D.E.666 ~ A Guardian's Summons ~ Jugger82

She nodded slightly and smiled before tilting her head as she thought about his question. "No, there is no temple here. Luca is where all the blitzball tournaments are held." she told him softly. "Among other things like shows." She followed him off the boat and onto the docks, looking around at all the bustling people that were hurrying this way and that. At the mention of so many people, she smiled and nodded. "Yes, Luca is one of the biggest cities in Spira." she told him softly while moving a little closer. "And not only that, but many people are coming here for the big tournament at the moment. The Besaid Aurochs and the Luca Goers are two of the teams here at the moment." she said before pointing to a screen that showed different teams. "There are the Al Bhed Psyches. Then the Ronso Fangs." she said, pointing out the different teams. "The Guado Glories and the Kilika Beasts."

She smiled up at him when asked what they should go and find first. "How about some meat? I think we could both go for something to eat." she told him with a chuckle. "I hear that Luca has some very good chicken." she said with a grin.
"Good. I was looking forward to something to eat." Nathan said as he walked with her, looking at signs and eventually taking them to a market district...or what he called it anyway...but it was far from it. There were stalls and stores for food instead of them buying the food itself and having to cook it themselves. "I've never been to a place such as this...stores that cook the food for you and you eat within them...? The few villages I have been too have never been like this."
She nodded in agreement. She was looking forward to eating as well, having not had anything since before they left Besaid. At his side, she traveled deeper into Luca, smiling slightly as she looked around at the different people and species that were visiting Luca. It was times like this when she actually felt like she blended into the crowd a bit. "I've never been off of Kilika island, so it's new for me as well. I like it." she told him. "I feel like, with all these different people, I don't stand out quite as much as usual." she told him with a small smile.
"There are more Ronso out here. I'm sure you definitely do not stand out as much. Though..." He looked up and down and laughed slightly at her clothing. "I am quite certain with the clothes you are always wearing, you will turn some heads." He said with a smile, though his face seemed serious due to his mask. "Now then...Shall we find a restaurant that serves us primarily meat and not...strew?"
As he mentioned her clothing, she felt her face heat up and she grunted softly. "At least it's not the outfit I was wearing when we first me." she said while tugging on the hem of her current dress. The one she was wearing covered her all the way down to her knees and most of her breasts though it was snug across them and showed some of her cleavage. Clearing her throat, she looked at him and smiled with a nod. "Yes, primarily meat sounds good." she told him. "Shouldn't be too hard. Just look for where the Ronso likes to eat." she said.
"Splendid. A place with less humans then." He said jokingly as he began to walk on, making sure she'd follow him as he made his way through the crowd until he saw some ronso hanging out of a store. He walked Lyra into the store and smelled the delicacies in there and it made his stomach growl. "I think we've found our place...Though...The line in here is pretty long and full of Ronso...I don't think it'd be wise to cut like I had intended."
She snorted softly and gave a soft chuckle at his comment while following him through the crowds. Sometimes a couple of people would push their way between them but she would always be able to find him and she did it the same way she told him she could. Because she'd been with him so long, she could pick up his scent with ease in the crowd and she'd be back at his side fairly quickly. Spotting the shop where Ronso's were hanging out, she followed him over to it and she caught the scent of different meat being cooked and she felt her stomach growl and her mouth watered at the scent of roasting meats and other such carnivorous foods. "Yeah, I think we have." she said softly, clearly a little distracted by the smell. At the mention of a line, she looked at the number of Ronso that were waiting and she nodded slightly. "You might be right about that." she murmured.
"Let us wait in line then." NAthan said with a smile as he pulled her to the line and began to wait. After half an hour it would be their turn to order something and he looked up to the menu that was carved into a sign to the side. "See anything you want? I have a little money to spend luxury-wise...Though...maybe they'll give free food to you if you're a summoner?" He said as he turned to look at her, his stomach growling loudly to the want of the meat that was cooking and searing, no charcoal or gasses filling the air, just the scent of the cooking food from fire made from a magic using human in the back who was cooking.
"Okay." she murmured, letting him pull her into line to wait. No one really took notice of the pair as they stood, the female keeping her staff low so it wouldn't get in the way. Once they were at the front, she glanced at the menu before looking at him as he spoke about the money he had. "We'll just have to see." she said softly, her ear twitching gently at the sound of his stomach growling and she smiled. Her nose continued twitching as she smelled the meat, her stomach growling as well. Once they were up front, the man serving was a little gruff and slightly rude until he looked up and he paused. "Lady Summoner." he said as he used the religious gesture which she returned with a gentle smile. "What would you and your guardian like?" he asked, glancing at Nathan then back at the fox.
Nathan looked at the chef and then to Lyra and seemed confused but shrugged it off how the ronso was so kind to her. He assumed that Ronso were kinder to people more closely related to their kind...or maybe just summoners. Or maybe it was the fact that she was both? He pushed htis out of his head as he looked to her. "Just...Surprise me I guess." He said with a shrug. "I don't know the kind of meat you're cooking here...its all so vast. Just no fish...I am unable to eat such things."
Glancing at him, she smiled slightly with a soft chuckle when she noticed his confusion before looking at the Ronso again, her red eyes bright with amusement while Nathan ordered before she nodded slightly. "Surprise me as well. Like my guardian, no fish, thank you." she said politely. With a grunt and a nod, the ronso turned and yelled something to the human in the back before seeing to getting their food. It was just a couple minutes before the ronso returned and held out two skewers covered in still steaming roasted meat of different types. "Bills already been paid." he grunted softly before signalling for the next customer. With a smile, Lyra took the skewers and held one out to Nathan.
"Then that leaves me with ore money for an inn I suppose." Nathan said as he looked at the food and began to grow hungrier as he looked at it. His stomach growled more and he could not wait. He moved the mask from his face and began to eat the food, smiling and obviously enjoying how good it was. "It tastes so...Odd...In the best way possible...I've never tasted something this fresh and sauced..." He said with a smile as he looked to Lyra. "And you?"
She smiled gently at his comment and slowly moved away from the shop. She was about to take a bite of her food when she glanced over at him as saw him move his mask, causing her to pause as she took in his appearance completely. For a moment she just studied the man as he smiled and enjoyed his food before she smiled almost affectionately. Looking away from him, she took a bite from the meat she had and she made a soft growling sound of enjoyment. "It's much better then the stew from the other day." she said before smiling at him. "The taste is fresh and untainted by those other methods that are used for cooking. It's just... meat and spices." she said then took another big bite of the meat.
"Yes. So true." Nathan said with a smile as he caught a glimpse of her smile and how affectionate it seemed to be. Once he was finished, he drank down his water and sighed. "It doesn't go well with just plain water...Perhaps they have some sort of liquor or something that could go with this meat. I heard that in far off countries, some meat is prepared by cooking it with alcohol to give it the added flavor without the dangers of the alcohol itself."
She watched him drink his water while she finished the last few bites of her food, her tail swaying happily behind her much like a dogs would while her ears were perked up, a clear sign that she was happy. Hearing him talking about meat being cooked in alcohol, she tilted her head curiously while she finished her food. "That sounds very interesting." she told him. For a little while she was silent as she just savored the taste of the meat left in her mouth before she looked at him and spoke again. "Do you want to go see the Blitzball tournament?" she asked suddenly. "I was invited by the team from Kilika island to watch. I hadn't thought about going, but... it might be interesting. Besides, I heard that the Maesters are often at the games."
Nathan sat in silence for some moments and moved his mask back once he was finished eating his food. He looked to he when she mentioned the blitzball tournament and would have said he wanted to go, but she brought up the Maesters. "Maesters? Who are they? The officials for the game or something?" He said as he called for a waiter Ronso to come over and bring them more food. The waiters were only for people who had already received food before.
Lyra was a little shocked when he asked who the Maesters were, but the thought of them being officials made her giggle and she shook her head. "No. The Maesters have nothing to do with the game actually. I don't know if you've heard of a man named Seymour Guado in your travels, but he is a maester. There are three Maesters, then there is a grand Maester. There is currently Kelk Ronso, the representative for the Ronso people. Seymour Guado, who recently took the place of his late father, he is the representative for the Guado peoples. And finally Wen Kinoc, for the humans." she explained while the waiter brought over some more food. "The Grand Maester is Yo Mika. The Maesters are the leaders of Yevon, which is the religion that most of Spira follow. That summoners follow."
"Ah. No wonder I don't listen. I don't follow that religious stuff. Not that I don't think its wrong. I just don't believe that it applies to me." He said with a shrug. He began to eat once more after moving his mask to eat when the waiter brought them their food. "Now then...A quick question thats been bothering me as of late. Exactly what are you? You are neither Ronso nor Guado nor are you Human. Are you a rare species or just something completely new?"
She shrugged slightly with a chuckle. "It's alright. I've met a couple people who don't wish to believe in such things. I was skeptical at first myself while growing up, but I have witnessed summoners come and go." she said gently. Once the food was set down, she took a bite and smiled until he asked what she was and her smile faded into a slight frown and she shook her head with a sigh. "I don't know what I am. I've been called many things by people who see me. I'm not like the Ronso, they're more feline while I'm canine. No, I'm not a Guado, though I certainly have the coloring of some of them." she said, looking at her pale green fur and hair before looking at him again. "And I'm certainly not human. I have emotions and morals with some human features, but my mind set is more that of an animal."
"Interesting..." Nathan said gently as he finished his food and moved his mask back to where it was. He smiled and reached over, patting her shoulder gently. "I do not care what you are though. You are my friend in my eyes." He said as he stood up. "The blitzball tournament...It can wait, yes? I would like to..." His eyes peered away for some moments as if unsure as to what to say. "I would like to...show you just how important you are to me..."
Her happy mood had been dampened a bit by his question about what she was. It was hard for her to think about because of some of the cruel remarks she'd gotten from people as she grew up. When he patted her shoulder, she looked up into his eyes and smiled gently as he called her friend and her eyes lit up again. "Yes, the tournament will take a while." she said before pausing when he said he'd like to show her just how important she was to him and she blinked almost owlishly before nodding slightly as she stood as well and she took up her staff. "Okay. The good matches won't start until a good while later, so we have time."
Nathan nodded and took her hand and began to lead her back to the ship, where the room would be free and secluded. He brought her into their cabin and sat her down gently and made sure no one was outside the door before he began to lock it. He moved over to her and removed his mask, a blush obviously seen now as he looked away from her for a few moments. When he did look at her, he leaned in slowly and pressed his lips to hers gently, wrapping his arms around her and lightly tugging her closer.
Lyra smiled gently as he took her hand and she followed him back to the docks and onto the ship they'd arrived on, ignoring some of the looks a couple people gave them as he took her back to the cabin. Once inside, she sat down and watched him curiously as he looked outside into the hall then locked the door. Her red eyes widened a little as he removed his mask and blushed, watching the blonde haired man approach her before she made a soft sound of surprise when he pressed his lips to hers. Slowly she relaxed and kissed him back while he pulled her closer, her chest pressing against his while she dropped her staff at their feet and buried a hand into his long hair.
His eyes closed as he kissed her and had his hands reach past her to hold her back gently as he pulled her close. He stayed like this for several minutes before he began to undo bindings in the back of her clothes to slowly take off her clothing, one by one until her entire upper half was naked and her pants were still on. He looked down and smiled to her as he kissed and licked her breast and nipple, one hand going to start rubbing up and down her thigh while the other hand was used for balance.
She made a soft growling sound. It wasn't one of anger or disapproval, but of enjoyment as he held her close and kissed her. When he began opening her kimono, Lyra felt her face heat up a bit as her top was removed and she gazed up into his face as he smiled at her. For a fleeting moment she had thoughts that she wished she could see him smile more when he began to kiss and lick her breasts, causing her mind to go blank as she moaned softly. Her nipples began to harden at the touch of his lips and tongue while he stroked her thigh. Reaching up, her hands went to his shirt and she began lightly tugging at it.
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