Spirit Beast High

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Betty giggled at Aaron and said "yes you are i was young when i died i guess i picked the wrong guy in the end". she wiggled her tail at him trying to play along. she finished up her plate then stood up and when she did it pulled up her dress a bit and she quickly pulled it back down blushing.
Aaralyn listened to the two talk. When Betty's dress was lifted a bit she couldn't help but look. A blush came to her own cheeks as she looked down at her vegetarian plate. She took another bite. Atkeast she had someone when she had died she died with no one. A tear came to her eye but she scrubbed it away. Why was she crying... there was no reason for it. She took a bite but her appetite was gone. The food felt like concrete going down her throat.
Aaron's eye flicked to the newly exposed skin for only a moment. It made since to him now. Her husband had beaten her to death. "If Mr.Wrong turns up here just let me know." His face was warm but there was something in his eyes. The look of a man who didn't say things unless he was sure he could make them happen.
Betty blushed and said "okay Aaron but i never had anyone to play hero and i hope he does not turn up here cause the last time i saw him well he was hitting on me and i remember seeing my blood every where. she shuddered at the mere thought of it..
Aaralyn wanted to hug the other girl. "Well atleast it is over now" she cut in softly. It was true yeah it happened but now she was here with other people who hopefully would never do something like that to the beautiful creature before her.
((Betty's gonna get all kinds of attention around here))

Aaron stood up slowly so as not to startle Betty. "Ya. You're here now. To the west we have the a great looking beach and ocean. Forest to the south. I saw some mountains to the east, but didn't go over there. Hell, from what I've heard there's a whole world of places within walking distance. What do you wanna see first?"
She nodded sadly at Betty and stood up, looking back at Aaron. "Anywhere sounds good to me, personally..." she took a few steps, walking in a small circle. "I just want some fresh air."
(lol betty is that type )
Betty turned to the two girls the one now being called lia and said "yes you all right i'm here now time to forget my past and move on". she looked to Aaron again and said "how about a beach that sounds like fun and i have no swimsuit so i wont be swimming but i love to listen to the water as it rushed up against the shore.
Aaron nodded and took Betty's hand. "I wouldn't worry about a swimsuit. I don't think I saw one on the entire beach yesterday." He cocked his head. "I probably should have mentioned that first."
betty looked at Aaron saying in shock "wow so we just go naked well i guess i can be okay with that after all we are animals and they do not wear cloths and we are suppose to lean to act on our animal spirit right"?
and you have a head start on the naked part "A lot of people still wear clothes, but it doesn't look like there's any rule against going around naked."
Betty giggled and blushed saying "well if i swim around in this white dress i think you would end up seeing everything underth". she turned to the other girls then back to Aaron saying "lets go".
Aaron led the girls out of the cafeteria and down a pedestrian path that led to the beach. "Not a lot of people out yet. I wonder why?"
Aaralyn was a bit weirded out about being baked in front of a lot of people. She followed looking around trying to get her bearings. She looked at Aaron, he seemed very nice and she felt comfortable with these people. Being nude infront of them. It didn't seem so bad now that she thought about it.
Betty just smiled as she held onto Aaron's hand. she then took a look at the water and smiled saying "come lets go play by the water building sand castles.
Lia giggled and sat next to the water, letting the waves crash over her paws, just enjoying it. "This is pretty nice..." She giggled and tossed off her clothes, not wanting them to get wet and waddled into the water.
"Wow! The water feels amazing!" She waved to the others, ushering them into the water as she thought about everything. It was a good time to...
Like, why was she a girl here? She didn't mind, was very happy in fact, but...
Aaralyn slipped her shirt over her head her breasts bobbing as they were let free of the binding shirt. She slipped her bottoms off as well and waded in after her, "wow it feels good" she said sinking into the water her ears perking up with happiness.
"Shall we?" Aaron asked as he yanked his shirt off and started taking his pants off.
Ezio shot up in his bed with a gasp holding his chest. His hands scrambled to pull away his silk shirt and get to the bolt. He stopped frantically clutching his chest when he realized there was nothing there. "That's so odd." A look around showed him a vast change than what he was used to. Renaissance Rome was a lot more different. But something else was different his vision was clearer his nose could smell something off into the distance but it smelt like it was right in front of him. And something was moving underneath him. His hands reached under him and he realized they weren't hands at all and the thing that was under him came into view. It was a tail! It was his tail! He let out something in between a yelp and a howl and jumped up. But he realized he wasn't coming back down something was holding him up. It felt like... air.
Lia sank under the water and swam up to Aaralyn, then jumped out and splashed at her giggling and trying to enjoy herself, diving back under the water again.
Aaralyn squealed trying to splash the girl back and then swimming after her happily. She was so comfortable it made her wonder what it was about this place that made her feel so... wonderful. She caught Pia wrapping her arms around, her hands ended up on the girls breasts and Aaralyn freaked because she was aroused from the encounter. She didn't pull away though, she started exploring with them.
Betty stood on the beach blushing and nodded to Aaron "well everyone else is naked i might as well join". she slipped off her shirt and took off her bra and panites. she then walked out to the water and slowly go in saying "wow nice".
Aaron rushed into the water quickly so he could hide his erection. With all there boob and asses hanging out his dick felt like the good time were on the way. "The water is nice. So is the view." He winked at the girls in the water with him.
Lia yelped as she was caught, giggling after as the girl seemed to be feeling her out. She took the opportunity to grab Aaralyn's legs like she was going to carry her, and fall backwards and dunking her back into the water. "Hehehe, a little distracted?" She teased, pushing her chest out.

She laughed a bit, hopping back in the water to go a bit deeper, till the water came up to her neck. She smiled at everyone, glad to have met them. As she smiled, her fur started to take a subtle blueish tint.
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