OH Baby(sitter) (Wolvenrogue and Frogger)

"Misled?" "what on earth did she mean?" he wondered. he didn't bother to ask." I'm not hungry, Thankyou" He turned his attention again to his daughter. He bounced her with his good leg, and smiled at her, finally getting a laugh from her. It warmed his heart. He did his best to burry his hurt down deep. His longing for Jen and his dashed hopes that Carissa would be willing to take her place in their hearts. He only hoped that Jeanine would understand when the day came that Carissa made good her word and found love elsewhere.
Carisa approached the bed, running her fingers over the little girl's red hair. "Yes," she simply answered. A kiss was planted to her forehead, making the child giggle and smile crookedly. "Are you sure? The nurse didn't say that I couldn't bring anything in for you... There aren't any restrictions on your diet. I could go out and buy you whatever you like." Shyly she pressed a hand to his cheek, thumb rubbing over his skin. To see that hurt in his eyes...it really tore at her own heart. It wasn't as though she took pleasure in causing others pain... All she was doing before was telling the man the truth. That he couldn't love her, or care about her, after a mere day.
"I'm sure," he said forcing a smile. "You go ahead, I'll be just fine here with Jeanine." He didn't want to hurt the sweet girl. She really had been wonderful. he only hoped she wouldn't give up too soon. He played with Jeanine and tried to forget all that had happened the last two weeks, hoping it had all been a dream. Sleep would be near impossible now. He feared what he would find when he woke up.
"Alright...I'll be back soon. Try to rest, won't you? It will help you heal faster. The faster you heal, the quicker you can get out of here and back to home... I mean, your home." Carisa flushed pink. For a moment she thought of the house as both his home and hers. Stepping back, she tucked her hair behind her ears, turning around to leave.
Jason kissed Jeanine softly and handed her back to Carissa. Theuy looked so natural together, he wished she coould see what he did, but he said no more about it. He was just grateful that she hadn't quit with all the trouble he had been to her.
Carisa cradled the little girl, kissing the top of her head. "You didn't say anything about resting," she told him. "Promise that you'll rest, and I'll leave you along about the matter. Do you hear me?"
"I will try and rest" he said. "Please come back soon" he turned his face to the wall to hide the tears that began to stream down his face. He was indeed tired, and that combined with grief and loneliness that imediately set in was too much for him. However, he held back the sobs until Carissa and the baby were out of the room. Hearing him crying the nurse came in and added a powerful sedative to his IV and he passed into a fitfull sleep.

During the night he relived the day of the accident over and over in his dreams.
Carisa arose in the morning, feeding the baby before getting to work in the kitchen. It was an idea of hers to make something special for him while he's stuck at the hospital. Maybe eggs, grits, bacon, sausage.... well, she didn't know all that he liked, so it didn't hurt to make so much. Scrambling the eggs with a fork, she made sure Jeanine was doing alright before sticking the bacon slices into the microwave. Today there wasn't any classes for her to attend to. It wasn't like she had anything better to do, and the little girl should see her father as much as possible. Once everything was done and packaged up, she took her and left the house.
When Carissa walked in with Jeanine on her hip and a basket smelling of bacon Jason's eyes lit up. He held out his good arm to take the Baby and cuddled her next to him. "That smell really good". he said a genuine smile on his face. Thank you for coming and for bringing breakfast."
"It's no problem..." Carissa blushed red and turned her head off to the side so that he couldn't see. "I thought you would like the food... I'm sure hospital food isn't the greatest... Is there anything there you don't like? I wasn't sure...so I made a bit of everything. Tomorrow I was thinking I can make you some pancakes...or waffles. Whichever you prefer..."
"Pancakes sound wonderful." He said. The nurse walked in as they were talking, and overheard the conversation. "Well you can fix them for him at home," the nurse said. "He is being released this evening at 6pm assuming that all goes well with his final testing. He'll need to stay off his feet the next two weeks, but experience has shown that patients heal much better at home with family than in the hospital. Speaking directly to Carissa she said "He'll need some support, but nothing you won't be able to handle. Our home health aide will be around every few days to check on his progress and answere questions you might have on caring for him." He knew that they were assuming she was his wife, and realized that what they might ask of her might make her uncomfortable. When the nurse left, he quickly said, "don't worry if there is anything your uncomfortable doing, I'll hire a nurse. You concentrate on the baby, and doing what ever your comfortable with."
Carissa laughed weakly, shaking her head. "No, it's fine, really. I have no problem with taking care of you. It's just feeding you and such, right? It won't be that bad." She smiled faintly down at the prone man.
The nurse, hearing what she had said took her aside. "it will be more than that sweety. He needs help standing, and can't change his clothes by himself, and lots of other things. Its bound to get personal. If you are ok with that then its a wonderful opportunity, if not, better to let him hire a nurse, till he gets better. Honestly, though were it me, I'd take him home in a minute, but its perfectly clear, that isn't what interests him." The nurse left the room again, and a few minutes later a social worker arrived. "Mrs Thomas? I have some home care items I'd like to reveiw with you."
"Some home care items?" Carissa glanced back at her employer, thinking. It was difficult enough, she was sure, that he was living with a complete stranger to help take care of his child. To have another one helping with his personal care though? It would be better if she did this herself...no matter how uncomfortable it was bound to be. "Alright, I'm coming." How bothersome...that she was actually getting used to being called by that name. With a shake of her head she got up to leave, leaving the baby girl with her daddy. "I'll be right back."
"Alright he said smiling at her and her willingness to do so much for him. This was way beyond what she had signed up for, and he knew it. He held the baby with his good arm and kissed her. He felt so lucky at this moment. the social worker took Carissa to a small conference room, and gave her instructions on wound care, and on how to support some one nearly twice your weight safely. She also provided a bathing schedule, indicating that the safest method fo helping someone bathe at home was to shower them and be in the shower with them. The hospital would provide a shower chair and and unless they had one a shower wand which could be easily installed. Regular bathing , she said was esential to preventing infection. She also gave Carissa a beeper for her to wear with which she could summon immediate help if needed.
Carissa felt a little overwhelmed by this, but at least she didn't have classes to worry about on top of this. Accepting all the items, she thanked the woman for explaining everything to her. "I really appreciate it. I'm still learning this sort of thing at the college, but that doesn't mean I know everything. He's being released tonight, right?"
"Yes" the socialworker said. "He will be delivered to the house by ambucab at 6 pm. He is far too heavy and too badly injured for you to attempt to transport him just yet. If you can just be home, and have a bed ready, it will be just fine. The driver will have an assistant to get him into bed initially. They will also deliver your equipment."
"Oh, thank you. That's great to hear." Carissa nodded, leaving the room to head back into his. "You'll be home tonight," she told him, running her fingers over the baby's hair.
"Thank you for putting up with all this. It is way more than I could have expected. You have no idea what it means to me. " he smiled at her and hugged the baby, but as soon as Jeanine saw Carissa, she reached out her little arms to her and with a longing look that said pick me up, said "Momma?". The word was clear as day, and full of inocence and longing. no one in the room could have mistaken its meaning. A tear rolled down Jason's face, and he smiled at her. "It's so sweet, and so true. It just shows how well you have treated her." He released her from his arm and supported her for Carissa to pick up. "There you go Darlin" he said. "There she is"
Carissa tensed at the simple word, moving back from the offered child. "No..." she whispered, eyes wide. "I told you... I won't have her thinking I'm her mother... Because I'm not..." Hands trembling, she stuck them harshly into the pockets of her skirt. "Correct her.... something.... Or I can, I suppose...." Swallowing hard, she looked at the little girl right in the eyes. "No, I'm not your momma... I'm Carissa. Your babysitter... Carissa. Car-issa."
Jason hadn't expected the harsh response from her, but as she well knew, it hadn't been his doing. "I'll do my best, and won't encourage it" he said. "I'm sorry it offends you so. You know she wouldn't want that. She is just reactiong as any child would in the situation." Jason cuddled the little girl back into his arms, but seeing the almost angry response from Carissa, she began to cry and though he did his best Jason was unable to console her. He rocked the baby as best he could but she just cried.
"Maybe...Maybe I should just go..." Carissa murmured, feeling bad now. What kind of person was she, to make a little girl cry like that? "Just being with you and her is just encouraging her to think that I'm her mother... I can stay for as long as you need me, but once I am able to have my own place and support myself.... I'll be gone. Alright?" Not letting him get a word in edgewise, she crossed her arms and looked out the window. "Was that...her first word?" she asked.
"As best I can tell, yes." he said honestly. "Of course its alright, if that is what you want." he said, his voice trailing off an just a touch sad at the thought. "One thing you should know though, what ever happens, you will always have a special place in my heart, and there is nothing you could ask me that I wouldn't grant if I'm able. What you are doing, can't be properly compensated. You are truly a blessing to me." He carefully avoided terms of affection, not wanting to further discourage her. He couldn't control the baby's response though. That they would both have to live with. "Would you please hold at least for a while?" he asked.
Carissa glanced back at the baby. "I'll hold onto her for a little while..." she murmured, taking Jeanine and cuddling her close. "You don't have to be there for me... I know I'm just the babysitter. It's fine. I appreciate you letting me stay for now..."
When she picked up Jeanine, she was instantly quiet and sat in Carissa's lap quietly cooing and clapping her hands playfully. She smiled at Daddy, and laughed when he played peek-a-boo, but it was Carissa's touch she wanted most. She looked up at Carissa's face, almost to be sure that was where she was and then layed back against her breasts, peaceful and happy. Jason knew from what he was seeing that they could want Jeanine to see her as a babysitter, or friend, buy there would be no changing Jeanine's mind she knew who Carissa was. He said nothing more about it though not wanting to upset Carissa further. Still it warmed his heart to know that his little girl was truly content.
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