D.E.666 ~ A Guardian's Summons ~ Jugger82

"Well. You're an animal. At least partly. Its natural instinct for you to hide when there are loud noises like thunder. From what I know anyway." He said as he patted her once more as he held her close, holding her gently as he began to have small mini flashbacks to their time in the temple and slowly his grip would begin to loosen, for fear that if he got too clingy, that side of her would come out again even if the Fayth spirit had long since left.
She slowly nodded as she held onto him, closing her eyes as she slowly relaxed a little while he held her and she sighed. She was able to relax a bit more until he began to loosen his grip on her and she looked up at him quickly. "Please don't leave yet." she whispered quickly. Her eyes were wide and bright with fear while her hands gripped his shirt carefully but tightly. "Stay a little while longer. Just a little." she pleaded before closing her eyes again and burying her face against his chest.
"But..." He murmured, the reason he had loosened his grip was so that he would not have her do what she did in the temple, but she thought he did it because he was about to leave. He could not leave her thinking like this...so he moved to wrap his arm over her like before and held her close. "I'm not leaving...Don't worry..." He said as he looked down and could feel her head and snout across his chest. "Don't worry...Okay?" He said as he leaned down and buried his face in her head, nuzzling her ear like before.
When he said 'but, she glanced up at him almost pleadingly before he wrapped his arm around her and held her close again. After he did this, she was able to relax again in his arms and she sighed softly while closing her eyes and her grip on his shirt relaxed. Lyra nodded after he told her not to worry. "Okay." she murmured into his chest. Feeling him nuzzle her ear, she smiled gently and relaxed some more before closing her eyes. He had been able to successfully distract her from the storm raging outside and she was beginning to feel sleepy once again and it showed in the way her body was relaxed in his arms and her breathing calmed.
Nathan was growing cramped with the way they were laying and blushed as he held her and moved her so that she was laying on top of him. He could feel her breasts against his chest as his cheek held her head while she laid on him. He was comfortable and still held her, not caring for the extra weight on his front. "Lyra...If this is uncomfortable...Just say so...It may be a bit weird but I feel more comfortable with you laying on my chest like this...You can scoot down more so your head is on my chest if you want." He said gently as he rubbed up and down her back, still blushing and slowly beginning to grow aroused...He was sure he was growing some feelings for her.
Lyra felt Nathan shift beneath her and she tilted her head back a little and looked up at him as he moved her so she was laying on top of him. She could hear his heart beating with her head resting against his chest. Once he was still again, she closed her eyes and smiled gently while he held her. Hearing him speak again, she looked up at the man again as he told her that if she was uncomfortable, she could scoot down more and she smiled gently, a gentle almost purr like sound escaping her as he rubbed her back. "Mm, this is comfortable for me too." she murmured though she did shift her position a little so that her head was resting a little easier on his chest and she nuzzled her muzzle against him.
"It feels comfortable...Laying like this...With you." He said gently, though his face was blushed, though this was hidden by his mask completely. His eyes didn't look at her when he said this, though they were the only indication that he was embarrassed to have said that to her. He eventually looked to her and closed his eyes gently, relaxing and breathing deeply, yet silently as she laid on top of him.
His words confused Lyra a bit. Since she met him, he'd continued to say that he hated humans and any one and anything that resembled them in anyway. There had been times when she was sure that he actually hated her. But then there were moments of gentleness where it seemed he liked her and enjoyed her company. Like now, he admitted that it was comfortable laying with her like they were. Glancing up at the man, she watched him for a moment before resting her head against his chest again with a soft yawn. Nuzzling his chest again, she closed her eyes and the combination of his warmth, the sound of his heart beat and the way his arms wrapped around her slowly lulled her to sleep. In just a few minutes the fox was fast asleep once more despite the storm raging on outside of the ship.
The storm wasn't so bad. People would have been shouting for help and the boat would have rocked more. When Nathan awoke, the ship was still up and the sea was calm. He looked to Lyra and gently rolled her down to lay next to him as he stood up. He walked out, headed upstairs and saw that the deck was wet and there were people pushing water off by the bucket full but it seemed everyone and everything about the boat was okay except for the amount of water that got on deck. He moved to head into the kitchen to see what they were preparing for breakfast and frowned when he saw that it was a fishy breakfast. He detested fish and would not eat them whatsoever. Turning, Nathan left to go and see if Lyra had awoken from her slumber.
When he later rolled her to lay next to him, Lyra grunted softly and her grip tightened on his shirt for a moment before she slowly rolled away from him, her tail flicking against his leg before wrapping around her waist to keep her warm. With a yawn, she grabs the pillow he'd been laying on and she nuzzled her face against it while taking in the mans scent. With that she fell back into a deep sleep, not waking as he stood up and left her alone. When he returned to see if she was awake, her nose twitched when she caught the scent of the fish even in her sleep and she began to stir. Like him, she didn't eat fish, though if she absolutely had to she would. Hearing him enter, her ear twitched and she turned towards him with a gentle sigh before slowly opening her eyes with a yawn and she looked up at him with a bleary, sleepy gaze.
Nathan walked over to the girl and sat next to her, pulling her over to lay her head on his lap. He laid his hand on her shoulder and smiled before he began to stroke her hair gently, figuring her to be like the wolves she looked like and would enjoy a good head rub. "You don't have to wake up just yet...We are not quite there yet...but we'll be there soon, Lyra." He said gently as he continued to pet her. "Though...You may want to get up soon. I am sure that you should be wide-eyed and awake for when you have to see the people of Luca. You would be wise to be next to me and not get lost in the crowds there."
Lyra softly grunted as he lifted her and set her head in his lap but she smiled gently again as he began stroking her long pale green hair that had come free of its braid, the soft silken strands falling over his legs. She did indeed enjoy the feeling of him petting her head and it showed on her face as she murred gently while closing her eyes. "I know." she murmured when he told her that she didn't have to wake yet. She didn't tell him that the scent of the kitchen followed him but she smiled gently up at him. "That's a good idea. I'll get up in a couple minutes." she told him. "And I couldn't loose you in the crowds." Because she was still half asleep, she couldn't really control what she said at the moment. "Your scent will always lead me to you."
"My scent huh?" He said, noticing how half asleep she seemed to be. He smirked though this was hidden by his mask. "Tell me then...Lyra...How is it you can tell my scent apart from everyone else so easily?" He continued to pet her head gently, his hands never going past her neck as he pet her. He looked down to the girl and wondered what she would say to him regarding how she could tell his scent apart from everyone else. It intrigued him and he knew he could get a lot of good information out of her if she was half asleep. He'd just have to ask the right questions and be just vague and oblivious enough with the questions.
She slowly nodded with a soft murmur. "Mmhmm." she mumbled. "It's.... it's different from the others. It's... better." She smiled slightly while turning her head a little and nuzzling the fabric of his shirt with the tip of her muzzle. "It reminds me of something but I don't know what." The smile on her face was sleepy and she slowly closed her eyes while continuing to take in his scent. Part of her knew that she should probably not talk while still half asleep, but at the moment she was enjoying his scent too much as she nuzzled his stomach a little.
"Hm? Reminds you of something? It would be interesting to hear about it later when you remember..." He said gently to her as he continued to pet her as she nuzzled into his shirt. "Now then, Lyra...Tell me more about yourself...What you like...What your goal in life is...Or rather what do you think about me? Ever since you've met me, it would be interesting to hear what you have to think about concerning me considering all that we've been through."
She merely smiled as he spoke before yawning softly, her tail slowly swaying against her legs, thumping softly against the bed. When he asked about her, about what she was like and what her goal in life was and ten what she thought about him, she blinked lazily and her still bleary gaze returned to him for a moment before she closed her eyes. "To... defeat sin." she murmured. She didn't know if he knew that for her to defeat Sin, she would die in the process, but she still sought to bring on the calm. "And find some kind of happiness." He would probably have to ask her more about her when she was more awake, it wasn't a direct enough question for her current condition. However, his question about what she thought about him certainly was.

"You... are confusing." she said softly, her muzzle wrinkling a little as she thought. "You seem so... hateful and cold but then you seem so kind." Her voice was beginning to drift as if she were starting to fall asleep again. "I-I want to know more... but I'm scared."
"There is nothing to be afraid of. Once you've earned my trust, there is no point to be fearful of me. I am here, I will protect you, and I have already befriended you. There is no reason to fear someone such as I." He smiled and leaned down, putting his head on her snout. "I believe that our friendship will expand far past what it is already, if it has not done so already." He said before lifting his head. "I hate humanity. They are the reason Sin has appeared to purge us. Yet, there are some whom I deem worthy to live. However...it will be unfortunate to see their end. But that is life. For you, I will prevent your death for as long as I live."
She was quiet as he spoke, feeling him rest his head against her snout and her nose twitched a little as his scent became even more intense and she murred happily, her tail thumping a little faster against the bed. His comment about their friendship expanding past what it already was made her smile gently before opening her eyes and looking up at him while he told her yet again that he hated humanity. It didn't make much sense that he would hate humanity for the reason he stated. The teachings of Yevon stated that Sin attacked because of the Al-bhed and they Machina. They were the reason for Sin... Right? They were sinning against Yevon and using magic.

It got too confusing for her so she pushed the thoughts away and looked up at him as he told her that he would prevent her death for as long as he lived and she felt a small pang of pain in her chest as her heart clenched. "But for me to defeat sin.... I..." she paused as the sudden turn of conversation began to bring her to her senses and she looked away from him with a slightly haunted look in her eyes. "I have to die." Her words were whispered, as if to say them any louder were to make it real. "I know you hate humanity, but I have to at least try to save them. The children at least deserve a chance."
"I already know that you must die if you were to defeat Sin." He replied to her as he turned her head to look at his. He shook his head gently to her. "Until you are dead, I will be here with you. Always. You are my summoner and I am your eternal guardian from here on out. Let us save humanity for one more decade before another summoner comes and takes your place. Though I will not know another such as you. My only hope is that some other summoner and her guardian or guardians defeats Sin before we even get to fighting him in the final battle, so that we may stay together longer...Lyra..." He leaned down slowly and pressed his lips to hers.
Lyra felt tears of fear stinging the corners of her eyes as she looked away from him. Feeling his hand on her face, she looked up at him again, her eyes shining with unshed tears and she swallowed as he told her that he would always be there with her. That she was his summoner and he was her eternal guardian. She felt a whirlwind of emotions raging inside of her as her hand moved to gently grip his wrist while he spoke. She'd never had anyone say that they would stay with her. It was always the exact opposite and for him to say he was her eternal guardian meant so much to the female. As he pressed his lips to hers, she closed her eyes while kissing him back softly, her tears finally escaping the corners of her eye only to be soaked up by her soft fur.
Nathan soon pulled his face back and looked to Lyra. "Though...Do not do such a thing like you've done in the trials...It was very troublesome..." He said with a smile as he wiped the tears from her fur and sat her up. "Now then...You must be hungry. The food is more than likely done by now...Though the food is fish, something that is not to my liking. You may go eat though. I believe I am growing seasick from this long voyage." He said as he laid back in the bed and looked to her, waiting to see what she'd do. He didn't mind either way, whatever she chose was up to her.
At the mention of what had happened at the Cloister of trials in Besaid, the fox felt her face heat up and her ears drooped a little. "I'll try not to." she replied softly. "There's... there's something about my mind that's different from humans that let the spirit take control." Her voice was still soft, but it didn't waver with emotion. When he brought up being hungry, her stomach growled softly and she smiled sheepishly before nodding slightly. "I am hungry, but I do not like fish either." she said, wrinkling her nose a little. "I can wait until we reach Luca. I think I'd like to meditate for a little while, work on strengthening some of my magic." Watching him lay down on the bed, she smiled gently before gracefully standing from the bed and placing one of the pillows upon the floor and sitting next to the bed. Lyra wanted to stay near him, but she needed to keep from having contact with others to meditate.
She chuckled softly and nodded, watching him close his eyes and when he began to snore, the fox smiled a little wider while shaking her head in vague amusement. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and relaxed as she began to meditate. Lyra meditated in silence for a while until she felt the engines of the ship slow down, letting her know they would be docking shortly. Opening her eyes, Lyra stood and moved over to the bed where she lightly shook his shoulder. "We're docking." she said softly.
"Oh..." He murmured when he sat up groggily and looked to her. "I'll be up...I'm up..." He murmured silently as he stood up and looked to her with a weak smile. "Well then...Let us be off. Is there a temple in Luca that we need to get to? I only know of the blitzball tournament that is held here every now and then." He said as he walked off of the boat and onto the docks of Luca. It as bustling with people. "Intersesting...So many people." He said as he looked to her. "Well. What should we go and find first?"
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