OH Baby(sitter) (Wolvenrogue and Frogger)

It was obvious that jeanine liked the food as well. She ate hungrilly, with her fingers, and though she had a messy face, she also wore a smile, especially when she looked at Carissa.
Carissa ate delicately, barely touching the food as she watched the other two. Once the little girl was done she picked up the dishes. "There we are... I'll just bring up the baked apples next."
Jason made faces at Jeanine as they waited for Carissa to return with desert. When she did return, it smelled heavenly, and he wished she would allow him to show her the affection she really so richly deserved. Though it wasn't easy to admit, she was really mor responsive to him than Jennifer had been.
"Here we are. Baked apples, with caramel sauce." Carissa beamed at the two waiting on her as she set the dish down on the nightstand. "Be careful, it's hot. We need to let it cool off for a little bit before we cut into it." Her fingers playfully ran over the little girl's nose, making her giggle.
Jason stuck his finger in the caramel, blew on it to cool it and let Jeanine lick it from his finger. She smiled, and then tried to bite down hard. Luckily her teeth werent cut yet.
Carissa laughed softly, sticking her finger in the caramel to see what temperature it was at. "Oh... That's much better than what it was," she commented, taking out the bowls she brought up to serve portions.
Jason smiled as he bit into his. "No wonder she likes it. Its simply wonderful!" he sat and ate with the girls, beaming ear to ear. When the dishes were put away, he got quiet. He was unsure about askin what he knew he must. "Carissa, can you get me to the bathroom. I can take care of my self once i'm there, he said. Once that's finished I need to wash my wounds." He was very afraid that the request would scare her away.
"Oh....uh, yes. I can do that..." Carissa was blushing pink when she turned back to him, fidgeting with her skirt. "Do you need help sitting up first?"
he was abble to sit up with some pain, but couldn't swing his legs out of the bed, or even get them out from under the covers. " My legs are stiff, I need some help with them."
Carissa nodded, moving forward and gently taking his legs into her arms. "I'll be as slow and gentle as possible... Alright? Just work with me... I'm a woman. I'm not as strong as you are."
"I will " he said. He put his arm around her shoulder as she lifted his legs. When she did his hospital gown fell away from his waist, exposing his abdomin, his sex, and the angry red wound that ran diagonally from his thigh to a point just above his left hip. he blushed in embarasment as his good left arm was holding on to her shoulder and his right arm hung useless. "I'm sorry you have to see that" he said.
"N-No...It's fine... Don't worry about it..." Carissa quickly looked away to make him feel better, blushing darkly. "How about...we just get you to the bathroom...hm?"
he struggled to walk to the bathroom and as he sat down he let her leave the room. When he had finished, and was ready he tried to wash the wound, but couldn't do it left handed. He called to her. When she appeared at the door, he said," I'm sorry as hard as I try, I cant wash myself with my left hand."
Carissa heard his question, and ducked her head inside to check up on him. “Oh…don’t worry about it. I’m supposed to be helping you…remember?” Still blushing, she came in to take the washcloth from his left hand. “Just tell me if I’m pressing too hard…alright?” Now kneeling down at his side, she dabbed at the wounds gently.
He winced a little. He knew it would hurt and held on. She was gentle and kind. her hands felt wonderful against his skin. He was almost grateful for the pain, it held down his arousal which otherwise would have quickl aken over as she had to move his member out of the way several times. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. "Your doing just fine," he finally said. When she finished and covered him, he was less concerned, and his thoughts went immediately to what had just happened. He felt his manhood respond, and did his best to discourage it. As she lifted him and helped him walk back to the bed, his hardened member slipped into view momentarily, He blushed hotly and hoped she hadn't noticed.
“That’s good. I would hate to have hurt you.” Carissa didn’t notice his hardened member, or anything at all for that matter. Carefully she laid him down in his bed, adjusting the sheets.
"I know you would never hurt me. Your so gentle." he thought about it but couldn't remember if she had told him what she was studying, but thought that for her nursing would be an excellent carreer. "You would make an excellent nurse! he said.
Carissa smiled faintly, raising her head up once she was done with the sheets. "I hope so. I really would love that sort of career... If I can't be a nurse, I wouldn't mind being a therapist. Or one of those people that administers the gas before a surgery. Anything that helps people in one way or another..." Turning her back to him, she began gathering the dishes so that she could head downstairs. "I'll be back in a little while to check up on you. Alright?"
"Ok"... he said.. the bed felt like a prison to him now. He wanted to get up and follow her to the kitchen, but he knew after the trip to the bathroom that wasn't going to work. He flipped on the TV, but nothing apealed to him. he picked up his phone and sent her a text.
"Do you know that you have put my broken life back on its feet? I love you for that. Thankyou"
"Uh..." Carissa gazed down at her phone, not sure what to say at all. The message was sweet to be put very simply. However...she didn't feel like she did anything worth a 'thank you'. All she has done so far was cook dinner, help him to the bathroom, and help clean his wound... That was all. It made her feel...nice though. Like she was making a difference. After setting down the dishes, she began texting back a response.
"I haven't done that much. There's no need to thank me."
His text came right back. "you have no idea!" he smiled and pushed send. It was kind of fun texting with her. He fulled off his hospital gown, and leaving himself covered by the blankets from the waist down, snapped a bare chested picture. He sent it to her with the caption: You could have all of me if you wanted it. Wish you did.
Carissa's eyes went wide, the blush growing ever darker due to the picture. "Oh my..." she whispered, shaking her head. Just why did he send this to her? With a quiet little laugh she began typing back a reply, not sure just what to say but going to try and stitch together something to say to it.
"Um....That isn't my place. Sorry. You are nice to look at."
He layed down on his side and supported his head with his hand The covers down a little lower so that every thing from the hollow of his hips, including his washboard abs were showing and snapped another pic. He added the words "It could be" and sent it. He was having fun flirting with her by text.
"No....it couldn't be." Carissa blushed darker, shaking her head. "It won't be...because you are only my employer...nothing more..." Setting aside the phone, she began washing the dishes to get her mind off the messages. Once she was done, she picked it back up to answer.
"It couldn't be."
"You mean you don't want it to be?" he texted back with a tearful smily. He set the phone down and tried to close his eyes and make the best of the situation, but he could only think of her. He laid there wishing that some how he could make her see what she really meant to him.
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