D.E.666 ~ A Guardian's Summons ~ Jugger82

"I am resting. I'm laying back with my eyes closed and breathing softly. I don't need to sleep to get rest." He said as he opened his eyes and now looked at the girl. "If you insist to stay awake, then do so. I was only making a suggestion." He said and turned so his back was to her. Though the wound was closed, there were still wet and fresh blood stains on the boat and on his clothes. If she could see through the blood, she'd see some charred skin, not from the wound. It was not bad, and it was hardly noticeable but it served as remnants of a time long ago for Nathan.
Her blood red eyes, demon eyes as some had called them, studied him before becoming averted after he turned his back to her. She laid her head in her hands again and just stared out over the water that surrounded them, feeling a little uncomfortable because of the sun beating down on them and then reflecting off the water around them. Her fur just made her hotter but she brushed it off as she closed her eyes. A little bit later she opened her eyes and glanced at the man again before pausing when she saw the charred skin on his back and she frowned slightly while looking at it. For a long moment she sat in silence before her curiosity got the best of her. "What happened?" she suddenly asked, her voice soft. "You're back..." She trailed off and looked away, hoping he wouldn't get angry for asking.
"I was stabbed through the back by a tentacle. What the hell do you think happened?" He said, trying to change the subject as he turned over so he was facing her, eyes still closed. He didn't say anything to her for a few moments, but when he did say something, it was simply a snore. He began to lightly snore, tired from all that had happened and his mind finally collapsed on him and caused him to pass out to rest.
She frowned slightly at his reply before turning her head while he turned to face her, her ear twitching a little as she sighed softly. Lyra glanced at him after a while and saw that he was sleeping, her ear tilting towards him as he began to snore. At first she just stared at him before smiling slightly with a shake of her head. After that she just turned her attention on the island in the distance, a sad look on her face. She had a heavy heart from what had happened and while she did her best to hide it, it sometimes showed. It amazed some others at the strength and compassion she had. Despite the fact that she'd been abused and hated and looked down upon, she still cared for others and did her best to make them happy.

For a while she left him alone before nudging his foot gently. "Hey, wake up." she said gently. "We're almost to Besaid Island." She had remained awake while letting him rest, occasionally causing a breeze and pushing the boat along.
Nathan grumbled as he sat up and held his head and his chest where his wound was, still being sore from the attack from the tentacle. He looked out and saw that Besaid was only a shoreline but they were still getting closer as time moved on. "Good...Good..." He said as he stood up and began to stretch, his joints popping as he did so. It was so much that his legs gave out and he fell with a surprise and landed on Lyra, groaning as he held his head again only to look up and see her eyes only inches away from his, then he released where his chin was for this to happen and he blushed somewhat, the top of the blush being visible whereas the rest was hidden behind his face mask. "Well...This was interesting..." He said out loud as he moved to get away from her, coughing nervously and lightly as he tried not to meet her gaze.
Lyra watched Nathan as he stood up and stretched, her hands gripping the edges of the boat as it rocked back and forth a bit. When his legs gave out, she yelped in surprise when he fell on top of her, causing her to fall backwards onto her back and she grunted a bit. As he lifted his head and looked up, her own eyes were wide with surprise and she swallowed a little nervously as she noticed just how close they were to each other, his body pressing against hers. Gazing at him, she noticed the blush visible just over the edge of the mask he wore and she tilted her head, much like how a canine would when they saw something interesting. After he spoke, she cleared her throat before nodding a little. "Indeed." she murmured. Once he moved, she slowly sat up and adjusted her clothing a little since they had gotten a little twisted in the fall.
"Perhaps you could speed this boat trip along with that magic of yours...It would take us three times less the time...It would also save us from anymore embarrassing moments...This boat is too small for someone such as I." He meant that in terms of how he wasn't exactly the stone of a person he made himself out to be, he liked to be able to freely move. "If you could, summoner. I would really like to sleep on a bed, rather than a hard floor of a boat whilst my stomach kills itself over the rocking of the ocean waves under us. I am not seaworthy."
The fox looked at the man curiously as he admitted that he wasn't seaworthy and she smiled slightly with a look of understanding, bowing her head slightly before slowly standing up with her staff in hand. With excellent balance, her feet at shoulder width apart to keep her steady, she turned away from the island they were moving towards and with a swing of her staff, she created a gentle wind and made the water move, causing the boat to speed across the water at a faster speed. "I shall do my best to get us there as soon as possible. I myself would prefer to sleep in a bed tonight." Lyra didn't say it, but she didn't like being on the water. It always made her a little uneasy because on the water, a person can't really see their opponent should a fight occur.
An hour later, they would arrive at Besaid but the boat would be going too fast. Nathan noticed this and called for her to get ready, as the wind had pushed the boat out to the side toward some cliffs to the side of the nearby beach and wharf. Grabbing Lyra in his arms, he jumped out and landed in some shallow water before the boat crashed into the cliff, the bow of the boat being destroyed but the rest of it was just fine, though the impact would have thrown both of them into the cliff wall. Nathan had landed under Lyra, though the water still soaked both of them, causing their clothes to begin sticking to their skin. The way he landed had it so his body was still underwater in water deep enough to bring his body under it yet shallow enough for him to simply stand up and be at knee deep in water. He could see clearly through the water and could see Lyra the entire time, seeing that she was safe he removed his arms from hugging her, the way he had grabbed her when he jumped out of the boat.
Lyra noticed that the boat was going too fast as well and she looked around, unsure of how to slow it down. Hearing him telling her to get ready, she looked at him before gasping as he grabbed her up into his arms. As he jumped from the boat, she wrapped her arms around him while burying her face into the curve of his neck. When the hit the water, she jerked a little in surprise as the cool water soaked into her fur and her clothing. Hearing the boat hit the rocks, she looked over before feeling Nathan release her. Once he let go of her, she removed her arms from around him as well and quickly moved off of him so he could stand and she stood up, shivering a little before shaking and squeezing the water out of her tail and hair. "Thanks." she said to him after a bit.
He finally surfaced and took in a deep gasp for air. "Finally..." He murmured as he coughed a little and looked to her. "Do not mention it...I was dozing off and could not warn you to slow down." He replied as he stood up and tried to unstick his clothes to his skin. It was cold and water-soaked clothes against the skin only made it more. "We need to hurry and find a place for us to dry our clothes. Let us find the village." He said as he began to wringe out his shirt as he began up toward the trail toward the village. "Hurry if you do not wish to catch a cold."
She began wading out of the water, the water pulling at her tail and skirt a bit as she moved out of the water. She could hear him wringing out his shirt as he headed towards the trail and she nodded slightly at the mention of finding the village. "Shouldn't be too hard." she said as she followed him. Lyra shook again, much like a dog would after getting wet before sighing. With her hearing, she could hear the faint sounds of the village, as well as the sound of water and wildlife around them as they took to the trail that would take them to the village.
Once they arrived at the village, Nathan had his arms crossed as he waited for her. He had taken off his cloak, though still wet, and wrapped it around her front. "Your breasts are showing through your wet clothes. Best to hide them. I am not approaching anyone so I will rely on you for human communication. Get to asking about an inn for us to stay in." He said as he stepped back and allowed for her to walk wherever she wanted to, he would follow. "Come on. We'll get sick if we stay in these clothes."
Upon arriving at the outskirts of the village, she stopped at his side. There was a slightly embarrassed look on her face as he wrapped his cloak around her and she huffed softly as he told her that her breasts were showing. After being told that she was going to be his go between with others, she rolled her eyes before nodding slightly. "Very well." was all she said before she started into the village, ignoring some of the stares that she got until someone approached her and she smiled tiredly at them. The vixen knew that she and Nathan were an odd sight to see with their soaked clothing and her with her wet fur. After she was approached, she asked about a place to stay, telling them about what had happened. Taking pity upon the summoner, the villagers offered to house them in one of the many huts in their village.

Lyra made sure to let them know that Nathan wasn't a people person and didn't speak much, causing several to comment about someone named Kimahri who had left with the Summoner, Lady Yuna. This made the fox smile slightly. After they were told which hut was theirs to stay in while they were there, several women ushered the young summoner away to take care of her, leaving Nathan at the hut that was theirs for the extent of their stay.
Nathan watched as Lyra was taken away by other several women. He scoffed and turned to go into his hut, drying his clothes with a small fire and sat back as he watched them dry whilst he stayed warm near the heat of the inferno. He sighed and closed his eyes, slowly beginning to drift off to sleep since there was nothing else to do. He wanted to get to Luca, that was where he expected Sin to be next. He wanted to be there to watch the destruction of humans first hand and if he survived the encounter, then it would be a blessing to watch another time. The thought made him chuckle as he began to slowly doze off into slumber.
After she was taken away, the women showed her where she could bathe and then provided the summoner with a new dress to replace her soaked clothing. Lyra bathed, making sure she got all of the dirt and sand from her fur before just relaxing for a little while until she decided to head back. She got out of the water and shook her fur out before drying off the best she could with a towel that was provided. The fox braided her long hair before tying it up into a knot before sitting on a rock so she could sun dry. Once she was mostly dry, Lyra pulled on the dress and returned to the fire that burned in the center of the village. The dress she'd been given was a knee length dress that wrapped around her and tied behind her with a series of bows.

It covered everything, but her breasts still strained against the dress and when she walked past a couple villagers and made her way towards the hut, she heard murmurs of how she was like the mage Lulu and she felt her face heat up a little as she entered the hut and saw that Nathan sleeping. With a small smile, she set her clothing aside before sitting down at the table in the hut and she listened to the sounds of the village around them.
When he heard her sit down, his eyes shot open and he reached for his ax but it was missing. He had set it down near the fire and sighed when he noticed that it was only Lyra who had entered the tent. "I assume your mingling through the town is quite finished?" He yawned and sat up, looking at her and blushed when he noticed the outfit she was wearing. His face mask was set out to dry so his blush was clearly seen when he saw the clothes she was wearing and how her breasts pressed against the fabric and only made them stand out more, making them look bigger this way. "Again, I say...is this how humans have been made to look for their women...?" Though he did not seem to hate the new look she had.
Lyra heard him move and she turned her head slightly so he could see the side of her face from his position, her ear tilted towards him while her tail flicked against the chair she sat in. When he asked about her mingling, she chuckled, the sound soft and a little husky. "The women showed me where I could bathe and gave me something different to wear." she told him before finally looking at him completely, her red gaze studying him as his cheeks began to redden. As he spoke, a slightly flustered look on her face formed and she turned her head once again to gaze out at the fire. "They don't have dresses fit for females as... well endowed as I am." she said softly while tugging at the front of her dress, pulling it over her chest a bit more since her cleavage was still exposed a bit. "But at least I no longer look like a traveling show, yes?" she asked, using the same phrase that he had when they were still in Kilika.
"You mean women as large as you. You are taller than the human woman so it would be very hard for you, yes." He cleared his throat as he looked into the fire as well, his redness still on his cheeks. "Though it is a good look for you, I will admit...And no...You do not look like a traveling show...Just a summoner and her guardian." He lied, she seemed more less than a traveling show and more of a woman who liked to present herself without attempting to please men, so to say. Innocently traveling without knowing that she was showing off to others. He tried not to look at her after he complimented her, for it was unlike him...He felt he was a little easier on her because she was not necessarily human.
When he women as large as her, she made a sound in the back of her throat and she tensed a little. While she wasn't human and yes, she was a little on the tall side, she still didn't like to be called large. When he cleared his throat, she glanced at him with slightly narrowed eyes before she smiled gently at his compliment before nodding. "Thank you." she said softly while looking away once again. "I will attempt to take on the cloister of trails tomorrow." she suddenly said after a little bit. "I did not know if you wished to accompany me, but I wished to let you know. But tonight I will rest."
"Tch...If its a guardian's job to escort his Summoner through the trials, then I guess I must. Even if I am not fully your guardian, someone would have to do such a thing." He said as he looked to her. "There is only one bed. I assume it was for you, so I will take a stroll through the village during the night. Do not worry for me, when I return I will simply lay near the fire and sleep while its nearly died out. Is this alright with you, summoner?"
Lyra forced back a frown at his reply but she merely nodded when he told her that he would escort her through the trials if he must. At the mention of there being one bed, she looked at him while he spoke about taking a walk and then sleeping near the fire. "I suppose it is alright. I have no problem sharing the bed though if you should wish to sleep in it. It's large enough for the two of us and despite me being tall and such, I don't take up much room." She wouldn't say it, but she didn't wish to be alone after what had happened on the ship. She knew that if she was left alone, she probably have a nightmare.
Nathan looked at her as she spoke and seemed to be in deep thought before shaking his head. "The walk in the town can wait...I must tend to my weapons as they've taken damage. I will be here all night mending them. Once you are tired, go on and sleep. It is already late in the afternoon, I would advise for you to sleep." He moved over to his ax and put it in his lap before pulling out a whetstone and began to run it across the side of the ax to slowly begin to make it sharper and more effective.
The fox slowly nodded after he said he'd work on his weapons. "Very well." she said softly. Lyra was exhausted and wanted to sleep. After he stood and moved over to his ax, she stood up as well before moving over to the bed where she laid down before looking over at him. "My invitation still stands should you get tired later." she tells him before turning over so her back was to him and she settled down to sleep, not bothering to cover up with the blanket on the bed because of how warm it was on the island and in the hut. It didn't take her long, but after a couple minutes Lyra was fast asleep, curling up on the bed with a hand beneath her head.
Nathan had just finished mending his pole to get the dents out from the battle and attached the ax to it to see if they could still form the polearm. They could, and it made him glad that his weapons weren't destroyed to the point where they could not reach full potential. Once he detached them and put them aside, he looked to Lyra and frowned as he moved over and sat on the bed, looking at her as he reached over and put a hand on her shoulder and began to rub her gently. "Don't worry girl...So long as I'm here, I'll make sure you get to Luca safely..." He murmured, not knowing why he had a connection with her. He removed his hand from her and laid down, his back to her back as he let the fire die down slowly until the tent was completely dark and he began to slowly sleep.
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