Romanian Romance (Anton, Keyria)

"Someone saw me without my glamour within the Gryffin tower and this is the result of an attack." Loki said and he removes his goggles to show Keyria the full extent of the wound. It even slashes through his left eye. "If I go home now I would be put to death as my mother doesn't like males with defects even when they are almost an adult." He said with fear of going home for the school breaks.

Anton continues to wait on Albus, Keyria and Loki to catch up to him as he doesn't want to run into trouble along the way as he isn't sure if he can handle the trouble as he is still in training on some of the fighting that his clan does.
Keyria frowns at the thought of him unable to go home. "Well, I'm sure you could come with Anton and I. He won't say no, I'm sure." She darted up the stairs, knowing they could change at any moment. She reached Anton, breathing a little heavy.

Albus quickly makes it to Anton, a slight smile on his face.
Loki quickly catches up and stays near Keyria. "That would be nice, the Matron mother wouldn't like the fact that I have hidden myself on the surface either, been lucky so far that I haven't been caught and taken back home, I am a second boy of the house Neverwinter, and due to me leaving my home, my life is basically over if I am caught. I could end up as a slave or sacrificed to Lolith, depending on what Lolith tells the priestess of house Neverwinter." Loki said and unconciously giving a slight summary of his life before he came to the surface.

Anton smiles, "Sorry for running ahead of everyone." He said.
Keyria smiles at Anton, a hand reaching to brush his face. "It's alright love." She turned to Loki, her face becoming more serious. "Well, you'll just have to stay with me, then. I'll not have problems for you if I can prevent it. You know that." She gave him a warm smile, hoping to lighten his mood a little.
"Thank you, sister." Loki said with a smile but his skin is slowly losing color due to blood loss and his normal quiet steps are starting to lose focus.

"It is okay love, I hope that your brother is okay." Anton said reconizing that Keyria and Loki have something special as well as him and Keyria.

The Ministry worker that was looking for Albus finally finds him. "There you are Headmaster, I finally found you." He said and then he realizes that there are two non humans with the headmaster. "What are these creatures doing here?" He said as he still classifies a Dhampir as a vampire.
Keyria smiled at them both. "Loki, you need to heal. You're faltering in your steps." She turned slightly to Anton, the truth showing slightly on her face. "He'll be alright if he can heal."

Albus looked at the man, his face straight and stolid. "They are here at my invitation. I informed you of this in plenty of time, also reinstating that at the feast." He moved around the man, still intent on getting to Vlad's quarters.
Loki tries to heal himself but he stumbles into Keyria as he is really weakened by blood loss. Once he had found out what was going on in the castle he had rushed to find his friend and Anton. His eyes are slowly closing as he is losing conciousness.

Anton moves to catch both Keyria and Loki. "He doesn't look good at all but if you like i can carry him." He said.
"What is wrong with him besides his wound?" Anton asked as he stands guard making sure that nothing is going to happen to them.

Vlad exits his chambers to find that his guards have captured the two Ministry workers. "It seems that there are more than just us here these traps that protected this area are new." He said in thought.
"That seems to be the reason why I haven't seen him go to the Infirmary?" A female voice says as she walks towards them. Her hands are up showing that she has no weapon.

Loki's breathing starts to become shallow and his heart beat is slowing down. Even though he is trying to heal himself he has lost a lot of blood.

Anton turns to the new voice and he growls a warning and he moves closer to Keyria and Loki.

The Ministry worker had followed Albus leaving the creatures alone.
Keyria felt the herb near, one hand reaching for it quickly. Once grabbing hold of it she placed a bit in her mouth and chewed a few times. She carefully took the mashed herb and placed it along his gash, her hands holding in the heat. "Anton, who is that?" She asked him without looking.

Albus grunted softly. "So, why did you return after my fair and obvious warning?" He wanted to know just why they had decided to act, even after his clear reasoning against trying such a thing.
Loki flinches a bit from when Keyria put the mushed herb on his wound.

"It is me Keyria Becca I didn't feel right spotting your brother like he was. The ones that did that to him used one of his own daggers." Becca said.

"The minister and you are fools for letting them in." The ministry worker said as he follows Albus.

Vlad starts to walk towards the stairs.
Keyria bowed her head. "Damn! Well no wonder the herb isn't working right." She shifted slightly, bringing her face closer to Loki's. "Loki, you need to tell me what to do..I can't save you if I don't know how." She begged him to speak, just enough so she knew how to help him. Tears were falling from her cheeks.

Albus could feel himself getting angrier."No, you are the fools for not listening to my warning. Did you think I would let them in if I knew beyond a certainty they would harm anyone here?" His icy blue eyes stared down the man, almost daring him for an unkind answer.
Loki struggles to open his eyes. He moves his hand and pulls her hand to a hip pouch as a way to help Keyria. "Herb there but also need potion." He said

Anton continues to stand guard.

"Why wouldn't the herb that you used help him?" Becca asked.

"I don't think that I am a fool." The ministry worker said.

Vlad growls and he steps out of the shadows and just about draws his sword.
Keyria's hands fumble with his pouch, pulling out a little bottle of potion. She looks at him, her eyes glossy with tears."Do you need to drink it, or does it get poured onto the wound?" She asked him gently, unstopping the little bottle. She turned to Becca, her vision blurry. "Because a Dark Elf's weapons are usually enchanted, causing harm if used on themselves because it won't let their wounds heal fast enough."

Albus holds out his hand. "Now see here, I will not have intolerance in my school. I have things in place to keep watch over them, ensuring no chance of harm to any student." He was lying, but the worker wouldn't know that. He was skilled at hiding the truth, knowing he had nothing in place for such happenings.
Loki looks up at Keyria. "A little of each, a cloth dipped in the potion and a little is to be drank." He said and his voice started out strong but towards the end it had became weak. He is trying to focus on Keyria but his vision is a bit blurry. "Lucky they didn't get a hold of the one that has a poison on it." He said with a slight smile but he doesn't realize that his Dark Elf humor could fall on deaf ears.

Becca sucks in a breath when Loki had mentioned that. "How did they get a hold of one of your own weapons?" She asked.

Anton moves back towards them but still standing guard. "Will he be alright Keyria?" He asked worried over his mate's brother.

"Madam Umbridge had sent me here to see if there was and to apperened any that was near students or hurting students." The ministry worker said.

Vlad moves to stand near Albus. "I vouldn't hurt an apprentice even in my anger, younglings are treasures." He said and his Romanian accent is very strong, but it is more of an old Romanian accent due to learning from his so many great grand sire. "You should count your self very lucky, as great great great grand sire vould have had your head or body on a pike." He said.
Keyria nodded, ripping a piece of her robes off to apply the potion to. "He should be, if not..." She looked up at the both of them, "Well, I can't say that there won't be a few Gryffindors meeting a similar fate." Her eyes were full of fury, hatred for the ones who did this to him. She put the potion soaked cloth on the wound, then tipped the bottle to his lips. "Drink brother, be well please." She was urging him to heal, to get better and not leave her. She looked at Becca. "It wouldn't be too hard if they ganged up on him, a bunch on one would be easy to accomplish."

Albus chuckled. "Delores Umbridge is unstable, a lunatic. Did she also happen to tell you that she used an enchanted quill that would slice the words a student wrote into the backs of their hands? " He gave the worker a disapproving look.
Loki drinks a little of the potion and he slowly slips into a healing sleep. His wound starts to heal.

"It is wrong what they did to him, would he still be able to fight?" Becca asked. "What would happen if the healer here would try to treat Loki?" She asked.

Anton moves to place a hand on his mate's shoulder trying to calm her down.

"I have heard of her, she even thinks that Unicorns should be put down and that even ones that are half breeds shouldn't even have a right as a witch or wizard." Vlad said.
Keyria sighed with a little relief. "I would say that's what they did, I don't see them getting it one on one. And if the school healer didn't know what she was dealing with, she could possibly kill him." She looked at Becca with a weak smile. Anton's hand on her shoulder made her stand. "Love, thank you for understanding." She raised up and kissed him quickly.

Albus nodded. "Yes, so you can see the extent of her narrow mindedness. She doesn't even like half-blooded wizards or witches, not to mention the muggle borns." He looked at the worker over his glasses, knowing that his comment should have hit him.
Loki's wound continues to heal at a much faster rate than it was before.

"Loki would be to fast for them to get it one on one?" Becca asked trying to understand Keyria's Gryffindor friend, that has always been with the Slytherins. "Is his left eye going to be okay?" She asked.

"Your welcome love." Anton said as he hugs Keyria.

The ministry worker hangs his head and he feels like he is a student again. "I am sorry sir, I wasn't the one that truly organized this attack, she did, I had tried to get out of it but she had me over a kettle of fish." He said.

Vlad tries to hold in a yawn but doesn't quite does so.
Keyira nodded, "Yes, his speed is almost unmatched alone, humans generally don't stand a chance on their own with him. But becoming surrounded by a group, see the result of that." She looked at Loki, his wounds healing much faster now. She held to Anton, wanting to feel his warmth on her.

Albus chuckled a bit at the timing of the yawn. "Young man, you should stick to your loyalties. The first glance away from them leads only to more and more. Finally, you would betray your own family over what someone else tells you is right."
Loki shivers slightly as he doesn't do well with the cold weather to well. He always wraps up and sticks close to any fire or heat source. His left eye is slowly healing under his closed eyelid but the eyelid is also healing. He is even unsure if he would be able to see out of his left eye.

Becca nods her head.

Anton yawns slightly but trying to hide it.

"The deranged one has one of my family members up for exicution, for being a vampire within Britian." He said as all he wants is to protect family member.

Another yawn escapes Vlad as he is trying to stay awake as it is morning time and he is mostly up at night.
Keyira notices Loki's shiver, bending down to lean close. She turns her head to Anton." Love, would you lend me your robe? He needs to get warm, he's sensitive to the cold." She looks into Loki's face, seeing how well he was beginning to heal. She had doubts on his vision in his eye, but she was still a little hopeful.

Albus nods in understanding. "I can see where that might persuade you. Don't worry, we will do what we can to help your family. Now, if you can stop any further attacks, I've got a student badly injured in my halls and two very tired people to tend to." He bowed slightly, turning to see to his affairs.
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