D.E.666 ~ A Guardian's Summons ~ Jugger82

Seeing her breasts, just barely seeing her nips now, Nathan's eyes couldn't dodge. They looked at her but every now and then, quite often actually, darted down to sneak a peak to her breasts. The blush on his face was hidden by his mask, though the tops of it weren't and he often pulled up his mask to hide the blush. "Just...Just go...Or whatever..." He murmured as he turned to walk toward the exit, letting her do what she wanted now. He was deciding whether or not to actually stay with her till Luca or to bail out on her, thinking she'd do this again along their travels to Luca.
His blush didn't escape her notice but when he told her to just go and then he turned his back on her, it was like something snapped in her. Snatching up her fallen staff, she walled up behind him quickly and quietly before swinging it and she hit him in the back of the head with it with a snarl. As she watched him fall, her eyes finally shifted to a pale blue color and she growled again. It was a well known fact that one should never turn their back upon an animal. It went for those that looked like animals as well. Especially one that isn't acting normal.
Nathan had no idea that she would do such a thing. It surprised him. All he knew was that he was walking and all of a sudden he heard a snarl and then a cracking sound as the staff went across the back of his head, causing him to fall down to the ground. He clutched his head and rolled over onto his back, still holding his head as he cried out somewhat in pain. "The hell is wrong with you...!?" He said loudly before he could see his vision fainting. He tried to get up, but it was not long before his eyes rolled back and he passed out on the floor due to head damage.
Lyra watched him fall. It was as if she were watching from outside of her own body as she attacked it. As he clutched his head, she felt a pang of regret deep down and she wanted to apologize but what ever had control of her was too strong. After he passed out, she tossed the staff aside before straddling him again and her hands went to his shirt, opening it carefully to look at the cuts caused by her claws. With a soft whine, she leaned down and kissed his chest near the cuts before healing them, watching the blood disappear and the cuts heal over. With a pleased sound, she moved her hands down and opened his pants quickly before he could wake up again. Once they were open enough, she reached inside and with ease, the fox found his member and with a pleased sound, her hand began to stroke him.
Nathan's body could still feel all that was happening. He could feel her undoing his shirt and that he felt some moisture from her lips on his cut marks as well as the healing she had done to him, his body reacting by his breathing having returned to normal. However, when she began to stroke him, his member began to harden even as he was unconscious until a few moments later when his eyes opened halfway, not being able to see detail and only blurry shapes due to his eyes not yet ready to see such detail for the brain to process. "Whats happenin..." He said with slurred words, sounding as if he were drugged or drunk.
Lyra smiled slightly as he began to harden in her hand and she murred happily as she continued stroking him. Her newly changed eyes watched his face as he began to stir. While one hand continued stroking him, Lyra began opening her dress, easily untying it and slipping it off, her panties soon joining it while she straddled his waist. The fox heard him speak and she tilted her head while watching him. There was a determined air about her, but there was something else about the fox that was off. Before she had gone into the Chamber of the Fayth, she had given off a kind, caring aura. But now, that aura felt almost just like that of the fayth in the temple.
Nathan soon opened his eyes completely and his vision returned to normal, though he still felt groggy. Feeling her on his lap with his cock at her disposal, his eyes widened as he looked up and then saw that she was completely nude on top of him. "L-Lyra...!?" He said with surprise as he held his head again in pain. "Get off...What are you doing? What the hell is wrong with you...?" He murmured slightly as he could definitely tell that there was something wrong with Lyra. Before she seemed so emotionless aside from small bits of happiness and regret but now she was so...aggressive and lustful, completely different than what he was used to. "Why are you doing this..."
As his vision returned to him and his eyes opened the rest of the way, her unnaturally blue ones locked onto his. As he demanded that she get off, she growled deeply while he asked what was wrong with her. She stroked him a little faster while making a soft murring sound. However, when he asked why, she softly replied. "Because I was never given the opportunity to." she said. Her voice at first seemed normal, but there was an undertone, like someone else was speaking with her and their voice was trying to over power hers. It was a slightly higher pitched female voice. "Everyone comes and goes. They get to love, touch and enjoy each other. But I do not." It was getting more and more obvious that there was something seriously wrong with the summoner as she continued stroking him to stiffness.
"Who the hell are you...?" Nathan said finally after he was silent while listening to the second voice. "You're not Lyra...you're some...specter...or something taking control of her..." It then finally occurred to him that she was stroking him much faster and he was nearing the edge. "S-stop this at once, specter!" He demanded as he reached toward her hand to stop her from stroking him. Though he was still weak from the head damage and his hand was simply just placed there. "Whoever you are, release Lyra and let us walk out of here freely...!" He seemed to plead now more than demand and soon enough, from her stroking him his seed spilled out onto Lyra's hand, getting the easy one out before they'd move on if the spirit decided upon it.
Lyra laughed softly as he asked who she was, her blue eyes bright with amusement as he accused her of being a specter or something controlling the fox. "I will not stop." she said, refusing to listen to him. Who ever or what ever was possessing her seemed to find enjoyment in the situation. As he finally spilled his seed onto her hand, the fox switched hands and slowly licked her hand clean with a soft moan. "I'm afraid she's stuck with me." she said. "For the time being at least. After all..." She paused and leaned down until her muzzle brushed against his ear. "She prayed for me to help her to defeat Sin."
"Do you not find a huge flaw in such logic...!? The irony of the matter is so large that even you must see it, no!? You're going to defeat Sin by committing Sin!? Why do you think Sin appears to kill humans once every millenia? To purge us!" He bit his lip, he couldn't help but be turned on by her actions and his breathing was getting faster as he was slowly succumbing to the lust. "You still have time to stop this..." He pleaded, if not...He'd know he had no choice but to go with this if he wanted Lyra, the true Lyra, to come back to him.
She chuckled at his question on her logic. "Why do you care about committing Sin? Aren't you the one that wants the humans to all die at Sins wrath?" she asked. However, at the mention of Sin appearing once every millenia, she laughed and shook her head. "Sin appears more often than that. A summoner defeats Sin, then comes the Calm. Then, after ten years, Sin reappears. After all, it was just ten years ago that High Summoner Braska defeated Sin." As he pleaded for her to stop, she shook her head again while repositioning herself over him, a faint moan escaping her as the head of his cock brushed against her nether lips.
He knew there was no more fighting it. He sighed. "If this is what brings back Lyra...I will do this..." Though he was tempted to just bash her in the head with his metal pole and drag her out himself, but he might get attacked for having an unconscious summoner who might possibly be bleeding from the temple and then there would be traces of blood somehow on his person, whether or not he wiped his pole of blood or not. He sighed. "Just...Make it quick. I want Lyra back...Not this...sadistic specter." He bucked his hips, trying to speed this up by bucking and pushing his cock into her pussy.
Lyra grinned after he gave in and she adjusted her legs a little before feeling him bucking his hips and she frowned slightly. "Hold still. After all, you don't want to hurt your summoner do you?" she asked. "I may be in control, but she can still feel." With a grin, she slowly sank down onto him, moaning as his cock filled her pussy bit by bit until she was resting completely in his lap and she gently ground her hips against his. "Mm. Much better." she purred before beginning to ride him at a moderate pace, her breasts bouncing a little with every up and down motion she made.
"Tch...so I'm supposed to just sit back and relax?" Though the idea didn't sound bad, he still wanted to get this over as soon as possible and not at the same pace as this specter. As she began to ride him, he remembered the paintings and matched them to what the girl had said. She had never had a chance at this...and the paintings showed of a bird aeon created from a girl who was neglected by men for her frailty. "So you're that girl...The Fayth girl that offered her soul to the Aeon, or something like that..." He whispered under his breath as he looked at her, feeling good as she continued on to ride him.
"Yes." was all she said as she continued riding him. The fox closed her eyes with another moan while her hands laid upon his chest. She was enjoying herself so much she barely heard his whispered words. It took a little while before she opened her eyes and looked at him again. "I am the aeon." she breathed. "My soul, captured in the Fayth statue within the Chamber of Fayth, for all of eternity to fight Sin." She softly groaned while she moved faster, her breathing picking up as she moaned a little louder. Her walls tightened around him a bit and she arched her back a little, causing him to penetrate even deeper.
"Why...Why have you taken over this summoner? This is a first. I've not heard of an Aeon making it so that they take over other summoners. Is it because she is not human?" He asked, feeling her walls tighten around him only made him moan out loudly as he felt himself get deep into her now. "I'm gonna-..." He stopped himself...if he told her this early from him cumming, she might stop and slow down and make it last only longer. He was agile enough...hopefully despite with his head damage, to slip out of her before he'd start cumming. He began to buck into her, wanting to end this more so that Lyra could come back. "Feels good..." He said gently.
"She may have a body similar to a humans, but her mind is nothing like that of a human." she panted. "She thinks, speaks, has emotion and makes decisions based on morals, but she is nothing but an animal." the fayth said. The sound of him moaning made the summoner shudder with excitement before hearing him start to speak and she smiled, knowing what he was going to say despite him cutting himself off. Instead of slowing down though, she moved faster, the sounds of them having sex filling the room they were in. As he said it felt good, she nodded in agreement. "Yes... very good." she moaned. She herself was close to cumming and it showed at how she bounced faster in his lap, her walls clenching around him as she got closer and closer to cumming.
'Shit...!' He thought in his head as he suddenly pulled his cock out of her and began to shoot his seed up her front. He moaned out loudly as he did so, panting hard as his head laid back and the fatigue of the moment made him slowly pass out. "Lyra...Come back to us..." He murmured silently as he slowly began to pass out once more.
Just before he pulled out, she gave a soft cry as she came, her body shuddering over his and she moaned, feeling his seed landing in her fur. Slowly she lowered herself onto the floor next to him as he murmured for her to come back, passing out as well. Lyra didn't know how long it was but when he woke up, she was sitting on the step with her face buried in her arms. His clothes had been fixed and she had her dress wrapped around her as she sniffled softly, clearly upset over what had happened.
Nathan walked over to her once it seemed like the spirit had disappeared from her. He reached down and helped her up, frowning at her and stayed silent as he held her hand and walked her out, not wishing to discuss the matter with her for she was still upset about it. Once they had left the temple, he pulled her past all that tried to approach her and brought her to her tent. "Now that we're out of that...Doomsday temple...What happened in there? How were you possessed by the Fayth?"
Lyra allowed him to pull her up and she gently grasped his arm with one hand while her other held onto her staff. She was fairly silent as he led her out of the temple. After they exited the temple, she felt her knees go weak but she forced herself to continue to walk, heading down to the hut they had shared the night before. Upon entering, she sat down and closed her eyes, a tired look forming upon her face before she looked up at him as he asked what happened in the temple and she shook her head. "I... I don't know." she whispered. "I remember praying until I was granted the ability to call upon the aeon and then walking down the steps. But when I reached the bottom... It was like in a dream. I had no control." The fox paused and closed her eyes again while shaking her head. "Nathan.... I'm so sorry." she said softly. "I'm so, so sorry. About everything. It seems that ever since you joined me, you've just been injured and attacked."
"That is true." He said simply in response to her accusation of her being a pain magnet for him. "Though I do not care. I have already made it known I will travel with you to Luca, and I plan to keep this. My word is law to me in most cases, though when my reputation is on the line I will not be deemed a liar." He said as he turned his back to her. "Do not think of anything within the temple as anything important. What happened between us was only for your sake, not for anything more than that. Do you understand? I told you many times before, I do not admire humans and their counterparts. Your kind is not to my liking."
Her ears lowered a bit at his response and she nodded slightly with a sigh. She looked a little relieved when he said that he would travel to Luca with her and she nodded once more. However, as he told her not to think that what happened in the temple was important, she looked down at her lap and adjusted her dress. "Yes, I understand." she said to him. When he said told her that he did not admire humans nor their counterparts, her ears drooped a little more and she bowed her head a little. "Of course." was all she said before she stood up and picked up her staff. "If you'll excuse me. I have a summoner duty to perform and then I will bathe." she told him. "After that I'll see about getting some meat and then I'll ask about when the next ship leaves Besaid for Luca."

With that, the fox left the hut and went out where the villagers were waiting anxiously, many worried about the summoner despite her being so different. After setting them at ease, she summoned her aeon and touched it's beak before dismissing it while the villagers cheered. With a small smile, she spoke with some of the children in the village before she head off to bathe as she said she would.
Once she left, Nathan did not follow after her, nor did he decide to meet the Aeon. The fayth would pretty much be that girl that forced Lyra to fuck him, from his understanding of the hieroglyphics from the temple. The Aeon was created from that girl and he'd rather not meet her once more, or anything that was created from her spirit. He stayed in the tent and tended to his weapons even though they did not need it. "After Luca, all of this will be behind me. Though....I feel bad for her having no guardian now after I leave. She will get killed for sure..." He put his weapon and whetstone down. "She'll be killed...That doesn't sound right..." He murmured as he began to think he should extend the guardianship until she found another Guardian.
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