D.E.666 ~ A Guardian's Summons ~ Jugger82

Lyra was sleeping peacefully when he moved to the bed and sat down, causing her body to tense a little as the bed sank down a little. As he placed a hand upon her shoulder and rubbed it gently while speaking, she softly sighed and her body relaxed while her ear tilted towards him a bit. After he laid down with her, the fox smiled in her sleep and continued sleeping peacefully as he laid with her. The rest of the night, she slept peacefully well into the next morning. (Sorry so short. >.< )
(Its okay :] )

The next morning, Nathan would awaken to find he had pulled the girl into his arms so she was facing him and sleeping on his chest as he held her. He didn't move after he had noticed this, he simply laid there with his eyes slightly open as he looked to her and then to the roof of the hut and took a deep breath and slowly let it out to relax. He could feel her fur against the parts of his body that did not have clothing on and it felt so silky smooth, only adding to the relaxation he had. He would wait for Lyra to awaken before he'd move.
In the morning, Lyra didn't wake up right away. When he had pulled her into his arms, she had turned over and draped an arm over his abdomen while her head rested against his shoulder, her muzzle pressing against his chest a little. After Nathan woke up, her ear twitched a little and the change in his breathing and heart beat caught the fox's attention, the change causing her to start to wake up. Slowly she began to wake up and she shifted against his side a little with a yawn, subconsciously nuzzling her face against his chest before she slowly opened her eyes. At first she was a little confused before she realized she was in his arms and her body was pressed against his.

Eyes widening, Lyra jerked back from him a bit and sat up with a slightly embarrassed look on her face. "Sorry." she said quickly, feeling her face heating up from her embarrassment.
Nathan shook his head. "Do not worry." He said as he looked to her. "You looked as if you were having a peaceful sleep, so I did not wish to awaken you." He sat up and stretched, popping his joints a bit from having been stiff for a bit and then looked to her. "You must prepare for the temple. When you are ready..Please let me know so that I would follow you. Though, what is this trial like? Is it different for each summoner or solely the same sort of trial each time?"
Lyra looked at him before nodding. "Thank you." she murmured before she slid to the edge of the bed and she stood up while smoothing down her dress. When he looked at her and told her to let him know when she was ready to go to the temple, she nodded. "Of course." she said before smiling slightly when he asked what the trial was like. She moved over to the chair and sat down before speaking. "The Cloister of Trials is a series of puzzles. Each Cloister is different. There are sphere's and movable pedestals that are involved, as well as glyphs. It's not too hard getting through. Just a little time consuming. It would be the last part that's the hardest. At least for summoners."

She looked over to where her staff rested against the wall, the polished white wood catching the morning light. "I will have to go into the inner chamber and pray to the fayth until I am granted my aeon." she told him. "It is a long and very draining process."
"I will be outside of the chamber if you need me then." He said as he began to put on his now dry clothes. "But first, let us grab something to eat. I would rather not take trials of any kind without having anything to eat before. It will mess up our chances of possibly completing it, and for you, you will need all the energy that you could require." Nathan walked over to her and pulled up his face mask. "If you could, perhaps you could go and order for us? I will accompany, though I'd rather not be...Spoken to by humans of any sort.
Lyra smiled slightly as he spoke. Something told her that he wasn't familiar with the ways of places like Besaid but she wouldn't correct him. She waited until he was done dressing and had his mask on before she stood up. "Come, I'm sure that they have some kind of stew cooking down at the Crusaders Lodge. They're usually welcoming." she told him. Reaching out, she grasped her staff and slowly stepped out of the hut they were in, closing her eyes as the sun warmed her pale green fur and she tilted her face up while taking a deep breath, a small smile upon her lips. Glancing back at him after a bit, she smiled before making her way through the village towards the lodge near the entrance of the small village and she entered, smiling at the crusaders that greeted them warmly.

After inquiring about food, the young man that was closest to them, guided them to a large cauldron that had a rich hearty stew inside. He invited them to help themselves to the stew and some of the bread that was available.
Nathan eyed the stew when they arrived and seemed displeased. He had hoped for cooked meat or something of the sort, yet stew had the meat tainted with vegetables and other sauces that he did not want to eat, if he simply picked out the meat, he'd not enjoy it as much and nor would he dare make himself waste food at all. "Is there nothing else to eat...?" He murmured silently before taking his share of the stew and stepped back and looked to Lyra. "You may have some of mine if you are not full after your bowl." He said as he pulled down his mask and began to slowly eat, starting with the meat in the stew mainly.
Kira was much along the same mindset as Nathan. She was after all a fox and fox's were carnivores. However, she smiled and thanked the young man kindly before she got some for herself and she sat down. Because of her sensitive hearing, she heard his murmured words and chuckled softly before taking a bite of her food before glancing at him. "Thank you, but I'm sure this will be enough for me." she told him. "And I will see about getting some meat a little later. I heard that they were planning on roasting a boar later this afternoon." She picked up a piece of bread and dipped it into her stew before eating it. While she wasn't a big fan of vegetables and bread, the starch of the bread was filling and the vegetables would give her plenty of energy that she will need for the trials.
Soon Nathan would have finished the meat within the bowl and he dumped the vegetables and sauce into her bowl before moving to put his away. "Eat up." He said jokingly as he turned to leave, heading to go see what the temple looked like. Once inside, he looked around and saw the ancient design of the temple and seemed to be interested in everything within it. "Humans of the past made these...They had much more class than those of today...Though their primitive ways are not appealing at all..." He murmured to himself as he continued to study everything within, waiting for her to arrive so he could go into the Trials room.
She had just about finished her bowl of food when he dumped what was left in his into her own and she made a face as he told her to eat up. With a sigh and a playful roll of her eyes, she continued eating while he left her behind. It took her a couple minutes before she finished. Thanking the Crusaders once again, she left with her staff in hand and made her way up to the temple. Entering, she looked around at the statues that decorated the temple and she went to the statue of High Summoner Braska and she knelt in front of it, bowing and lighting a candle before praying for a moment. She prayed for success in her pilgrimage and prayed for the safety of herself, her temporary guardian and the people of Spira. Once she was done praying, the fox stood and went to the priest that lived in the temple.

She spoke with the man softly before turning to look over her shoulder at Nathan when asked about her guardian. The man nodded and she bowed to him before turning to Nathan and approaching him. "I'm ready." she said gently.
Nathan turned when he heard Lyra and nodded in understanding. "If you are, then lets go." Wondering about what he would have to face, he assumed it would have something to do with puzzles, given from what Lyra had told him earlier about movable spheres and pillars. 'Gonna be a pain in my ass...' Nathan thought in his head as he walked with Lyra to the start of the trial, walking past the doors and onto the platform that would take them to the start of the Trials. Once there, he held his nose and felt like he could have gone on a sneezing attack if he hadn't had his mask on. "So stuffy and dusty down here...Don't the priests here clean this place or anything? Damn..."
With a nod, she turned and walked up the steps to the door that led into the Cloister of Trials. Moving onto the platform, she looked at him as he joined her and soon they were being taken down. She watched the smooth walls pass by before looking around a bit after the platform stopped. Hearing him speak, she smiled slightly and shook her head. "The priests aren't allowed in the Cloister of Trials." she told him while stepping off the platform and she walked along. "Only summoners and their guardians are allowed down here." As she spoke, she moved to the glyph that was on the wall straight ahead. Stopping before it, she watched the four points glow one at a time before she pressed her hand to it, watching as it rippled with a purple magic. This caused another glyph to form on the wall to her right and she looked at it.

Moving over, she touched it and a moment later the wall lifted, exposing a set of steps that led down and she made her way down, stopping at the first landing to take a sphere out of a hole. "This is a glyph sphere." she tells him while holding up the green sphere so he could see it better. "There are different types of spheres. There will be a Besaid sphere, these glyph spheres and destruction spheres." she told him as she moved down the next set of steps to a door at the bottom. "See this indent in the door? This sphere will open the door." she said before inserting it and the door swung open and she stepped into the hallway while removing the sphere again.
"This is all confusing...but I assume you know better than I on how to do this...I'll watch and offer any help that you might need..." He murmured as he followed her, watching her as she removed and placed spheres as they went along and he would be the muscle for whenever they had to push the sphere pillars to a designated spot. After an hour, they were finally finished, and the room to the final chamber was open. Walking in, Nathan looked around and felt an odd presence in this room. He assumed it was the fayth, never actually having been so close to something this strong of the fayth before. Hell, before this he just believe the fayth to be some sort of fake belief people clung to because they were afraid of the death of Sin. "Well...I guess this would be where we part ways for a few moments? Be safe, summoner."
"Yes, it confused me at first as well." she told him. "But I trained long and hard, learned what I needed to." For the next hour, with his help, Lyra moved through the Cloister moving the spheres, touching glyphs and moving pedestals. Once in a while she came upon something that she knew they could sell or keep but in the end they came upon the final rooms and she stopped outside of the Chamber of the Fayth. Even outside of the chamber, she could feel the presence of the Fayth and she felt the fur on the back of her neck stand on end before she looked over at him as he speaks before nodding. "Yes. Beyond those doors is the Chamber of the Fayth." she told him. "And I'm not sure how long it'll take."

With that, she walked up to the doors, her steps silent as she made her way up the steps to the door which opened and she looked back once then disappeared inside. The doors closed after her and after that, it was silent. Lyra approached the Fayth and knelt before it before beginning to pray. The fox prayed non-stop for several hours before the Fayth finally granted her the power to fight sin. After a couple hours, the doors opened and she slowly exited. As she did, she was a little unsteady from kneeling so long and she made her way down the steps.
While Nathan was waiting on her, he began to look at the room and at all the drawings. He frowned, wondering why all the drawings were specifically human. He didn't see any Khumari or whatever it was that Lyra was, or any other beast-human race. Solely humans...Did they only believe that humans could possess the power of the fayth, or did these beast-humans not appear until after the temple was made? He wondered what would happen to Lyra, as she was the only non-human summoner he had heard of. When he heard the doors open, he turned and looked up to see Lyra walking down the steps unsteadily. He walked up and wrapped her arm over his shoulder and walked her down. "Do not fall down these stairs, otherwise the fayth would have royally screwed you over." He joked to her.
Lyra gasped when he helped her down the steps and she leaned on him a bit. The fox softly laughed at his words and she smiled. "I won't fall." she breathed. "I'm just... a little unsteady from kneeling for so long." As they walked down the steps, she closed her eyes while her hand gripped his shirt. At the bottom of the steps, a gentle growl filled the room and she trembled a little while she became more steady. Once she had her footing, Lyra slowly pulled away from him as she looked around. She could feel the new power from the Fayths running through her body and it made her feel strange. For a moment she stood there before looking at Nathan. There was something different about her eyes as she looked at him. There was something... wild...something feral, about them as she looked at him.
When she gripped his shirt, he smiled gently but this was hidden by his mask. Once down the steps, he let her go when she stepped away and then resumed looking at the paintings once more, assuming the growl she made was her fatigue setting in. He would let her lay down if she needed it. He had no idea what she was doing when she looked at him, not noticing how feral she was for a few moments before he turned his head and saw her. He didn't immediately catch that something was wrong. "Lyra, are you ready to go? Do you need more rest or anything?" He asked as he leaned against the wall, watching her and slowly coming to the realization something was starting to be a little different with her.
Lyra's ear twitched when he spoke and she watched the man lean against the wall. As he watched her, he'd be able to see the difference in her stance as she stood there watching him intensely. She looked like a predator watching it's prey and in a way, that's what she was doing. With a slightly wolfish grin, she moved towards him, her hips swaying and her gaze locked onto his. With another, husky, slightly deeper growl, she placed her hand upon his shoulder before pressing herself against him. He would be able to feel the fox's excitement, her stiff nipples pressing against his chest through their clothing.
"Lyra...?" He murmured when he saw her begin to walk toward him, stepping back so his back was flat against the wall now. Feeling her hand on his shoulder, he looked at it and then looked to her and felt her begin to press herself against him. Her nipples were the first things he noticed about her body. "Cold in here?" He murmured, trying to lighten the situation even though he knew what she was doing was seductive, he was remaining calm but still felt nervous. "Lyra. Whats gotten into you? Step back from me. You act as if you are actually attempting to do something with me. This joke has gone on far enough."
When he said her name, her ear twitched just slightly as she pressed herself against him. She could smell the slight scent of his nervousness and she gave another growl, not liking that scent and she wanted to replace it with something more... pleasant. As he spoke again, she tilted her head slightly as he told her to step back. "I don't think I will." she said, her voice low and husky, thick with her arousal. Leaning in, she nuzzled his neck before nipping at his skin. "And this is no joke." She could feel the arousal getting stronger, telling her that she had to take him and honestly, she wanted to and it showed in the way she was pressing herself to him.
"Lyra stop this...I do not feel for your kind like this..." He said as he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her away gently, not having her leave contact, he gently just pushed her out so that she was arms length away with his hands still on her shoulders. "You aren't acting like yourself Lyra. You wouldn't normally do this, would you? Even if you did...I don't feel for your kind. I hate humans and all that look like them. I would rather die without a lover at the hands of Sin." Though he pleaded, he knew her mind was set on doing this and he hoped that she wouldn't be forceful with this. If she decided to attack him, actually attacking him, he didn't know if he could actually strike her, given the small connection he actually did have for her as a companion, something he didn't have.
Lyra grunted as he pushed her away, her body straining while her tail flicked behind her in an irritated fashion. When he had her at arms length, the fox growled again and Lyra narrowed her eyes a little as he questioned her, her body trembling a little. At the mention of not feeling for her kind and hating humans and all that looked like them, a series of emotions flashed through her wild eyes. With surprising strength, she grabbed him and in one move had him pinned on the ground with a snarl. "That's what it always comes down to, isn't it?" she said tightly. "It's always the same... thing. The humans don't want me because I'm to much of an animal, the ronso's won't take me because I'm not animal enough. I don't have others of 'my kind'. I'm... a freak of nature. An abomination as one priestess said. Do I look like a human to you?!" At that moment she didn't. She looked like a wild animal. Her eyes were those of an animals, wide and wild yet filled with a swirl of emotions while her long green hair had come free of the braid it had been in. As she spoke, her paw like hands clutched his shirt tightly and she was straddling his waist while her tail lashed back and forth and her fangs flashed in the light of the burning torches in the room.
Nathan was surprised by the sudden attack and he grabbed her wrist when she grabbed him though he found it surprisingly difficult for him to move it from him. 'D-Damn what the hell just happened...!?' He thought in his head as he heard Lyra lash out vocally at him about how hard her life had been because she was neither human nor animal. He could feel her claws dig into his chest as she held his shirt and he could feel her tail brush against his leg through his pants as she straddled him. Her fangs seemed so much larger in the torchlight and it only made the scene a little more desperate for him. "Lyra, if you kill me then you have nobody!" He finally managed to push her up enough to quickly move his legs under her and kick her off, having his shirt get ripped in the process so now his bare chest was showing. He stepped back and felt his chest had been cut by her claws and could feel some blood come from the wound, but it was nothing major. His eyes watched her, waiting for another attack. "Just back the hell away from me! I'm not going to just give you my body cause you want it all of a sudden. I don't like your kind, or any human kind! Don't put the entire blame on yourself!" He snapped back angrily as he waited, expecting her to attack him once more.
Lyra didn't really notice him pushing her up until she felt his feet against her stomach a moment before she was kicked back. This caused her to yelp as she fell back on the ground. When he kicked her, the edge of her dress caught on his foot and was pulled open a bit, exposing more of her breasts as she laid there. Her hair hung around her face as she laid there. As he snapped at her, her ears laid back and she glared up at him. As she did, the red of her eyes seemed to change a bit in color. She could smell the irony scent of his blood and her ears became pinned back completely and she looked away from him with a huff, slowly standing up. Part of her wanted to tell him that she already had nobody. After all, he was leaving her at their next stop in Luca.
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