lovestruck fifteen-or-sixteen-earth-year-old. Because you’re not. At least, not on the surface. Or really on any of the layers of Vriska personality until you get deep as freakin’ hell into your mind. Yup, the normal you is back. And bored again. Wonderful.

You shake away your completely random thoughts, which actually did kind of make you feel better, and head out the door. You have better things to do than stand there awkwardly.

A good while later, after a fairly long (and slow) walk, you get back to the room you originally found John in. It’s impossible to miss, mostly because it’s one of the biggest rooms in this place. It’s still not huge, but it’s pretty big. You turn into the room, and immediately several pairs of eyes have settled on you. You mainly notice Karkat glaring at you. Maybe he’s trying to blow you up with his mind or something. With great effort you manage to resist the urge to flip him off.

“Yes, I’m actually deigning to grace you all with my presence,” you announce to the room...okay, mostly Karkat. The rest of the people in the room aren’t nearly as conspicuous. “Feel free to return to whatever you’re doing, and please, contain your enthusiasm.” You can’t help adding that last piece with a hint of dryness. You drop into an armchair between two bookcases about halfway down the left wall, effectively placing yourself into a small nook that’s hidden from the door and most of the room. This is actually perfect. Maybe this way everyone will forget you’re here and just not bug you.

From your hidden spot, you return Karkat’s continuing glare for a good several minutes before deciding that indulging it is an incredibly stupid idea and looking away. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea. You shift so that you’re lounging across the arms of the chair comfortably, letting your legs hang in the small gap between the side of the chair and one of the bookcases.

After a few minutes of staring at the side of the bookcase, your mind starts to wander a little, and you eventually yawn and settle into the armchair and drift off into a light sleep.

Be the other hero of Light

You are now Rose Lalonde. You don’t think you’ve ever gone from being Vriska to Rose, but you’ll go with it. You’ve just come from...well, somewhere else. You and Kanaya have parted ways for now, so you’re left to your own devices. What could you possibly do...

A thought suddenly hits you. Didn’t someone tell you that John spontaneously appeared on the meteor last night? You distinctly remember hearing about it from someone. Probably either Kanaya or Terezi. You should probably go find him. You meant to find him last night, but you got kind of distracted. But now you can go and try to find him. You figure the best way to do so is to first check if there’s a new mark on one of the bedroom doors. If there is, he’ll probably be in the large room where everyone seems to spend a lot of time now.

Armed with your powers of induction through the absence or presence of a mark on a door and your confidence in the possibility of finding your friend in a huge maze of rock, you start off down the hall.

You take a quick glance through the doorway of what you just call the living room of the place and see a few people scattered in various places in the room. Karkat glaring at...nothing in particular. John doesn’t seem to be there, so you continue to the alchemiter room and take a peek. There’s a bunch of food on the counters and a couple boxes on a table further into the room. You successfully resist the urge to tidy it up, though you suspect that the mess might be John’s work.

You turn to continue down the hall, and you almost don’t see him until you’re inches away from bumping into him. Something catches your sight in the corner of your eye, and you stop just in time to stop yourself from crashing into the very person you’ve been looking for.

“John!” You’re too surprised for half a second to do anything but stare at him, but then you pull him into a tight hug for a few moments before letting go and grinning happily at him. “I thought you would be somewhere around here. You got here last night, right?”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Be the Leader

You are already John. Stop wasting time!

No, be the other leader

Ah, all right. Gotcha. You're now Karkat, and you're pacing around the room while your friend Kanaya watches with a disinterested expression. A headphoned Dave Strider is busy on a laptop trying to create some "fresh new jams" or some other such nonsense. You still can't stop being angry about John and Vriska, but thankfully you've found someone to rant to who will understand your position.

"I'm convinced he is suicidal! I mean why else would the idiot shack up with Vriska Serket?! Why would anyone?! It's madness!" You growl before noticing a slight frown upon Kanaya's face. Good going, you enormous bulgebiter. You had forgotten about her unrequited flushed torch she carried for Vriska once upon a time. "I-I mean..."

"It's fine, Karkat. That is in the past." She replies with a smooth voice. "But I am not certain I understand your concern. Is it for John's safety? John is a God Tier, is he not? Vriska would not be able to kill him as it would not likely be Just or Heroic."

You grumble. "I know that! It's just... She's... Agh!"

"Do you have A Thing for John?"

"HA. Try again, sister."


"Oh my fucking lord. NO! I do not have any fucking feelings for John or Vriska. Red, black, or otherwise! Wow! You've been hanging around with Rose too much. You think you're one of those human therapists all of the sudden. There's a reason we don't have anything fucking like that on our planet!" You remind Kanaya who merely shrugs.

"We don't have anything like anything on our planet anymore..." She reminds you in return.

"Yeah, no shit! Now you're getting to the root of the issue! If the last remaining Trolls hook up with the last remaining humans how the hell is either species going to survive!?" Your rant continues and Kanaya visibly tenses. You've just now included her as part of 'the issue' inadvertently. When it comes to putting one's foot into one's mouth you are simply the best there is. "Kanaya..."

"I understand, Karkat, and the underlying problem has presented itself to me as well. The truth is The Matriorb is gone. Unless we can come up with something, our species is doomed regardless. Still, I feel as if I cannot lose hope just yet..." She says with a slight smile. Hearing Kanaya talk about hope seemed off, to you. She always seemed so rational and logical, but it would take ten miracles for them to acquire a new Matriorb somehow. Clinging to pointless hope seemed like such a human thing. Rose really was rubbing off on her.

"Yeah well all that bullshit aside, I just get bad vibes from her. John needs to stop being a lovestruck dumbass and at least consider what he's getting into." You mutter. Suddenly you hear the sound of the door and upon turning you're greeted with probably the last face you wanted to see right now. Speak of the fucking devil.

Vriska waltzes in and you can't help but glare at her. She makes a snarky comment which seems particularly directed at you but for once you hold your tongue. You've been practicing not flying off the handle anytime someone provoked you, and Kanaya in particular was the one keeping tabs on your progress. So you glare. And glare.

And glare some more.

She returns the glares until she appears to get bored, drifting off to sleep in a chair hidden in the side of the room. You wondered how the hell she and Egbert weren't permanently joined at the lips already but you're actually a bit relieved and surprised they had managed to separate at all. Maybe there was hope for Egbert yet. Oh goddamn it, now you are talking about hope.

Be the other other leader

You are the Heir of Breath, and you kinda forgot which way you turned to get down this hallway... If you are late with your meetup with Vriska you are going to be so mad at yourself. So mad.

Suddenly a figure appears in front of you in an almost startling manner, however once you realize who it is you grin like an idiot. Rose's arms are around you quickly which is convenient because you planned on doing the exact same thing. You hug Rose tightly, almost as if you had to make sure she was real. Finally you release each other and gaze happily into each other's eyes.

"Rose! This is great, I was just coming to find you! Yeah! I got here last night! Thanks to Jade." You reply with a lighthearted tone. "It's really good to see you. I mean, last time I saw you... well..."

Your voice trails off as you flash back to your first meeting with Rose in the castle. When you learned about your dad. When you got stabbed like a chump and failed to stop the same from happening to Rose. It made you feel horrible.

"Since all that stuff happened. Man, I hope I never have to kiss you again..." You attempt to summarize, completely missing how your sentence came out until a few moments later. "I-I mean... ugh John you are the biggest idiot in the history of ever... Let's change the subject... So I hear you and Kanaya huh? That's awesome! I'm really happy for you guys! I uh... I kinda found someone myself.

It's Dave. He is a tasty dreamboat."

Your attempt to say that with a straight face fails as you're laughing a mere second later. "I just called your genetic brother a tasty dreamboat. I'm gonna let that sink in your brain for a bit.

Seriously though. I'm glad we can talk. Not just cause it will be awesome to catch up but... well, since you and Kanaya are a thing now, I thought maybe you'd have some insight into dating a Troll. Cause, you see... the girl I'm seeing is kinda... Vriska. I'm gonna meet her now so wanna walk with me there?"

You start off back toward your landing area and wait for Rose to walk beside you. You expression seems contemplative now, almost as if you're trying to solve a puzzle in your mind. "Karkat already tells me I'm crazy and that I'm making a mistake, but I've never felt more certain of anything in my life. I don't think this is just some random infatuation. I deeply and honestly feel something for her. She's amazing... Is what I'm feeling... is this normal? Do you think her and I can work...?"

Your eyes gaze at Rose who you had grown above since your last meeting. You look hopeful that she'll tell you something you want to hear, but at the same time you also expect her honesty. While Rose was probably one of the only people to be more sarcastic than Dave, unlike him she could be counted on to be truthful when it mattered.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Be Vriska

Vriska is sleeping. Being her would be incredibly boring.

Fine, then be Rose

You are still Rose Lalonde. You have just found your friend John wandering the halls of the meteor, and you’re incredibly happy to finally meet up with him again. It’s been two years since you last saw him, and he looks like he’s matured. A lot, actually. You regard him with quiet contemplation after you pull back from the hug, seeing the brief change in his expression when he reminds you of the last time you met in person. Yes, it’s an unpleasant memory, but it’s long over and you don’t blame him at all for what happened in the castle. You only regret having had to be the one to tell him that his father had been killed.

When he expresses, rather bluntly, his wish to never again be in a position where he is required to kiss you back to life, you can’t help but let out a snort of laughter. He always was bad at effectively communicating without being a little offensive sometimes. Not that you were offended; you would be perfectly happy to refrain from kissing him for the next eternity. Your interests still lie in Kanaya. But you still appreciate his attempt to patch up his mistake. It’s kind of sweet.

Suddenly you’re incredibly curious at the mention of John finding his own love interest. Or at least, you assume it’s a love interest; you doubt he’d inform you of the newest friend he’s met and reference your relationship with Kanaya.


Your mind goes blank for the tiniest fraction of a second before you realize that he’s not serious. A moment later, he’s laughing, giving away the joke. You’ve learned to expect the unexpected on this meteor. You briefly contemplate the possibility of Dave Strider being a “tasty dreamboat.” Quite honestly, you don’t see the appeal. Maybe it’s because he’s your brother.

Then he says it’s Vriska.

You can’t say you’re surprised. Okay, maybe a little surprised. You have seen the relationship between the two of them grow slowly over the time they were talking, but you had never expected it to actually take off. They seem to be almost exact opposites of each other. Vriska is bold and confident where John is shy and hesitant; he is cheerful and happy where she is manipulative and...well, not necessarily dark. Maybe snarky or sharp would be a better word. But still, it makes sense to you. Kind of.

As you fall into step beside John back on the way to the living room, you notice that he looks like he’s trying to figure something out in his head. No doubt he’s trying to make sense of his own feelings before asking you about them. But your chumhandle does have a reason behind it; you like to think you can accurately psychoanalyze just about anything. You wait a few moments before answering. You know that he knows not to go off anything Karkat says and what he’s saying seems genuine, but still.... You aren’t sure exactly what to think about this new development, so you take a moment to contemplate you reply before speaking it.

“I think that whether or not you and Vriska can work is up to the two of you. My first instinct would be to discourage you just because of what I’ve heard, but it really is entirely your choice. I can’t honestly say that it’s a bad idea to be with a Troll for obvious reasons. But the two of you have to be the ones to decide how well this relationship will work.” You pause for a moment to reconsider, and you quickly amend your previous statement. “I’m not going to follow my first instinct though. From where I’m standing, I see you as the person Vriska needs to cool her down, her foil, if you will. Your personalities contrast one another so much that it’s a fifty-fifty chance. It’ll crash and burn, or it will work absolutely perfectly. Which way the scale will tip depends on what happens in the near future. It’s up to you if you want to take that risk.”

As you continue, maybe possibly rambling a little, you realize suddenly that you’re talking up at him. When did that happen? Oh’re okay with being short.

“You said you had a meeting with her, right? Where exactly are we going? Back where you landed? On my books, I might add!” You shoot him a light glare before continuing. “But anyway, all you can really do at this point is wait and see where the relationship goes...and I think your girlfriend is right down there, so we should stop talking. But do think about it.”

Thief. Wake up.

You are now Vriska, and you really wish you hadn’t fallen asleep here because now you’re all cramped up and everyone seems to have left. You toy with the idea of going back to sleep, then immediately you discard it. That’s a terrible idea.

You wonder how much time’s passed since you fell asleep. It doesn’t seem like more than ten or twenty minutes have passed, so at least you didn’t completely crash.

A moment later, you’re up out of that annoyingly squishy armchair and letting out a yawn, stretching the drowsiness away. You consider going to find John, but he’s probably still talking to Rose, so you’ll just hang here until he shows up.

A couple minutes later, you decide to start off on one of your frequent random expeditions to find nothing in particular. You haven’t been at it long - that is to say, you’ve managed to get a few steps out the door, when you notice John and Rose walking toward you down the hallway. You turn to face the two of them, starting to walk to meet them a few dozen feet down the hallway.


All right so maybe it isn’t the best way to start a conversation. At least you’re making an attempt.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Gather crew for the consumption of cinematic entertainment.

You listen intently to what Rose has to say, and for once it all makes sense. She used to always be so needlessly complex and confusing. You weren't certain if she was toning it down for you or perhaps you were just a bit more mature than you were in the past.

"I absolutely want to take the risk." You respond almost immediately. "Because I think you're right. I am the guy to balance her out. I can help manage her... extreme tendencies. Likewise, being with her makes me feel bolder... more confident. It feels fantastic! At first glance maybe we seem totally wrong for each other but I think it's exactly what we both need!"

You're practically hopping down the hallway now, but you can't help it. Rose had essentially confirmed everything you had been feeling. You weren't going to completely ignore the part where she said it could end horribly, but the risk was indeed worth it. You flash Rose a grateful smile. "Thanks, Rose. You know, for not... instantly screaming at me that it's a horrible idea. Karkat already performed that service. I guess I can't blame him, but I wish he'd at least give us a chance..."

Rose moves on to remind you that you may have ruined her conspicuous pile of books upon your arrival, and all you can do is shoot her a guilty smirk and laugh. Before you know it you're seeing a very welcome sight a bit further down the hallway. Vriska greets you both rather simply and you just know she's fighting a tough battle trying to be nice and friendly. The generic 'hi' was likely a big step for her. It was so cute, but it also troubled you somewhat. Vriska had made a point to inform you that you didn't need to change for her. She shouldn't have to change for you either. You'd tell her later that if she wants to greet people by giving them the finger then she is more than welcome to do so!

In the meantime, you rush over to your lovely alien girlfriend and embrace her as if you were a soldier coming back from war. "There you are, gorgeous! Was just coming to find you! Sorry if I took too long..."

You provide her with a light yet romantic kiss while Rose watches with a subdued fascination. No doubt she's contemplating how she can use this unlikely relationship to psychoanalyze you and potentially Vriska as well. She had already begun by claiming you were foils for each other, after all. You proceed to take a brief peek in the door of what you have figured is the living room area and notice the presence of quite a few of the others. This was perfect! You release your tightened hold upon Vriska and leave only one of your hands clasped over hers as you enter the room with Rose following not far behind.

"Hey guys!" You announce, managing to gain the attention of Karkat and Kanaya, but not Dave who still seemed very invested in whatever miracle he was producing. You think you can make out the sound of him quietly rapping to himself...

"Well whoop de fucking doo, we almost have our entire circus freakshow here. What do you want, John?" Karkat asks in his typically rustled manner.

"Chill, Karkat! I was hoping we could all do something together. I dunno, maybe watch a movie?" You respond, not letting the nubby horned Troll's attitude sour you at all.

"Who's deciding on the film? You? Pass."

"Geez, I don't even care what we watch! I just wanna hang out with you guys! Is that really too much to ask?" You utter with a sigh, noticing out of the corner of your eye as an elegant looking Troll lady approaches you.

"I think it is a perfectly splendid idea, John." She speaks with a tranquil tone. You immediately know who this is.

You offer your hand with a friendly smile. "Oh, hey, Kanaya! Great to finally meet you!"

She takes it, and returns with her own gentle smile. "The pleasure is mine. Rose has spoken highly of you."

"Wow, really? Well, I'm a pretty normal unexceptional human... Hopefully I can live up to whatever crazy expectations she's given you!" You respond with a bit of a blush. "Though I am a prank master. Perhaps that was what she referring to. Don't worry you'll be subjected to my genius in due time!"

You then turn your attention toward Dave and you try to make some wild, grand gestures that somehow hopefully invoke to him that you intend to watch a movie. You don't even know if he's looking at you. You ought to knock those stupid ironic sunglasses off of his stupid ironic face! Eventually he seems to get the idea.

"Yeah okay." He finally responds. "I'll message Terezi and tell her to bring The Mayor down."

"The Mayor?" You question as you try and decipher what this could mean in Davespeak.

"John, Don't tell me you've been here almost a day and you still haven't met The Mayor. Holy shit. Get with the times." Dave says in a tone that almost resembles something like surprise. You can only shake your head with obvious confusion.

"Well you're in luck. You're about to meet the best fucking guy on this entire flying shitrock. Better have a good offering or else he might just smite you into the goddamn ground with his Mayoral Spear. Hey, maybe you can offer your girlfriend. He might like that."

You wrap your arm around Vriska's waist and pull her close. "Yeah how about noooooooo! Just get them over here, okay?"

Further down the long room Karkat already appears to be in the process of setting up the projector for the movie. His pro-activeness was less likely out of kindness and more likely out of interest in being the one to choose the movie. Whatever. Like you said, you were fine with it. There are numerous comfortable looking sofas and chairs, and you claim one somewhat off to the side for yourself and Vriska.

"This is okay, right...?" You ask her as you sit against the corner of the large chair, keeping your right arm around her as you pull her with. "I mean, you said I shouldn't change for you, and I think that goes both ways. If you don't wanna be here then I totally understand..." Your gaze currently seems to speak your devotion to her. You don't want her to sacrifice her happiness for your own.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Be Rose again

You are once again Rose, and you roll your eyes heavily at John’s response. “Hours of organizing books, gone,” you moan in an overly theatrical tone, laughing a little at your own poorly executed impromptu act. “In all seriousness though, I would never scream at you that something is a horrible idea. As you conveniently pointed out, that’s Karkat’s job. I’m not going to try to interfere with your life-”

You stop talking, as his attention is suddenly commandeered by the Troll waiting for the two of you a dozen or so feet away. You let your eyes follow the two of them, quietly processing everything in your mind. If everything goes as planned, you will no doubt have them figured out inside a month or two.

Trailing behind John and Vriska by a few feet, you head into the living room and wait until he introduces himself to Kanaya before crossing the few feet between you and her and intertwining your fingers with hers. The two of you drift off to claim a chair not close enough to the television to cause discomfort but not too far to impede the quality of the audio for you.

Okay, be Vriska again, Rose and Kanaya are busy

You’ve only just greeted John and Rose when the former is suddenly coming toward you and pulling you into a tight hug and sneaking a quick kiss in the process, which you’re totally fine with. You eagerly return the hug and the kiss, giving him a brief, small smile before returning to your normal facade of detachment. This might be harder than you thought, you realize. You can’t hold back those tiny smiles or the faint blue that tinges your face whenever he’s around, but you also hate letting everyone see your softer side...which is brought out whenever you’re around him. You guess it’s just something you’ll have to learn to figure out on your own. Letting it out around Rose is at least a little easier than it normally would be since she’s so...not involved with you. Well, she’s probably analyzing your mind every time you so much as breathe, but at least she keeps to herself. And to Kanaya.

You follow John back into the room you just came from, curling your fingers around his tightly. Taking a quick sweeping look around the room, you can see Karkat, Kanaya, and Dave, who looks far too busy mumbling to himself to pay any attention to anyone else. That’s fairly normal.

Of course, Karkat immediately confronts the three of you, which is only to be expected. You are more than happy to return his hard glare. The fact that John isn’t stopped or fazed at all by the sheer obnoxiousness of the other Troll is actually pretty impressive. Even you normally wouldn’t be able to resist answering in a matching tone.

A movie though? That sounds okay, you guess. It’s not like you have anything better to be doing on this godforsaken piece of space debris hurtling through space. You turn to see Kanaya walking up, presumably to introduce herself. You nod shortly in her direction and wait while the two get caught up.

Your attention is again caught by John’s wildly waving arms that seem to be signaling something to Dave. After a few moments you finally realize that he’s trying to inform him of the upcoming movie. Dave seems to realize it too and offers to bring Terezi and the Mayor down. You have absolutely no opinion on the Mayor. All you know is that he’s some kind of...thing. You’ve never actually talked to him. Come to think of it, you don’t even know if he can talk. You wonder if you should explain all this to John since he seems confused, but Dave summarizes it fairly well on his own. Minus the sacrifices. You would very much prefer to not be a sacrifice to a...thing. The mention of Terezi brings your mood down a little, but not enough to make a significant difference. It’s been a long time since she’s affected you strongly. You just prefer to keep your distance from one another. Just because.

You are distracted by John’s arm slipping around your waist, and you turn your attention back to him, dropping down to join him in the large chair. It’s situated rather nicely off to the side where you won’t be noticed as much as you would be had he chosen something more toward the center of the room. This way, to the side and a little behind the rest of the chairs and sofas, you won't be bothered.

“It’s perfectly fine,” you assure him, giving his hand a squeeze. “Even if the movie Karkat picks will inevitably be incredibly shitty, I’m cool with being here. As long as you promise to never again let him pick the movie,” you add with a grin. You plan to spend the movie either mentally bashing the film or making him your nice warm human pillow (or both), but you generally don’t like Karkat’s taste. That is to say, the two of you don’t see eye to eye on just about anything. But you’re honestly fine with it as long as John’s next to you.

“But I’m going to give it a try. The whole getting along with people thing. I mean, it seems to work for you...”
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Meet Terezi and The Mayor

Vriska's insistence that you promise her you won't let Karkat choose any more movies elicits a laugh. That wasn't too surprising, given what you know of his taste. He called Serendipity a pretty good movie. It was soooo dumb and boring! Though now that you reflect on it, the ending was pretty sweet... Oh no! What was happening to you? Sudden interest in romantic comedies was the sign of the end times! When you become an old, lame adult. Combined with your realization that Con Air is, in fact, a bad movie, you honestly have to wonder who you even are anymore.

But you look at Vriska and that smile of hers eliminates any fears or concerns you have about yourself. She likes you. For you. You haven't had to put on a stupid act or wear a fancy suit or buy her expensive things. Or whatever else adult relationships consist of. You're not too sure about it, honestly. The feel of her hand clutching yours is all you really need right now. It seems like despite your reassurance that she didn't have to change anything about herself for you, she still seems interested in being at least a bit more social with the others.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. I think given our rather uh, unique situation here with the game and all that, we gotta stick together. Hopefully everyone can just leave stuff in the past where it belongs... But if it doesn't work out and you still hate being around them then I won't push you to do it. Just know that no matter what, I'm here for you..." You remind her with a warm smile as you tilt your head to rest it against hers lightly.

"Man, that sounds so cheesy, heh... Sorry. But yeah, I promise I won't let Karkat choose any more movies. Hey, if this one sucks as much as you think it will, we can always just make out instead. It's basically a human tradition to completely ignore a film in favor of it! You'll be expanding your alien cultural horizons!" You add with a flirty smirk. Even if Karkat ended up choosing the greatest film in existence you'd still rather be kissing Vriska. There was essentially no contest between those options.

Suddenly you hear the door woosh open and a light tapping slowly grow louder as it moves into the room. Turning your head you're greeted with the sight of a rather frightening looking woman. Her body is thin and looks to be all sharp angles, and she grins with a set of dangerous-looking pointed teeth. You knew that was Terezi. The walking cane was a giveaway if nothing else. She appears to look in your direction behind red glasses, but you know she's not so much seeing you as smelling.

"JOHN EGBERT! I smell pheromones. Are you flushed at first sight for me already?" She announces before taking another sniff at the air. Her gleeful expression soon fades as the realization comes upon her. "That's a disturbing amount of blueberry on you. You lured Vriska out of hiding! You two are adorable together!"

You're not really sure what to say. Terezi was the first one to get you killed, albeit in an alternate doomed timeline. You're more afraid of her than Vriska. At least Vriska getting you killed was to help you ascend to God Tier. Not out of some bored amusement. You're also not sure if she's being serious about the adorable thing, but you'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Hey, Terezi! Didn't you once say you were gonna cut my throat and listen to me bleed while you smell me die, or something once upon a time?" You offer with a smirk. That was the conversation that finally convinced you to change your chumhandle. It's kind of funny you're now meeting her in person in a... friendly? manner.

"Hehehehehe, you remember that huh? No hard feelings, right? I mean I did say that when I thought you were responsible for fucking up our session! I'd like to be pals, John!" She responds with that grating tone while returning the eerie grin to her face. Another figure soon enters the room with the quick papping of small feet. All of the sudden a short carapace creature cloaked in a dusty brown shawl is running up to you and gesturing wildly with his hands. Clasped in one of his talons is a pink can, which he immediately thrusts in your face.

"Pals huh? I'll think abou- Woah, I remember this guy!" You chuckle as you reach out to take his offering. It was a can of... Tab? That was unusual. He seems very excited to see you but doesn't appear to have any vocal capabilities. "Uh, thanks dude!"

"That disgusting sludge is his favorite drink! He consumes so much that it is basically the foundation for our entire Cantropolis. He got all jittery when I said you were here! I guess you guys are friends already or something! What a small paradox space!" Terezi continues, tilting her head in curiosity at the entire scene.

"Yo Mayor. TZ." Dave calls out from his position on the large, middle sofa. The Mayor fuffs about for a few more moments before running over to Dave. Terezi looks over and waves but remains behind.

"Be careful with Vriska, John. Do you know what she did to the last guy she was red for?" She inquires as her shark-like mouth curls into an even wider grin. She appears to not care at all that Vriska is right next to you, and was possibly even provoking her intentionally.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: More anger management

“Leaving stuff in the past isn’t one of our areas of expertise,” you reply with a wry smile. “And it’s not like I’ve let anything go before, so expecting everyone else to let anything go isn’t too realistic. I don’t need or want their forgiveness though.” You realize that you’re starting to go off on a rant, so you cut yourself off before you go any further. This is supposed to be enjoyable. And John’s head leaning on yours is distracting you from whatever bitterness has just crossed your mind. It tends to have that effect on you for some reason.

You briefly weigh the advantages of spending two hours watching a movie chosen by Karkat Vantas against the advantages of spending two hours kissing John Egbert. Even if Karkat chooses a good movie, you would go for the latter option anyway. You just spent two years not knowing what was going to happen between you and him, mostly not knowing if he even remembered you, so you’d be perfectly happy with such a use of two hours of your life.

The door opens suddenly, accompanied by two sets of approaching footsteps. You look up to see Terezi come in, a wide grin plastered across her face as usual. You’re used to seeing her around the meteor, so you don’t really react, you just kind of sit there and watch her grin grow even bigger, if that was even possible.

Your expression sours a little when you realize that the “disturbing amount of blueberry” she’s talking about means you. It’s a tiny jab, but you still caught it. Plus, you’re fairly sure that she’s as opposed to the relationship as Karkat is, though whether her reasons are based on John or you isn’t certain. But whatever.

You repress a slight snicker as John reminds her of a previous conversation he had with her. It does sound like something she would say.

The incoming presence of someone else turns your head to look back at the door just in time to see the Mayor scurry in, holding a can of what you know to be Tab. He makes a beeline for your shared chair, stopping in front of John gesturing wildly while you watch with a smirk. John doesn’t seem to quite know what to do, but his acceptance of the Tab seems to excite the Mayor considerably. The Mayor, you have to say, is the one person on this meteor that you can actually tolerate without considerable effort. At least he doesn’t talk. Like, ever. He just kind of waves wildly and expects people to understand what he’s trying to say. Usually with moderate success, to his credit, you’ll admit.

You watch as the Mayor paps his way over to where Dave is seated right in front of the television, then you turn your attention back to the Troll standing in front of you. The fact that she hasn’t gone to sit with Dave yet has to mean that she wants to talk to either you or John. Normally you wouldn’t expect her to want to talk to you, but in this case you wouldn’t rule out the possibility.

Your first impression turns out to be right as she turns to John and continues talking, her grin now impossibly wide. You stiffen considerably at her words, knowing that even though she was looking (smelling?) at John, they were partially, if not fully directed at you.

Your memory flashes back two years to Tavros Nitram, the rust-blooded Troll that had once been...kind of your matesprit? You don’t even know what happened there. After Aradia almost killed you (does it even count if you died after she left?) and he’d left you to bleed out on your Quest Bed, whatever red feelings you had for him disappeared completely. Then it flashes forward a little to Tavros charging you in an attempt to kill you for being responsible for Bec Noir. You turned his own lance around on him and stabbed him right through his sign. And then you felt sorry for it. You actually felt sorry for killing someone. And you went and talked to John about it. So you know he knows exactly what Terezi is talking about. And you know that she’s right.

Your mind returns to the present, and Terezi is still grinning at both of you, and you know that she knows the effect of her words. You don’t know why, but it irks you that she seems to know exactly what to say to hit your nerves.

“Watch it, Pyrope,” you growl through clenched teeth. It’s already taking a considerable amount of effort not to stand up right now. If she keeps going you just might. Regardless of the fact that John is still sitting right next to you.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Make the best out of an uncomfortable situation

You tense up at Terezi's question and your eyes shift over to Vriska. She's visibly irritated and you wonder if you're actually going to have to break up a fist fight soon... or worse. It's at that moment that you recall Terezi having been the one to "stop" Vriska from going to fight Jack. You didn't ask for details but you have a feeling it wasn't through hugs and friendly words of concern. Perhaps you should have handled the whole situation with a bit more care. Now Vriska was getting upset and it was basically your fault. Her apparent threat to Terezi hadn't been ignored as the red-eyed girl's grin was beginning to fade and the grip on her cane hardened.

"Yeah, I know. What can I say? I... guess I find passionate, dangerous women pretty sexy!" You respond in an upbeat tone while tightening your arm around Vriska. You hope that keeping the situation light would perhaps diffuse some of the mounting tension.

Terezi just sort of stands there for a moment before bursting out in laughter. You can't help but exhale in relief. "Oh John! You're so silly! Maybe you're just what she needs. Someone to help her... relieve all that stress." She says salaciously with a suggestive smile. Her inflections make it fairly obvious what she's getting at, and you flush despite your best attempts to keep cool. Her wicked grin returns completely, appearing quite satisfied with your reaction. "Well! Enjoy the movie!" She adds cheerfully as she saunters over to Dave's sofa and takes the seat beside him.

You laugh but there's a clear sense of discomfort to it. Perhaps it was because Terezi's comment made you think about how you had just relieved your own stress not twenty minutes ago. Now the thought of helping Vriska with a similar situation was already rebuilding some of it. You have to wonder if you'll even make it through the movie with her warmth beside you the entire time.

"Nice gal..." You finally break the silence as you watch Karkat lower the lights and move in front of the screen.

"Alright! Hope all of you assholes pay attention! This will be an educational experience, especially for the humans. This film is titled In Which Seven Threshecutioners Embark On An Unusual Mission To Protect A Lowblood Hive Cluster. Initially Face Distrust But Soon Win Over Uncertain Tro-"

"Huuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Dave groans loudly, immediately getting a death glare from Karkat.

"FINE. Just watch. Also make room for me, Shitface." He snaps in return, wedging himself between Terezi and Dave.

"What the actual fuck? There are like ten other seats. I specifically wrote douchebag on one for you." Dave nearly growls. There was indeed an uncomfortable looking chair off to the other corner of the room with a messily scribbled 'douchebag' written on it in chalk.

"Oh? I thought you were just claiming your own spot! Imagine my confusion when you did not use it! Anyway this just happens to be my spot! Deal with it!" Karkat smirks, seemingly for the first time in a while.

The antics of Karkat and Dave make you chuckle, but you glance over to Vriska and return your attention to her once again. "Hey... Sorry about all that, by the way. Maybe we should have waited a bit longer before trying this social thing..." You whisper as you gaze into her eyes. You can sort of see the reflection of the movie in her glasses and as far as you're concerned you'd rather watch the entire thing that way. "Not that I'm complaining about our position right now, however..." You add with a grin before leaning in to kiss her softly, the effect of Terezi's words still lingering. As the kiss progresses and becomes more fervid you pull her even closer to you, and as before your heart is thumping against your chest like a jackhammer. Your tongue frolics with hers for a few exquisite moments before you begin to pull back, lightly biting at her lower lip as you do.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Calm down a little...

Your hard glare directed at Terezi continues, and you don’t fail to notice that her grin has gotten significantly smaller and she’s grasping her cane a good deal harder. At least she knows when she’s bordering on pushing it too far. Your mind travels back again two years to when she tried to kill you before you could go after Noir. If she had succeeded then maybe she would have been satisfied. But she hadn’t stayed to make sure her strike had done its job, so now here you are, a continuing thorn in her side. And as far as you’re concerned, she’s just let it go.

You don’t break eye contact with her until John suddenly steps in, somehow managing to sound perfectly cheerful despite the fact that you’re one wrong step away from doing something you’ll probably regret.

The tense mood is brought back to a comfortable one abruptly with Terezi’s unexpected laugh. You don’t miss the transparent suggestive tone of her voice, and for once you’re probably feeling as awkward as John is. Your eyes follow the blind girl to her spot next to Dave before you finally break your stare.

You give a slow nod at John’s awkward attempt to break the sudden silence, then turn to look at Karkat as he stands in front of the screen, probably to inform the room of his prowess in the area of choosing movies. You listen semi-patiently to the first several words of the title before Dave does what everyone is most likely dying to do and interrupting the title with a long, drawn out noise that clearly irritates Karkat, who promptly sits in between Dave and Terezi. You’ve watched this passive-aggressive-but-mostly-aggressive feud go on for two years between those two over Terezi, and you’re fairly sure that you’re going to kill something if you have to watch it any longer.

You turn back to John at the sound of his voice, which brings you back to a somewhat pleasant mood. Then you’re being pulled into a light kiss that soon deepens. You can feel his heart pounding, and you wonder if he can feel the rapidly increasing speed of your own heart as you let your lips part to allow your tongue to dance briefly with his. You’re vaguely aware that you’re not alone in the room, but you don’t really care at the moment. Normally you wouldn’t do this if there was anyone around to see it, but the idea of spending two hours just like this is too appealing to refuse.

He starts to pull away after several long moments, his teeth softly grazing your lower lip, sending a slight shiver through you, hardly noticeable. A moment later, you realize that you’re not done yet. You lean in to kiss him again, drawing him closer, if that was even possible. After several seconds you pull back again, lowering your head to rest on his shoulder.

“This social thing wouldn’t have gone any better if we had waited until later,” you reply, reclaiming one of his hands in your own. “The entire puny population of this piece of space junk would still think this is a bad idea. And it’s no secret that I’m not exactly the best thing for you. If you could see me before I met you, the me that isn’t standing here talking to you, you’d see something completely different than what you see now. If you saw what I did to Tavros even before the game started...” You pull back a little, looking away and your voice shrinks to a low murmur. "You'd understand why I don't deserve someone like you, and if you haven’t developed the urge to get as far away from me as possible by now, then you’re completely insane." Your hand tightens around his at the thought of that actually happening. “It’s selfish of me to let this happen. But I’m going to let it happen anyway.”

You honestly have no freaking clue where all of that just came from. You can assure yourself that you will never spew emotional garbage like that again. Ever. Your self-allotted talk-about-feelings time is over. You suck at this. Maybe John won’t notice the embarrassing blue tinting your face. You return your head to his shoulder, effectively shielding your face from view. That was so incredibly sappy that you think you'll never forgive yourself.
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

John: Waken bold John again

You eagerly return Vriska's second kiss and occupy your mind with thoughts of just how perfect this moment is. The other people in the room weren't registering on your radar at all. The warmth of the young troll girl next to you was all that mattered. It was a bit hypocritical of you, wanting to spend time with your friends then suggesting an activity that would just let you focus your attention on your new lady, but you're sure they'd understand. Well, at least Dave and Rose probably would. Maybe not Karkat, but understanding was never his strong suit.

When she pulls away you begin to lean in for another kiss already but you pause as she moves her head to your shoulder. Your hand instantly grasps hers as she offers it and you silently absorb her words. She reminds you that the side of her you're seeing right now isn't normal, but you knew that. If it were, then Karkat wouldn't have flown off the handle about you two being together. You had been warned about Vriska multiple times and you didn't deny such warnings were genuine. Still, you always sensed good in her. She wasn't a villain who did bad things simply for the sake of doing bad things. When she pulls back and refuses to look you in the eyes you can't help but frown a bit. She truly believed she didn't deserve any happiness, and it was such a soul crushing thing to hear.

As her head returns to your shoulder you let the silence persist and allow the hand that was around her to move upward and comb through her cascading hair gently. You can tell that talking about her feelings is an uncomfortable position for her, and you're not entirely sure what to say in response. How were you supposed to convince her that this was okay when she seemed so sure that it shouldn't be happening?

"Shut up..." You whisper, continuing to stroke her fantastically soft hair as you add a weak laugh. "Just... shut up. Maybe I'm not the matesprit you deserve. Just the one you need."

You pull away and try to meet her gaze despite her efforts to avoid it. While you find the blush on her cheeks attractive, you don't want to see it because she's ashamed of expressing her feelings to you. "This game cost all of us our entire home planets, our lives and people we care about. I don't think it's too much to ask for us to just... have some fucking happiness... If wanting to be with you makes me insane then I say fuck sanity! It's dumb and overrated!"

You press your lips to hers in a moment of passion, giving her a quick yet hard kiss before pulling away just enough to break it while still breathing the same air. Your piercing blue eyes help emphasize the importance of your words. "Rose said whether or not this works is up to us and she's right. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Maybe we'll prove them right and it will explode in our faces, but Vriska, you are worth that risk. I. Want. You. Can't I just have what I want? Let's stop worrying about what happened in the past and the opinions of Karkat Vantas and just... enjoy this..."

You let your lips brush against hers ever so lightly in a teasing manner before drawing back again. "Oh and I wasn't lying... I do find your dangerous side pretty sexy..." You utter with some of that husky boldness from before as you finally initiate the kiss you so desperately need. The hand still swimming through her hair helps in pulling her into it while your lips part, luring out her tongue and sucking at it once it reveals itself. The hand that was holding hers has since released it and moved to her side in an effort to keep her close. You then bravely brush your thumb along the lower curve of her breast, trying to steady your trembling hand as you do so. Even with the fabric of her clothing separating the touch it still sent a shock of excitement through you. Certainly knowing the others were in the room would keep things from getting too crazy... right? Or did that just make it more thrilling? You weren't entirely sure...
RE: Homestuck: The Trickster and the Thief

Vriska: Quit trying to argue already

Your eyes close in a moment of contentment as you feel a hand running through your hair, almost as if it’s brushing away the pent-up worry that has built up inside you over the last day. The gentle tug of his fingers through your hair is surprisingly soothing. When he pulls away, reluctantly you raise your eyes again to look at him after a few seconds, consciously making an effort to rid your face of the blue tint. But when the situation is put that way, you can’t help but agree with him. Both Alternia and Earth were obliterated, and he’s the only person on the entire meteor that you know could pull you out of the apathy you’ve sunken into. So why not just enjoy what you have?

You’re a little startled by the sudden, forceful kiss, but you return it without complaint. When you break apart again after a couple seconds, you rest your forehead against his lightly, staring into the blue of his eyes that you’ve grown rather quickly to love. You can feel the warmth of his breath on your face, and you swear your heart will either start racing or just stop altogether. Just the idea that this won’t end up working out hurts, but you feel a little better knowing that he’s willing to try anyway.

Your lips curve up in a slight smile as you feel him kiss you lightly, almost as if he’s taunting you with the cool sensation of his lips on yours. Your smile grows a little at the sound of his voice. Somehow it sounds a little deeper, less like the normal John and more like the one from...before. Then he pulls you into another kiss, easily holding you there with the hand tangling in your hair. You feel his lips part, gently coaxing your own lips to part to allow your tongue to meet his, sending a jolt of electricity through you.

The pressure of a hand on your side and a finger brushing up against one of your breasts sends a pleasurable tingle through you where his touch had been. You can feel John’s hand shaking a little, but you don’t pay attention to it. Somehow your arms make their way around him, pulling him closer as one of your hands finds its way into his hair, gently weaving through the dark strands.

You break away from the kiss for a brief moment to catch your breath, opening your eyes to look at John. “You do realize there are like five or six other people in here,” you murmur softly, brushing the hand that’s not embedded in his hair lightly against his cheek. Your index finger lightly traces the outline of his jawbone almost thoughtfully as you brush your lips against his again for a brief moment before pulling back again to look at him. “But I don’t give a damn.” Or at least, you’re fairly sure that in your fairly secluded position nobody will notice you. Either they’ll all be interested in the movie (fat chance of that happening in a million sweeps) or you’re just too far out of the way to warrant bothering to pay attention to.

You shift on the wide chair so that instead of sitting facing the movie you’re sitting sideways with your back to the arm of the chair. It’s easier to talk to him this way rather than twisting your entire body just to look at him. You can’t see him very well through the darkness, but you make out the faint outline of his hands and intertwine your fingers with his, giving his hands a slight squeeze. “Your dangerous side isn’t half bad either,” you say with a grin, leaning in to kiss him again.
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