Romanian Romance (Anton, Keyria)

Anton takes off his robe and hands it to Keyria. "Would body heat also help? I know that my body heat is more luke warm due to me being half vampire." He looks down at the floor as he can't really help his mate's brother. "How is he doing love?" He asked.

Becca takes off her robe revealing that she is in her night clothing and it is a nice fluffy robe. "Would this help?" She asked Keyria. She pulls out a new robe to put over herself from a bag that she has on her left hip. "I remembered how he was last winter so made sure that I had that one laying near the fire in Slytherin common room, and I put it on to try to keep most of the heat. What about heating charms would those help or hurt him?" She asked.

"Thank you and I appologize for hurting your son, I truly didn't want to but I was over a barrel. See my family is from out of country just moved here and when they found out that my family is some what has magical creature blood, they didn't want us coming over, I had to hide what is my family's magical creature blood, only me and my brother are half, my father is full and mother is human." He said.

Vlad nods his head. "I vould have done the same thing but vould have turned the person that vas threatening my clan member into a part of da forest back home." He said referring to the forest of bodies that his great great great grand sire had created.

[there now we know how many greats before grand sire is. lol]
Keyria took the robe, a smile for her mate. "Thank you, it needs to be gradual. Much like freezing in the snow, heating too fast could hurt him more." She places the robes over him, rubbing her hands over his arms and chest. ~Body heat does indeed help, my love. But this will work just as well.~ She added the mental note to Anton, knowing he must have been hinting around at something.

Albus simply nodded. "It's alright, just get them and come back here, I'll have something lined out for you upon arrival." He continued walking back to the students in the hallway.

Loki groans in his sleep and shifts closer into the robe trying to find warmth. The wound is starting to close up more leaving a visible scar across his face. As the wound heals slowly from the bottom and moves up to his left eye. His eye and eyelid are taking the longest to heal but the rest of the wound has pretty much healed.

~Was just wondering, most of my family besides mother is very cold, not sure how she handle's dad's body heat.~ Anton said mentally.

Becca nods her head, "I knew that he would come to our common room but when I didn't see him I tried to make sure that the robe was still at least warm." She said.

"Thank you Albus, I am sorry that I tried to hurt your guests, I truly didn't want to the others with me where there to make sure that I did my job and was suppose to report back to her, I have a feeling that she wouldn't even let me see my twin I also have a feeling that she plans to still kill him, oh sorry where are my manners, my name is Alexander Gabriel Winchester." Alexander said.

Vlad nods his head and another yawn escapes him and he accidentally leans against Albus as sleep is slowly pulling him back under and the pull of the sun and not being on Romanian soil is starting to take its toll.
Keyria nods to the silent comment, her voice directed at Becca. "Yes, it's a shame he is more welcome in our house than his own." She kept rubbing her hands over him, easing him into warmth. She moved her hands down to his legs, placing them at mid-thigh.

Albus nodded again. "Vlad, my friend. Retire back to your chambers. All is well, I can handle anything further." He gave his old friend a smile, extending his hand to Alex. "Thank you, Alexander. I've got someone en route right now to retrieve your family, do not worry."
Loki moves closer to Keyria in his sleep and his eyelid has finished healing but there is still blood and a little bit of puss like substance running from his eye.

Anton smiles. "It is a shame, why is he not welcome in his own house?" He asked with curiousity.

Becca nods. "I know it is a shame, but our house has banded together to protect him the best that we can." She said.

Alex shakes Albus' hand and smiles. "Thank you sir."

Vlad shakes his head trying to wake himself up. "Sorry I am not much help my friend."

He said before he retired to his chambers.
Keyria rubs Loki's body, feeling his responses. "His house sees him as something Dark, something evil. They seem to think he can't be a good person because of what he is. Something you and I both know is a lie." She looked at Anton, her smile loving and only for him.

Albus gave Vlad a discerning glance. "Nonsense, you were still ready to defend my school. That's help enough for me. Have a pleasant rest, I'll send for you around dusk for a meal."
Loki slowly starts to stir as the warmth works its way through his body. A groan escapes him as he tries to move even though he is weak from blood loss.

"It is sad that it is like that, I thought that Gryffindors where also about seeing past all that, or was that a one time thing?" Becca asked.

Anton smiles at Keyria and he moves to help her keep Loki warm. "Is there anything that I can do to help?" He asked.

"Thank you my friend, I hope that you have a pleasant morning well more pleasant than it has been." Vlad said with another yawn as he makes his way back to his chambers.

Alexander watches the vampire go back to where he was resting. "May I ask a question?" He asked hoping that he can.
Keyria pressed her hands firmly to Loki's chest, making him feel that he shouldn't move. "I believe it was a one time thing, or perhaps something unique only to a true member of the house." She looked at Anton, a smile trying her lips. "Just hold me, love. Your heat wouldn't help him right now." She bows her head.

Albus gave a single nod as Vlad moved away, his attention turning to Alex. "Yes, a question not asked is one you will never find the answer to."
Loki stops trying to move.

Anton sits down and holds onto Keyria trying to comfort her the best that he can.

"It is a shame on that." Becca said.

"I was wondering how you met him?" Alexander looks in the direction that Vlad had went in. "If you don't want to that is okay, my family is a mixture of demon blood and human blood." He said trying to be helpful to Albus.
Keyria starts humming, the tune was one she remembered from a long time ago. ~Thank you, my love.~ Her mental voice rang in a singing tune, her body starting to sway.

Albus bowed his head. "Perhaps that is something best left when we can all sit down together. It is no disrespect to you, simply a respect for my friend."
Anton continues to hold Keyria. ~Your welcome.~

Loki calms down more and his body heals more. His eyelid heals all the way. His left eye continues to heal and it has almost finished healing.

Becca continues to sit and watches.

Vlad climbs into his bed and falls back to sleep.
Anton holds onto Keyria even more. ~May I ask what tune that is?~ He asks mentally not wanting to break her humming as he notices that it is helping Loki.

Loki's body finishes healing completely and he snuggles into the robe and sleep claims him more.

Becca is watching the hall way to make sure no one else comes upon them.

Alex smiles. "I understand, sir, would it be alright if I walk with you back to your wounded students, I would like to apologize to the young Dhampir for what I had done to him." He said as he hangs his head. His hair is slightly lighter than it was as his glamour is slowly starting to fade.
Keyria rested her head against Anton's chest, her humming becoming more intricate. ~It's Ga'alic, my love. Something I remember from a long time ago.~

Albus nods. "Of course, I need to show you where to stay for the evening anyway." They are almost to the small group of students, he can hear a faint humming.
~It is beautiful love.~ Anton said as he holds her. He also notices that Loki is settling down more. ~It seems like your humming is helping your brother out.~

Loki continues to snuggle into the robe and he can feel his strength slowly returning to him as the humming continues.

Becca continues to keep watch and when she sees shadows coming along the wall she stands up and draws her wand to defend her friends if need be.

Alexander nods his head. "Thank you even though I don't think that I deserve it for what I have done." He said and his voice shows that he is ashamed of his actions.
Keyria stopped humming, looking closely at Loki. ~Are you sure? You don't think it's just the potion?~ She wanted to watch him for a minute, wanted to see what happened.

Albus shakes his head. "Nonsense, we all make mistakes. Even those slightly less human." He gave Alex a small smile, his hand reaching out in front of him. "Relax, Becca. It's just Dumbledore." His voice was light, ensuring he didn't alarm the girl.
~Yes at least to keep him from moving to much.~ Anton said as he holds onto Keyria.

Loki stirs and tries to move again and his right hand almost reaches for his boot where he has a dagger.

Becca relaxes and she smiles at the Headmaster.

Alexander walks behind Albus and he steps into the torch light. His glamour has almost completely fallen by now.
~Your welcome.~ He said and hugs her very gently as sometimes he doesn't know his own strength.

Loki starts to calm down again and he slowly starts to fall back asleep.

"I think so sir, Loki was wounded by one of his own." Becca had said as she didn't know if owning weapons in the school was allowed.

Alexander watches and he steps closer but not to close to be considered a threat. "I am sorry for what I did to you and your mate." He said.
Keyria nodded, leaning into Anton for support while she worked on Loki.

Albus nodded curtly, moving toward the stairway. "Becca, would you and Alex please gather Loki? I think we should get him to the hospital wing quickly. Madame Pomphrey will get him sorted out soon." He bowed his head slightly at the group, giving a small wink to Anton
"Yes sir." Alex said as he carefully picks up Loki in his arms. Becca looks and hopes that the young Drow would be okay.

Anton nods his head at the headmaster. "What about his system some of the potions I think would harm him though." He asked in thought as he wraps his arms around Keyria.

Loki growls as he is moved and flinches as the light hits his closed eyes.
Keyria rises to her feet quickly, moving to place a hand on Loki's face. "Hush Loki. It's alright. They're going to help you." She cooed to him, brushing her fingers lightly over his head as she looked at Anton.
Albus shook his head, looking to the floor as he spoke. "No, Mr. Dracul. We will be able to find what we need to heal him. Do not worry about him, we will send for you should we need either of you." He tipped his head once more, turning to make his way down the stairs.
Anton looks at Keyria and he steps closer to her. "Could it be the lighting that is causing him to flinch?" He asked his mate.

"Sir, I don't know what the Department of Magical Creatures are going to do but I know that they are going to be revising the Danger rating soon." Alexander said. "The legistlative might try to push for a bill to be passed in Congress that might cause more difficultiy for magical creatures to go to school." He said talking about the British Ministry but using some of his home terms for the Wizarding government that is along side the Mundane government.

Loki settles down and leans into the touch of his sister in all but blood.
Keyria shook her head, looking at the headmaster. "No, it isn't the lighting love. It's the wounds. Drow are very odd people, hurting in ways you wouldn't think possible. Becca? Try talking to him while you walk, maybe hold his hand a little. It should soothe him enough to keep him still until you get him to the hospital wing." She slowly let her hand slip from Loki's face, giving Becca enough time to take her place.

Albus listened and nodded. "Well, I shall have to make my voice known in this action. Schooling should be available to those who need it, given they are able to control their more aggressive sides. When does this meeting take place?"
Keyria Lovi said:
Keyria shook her head, looking at the headmaster. "No, it isn't the lighting love. It's the wounds. Drow are very odd people, hurting in ways you wouldn't think possible. Becca? Try talking to him while you walk, maybe hold his hand a little. It should soothe him enough to keep him still until you get him to the hospital wing." She slowly let her hand slip from Loki's face, giving Becca enough time to take her place.

Albus listened and nodded. "Well, I shall have to make my voice known in this action. Schooling should be available to those who need it, given they are able to control their more aggressive sides. When does this meeting take place?"

"Last I heard sir it was going to be sometime today, I also think that they where going to do something to my brother as well, they haven't been feeding him, and a demon even half demon isn't very nice when hungry." Alex said as he is also fighting his own demon side as he is worried for his twin and he can feel his twin's pain. He continues to walk towards the Hospital Wing.

Becca nods her head and she takes Keyria's place and starts to talk to Loki. "It is okay, no one is going to hurt you." She said as she walks with Alex.

Anton wraps his arms around his mate's waist and he holds her to him. "So what can we do to help him?" He asked as he walks with them.
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