Spirit Beast High

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Ezio was freaking out and all he could think was that he wanted to be back down on the bed and he dropped. Sighing in relief he quickly got to his feet and a quick look in the mirror that was in his room confirmed he was an animal or actually a wolf. Something was wrong here and he needed to find somebody with answers. One minute he was dying the next he was a wolf that could walk on two legs and float in the air. He was out of his room quickly and his ears picked up some sounds not too far away it sounded like splashing. He quickly ran towards the sounds hoping to find somebody rather than something. "Hello? Sombody? Anybody!"
Betty was shocked the cow girl was groping she wolf. she looked over to Aaron blushing before she swam close to him "so the view is nice did not think in this pink cat form i looked pretty i know i did when i was alive but know i look like a pink cat".
Aaralyn blushed deeply when she was thrown into the water. She could not believe she had done that! Feeling up another girl was crazy and something that she had never done. She coward in the water away from others, she couldn't help it though she had hormones and they were not going to let her go that easily. She sighed frustrated... this was going to be a long day. See Aary had never been with anyone, or done anything like what she had just done to Lia.She heard something... or someone "Do ya'll hear that" she asked standing up and looking to shore trying to see who it was that was yelling.
Lia's ears perked up hearing somebody yelling for someone, and by the sound of it they were fairly distressed. She swam back to the shore, shaking her new fur as she climbed out of the water and calling out in the direction she heard the voice. "We're over here in the water!"

She looked back to Aaralyn, who was still blushing from a moment ago and winked. "I'll be right back" and walked off towards the voice, not even noticing she was still in the nude.
Ezio's ears flicked around when he heard a voice calling back to him and he picked up his pace. He was sprinting towards the voice thankful that he wasn't alone at least. But when he was getting closer to the voice the image he saw startled him so much that he tripped and fell face first. Not only was there another wolf human but she was completely naked and she was walking towards him.
Aaralyn swam to shore turning to the others "Be right back" she said as she ran after Lia in the nude. She looked at the guy who was now face first in the ground. She looked at Lia and then away as she remembered that only moments ago those breasts had been in her hands. She sighed heavily before walking up to the guy "Are you alright" she said kneeling beside him not remembering that she was still nude. She touched his shoulder, he wasn't to bad looking either. Aary shook her head... why was that the first thing she always thought about.
She smiled when she saw him, another wolf by the looks of it. Another person to meet, and maybe another person to talk to. She stopped however when she saw him trip and tilted her head a bit before seeing Aaralyn next to her and breaking into a run to see if he was alright.

As she got closer she noticed he was a grey wolf, like she was apparently.
"Are you alright? You shouldn't test gravity like that...I'm pretty sure it works here too." She teased, leaning over him.
Ezio was lifting his head to see not only a wolf girl leaning over him naked but a cow girl too. He let out a bark and struggled to get up and move away from them but gave up after repeated fails. Slowly his mind finally caught up to him and he realized this must have been an after life of some sort. He sighed and sat up finally pulling the pieces. "Sorry m'ladies I'm fine I'm fine. I don't know what's going on here. Nor why such fine beauties are surrounding me but I don't mind much." Did that just slip out of his mouth? He didn't even mean to say that. But even now as he looked them over he liked what he saw.
Betty looked over at Aaron saying "wow who ever that was drew out Lia and Aaralyn now we are alone". she was close to Aaron and in the nude something she had never done before in this world be naked with some guy she just barley met.
Aaralyn blushed again as he called them beauties "Would you like to take a dip with us" she asked softly looking away. She was trying to be nice and she knew that she wouldn't want to be alone after finding out she was dead and in an after life. It was kind of a big deal to know that. She smiled at him her arms crossed under her breasts in a comfortable position that still made her feel a bit better. She looked at Lia who was joking with this guy and tried not to giggle at that.
Lia blushed and and smiled at being called a beauty and held out a hand to help him up. She nodded at Aaralyn's suggestion "Yeah, the water feels so good! And it's just right over there." She pointed back behind herself and gave a look over on the new wolf. "Besides, you don't look half bad yourself...and it's uh..." she blushed more, her fur turning a shade of red despite herself. "It's best to swim without your clothes...so they don't get all wet..."
Aaralyn giggled at the thought of seeing him naked. In her house hold seeing another human naked was a sin so it never happened. She bit her lip to hide that she was a bit excited about this. She looked at Lia and winked feeling a bit more bold now that she had flaunted everything to everyone. She looked back at him hoping he would say yes.
Ezio smiled at the offer his body answering the question more so than his mind. He took the offered hand and got up. "Of course I would love to m'ladies how did you say? To take a dip with you." Their manner of speech was different than what he was used to. Maybe they were just from another country or something? He did understand them however. "Thank you for the compliment." He took her hand lifting it to his lips kissing it softly and he couldn't forget his other beauty. He took Aaralyn's hand kissing it as well. "Ah yes yes we often swam naked in Roma. Open air baths are common." He quickly got rid of all of his clothes.
She smiled as he kissed her hand, and blushed deeply as she watched him strip down and caught herself staring at his body before snapping back to herself with a quick shake. "Alright, lets go!" She took both their hands and started pulling them back towards the water.

"By the way, I'm Lia. I died in 2002, who are you?"
Aaralyn blushed deeply as he kissed her hand. She giggled watching him strip and then she had the urge to look away from him feeling like she shouldn't be watching this. She smiled at him "I'm Aaralyn I died in 1995" she said softly before biting her lip. He was a very sexy man and she wouldn't mind spending more time with him. She saw Lia staring too so she didn't feel as bed.
Ezio barely had taken his clothes off when he felt their eyes on him and he smirked. It was nothing new women had always taken a notice to his body especially when he took off his clothes. He followed after lia to the water but was stunned when he heard the dates. "I'm Ezio but I died in 1480..."
She took two steps into the water and stopped, looking back at Ezio. "14...80? That's quite a bit farther back..." She stopped to think for a moment, using the time to continue staring at his body. With a shrug, she turned back to the water.
"I guess that shouldn't surprise me, Aaron did say people were here from different times. Can't say I expected that much of a difference though." She ran back into the water, jumping when it got waist high.
Aaralyn followed smiling at the view she got from behind him. She stopped staring and took his hand pulling him into the water. "1480... wow, that is a long time ago" she said softly staring at him with her large blue eyes. She smiled flipping her hair flirtatiously. Aary had never flirted before but it seemed to come natural to the hormone crazed girl with a naked man beside her.
Ezio followed lia into the water giving her body plenty of attention from his eyes. As sheentered the water he ran his eyes all over her body. "Yeah it is and both of you are quite further ahead. Please excuse my manner of speech I'll try not to bore you with it m'ladies." Aaralyn came into view and his eyes took in her body as well. Their bodies wre tempting and did he smell some type of sexual interest? He could smell that now? He dove into the water before coming back up letting the water roll off his body and glisten. "What can you tell me about this place?"
"Well this place is some kind of limbo, the animal you are has something to do with you past life... Thats pretty much all I know" Aaralyn said looking his glistening body over. She couldn't help it, he was handsome and she bit her lip to try and clear her mind a bit. Watching him she wondered what was on his mind for that flash of a second he made a face.
"I doubt you could ever bore us" she called, swimming over to him. She took a moment to peice her words together before describing the place. "Basically what Aaealyn said. We're dead. We're here. Not a lot else I can say..." she took hold of his arm and looked up at him. "But...it's nicer here. I'm a girl at least, heh."

She blushed, putting her hands over her mouth. She hadn't really wanted anyone to know about her life... but she went and said it anyway. 'God I'm stupid...'
Aaron took Betty's hands and stood face t face with her. "I've wasted my life with the wrong woman." He touched his lips to hers in a sweet little kiss before giving her a longer one. He put his arms around her and made out with her out in the strange sea. "You are beautiful. You will always be beautiful."
Ezio looked over his paws and tail. "I was always very social and protective of the community around me. I guess a wolf best fit me." He was happy there was something after death. Something bigger and better. "But what about the floating and stuff?" At this point he as just curious. He grabbed them both pulling them close to his chest. The smell was unmistakeable they were sexuallu interested in him and his body was reacting to it automatically. "What do you mean? Of course you would be female right?"
Aaralyn giggled as she was pulled to him, her leg brushed something under the water and she giggled wondering if that had been what she thought is was. She looked at Lia and then Ezio "Sooo since the three of us are here..." she let the rest of the sentence trail off and was hoping that the others imagination would run wild like her's was seeming to do in his strong arms.

She was having thoughts about kissing him or putting her hand under the water and finding what her leg had touched. But the problem with that was she was a very shy girl and that wouldn't be very lady like. She bit her lip looking away, what was she thinking... she barely knew these two.
She blushes a bit and tried to laugh off her missup. "Riiight, of course I would be, haha...I've always been Loyal...hell, defending my wife is how I died...so I guess a wolf kinda fits me too?"

She tilted her head afterwords, looking curious. "Floating? I don't know anything about that...Aaron would maybe know though." She looked around for a moment, then over to Aaralyn and blushed at what was said. "W-what exactly do you mean?"
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