Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Evie watched Tom walk into the sheriff's office and then she drove down 'Main street' (there was only one road in and out of town so it was effectively the Main Street even if that wasn't is name). She parked in front of the diner and then walked inside taking a table at the window looking onto the car and also down the street towards the sheriff's office. As she sat down she saw the sheriff leaving, his car speeding past the diner and heading for the lake and the cabins. No-one else was in the place at that moment. There was a discarded copy of USA Today on the table and she looked over the front page while she waited for the waitress. When the waitress came, she ordered coffee and some pancakes.

She continued reading the paper until breakfast was brought 10minutes later. When the waitress came back, Evie tried engaging in a little conversation, asking if she knew what was happening at the lake... Telling the girl what she'd seen the night before. The girl hesitated or a moment, looked over to the counter although there was no-one else there at the moment. She looked scared. Evie decided to take a risk. She told her who he was...what she was...showed her badge. Another hesitation. More thinking. But finally the girl started to talk. The things that had been happening there over the last few months. What people had seen or thought they'd seen. About the people. A senator supposedly with his wife. Then she mentioned the sherrif's daughter. Evie looked towards the station, thought for a moment and then decided it was time to leave. She paid the bill quickly and left. As she pulled the car out, the wheels spun in the gravel before they contacted the Tarmac. A few minutes later, she stepped into the sheriff's office with her gun in her hand. She was surprised to see Tom behind bars. The deputy hadnt heard her come in.

"Let him go and we can help" he said making him jump, the legs of his chair scraping on the floor. "We can help!"
The deputy was lost in his thoughts when the door opened. He wasn't expecting anyone to be coming in anyway. Not until the sheriff returned with Evie. His eyes made contact with the figure standing near his desk. He was shocked too see Evie standing there. The deputy only nodded after Evie gave out her orders. He rose to his picking up the keys to the cells. The deputy slowly walked over to the cells and unlocked the one Tom was standing in. Tom left the cell and retrieved his weapon from Sheriff Tyce's desk. After slipping it back into the holster, Tom thanked Evie for the backup. Tom explained to the deputy that the sheriff was way over his head. It was clear that the cult was control him by using his daughter against him. Tom assured the deputy that they would get Julie back from those people. " Evie and I are use to dealing with these kind of people. " Tom then asked Evie to call James and fill him in on what's going down. He suggested that she use the land line telephone since it was doubtful that a cell phone would work around here. Tom wanted James & Kim up here as fast as they could get here. From what Tom & Evie saw last night, they were dealing with about 30 people. Tom wasn't keen on handling this without some backup from the outside.

Once Sheriff Tyce reached the Reed cabin, he found it empty. Evie was no where to be seen. He quickly returned to his station where he noticed the car they were driving was out front. Sheriff Tyce walked into his office and found Tom, Evie with his deputy. Tom wanted to wait until the sheriff returned. It took sometime, but Sheriff Tyce would let Tom & Evie try a rescue. His daughter was the most important thing in his life. He just wanted her brought home safely. Tom then laid out a plan. It would take sometime for James & Kim to get here. Tom told Sheriff Tyce to meet with his team members and show them where to go. Meanwhile, Tom & Evie would rescue Julie and get her away from those people. Once Tom's plan was understood, he asked Sheriff Tyce about this cult. The sheriff explained what he could. He said that the main leader was a man called Caleb Rodell. Tom knew this name. He had read it in the reports of other dead women in the state. The San Francisco Police had an APB out for Rodell. He was wanted for questioning in the murders of 4 bay area women. Tom & Evie would wait until darkness fell. They would then slip back up to the lake and using the cloak of night, they would get Julie away from her captors.
Once Tom was out of the cell and had his own weapon back, Evie slipped hers into the back of her jeans. She listened whilst Tom tried to convince the deputy that they were on the same side, that they could help, that they knew what they were doing, that they could get the Sheriff's daughter back. Unsurprisingly, the deputy was suspicious to start with; not unusual for these kinds of places Evie thought to herself. Towns like this tend to be somewhat insular and outsiders are never entirely trusted... even if they do carry badges. Gradually he seemed to accept what Tom was telling him and everyone in the room relaxed a little.

Evie did what Tom asked. Using the phone on the Sheriff's desk, she called James. It was late Sunday morning. She was pretty sure James would be in one of three places; his own house, Steve's, or their Dad's. There was a chance he could have stayed over somewhere depending on how he had spent his Saturday evening, but the Taylor's were fairly predictable in their habits. She dialled his cell phone. Three rings and it was answered. James was at home. Evie filled him in on the events of the previous evening and what they seemed to have stumbled into. She asked him to call Kim, bring her up to speed and then gave him some directions; telling him were the store was, where the Sheriff's office was and then how to get up to the cabin. She finished the call and just as she was telling Tom that James figured they would leave in the next couple of hours and they would call once they reached the town, the door opened and the Sheriff walked in. Immediately the tension came back into the room. Evie moved her hand behind her... just in case... but she didn't actually draw her weapon. Tom started the same conversation... the same persuasion that he had used on the deputy. It took some time but eventually Tyce seemed to appreciate that his chances of getting his daughter back were better with the MCU involved and on his side. Tyce also knew that Tom and Evie weren't going to walk away and so working with them would mean that he would know what they were doing.

Once the plan was laid out and everyone knew that they were doing, Tom and Evie went back to the diner and ate. Thee four of them had decided that they couldn't risk eating together; if Rodell or anyone else from the cult saw them, then who knew what would happen to Julie. The girl who had served Evie in the diner earlier had gone and there was another waitress in her place. Tom and Evie talked about nohing in particular; they laughed, they held hands, they kissed every now and then. After that, as agreed with Tyce, the two of them headed back out to the cabin, making themselves look every bit the 'couple having a weekend away'. Once back in the car and on the road back up to the cabin, they refocused on the 'rescue'. Evie guessed that James and Kim might be leaving LA about then... it would be another couple of hours before they arrived. Until then, they just had to look like they were having a weekend away.
Time passed quickly after Tom & Evie reached their cabin. Tom felt that any moves Rodell would make wouldn't happen until sundown. However, Tom was planning on carrying the fight to Rodell before his men could strike again. The night started to fall and James & Kim were no where in sight. There wasn't even a call from them. But that was to be expected in these rugged mountains. Tom waited as long as he could before say to Evie that they would move without James & Kim. He knew that whatever Rodell had planned wouldn't be put on hold unless Tom & Evie rescued Julie. " It's dark enough now........Lets go. " Tom said as he was looking out of the large window which faced the lake. He hoped that James & Kim would get here before it was too late. Tom was sure that Rodell would do anything to get Julie. This part of the lake would turn into a war zone and quickly. Tom had his Desert Eagle with one clip inside and three extras. Evie had her fully loaded Glock with extra clips. There was a police issued Model 37 12 gauge shotgun in the trunk of Tom's unmarked car. It was already fully loaded with 5 rounds of double ought buckshot. There was also one full box of ammo which carried 10 extra rounds for this weapon. In the cabin on the wall above the fireplace hung a Colt 1878 double barrel hammer shotgun. Although old, this weapon still worked. Rick had two boxes of shells, each box held 12 shells.

Tom & Evie left the cabin under the cover of darkness. They would slip around the far side of the lake. This would take a little longer, but it would allow them to slip in behind the cabin Rodell was using. Tom & Evie just had their handguns with them. They kept their heavy weapons back at the cabin where Tom planned on making a stand against Rodell & his people. He could only hope that it wasn't their last stand. Tom & Evie worked their way through the dark woods. The moon was rising, but the pine trees were thick enough to block most of the moon's light. They moved slowly & quietly through the forest until they finally reached the other cabin. About 100 yards through the woods Tom & Evie could see a bonfire had been started. Tom & Evie moved carefully closer to the cabin until they could see the front. A large group of people stood out front each carrying a lit torch. Most were dressed in long red robes, a few had black & red robes.

Rodell stood on the front porch of the cabin wearing one of those black & red robes. He had a large goat's head medallion hanging round his neck. Rodell was mostly bald expect for some black hair around the back of his head. His sunken cheeks gave him an extra menacing look when he was angry, which he was right now. Rodell had sent some men over to visit Tom & Evie again. Those men reported back that that they were gone. Their car was parked near the cabin, but the cabin was empty. This troubled Rodell, but he couldn't hold off on the ceremony. " It is time to begin my faithful! " Rodell yelled out in a loud & bold voice. His voice carried the darkness which was in his heart. Rodell and two others dressed like him walked down from the porch. Their faces couldn't be seen because their hoods were up and covering their faces. One was tall and built like a man. The second one was just about Evie's size & shape. No doubt a woman. The group formed a line behind Rodell as they began to work down a path. This path is the same one they used last night. It would take them to where their bonfire was burning. Rodell had left two men standing on the ground just in front of the stairs which lead up to the porch. Tom & Evie could see that these men weren't armed. Unless they were hiding it under their robes.

Tom & Evie watched as Rodell & his people disappeared as they walked towards their bonfire. " I'll bet their holding Julie inside the cabin. " Tom whispered too Evie. They hadn't seen anyone who looked like a captive with the group. " We've got to get those two out of action. " Tom again whispered then he looked at Evie. A smile grew over his face as a plan came into his mind. Tom told Evie to go and woo those men with her womanly charms. He reached out and began to unbutton the flannel shirt Evie was wearing. Tom exposed some of Evie's cleavage. " There.......That should get their attention. " Tom added. He then told Evie to act like a lost hiker, a very sexy lost hiker. Tom told her to get those guys turned so he could come up from behind and take them out. It was doubtful that these men would know Evie. Even if they did, with her playing sexy they wouldn't turn down the offer for some action.
Tom and Evie worked quietly sorting out their 'arms', organizing the amunition and generally setting themselves up for the trip out but also for the return should someone be hot on their heels. Evie took a small back-pack, putting in the first aid kit from the cabin - in case Julie needed some immediate care - as well as a bottle of water and a map of the local area showing the various trekking routes through the forests. As they left the cabin, Evie switched her phone onto vibrate in case any call came through from James if he ever found a signal. Evie kept within a few feet of Tom; his stride was longer and so it took her a little more effort to do so particularly over the ground they were covering, but years of training and running meant that this wasnt too hard to do. She had slipped on her jacket over the top of a flannel shirt and with the exercise she was getting, she was nicely warm.

When they reached Rodell's cabin, they crouched down behind a felled rotten tree and some high bracken and looked around. Evie shook her head a little in disbelief as she took in what she saw.

"These people are insane." She whispered to Tom. "Absolutely certifiable." She didn't expect any answer and the two of them continued to reconnoitre the scene, taking in where people were, where they were going, who was left where. When Tom indicated that he thought Julie was inside the cabin, she nodded. "Makes sense. I don't see anyone around the fire who looks like they don't want to be there; and Rodell isn't dragging anyone behind him." Then Evie was aware of Tom looking at her. She turned to see him smiling. "What?" She looked down and watched as his fingers undid one... two... three... of the buttons on her shirt, a puzzled look on her face. She looked back up. When Tom explained, she looked across at the two men apparently standing sentry, smiled, nodded and looked back at him. She slipped the back-pack off for a moment and slipped off her jacket. She pulled out the map and refasted the pack before putting it on her back. She looked at the map and then around the forest, linking up the trail nearby with the route on the map. Leaving her jacket behind, she moved away from Tom, keeping low initially until she was sure that even if she was spotted straight away, there was no chance that they would see Tom. Then she stood up and started walking towards the cabin and the two men. She was smiling... a relieved look on her face. After a few dozen paces, the men must have heard her footsteps crunching on the stones of the trail as they both looked around at her almost simultaneously. Her smile broadened.

"Am I glad to see you. I thought I was going to be out here all night." She walked up to the men then stepped in between them, turning and sitting down on the steps of the porch. Both men turned as she walked past them and then found themselves looking down at her, their backs to where Tom was hidden on the treeline. Evie groaned softly as she sat down and then looked up at both men, wide eyed. She leaned back on her hands, pushing her chest forward and up. She stretched out her legs, her feet a little more than shoulder width apart. Her jeans made her legs look good.

"I've been walking around all day... must have been going in circles or something. Must have taken a wrong turn. I'm really glad you guys were out here though... white knights for a damsel in distress huh?"
The two men stood as silent as statuses before Evie came walking up. Neither noticed her until she started making noise. They had been ordered to alert the main group if strangers came. But after seeing Evie looking so sexy, neither man wanted to move. Their minds were clouded with lustful thoughts of what they could do with this girl right now. " We'd be happy to help you..........And I'm sure you'd be willing to repay us for that help. " One man finally spoke as his left hand raised up and began rubbing his crotch. These two men were going to miss the opening parts of the ceremony which is where the orgies & gang bangs take place. But after seeing this little honey walking out of the woods, they could still have their fun while being on guard. The two men stared down at Evie giving her the most lustful looks. These looks were like the kind that a wild animal would give a piece of raw meat. They were both deep in thought on how they would use this unknown female.

Tom gave Evie almost five minutes to get and keep the guards attention. She was doing a fine job of it. Playing her roll just like an actor from Hollywood. Tom grabbed Evie's coat then headed for the cabin. He had to move even slower and with greater care then before. He didn't want these two men to suddenly turn or yell out. Evie was still playing her part out and acting even sexier. Tom reached under his jacket and pulled out his Desert Eagle. He wouldn't fire it unless he had too. Tom was planning on using the heavy weapon like a club and knocking these two out. Evie had these men in the palm of her hand. Their eyes were glued to her and each movement she made. Tom raised his right hand into the air and brought it down sharply against the first man's head. His eyes rolled back and he dropped to the ground. The second didn't even notice the first had fallen. When he finally did, it was to late. Tom brought the Desert Eagle crashing down on the back of his skull. " That was an amazing performance you put on..........Maybe when all this is over you and I can play out that lost hiker scene? " Tom said and added his joke while tucking his pistol into his jeans. He then told Evie to into the cabin and find Julie while tossing over her jacket. Tom would take care of these two while watching for anyone else. He reminded Evie to be careful since they didn't know if anyone else was inside. Tom then bent down grabbed one of the men and dragged him off into the woods nearest to the cabin. He came back and did the same. Tom dragged the other man away then returned to keep an eye for trouble.
Evie really wanted to laugh out loud but instead her smile simply broadened a little more and she chewed her lower lip for a moment before letting it slip slowly from between them. She looked from one to the other, then down at the crotch of the man who was clearly already getting himself excited.

"Repay you?" She lifted her left hand to her cleavage and hooking the middle finger just inside the open edge of her shirt, she ran it nonchalantly up and down, opening it a little wider as she did so, letting both men see the swell of her left breast. At the same time she lifted her right foot and brought the toe of her boot to the leg of the man who was rubbing his crotch. She lifted it a little and then let it fall, caressing the side of his calf with her boot.

"I guess so... I mean if thats how things work out here in the wild... miles away from anywhere... And it only seems fair. I'm sure we would work out some kind of... reward for you boys." The two men looked at each other as if silently asking each other whether this was actually happening and whether they could do this without Rodell finding out. The looks between them were enough to convince each that they could and they both looked back down at Evie.

"These woods can be dangerous. Girls like you... from the city?" Evie nodded like an innocent school girl in response to the question." Well you can easily lose your way out here. You need experts like us ... to show you how to get back on the path... to show the right way."

"I guess I'm pretty lucky to have found you guys then. I might never have found my way and no-one would even miss me for days."

"What? There's no-one with you? No-one expecting you home soon."

Evie shook her head, playing every bit the dumb blonde despite being very much the brunette. "I like getting out of the city... just being by myself. No-one is expecting me back 'til the end of the week." The two men smiled.

"Well we can teach you a whole lot of things between now and then." As the man was talking Evie was aware of Tom appearing behind his friend. She made sure that she didn't shift her gaze though... she just kept looking at the man and smiling. She sat up a little and lifted her other hand. Still looking up, she began to open the next button on her shirt. When the first man went down, the second was still staring intently at Evie's fingers. By the time his brain was starting to recognize that something had happending to his friend, it was too late. He was enveloped in his own darkness and he didn't feel the ground as he hit it. Evie began doing her shirt back up as she stood up. She smiled at Tom.

"It always amazes me just how easy it is to distract some men." She caught her jacket and slipped it back on, already feeling the chill of the evening. She picked up the back-pack and trotted up the steps to the door. She took the handle and opened it slowly, trying to make no sound just in case there was someone else in there. Truth was she wasn't really expecting to find anyone, not with the 'ceremony' about to take place.

Inside the cabin, it was warm. There was a fire burning which cast an orange glow around the room. Two table lamps were on but they also cast a soft light. The only noise was the wood crackling in the hearth. Evie looked around and stepped slowly through the main room. She saw a hallway and headed for it, assuming that the bedrooms would be along it or at the bottom of it. She was right. The first door was about half way down on the left. She opened it slowly again. Empty. She moved on. Next door was on the right. This time Evie found what she was looking for. A young girl may 16 or 17 half sitting, half lying on the bed, tied to the frame at the head and gagged. The girl's eyes were wide and what little could be seen of her face was tear stained. Evie held up a hand to her mouth and signalled for the girl to be quiet. She looked around the room and found nothing. Relaxing a little, she moved to the head of the bed and began to undo the rope which was securing the girl.

"Julie?" The girl nodded. "My name is Evie. I'm a cop. My partner and me are here to get you out, okay. But I need you to be quiet." As she finished she undid the last of the ropes and then started to undo the gag. "We want to get you out of here without drawing any attention to the fact. Okay?" The girl sobbed a little and nodded and rubbed her wrists.

"Are you hurt at all? Can you walk?"

"I... I'm okay. I... I just want to go home."

"Okay... stay close... just follow me out."
In a clearing about 100 yards through the forest, the ceremony of power was underway. Most of the people in this cult were already chatting as the circled the bonfire. Just as they had done the night before. Chats of "Hail Satan" filled the air and could be heard from the cabin where Tom was standing guard out front. Other then the chats coming from those people, there were no other noises coming from the woods. Normally the forest would be alive with the songs of night birds, crickets and other animals which move around at night. But with these people around, most animals were quiet. Tom looked back towards the cabin waiting for Evie to appear with Julie. He quickly looked back towards the fire which was clearly visible from where he stood. Everything was going as Tom had planned, but Rodell was no fool. Rodell had been troubled by the disappearance of Tom & Evie. He knew that they wouldn't leave without their car and their car was still parked at their cabin. He had no faith that Sheriff Tyce would have taken care of them. Rodell pulled a couple of his men aside and asked them to go back to the cabin and check on everything. The orgies & gang bangs were going to start soon. Once that happened, Rodell knew that it would be difficult to get people out into the woods. The two men left quickly walking back towards the cabin. They didn't want to miss the sex which would be starting soon. Once the sex part of their ceremony was over, the sacrifice of the virgin Julie would begin. The moon was high enough that the path to the bonfire was lit just enough for Tom to see two figures moving. Tom run up the steps leading to the porch. He threw up open the front door just as Evie & Julie reached it. Julie almost jumped straight up to the ceiling, but she was calmed down by Evie. " We've got company coming.......We need to move! " Tom said while taking off his jacket and wrapping it around Julie who was dressed in shear white gown. The middle part of this gown had been removed to expose Julie's stomach. This is where Rodell planned on drawing the pentagram. Tom lead the way back out of the cabin just as the two men were closing in on the cabin. One reached for his robe and started to pull it up. He did so quickly showing that a pistol was hidden in his belt. He went to pull his gun, but Tom was faster on the draw. A thunderous crack echoed in the forest as Tom fired first. The man was lifted into the air and thrown back almost 5 feet from where he stood. The other man took off running in panic as Tom yelled for Evie & Julie to run!
Evie led the way down the hallway and across the lounge, the glock in her hand which was ready but relaxed at her side. She reached out her hand but before it reached the door handle, it was opened from the outside. Not cautiously. Evie stepped back and immediately lifted the glock, holding her right hand with her left. As she moved back she bumped into Julie who was right behind her who squealed. It took a moment or two for Evie's brain to recognize that it was Tom who was coming through. She lowered her gun and turned.

"It's okay. Julie... it's okay. It just my partner." The girl seemed to relax a little and she let Tom wrap his jacket around her. She took hold of the edges of it and pulled it tight, crossing her writsts over her chest as she did so. Evie put Julie immediately behind Tom and then she followed closely behind as they stepped through the door. As Tom stopped at the bottom of the steps, Evie pushed Julie behind him and then onwards towards the woods. Now, Evie had her back to Tom and the two newcomers but she was hopefully blocking any view they might have of Julie. As she heard the canon explosion of Tom's gun, she didn't need to look behind her.

"RUN!" she yelled to Julie, almost matching Tom's timing. "Get to the tree line as fast as you can." To her credit the girl did exactly that. Evie had been with would be victims a lot older than Julie who, when faced with sound of gunfire, simply froze. Julie did what she was told and despite everything, she ran. Tom's coat was dark and it did a good job of camoflaging a lot of the white gown that Julie had been put into.

"That way... over there... don't stop... I'm right behind you." There was no more gun fire and Evie had to believe that Tom wasn't going to be far behind them. It was definitely Tom's gun she had heard firing. Maybe it was the adrenilin or maybe it the girl was athletic, but she kept running just like Evie needed her to. After a few minutes, Evie sped up a little to run by the girl's side, confident that there was no bad guys behind her and that Tom would be keeping them clear. She would hear if he was in trouble and they she'd have to make a decision. Maybe stash Julie somewhere? She couldn't just keep on running back to the cabin if Tom needed help. There were no other noises and Evie had Julie slow down just a little... jogging rather than running. They made it back to the cabin, up the steps and through the door. Evie closed it, but didn't lock it; she didn't want to make it harder to Tom.

"Get in the bedroom... into the closet. Stay there until I come and get you. Go... Now." Julie once again did as she was told. Evie went over to the far side of the chimney brest, hiding in the shadows and she waited, gun ready - trained on the door. She tried to calm her breathing... quietening it. Waiting.
Rodell's head snapped round quickly after hearing the loud crack coming from where their cabin was. He knew damn well that it hadn't been any thunder which made that sound. " QUICKLY!........RETURN TO THE CABIN!! " Rodell yelled out as he started running. He was followed by the members of his group. Rodell met the other man running towards him. He was told about the two cops being at the cabin and how the female had taken the girl away. Rodell & his group reached their cabin only to find the dead body of their fallen member. Rodell looked acrossed the lake at the Reed cabin. " We must get the girl back!........The ceremony must continue! " Rodell said to his people. The each bowed to him then he ordered them to the other side of the lake. They broke into two groups. One started around the the west side of the lake. The second group head around the east side of the lake. The second group would reach the Reed cabin first.

Tom wasn't far behind Evie & Julie. He was ducking under and jumping over tree limbs. He kept a close eye behind him and was sure that Rodell & his people would be coming. Tom soon reached the cabin, just ahead of the first few men sent by Rodell. He jumped on the porch turning slightly too see three men running towards him. Tom spun his body around and opened fire. He dropped two of the men while the third took cover behind a tree. This man pulled a pistol and stated shooting back just as Tom opened the door of the cabin. He dashed inside closing the door behind him. " They're coming. " Tom said as his chest was heaving trying to catch his breathe. He reached for the pump shotgun and tossed it over to Evie. Tom then grabbed the double barrel and cocked the hammers back full. He moved to a window which was near the door. Outside more the red robed people gathered. Some were shooting at the cabin which was made from very large and heavy logs. None of their bullets were making it inside. " Looks like we've got a battle on our hands!.......Hopeful our backup arrives soon! " Tom said as he opened the window and fired a blast from his shotgun.
As Evie heard the gunfire and then the footsteps thundering up to the door, she raised the Glock and aimed it, her finger covering the trigger. "it's probably Tom" the voice said inside her head. But she was ready just in case. In the gloom, when the door opened, she knew immediately it was Tom. She lowered the glock and stepped out of the shadows. Then as she saw Tom reaching for the shotgun, she slipped Glock into the back of her jeans and caught the rifle just at the top of the stock where it met the end of the barrel. She walked across to the table and picked up six shells. She slipped four of them into her jacket pockets and then cracked the rifle, loaded in to shells and closed it up. She swallowed hard as she looked up at Tom.

"James'll be here. I know it." She was sure that he would make it in time to help them, but how close to the wire he was going to leave it she wasn't sure about. "How many of them are there?" she asked as she moved across to another window, hiding to the left side of the frame.
Tom let loose a second blast from his double barrel. Evie with the pump shotgun wouldn't have to reload as much. Tom cracked open the shotgun and reloaded it with some nearby shells as Evie asked her question. " About 30.......The same as last night.......But I've dropped three since this started. " Tom said as more of the cult members appeared. Rodell stood off to the side, well way from any gunfire. He ordered his people around like a General at war. His people, both men & women followed his orders without question. Rodell ordered a group of 8 men & women to attack the front. At the same time a second group would break in through the back of the cabin. They would attack from the inside and Rodell hoped that they could kill Tom & Evie. This group was also to bring Julie back so the ceremony could continue. The group of 8 massed out front then made a mad dash for the cabin. Guns were now firing at the windows to keep Tom & Evie back. Tom was ducking away from the fire, then slipping back into the window long enough to shoot.

The second group quickly moved around the Reed cabin. They moved up to the same window the man used to break in last night. One by one this smaller group of three slipped into the bedroom window. They didn't know that Julie was hiding in the closest just a few feet away. The bedroom door flew open and the three hooded men rush out towards Evie & Tom. What was left of the 8 who charged the front were trying to break down the front door. Tom spun around when the men entered from the bedroom. He killed one with a blast of the shotgun. The second man charged him and was met with the stock end of the shotgun. The last man attacked Evie holding an 8 inch knife. This was the same man who attacked her last night.
"Three! Great. Only 27 to go then." Evie fired first one and then the second barrel out of the window. The buck shot spread and with each well placed shot she took out two of the attackers. Their assault was ill planned and their formation was crap; being too close together meant that a rifle shot could take out more than one if they were far enough away at the time. Evie aimed low, her intention at the moment being to simply stop their progress rather than kill them outright.

Evie heard the rear assault coming but there was no time to reload the rifle. As the man approached her, she reached behind her to take out the Glock. The man raised his arm, the steel blade of the knife catching the soft light in the room. And then the man seemed to jump backwards. Evie recognized that the man had been shot but initially her brain couldn't compute how; she knew that she had not fired her own weapon yet. The shot had come from outside of the cabin. Maybe it was a stray bullet. Maybe one of the attackers was just a bad shot. Or maybe at last their back up had arrived.
The shot did in fact come from outside, but it was fired by another member of the cult. It was one of those wild shots which just happened to strike the man coming at Evie. Rodell watched the cabin closely as he stood off to the side. He knew his men would be inside now and expected them to be coming out soon. When Rodell didn't see his men appear, he knew that they had failed. Rodell walked up and stood on the other side of Tom's car. He raised his hands into the air and the attack stopped. " There is no need for further bloodshed Lieutenant Reed!.........Just give us back the girl and you'll be free to leave! " Rodell called out towards the cabin. " Detective Taylor!.........You can stop this by just handing over the girl!......She means nothing to you!.......Why should you die for someone you don't even know! " Rodell called out hoping that his words would woo Evie into giving up. He felt there was a chance of driving a wedge between Evie & Tom. " Freedom awaits you Detective Taylor!.......Just push the girl out the door and we'll leave you alone! " Rodell continued to try and sway Evie to his side.

Tom looked out the window as Rodell was speaking. His mind was working on what to do next. Tom then turned slowly and leaned back against the wall. He looked over to where Evie stood. His eyes then moved down to where those men were laying. Tom knelt down over the men closest too him. He laid his shotgun down then started to remove the man's robe. Tom looked up at Evie, the question of what he was doing was already showing on her face. He explained that they could use these robes to get outside. Then they could try to get close enough to Rodell and put an end to this. Tom told Evie to put on the robe of the men laying closest too her. They would slip out the bedroom window and move around until they joined the group out front. Julie would stay in her hiding place while Tom & Evie tried their risky plan.
Evie couldn't help but laugh at what Rodell was saying; at what he was trying to do. It was a tactic that the police used on pairs or groups of criminals all the time; get one turned... break up the group... have someone on the opposite side work for you.

"I'm not sure I like the look of your kind of freedom Mr. Rodell... so I think I'll stay here." Ellie called back through the shot-through window. "As for the girl, she's gone... do you think we wouldn't have had some back up before we came to get her back? She's in a car on the main road probably half-way to LA by now." Ellie looked at Tom as she spoke, puzzled as to what he was thinking. It was clear that he was working something out and as he looked at her and then down at the men on the floor, she knew that he had something in mind. She was patient but when he started to remove the robe, she wasn't entirely sure that he hadn't lost his mind. Then when he told her to put a robe on, she suddenly understood. She kneeled down and moved over towards the body; he wasn't that big a man but Evie needed to put a little effort into getting the robe off of him. When she had, she stayed on her knees and crawled through to the bedroom, conscious of Tom being behind her. Once in the bedroom, she stood up. As she pulled the robe on, she called out to Julie in a hoarse whisper. "Stay there. No matter how long it takes... just... stay there."

She followed Tom and climbed out of the bedroom window and then the two of them began to move as quietly as they could around the back and side of the cabin and then out into the open ground. Once in the open, they moved confidently until they were at the back of the small group. They had been there only for a few moment, before Evie felt something small... hard... in the small of her back. She looked at Tom and found he was looking at her and as they both looked back over their shoulders, it was clear they were both in the same position.
Rodell stood silently as Evie's voice came from the cabin. He had hoped that his words would cause her to think of her own well being. But it was obvious that Evie wasn't a person who would give up the life of another to save her own. Rodell continued to watch the Reed cabin. There seemed to be no life inside the wooden structure. He then noticed two figures moving through the trees. These figures came from behind the cabin and walked slowly around the group. The two figures then joined the cult along the back row. Perhaps this would have fooled someone else, but Rodell wasn't fooled. He knew all of his people were away from the back. And those sent inside were ether dead, or taken out of action. Had his people who went inside did their jobs. Rodell wouldn't have heard Evie speaking too him. He walked out in front of the cult and raised his hands. Rodell spoke of how the ceremony would take place here. He then ordered a few in the front row to gather some wood for their bonfire. They did as asked while Rodell moved up towards the two figures who joined his group. As he did this, two armed men came up from behind the figures placing gun barrels in their backs. Rodell smiled as he raised both hands and yanked the hoods which covered the heads of these people. " Hello Lieutenant Reed..........And this is the lovely Detective Taylor." Rodell let two if his fingers brush lightly over Evie's cheek. " We will enjoy using you Detective Taylor..........You'll be joining us in our ceremony.........The pleasure filled part of our ceremony that is. " Rodell's smile grew wicked as he looked at Evie. It was clear what his plans for Evie were. He would use her as part of their gang bang orgy before the sacrifice. Tom was hoping that this plan of his would work out. He wasn't trying to fool Rodell, or anyone by dressing in their robes. Tom was only trying to delay them by causing trouble in the group until James & Kim could arrive.

Tom & Evie were quickly searched by Rodell's men. They found Evie's Glock & Tom's Desert Eagle. " Did you really think to fool me by dressing up as one of my followers? " Rodell asked while looking at Tom. " Well.......I was hoping that you were a stupid son of a bitch........But I see now that you're nothing more then a murdering pervert. " Tom replied with a laugh. Rodell backhanded Tom acrossed the face then ordered him tied to a nearby tree. He also ordered Evie held by a couple of men who were close too her. " You will watch as we pleasure your woman! " Rodell snapped out as he pointed at Tom. " You will watch as your woman becomes putty in our hands. " Rodell turned and walked up to where Evie was being held. " You will watch as five of my best men and myself use Detective Taylor here like a whore. " Rodell's fingers returned to stroking against Evie's cheek. His fingers dropped from Evie's face as his hand latched onto the zipper of the robe she was wearing. " Now.......Tell me where you are hiding Julie?.........And please don't insult my intelligence with your lies....We both know you've hidden her close by. " Rodell looked deeply into Evie's eyes as he spoke. His hand slowly pulled the zipper down which opened the robe. Tom was being held against a tree which was only a few feet away from Evie. Two men were holding his arms stretched out as they looked at Evie.

Standing behind Evie were two of Rodell's followers. They were wearing black & red robes like Rodell wore. The smaller of the two walked up beside Evie and pointed at Tom. " Kill him and this woman now! " A female voice demanded from under the hood she wore. ' Keeping them alive is to dangerous! " She hissed out as a dagger appeared from under her robe. The larger figure stepped forward joining with the female. " We must find the girl!.......The ceremony must not be delayed!.....Kill these two troublemakers Rodell!.......Kill them now! " A male voice rang out which started others in the group to whispering. This is just what Tom was hoping for. He was hoping that by capturing them, that would drive a wedge between Rodell and some of his people. Rodell and the two others wearing the black & red robes started to argue. Unseen by the members of this cult, a long line of cars driving without lights creeped towards the group. Suddenly headlights came on along with flashing red & blue lights. A blast from a police siren quickly followed as officers jumped from their cars. James & Kim jumped out from James's car yelling for the group to raise their hands. Sheriff Tyce was just behind James & Kim as they rushed up. A large force of CHP officers came just behind them grabbing cult members and cuffing them.

The men holding Evie let her go once the officers appeared. Kim came up as CHP officers led those men away. " Sorry we're late........But someone got us lost. " Kim said while looking over at James who had his best innocent face on. Sheriff Tyce asked Evie where Julie was? He rushed off after she told him where to find his daughter. James looked at Kim then to his sister as they were looking at him. " What?.......I never get lost......I was just waiting for the right time to strike. " James said as Tom walked up while removing the robe. Rodell and the two wearing those black & red robes were still standing there. " You could have been a little quicker James. " Tom said as he pushed Rodell into the hands of a nearby CHP officer. He walked up to the two standing near Evie & Kim. Tom reminded Evie about her saying they need hard evidence against Senator Ryan. He reached up and pulled the hood from the woman exposing Linda Ryan. Tom did the same to the man exposing that he was Senator Ryan. " I believe we've got enough evidence to prove kidnapping and thanks to Detective Fields.......We should be able to add murder charges to that as well. " CHP officers cuffed Rodell, Senator Ryan and his wife, then led them away. Sheriff Tyce soon appeared with his daughter. He thanked Tom & Evie for their help and apologized for the way he treated them.
Evie smirked as Rodell pulled the hood from her head. There was no point in trying to run, no point in trying to reach around and under the robe and fetch her Glock from where it was tucked. The man behind her wouldnt even need to pull the trigger to interfere with any attempt along those lines; he would have all the time he wanted to simple pistol whip her onto her knees or out cold for that matter. And when Rodell drew his fingers down her cheek, she didn't even pull her head back or away. When he suggested what they were going to do to her, she remembered what she and Tom had witnessed last night. The idea itself didn't scare her... she had been there and got the t-shirt and had done it as part of an undercover police investigation. With Tom watching no less, so she didn't imagine that what Rodell was suggesting was that much of a threat to him either. Evie looked down, her gaze following his hand as he began to slide down the zipper. She lifted her head, stared back at him, smiled and shrugged a little.

"I can't help it if you don't like the truth. She's long gone... so your ridiculous little play group is going to have to go home disappointed."

Rodell didn't get a change to respond before the two people standing just behind him. It was true that the suggestion that Rodell should kill them both straight away unnerved Evie. HAving a split between the group might be useful but not if the ones who finished up giving the orders where people who would quite happily execute them both. Evie was thinking on a next possible move when suddenly the whole place was lit up with red white and blue lights and the never more welcome sound of a police siren broke the peace of the forest. As the members of the cult were gathered up and arrested, Evie just stood and watched, smiling.

"Im just glad you made it." Evie said in response to Tom's comment to James, as she patted his upper arm.
Tom & Evie returned to the cabin for the night once the cult was hauled away. James & Kim left after spending a short time talking with Tom & Evie about everything that happened. Tom spoke with Evie during the night and they decided that nothing would be said about Sheriff Tyce's false arrest of Tom. Tyce was a good man who was just trying to keep his daughter alive. Tom couldn't fault the sheriff for that. Even good people can be forced into breaking the law. After a very restful night, Tom & Evie returned to Los Angeles the next morning. Tom drove to Evie's apartment where they showered and she dressed for work. He then drove them both to his boathouse where he showered and dressed. The two arrived at the central station just a little late. Word of Rodell's arrest had long since beaten Tom & Evie to the station. The officers were already chatting about Commander Conway's dismissal because of his involvement in the cover up of Lucy Jennings death. Tom remarked to Evie that he hoped Lucy could now rest in piece. But part of him wondered whether her spirit would still be seen wandering around outside that cemetery?

Life had returned to normal at the central station. Osiris was gone, Rodell and his people were locked away. The police could now focus on daily routines. The LAPD like other public services had ways for it's officers to blow off steam. Sports was a major way for the officers to relax and enjoy while providing an outlet for officers to let out any pent up feelings. The L.A. City police, fire & ems joined with their counterparts from the county and state to take part in sports activities. Each department had a baseball team, a softball team, a basketball team and other non sports activities. The annual poker game between the departments was always be big deal. While not a sport, it was treated with the same zeal. Tom & Jack were part of the LAPD poker team and had been the champion pair over the last 8 years. In the last few years a newer sport had become popular. Mixed martial arts fighting had quickly found it's way into the sporting field. The LAPD's male team was pretty good, but their ladies were lacking. The undefeated champion in the women's division was a tough talking Sergeant from the California Highway Patrol named Carol "The Killer" Cahill. Sergeant Cahill stood 5'9" tall and weighted 145 lbs. The fiery red head was known for her quick temper and rough talk. She would often talk nasty to another woman in the hopes that they would challenge her in the ring. So far none of the woman from the LAPD,LAFD, LCFD, LCSD or even the CHP had beaten her. Sergeant Cahill along with Lieutenant Bill Baker were in the LAPD Central Station looking for Cahill's next victim. There was a huge bet which had started a few days ago between the LAPD Central Station and the CHP of the Central Los Angeles office. The two station captains along with many officers had a lot of money riding on the next fight. All the LAPD had to do was find a woman who was willing to jump in the ring with Cahill. Baker & Cahill had visited traffic first, they moved on to robbery/homicide after finding no challenge. The pair left homicide still looking for a woman who had the guts to step in the cage. Cahill was passing the MCU Squad room when she noticed Evie & Kim sitting at their desks doing paperwork. She stopped Lieutenant Baker at the door motioning towards Evie & Kim. They opened the door and stepped into MCU's squad room.

Cahill walked up to the side of Evie's desk. " The LAPD sure picks some pretty looking women......To bad they can't do any another then look cute. " Cahill said while looking down on Evie. She then said how she was looking for a challenge in the ring. Cahill continued with how poorly the LAPD women are trained. She called them porcelain barbie dolls, all looks and no action. Cahill then leaned onto Evie's desk. " Are you a porcelain doll?.........Or do you have the stones to meet me in the cage? " Cahill asked as Tom appeared from his office. He knew who they were and was pretty sure why they were here. Kim was by now glaring at Sergeant Cahill. Her Latino blood was beginning to boil from the insults dished out by Cahill. " I believe you're just a secretary with a badge........You're here just to give the guys something nice to look at and feel up. " Cahill said while laughing at Evie. She was trying too see how far Evie could be pushed.
Evie stopped what she was doing and looked up. She looked a little puzzled for a moment as Cahill simply looked down at her, smiling smugly. Evie sat back in her chair and looked over at Kim who met her gaze with a clearly annoyed look. James was watching Evie, silently praying that she wasn't dumn enough to rise to the bait. As a teenager, Evie hadn't done bad in fights with her brothers, although their fights were never truly in anger. And even when Evie was in training, when they were helping her out, helping her practice taking down suspects who were resisting arrest, neither Steve nor James had gone all out. True, Evie had more than held her own during the Academy and on the streets since. She was a smart fighter who tended to out-think a suspect rather than beat him into submission and Evie had never really had a knock-out punch. Hard maybe, but unless the guy had a glass jaw, she was rarely ever going to knock someone out with one punch. In terms of MMA Evie could barely be described as a novice. A few years ago, Steve had gotten involved in the police competitions and had finished up the police and emergency services' equivalent of the UFC. But for a few lessons he had given both of them, Evie knew nothing. And she was no match for Cahill. Only question was, James thought, did she know that. He held his breath.

Evie shook her head a little and chuckled.

"Don't you have anything better to do Sergeant than go around stations houses trying to incite women to compete against you? Are you so insecure that the only way you think you can prove your ability is a cage? You've come to the wrong place, Sergeant because I don't really care what you believe about me. And I don't need your approval.... so, if you don't mind, this... porcelain doll has ... police work to do... you do remember what police work is don't you?"
Cahill continued to stare down on Evie as she spoke. It was clear that Evie wouldn't take the challenge. Cahill wasn't sure whether Evie was just to afraid of fighting, or whether she just wasn't worked up enough. It was true that Cahill didn't know Evie. Oh she had heard about Evie's arrests, but this was the first time they had met. " Yes I do know about police work......That's why I'm a Sergeant.......I work the streets everyday......I don't wiggle my ass around the station for the boys to look at like some people do. " Cahill looked over at James who was sitting just a few feet away. She gave him a smirk before looking back at Evie. " I can see that you're nothing more then a pretty face who just plays at being a cop.......But I'm sure you do that well. " Just as Cahill finished speaking Tom stepped up and said enough! " I know why you're here......But I won't let you demean one of my detectives.......Evie is a damn fine cop......One of the best I've ever worked with........Is that clear Sergeant!? " Cahill looked into Tom's eyes as he spoke. She just smiled and nodded her head. " She must be your private plaything eh Lieutenant?.........Well I'm sorry for upsetting miss goody two shoes. " Before Tom could saying anything more, Kim jumped too her feet. " Listen bitch!..........If you wanna fight I'll give you one! " Cahill turned hearing Kim's challenge. She looked Kim over and chuckled. " Honey.......I'll knock the salsa out of you. " Kim stepped up getting in Cahill's face. " Then bring it bitch!.......You'll find out that my salsa has a kick! " Kim's challenge was accepted and the MMA fight would take place one month from now. Cahill and her Lieutenant left the MCU Squad Room. Kim turned looking down at Evie. She put her right hand on Evie's shoulder. " I couldn't sit by and let her speak to you the way she was.........Some people need to learn respect. " Kim said then she walked over to her desk and sat down. Everyone returned to work which was writing up reports on the Rodell cult bust. A short time later Tom received a phone call from the Governor. He had a new job for the MCU team. This job was an under cover mission for Evie & Kim. A very dangerous under cover mission. Tom listened as the Governor explained what this case was all about. The Governor also sent Tom all the information on this case by his computer. Tom read over the information which he got from the Governor. This case was going to be a high stakes affair. The MCU was being asked to go inside of a women's prison and find those behind the disappearance of many female prisoners. The missing women were believed to be part Khaled Muta Ghanem white slave trade. No one would know for sure until a link could be found. Tom made copies of the case file sent over by the Governor. He then called his team together for a briefing in his office. Tom handed everyone their copies as they came in. He gave them time to read over the paperwork. Tom then asked if anyone had any questions before the briefing started?
Evie sat up and then turned and looked up at Tom, half smirking but a puzzled look on her face. She wasn't quite sure she could believe what Tom was doing. Steve and James and even her Dad had learned a long time ago that if Evie ever felt that she needed anyone... a man... to defend her position, she would ask for it. She knew that Tom was only doing what he thought his job was as her boss... looking after his people... and that was probably why she was smirking rather than shouting at him. But in truth... and particularly in front of this woman... all he did was suggest that she couldn't stand up for herself. All he did was make it seem like Cahill was absolutely right in what she was saying. Evie looked across at James and saw him cringe a little; he was expecting Evie to start shouting. She didn't... not even when Kim joined in. Before she said anything though, she waited until Cahill had left. She wasn't angry and there was a little laughter in her voice.

"You shouldn't have agreed to the fight, Kim. It's exactly what she wanted one of us to do. If I thought I had half a chance against her I would have said yes. But... Im not going to let you step into a cage with her in my place." As she was talking, the phone in Tom's office rang. She watched him walk away and then she turned back to Kim. "Tell Cahill it'll be me she's taking on."

"Whoaaa!!" James half shouted. "You're kidding... you think a few weeks training from the family-ninja-cop is gonna give you any kind of chance with that ... freak?"

Evie shrugged slowly and held up her hands. "I'm just gonna have to get four weeks more training. If she wants to take on me, then... Im not letting Kim take my place. How's that going to look?" Before they had any more time to continue the conversation, Tom emerged and called them all into his officer. Evie walked in and sat on a chair just inside the door. He handed her a file and she opened it. The picture she saw took her breath for a second. The party at Mason's. Her memories were immediately back in that room; her lying on her back over a table being fucked while this man pushed his cock into her mouth. She turned over the page and say Mason Hill's picture. Her memory jumped to the events at San Quentin. She turned the page again and saw a face she didn't recognize this time... a well dressed Japaneze man standing on the deck of a very very expensive yacht. She looked up at Tom, knowing of course that he had been there at Mason's house that afternoon. She knew that he wouldn't have forgotten but ever the professional, no-one would ever have known. He laid out the job they had. Evie looked at Kim who met her gaze and then back to Tom.

"Are we going undercover?"
The job called for both Evie & Kim to go deep cover on this case. They would each take on a new identity and infiltrate the California Institution for Women. The CIW as it was known is a state prison for female convicts located in the City of Chino. This prison and the city were south east of Los Angeles. CIW was originally built to hold 1,325 prisoners. But like many prisons around the nation, it was over crowded. The current prison population stood at 2,511 with 778 staff members to watch over them. The prison had 3 levels of housing prisoners. The first level was open dormitories without a secure perimeter. The second level was open dormitories with secure perimeter fences and armed coverage. The third level was maximum security. Individual cells, fenced perimeters and armed coverage. This is where the deep under cover would take place. Someone would have to go in as a prisoner. The other one would go in as a new guard. The question now was, whom would be whom? Both jobs were dangerous in their own ways. The one being the guard would do most of the snooping for evidence while the prisoner would be bate.

Tom laid the mission out on the line. He told everyone that the prisoner would setting herself up to be taken as a white slave. She would have to prove herself in the prison and catch the attention of those behind these abductions. Someone, or some people inside the prisoner were taking female prisoners out and selling them to Khaled Muta Ghanem. These prisoners were being reported dead on their prison paperwork. The bodies were then burned in the prison's crematorium and shipped to the prisoners next of kin. These burned bodies however weren't those of the missing women. They were in fact mainly homeless women kidnapped from the streets of nearby cities. These fact were provided by a female guard who was about to blow the whistle on the operation. She had contacted the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation with this information. But before she could hand over any evidence, she was killed in an auto accident. Each of the missing prisoners was white, young and very attractive. Many had been prostitutes who were doing time on drug charges. A few were in for armed robbery and burglary. Tom added that Khaled was making a lot of money by selling these women to buyers in different parts of the world. They were being sold into sex slavery and spending their lives serving whoever bought them.

It was pretty clear who the right choice for the prisoner was and who would be the guard. But Tom wouldn't tell Evie which roll to take. She was the senior of the two going in under cover and the choice would be hers. Kim would be perfectly willing to play the prisoner. Even though she was Latino, she could pass as white. " Well......That's it......You know what we're facing.........And what needs done. " Tom said as he close to file he had read from. He walked over and stood in front of his desk. " You're senior detective on this Evie..........I'll let you pick who gets which under cover assignment. " Tom looked at Evie waiting for her reply. Kim also turned her head towards her partner. She mouthed the words " I'll be the prisoner. " to Evie. But Kim had a feeling that Evie would take it for herself.
Evie stared at Kim. The hint of smile drifted across her mouth. She wasn't surprised the Kim volunteered... Was there anything that Kim wouldn't volunteer for, she wondered? There was no question that Kim could do it; in fact she'd spent a lot more time undercover than Evie had. But no matter how good she was and how 'white' she looked, she still looked Latino too. They couldn't take the risk. And if anyone did take the bait - literally - and she finished up anwhere near Khaled or his associates, there was no chance of her being recognized. The only real danger was Mason Hill but the chances of him ever getting to learn about an MCU action in a womens prison were slim.

She shook her head and shrugged.

"Hey..., maybe someone in there can teach me a little about MMA!"

James looked from Evie to Tom and back again, shaking his head. "I don't like this. There has to be another way." Evie laughed and stood up. "Well there isn't." She lifted her hand and gently patted James' cheek. "And now you know how I've felt all these years when you or Steve or Dad have been the one's out there on your own." She turned to Tom. "When do you want to start this?" She thought for a moment. "Department of Corrections Bus will pick up today's prisoners about an hour after the court closes... that's about five hours" She looked at her watch. "Can we create a history for both of us in five hours?"
Tom certainly understood how James felt. He really didn't like the idea of sending Evie under cover as a prisoner. But like Evie had said, there was no other way. This is the type of job the MCU had been created for. The tough jobs that other departments can't do. Tom asked James to work up a false background on whatever name he & Evie could think of. James was given this task because of his many years of service in vice. He knew damn near every girl on the streets. He knew just what to type up on a report and what to leave out. To get max security, Evie's alter ego would have to have done more then prostitution. James would have to become creative making Evie's background. He would be adding in an armed robbery change and just to make it good. He would add in that she was found with 2 grams of crack cocaine when arrested. This also wouldn't be her first arrest. James would give Evie 2 prier arrests for prostitution and one for drugs. This would make the judge showed no leniency during sentencing. Tom called the DA and made sure he was up to speed on this case. There were ways of blowing this case long before it even started. Tom wanted to make sure that people working this case didn't blow Evie's cover. She would have to be arrested like any normal criminal and would face a judge. Tom placed his next call to the court house and spoke with the Judge Bannister. He would be the one who made sure that Evie would get through and into prison with out trouble.

While James worked hard with Evie on her background story. Kim was busy creating a new name and background for herself. She would be replacing the female guard who died in the car crash. Kim picked the name Erica Perez as her cover. She then went about creating a background fitting of a corrections officer. Tom called the evidence room and had them send up 2 grams of crack. This would be found on Evie along with a .32 colt automatic that she would have be report using during a robbery. Tom called the police garage downstairs and had them get an old undercover police car ready. Evie would be using this car when she got arrested. All Evie need would be some clothing fitting of the role she was about to play. Tom last call was to dispatch. He had Adam 35 call him at the station. Tom asked Sergeant Ramos for a favor, which he was happy to do. Ramos & his partner would be waiting for Evie on East 7th Street. That's where they would stop & arrest Evie. She would be treated just like criminal. Tom told Ramos not to show any signs that Evie was a cop. He then told Ramos to take Evie to the Rampart Station for booking.
Evie spent an hour or so working with James on her background. She had to know every bit of it. Date of birth. Mother's name. No father. Place of birth. Arrest record and approximate dates. Three strikes meant that she didn't have to remember a long list of major crimes but she had to know enough. A detective from vice then called by with her 'outfit'. That was the sign that Evie needed to go. She had to get changed and she had to drive out to East 74th and get herself arrested, charged and taken to court for an arraignment. She would lose on the issue of bail and then be remanded to the CIW. Depending on how long the court had taken in the afternoon, she might have some time to spend in the police cells at Rampart and then the bus would take her out to Chino. She gave the three other members of the MCU a hug. No-one needed to say anything, although it was obvious that James had a 100 things he wanted to say. Evie laughed and hugged him again.

Ten minutes later she was in the bathroom changing just along from the entrance to the police garage. 4 inch red heels. A tight black leather skirt that covered her ass and maybe a little more. A tight red low cut blouse. She had a black jacket and a red purse that had already been pre-loaded with perfume, make-up, a drivers license bearing the name of Kacey Rayne. She looked every bit the cheap whore. She let her hair down and roughed it up a little and then put on about 10 times the amount of makeup she would normally wear. When she walked out of the bathroom, practically every guy in the garage did a double take and then watched her as she walked over to the desk and got the keys. She signed out the car and then made her way to it. She found the colt. She picked it up and held it, let it go, held it again, moving it around her grip so make sure that her prints were on it in all the appropriate places. She unloaded it and reloaded it. They keys were in the ignition. She took a breath and she drove out into the busy late morning traffic.

A half an hour after that, she drove down East 7th. She didn't know where Ramos was going to be. She didn't know whether she would have to drive up and down a few times until they happened to cross each other's paths. And then she heard the 'whoop whoop'. Looking in the rear view mirror, she saw the patrol car immediately behind her. Her instinct was to stop. Why wouldn't anyone stop? Only if you had something to worry about! She squeezed the gas pedal and couldn't help but smile a little as the distance between her and the following car opened and then closed. She squeezed the gas pedal a little more. She didn't want to push this too much. No-one could get hurt. No property damaged. But then she couldn't just give it up. She turned left and then right and then by pure accident made a turn which brought her to a blocked alley. She slammed the breaks on and then immediately put the car into reverse, looked behind her but it was too late. The police cruiser had completely blocked off any possible retreat. She sat in the car.
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