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Little Things You Love

Millenium Joker said:
That's because Dean is the rugged, more badass, funnier brother who doesn't have such crippling emotional issues.

Yeah, and he's just more my kinda guy. My friend doesn't like watching it with me, because I tend to speak to my TV shows as if I'm part of them.. and I usually end up saying exactly what Dean says, and it ruins it for her. Or I'd say "Oh man I'd fucking punch him out." And then Dean does or something. lmao

I like Sam though, I think he's a cutie, but too... emotional. lol
EXACTLY! I'd be on that shit, hell I'd try to convince Dean to team up with me.. heheheee.. oh my dirty mind took that to places it shouldn't have.

Another thing I love is Wendy's, nothing like a good ol' March blizzard and some Wendys.
Pinup. <3

Despite the awkwardness of seeing a past lover [who is now married/got married for his greencard], he pretty much was the only one that I saw last night who genuinely thought and voiced that I was beautiful. The two other people who were vying for my attention just called me attractive or hot.
Evenings with my fam..... I'm really loving the new tradition we've started with me playing piano for everyone while they listen. After I've played a while, my kids join in with me... it's so cute. XD
Mother of....

The scratch recipe is amazing looking, but.... Can a person even buy saltpeter? I though that was used by chemists and doctors and such....?

I'm definitely gonna try the less-from-scratch recipe some time in the next month though, thank you.
lol.... well, I'm not a chef nor pretend to be. I'm not the sort to even attempt that 'from scratch' recipe. But I know Alton Brown is pretty well known, haha! But the other one is decent and you can buy briskets of corned beef in stores where they are already brined for you. XD (yes, I buy them already pre-brined, lol). And I assure you they are delicious!!!!!
Wow. Uh....

I'll do that then. Because upon further inspection..... Wow.

10 days in a saltpeter/herb brine, and you have to be extremely careful to rinse it all off. I barely have room for a bottle of water, my fridge is so full, let alone the cost of the ingredients and materials....

Yup, pre-brined it is. I'm willing to cook just about anything I will ever even consider eating, but as a general rule of thumb, I won't come news food that requires special equipment like rubber gloves or a respirator to make.

Except Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream. That looks amazing.
LOLOLOL..... yep, pre-brined and a slow cooker.... a person's best friends when it comes to making a yummy corned beef meal! XD Although, I have to say it's rather interesting to see how the brining is actually achieved in looking at the 'from scratch' recipe. Oh the things you learn......
I would assume it's like making pickles, or preserving organs/embalming a cadaver with formaldehyde. Well, the cadaver may be pushing it, but the other two are more similar. You are allowing the meat/ tissue of whatever you are brining soak up the mixture like a sponge and saturate throughout the item's entirety. This will change the flavor of it, and in some cases alter the appearance/texture/composition of the food (think about pickles and cucumbers.)

I guess you could say it's SORT of like marinading meat..... But not only are you using a more alkaline material (in this case saltpeter) to saturate the cells, you are letting it do so for far longer (whereas the above recipe calls for brining for 10 days, you usually marinate something for a few hours, a day or two at most.)
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