D.E.666 ~ A Guardian's Summons ~ Jugger82

Nathan helped her remove his shirt for her as she tugged and soon moved to straddle her, his body on hers as he kissed up and down her neck, his hot breath grazing her skin ever so gently as he moved up and down to kiss her skin. One hand went to massage her breast once more, the other was holding him up. His knee went between her legs to start rubbing against the clothing outside of her pussy to slowly get her wetter.
Lyra sighed once his shirt was off and she leaned in to softly kiss his warm skin before gasping as he straddled her, gazing up at him with slightly widened eyes before she moaned again as he began kissing along her neck. Closing her eyes, the fox tipped her head back for him while she moaned and she ran her fingers through his thick blonde hair. Lyra felt his hand massaging her breast, but when he began rubbing his knee against her pussy through her clothing, she gasped while shuddering in pleasure, moaning a little louder as she felt her underwear getting damp, her hips gently moving against his leg.
Once he was done getting her ready, he moved down to her bottoms and began to take them off until she was completely nude. He smiled as he leaned down and began to lick her pussy with the tip of his tongue, his hands keeping her legs spread as he looked up to watch her past her breasts to see just how she looked as he continued to tease her body's sex.
Feeling her bottoms being drawn off, she gasped softly while biting her lip as she laid there completely naked beneath him. She watched as he moved down her body before gasping sharply when he licked her pussy. If he'd ever been with a human woman like this, he'd notice that she didn't taste anything like a human would. She had a very faint, yet slightly sweet flavor. She moaned as he licked her, her head tipped back a bit while the redness beneath her fur began to peak through a little, making the pale green of her fur take on a pink tint while her tail flicked against his chest while she began breathing a little faster, mewling and moaning.
Nathan loved the unnatural taste of her pussy. It was sweet and it only drew him to it more. He soon looked up to her and smiled as he reached down and began to remove his pants and the rest of his clothing so that he was naked as well. He moved to lay next to her, her back to his chest as he lifted her leg with his hand and began to prod her with his cock. His mouth moved to start kissing up and down her neck once more until she'd turn her head, where he'd start kissing her lips passionately before he began to slowly push his cock slowly and deeply into her pussy.
By the time he moved up and began removing his clothing, she was squirming on the bed while whimpering needfully, her pussy wet with her arousal for the man. Once he laid with her, she adjusted her position so she was on her side and she felt him lifting her leg. The fox bit her lip while his cock pressed against her pussy and she felt a rush of excitement go through her while he kissed her neck. Turning her head to look at her companion, she gazed up into his eyes before moaning into the kiss he gave her before moaning louder as he began to slowly fill her tight pussy.
"Lyra..." He moaned out when he pulled out and turned her to lay on top of him. He sat up, having her sit in his lap and held her up slightly so he could get his cock to angle right as he lowered her to sit on his lap. As his cock went into her, his lips went to hers to silence her if she moaned out and began to buck his hips, grinding his cock around in a circular motion as it was all the way inside of her.
Lyra groaned as he pulled out of her, missing the contact, but a moment later he pulled her on top of him and she grunted as she sat up in his lap. As she was lowered onto his cock again, she gasped and moaned into the sudden kiss while she wrapped her arms around his neck as he began bucking his hips up into her, making her moan as his cock began to grind inside of her. The female began grinding her hips in return, her fingers playing with his hair as she moved with him.
Nathan continued to grinding into her, only this time he reached forward and placed both hands on her breasts and began to pinch her nipples lightly and pulled down, so that whenever she was bucked up, her breasts would be pulled. His fingers didn't stay still, they kept twiddling her nips gently as they held them and his tongue began to slide into her mouth slowly to wrap itself around hers. He opened his eyes and looked to Lyra, seeing how beautiful her eyes were up close.
Lyra's hands gripped his shoulders tightly as he grasped her breasts and began playing with them, making her whimper lustfully as he pinched her hardened nipples and tugged on them. Each time her body was bucked up, she felt her nipples get pulled at and she tightened around him, her walls wet and tight around his cock while she kissed him hungrily. Her eyes were partially open, the blood red orbs glazed with her arousal and lust for the man who had claimed the spot of her guardian.
His cock continued to thrust into her before he fell back, having her fall with him. His hands were still on her breasts and his cock still bucked into her, now no longer grinding but now going into her, in and out, the head of his cock rubbing against her bare walls in the right spots as it went inside of her. "Lyra...I'm getting close...Where do you want it...?" Nathan was getting closer to the edge and was about to cum.
She softly yipped as he fell back onto the bed. Breaking the kiss, she gazed down into his eyes while they continued moving against each other, biting her lip as his cock moved in and out of her. Hearing that he was close, the fox felt her face heat up a little while her walls tightened a bit more, her own release building quickly with every thrust from him. "In... inside." she moaned. "Please." she stared into his eyes, her body trembling a little as she got closer and closer to cumming.
Nathan nodded. He'd do it for her, just like he had done it for her before in the trial cluster of Besaid Village. He continued to buck into her, his hands still playing with her breasts. He could feel his cock began to swell up inside of her tight pussy as he got closer and closer and soon, he released his load deep into her. His seed shot out into her wanting womb and he pulled her down into a kiss as his cock seemed to continue shooting into her.
She panted as he bucked up into her and she moaned a little louder as her body bounced in his lap a bit as his cock continued to fill her over and over again. When he suddenly filled her with his release and she felt hit hot seed filling her womb, she cried out as her own body reached its peek and she started cumming around him while he continued filling her. She grunted as she was pulled down into a kiss but she kissed him back while her walls clenched and quivered around his pulsing shaft.
Soon he pulled out and had her lay on top of him, feeling his seed slowly spill out of her and onto both of their bodies as they lay together, his eyes closed as he kissed her passionately and smiled to her. "This is how important you are to me...Lyra." He said finally as he began to pet her head gently as he looked into her eyes. "I am with you till the very end. I promise you this." He kissed her once more before pulling away and holding her close, his eyes slowly closing as he began to drift off to an exhausted slumber.
Feeling him pull out of her, she made a soft sound in the back of her throat as his seed escaped her. Closing her eyes, she kissed him back until he broke the kiss and spoke. As he told her that was how important she was to him, she smiled gently while resting her head against his chest, gazing up into his eyes. "Thank you." she murmured before kissing him again. Laying her head down once more, she yawned while he held her close and she soon slipped into a tired sleep as well, her arm wrapped around him. Lyra slept for a while until she suddenly woke up. Eyes snapping open, the fox wasn't sure what it was at first what it was that woke her until she heard a scream of terror and she sat up quickly, her ears perked up and she shook Nathan. "Nathan, wake up." she said before climbing off the bed, snatching up her clothing as she moved.
Nathan groaned as he heard her and started to awaken. Seeing her begin to grab her clothes, he sighed, figuring they were late for the blitzball game and began to get dressed as well. "Why are you so wanting to hurry to a blitzball game?" He murmured. Sure, he had enjoyed them before but not this much to panic for it. Though he was set straight with what was happening when he heard more screams and the sound of water splashing. "The hell is going on out there?" Nathan said as he grabbed his hand ax from the corner of the room and attached it to his pole to create his polearm. "Whats happening? Lets hurry and see whats wrong."
Lyra grunted as she quickly pulled on her clothing, carefully but quickly tying her kimono after wrapping it around her. "It's not the game." she said quickly. "Somethings wrong. I can feel it and those screams are proof of it." She finished dressing before grabbing her staff and she looked at him as he grabbed his weapons. Once he said to hurry, she nodded and opened the door, rushing out. The fox ran up onto deck and looked in the direction of the arena where the screams were coming from and she saw people running from it. "To the arena." she told him. "Somethings going on there." With that, she rushed onto the docks and led the way to one of the entrances to the blitzball arena, pushing past people as she made her way up the steps into the stands. Once up there, she looked around and gasped at the sight of the fiends everywhere. Inside the water sphere where blitzball was played, she could make out the forms of two humans fighting fiends but they didn't seem to need any help. "We should fight." she told him.
"Fight? More like we need to get the hell out of here. We should've stayed on the boat and shoved off!" He said as he took a swing to a fiend that leapt toward him. The fiend was cut down and disappeared in black smog that encased Nathan, causing him to break out into strong coughs until he moved away. "D-Damn what the hell was that...!?" He said as he held his throat and stayed alert. "Try to take them out from afar! These seem to blow up into a choking smoke!"
She smiled slightly at his response and glanced at him as he swung at a fiend. As he coughed, she frowned and narrowed her eyes slightly, watching as he held his throat. Using her magic and her staff, she began attacking the smaller fiends which seemed to attack in groups, using her fire and ice magic on them. Hearing a commotion further along the balcony, she looked across the way and saw a man in red and her eyes widened, recognizing the man as Auron, the guardian to high Summoner Braska. It was a shock to see him there at the arena. A moment later her attention was drawn back to her fight. "It seems that we're not the only ones fighting." she said to him.
(do you want me to bring in Seymour and his aeon?)
(It is up to you. I figured you could have the Aeon get summoned and we see it but you don't have to actually RP him or anything.)

"Yeah? What makes you say that other than the blitzball players in the arena fighting for their lives?" Nathan said as he kicked one fiend away and threw his polearm at it, cutting it and killing it. Nathan began to fight with his bare hands until it was clear to run toward his weapon to pick it up again. "We'll be overwhelmed if we don't get out of here! Or what about your Aeon!? Something!? We need to escape or summon it!" He called out before feeling his side get impaled by a weapon, though it was not bad. It was a small wound that did not even go through all the way and he cut the fiend away before removing the weapon and glaring at it before snapping it and tossing the sharp end into another fiend.
She was about to reply when the sound of chains suddenly filled the air and she turned, watching as two portals appeared out of thin air, a large chain coming out of one and reaching into another below it. A moment later, a shriek could be heard as the hooked end of the chain pulled what looked like a demon from the portal and she gasped, her eyes widening as she took a step back. "Dear lord." she breathed. However, before she could say more she was suddenly tackled from behind, a larger fiend taking her down with a yelp of surprise and pain as its claws dug into her shoulders while it snarled. Just before it could attack her even more, the beast exploded into a bunch of phireflies. After that, one by one the same happened to all the fiends. The fox watched as a light came from the demons eye and killed every fiend in the arena.
Nathan had rushed over to help Lyra up and helped her by using his body for support as he looked up to the demon. "I hope...That thing is a good guy!" He said as he picked her up and began to trot off toward the docks. "Come on, we have to get the hell out of here. Lets forget about this blitzball tournament and Luca. We need to get to another town." He said as he put her down when they reached the docks and began to board one of the boats, helping her onto it and watched as the captain shoved off. The demon from before could still be seen even from the boat. "What is that thing...?"
Lyra shook her head before standing with his help, leaning on him a little as she pushed her hair back from her face and looked up at the large being, her gaze spotting the blue haired man behind it, controlling the thing. Hearing Nathan speak, she looked at him and then nodded slightly, allowing him to pick her up, one of her arms wrapped around the back of his neck while the other held her staff tightly as he ran with her back to the docks. She nodded in agreement about forgetting the tournament. Once she was set down, she followed him onto the boat and looked of in the direction of the demon when Nathan asked what it was. "Anima." she said softly. "It is... an aeon. And a very strong one."
"Lets hope whoever uses it, uses it for good...I'm afraid to figure out what could happen to us if we get attacked by a summoner who suddenly decides to use their Aeons against us just for the power." He said with a sigh as he looked to her. "You are wounded though...Come...We must find a merchant to see if they sell any potions to heal you. I am certain that with all the merchants that were in the city, at least one has to have gotten on this boat in an escape attempt." He said as he began to walk with her, looking for a merchant to purchase a Poition to help Lyra recover from her wound.
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