Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Evie got up the following morning, having slept well in the circumstances. Her dreams had periodically taken her back to the events in the prison, but it was not the stuff of nightmares. When she pulled herself out of bed, she felt her muscles a little stiff. Perhaps the events at the prison had proved to be something of a work-out for her. She thought for a moment... to run or not to run... and ultimately decided that she needed to push herself. Maybe not too much, but enough to get the muscles moving. And so she dressed in her running pants and a white Yankees t-shirt, the logo scripted out in blue across the front of it. She ran for an hour - a circuit which brought her back as usual past her favorite coffee shop. When she got back to her apartment, she changed and showed, taking a little more time than usual in the hot jets of water coming from the shower head; letting the water massage muscles on various parts of her body.

Once done, she dressed quickly, and headed out, calling into the coffee shot for the second time to get herself a drink on the way into work. Her car had'nt moved for a few days but despite its age it fired up quickly and as noisly. She never tired of hearing that engine roar into life. She drove through the outskirts of the city, thinking back to the conversation on the phone with Tom the previous evening. It didn't take a genius to work out that in the absence of anything else they would be chasing down something in relation to the contents of the box.

She parked in the garage, said her hellos and made her way upstairs.
Once Evie, James and Kim were in the squad room, they each had the chance to read the letter and see what was in the box. Tom then announced that they would cover the area of the motel where Amanda's body was found. Before the others arrived, Tom took the old mug shot photo of Marcus Delong over to where the LAPD composite artists do their work. They came up with a new computer generated photo of what Delong looked like now. The artist team just had to age Delong by a few years which made him look as he does now. Copies where made of this new image and those copies were handed out by Tom to the MCU team. Tom told everyone that they were heading to his father's house to meet with Tia in the afternoon. He added that since their morning was free, they would go around the business district of sunset where the motel was. Their job was to go door to door showing Delong's picture to all the store personnel, shop keepers, gas station workers, car washers, pimps, hookers and other street people. Tom was hoping that if Delong was hanging around near that motel, someone had spotted him. By now Delong's blonde hair was showing some grey and his pox marked made him look older then he really was.

The MCU team left the Central Station and headed for Sunset Boulevard. To cover the area properly, Tom set up a search grid which was 6 city blocks long. The team took two cars, Tom drove his car while Evie drove hers. Tom & James would start at the intersection of Sunset & North Curson Avenue and work west. Evie & Kim would start at Sunset & North Orange Grove Avenue and work east. The two teams would cover both sides of the street while working towards each other. They would meet up at Courtney Avenue which was in the middle of their search grid. The motel was in the area of Courtney. If anyone was going to recognize Delong, it would be here. But Tom wanted the search grid a little longer since most of the street people, like the bums move around. This would help them cover all the bases. Tom & James started after living the police car. At first they found no one who had seen Delong. This was to be expected, but the further down Sunset they went, they did find people who saw Delong in that area. There was a small group of hookers who James had busted many times working the corner of North Stanley & Sunset. They were quite friendly with James and said that Delong had been hanging around in the area of the motel for almost a week. They added that they hadn't seen him around since that girl was found dead. By the time Tom & James reached the meeting point, they had found 14 witnesses who placed Delong in that area. Each said that he had been around for at least week before disappearing. Tom & James decided to wait at a coffee shop for the girls to arrive.
Evie and Kim parked up on North Orange Grove just a short distance up from the intersection. They got out and started to walk east calling in at the diners, coffee houses and small stores which lined either side of road. Finding people who recognized Delong, in the end, was surprisingly easy. Two or three of the stores recognized the face in the picture to varying degrees. For some, yeah... he was familiar...perhaps he'd been in a couple of time. For others, they remembered he had been in two or three time, had bought a pack of cigarettes, or an espresso. As they approached Courtney Avenue, they called in at a convenience store only a short distance from the motel where Amanda had been found. The place was small, with the shelves stacked high and there were three gas pumps out front. Kim did the talking this time. She introduced herself and told the manager what they were looking for. Both of them had their badges pinned to their lapels so what they were was more than obvious from the get-go. The manager took the photograph and stared at it. Initially it was as if he expected not to recognize the face that had been handed to him. Both Evie and Kim noticed the mild look of surprise when he realized that actually.... for a change... he did recognize the face. At first he couldn't be precise about when he had seen him and then an idea struck him.

"Wait a minute... he bought gas and ... and some food. He... he used a credit card... hang on... I'll have the receipt somewhere... here..." He turned his back to them and took a large red metal box from a drawer. Opening it up, it was stuffed with small pieces of paper; lots of them but all neatly placed in there. He flicked through them and they gave a victorious 'yes'. He turned back and handed them a piece of paper. The date neatly printed on the top.

"Wait a minute... I'll have the video footage too. Just back here."
While the MCU team was busy gathering evidence that Delong had been around the motel, Mr.Wizard was also busy. Osiris had told him to find out who had taken control over the San Quentin Prison computers. This was a job Wizard couldn't fail at. If he couldn't find who had taken control of the computers away from him, Osiris would kill him. Wizard had spent the night and all that morning trying to find the computer which his counterpart used against him. Finally Wizard was able to pin point where the computer was. He called Osiris into their computer command post and gave him the details. Wizard had a map of Brentwood up on the huge computer screen when Osiris came in. Osiris stood there staring at the screen while Wizard pointed out where the computer was that had been used against them. Osiris asked who lived in that house? Wizard replied that it belonged too former crime boss, Richard Reed. Osiris had heard of Rick Reed's background. He was surprised to find out that a former crime lord had a son who was a cop.

Osiris told Wizard to call Mr. Lazarus. He wanted Lazarus and his strike team to hit Richard Reed's house. Mr. Wizard warned Osiris that Rick Reed no doubt had security in and around his home. Osiris told Wizard to cut all power into the house once Lazarus and his hit team where ready. This worried Wizard because he knew that whoever was working the computer at Rick Reed's house, could ultimately trace to their base. Still Wizard knew better then to argue with Osiris. Once Osiris made up his mind, that was it. There was no way of talking him out of any action. Wizard placed the call to Lazarus. It would be a few hours before he could get to Brentwood. Lazarus and his men were just returning to California from another mission.

Tom & James sat in the coffee shop waiting for the girls. As they sat there talking, Tom's cell phone went off. After answering his phone, Tom found out that on the other end was the LAPD Crime Lab. Tom was told that not all the blood found in the room belonged too Amanda. At some point Amanda put up a fight and hit her attacker with a lamp. Different parts of the room, mostly around the bed and near the door had blood from someone else. Also the attacker made what would be a huge mistake. Although no prints were found around the bed, other then thoughts made by Amanda. A few prints from another person were found in the bathroom. The lab stated that the killer must have gone into the bathroom and attended to their wound. The prints were run and came back too Marcus Delong. Tom told James what the crime lab had found. They had enough proof of Delong being in the area for at least a week before Amanda was murdered. Even the manager of the motel recognized Delong as having been hanging around the area. He had told Tom & James when they talked with him that Delong was mostly out front of the motel. But the manager assumed that Delong was a cop on a stakeout. Now they could place Delong in the room and if DNA could match up with the blood found in the room, they would have Delong for murder. Tom looked at his watch, the time was growing close for them to meet with Tia. He called Evie to find out where she & Kim were. Tom told Evie what the crime lab had found, she then told him what they had found. Once the exchange of information was over, Tom said that Evie & Kim should pick her car then head for his father's house. They would meet up there and see where the Osiris case was heading. Tom & James left the coffee shop, walked back to Tom's car and headed for his father's home.
Evie closed her cell phone shut and gave a resigned look across to Kim.

"Scratch coffee" Kim looked puzzled. "Our fearless leader and my brother have been sitting on their asses drinking their lattes while we've been... never mind." Evie wasn't really mad; her comments were tongue in cheek and reflected nothing more than a mild envy at not getting a coffee of her own at that moment. Then she was conscious of the manager watching them, clearly bemused. "Tom got the confirmation from the Crime lab guys which puts our man in the right place at around the right time. We just need the DNA confirmation to put in there at exactly the right time. But Tom wants us to go see Tia at his Dad's place. They're going to meet us there." They gave their thanks to the manager and left the store, credit card receipts and CCTV tapes in their hands, heading back for the car. On the way, Kim ducked into a different coffee store and picked up two take-out cups.

An hour later Evie turned the car into the drive way of Rick's mansion. She couldn't help but smile; the place never stopped surprising her. It really was a beautiful place. The gates opened almost before she pulled the car to a stop and then by the time she had driven up the driveway and pulled up outside the front door, Rick was there waiting and smiling.

"You know, in my past life... visits from LA's finest were never particularly pleasant affairs. But Im sure that if you two had been calling in on me, I would have positively looked forward to it?"

Evie smiled as she walked up to Rick. She kissed him on the cheek and felt his hand wrap around her waist as they turned to walk into the house. "I take it you are here to see my security chief?" Rick asked.

"Yes Sir" Kim responded. "Tom asked us to meet him here.."
Tom & James were already there waiting on the girls to arrive. They were down in the basement of the mansion speaking with Tia in the security room. From the screens in the security room, Tom watched as Tasha who was head of security met Evie & Kim once they entered the house. Tasha & Rick walked with them down to the basement where they could join the others. Standing in the security room were Tom, James and Morgan. Tia was sitting in her chair in front of her computer keyboard. After everyone had greeted each other, Tia started the meeting. She began by telling how she set up fake web sites to protect those webs sites that Osiris had been breaking into. These fake web sites would give out false information if anyone hacked into them. They would also aid Tia in tracking down any hackers. Tia then started to tell everyone how she had been tracking the computer Osiris was working from. She was able to pick up his trail after she took control of the prisons computers away from him. Tia stated that she was close to finally tracking him down. Just then an security warning started flashing on the large computer screen. Tasha stepped closer asking where it was coming from? Tia said the alarm was tripped from the rear of the mansion. Someone had climbed over the wall which surrounded the house in the back. Tasha put a finger to her ear and called out to Kelly, Kacey and Becca. She told them that there was an intruder on the grounds near the back gardens. Just then the power died in the mansion. Tia told everyone not too worry, the generators would kick in, but the generators didn't kick in.

Kelly's voice came over a loud speaker in the room saying that a truck had just rammed the front gate. She said that 8 heavily armed men were exiting from the back of the truck and making their way towards the house. Becca's voice was then heard saying that there were 4 men in the garden heading towards the house. " Tia........Get the power back. " Tasha said as Tia reached down and grabbed her laptop. She opened it and started to work on getting the power back on. The emergency lights had come on. Tasha walked over to the wall laid her hand against it and a panel opened up. The panel was a special door where weapons were kept. Tasha started to pass around loaded AR-15's to each person. " Okay everyone......Lets go! " Tasha yelled out as she started to move. She was calling out commands to the other girls as she left the security room. The men all dressed in black started to enter the mansion from the front doors. The other men in the back were having a tougher time since Becca had them under fire already. The sounds of gun fire could be heard once Tasha, Morgan, Rick and the MCU team made it up stairs. Tasha & Morgan broke left to circle around the intruders who were inside the house. Tom lead everyone else towards the main entrance of the mansion. Kelly had most of those inside pinned down when Tom, Rick and the MCU team appeared.
When the security warning sounded, the tension in the room jumped a few notches. Tom was stood immediately behind Tia's chair. Evie, Kim and James were a little to the left, James in the middle flanked by both women. Evie tensed... she was aware of James straightening himself up just a little and she saw Tom stand up slowly, looking from one screen to another as they were laid out in front of him. And then everything went quiet and black... and the tension kicked up a little further still. When the generator didn't kick in, it hit maximum and even the small emergency lights which suddenly sparked into life around the room casting a warm orange glow did nothing to drop it.

Once Kelly announced the assault on the front gate, everyone seemed to be moving except James, Kim and Evie. Tom knew exactly where Tasha was headed when she started to walk across the room. He fell in a few steps behind her and as she handed a rifle to him, he passed it on. James was the first, followed by Kim, then Evie. As soon as Tasha opened the door out onto the hallway, they heard the sound of automatic gun fire coming from the rear of the house but they all followed Tasha upstairs and then to support Kelly at the front.

"What the hell...?" Evie asked as she crouched down behind Tom just inside the doorway, with Rick, James and Kim opposite. "Is this us or... " She looked over at Rick. "Have you gone back into business and annoyed some of your competition?" Rick threw her a grin and shook his head. "This one is all you sweetheart... and you can count on me sending the bill to the LA Police Department." They all ducked as a storm of bullets peppered the walls and door frame.

"So who could have known we were here?" called James as chips of plaster exploded out of the wall showering them in tiny bits of rubble and dust. As there was a pause in the shooting, they all looked at each other.

"The same people who had the technological know-how to close down the security systems at a state penitentiary?" Evie offered.
Tom looked at Evie when she spoke out about San Quentin. There was little doubt as to this being a raid by Osiris's hit team. It wasn't long ago that they were in the mansion's security room talking about becoming targets for Osiris. Each of them knew what they were getting in for at that time. Evie had already felt what it was like to be on the receiving end of Osiris's lesson. This however was must different since the team was now being targeted for death. Really, Osiris had no idea that the MCU team was there. This attack was focused on Rick Reed for helping his son and his son's team. Tom returned fire from were he was crouched down. He told Kim to use her cell phone and call dispatch for backup. Kim whipped out her cell phone and placed the call Tom had asked for. " This is Officer Gonzales of the MCU........We need back up at 22341 South Canyon View Drive.....Shots fired.......Officers need assistance! " Kim had just disconnected from dispatch when the wall above her head exploded from a hail of bullets.

Lazarus was just outside the main doors to the house. He had a feeling that something just wasn't quite right about this. One of the cars parked out front was an unmarked police car. He had lost contact with the four men out behind the house. Three of his men exited from the house and ran for the truck. They didn't make it far before gun fire from the roof dropped them to the ground. Suddenly the power came back on and with that power came the alarms signaling that the front gate had been breached. This was a loud outside alarm very much like a burglar alarm. Lazarus made a few steps towards the truck, but he was driven back by the same gun fire which took down his men. Soon the sounds of gun fire coming from inside the house stopped. An eerie silence filled the air as Lazarus peeked into the house. He saw the bodies of his men laying on the floor. Then he noticed the barrel of a huge pistol at the side of his face. Tom was standing there and told this man to drop his weapon. Everyone had moved up behind and along side of Tom when he moved towards the doors. Tasha & Morgan stood about 15 feet away from the others. They had came around and caught the intruders in a cross fire. Tasha announced that the mansion was secure. Kelly, Kacey and Becca had all reported in.

Tom reached out grabbing the man by the front of his vest. He jerked the man inside, spun him around and slammed him against the wall. Tom started asking questions, but this man was very tight lipped. It was clear that he wasn't gonna talk. The moments of silence after Tom asked his questions were soon broke when a cell phone started going off. It was coming from a pocket in this man's vest. Tom reached out opened the pocket and pulled out the phone. " Search him.......Read him his rights......Then cuff him. " Tom said as he turned and walked a few feet away. James came up, spun the man around and started his search while Kim explained his rights. During this time Tom pressed the button which answered the phone. " Lazarus!.......This is Osiris!......What the hell's going on there!........Wizard tells me they got their power back! " The voice spoke out from the speaker. It was the same voice the MCU team had heard while in San Diego. " Sorry Osiris........Your man Lazarus can't come to the phone right now. " Tom said while looking back at Lazarus who was now in cuffs and being lead outside. Police cars had just started to arrive on the scene. " None of your men can come to the phone.......They're ether dead......Injured or under arrest......Seems like you lose again Osiris.......Oh and I wanted you to know.........Your next Osiris. " Tom added then the phone went dead. Osiris closed his phone on the other end. He was shocked that Lazarus had been taken and his hit team was now gone. Tia soon appeared just behind everyone. " I found him! " Tia's voice was loud and very happy. " I found Osiris!........I know where he's at! " Tia said while pointing at the cell phone Tom was holding in his hand.
Evie looked back over her shoulder, back into the house, as the building fell quiet. Then she looked across at Rick. There was a small tear on the sleeve of his shirt...across his bicep and she could just see the pinky tinges underneath. He saw her looking... looked down and then back up at her. He smiled and shook his head. Evie wasn't convinced but Tom telling someone to drop his weapon distracted her. Then everything seemed to happen so quickly. The house was secure. They were all alive and apparently unhurt. Lazarus was still being pinned to the wall by James as he secured his hands behind his back with his cuffs. They all seemed to hold their breaths while Tom answered the phone. Osiris. James looked across to Kim, then Evie, his expression indicating that they should have know. Tom finished the call in his usual... blunt... style.

Evie stepped over to where Rick was. She looked closer at his arm.

"Is there a first aid kit around here?" she asked no-one in particular. Everyone looked around.

"It's nothing... its a scratch." Rick said. Tom looked at him hard for a moment, trying to decide whether his father was minimizing something serious. He figured that Evie would be a lot less relaxed about it if it were.

"Sit." Evie said, pointing to a chair that was further along the hallway and glaring at Rick with a 'ignore me if you dare' look. Rick looked at Tom as if he was asking his son for some help. He got none, so he stepped back, sat down and slipped off his shirt. Tasha handed Evie the kit. She opened it up and and then began to clean up Rick's arm. It wasn't anything serious; a bullet had side-wiped him. As she applied the white dressing and secured it with a light bandage, Tia came in and made her announcement.

"Where?" Tom responded immediately
Tia said that she tracked Osiris's phone call to an office building downtown. " 533 South Fremont Avenue.........9th floor.........Suite 908. " Tia looked at each member of the MCU team as they stood before her after she spoke. Tom told James to hand off Lazarus to the uniformed officers now standing in the doorway. More police units were already pulling in out front. " Lets go nail Osiris! " Tom said to his team. He placed a quick call asking for the proper warrants. After his call, Tom said goodbye to his father and the girls. Rick wished his son and the team well before they left. The two unmarked police cars pulled out of the driveway and headed for the downtown area. Tom placed a call telling all units in that area to seal off Fremont, West 6th Street and West 5th. That building Osiris was in sat right along Harbor Freeway. No doubt picked because it was close enough to use as an escape route. Tom then had dispatch call the California Highway Patrol so they could post units on and around the Harbor Freeway.

The MCU team arrived at the office building. The area had been sealed off as Tom had asked for. No one was allowed in and no one left since the first police units arrived. Tom and his team entered the building and quickly went to the 9th floor. They all walked down the hall, weapons ready until they found Suite 908. Four uniformed officers tagged along with the detectives. Tom knocked on the door, but no one answered. With the warrants safely in his coat pocket, Tom stepped away from the door then kicked it in. So far it looked like another other office. A desk, a chair a row of filing cabinets, but no secretary. Tom and his team moved carefully around the desk heading for the only other door. James quietly opened this door which led into a small hallway. At either end of this hallway was a door. He sent Evie & Kim down to check out the room along with two uniformed officers. Tom, James and the two officers would check out the room at the far end. They quickly moved down the hall where Tom kicked the door in. This office appeared lived in. Not only did it have what one would normally find in an office, but it had a small cot for sleeping. Tom & James both spun their heads around after hearing Evie & Kim's voice shouting out. Tom told the two officer to stay there, he & James ran down to see what the girls had found in the other room.
Kim and Evie moved quickly but quietly down the corridor, both of them with their weaponds drawn, both holding their weapons down but out in front of them, their arms straight. The two uniformed officers with them followed a few steps behind. When they reached the door, Evie listened for a moment and then looked directly at Kim, giving her a short sharp nod. There was someone in this office. Kim reached out with her left hand and placed it on the door handle. She turned it slowly. As she did so, both women stood to the left and right of the door frame. Once the handle was fully turned, Kim looked at Evie, silently asking if she was ready. Now Evie gave the nod and Kim suddenly pushed the door open hard. Evie immediately stepped through it; her gun raised, pointed stright out. She found a target almost as soon as she was through the door. Kim had followed her in in exactly the same way.

"DONT... move." Evie shouted out. "You... put your hands up where I can see them... away from the keyboard... " Wizard looked back at Evie wide eyed and then slowly lifted his hands. Osiris glared at the two women. "I think my Lieutenant told you a short while ago to expect us. Guess we still managed to take you by surprise." At that moment James and Tom came through the doors, both with weapons up. With the extra cover, Kim and Evie put their own weapons away and walked around to where both men were. Evie took hold of Wizard's left wrist and pulled his hand behind his back. She pulled hard, making him groan, and then brought the right hand back in the same way. She made sure that the cuffs were tight... real tight.
Tom & James entered the room where Evie & Kim had everything well in hand. Evie had placed one man under arrest while Kim moved and did the same to the second man. Tom holstered his weapon asking which man was Osiris? The second man looking quite smug answered that he was Osiris. " Well Osiris.......We've got a nice room waiting for you downtown......I'm sure you'll find it very uncomfortable. " Tom said as he grabbed Osiris and handed him off to the two officers. Evie took a hold of the other man's arm and along with the others, they walked out. Crime Scene Techs arrived as Osiris & Wizard were each placed into a waiting patrol car. Tom gave orders to the CST teams that they were to gather everything in Suite 908. He wanted everything in that room bagged and tagged, then sent downtown. Tom stood with his team as they watched the patrol cars pull away. " We've got a ton of reports to write.........The sooner we get back to the station........The sooner we can get done. " Tom said as the group slowly started to walk towards their cars. James reminded everyone that today was Friday and since they had taken down Osiris, they could celebrate in high style. Kim slyly smiled when James said it was Friday. She gave Tom a nudge from her elbow and a wink of her eye while saying "Yeah it is Friday." She of course had big plans for Friday night. Plans of a special private party at Evie's apartment after a celebration at Malone's. The MCU team climbed into their cars and returned to the Central Station. The station was already flooded with reporters looking for an interview with the arresting detectives. Tom smiled at the reports who were gathered out from of the station. He then pointed at Evie & Kim saying that they had arrested Osiris & Wizard. But Tom added that an official statement would be made later. He said that he and his team had a lot of paperwork to do. Tom and the others entered the station and quickly went to their squad room.
Evie stared at Tom, smirking, but hardly able to believe what he had said.

"I never realized just how much of a task master you can be, you know that?" Evie walked at Tom's side as they walked towards where they had parked their cars. He smiled and said nothing, and when it was clear that Tom wasn't going to change his mind and let them quit early, they separated off and headed for their own cars. When Kim climbed in, Evie noticed the grin on her face.



"That grin isn't nothing."

"Hey" Kim shrugged. "We just took down Osiris. That's something to smile about is't it?"

Evie wasn't entirely convinced but she put the key in the ingition and pulled out behind Tom and followed thim back to the station. There were a lot more people around than she expected. "How is it they find out so quickly." she asked no-one in particular as they climbed out of the car. They all plastered a false smile on their faces but said nothing. If a statement was to come from one of them, then it should be Tom... if it was to come from the Chief, then Tom would say so. When he told the masses that Evie and Kim had made the arrest, suddenly their attention shifted and there was an explosion of flashlights. Kim and Evie just kept smiling and kept saying nothing. FInally they were inside and up the stairs. It took them a little over three hours to sort out the paperwork, with Evie being the one to place the final piece of paper in the file.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... we are done!"
Tom's job after the arrest if Osiris wasn't held to just writing up his report. He had to field phone calls from the Mayor of Los Angels, the Governor of California, plus visits from the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief and Captain MacDonald. To say that everyone was pleased was an under statement. Those high ranking officers heaped praise upon the members of the MCU while entering and leaving their squad room. Handshakes along with pats on the shoulders and backs were freely handed out. As were promises of promotions, citations and medals. The MCU team had once again made the police department look damn good in the eyes of everyone watching. National press even began to talk about the success of the LAPD Task Force. During the 3 hours where the MCU team was finally able to finish their reports, rumors began to spread around the Central Station. After the news of Osiris being arrested hit the news, a couple of big time Hollywood Producers came with an idea. They wanted to do a new television show featuring a team like the LAPD's MCU. By the time Jack & Steve showed up at the MCU Squad Room, they brought with them this information. They entered the room just after Evie said that they were done. Jack said it was about time, then he said that the first few rounds would be on the MCU team. Everyone left the squad room talking about their capture of the day. The drive to Malone's was a quick one and upon arriving, Steve finally told Tom and his team about the MCU possibly becoming a tv show. Tom bought the first round of drinks. He raised his beer and toasted his team and his closest friends. Steve remarked that Tom already sounded like a big time Hollywood star.
Evie sat back heavily in her chair as her dad and Steve walked in. She nodded a hello to them; after one member of the brass after another had trailed in, she was happy to see people who weren't there to try and steal some of the glory for their next re-election campaign or their next promotion.

"You know..." she said as she stood up. "That's one thing I have never understood in this job. How come the team that makes the arrests have to buy the drinks; surely they should be the recipients of everyone else's generosity... respect... awe...." Steve reached out an arm and playfully wrapped it around his sister's neck. "And that little girl is exactly why... so the cops that make the arrests don't take everyone else for granted and start thinking they're better than those around them." Evie was laughing and trying to pull Steve's arm away from her as he 'led' her out of the door of the squad room, her head still tucked in his arm.

Twenty minutes later they were all raising the first glasses as Tom made the Toast.

"So you do you want them to pick to play you in the TV series then?" Kim asked Evie. Evie started laughing. "Oh god knows. Im pretty sure that whoever they get is gonna look nothing like any of us.... and its gonna take them a decade to get it off the ground anyway. We'll all be drawing our pensions by then."
The celebration went on as the group laughed, ate and drank. Jack made the comment that the MCU team would soon be as famous as that special task force in Hawaii was. Tom just laughed blowing off the thought that he and his team would become famous. Sure they were receiving a lot of good press now. But Tom knew that the press would soon find something else to talk about. Rusty delivered another freshly made pizza while James bought the next round of drinks. After those were finished, it fell too Evie and then finally too Kim. It would seem the order of buying drinks fell in order of rank. Fellow officers and detectives congratulated the MCU team as they came and went. In time, the crowd in the bar grew smaller until only a few people were still inside. The MCU team was still there along with Jack & Steve, but by now their celebration was well past it's end. Jack & Steve both said their good nights to everyone. They were heading home for the night and James decided to leave with them. This left Tom alone at the bar with Evie & Kim. He was sitting on a stool at Evie's right while Kim who was smoking a cigarette sat on her left. The last of their drinks would be finished soon and Kim was even now planning on how best to move the party to Evie's place. She had playful throughout the night been teasing Evie in sexual ways without anyone else noticing. Kim then suggested that they have a nightcap at Evie's place. She then waited too see how Evie would respond to this suggestion.
As they had sat around the table and drank and eaten pizza and laughed and drank some more, Evie had been aware every now and then of Kim's hand on her leg. When Kim had gotten up to go to the bar or to the restrooms, Evie had felt the brush of a hand across her back or on her arm. When they had been laughing at something one of the guys had said, sometimes Kim and Evie had finished up leaning against each other as they did so. During the rest of the evening, they had circulated around tables and had moved seats for short periods but somehow had finished in the row at the bar.

At the suggestion of the nightcap, Evie looked to Kim and smiled and took another mouthful of beer from her bottle. Then she looked at Tom.

"What do you say? Nightcap at mine?" She saw Tom look at Kim and then back to her. He smiled and then stood up saying they could get a cab and then pick up his car in the morning. Twenty minutes later, the cab was drawing up outside Evie's place.
Tom was okay with the idea of a nightcap at Evie's. He still remembered that message Kim sent him about a private party at Evie's place after their night at Malone's. Tom really didn't know what Kim was up too and he silently wondered whether Evie knew of Kim's plans. He seat with the girls in the backseat of the cab as it pulled up in front of the apartment building where Evie lived. Evie & Kim slipped from the cab while Tom paid the driver. The cabbie gave Tom a wink after the girls left the yellow cab. Kim was by now giggling, she took Evie by the hand and led her towards the main door. Tom followed close behind, the girls looked very playful by now. Again Tom's thoughts returned to that night he called Evie. Tom still wondered what Kim had really been doing that night? Kim opened the door still leading Evie by the hand. Tom was by now just behind them and stayed there until they reached Evie's apartment door. Kim had a very lustful look in her eye when she stared at Evie. Her gaze soon shifted towards Tom who too notice of the very lustful look. By now Tom had an idea of what Kim was looking to start, but he wondered if Evie would so open to such an idea of the three of them getting together for a night of sex?
Evie let Kim lead her from the cab up the pathway and then into the building. Neither girl had seen the look the cab driver had given Tom... A look which just said "your lucky bastard". Once inside the apartment, both girls instinctively slipped their jackets off and the Evie headed into the kitchen with Kim on her heels. Evie pulled out two bottles... And held them out as Tom joined them.

"Wine or something stronger?"

"Definitely the scotch" Kim said. Tom nodded. Evie pulled out three crystal tumblers from the cupboard and placed then on the polished work surface of the square 'island' in the middle of the room. Kim was stood leaning against one side of the square, Tom against another, Evie against a third. She poured a large measure of scotch into each, the others watching her. They each took one of the glasses and then Kim raised hers in a toast.

"Osiris and Mason Hill" Evie and Tom looked at her a little puzzled. "we'll we three wouldn't be here without them." She was right of course. Evie and Tom might never have met Kim but for the undercover investigation that Evie had been transferred into. They clinked glasses and as they drank, Kim moved next to Evie and slipped her hand around her waist.

"Last time I saw Osiris was that afternoon at Mason's wrap party. Remember?" Kim could see both of them immediately thinking back. "I didn't see him exactly, but Mason was talking to him when you were... With Khaled." She smiled as she took another drink and her hand slid down onto Evie's ass. "You'd been so good in that movie in the morning... "Kim moved herself closer still to Evie more than aware that Tom was watching. "Such a good undercover slut, wasn't she Tom" Kim lifted her hand to Evie's chin. Evie didn't pull away as Kim leaned in and kissed her. "You had those two guys fuck you... On camera for the first time... Remember..." She kissed her again and this time Evie responded just a little. "And then Khaled and his friends. You enjoyed yourself that day didn't you?" Evie moaned softly and nodded as the memories came into her head, and she closed her eyes a little and kissed Kim back.
Tom stood silently as Kim was speaking about the party at Mason's house and the movie she had made with Evie. He sipped from his glass of scotch as Kim continued. Tom's eyes followed each movement of Kim's hand when she touched Evie's body. Having Kim talk about the movie she and Evie made brought back thoughts memories from that day too Tom. He remembered Evie scene with the two men. How he enjoyed watching Evie having sex. Tom remembered the scene where Evie fucked that big black man. Each memory was hotter then the next one. The next memory was the scene where Evie & Kim took part in a threesome. They were the undercover cops, or "sluts" who took time out to fuck the bad guy before they took him to jail. Tom's cock was already coming to life with these thoughts when Kim kissed Evie. He could still see Evie's face buried between Kim's legs. Evie was wearing a different face, but Tom only saw Evie as she was. Tom could still see Evie licking and sucking on Kim's pussy when she wasn't suck on that guys cock. He also enjoyed seeing Kim eating out Evie's pussy while she happily sucked away on a hard dick. Tom continued too watch as Kim started to get Evie worked up. There was now little doubt that a threesome would take place. Tom took another drink from his glass as a grin came over his face. He was going to fuck Evie and he was going to fuck Kim and the two girls would fuck each other. Tom would treat Evie just like the hidden whore she was and she would love it.
Tom smiled at what he was watching, but the kitchen was not the ideal place. He pulled himself away from the scene and went into the lounge. He walked over to the iPod speaker, thumbed through the albums Evie had on there and selected something easy and smooth. He pressed play and then, loosening his tie, he went and sat down on the couch. When Kim heard the music she broke the kiss and smiled.

"Hmmm let's go dance." Without waiting for Evie to say anything, she took her hand and led her through from the kitchen. She smiled at Tom as she saw him sitting down. She brought Evie into the middle of the room and then began to dance with her. Dancing slow. Close. Closer. As Kim's hands found Evie's body again, as she brought her body against Evie's, so she leaned in and began to kiss her again, talking softly between kisses about the events of that day.

"That kid director thought you were so hot.... You loved everyone watching you didn't you... Such slut... You... with me... And Willie... And then... And then you became the total whore in the afternoon." As she talked and danced and kissed, Kim's hands were undoing the buttons on Evie's blouse.
Tom slipped off his coat after sitting down on the couch. He laid it over the arm closest to the end where he was sitting. Tom watched as Kim led Evie into the living room. The soft music was playing and the girls started to dance with each other. Tom unhooked his holster carrying his Desert Eagle from his belt then slipped it from his shoulders. He placed the weapon onto the coffee table then picked up his glass. Tom leaned back into the couch smiling as he watched the show. He sipped at his scotch while with his free hand, Tom began to unbutton his white dress shirt. Tom's eyes never once left the two bodies moving in front of him. The more Kim teased Evie with her words and hands, the more Tom enjoyed this show. Evie was fast becoming lost in the passion that Kim was heating up in her. Hearing Kim say that Evie had become a total whore brought back the memory of Evie getting fucked in the dirty alley. It was the night they were out looking for the man who was killing those prostitutes. Evie was working undercover as a street girl and she took Lewis into a nearby alley and fucked him for money. Tom then got an idea, it was a devilish idea, but one that would only add to the nights show. " Why don't you tell Kim about the night you fuck that guy for money? " Tom's voice was strong and commanding as he spoke. This made Kim turn her head slightly at Tom. She then looked back at Evie. " You fucked for money?.........You are a total whore aren't you? " Kim was smiling as she talked. She then asked Evie to tell her dirty tail. Tom continued undoing his shirt then once it was open, he pulled it from his pants and removed the shirt. He quickly removed the undershirt exposing his athletic upper body which Kim had never seen without a shirt.
AS Evie danced slowly with Kim, as she returned her kisses, she closed her eyes and listened to Kim's words. She remembered the events that Kim talked about. Tom had seen it all and so there was no sense of embarrassment or shame; and perhaps even if he hadn't, at that moment, she would have been too lost in the memory to think about it. She remembered being with Willie and with Jim. She remembered how Jim and her and ... Jenna had made out.. fucking and sucking and licking. She moaned softly as Kim continued to kiss and caress and move her body against hers.

When Kim broke the kiss and looked across at Tom, she seemed genuinely surprised at what Tom had said and the smile spread across her face as she looked back at Evie. Evie also looked at Tom. They had never spoken about that night. It seemed so long ago. How many men had she allowed to fuck her in the name of the job since then. In fact everyone she had fucked since then was connected to the job in someway or another... Tom... McCaffrey... Zach... Mason... even Webb and Pierce.... all of them. But Lewis had been the first. And he had in effect led her to the private party and to Rick. Evie shrugged a little.

"$100 bucks... I... I sucked his cock and then... then he fucked me over the hood of the car... in an alleyway."

"Just like a proper whore." Kim stroked her hand down Evie's cheek. "And you got $1500 for Willie and Jim... that was easy money for you wasn't it... you enjoyed every single minute."She slipped her forefinger into Evie's mouth and Evie began to suck on it softly. "But the men at Mason's house... you did them for nothing, didn't you?" Evie stared back and her and nodded slowly, still licking and sucking on the slim finger.
That night Evie did fuck Lewis for money. Even though she did it for her job, she was paid just like any other street girl would have been. Jenny, Amber and Megan all took money for sex and that night Evie was no different from them. Evie went willing to Lewis's private party and fucked both men and women because she was paid for it. Doing the porn movie was part of being undercover, but still Evie received payment for her sex scenes. Had the undercover work went on longer. Evie would have done more sex scenes and would have been paid more money. Tom reminded Evie that she was paid $200 dollars by Lewis. The second hundred came after the job was done and Lewis was very pleased. He remembered this because Evie gave that money too him so he could give it to Officer Collins family.

Kim had total control over Evie and Tom was enjoying the show. The girl's continued to move slowly to the music. Their bodies rubbing up against each other. Tom's mind was working a mile a minute as he looked on. He would be fucking both girls tonight and watching while they fucked each other. Have sex with two hot girls at the same time was a dream of many men. Tom was gonna live out that dream and was certainly the envy of that poor cab driver who gave him that "you lucky dog look." He drank his scotch while Evie sucked on Kim's finger. Tom knew just how Kim's finger felt. Evie had sucked Tom's cock before right in the very apartment. She was a very talented cock sucker. The rest of Evie's body was just as talented. Her pussy & ass were still very tight, most likely because Evie worked out almost everyday. Keeping those muscles strong and firm while doing so.
Evie was remembering it all. Memories of Lewis, of the private party he took her too... Her first time with a woman...with Jenny. The nightclub with Zach.... And the woman there. He couldn't recall her name. Then there was Jenna and Tammy in the hot tub. Maybe it was Kim right in front of her that kept bringing her mind back to memories of being with women. Kim slipped her finger out of Evie's mouth, trailed it down her chin, before gently taking hold of her chin as she leaned in and kissed her again. This time it was a hard deep hungry kiss and Evie responded in kind, moaning softly. Kim's free hand lifted to Evie's right breast slipped inside and began to caress and squeeze over the top of her bra. Then Kim broke the kiss and stepped back. She smiled and then moved across to the couch. She sat down next to Tom... Close to him... More kneeling than sitting, almost sideways on.

"I think you like being a whore don't you Evie? Standing there, I bet you're already wet. And pretty much since we walked in Malone's I knew what you wanted. Hell...since we left the prison yesterday." Tom smiled and wrapped his arm around Kim. He liked what was happening here. He liked seeing Kim taking charge almost just as she had done on the set.
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