Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Evie and Kim looked at each other as Tom issued out the assignment. Both of them smiled a little. Kim shook her head somewhat in disbelief and Evie just shrugged back in response. The idea that there were both soon to be at least elbow deep in ice cream was amusing to them. Evie had no doubt that had they been back in LA, there would have been one or two officers who would have volunteered to accompany them but perhaps because no-one really knew each other, the SDPD officers said nothing and if they were thinking about seeing such a prospect they didn't show it.

Once everyone was briefed, warrants distributed and watches synchronized, they all broke into their three teams and headed in different directions across the City. There were no squad cars; no black and whites. Everyone was in an unmarked car. One by one the cars pulled up at various places within a block of the three locations. As each car arrived, text messages were sent to Tom. With Kim and Evie there were three other cars, each having two SWAT officers in them. Each officer had their own small firearm - a sig or a baretta or a glock. But they also each carried a Heckler and Koch MP5 sub machine gun. For this particular operation, there was no hidden snipers. Even if it the raids didn't go perfectly, no-one envisaged that snipers would be beneficial.

As they drove to the location, Evie and Kim talked through how they wanted to do the initial take down. No-one knew them in San Diego. That gave them an advantage. Who would suspect two women walking into an ice cream parlour of being cops? If they walked in, pretending to be customers, as soon as Tom gave the word, the take down could happen within minutes; the SWAT guys ready to go in the back and stop anyone making a quick exit once Evie and Kim announced themselves. Once they arrived, Evie waited for the SWAT officers to take up their positions hidden at the rear of the store. She checked her watch. 58 minutes passed. Kim sent a text to Tom letting him know they are ready and then she and Evie climbed out of their car and walked across the street. By the time they walked into the shop, Kim was telling Evie about a guy she had met at a nightclub she had been to the previous evening. Evie was listening intently; gasping and giggling in all the right places and asking questions about what they guy was like. The guy behind the counter looked up as they walked in and then looked again, this time taking his time to look both women up and down. He stood up a little straighter. He was 18, maybe 20. Long hair and about two days worth of scruff. He asked what he could get them. Kim looked at him, smiled and then leaned against the counter.

"I don't know. What have you got that's tempting?" Evie looked at the kid with the same smile. He looked from one woman to the next, somewhat tongue-tied. At that moment both the woman felt their cell phones buzz in their pants pocket and within a second, there was a loud crash from the rear of the store accompanied by shouting. The guy in the front of the store suddenly span around and looked towards the rear, frozen for a moment as he tried to work out what the noise was... what it meant. In that moment, both Evie and Kim pulled their own weapons and regained the kid's attention.

"I think you should just stay right where you are." Kim said as she tipped the muzzle of the gun up quickly once, twice, indicating for the kid to put his hands up. As he did so Evie slowly moved her way behind the counter, and retrieved a S&W .22

"Do you get robbed often then?" Evie asked questioning why an ice cream seller would need to be armed. The kid said nothing. A SWAT officer suddenly appeared through the door which lead to the rear of the store and told them that everything was secured out back. Evie indicated for the kid to walk out the back, and once Kim had dropped the lock on the front door the two of them followed. Two men were stood against one wall, both cuffed. One was in his early 20s whilst the other was in his 40s at least.

"He was on his way out of the door with those." one of the SWAT officer said pointing to a number of files stuffed with papers which were sitting on a table. "According to the ID in his wallet, his name is Alberto Gomez." Evie walked over to the table and started to look through the papers.

"These are accounts." She looked at the man and smiled a little. "You're Vega's book keeper, aren't you."

"Don't know what youre talking about. I was just paid to pick them up."

"And take them where?" Kim asked.

"I forget... and I want a lawyer" Kim laughed and shook her head. "Yeah... 'cause that's always the action of an innocent man. Okay... read them their rights and take them back to the station." Four of the SWAT officer led the three men out of the door. Two other remained behind for the search.

"Well... I guess we start with what's already out front and then we move onto whatever is in there." Evie pointed towards the freezers which ran down one wall. She put her weapon away and slipped her jacket off, leaving it on the table next to the files. Kim did the same and the two of them headed back out to the front of the store to start their search there. It didn't take long before they started pulling cellophane-wrapped packets of white powder from the bottom of the tubs of ice cream.
Everything went off like clock work. Evie & Kim had taken down the ice cream shop with no trouble. Kim's Uncle Jose had raided the chop shop and found 10 recently stolen cars from the San Diego area. There was also a ton of car parts whit numbers that matched other stolen cars. Jose was able to find paperwork on where the other stolen parts had gone. He called for police units to hit those places and close them down. James took down the gambling den pretty easy. He did have some trouble with a couple of men who were members of the San Diego City Council. The two council members were caught with their pants down.....literally. It seems while they were there gambling, the two men were also engaging in an oral debate with a couple of young ladies. It was really the young ladies who were involved orally with the council members. Both women had been on their knees under the table giving them blow jobs. Sadly, the girls didn't get to finish what they started. The men tried giving James a hard time after he announced himself as LAPD. But James then added the part about being with the MCU and having been given the special arrest powers by the Governor. The two council members changed their tune and one even tried too act like he was part of this raid. James would have none of this and personally slapped a pair of cuffs on this man. As it turned out, both men were married and would have a lot of explaining to do later on. Not only to the people of San Diego, but to their wives.

Tom sat alone in an unmarked San Diego Police car, just a block away from the trucking company. The SWAT Team with him was hidden and ready to strike when he gave the go order. Tom texted everyone just one word......Go! He then started towards a long warehouse where six semi trucks were parked. There was about 20 trailers sitting on the far side away from the tracks. These trucks had trailers on them and Tom had just watched one pull in only 10 minutes before he sent the go order. The San Diego SWAT Team came through the back and has the sides covered. Tom drove his car right down to where the tracks were sitting and stepped out of his car. He walked up to the truck that he had seen just pull in. Tom climbed up and looked inside the cab. A smile came to his face when he saw a Mexican newspaper sitting on the seat. Tom jumped down then walked to the rear and looked into the warehouse. A group of men were sitting about 30 feet away laughing and joking around.

Tom climbed up onto the warehouse floor which was at least five feet off the ground. He brushed himself off before pulling out his badge and telling everyone that they were under arrest. The six men stopped laughing and looked at Tom. They were stunned for a moment, then they started to laugh again. One man speaking out loud said that this must be a joke and looked around at his friends thinking that someone was behind this. Tom also started to laugh while he pulled out a pair of handcuffs. " Okay.....Who's first? " Tom asked while the single pair of cuffs dangled from his hand. It was then that the SWAT Team came through a rear door. They had already nabbed 8 other men while coming in through the back. The six men sitting around tried in escape, but failed. Tom had all of the men working in this warehouse brought over to where the trucks were parked. He then opened each trailer, one by one. Each trailer was filled with boxes of weapons and ammo. In this cash of weapons was 10 boxes which held Stinger Ground to Air Missiles. The boxes had US Marine Corps markings on them. Other boxes of explosives & guns were marked US Army & Navy. " I hope you boys like Federal Prison food......You'll all be spending a very long time under Uncle Sam's watchful eye for this. " Tom said as he inspected each crate. It was only seconds after Tom spoke that each man was looking to make a deal. Of course Tom couldn't make any deals, not on something that Government would be getting into. But he did tell the men that he would let the feds know who cooperated with him. All the men said that Carlos Vega was behind this operation. They said that in the main office there was papers which told where these trucks would be going too and who would be there to pay for the shipments.

Tom made a number of calls from his cell phone over the next 20 minutes. He called Jose and told him to get a warrant ready for Carlos Vega. They would be paying him a visit very soon. He send texts messages to James & Evie letting them know what he had found. He knew that Evie would tell Kim so there was no need in texting her. Tom then called the NCIS and the Army CIC. He told them all that the San Diego PD was holding some men who had their property and they should come to claim it. Tom left the SWAT Commander in charge of the scene while he left to rondevu with the others at the station.
Despite wiping her hands before picking up the phone and reading the text message, Evie still managed to get her cell phone covered in slowly melting ice cream. She replied with her own message telling Tom that it looked like they had come across Vega's accountant, that he was on his way back to the station accompanied by some of the SWAT officers and that she and Kim were steadily uncovering a substantial amount of heroine. She passed word of Tom's success on to Kim as they walked through into the back and headed towards the refridgerators. The remaining SWAT officers had already begun opening up large plastic cartons of ice cream and setting them in a line along one wall.

"You know, we could just wait until it all melts. It would be a damn site cleaner." Kim suggested

"I know. Such a waste too... it's damn good ice cream" Evie said as she ran her finger around the edge of slightly soft but otherwise untouched vat of chocolate fugde flavoured desert and then sucked it clean.

"You better hope none of the packages in there are broken otherwise you'll get more than a sugar high" Kim said as she stepped over to an equally soft and untouched vat - this time, strawberry. Searching the vats that had been in the freezers was easier. Instead of tiny little packets, all ready for sale to anyone who walked through the front door with the cash in hand, the drungs here will still in large square blocks; rectangles about eight inches long, two inches square, packed solidly.

"What do you think... one kilo per block?" Kim asked. Evie shrugged in response, whilst one of the SWAT officers 'weighed it' in his hand. "Seems about right to me."

"All of this cant possibly go out through the front door here in little packs like that." Evie pointed to the box of small bag they had found in the tubs out front. "This must be some kind of storage place... a half-way house maybe. Some customers come in for their own little fix; others come in and make bigger buys of ... ice cream."

They were almost done when the crime scene tech arrived; ten minutes later, Evie and Kim and the remaining SWAT officers left the ice cream store and headed back to the station.
Tom arrived at the SDPD Central Station which had already become a buzz with the days activities. The raids had caused a flood of suspects who needed booking. Including two very embarrassed City Councilmen who were doing their best to duck the press. Jose & James were already waiting for Tom in Jose's office. James was tell Jose about the two council members and what they had been doing at Vega's gambling den. As the two men were laughing, Tom walked in. He was pleased that everything was going so well and that everyone had no troubles during the raids. Tom proudly announced that Evie & Kim had nailed down Vega's book keeper at the ice cream shop. Jose was impressed with his niece and how well she was working with Evie & the rest of her team mates. He knew that Kim's father & mother would be proud of her.

It wasn't long after Tom arrived in Jose's office, that the warrant for Carlos Vega was delivered by a police officer. Jose called the San Diego Police Dispatcher's Office and told them to have two SWAT Units meet him at 36127 El Amigo Road. They were almost all set. Now all they need was for Evie & Kim to arrive back at the station.
Kim drove them both back, following the car driven by the SWAT officers. They pulled into the garage, then followed the officers upstairs, peeling off to go into the ladies locker room with the hope that they could clean up just a little. Both of them had brown, pink, green and slightly yellow stains over the front of their shirts around their abdomens. Some of the officers who were in the locker room managed to find them each a navy blue SDPD t-shirt with the SDPD stencilled in white in small print above the left breast and in larger print across the back.

Ten minutes after walking into the locker room, they both walked out carrying their soiled shirts inside their jackets, but feeling a lot better. Evie stopped the first uniformed officer to pass them and asked where their Lieutenant's office was and they walked in just as Tom was putting the phone down.

"Did you have some trouble... things get a little dirty?" James asked noting the partial change of clothes. Evie shook her head. "You should try digging in ice cream looking for drugs without getting any of it on you." She noted Jose questioning look. "One of your officers found us a change of clothes."
Jose certainly understood the need for the clothing change. Tom remarked that since Evie & Kim were on duty, the LAPD would cover the cleaning bill for their clothes. Over the next few minutes, Tom filled Evie & Kim in on what was going on. He said that each raid was successful and yelled enough evidence to bring Vega down. Jose stood up from behind his desk and placed his coat on. " Let's go pay Mr. Vega a visit. " Jose handed the warrant over to Tom as he spoke. Tom took the warrant and slipped into his inside coat pocket. This was going to be the first step in taking Osiris down. Everyone left Jose's office and headed for the parking garage. Tom, James, Evie & Kim would ride in the car Tom was using. Jose would ride with a couple of his detectives. They would also be joined by a couple of patrol units from the SDPD.

The SWAT Teams had the area around Vega's house sealed off. It was a large house surrounded by 8 foot high walls. As luck would have it, the front gate was wide open. Tom who was leading the way, drove right in. Once the four cars passed through the gate, a group of SWAT officers came in behind on foot. They spread out covering the front part of the house. SWAT officers from a second unit were covering the outside of the wall on the sides and in the back. Tom drove up, but stopped short of the house. Four men holding automatic rifles were standing in front of the white & brown colored Spanish style home. Once the four men spotted the cars, they moved towards them. Once they saw that two of those cars were police units, they raised their weapons. Tom opened the driver's side door, then dropped down to one knee after he got out. " POLICE!......DROP YOUR WEAPONS! " Tom yelled out, then the shooting started.

" THAT NEVER WORKS!.......THEY NEVER DROP THEIR GUNS! " James complained loudly as he returned fire. Those four men were soon joined by three more. Jose & his people came up and gave Tom and the others some help. But the men guarding the front of the house soon had other troubles. The SWAT Team came up from the sides of where Tom and the others were hiding behind the car. They moved forward and took up positions which would take the heat off of the detectives and officers. Vega's men fell back to get better cover, but the SWAT Team kept pushing them back. This left the front of the house wide open. " Okay listen up! " Tom said as he looked around at everyone. " The swat team has cleared the way!.......We're gonna move and take the house!.......Everyone be careful and keep your eyes open! " Tom issued his orders, then he took off running towards the front doors. This house had double front doors, one that opened on each side. Tom didn't stop for a second. Once he reached the double doors, he planted his foot against them and kicked them open. Both doors flew wide open, gun fire came from the staircase which made Tom take cover. He hadn't made it inside of the house, but he did once he blew the man off of the stairs.

Moments before the shooting had started, Carlos was speaking with Osiris over the computer. He had found out about the raids on his businesses and he wasn't happy. He had paid Osiris $50 million dollars for protection and Osiris failed. The police had raided most of his big money making operations and did it all in one afternoon. Carlos was very upset and was demanding his money back. That's when the shooting started and it wasn't long before the shooting was coming from inside of Carlos's house. Carlos left the computer & Osiris to find out what was happening. He reached the door to his office and opened only to find Tom & Evie standing there pointing their weapons at him. " Carlos Vega......We have a warrant for your arrest. " As Tom spoke out those words, Carlos raised his hands above his head. Jose took Carlos to the side where he read him his rights then cuffed him. Tom, Evie, James and Kim entered the office slowly looking around. Sitting on Carlos's desk was his laptop and a voice was coming from that laptop asking what was going on. Tom and the others walked up to the laptop where they saw a pixelated face of a white balding male. You could see that the hair on the sides of his head was dark, but the picture was pixelated so much that other details couldn't been seen.

" You must be Osiris.......I'm Lieutenant Tom Reed of the LAPD MCU.......I've got a message for ya......We're coming for you.....And we're gonna get you. " Just as Tom finished speaking, the screen went black. The transmission had been cut off.
Evie waved off the offer for the PD to pick up the dry cleaning bill. It was one of those things and its wasn't as if it was a designer shirt. They listened as Tom brought them up to speed on the details and then followed him and James down to the garage and climbed into Tom's car. The conversation in the car on the way to Vega's concentrated on their approach; on what they might expect. When they arrived, Evie couldn't help be a little confused at the contradiction of the high walls and the open gate; maybe Vega was out? But she said nothing.

As Tom drove the car up the drive and stopped just short of the front door, she saw the armed men , saw the look on their faces as they recognized the squad cars for what they were, saw them stiffen, draw themselves up to full height and lift the rifles as they began to approach the vehicle. Tom's door wasn't the only one that opened. Within a second... maybe two, all four of them had opened the doors wide, drawing their own weapons as they eased out of the car but kept themselves low. Then all hell broke lose. The windows on the car doors and the windshield were shattered in moments and pebbles of shattered glass rained down on their crouched positions. The four of them seemed to work together without even having had to talk it through. As one or two went down to reload, so one or two rose up just a little to return fire. The Evie heard the SWAT rifles joining in. She lifted her head, peered over the bottom sill of the window in the door and saw the four men beginning to retreat, returning fire. As they disappeared so TOm gave the orders but it was no surprise to any of them what their next move was.

Five minutes later, the four of them, breathing a little heavier than normal, were stood in front of Carlos Vega himself. They let SDPD do the honours of making the arrest; it was their town and they had already gotten their own victory and it was a victory that was more than clear in Tom's voice as he told Osiris that they were on their way..
The transmission had been cut off moments ago, but the image of Tom and his MCU crew remained. Osiris glared up at this image, a long growl escaped from his gut. " Wizard!.......I wanna know everything about Lieutenant Reed and his MCU Team!........I wanna know who they are and where they come from!........I wanna know what they eat for breakfast....Lunch and dinner!.........When they use the toilet!......When they get up and go to bed!......Everything they do!......I want you to find out for me! " Osiris turned and walked away leaving Mr. Wizard to his work. This take down of Carlos Vega was to damn quick and done with skills only Osiris's own team normally used. Osiris knew that Reed must have had some kinda help to pull this off. Once word of Vega's bust reached the other bosses, there would be hell to pay. Osiris knew that this would make him look weak in their eyes. They would react like Vega had done just a short time ago. This had been a slap in Osiris's face by the MCU. He couldn't let them get away with it and not pay a price. Just how the MCU would pay for this slap wasn't known.....yet.

Tom and the others returned to the SDPD Station and filled out reports on the Vega bust. The press was having a field day over this. San Diego papers were headlining "Vega busted by SDPD & LAPD Special Task Force." The L.A. papers were saying " MCU Nab's Criminal Kingpin with SDPD." No matter how it was written up, the Governor couldn't have been more pleased. His backing of the LAPD MCU was paying off and making him look good. Tom's team had made the whole LAPD look good. It was like a breathe of fresh air after looking so helpless against Osiris. But there was still a long way to go before Osiris himself was taken down. The MCU had just made themselves a main target for Osiris and the dark clouds were just gathering for the up coming storm.

Once the reports had been filed, Jose took everyone out for dinner. This bust was a huge feather in his cap and Jose wanted to celebrate with his friends. They went to an SDPD hangout which was not unlike Malone's back in Los Angeles. The beers & food flowed freely throughout the night. It almost seemed like home to the MCU Team, except the people were different. The night ended with just the same happiness as it had started with. Tom & Evie returned to their room while James & Kim returned to their own rooms. In the morning they would all return to Los Angeles.
James had picked up a copy of the city paper and was already reading it at the breakfast table in the hotel restaurant the following morning. Kim sat opposite, chewing on toast as he read out the story of the bust. When Tom and Evie joined them, he closed the paper shut and then held it up, showing Tom the picture on the front page of him and Jose standing side by side at the press conference. Tom grinned and took the paper. As at Evie sat down, James reached into his pocket and slipped out his cell phone. He clicked it open and scrolled to a message and then handed it to her.

"Our big brother has sent his congratulations in his own inimitable style." Evie looked at the screen.

"You lucky bastard. At least the result justifies the expense of sending you all on holiday!" Evie smiled.

"Click on the next one." Evie pressed a few buttons and looked at the next message.

"Seriously... nice job. Drinks on me when you get home."

The four of them had breakfast, then headed out to the airport. The flight home was uneventful. Once back in LA, the went to station, filed copies of various reports which matched those which were already on record with the SDPD. Tom got called across to City Hall for a meeting with the Governor - a request that he provide a private briefing but also a chance for him formally to give his congratulations. Tomorrow they would identify the next step in hunting down Osiris.
On the day that Tom and his team returned to Los Angeles, Marcus Delong finally tracked down where Amanda Winters had been hiding out. She had been staying in an old motel not far from the Sunset Strip. Marcus staked out the motel until he knew what room Amanda was using and when she would be there. During the early morning hours when Tom was still asleep in San Diego. Marcus slipped into Amanda's room and carved her up. Blood was all over the place, from wall to wall. Amanda's lifeless body laid on the blood soaked bed with an upside down pentagram carved into her stomach. This bloody crime scene was waiting for Tom & James to find it.

The morning after the MCU Team had come back from San Diego. Osiris was again looking up at the huge computer screen while Mr. Wizard told him all about Tom and his team. Osiris found out that Tom's father was none other then Richard Reed the ex crime lord of Los Angeles. If Rick was still in the crime business, Osiris would have reached out to him and not to Little Tony. Next on the list was Evie. Osiris was told that she was the LAPD shooting champion after defeating her former partner. He also found out that she came from a family of cops. Osiris found out about Jack & Steve which then led to James. Osiris was told that James spent a long time working the streets. First as a patrol officer, then as a detective in Vice. Last on the list was Kim who as Mr. Wizard put it " Was an enigma. " Her police file started 7 years ago, but she just seemed to disappear. Then she reappeared a few weeks back when Clayton Snow & Mason Hill were taken down. Her police file was reactivated when she entered the academy. A week later she graduated and was set to work at the Central Station where she joined the MCU. Osiris & Mr. Wizard went over each detail of the officers lives. Then Osiris told Mr. Wizard to hack the phones and listen to the police radio. Osiris wanted to know how and where they could be found when the time was right. He wanted to send his own message to the MCU. His message would be " You're not untouchable. "

Tom was into work bright & early the morning after they arrived back home. This day would prove to be a challenging day for each member of the MCU. For some, more then it was for others. Kim was the next to arrive. She walked in carrying a large cup of coffee not expect that she & Evie would be taking an trip, but this north of Los Angeles.
That first night back after the trip to San Diego Tom and Evie had spent at their own places. With them spending every day together, it was one way to give them each a little of their own space. They had both been on their own for a long time and they were used to their own company. The morning after, Evie had arrived later than both Tom and Kim. In fact when she arrived and parked up, even James was just ahead of her, talking to the desk sergeant about the events in San Diego. She joined him and the two of them walked up to the MCU office together. They said their 'good mornings' and got their coffee and then Evie made a suggestion.

"Guys... I had a thought last night." The others looked at her expectantly. "Mason Hill." They continued to look at her. Kim in particular looked a little more puzzled about where Evie might be going with this.

"What about him." James asked.

"He knows Osiris. At least to the extent that he spoke to him... He paid him... He wanted to be part of Osiris' scheme. Why do we see what he knows? Go up to the prison and ask him? Sure he might give us nothing, but we won't know until we ask."

At that moment, James' phone rang. The others listened as James said gave his name then acknowledged however was on the other end of the call. He seemed pleased as he scribbled something down on a pad and then read bak was was an address. He put the phone down and sighed. Then looked at Tom.

"I've got an address for Amanda Winters." He stared at Tom
Evie certainly had an idea hadn't crossed Tom's mind. Whether or not Mason Hill could, or even would be of any help was debatable, but it was worth a try. Before Tom could say anything, the phone on James's desk rang. Tom looked over at James while he was writing down an address. It wasn't long before James looked at Tom and said he had an address on Amanda. Tom knew that Amanda's case wasn't official, but he couldn't pass up the chance to speak with her again. There was something not quite right with Senator Ryan & wife and Amanda just may hold the key. Tom wasn't worried about sending Evie & Kim to San Quentin Prison. They had a well trained staff of guards there and it was one of the safest prisons in the state. Cops often visit prisons and speak with inmates. So what could go wrong?

" Okay Evie.........You and Kim head for the LAPD Air Patrol Station......I'll call and have them get a plane ready for ya.......Get up there and see if Hill is going to be of any help. " Tom reached down grabbed the receiver from Evie's desk phone and picked it up. " Oh and......That was a great idea. " Tom added while giving Evie a wink. He dialed the air station and had them get a light plane ready for when Evie & Kim arrived. In less time then it would take for Evie & Kim to drive to LAX, the LAPD Air Support Division had their Beechcraft Super King twin turboprop aircraft ready for takeoff. The flight north would still take a few hours and it would be some time before Evie & Kim made it home.

Evie & Kim were long gone when Tom hung up the phone. " Well it seems your contacts paid off........Let's pay a visit to Amanda and see what she knows about Senator Ryan. " Tom said as he stood up and patted James on the shoulder. James & Tom walked out of the MCU Squad Room. Even though the day had just started. It was going to be a strange and very difficult day for everyone.
Kim drove her and Evie to LAX; they laughed a little at heading back their so quickly. Someone might think they had become commuters. The Beechcraft was already on one of the smaller runways at LAX. They headed initially for Terminal 8 which was typically used by the smaller jets and the turboprops. Arriving at the terminal, they were met by an Airport manager who escorted them through the various security systems and through to Gate 88. As soon as they stepped back outside, they saw the Beechcraft sitting waiting for them. There was a small set of metal step which led to an open doorway just behind the cockpit. Once inside, they both took their seats and buckled in. The seats had been set in two sets of four. Immediately inside the door their were two seats, one to the left of the aisle and one to the left. Both had their backs towards the nose of the aircraft. Directly opposite each was another seat, this time facing front. Backed on to those were two more and opposite those the final two. Between each pair was a small table fixed just below the window. Kim and Evie sat down in the first set of seats on the left, Evie with her back to the pilots.

San Quentin was a sprawling mass of buildings, originally designed for a little over 3000 prisoners but now accommodating around five and a half thousand. The Level I housing consisted of open dormitories without a secure perimeter; Level II was the open dormitories with secure perimeter fences and armed coverage; there was a Reception Center which provided short term housing to process, classify and evaluate incoming inmates and of course there was the condemned unit. Whilst the Gas Chamber was still there, the executions since the late 1980s had all been by lethal injections. Evie wasn't altogether unfamiliar with some of the men who were currently on death row... well their names at least. They had been names of her childhood; names which were part of her dad's career and her grandfather's. Randy Kraft. Lawrence Bittaker. Douglas Clark. Richard Ramirez. Chester Turner. By comparison the man they were looking to see was a small time crook, even though he was involved in the death of at least one cop and who knows how many others.

When the small plane landed, they were again met on the ground, this time by the Deputy Governor. They shook hands and he led the way, through the offices and into an area of the prison which was generally used when lawyers came to see their clients. Before they were allowed through however, both Kim and Evie had to check their weapons.... both of them. They were both frisked, pockets emptied. It wasn't just to make sure that they weren't intentionally trying to smuggle anything in; at least in part it was to ensure that they had nothing on them which could be used in some way or another as a weapon. As they were clearing and handing over their weapons, the Deputy Governor told them that Clayton Snow had been hospitalized because Mason Hill had tried to have him killed. The women looked at each other.

"Why don't you go and see Mr. Snow. See if he... remembers you from his past!? I'll take Mr. Hill."
There had been fears that someone would try to breakout Mason Hill and/or Clayton Snow if they were kept near Los Angeles. So they were shipped north to San Quentin Prison for their stay. It wasn't long after they arrived that Mason turned his anger on Snow. He blamed Snow for his arrest. Mason felt the Snow should have taken Evie to a different sight and filmed the snuff movie. But Snow didn't and in the end Evie was rescued by the police and both Hill & Snow were arrested. Hill paid one of the other inmates to stab Snow while in the shower. The inmate did as Hill wanted, but the guards quickly got Snow to the prison hospital where his life was saved. Nothing seemed to be going Mason's way. Before he left Los Angeles for the trip to San Quentin. Hill got word from Osiris that would try and free him, but that didn't happen. Mason then got a letter from Osiris say that he was sorry, but no escape would happen. Osiris did add that if there was a chance, an unexpected gift may arrive for Hill someday. Mason thought that this was just bullshit and tried to settle into prison life.

Long before Evie & Kim reached San Quentin, Tom & James arrived at the Gold Coast Motel. The old motel had at one time been a beautiful place and was a place where visitors to Los Angeles could stay for a decent price. Now the motel was used by drug users & hookers and the prices were still good, although now you could pay by the hour. James's street contact had said that Amanda was staying in room 10-B. The motel had two buildings with two levels, the ground units in building one were all marked with a number plus the letter A. The same was for the second level only using a B. The other building was marked C & D for it's upper and lower half's. Each buildings was on either side of the parking lot and had 12 units per building. Tom & James walked up a flight of stairs of the first building, then down to room 10 where Tom knocked on the door. James looked around as Tom called out for Amanda. From where James stood, he could easily look over the parking lot area and see all of the motel rooms. He could also see the street and the people walking around. James turned his head back when Tom said that the door wasn't locked.

Tom's right hand slowly turned the handle and the door opened. He called out again for Amanda, but there were no sounds coming from the rented room. There was no lights on inside the dark room, but light coming from the morning sun showed the room to be a shamble. Tom let go of the door, it opened the rest of the way on it's own. The two detectives stood in the doorway, James reached to his left and flicked on the main room light. Once the light from the ceiling was on, a ghastly sight greeted them. Sheets, blankets, towels and clothing had all been tossed around the room. There was blood from wall to wall and Amanda's body laid lifeless on the bed. Neither detective had ever seen a crime scene like this one. This room looked like something from a horror movie. There was blood on almost everything in the room, even the ceiling. On the wall just above where Amanda's body was laying, there was an upside down pentagram. There was also one carved into Amanda's stomach. Tom told James to call the station and get the crime scene techs down here. He also wanted black n whites to control the crowds of people who would soon be hanging around.

James stepped out of the room to use his cell phone. Tom notice that a lamp which had been beside the bed was laying on the floor in pieces. The phone had been ripped from the wall and there were candles placed around Amanda's body. This had showed all the signs of a ritual sacrifice and matched those which had happened before in different parts of the state. Amanda was dead and so it seemed was Tom's hope of finding out what secrets she may have know about Senator Ryan and his wife. It wasn't long before the black n whites pulled in. They were soon followed by the crime scene techs and Webb & Pierce from Homicide. Webb thanked Tom & James for their help and said that they would handle it from here on. Tom replied that this was an MCU case now and it would be handled by them. He pointed out that MCU had jurisdiction over all high profile cases and this case was certainly now a high profile one. Webb & Pierce soon left as James turned to Tom and said. " Well that went well. " Tom watched the other detectives leave as he heard James. " Webb would have tagged Jack the Ripper for this murder then went for coffee. "

Earlier that morning. Mr. Wizard who had been listening into police radio and phone calls heard the call that Tom made. When Osiris arrived, Mr. Wizard played the recording that he made of Tom ordering an aircraft. Mr. Wizard had already hacked into the computers at the LAPD Air Station so he knew where that plane was going. He told Osiris that Reed was sending the two female officers up to San Quentin. It wasn't hard to figure out why they would be going there. Osiris told Wizard that he wanted total control over the computers at San Quentin before the women get there. Wizard did just that, but took on actions. Osiris wanted the two female detectives inside the prison before anything happened. At 12 noon, Wizard would cut the prison's phone lines and jam all transmissions. He would then opened all of the doors letting every prisoner run free. Osiris was sure by then that at least one of the female detectives would be busy with Mason Hill. Then Mason could get busy with one of them. There were many sex starved men in prison and now there would be two female cops in there hands. This would send a message to everyone that you don't mess with Osiris.

Time passed by and the crime scene techs were still hard at work. Tom looked down at his watch. " Well they must have landed by now.....I'm sure they'll be done and headed home soon. " Tom though to himself then the he heard the police dispatcher calling out his unit number. He walked over to where his unmarked unit was parked, then reached in for the radio mic. Tom answered the dispatcher and was told that a woman needed to speak with him. She had called the station looking for Reed and was told he was out. The dispatcher gave Tom the address where the woman lived. Tom called out to James who came right over. He asked James how long before the crime scene techs were done? James said that they would be wrapped up in about 10 minutes. Tom yelled out for one of the uniformed Sergeants to take over the scene. He then told James to get in.
Once they had been checked in, two prison officers were called. One escorted Kim through one door; the other waited for Evie to put her jacket back on and then led her down first one corridor, then another, then outside into a yard which was deserted. Evie wasn't sure whether this was some private area or whether it was simply that prisoners hadn't been allowed out into it at that point. It wasn't large so she didn't imagine that it was a main area. Then they were back in doors. Evie was taken along yet another corridor at the end of which, the officer stopped and opened a door, standing to one side and letting her step inside.

Mason Hill was sitting at a metal table in an orange jump suit. He hadn't really been inside that long, but he didn't look any different really. He still had a air of superiority and there was the hint of a smile playing around his mouth as he looked up at her. She was aware of the door closing behind her. She let her own slight smile appear as she sat down opposite, leaning back in the chair and folding her arms. Of course Hill didn't recognize her from Adam. Evie hadn't been Evie when Hill had seen her. He was as far as he was concerned looking on her - and he had taken his time doing so, not hiding it as she walked across to the chair - for the first time.

"Are you being well looked after Mr. Hill? I understand you were keen on the best that life had to offer. It must be something of a change for you."
While it was true that Mason hadn't seen Evie's face before, he knew who she was. He had pointed that out too her just before her torture started. But it was also true that he didn't really know Evie's face all that well. He had no idea that the woman who just walked in and sat down was Evie. Mason continued too eye up Evie's body even while she started to talk. " This little visit is cutting into my afternoon nap......So why don't you just get to the point of your visit.......Okay sweet cheeks? " Mason said as hie eyes shifted from Evie to the clock on the wall. It was 11:54 am and in just 6 minutes, all hell would be breaking loose. Mason leaned back into his seat waiting for this woman whom he assumed was a cop to speak.

In another part of the prison, Kim was lead to the hospital were she found Clayton Snow laying in a bed. As she walked up to Snow, Kim could see the tubes running into his body. The guard had told her that Snow had been stabbed in the chest four times with a shank. In prison terms, a shank is a knife like weapon made by prisoners out of almost any metal object. In this case it was the end of a spoon which had been filed down into a point. " Hello Clayton......Remember me? " Kim said as she walked up to the foot of Clayton's bed. He let out a groan followed by a growl. " Fucking bitch cop is who and what you are. " Kim just chuckled and said it was good to see that he was in such a good mood. Clayton then asked why she came here? He knew that there must be a reason why she made this trip and it wasn't just to check on him.

Tom & James pulled up in front of a house in the middle class neighborhood of Monterey Park. The two detectives exited the car and walked up to the front door. Tom knocked on the door and a few moments later, an attractive black woman opened the door. " Ma'ma....I'm Lieutenant Reed.....This is Sergeant Taylor......We're with the MCU.......You called asking to speak with me? " Tom said as both he & James showed this woman their badges. She smiled then welcomed them into her house. She led the two detectives into her living room where they sat down. The woman introduced herself as Tanya Fields. She left the detectives and returned with some coffee and a metal box. Tanya gave to coffee to both Tom & James then she started to tell why she wanted too see Tom.

Tanya explained that her father had been at one time a detective with the LAPD. She said that her father had been forced into early retirement after he refused to go along with a cover up on a case he had been working on. Tanya admitted that she didn't know about the case, but all the details were inside of the metal box which she brought out. She then handed Tom a letter which her father wrote. Tanya said her father wrote this letter a day before he died. She added that he had just passed away a few days ago and his will stated that this box was to be given to Thomas Reed of the LAPD. Tom was stunned by this. " I don't believe I've ever met your father.......Why would he pick me? " Tom asked, but Tanya didn't know why. She did say that the letter would probably answer Tom's question. Tanya showed Tom & James a picture of her father then told them his name, Lincoln Fields. Both Tom & James had heard the name, but neither of them knew the man.
Evie was used to the kinds of comments that cons made to her. Most women in the PD were... had to be. Suspects, those who finished up arrested, those who finished up behind bars. Most of them had something to say to female cops who looked half way decent. Sometimes it was simple sexual innuendo; sometimes it was an invitation and other times it was abuse. The first time she had been required to go to the LA Men's Central Jail she had still been in uniform; it had been an education to say the least. When she had gotten home, she had all but decided to quit. She had expected sympathy and encouragement from her family and had gotten none. They had all agreed that if she couldn't handle it, then she needed to quit. Steve had told her that he was surprised... "never had you figured for a quitter". James had been a little more sympathetic suggesting that it was okay... "not everyone is strong enough to take it". Her Dad had just shook his head. They all knew what they were doing... playing the reverse psychology. And it worked. She was damned if she was going to show any weakness to her family. And so for the next month, any time someone had to go to the jail, it would be her. She hardened herself to the comments and tried to give as good as she got. It got easier! So Mason Hill was nothing.

"My apologies. I'm sure your cell-mate will be missing your company. But I'll try and make sure that your dinner plans aren't interrupted." She leaned forward a little resting her arms on the metal table. "What can you tell me about Osiris? You know... that friend of yours who's been writing you letters and promising to get you out... you still seem to be here. Guess he's decided that his friends on the outside are a little more important."
Mason didn't care for this woman's jab about his cell mate missing his company. He took it in a sexual way and if Mason had his way. He's show this cunt just what he could do. That jab however didn't last when she brought up Osiris. She talked about the letters which Mason got from Osiris. She also knew that those early letters talked about Osiris breaking Mason out of prison. This woman seemed to know a lot. To much in fact and Mason felt uneasy about that. " To much information can be dangerous.......You seem to know a lot about me and my mail.....Just who the hell are you? " Mason asked as he leaned forwards in his seat. " You must be a cop........But you didn't show your badge and ID when you came in.........What are you hiding little girl? " Mason said as devilish grin slowly slipped over his face.

Kim stood at the foot of Clayton's bed when he asked why she had come. She took a deep breathe then explained the reason why she had come. Kim asked Snow about Osiris and any connections he had with Mason Hill. Another growl escaped from Snow upon hearing the name Mason Hill. The two men had a huge falling out after Mason tried to have Snow killed. Snow admitted to having heard the name Osiris, but he hadn't met or even talked with him. He said that Hill had spoken with Osiris and that he had nothing to do with whatever they were planning. Kim was hoping for more, but she knew that talking with Snow was a long shot anyway. She looked up at the wall clock which as just above Snow's bed. It was just a few minutes before 12 o'clock noon.

Tom & James finished their coffee then said goodbye to Tanya. She thanked them for coming and picking up her fathers files and she hoped that they could be of use. Tom placed the metal box into the back of his car and stashed the letter into his inside coat pocket. Tom then joined James in the car and the pair headed back to the station. They talked about the box and what files could be inside that the department tried to get a detective to cover up? Tom said that they would go through the box after getting back to the station.
Evie said nothing for a moment. She simply sat and stared, studying the man and his body language. Her mentioning the letters seemed to unnerve him. Did he really think that his mail was private?

"Of course I didn't show you my badge or my ID. Do you think they would let me in here with them when i'm sure plenty of your fellow residents could probably fashion them into a weapon within minutes." She sat back again. "I am surprised though that no-one told you that LAPD's MCU were calling in to say 'Hi'. I mean, but for you, there wouldn't be any MCU." She pointed vaguely at him. "But for you, Id still be in Robbery Homicide. Now though, I have the Governor's permission to go where I like without any jurisdictional issues." Hill said nothing. "Sorry..." Evie continued. "My name is Taylor... Detective Evelyn Taylor. So now we have the introductions over with, perhaps I could return to my question. Whilst not at all optimistic as your willingness to assist, in light of how Osiris is currently... letting you ROT in here while he's enjoying the good life, I thought I'd take a trip up here and just see whether you would like to return his friendship." As she finished, she heard the door behind her click open. She took a quick glance over her shoulder and initially saw nothing, but then as she was starting to turn her gaze back to Hill, the officer appeared tentatively in the doorway. He looked puzzled. He was looking down at the handle and the lock as if he suddenly had never seen it before. The door had clicked open on its own; the magnetic locks had simply disengaged. There was a long silence as Evie tried to work out what it was he was seeing and then the noise of men cheering and shouting erupted in the distance. And it didn't stop. Evie watched the officer look down the corridor they had walked along to get to the room and she saw the look of horror slowly appearing. Then suddenly he looked back at her.

"Ma'am. We have to get out of here. Now." Evie hesitated for a moment and then looked at Hill. He wasn't moving. He simply folded his arms and sat back. She stood up and looked at the officer.

"What's happening?"

"I have no idea, but we need to leave." He shook his head and took another glance down the corridor. "We're not safe here." Just as he finished his sentence the volume of the noise suddenly increased ten fold. Evie knew that a door at the end of the corridor had been opened and some very happy men had come into the corridor. The officer stood frozen for a moment, and Evie could only imagine what he was looking at at that moment. Evie felt her heart jump into her throat. Instinctively, she went for her Glock but there was nothing there. And then the officer was suddenly pulled away from the door way and two other men stood in his place... with more men behind them. Evie could hear the assault that was being inflicted on the officer; she could hear his groans and moans with the impact of every kick, every punch, and then she couldn't hear the man at all. She looked around the room, desperately looking for something, some hope of an exit, some hope of a weapon. But there was nothing. Four plastered and painted concrete walls. A smooth floor. A metal table. A metal chair. And Hill... still sitting. She looked back to the door way. One of the men was starting to advance towards her, slowly, taking his steps deliberately, grinning. Looking her up and down. She reached for the chair and picked it up, holding it with two hands and slowly backing up. She knew it was desperate, but there was nothing else. The man approaching was maybe 6'5, 250lbs. He wore the same orange jumpsuit which Hill had on except the top half of it hung loosely from his waist. He had a white vest on, the tattooes on his arms more than visible. Evie swallowed hard and continued backing up. The man said nothing, but just continued to follow her, one step at a time. Then she hit the wall. There was nowhere else for her to go. She swung the chair. It was heavy. It was a slow swing. The man would have seen it coming from a mile away. He did. He caught the leg of the chair easily in one hand and pulled hard, yanking it out of Evie's hand and tossing it behind him. It clattered into the corner. She had nowhere else to go. The man took another step toward her. And another. She looked up at him. He lifted his left hand. Evie pressed herself hard against the wall wishing that it would simply open up and swallow her. But it didn't. With an instinctive defiance that growing up in a male dominated household with two older brothers had taught her, she lifted her chin and stared at the man. She fought against the flinch as his fingers drew slowly down her cheek. She swallowed hard again. And then she punched him. Hard. As hard as she could. His head snapped sideways and stayed there, but he didn't move, didn't step back, didn't fall. As he brought his head back up to look at her, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand, he started to laugh. Probably for the first time since she had been strung up by Mason Hill, she was scared. And with good reason.
11:59 am...........Osiris entered the large computer room where Mr. Wizard was sitting. He walked up and asked if Wizard was ready to take control over San Quentin Prison? Mr. Wizard smiled and said yes. Osiris told him to ahead and start the lesson. With the stroke of a few keys, Wizard took over the prison. He shut down the phones, unlocked all the doors and shut down the main power. The prison's backup power took over quickly, but that was just enough to keep lights on. It wouldn't help with the unlocked doors and cells. It also wouldn't help with the phones which were dead.

Mason perked up when Evie talked about the LAPD'S MCU and that he was the reason why that unit was now around. When she finally revealed who she was, Mason was stunned. He hadn't ever expected to meet Evie face to face. The last time he saw her, she was tied up and had a different face. Mason's thoughts had returned to the last time they saw each other. Then he remember that letter from Osiris about a thank you gift. Perhaps this was Osiris's way of thanking Mason for funding the start of his plan? Mason heard the door unlock, but no one came in. He looked at Evie and watched her every move. As the seconds ticked by and those sounds grew louder, Mason could see Evie becoming unsettled. A evil grin came over his face when the guard who had been standing at the doorway, disappeared. The sounds of a fight rose up from the hall as two inmates appeared in the door. Two more came in behind them as the first man moved towards Evie. Mason leaned back into his chair as Evie tried in vain to keep the man away. A Hispanic man who followed the first man in asked Mason who this cunt was? Mason rose to his feet and walked over to where the large black man had Evie against the wall. " She an LA cop.......Who's in the wrong place at the right time. " The four men looked at Evie when Mason told them who she was. The Hispanic man licked his lips and grabbed his crotch. " We gonna have some fun with this cunt. " Just as the man spoke these words, the alarms finally went off. The main power being cut off had kept these alarms from ring when the riot started. However, the battery backs kicked in and the riot warning was sent.

The prison hospital showed the signs of the take over more then in other areas. All the electronic devices when dead. Then over the prison's two way radio system, calls for help were heard. Guards had called out about trouble starting and doors unlocking on there own. Kim moved to the nurses station. 6 armed guards came into the main room where the injured prisoners were kept. They were told to keep them in their beds. Kim was escorted out by another guard. She was told that the prisoners were rioting in most every part of the prison. Kim was taken to the main entrance area of the prison. She was met their by the Warden & the Captain of the guards. The Captain in charge of the guards had asked that Kim leave. He gave Kim her weapon, badge & ID along with Evie's weapon, badge & ID. When Kim asked about Evie? She was told that a team of guards would be bring her out shortly. Kim left the main build and joined the gathering of police officers out front. The guards sent to get Evie and bring her out never made it. They were ambushed long the way and fell victim to the rioting prisoners. Evie would be on her own for a long time before help would come for her.
Evie's gaze shifted from the large black man to Hill and back again. She saw the expressions changing as they all registered what Hill had said. She was a cop. On her own. In a prison which had suddenly had all the rules suspended. The black man took another step towards her, bringing his body against hers. He took hold of Evie's chin and leaned in.

"Do you know how long it's been since we've had something soft and warm like you?" He kissed at her neck and along her jaw line. She cringed, tried to pull away although she knew that there was nowhere for her to pull away to. The man brought his mouth to hers and kissed her. She closed her eyes and kept her mouth shut. After a few moments, the man pulled away. He stared at her.

"You should start being nice. Otherwise we could just take you outside... into the general population. What do you think they would do with a cop that looks like you huh? Your choice lady." Evie stared back at him and then swallowed hard. She looked around at the four men in the room. She could still hear the choas which was taking place elsewhere in the prison. If they took her out there, chances are she would be torn to pieces... eventually.

"Mr. Franks makes a good point Detective Taylor. It would be such a waste for you to finish up out there with the mob. And remember... I know you. I know what you like." Franks looked around at Hill, the question on his face. "Oh yes Mr. Franks. Detective Taylor and I are old friends. She looks a little different now, but Im sure she still enjoys everything that you gentlemen have to offer her. She has..." He looked at Evie and smiled. "... very particularly tastes don't you sweet cheeks?" Now Franks looked back at Evie and the smile reappeared.

"Is that right baby?" Still holding her chin, he let her forefinger run along her lips. Without thinking her mouth opened just a little and that was all the invitation that Franks needed. He slipped his fingers into her mouth, ran the tip back and forth against her tongue. "Suck it baby it..." Evie hesitated for a moment and then a sudden rise and fall in the volume of the outside chaos reminded her of the alternative. She did as she was told and Franks' smile turned to a grin. Behind him the other two men watched; the hispanic man - Rodriguez - still stroking his crotch as his eyes wandered over the length of Evie's body. It wasn't difficult to see that was already in his imagination. The third man looked middle eastern. Evie immediately remembered the men at Hill's house; he didn't look familiar but perhaps this was an associate. Evie could see the same look of contempt that Khaled's men had displayed on that afternoon; a contempt for western women.

Suddenly in a swift smooth movement, Franks pulled Evie off of the wall and turned her around so that her back was to the other others. Rodrigues stepped forward bringing his hands to Evie's hips, twisting her a little left then right before they slipped under her jacket. The third man - Siddique - stepped to her right side. His hand immediately went to her stomach and then up to her left tit over the top of her shirt. Then she felt her jacket being pulled off of her shoulders. She squirmed a little, tried to step away.

"Look... this is a bad idea... sooner or later... the authorities are going take control of this place again and... just... just walk away now... before..."

"Before what?" Siddique said. "What are they going to do to us? We are already in here for life." Before she could answer, her jacket had been pulled down her arms and Franks had stepped up and pulled open her shirt. Evie continued to squirm but as she pulled away from one, she moved into the other. Within a matter of moments, her jacket and shirt had been taken off and the top of her pants had been undone. When Evie started to try and push hands and then bodies away from her, Rodriguez took hold of first one then both of her wrists pulling them behind her into the small of her back.

Whilst all this was going on, Mason Hill returned to his seat, still smiling. Remembering the afternoon at his house. Remembering the early morning of filming... of enjoying Evie before he had gotten busted.

"Detective Taylor." He suddenly shouted out. Evie stopped struggling and looked at him sitting, smug. "I'm tired of this. Mr. Franks made you a perfectly reasonable offer. So play nice and do what you enjoy doing so very much or else I will have them take you out there. Do you understand me." Evie just stared back and hands tenatively at first and then more confidently began to move over her body one again. Franks stepped forward, took her chin and again kissed her. It took a second or two, but this time, Evie began to kiss him back. As she did so she felt her shoes and pants being taken off.

"Much better sweet cheeks. Much better."
Siddique looked at Mason and told him to close the door. Since Detective Taylor was now cooperating, they didn't want to share her with the others. " Gladly. " Mason replied as he stood up from his chair, walked over to the and closed it. He reached out grabbing the chair Evie had used and jammed it under the door handle. Mason moved back to his chair and sat down. He crossed his legs while watching Evie succumb to the pleasures she had been fighting against. " We'll be taking great care of you Detective.......We'll give it to you just the way you like it. " Mason said followed by a sinister laugh. Franks, Siddique and Rodriguez had without the warm & soft touch of the female form for many years now. They would get first crack at Evie. Mason would then step in and use Evie himself. He should have taken the time when she was at his house, but he was too busy. Now however, Mason had plenty of time on his hands and so did Evie.

Outside the prison, the forces of the law were gathering. Police from the local town along with those from the CHP, The San Francisco County Sheriff's Department and SWAT Teams from the San Francisco Police Department surrounded the prison. Warden Gates and his Captain of the guards joined the police outside. Most of the prison guards had made it out. Some were taken by the prisoners as hostages. Again Kim came to these men asking about Evie. The Captain said that his men were probably hold up somewhere safe in the prison with Evie. He assured Kim that Evie would be fine, but Kim didn't but that. She had already heard the report they gave to the SWAT Commanders. Kim could hear the others talking about waiting the prisoners out. It seemed that none of the police or those from the prison were interested in taking action right away. Kim knew that these prison riots often last for days if not weeks. A shutter came over Kim's body when she thought of what Evie would be like after being trapped with desperate men for so long. Evie couldn't stay in there for days or weeks until she was rescued. Evie needed rescued today and there was only one way of that happening. Kim slowly walked away from where the others were standing. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone. Tom & James were Evie's only hope of getting out of that place in one piece.

Tom & James had arrived back at the Central Station. The word about the prison riot was spreading like wild fire by then. Tom carried the metal box he had gotten from Tanya Fields into his office when his desk phone started to ring. He placed the box onto the floor near his desk and picked up the receiver. On the other end was the Governor telling Tom about the riot at San Quentin Prison. Tom's heart sank knowing that Evie & Kim were up there. The Governor then told Tom even more disturbing news. He said that Osiris was behind this riot. Osiris made sure to send messages to the Governor and news agencies stating he had taken control over the computers which run the prison. Tom's feelings of dread had turned to growing anger. Osiris was making this personal now by attacking a place where Evie was. The Governor told Tom that he wanted him and the MCU up in San Quentin to take charge of getting the prison under control. Tom hung up the phone then explained to James what was happening. Just then Tom's cell phone went off. Tom quickly yanked it from his coat pocket hoping that it was Evie. He was relieved too see Kim's name on the screen, but still upset that it wasn't Evie. Kim explained what was happening up in San Quentin while Tom & James gathered some gear together for their trip. They were taking vests and AR-15's along for their use. Tom said that he & James would be there as soon as possible. He told Kim that he would call her once they were in the air.

Tom & James left the Central Station. Tom called Kelly at his father's house. She was Rick's pilot and Tom asked her for a ride north. Kelly said that she would meet Tom & James at Dodger Stadium in 15 minutes. Tom then spoke to Tia telling her to do whatever she had to do. He wanted her to take control of the prison's computers way from Osiris. Tia who had been busy setting up a fake web site for the US Marshal's Office so they could set a trap for Osiris, switched gears and started to work on freeing the prison's computers. Tom & James didn't have to wait long at Dodger Stadium. Kelly soon appeared in the sky above them flying a Bell 222 twin-turboshaft helicopter, black with red stripes. She landed quickly, Tom & James jumped aboard and Kelly lifted off heading north.
As Franks continued to kiss Evie, it became ever harder, ever more hungry. From Evie's point of view this was about survival; it was this or be handed over to literally thousands of men elsewhere in the prison. But as Franks kissed her, as she felt two other sets of hands on her body, her body began to react and she couldn't deny the emergence of a want... a craving... a need. As Franks continued to kiss her, so her response became less tentative...more participative. When he eventually broke the kiss, his suprise was obvious. He looked toward Mason.

"You weren't kidding where you? The bitch is actually getting into this?"

"Detective Taylor is a whore. Aren't you? The best kind of whore... she's not in it for the money. . Siddique. Next time you see your friend Aziz, ask him about the party at my house. Ask him about the white whore that him and his brothers used that afternoon. How many was it Evie.. was it four men who fucked you on the dining table? Five? And then there was Mr. Khaled. I seem to remember him being particularly fond of that mouth. Oh, I'm sure she'll tell you she was undercover and it was her job, but I suspect everyone on the room could see how much she WANTED them to use her."

As Mason Hill spoke, the men all looked at Evie. Franks still had hold of her chin. "Well now you get to spend the afternoon with us; and as we have a table we can give Siddique some stories to exchange with his family when they visit next." Franks kissed her hard once again. As he did so, Evie felt a hand pushing between her legs. She heard Rodriguez commenting on the fact that she was getting nice and wet. At that Franks broke off. "On your knees baby... show us all what Khaled found so entertaining." Evie stared up at him and then around the room and slowly she moved down onto her. As she did so, she saw Rodriguez take his cock out of his pants and step towards her. He wasted no time in grabbing hold of her head and filling her mouth.

"Bite me bitch and you are dead. Understand?" Evie looked up at him and nodded a little as she started to suck on his already hard cock. He groaned.
It would take some time before Tom & James would be on the ground at San Quentin. Tom called Kim back letting her know that they were in the air and heading north. He then asked Kim what was going on there? Tom had been hoping that the police on scene would have started making plans to raid the prison. Kim explained that those in charge at the scene had decided to wait for awhile before taking any actions. She also said that there were no sightings of Evie since she went to see Mason Hill. The fact that the police and prison officials were hanging around not doing anything was bad enough. But they weren't even trying to rescue Evie, or even find out what condition she was in. Tom told Kim that the Governor wanted him to take over the scene at the prison. He then told Kim that he wanted her to take over until he & James arrived. Kim knew that the orders Tom had just given her wouldn't set well with the high ranking officers gathered. Tom didn't care about that, he said they could talk with the Governor if they didn't like it.

Kim closed her cell phone, then walked back to were the command area was. A group of Captains, Lieutenants and Sergeants stood around drinking coffee while chit chatting. Kim walked up and started to speak only to be interrupted by a SFPD Captain who told her to be a "good girl" and go help with crowd control. She whipped out her badge and held it up for all too see. " I'm Officer Kimberly Gonzales of the Los Angeles Police Department's MCU Task Force! " Kim's voice carried the same fury she felt from being treated like a child. " My boss....... Lieutenant Tom Reed and Sergeant Taylor.......Who just happens to be the brother of Detective Taylor are on their way here now! " Kim moved around the men as she spoke. She could see that knowing Evie's brother was coming made some uncomfortable. They hadn't lift a finger to try and save her since she went inside. " The Governor has given my boss command of this operation and he had ordered me to take over until he arrives! " Kim could already see the look of disbelief on many faces. The Captain who called her a "good girl" before turned too face Kim. " I'll not be under the command of an officer! " He snapped at Kim while she glared at him. " Well then Captain.......Since I'm taking command here........You're free to leave anytime! " Kim snapped back at him. She wasn't about to back down from anyone. Kim could be a bit hot headed at times and this was certainly one of those times.

Kim walked up to the table looking down at the plans of the prison laying there. She then looked around and asked for complete details of all the manpower they had. If these guys wouldn't do anything to help Evie, then Kim would. Once Kim had been given the information on manpower. She began to plan out how they would retake the prison and save Evie. The Warden pointed out where the room was that Evie was meeting Mason Hill. It was located near the "E" cell block area of the prison. Kim told the SFPD SWAT Commanders to gather their man and start raiding the prison at all entrance areas. They had information that the prisoners weren't armed well. Very few had any guns, most had knives and blunt objects. They need to take control over the prison one area at a time. This was the only way to get the prisoners under control so they could rescue Evie.

Mason leaned back into the chair as Evie lowered herself down. He watched as Evie nodded her head in response to Rodriguez telling her not to bite him. He grinned when Rodriguez jammed his cock deep into Evie's throat and held her in place. Rodriguez then pulled his cock almost all the way out of Evie's throat before jamming back down again. Franks & Siddique removed their jumpsuits while Evie was busy. They joined Rodriguez and put Evie's hands to work on their hard cocks. It was at times like this that Mason wished he had a nice glass of whiskey and a cigar or cigarette. But sadly none of those items could be found in the meeting room.
In some ways, this felt like the afternoon at Mason’s house; the ‘audition’ to get the role which – as far as Mason was concerned at least – was a role that would end with ‘Tori’s’ death. That afternoon Evie had performed as Tori with a group of men who all cared nothing for her. She had been used while Mason had sat back and watched. Just like he was now.

Evie was starting to get concerned about how this was ultimately going to finish. She was surprised that the noise outside seemed to be continuing unabated. There was nothing to suggest that any attempt was being made to regain control of the inmates – at least not in this part of the prison. How wide spread had the breakdown in order been? Had the security systems gone down throughout the prison or just in her part? If it were elsewhere then that might explain why she hadn’t heard anything yet. Maybe the prison governor was taking back another part of the prison first. Not unreasonable. Except... they knew she was here. They knew that she was on her own. What Kim in the same position with the inmates who were in the prison hospital or had someone gotten her out? Of course, Evie couldn’t possibly know what was happening outside. She could easily imagine though that if word had gotten through to the MCU, then if the prison governor wasn’t doing anything to stop things, hell would freeze over before Tom, James and maybe even the rest of the Taylor clan would be kept away.

As the thoughts ran through her head, her eyes shifted between the three men who were stood over her, each taking it in turn to make use of her mouth. It was more than obvious that this was an experience that none of them had had for a while and they were most certainly enjoying themselves. They were strong men; years probably of nothing to do but physical training in the prison yard. It always struck her as somewhat stupid to allow prisoners to get physically stronger and stronger every day. Was it not fairly obvious that sooner or later the authorities inside or out would be on the receiving end of that over-developed strength? Just like now. It was certainly nothing that Evie had the strength or the brains to overcome at that moment. Fighting against them was not going to put her in any better position. And so... she did what she was told. And the more she did, the more she felt her own excitement growing. Just like the afternoon at Mason’s house. And so she sat on her knees, a thick hard cock in each hand and one steadily fucking her mouth.
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