Romanian Romance (Anton, Keyria)

There was a knock on the door and the door opens a little to allow someone in.

Anton is still asleep and he is still holding onto Keyria. His breathing is still even and his heart beat is even as well.

The Ministry worker has gathered a few other people to take care of the vampires that are now in the school.

Vlad is resting in the room that was provided for him in the dungeons. He knows that his son will be taken care of and that he needs to sleep so that he can start teaching soon. Once the student schedules are changed and that the books arrive that he had told Albus that the students would need.
The person walks slowly and makes sure that they are completely under a silencing charm.

The Ministry worker the others that he had gathered start to make their way to the front door of the school. Once they get inside the start to look for likely places that the vampires would be sleeping, as the sun is slowly starting to rise.

Anton continues to sleep and he doesn't realize that his body has wrapped around Keyria as well.
The person creeps forward more knowing that the vampire is asleep at this time of day. "Keyria, come on we need to get out of here, why did you leave with it?" A male voice asked.

"Go find the vampires and stake them, they shouldn't have been allowed on English soil." The ministry worker said as he starts to head towards the headmaster's office. "If I need to I will replace the Minister with someone that will do something about those dark creatures." He said to himself. The others rush off to find the dark creatures that are plaguing the school.

Vlad continues to sleep and he doesn't know that there is danger.

Anton continues to sleep as well and is still holding Keyria.
Keyria jumped, her eyes flinging open. "Who's there? Show yourself or prepare to get hurt." She had her hands raised, ready to whip up a storm if she needed to. Her leg was nudging Anton, ~Love, you need to wake, Now.~ She sent her message mentally, not wanting to alert her intruder to what she was doing.

Albus stirred in his chamber, something wasn't right. He woke slowly, sitting upright. "Check the grounds, let me know what is amiss." He voiced his command to Fawkes, knowing the loyal bird would cry loudly at finding something wrong on the grounds. He slid out of his bed, wrapping his heavy robe about him.
"It is me, Loki, Keyria." The male voice said and he carefully lights the tip of his wand, showing that it is Loki aka Orion Darkwell. [sorry came up with the name on the spot, Loki is his nickname, figured that would be a fitting name since he is in Gryffindor and is still friends with Keyria even though his house doesn't like him for that fact.] "I am sorry to wake you my friend, but there is trouble looking for him." He said.

Anton slowly stirs but when he hears the voice he sits up and pulls Keyria closer to him. A growl is deep in his chest as he doesn't know why there is another male in their chamber.
Keyria glared at him for a moment, then breathes calmly for Anton's sake. ~It's alright, dragoste. He's no threat.~ She sighed deeply. "Loki, thank you for finding us, but I belong with him. We can handle anything that comes for us, I'm sure." She smiled weakly at Loki, trying to reassure him that everything is alright.
"Your his mate then, that is cool, I was just worried for you my friend, I have been banned from the Tower again." Loki said with sadness in his voice.

Fawkes takes flight from his stand and flashes to the grounds and he then flies through the open doors and he sends a trill out that carries to his friend to let him know that there are people in the castle that shouldn't be.

One person that came with the Ministry worker has headed down into the dungeons.

Anton calms and he is wondering why he came buy he will lestlion.
"Yes, I'm his mate. Thank you for the warning, Loki. Go through to the Slytherin side, there's a little room by the entrance you can go to." She turned to Anton, her face now worried. ~Love, we must get dressed. I don't feel right, something's wrong.~ She moved to retrieve her clothing.

Albus heard Fawke's fateful cry, his face going sullen. Quickly he turned to the portraits in his office. "Act now. There are forces in my school that wish to cause harm to the students. We must stop them." He turned in a flash and quickly went to action himself. His old body moving rather quickly on his way to the dungeons.
"Okay thanks, Keyria." Loki said as he exits the room and closes the door. He has always been able to find Keyria where ever she has hidden herself.

Loki notices something off about the school and he positions himself close to where the door is but also facing the way that he can sense the ones that want to harm Keyria's lover. What most don't know about Loki is that he is a full Dark Elf that loves to cause chaos so he got the nickname of Loki. But only Keyria and the headmaster knows what he is.

One of the portraits starts to speak to Albus. "Sir there is a Gryffindor student out of the tower again, it seems to be Orion and the students of the Tower have banshed him again." The picture of the Fat Lady said. "I don't know why they do that to such a sweet child." She said before waiting on orders before going back to guarding the Tower enterance.

Vlad continues to sleep the sleep of the dead as the sun is high in the sky now. His powers are very weak at this moment and most of the time even if there are no windows his powers are greatly weakened.
Albus nods. "Thank you, I'll find him shortly. He'll be a great use to us right now." He started moving quicker, knowing Loki would be of great use to them in stopping whatever was threatening his school.

Keyria dresses quickly and turns to Anton. "Love, we must get moving. Loki wouldn't have sought me out unless there was trouble." She tries to smile, but something just wasn't sitting right in her gut.
Anton gets dressed and his clothing starts to change into his armor. "May I ask what is Loki?" He asked in curiosity.

Loki has goggles on to protect his eyes from the bright lights of the torches and the sun. He has always been made fun of for constantly wearing them. He continues down the stairs listening for any foot falls. He makes a trill about half way down to the first floor. Trying to let Keyria know that the way down is safe. The trill is like that of a phoenix and he doesn't realize that to the Headmaster he gave his position away. H wants to make sure that his friend and lover makes it to safety.

Vlad still doesn't realize that there is danger to him but he starts to stir as he senses that something isn't right within the castle.
Keyria helped him with his armor, her face sullen."Loki is a Dark Elf, usually playing pranks and causing a little chaos. He's a really nice guy, though. Misunderstood by a lot of people, but he's always been kind to me." She raised up and kissed him, her hands on his chest.

Albus rounded the corner, coming to face Loki. "Loki, what is it? I know something is amiss." He looked at the boy with a straight face, knowing the boy knew what was going on.
"That is a shame that not a lot of people like him." Anton said and he kissed her back. "We might as well catch up to your friend." He said with a smile as he raises his hand and his sword appears with its sheath and he attaches it around his waist.

"Headmaster, about 5 people entered the castle by the front door, one is the Ministry worker that wanted to take Mr. Dracul's son, several spit up 3 heading for the dungeon and 2 heading for your office but one of the 2 had split up and searching the castle for any dark creatures." Loki said. "But they will run into some very nasty traps." He said and his glamour fell showing his natural form. Even though he is young by his race's standards he is almost as tall as Professor Snape.

Vlad wakes fully and he puts on his armor and tells some of his body guards to secure the dungeons.
Keyria nods. "Yes, we should. Something isn't right, Anton." She moves toward the door, preparing to face whatever awaited them.

Albus nodded. "I thought something like this would happen. That's why I've added precautions of my own. I knew the Ministry wouldn't let this be. Come." He waved his hand, moving back up the stairs.
Anton moved towards the door and opens it and he steps out side. What most people don't know about the Dracul clan is that they carry two wands. One is in the sword that they carry and the other is made for them. Anton hears foot steps coming up. ~Dragoste I hear foot steps coming up the stairs.~ He said mentally and he prepares for battle if need be. He draws his sword and wand and falls into his family's fighting style.

Loki follows Albus but as he goes his glamour reappears to look like a normal human even though some can sense that he isn't human.

The ministry people continue to search and they have encountered several traps that have taken down their number from 5 to 3. "Where have these traps came from, I know for a fact that there are pranksters but their traps are never like these." One ministry people said to the remaining 2.
Keyria held up her hand, head turned to the sounds. ~It's alright, love. Just Loki and the Headmaster.~ She smiled at him, moving slowly through the door.

Albus quickly came to the door, noticing it opening. "We'll just stay here. They're coming out and I don't want to spook them. Let them feel who we are." He stood quietly, his arms crossed behind his back.

"I don't know, but you really didn't think Albus would just lay down about this, did you?" Said another Ministry worker, scared at what else they might encounter.
Anton nodded but he didn't put his sword or wand away. But he still exits the room and he finds a shadow to slightly disappear into. If someone didn't know what he looked like or even that he was there he would disappear from sight. "Good morning Headmaster." He said with a bow from the shadows. His eyes are already starting to hurt from the sunlight that is streaming from some of the windows. "There are not that many shadows are there?" He asked.

Loki still has his glamour up even though he knows that Keyria doesn't like it covering what he looks like. "No there are not that many shadows in the morning, the most is in the evening and then the shadows rule the night." He said. "The ministry workers will run into the spiders soon, they will not like what is coming to them as they also mean not just vampires harm but all the ones that they consider dark creatures, and my race the consider kill on sight." He said with sadness in his voice.

"No but these traps are not his style they seem to be more of something else's style." The one of the ministry worker said.

Their third person who was in front of the two talking suddenly cries out as spiders come out of the wood work sort of speak but also he sees the body guards of the vampires. "Spiders and guards." He is able to say before the spiders kill him.
Keyria nodded. "They want everyone they think is Dark out of the school. They won't give any of them a chance, not unless someone fights for them." She stepped in front of Anton. "Loki, even now you glamour yourself? You shouldn't, you know." She smiled weakly at him, knowing he still hadn't come to terms with someone accepting his true self.

Albus held his hand out. "Now, we aren't going to rush off and just start fighting. There are many traps set for something like this. I knew there would be ones who would try something like this." He turned, starting to head to where he thought they might be heading. "Come, we'll find them together."

"Shit! What the hell id going on here?" Another worker shouted, watching his co-worker being eaten by spiders.
Anton sheaths his sword and wand on his belt, and even with his school robes he would have both with him.

Loki looks sheepishly at Keyria. "When I noticed them I had put the glamour up to hide so that I could find you faster than being caught." He said as the glamour drops. "This better?" He asked her. His hair went from black to silver and his ears became pointed again and his skin became onyx and his eyes stayed the same amythest.

"I don't know but I am not liking it, it seems as if the castle is against us being here." He said.
Keyria smiled. "Yes, much better. Thank you." She started moving with the group, ready to fight for her love at her side. ~Nothing to worry about, dragoste. Another one like you that most do not understand.~ She mentally reassured Anton that her fondness for Loki was nothing romantic, not like he and she shared.

The ministry worker looked at his comrade. "Well, didn't you know that Albus had told the minister there would be a war if we tried this? Maybe the old cod was serious."
~So Loki is like a brother to you?~ Anton asked mentally.

"I still have to be careful though, I had accidently walked into Griffin tower like this." Loki said and he is wearing a glamour on his face to hide something from Keyria to where she wouldn't go off on others. He starts to walk towards the areas that he had set traps. "A few of my traps have been set off." He said as a few medium sized spiders scurry across the floor and one brushes against Loki's leg as if it is a cat. "There there, you and your clan did well protecting my home and friends." He said and the spider clicks as if it is talking. "Thank you, she said that her brothers have caught one and have kept two in the dungeon close to a spot that had guards stationed outside a room.
~Yes, much like a brother.~ She smiled, looking questioningly at Loki's glamoured face. "Well, should we move there then?" She asked the Headmaster, figuring she could ask Loki about his face later. It wasn't the time for that right now, they had more life threatening matters at hand. For all of them.

Albus nodded. "Yes, let us go see what we can find out from our intruders, shall we?" He made it sound as though they were going for tea, his face light and chipper.
"It was most likely father's room that they where getting close to." Anton said as he starts to head towards the stairs and as he got to the stairs it moved but he didn't stop. He jumped off the edge and landed on the landing of where the stairs where attached to and when he landed he ended up twisting his left ankle a little bit. He wants to continue but he also wants to wait for his mate. He doesn't want to leave her to far behind but he also wants to make sure that his father is alright as well.

Loki follows but stays near Keyria. "It seems as if your mate is worried about his parent." He said and his glamour slips a bit showing a deep gash going from above his left eye under the goggles and down the left side of his face.
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