OH Baby(sitter) (Wolvenrogue and Frogger)

Jason had to answer. "She feels secure and safe and she can see me too and just play. She hasn't been able to do that the last month with out her Momma." He continued to play picaboo, and Janine was a bundle of laughter and giggles. Jason looked at the clock, it was 4:00 pm..Time had flown by. "You better get home and get her settled down, They will be in here any minute to start checking me out of here.
"Oh, right!" Carissa quickly gathered the little girl close, standing up and getting everything together. "Well... We will see you tonight then," she told him. "Is there anything you would like to have for supper? I can cook it...or if you want, I can buy some pizza... Just whatever you would like."
"I really like your cooking, whatever strikes your fancy." he kissed his daughter and sent her home with Carissa. He was thinking "her mother", but kept those thoughts to himself. The nurse came in a few minutes later. "That girl is a sweet heart. You will hang on to her if your smart. "I know , he said, "unfortunately she is a bit intimidated." "just be patient" the nurse said. "I'm sure she will come around. She is already doing the hard things." Jason hoped the nurse was right. He committed to be as patient as possible with Carissa.
Carissa decided to head to the store. Although she bought plenty of groceries a few days before, there was a couple of things she would like to get for tonight's dinner. After all, her employer deserves some good food after being in the hospital. Sticking Jeanine into the seat portion of the cart, she rolled it down the aisle of a store.
Jason was dressed by the nurse after she had tended to the large cut in the hollow of his left hip. and the slice on his left inner thigh. These were noteasily seen or cleaned when he was dressed. "Those wounds need daily care he said, besure they get attention, the nurse warned him. Jason nodded and sat in the wheelchair with the nurses help.
He was wheeled downstairs and loaded into the ambucab for the ride home.

As Carissa shopped, she was constantly stopped by other women, commenting on how sweet her baby was, and how well behaved. Jeanine was a happy baby, and seemed to be constantly looking into Carissa's sparkling eyes.
"Oh, uh... Thank you. She isn't mine," Carissa explained to each woman in turn. "I'm only taking care of her. Jeanine is quite sweet though..." After laughing at her own comment, she bid farewell, going on her way. It wasn't going to be long before he was driven home. She needed to hurry up and buy all the ingredients for dinner.
When Jason arrived at home, the driver and his assistant carried him upstairs on a stretcher, and got him into bed> As they passed by wonderful smellwere comming from it. "MMMMM smells good! he called out to Carissa.
"I cant wait! he said as they took him up the stairs.
Carissa laughed, taking the baby upstairs so that she could spend time with her daddy. "I hope it'll be good," she told him. "Do you like ham? I'm baking a nice big juicy one in the stove...with a honey glaze that's to die for." She winked, playfully poking him in the stomach. "Just expect this to be bulging when you get through."
He laughed, surprised at her playfulness. "Yes, I love ham! adn don't worry, I'll eat plenty." he took jeanine and let her play on the bed. he set her so she could see his face and her back was to Carissa, but she turned looking over her shoulder every time Carissa spoke, as if she was making sure that Carissa was still there.
"That's good. I thought it would be a nice treat to have....and no, I didn't use your card. I'm using my own money while I buy groceries and such. It is only fair." Carissa watched the baby girl for a minute or so, glad to see her so happy. While her father was gone, she seemed depressed. Now that he was back, she will smile and clap her little hands and be happy in general. "Now, take care of Jeanine while I check on the ham. I don't want it to burn." After poking him in the belly again, she started to leave.
When she reached the door, jeanines little lips began to quiver, and she started to cry. Jason rubbed her back but it only helped for a second. Her cries could be heard all the way to the kitchen. Jason did his best but hoped that Carissa would soon return.
Carissa bit her lip, turning back around to look at the child. "I have to go check on the food... but she won't stop crying..." Torn, she went back to the baby and picked her up. "Do you want to help me see how the ham is doing? Huh?"
Jeanine smilled at her and giggled. "Mamma!" she said clear as a bell. Jason looked away , and said nothing, but inside he was smiling. His little girl was infectious, and he knew it, what's more,despite her resistance to the idea, Clarissa made a nearly ideal mother.

"The ham smells wonderful" Jason said trying to change the subject.
Carissa blushed pink, laying her chin on top of the little girl's. "That's good... I thought you might like some ham. Is there any certain sides you would want with it? I haven't started anything because I was mostly concerned about the ham... I have corn, potatoes, green beans, just about anything you can name."
"Scalloped potatoes? its my absolute favorite, Oh and green bean caserole" he couldn't believe she was so acommodating. He wanted to hug her so badly, but was afraid to not wanting to frieghten her away, when she was just warming up to the family.
"Alright. I can make that..." Carissa nuzzled the baby, running her fingers through the red locks. "Is there any sort of dessert you would like? I can make cake...or some sort of pie... Whatever you like.''
"Baked Apples?" Now he really felt spoiled. "Your being so sweet to me. Can I give you a hug?" he asked her. He couldn't help himself, but he did manage to ask permission first.
"Uh..." Carissa blushed darker, glancing at him before looking away. "You don't have to... Besides... You probably shouldn't be moving around so much... I want you to get better as quickly as possible... Do you want those baked apples in caramel? That tastes really good... I can also make a mean apple crisp..."
"The caramel sounds deliscious!" he said doing his best to hide his dissapointment. He layed back in bed ashe went back downstairs and dreamt of the day she might change her mind. He took a blank notebook from the nightstand drawer, and started a journal.
Carissa sat the baby down in her high chair, going back to the kitchen to work on the rest of dinner. It won't take her that long to make scalloped potatoes, but the green bean casserole does require some time. While it's baking, she can work on the baked apples. Humming under her breath she went to make everything he wanted.
Jason was glad to see her so happy, especially around Jeanine. He waited patiently in his room, while she finished dinner. He was already tired of being in bed, but when he moved wrong his leg reminded him of just why he was there.
"There we are! Finished!" Carissa chirped, taking out plates to portion out everything. Her plan was to eat up in his room with him and the baby. That way, he wouldn't be lonely.
When she came up with the baby and her chair, he was happy. He made faces at Jeanine, while she went back for the food. Everything tasted wonderful. "You are such a good cook! he said. I am so lucky to have you here."
Carissa laughed weakly, blushing a dark red. "No... I'm not that good of a cook... I'm sure you would like any other woman's cooking..." Fixing the little girl's dinner, she went on to eat her own dinner.
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