Romanian Romance (Anton, Keyria)

Albus nodded, looking very concerned. "Well, once we get Loki here settled, I will make my absences to the school. I will see what I can do to bring your brother to you, so long as you can keep him from causing any trouble." He led them through the stairways, moving quickly for the hospital wing.

Keyria held her body close to Anton, shaking her head a little. "Not now, my love. I could only keep him calm, he needs treatment to actually heal." She could feel a few tears in her eyes as her almost-brother struggled. An inner fury was rising just thinking about people doing this to someone.
"Yes I can, I can feel how he is doing, he is starved and hurt." Alex said as he continues to carry Loki.

Becca continues to hold Loki's hand and to quietly talk to him so that her voice wouldn't hurt his sensitive hearing.

"So Drow weapons are harsher than other weapons or about the same?" Anton asked in curiousity.
Keyria shuddered a little, looking at Loki. "Harsher. They usually have some kind of enchantment or poison on them. Not something to play with."

Albus rounded the last corner, pushing the doors to the hospital wing open. He turned to the group, his face sullen. "I'm sorry, but once Loki is taken in, I must ask you to retire. I will collect you should your services be needed, but it will do no good for Loki if he's crowded."
"I understand sir, I am most likely going to find a place to get something to eat or to meditate." Alex said as he carries Loki into the Hospital Wing.

Becca nods her head and she continues to hold Loki's hand and quietly reassuring the young Drow that he is safe.

"Ouch. Should we let the healer know about anything that might startle him?" Anton asked his mate.

Loki has started to drift into a light healing sleep even though he is in pain. His hand that Becca is holding jerks a little as the pain is starting to intensify again.
"So she has possibly had some students that have had extra sensitive hearing and sight?" Anton asked in curiosity as he hasn't been to the hospital wing at all. He also don't know if the healer would want to do a check up on him since he is technically a new student.

Alex nods his head at Albus. "Thank you sir." He said as he leaves after lays Loki down on a bed towards the healer's office.

Becca stays near Loki's bed as she doesn't know what would happen if she left as she doesn't know if Loki would start to do what he had done in the corridor.

Loki whimpers as he was laid down on the bed.

(OOC: didn't know if you wanted to play Madam Pomphry)
Keyria looked at the scene. "I don't know, but I don't think she's just worked here. I think she might have worked at Mungo's for a while, so she might have ran into some stuff there. " She leaned against him, her body shivering slightly from the cool air.

Madame Pomphrey swept through the room, coming to the bed near Loki. She looked up at the girl beside him and spoke quickly. "What happened to him?"
"Ah, healers back home know about the sensitivity of the senses due to them being part of the clan as well." Anton said as he casts a warming charm.

"I came upon Keyria healing him well I think making him more comfortable to where he could have been brought here. Something about a Drow weapon doing the damage. I am sorry but I don't understand what could cause that much damage to someone." Becca said even though she is still confused by all this she tries her best to let the healer know what happened.

Alex heads towards where he thinks the place to get food is at.

Loki lays there and a small whimper escapes him.
Keyria nuzzled into her mate, her body shivering just slightly. "I just hope they can heal him. I wouldn't want to think of what would happen if they can't."

Pomphrey looked over Loki, shaking then nodding her head. "Well, it's not good, but I can help him. It's going to take a couple of days to get the right potion, but I have enough here to hold him until then. As for anything else he needs, it's rest. You all have done a great job getting him to me, it would have been much worse if you had waited any longer. Now, he needs rest." She moved quickly, heading for the large cabinet full of bottles.
"I hope so as well, the next question is how he ended up like that and how long he had been like that before he basically collapsed." Anton said as he tries to keep his mate warm.

Becca nods her head and she moves out of the way so that Madame Pomphrey can work. "I am going to go back to my dorm since that is what the headmaster said well some what said." She said as she starts to exit the Hospital Wing.

Loki shivers as his body is heating up again. His skin starts to turn to a pale coloring than his normal skin tone. A whimper escapes him as the pain starts to increase again.
Keyria shook her head, wondering the exact same thing as her lover. "I don't know, love. Only Loki can tell us that, and we will have to wait until he is better to know." She jumped when Loki whimpered, tensing knowing there is nothing she has the power to help with.

Pomphrey grabbed a bottle of bright red liquid, rushing back to Loki's side with graceful ease. "Hush now, this should help ease the pain for now." She cooed to him, lifted his head while letting the potion slip slowly through his lips. She turned to the others in the room, her voice powerful but soft. "He really needs to rest now, please. You can come check on him tomorrow, but you all really need to get some sleep."She nodded her head just barely, turning her attention back to Loki.
"Yes, and it seems like we will be on pins and needles until he is better." Anton said as he walks with his mate.

Loki's body relaxes under the potion as the pain leaves. His body still shivers and is hotter than it should be. His body is still very pale in his skin tone.

Becca had exited the Infirmary and had went back to her dorm room.
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