Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Tom pulled Evie aside before she left. He wouldn't waste her time by saying something mushy. Evie wouldn't have cared for anything like that. Tom instead told Evie to do whatever she had to do while on this case. He knew that sex was going to be apart of Evie's cover. She would likely have sex with a number of people during this case. Tom just wanted her to know he understood. And whatever she did would be for the case. Kim gave Evie a long hug goodbye. The next time they saw each other would be in the prison. Kim left just after Evie did. She too picked a car from the garage and Tom made sure that she had money to rent an apartment in Chino. Kim couldn't use her own car since anyone could check her plates. This car was an undercover car which had a private owners name. It was quickly transferred to the name Erica Perez. Tom & James left the MCU Squad room not long after Evie & Kim had. They had to track down Jenny Wilson who would help with Evie's background in case someone checked up on her.

Sergeant Ramos & his partner were waiting along 7th street when Evie drove past. They pulled out and got in behind her. The reds flashed and the siren whooped a few times. Ramos expected Evie to run and make look good. He wasn't disappoint when Evie took off. Soon the chase was over after Evie's car was blocked in the alley. Sergeant Ramos & his partner jumped from their car. They pulled their weapons and demanded that she step out of her car slowly. After exiting the car, Evie was searched. They found the gun and the 2 grams of crack in her purse. Ramos read Evie her rights, she was then cuffed and placed into their car. The trip to the Rampart station was short. Evie's booking as Kacey Rayne went by with record speed. She soon found herself down town in front of Judge Bannister. Because of her past record, Judge Bannister denied Kacey bail and remanded her over to the CIW while waiting for trial. Kacey was led from the courtroom to a waiting area. She joined with 6 other women who were headed for CIW. The prison bus came within an hour, loaded up and headed for the prison. A short time later, the bus entered the front gate at the California Institution for Women.

Sergeant Sharon Backmen waited just outside the entrance way for the new prisoner. She was Sergeant of the guards and the right hand to Captain Paula Talbot. A small group of four other guards joined Sergeant Backmen. Each was carrying a nightstick in their hands. They watched as the bus pulled up, The doors swung open and Sergeant Backmen yelled for the girls to get their asses off the bus! Sergeant Backmen was built a lot like Sergeant Cahill was. Both women were powerful looking and had the same cockiness. Backmen had dirty blonde hair which stood out as the only major difference between the two women. " Come on move your asses!.........I don't have all fucking to day to wait on you cunts! " Sergeant Backmen growled out. The girls were quickly pushed into the prison where they were ordered to strip. Once the girls were naked, they were told to move to the shower room. Sergeant Backmen went over the list of names and one jumped out at her. Kacey Rayne sounded like a winner too her. She that to one of the other female guards. Now they just had to see who this Kacey was and if she fit her name. After the shower, the girls would be gathered for a physical exam before they entered the prison population.
Evie had never actually been in the back of a cruiser, hands cuffed behind her. It was certainly not a comfortable place to be. She was processed quickly. Ramos took her prints. James had ensured that any IAFIS search would go back to Kacey's record and not Evie's police record. In the cells waiting the arraignment she said nothing. She was appointed a typical public defender - young, inexperience, didn't really give a crap about some hooker going down on a three strike rule. Why waste the time? When asked by the Judge, she denied the charges but then said nothing else. All the time in court she was handcuffed but at least her hands were in front of her this time. From there it wasn't long before she was on the bus. As dusk started to fall, the bus drove east out of the City and covered the 30-odd miles in a little under an hour. The CIW was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. There was a lake nearby but other than that it was just fields.

A five guard welcoming party. For six of them. They certainly weren't going to take any chances Evie thought as the bus pulled to a stop. Backmen was pleasant!? Evie eased out of the seat and moved her way slowly up the aisle and then down the steps. She looked around her as she stepped down but there was nothing to see. The reception yard was enclosed. Then Evie felt hand in her back which pushed her forward.

"Hey." she shouted, turned, then had to hold herself back. She wasn't a cop any more. She stared at the prison officer who simply lifted the nightstick and held it in both hands. The guard was more than ready. Evie knew there was no fight to be won here and no point to be made by Kacey either. "I'm going... okay."

"Not fucking quick enough sweetheart. We don't have all day."

Evie didn't reply again but merely turned and walked indoors to the shower room. As they entered the room, another guard undid their cuffs and they were then moved over to a bench where a line of six white boxes had been laid out. Two of the women had obviously been here before. They began to undress placing their clothes and shoes into the white box. Evie did the same. There were no private showers here. It was an open room reminiscent of the showers that she had known in high school. She was surprised that the water was hot and the water pressure was strong. But for the fact that everything was effectively in public, it was a good shower. It made her skin tingle. Evie had no idea that she had already been 'selected'; no idea that everything happened that fast.
Four female guards watched as the 7 girls showered. This only went on for 5 minutes before the guards were yelling for them to move their asses! " This isn't the God damn Hilton!........Scrub those nasty snatches then get out to the dressing room! " One guard snapped out at the girls. " You've all got cavity searches coming next!......Fully body!.....So if you're hiding anything in those dirty cunts!.......We'll find it! " Another guard added as they hurried the girls along. The prisoners weren't allowed to dry themselves off. They were told to form a line, toes touching a yellow strip which ran the width of the dressing room. " Get you're asses in line!.....MOVE IT!! " Sergeant Backmen screamed out, her face getting flushed with anger. Once each of the girls was lined up and still naked. Sergeant Backmen was handed a clipboard. She started walking the line reading off names while each girl called "here." Sergeant looked at Kacey when her name was called and answered. A playful smirk came over Sergeant Backmen's face as she looked Kacey up and down.

Sergeant Backmen then handed the clipboard to another guard before slipping on a pair of rubber gloves. She walked in behind the line of girls with a second guard. Each girl was made to bend over and spread her ass cheeks. Standing beside Evie was a girl named Kari Mitchel. She had been picked up for shoplifting and was found carrying a small amount of pot. This was Kari's first offence, but she had the bad luck of facing the meanest Judge in Los Angeles. Judge Nixon Harper who wasn't easy on criminals. He was in his own words teaching this 18 year old girl a lesson she wouldn't soon forget. Kari was shaking with fear as Sergeant Backmen came closer and closer. She watched in horror as Sergeant Backmen did more then just search the girls. She teased them sexually while talking down to them. Kari began to sob softly at first, but her sobbing became louder as Sergeant Backmen stepped in behind her. " Bend over! " Sergeant Backmen snapped out which only drew louder sobs. " P....please......I don't.....belong here.......I'm so sorry. " Kari sobbed out which only made Sergeant Backmen grab her by the hair on the back of Kari's head. " I don't give a fuck about where you belong!........You're here and here you'll stay you stupid fucking slut!......Now bend over and spread your cheeks or we'll do it for you! " Sergeant Backmen yelled out after she snapped Kari's head backwards.
The water was turned off via some master switch as one minute Evie had powerful jets of water massaging her body and the next the water was gone. She had been stood running her hands through her hair eyes closed when it happened. Fortunately the soap was gone. When Backmen started barking out instructions, Evie just followed them. She stepped through into the dressing room which was something of a disappointment in that it didn't live up to its name at all. She shivered a little as she stood, toes touching the line. When Backmen walked in front of her and called her name she answered yes.

Evie couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl next to her. Whoever had sent her here needed a smack but she also couldn't help thinking that the girl needed to harden up quickly otherwise she was going to get eaten alive. Evie closed her eyes for a second and took a breath. She knew she was about to make a big mistake but what else could she do.

"Hey. Sergeant. Give the girl a break huh? You don't have to prove that your a hard ass bitch by bullying some kid."
Sergeant Backmen let go of Kari after hearing Evie speaking out. She just glared at her for a moment before moving behind Evie. Sergeant Backmen reached out grabbing Evie by the back of her head. She yanked hard on Evie's hair. " Did I hear you call me a bitch!?.....Is that what I heard coming out of your filthy cock hole!? " Sergeant Backmen hissed loudly into Evie's ear. " You had better learn to keep that cum hole shut!......Or I'll be teaching you a lesson in respect! Sergeant Backmen growled out as another guard came from Evie's front and popped her hard in the stomach with the end of her nightstick. The guard standing with Backmen leaned in and whispered something into her ear. Sergeant Backmen smiled and laughed wickedly. " That sounds like a great idea. " Sergeant Backmen then ordered another guard to take over. Sergeant Backmen and the guard with her were going to take Kacey & Kari to another room for a more private inspection. Sergeant Backmen snapped at Kacey & Kari to move their ass. They all walked towards a large metal door on the left side of the dressing room. The other guard open the door and once everyone was through, she closed it. The foursome walked down a long dark hallway until they reached the end. The other guard opened the metal door and switched on the lights. The walls of this room were made from heavy stones. Along the walls were chains hanging down. There was a large wooden table sitting against the right side wall. On the far left was a small bed. In different parts of the room were large wooden chests. Sergeant Backmen pushed Evie into the room first. She was followed by Kari who was pushed into Evie. When the large metal door was closed, it made a loud boom. Then the sound of the door being locked was heard. " Since Kacey Cunt here wants to be the boss......We'll let her. " Sergeant Backmen said as she pulled her gloves off and pulled out her nightstick. The other guard pulled the table closer to where the girls stood. She then grabbed Kari and forced her to lay acrossed the table. Her ass was wide open in front of Evie. " Stick your fingers in her cunt and ass! " Sergeant Backmen ordered while slapping her nightstick into her other hand. She told Evie that if she didn't do as she was told. They would beat the hell out of her.

Kari looked back at where Evie was standing. She could just see her body standing there. Kari felt bad that she had reacted the way she had done. She wished now that she had just let them finger her with the others. Kari lowered her head and waited in silence for Evie to do as she was told. " You had better do it you stupid cunt!.......I wanna go for my dinner break!.......If I miss my dinner you'll be laying in the hospital ward for the next few weeks! " The other guard's voice was filled with anger as she almost spitted at Evie. " And make damn sure you check her good!.......Just pretend that she's one of your whore girlfriends you fuck on the outside! " Sergeant Backmen added while her nightstick slapped harder into her hand.
To start with this was pretty much what Evie was expecting. She yelped as her head was pulled back. She reached up and grabbed the wrist of the sergeant's hand which was tight in her hair; this left her completely exposed. When the rounded tip of the nightstick was jabbed into her stomach she squealed again and had Backmen not been holding her by her hair she would have dropped to her knees. Being dragged down a corridor naked, with another woman, to some kind of private room that didn't have a doctor in it was not what she expected.

When a sobbing Kari was pushed into her, the girl seemed to want to hang on to Evie, and in another context, Evie could see that the two women stood together might make a sexy image for some, but the girl's damp naked body against her own did nothing to excite Evie. Evie wasn't stupid though. She had had enough experiences in the last year to know that if Backmen did thing right, Evie would get turned on whether she wanted to be or not. She remembered what Mason and his friends had done to her. Being made to assault another girl as part of the process was not however a way to make that happen. Evie knew though that spending weeks in the prison infirmary was not going to be a good way to spend her time. If she was in there maybe another girl would finish up being Kahled's next victim. Evie saw the girl look at her and then look away. She wasn't struggling or sobbing anymore against being held down. Evie glared at Backmen for a few seconds and then stepped over to Kari.

"Is this how you get your kicks then. Get prisoners to sexually assault each other while you watch? I can see why you might object to being called a bitch, sergeant." Evie said sarcastically as she slid her hand between Kari's legs and slipped a finger into her cunt. She did what she was told but she tried to make the whole thing as perfunctory as possible.
Sergeant Backmen watched as Evie did as she was told. This wasn't about anyone getting any kicks out of this. This was to show smart mouthed whores who's in charge around here. Those with power get those who don't have to do their dirty work. Sergeant Backmen stepped up to Evie smiling. She then told Evie that it was her turn. Sergeant Backmen ordered Evie to turn around and bend over. The other guard let go of Kari and joined the sergeant. They looked on as Evie bent over exposing herself to them. Sergeant Backmen just grinned as his let her fingers rub slowly over Evie's pussy. Her fingers opened the folds exposing Evie's core. Sergeant Backmen then let her index finger circle around Evie's clit. " You've got a smart mouth........We'll just have to give you a lesson in how to use that mouth. " Sergeant Backmen said as she teased Evie's clit even more. " She doesn't look bad for a whore........This pussy looks in great shape. " The other guard said after kneeling down behind Evie. " That's good......No one likes a stretched out pussy. " Sergeant Backmen added. Her fingers caressed up Evie's tender folds and slowly slipped into her hole. Evie's pussy was wet enough by then. There was no need for lube. Sergeant Backmen fucked Evie's pussy for a few minutes. She was enjoying the sounds Evie made. She removed her fingers from Evie's pussy. Slowly they slid up and pushed into Evie's ass. " Well......She's clean. " Sergeant Backmen said while removing her fingers from Evie's ass. The other guard unlocked and opened the door. " Alright!.......Lets move you two........We can play with you later! " The guard said while waving Evie & Kari on with her nightstick. The foursome walked back to the dressing room. Standing in the far corner were two male guards. They were standing there smoking cigarettes and gawking at Evie & Kari's naked bodies.

Sergeant Backmen told Evie & Kari to stand there with their arms at their sides. The other guard left to get some clothing for the two girls. The two male guards, Lester Bass & Ed Blair mad rude comments about Evie & Kari. They talked about how nice it was to get new girls. How they enjoyed using the new ones. Kari couldn't believe that this was happening. " How could this be fair? " She thought to herself. All she did was shoplift a damn sandwich from a convenience store. Then the cops found a couple of joints in her bag. For that Judge Harper gave her a year behind bars. Kari was poor and had no money. The public defender she had was a joke. If Kari had money she doubted that she'd be in here. Hollywood star get nailed for money and get off with a slap on the wrist. After about 5 minutes or so of giving Lester & Ed and eyeful. The other guard reappeared and tossed Evie & Kari some pants,shirts and each one git a white t-shirt. There was no underwear to put on. The prison couldn't afford such things. Once Evie & Kari were dressed. They were taken to the D cell block. This block had two levels with stairs at each end to reach the second level. There were 20 cells on each side of the lower & upper levels. 40 total on each level and 80 cells in the whole block. Each cell was made for two inmates.

Evie was led to cell 19 where she would meet her cell mate. Kari was taken to cell 20 where hers awaited. Inside cell 19 sat Angel on her bunk. She was a young white rocker chick. 22 years old, short jet black hair and tattoos along her arms. She was wearing a white t-shirt and her pants. Angel looked over when the guard stopped at the door with Evie. She looked Evie over and wondered who the new person was? The guard unlocked the door and allowed Evie to enter. Once Evie was inside the guard closed the door and moved to the next cell. There she took care of Kari who had hoped that she would end up with Evie. Angel held out her hand and introduced herself. She then asked Evie what she was in for?
Backmen fitted every stereotype of the bad female prison guard but Evie was a little surprised that she didn't keep going with the humiliation and punishment of Kari. When the woman stepped up to Evie, Evie straightened a little, stood a little taller and lifted her chin in defiance. It was already clear that the two of them were most certainly going to be in a power battle; Evie knew she had to lose in order to make sure that she could find out what she needed to but that didn't mean that she had to appear limp and pathetic. There was every chance that Khaled wasn't looking for that kind of girl. At least she hoped so for Kari's sake. Evie smirked and then turned around and bent over the table. She closed her eyes and readied herself. The touch when it came was surprisingly soft and Evie bit on her bottom lip to silence her instintive initial moan.

"Are you an expert in using your mouth Sergeant....ahhhh." As the Sergeant slipped a finger slowly inside her she couldn't silence anything at that moment. Unseen by Evie, Backman smiled just a little as she moved her finger of Evie's g-spot. Evie's grip on the edge of the table tightened. As the fingers moved from her cunt to her ass, Evie started to lose herself in the moment and in what she was feeling and then suddenly it stopped. 'Play later'... that sounded somewhat ominous, Evie thought as she stood back up.

Evie faltered just a little in her pace when she walked back into the dressing room and saw the two men. She wasn't surprised by the fact that there were male prison guards in a women's prison; she knew there were hundreds of them around the country. She just wasn't expecting them to be here now, but maybe this was just somewhere to have a cigarette break, particularly if they knew Backmen's routine when a new bus came in from Los Angeles. Maybe there were to be part of the 'later'. They were brought to a halt about 10 feet away from where the men were stood. Evie saw both of them taking their time to look both Kari and her over. They were clearly enjoying themselves and were making no attempt to hide what they thought. All Evie and Kari could do was stand there.

When the clothes arrived, Kari almost fell over in her rush to get dressed. Evie didn't take her time but she was not going to let them see that they had made her uncomfortable or scared. Blue pants, white t-shirt, white shirt which evie left un buttoned but she tied the ends in a loose knot at her waist. Then she slipped her feet into flat white canvas pumps.

Ten minutes later the door of her cell was closing behind her. She took a deep breath and exhaled as she began to take in the everyday noises of the block. Then she was aware of her room mate. Well she seemed pretty normal, Evie thought as she shook her hand back and smiled.

"Kacey. They're trying to pin an armed robbery on me. And when they arrested me I was carrying a couple of grams... So. What do I need to know about this place then?"
To Angel, the story Evie as Kacey just spoke about was pretty much the norm around here. There must have been over a thousand girls who were here for armed robbery. In one form or another. " Well Kacey......You'll need to know a lot........This place isn't a prison......It's hell on Earth. " Angel said while reaching for a smoke. She li t one up then offered Evie one along with her lighter. " Money and cigarettes are power in here.......If you know anyone on the outside......Have them send you as much as they can. " Angel told how the prison ran. She said how the inmates get one set of clothing. If something gets ripped or worn out. The inmate must replace them herself. Angel said how the prison doesn't buy underwear. Prisoners can buy them from the prison, if they so chose. Things like soap for the shower, shampoo and other needs must also be bought. " These people running this place are getting rich off of the prisoners" Angel added while taking a drag on her cigarette. She talked about how the prisoners are treated like sex toys by some of the female & male guards. The other guards turn a blind eye because they need their jobs. She then spoke of a guard name Judy Gardner who was trying to do what was right. Judy was trying to clean this place up. but she was killed in a car wreck. She was the whistle blower Evie had read about before stating this case.

Angel unfolded more about the prison. Rape was an everyday thing inside these walls. Many girls have been raped by the male guards and also beaten badly for trying to fight back. Angel spoke of a girl called Rita who suffered brain damage after being raped & beaten. She then spoke of those in places of power. Angel said that Warden Diana Hart was totally clueless. The Warden acts and thinks like this place is heaven on Earth. Angel said the real power is Deputy Warden Vernon Hughes. She remarked that he was a very bad man. Hughes enjoys hurting girls. He like watching girls in pain. Angel explained how Hughes likes to use a hot curling iron on a girl. He dips the iron into Vaseline before laying it against the skin. Angel warned Evie to stay away from that man. She then told Evie about Captain Paula Talbot who runs the guards like the gestapo of old. She said that Sergeant Sharon Backmen is the captain's right hand. Both women have hand picked girls who they use for sex. Angel continued by telling Evie who the powerful prisoners were. These were the women who run the drug trade inside the prison. " Acrossed the cell block on the lower level in cell 35 is where Ruby lives........She runs the Latinos in this block.........Up above in cell 50 is where Duchess runs runs all the black girls from...........Cell 6 is where Val runs all of us white girls.......You'll be meeting her in time.......If you got the money........Val can get you anything from the outside.......Even a gun. " Angel's tail of the prison didn't stop there. She next told Evie about a man who comes into the prison and picks out girls to work at parties. These girls are expected to please the men & women who come to the parties. Angel said his name was Cyrus Gates. She added that he has some kind of deal going with Deputy Warden Hughes & Captain Talbot. Angel remarked how her former cell mate went to a number of these parties. One day after returning to the prison, Angel's cell mate became sick. She was taken to the prison hospital where she was said to have died.
Evie took the cigarette with a nod of thanks. As she lit the smoke and handed the pack and the lighter back to Angel she sat down on a chair in the corner of the cell while Angel climbed up onto her bunk and started to explain. Evie was struggling to take in what she was being told but Angel had no reason to lie. What she said though made it sound like the prison had become some postapocalyptic nightmare. San Quentin couldn't be this bad. As Angel outlined her new reality, a series of questions and a few answers came to mind but she said very little. The indication that the prisoners were sex toys made sense in light of how she had been treated so far, particularly the men in the changing room and the internal search. Fighting back was definitely something to avoid. Did the Deputy Warden have any part in Khaled's operation or was it happening without him knowing? Had Backmen already picked her out? For herself or her Captain? We're they the first link in Khaled's selection chain? With the other prisoners, she'd have to fall into line as much as she could. She them she was no threat if she had to. Cyrus Gates. Parties. Maybe this was it...and if it was Hughes and Talbt were both involved.

"Are the parties here, in the prison? Have you ever been to one?" Evie asked Angel.
Angel laid down on her bunk as Evie asked about the parties. " No. " Angel said while shaking her head. " The parties are held in a large house about 20 miles or so away from here.......The house is owned by Cyrus and his guests are powerful people. " Angel stopped for a moment to take a drag from her smoke. " Yeah I've been to those parties........Cyrus uses us girls as hookers.......Once every week or so Cyrus will show up here to hand pick the girls he wants......In a few days he returns and picks up 8 to 10 girls to work his parties in a white van. " Angel then went on to explain how the girls are giving slutty outfits to wear at these parties. She said there are all kinds of people there from different parts of the world. Angel then warned Evie that the chick she came in with. Would definitely end up at one of those parties. She pointed at Evie saying that she would most likely go as well. Cyrus likes picking out the new hot girls. Angel said that she's been to 6 of Cyrus's parties in the last few years. She then remarked how like her former cell mate. A lot of girls end up getting sick and dying after visiting those parties. " I've never seen any of those dead girls.......They say that they've died in the hospital.........But no one......Not even the prisoners who work in the hospital has ever seen their dead bodies. " Angel said while shaking her head. " You're really pretty........But bad things happen to pretty girls in here.......You should watch your step. " Angel said while looking down at Evie. She then jumped down from her bunk and sat on the lower one near to where Evie was sitting. Angel reached out and took Evie's right hand into hers. " Time passes quicker in here when you have someone special to comfort you.......I'd like to be your girlfriend........I'd like to make your nights better and easier for you. " Angel spoke softly as she raised Evie hand and kissed it. She then moved to her knees in front of Evie. Angel reached out and pulled Evie into a deep kiss.
Evie knew that she had to get that invitation. She had to get picked. There was nothing she could do to force it though; if Cyrus didn't choose her the operation was probably finished. She sat thinking, drawing on the cigarettes as Angel continued to tell her about her own experiences and about what she thought. When Angel warned her to watch her step, she looked up at her and smiled.

"I intend to" Evie was then surprised when Angel suddenly jumped down off the bed. She didn't say anything when Angel took her hand. She looked down, felt Angel's hand soft around her own. Evie still said nothing when Angel kissed her hand. She couldn't help but wonder whether Angel was some kind of test. Did Evie need to show that she would put out with her in order to have any kind of chance at being picked for the party? Or was Angel just ... looking for time to pass a little quicker. When the kiss came though it took Evie a little by surprise.

"Wait... Hang on a minute." She spoke against Angel's kiss, feeling her tongue on her lips as she did so. Angel stopped and broke the kiss but didn't really pull back. Her hand was running up and down Evie's outer left thigh. "I only just got here."

"Never to early to make friends," Angel said, smiling. She leaned in again and kissed Evie. Evie hesitated for a moment and then realising that rejecting her was to risky, she began to kiss her back. Her mouth opened to her and their tongues began to wrap around each other. After what Backman had done, Evie couldn't deny she had been a little turned on and as the kissing continued she felt that feeling starting to grow.
Angel had no ulterior motives here except for finding someone to spend time with. Cell mates often become very close during their time behind bars. Since Angel's last one was gone, she needed a new friend. Evie was her cell mate now and Angel waned her to replace the former cell mate in bed. Angel hungrily kissed Evie. Their tongues dancing with each other while Angel unbuttoned Evie's shirt. Angel slipped Evie's shirt over her shoulders. The shirt draped over the back of the chair Evie was sitting in. Angel's hands quickly found Evie's breasts. She rubbed her fingers over Evie's nipples making them grow. Once those nipples were hard enough. Angel playfully pulled and twisted them. She broke the kiss pulling back smiling. " See.......One can't have too many friends in here......And there's no better way to welcome someone new. " Angel said as she slowly stood up in front of Evie. She pulled off her t-shirt dropping it down to the floor. Angel then unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down. She like many of the girls wasn't wearing panties. Her pussy was completely shaved. Angel held out her hand towards Evie. " Come on.......Lets go to bed and make each other feel good. " Angel was smiling as she spoke. The lights out in the block started to shutdown. A voice from down the block yelled. " Lights out! " One of the guards then started a slow walk along the cells to make sure the lights went out. No one cared if the girls were having sex. That was expected in a place like this. Angel switched off the lights as Evie took her hand. Once Evie stripped, they would enjoy each others bodies. Spending part of the night together in Evie's bunk.
With each passing moment, Evie let herself go. Kissing Angel, sucking gently on her tongue, letting Angel suck on hers. When she felt her hands easing her shirt off, Evie didnt do anything to stop her and the kiss was only broken momentarily as Angel eased her t-shirt off over her head. Angel resumed the kiss as her fingers found her nipples...teasing, pulling, twisting slowly. Evie moaned softly as they continued to kiss.

When Angel stood up and started to strip, Evie sat where she was, watching. There was nothing to say. Angel was a good looking woman; she reminded her a little of Tammy. Once she had undressed, she climbed onto Evie's bunk, smiling. Lying on her side, she patted the mattress. Evie got up and finished undressing. The lights weren't out at that moment and she could see Angel watching. She didnt see the women in the cell opposite watching as she slipped of her pants and then climbed into the bunk. As she lay down, Angel immediately brought her body against Evie's, her hands wrapping around her and her mouth coming down to Evie's again. Evie heard the footsteps of the guard, heard the lights out call, but neither stopped the two women making out. The soft moans of others doing the same could be heard throughout the block, as in various cells, women kissed and caressed and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.
Morning came with the guards walking along the cells dragging their nightsticks along the bars. They were yelling out for everyone to get up. Breakfast would be served in an hour, before that the girls would shower. Then the prisoner's workday would start after breakfast was over. Some prisoners as Angel said worked in the hospital while others did jobs like laundry. Towels, sheets, blankets and clothes were gathered and taken to be cleaned. Evie would find herself working in the hot laundry washing everything. The laundry area had huge washing machines. Evie would take the dirty laundry, wash it then place the wet laundry into large carts and take them to the driers. Other prisoners there would dry the laundry and send it to those who would fold it. Evie would be working with Angel, Kari and her cell mater Brenda. Breakfast was waiting when the girls arrived. It was eggs, toast, bacon, hash browns and coffee. The four girls would end up sitting together while Angel & Brenda pointed out who the other inmates were. This was Evie's first chance too see people like Rudy, Duchess and Val.

The new day also brought another new face. A new guard was starting today, Erica Perez stood in Warden Hart's office. She was being greeted by the warden, Deputy Warden Hughes, Captain Talbot and Sergeant Backmen. Kim was able to tell from her meeting with Warden Hart that she should really be hosting dinner parties and writing for better homes and gardens. Hart was nice enough, but she seemed lost in the company she kept. Kim disliked Hughes right off. She couldn't help but feel the need fora shower after being in the same room with him. He was a slimy human if you could call him human. It wasn't that he was bad looking. Hughes was handsome. It was just the feeling you got after being around him. Kim had seen types like him when she was making porn movies. Sergeant Backmen paired Kim up with Shelby Long. She would show Kim the prison and teach her the ropes. Kim left the warden's office with Shelby. They started the tour with the A cell block. They would end up in the dining hall when Evie and the girls were eating.
Evie followed Angel. They showered under the supervision of the guards who seemed to enjoy themselves with the girls' lack of privacy. They dressed under the supervision of the guards and they were escorted to the mess hall by the guards. Breakfast might not have been healthy but there was plenty of it and it tasted okay. Evie craved her morning run but that form of exercise was definitely off the agenda for now. As she sat down to breakfast, she was pleased that Brenda seemed pretty decent, and already she seemed to have taken a motherly responsibility for Kari.

As Brenda and Angel pointed out who was who, Evie suddenly saw a familiar face. Kim was in. Kim saw her and for a fraction of a second the look of recognition was there, but then Kim looked away. Nothing was out of place.
Shelby led Kim into the dining hall where she let Kim walk freely. Kim noticed Evie sitting with a small group of inmates. She was glad that Evie found some company so quickly. Places like this can chew up and spit out those who don't fit in. Kim walked slowly around the wall looking over each table as she passed. The older inmates were whispering about the new guard. Even Angel & Brenda spoke about this new guard being the replacement for the one who died. Angel nudged Evie slightly and remarked that the new guard looked cute. " She seems familiar. " Angel said as her eyes followed Kim around. She wasn't sure, but Angel felt as if she had seen her face before. Kim continued walking until she rejoined Shelby. They then stood watch over the dining area. A loud bell rang throughout the ding area. " Alright!........Finish up and get to work! " Shelby yelled out as she moved towards the main entrance. Each inmate was to be searched before leaving the dining area. This was to make sure knives, forks and spoons weren't taken out. Those items still went missing in other ways, but the guards had their jobs to do. The inmates lined up dropping off their trays then stood in line to be searched. Shelby, Kim and two other guards did the searches. Kim searched 15 inmates before she looked up and Evie was standing in front of her. Kim fought back the urge to smile. She was going to search her partner who also she had sex with a few times. " Get your hands up Princess! " Kim ordered as her hands started working over Evie's body. Kim made sure that no part of Evie's body was left untouched. She just couldn't help but have a little fun with her partner. Another guard stood outside the dining area telling the girls where they would be working. She stopped Evie, Angel, Kari & Brenda and told them to report for laundry detail. These four would be washing the clothes. " Just a warning........It's gonna get damn hot in there. " Angel said as the four walked away.

At the same time in Deputy Warden Hughes's office. He was having his own meeting with Captain Talbot. Hughes said that he didn't like that the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation filled Judy Gardner's position so quickly. He felt that she was most likely a spy. Hughes wanted Talbot to keep an eye out for the new guard. If she was here snooping around, they would have to deal with her the way they did with Gardner. " This place is our gold mine and we have to much to loses........If Perez gets out of line......Kill her. " Hughes ordered which made Talbot smile. " I'll take care of everything......You can count on that. " Paula said as she walked out of the office. She & Hughes were partners with the slave trade. Each was making a bundle of money from the girls being sold from the prison. They also were making money from the drug trade inside the prison. None of the guards were in on the slave trade. This was a private deal and was carefully guarded by Captain Talbot. Nor even her right hand Sergeant Backmen knew that the girls who were said to be dead were really in fact taken away and sold into slavery. Sergeant Backmen wasn't any angel though. She delivered the drugs to the inmates selling them then collected the money and returned that to Talbot. Backmen got her share after that.

The workday in the laundry was certainly as hot as Angel had said. Each of the girls were dripping with sweat after just a short time. Despite their hard work, the laundry piles never seemed to get smaller. More and more was always being brought in. The lunch hour finally came and the girls were allowed to leave. A quick shower and change of clothes was in order before eating. After lunch the girls would be heading out to the "Yard" where they could workout or just sit. It was also a time for those inmates in power to find out where the newbie stood. Val had her eyes on Evie each time she saw her. She wanted to see just who this new fish was and how far she could be pushed.
When Angel suggested that Kim looked familiar she shrugged and shook her head. "Maybe she just has that common look?" Evie said but she was immediately worried. It was unlikely that Kim had arrested the girl so that maybe just left her previous undercover work. There was nothing she could do to warn Kim at that point. Even when they came face to face at the search she couldn't say anything about her concerns. When Kim had finished, Evie just smirked at her.

The laundry work was hard. Hot. Evie thought in some ways it was a good work out after the high fat high carb breakfast. All of the girls worked in their t-shirts but its wasn't long before they were wet through with water and sweat. The shower was refreshing, despite the audience of guards once again.

"Wish it could just be us in and me" angel said to Evie. Evie just smiled back and then looked at the guards having their smoke. "What? You don't like putting on a show for them? They obviously get nothing outside of here."

When they were redressed, Evie followed the rest back to the dining hall and the four of them sat together again. Water was the main thing that was consumed. Afterwards they headed for the yard. It was a big space. Some concrete where some of the women were playing basketball. Some scrub grass. Some space but undercover for gym equipment. Spread around were wooden tables and benches all firmly bolted to the floor. Brenda led the four of them over to one of the tables in an area that was almost exclusively white girls. Everybody clearly had their place. Evie hadn't noticed Val watching her. She sat down, straddling the bench. Angel sat next to her and lit two cigarettes before handing one to Evie. As Evie took it Angel rested her hand on Evie's thigh and stroked it a little while she and Brenda continued to tell her and Kari how things worked.
Val watched as Evie & her four friends came out into the yard. She had to laugh a little since it was as if they formed their own group. Val rose to her feet and started walking towards that table. She was flanked by two other who always had Val's back. On each ends of the yard watching what Val was doing were Duchess & Ruby. They knew what was coming. They had seen it many times before. When new fish come in the inmates with power need to test them. They need to find out if they're weak or whether they'll stand up for themselves. The term "fish" is what the prisoners call any new inmates who have just arrived. Above the prisoners on a wall surrounding the fence were 5 guards carrying pump shotguns. On each end of the yard were towers standing 15 feet tall. These towers had two guards each, both carrying M-16's. The guards in these areas were always watching for trouble. But they would often let prisoners fight as long as it was one on one. The guards didn't normally jump in until it was almost a riot.

Val walked up behind Evie and placed her hands onto Evie's shoulders. " Hey there sweetness.........I see we got a couple of pretty girls this time.......Pretty girls don't last long in here........Before you know it their beauty is gone and all that's left is a used up whore. " Val said while addressing the entire table. Brenda & Angel knew better then to say anything. Angel still remembered this happening too her years ago. She watched Val's hand massaging Evie's shoulders. " You're so stiff......Must have been that hot dirty room you worked in.........All that hard work made your muscles stiff.........A stiff muscle is normally a good thing on a man........But not with us women..........I could make your life in here much better..........You could get an easy job working in the hospital or the library.........I take care of my girls who take care of me. " Val said a her hands worked over Evie's muscles. This prison like others worked on the fact that money, drugs, cigarettes and sex made the world go around. These items were what the inmates craved most and worth their weight in gold. Val continued to talk about how Evie could have the good life while inside. Anything she wanted was hers for the asking. Wine, beer, steak dinners, hamburgers, hotdogs, television, anything Evie wanted could be hers. All Evie had to do was one thing. One small little tiny thing. Val smiled down while still working her muscle. " All you got to do is go down on me here in the yard in front of everyone...........This will show that you've submitted to me.......Show you'll be loyal to no one buy me. " Val laid her offer out, now it was time to see whether Evie would take it. Life had certainly been good to Val. She had long blonde curly hair, the dirty blonde look. She stood 5'10" and weighted 150 lbs. Even though Val had been locked away for years. She was still a good looking woman. Val quickly learned how this place worked and with even quicker speed, she took over. One day Val knew another prisoner would take her out and become the new leader of the whites. It was even possible that the woman who could take her out was sitting in front of her. Val looked down on Evie from behind smiling. " Well sweetness.......What's your answer? "
Evie didn't see Val approaching. She started to pick up that something was wrong as she saw the look on Angel's face change. She was just about to ask her what was wrong when she felt the hands come down on her shoulders. She tensed... a purely instinctive response... but she was enough in control of herself that she didn't jump up, she didn't seek to get the hands off of her. That there was going to be a challenge relatively quickly was not particularly surprising and Evie knew she had to be careful. This was about finding that middle spot. She wasn't going to show herself as complete weak but she didn't want to appear as if she was looking to take over anything from anyone. She had to appear to be no threat... no pushover.

When Val was finished, Evie smiled - unseen by Val initiatially - and then she stood up slowly. Still smiling she stepped over the bench and turned around to face her. She looked straight at her. Took a final draw on her cigarette. Exhaled. Dopped the cigarette on the ground and ground it out with the toe of her shoe. She looked back up. Evie was cautious and was trying to avoid jumping to conclusions simply on appearances, but Val was older and whilst she might well have spent a lot of time working out and fighting to get her place in the prison, Evie thought her training would probably have the edge. She suspected she was about to find out.

"I'm flattered. But... no thanks. Im not looking to get in your way. Im not looking for someone to look after me. And I'm not gonna be anyone's bitch." She looked up and around... from one tower, long the wall and to the other tower and then back to Val; the smile still in place. "If you have a problem with that, well... then I guess we'll have to deal with that... right here." She stood, relaxed, arms loose at her side, ready, still smiling, looking straight at Val.
Saying no too Val wasn't the smartest thing to do. Those who were brave enough to turn down her offer, found themselves in dire straits. Val maintained a firm hold over everything she controlled. Those loyal to Val would do anything, even murder for her. " You've got guts.......But you're right......We do have a problem. " Val spoke with a slight chuckle in her voice. It seemed that this would be a fight. A fight were there could only be one winner. While Val was strong, she wasn't trained like Evie had been. But this wouldn't be some boxing match or any type of ring fighting. It would be down and dirty street fighting. No rules, no holds barred anything goes. Val removed her outer shirt and tossed it to one of her lackeys. She slowly backed up while keep an eye on Evie. Val's body was thick. She wasn't fat, just powerfully built for a woman. Val could easily bench press almost 300 lbs. Val waved for Evie to come closer. The other prisoners began forming a human circle around the two women. Without warning, one of Val's thugs pushed Evie from behind. This sent Evie staggering towards Val only to be met by Val's fist. The shot was quick and sudden to Evie's head.

Kim now on her own was patrolling around the prison. She found Evie's cell during her walk around. Kim knew that they would have to find away to communicate with each other. Kim was Evie's only lifeline to the outside world. Once Evie found out how the girls were being taken from the prison. She needed to get the information out. Kim continued to walk until she reached the door which lead outside. Her eyes narrowed upon seeing a large group of women standing in a circle. These women were by now yell and it was clear that a fight was going on. Kim noticed that other guards were just standing around. A fight was a fight in any prison. The guards would do nothing unless weapons were spotted, or the fight turned into a riot. From where Kim stood she couldn't see who was fighting. But the fight did appear to be going back & fourth. Kim walked over to where a group of guards stood ready in case they needed to jump in. She asked who was fighting? One of the other guards said Val and a new girl called Kacey. Kim's eyes opened wider after hearing that. Police are trained to always backup their partner. But Kim couldn't step in and risk blowing the undercover operation.
Evie knew there was no choice here; she knew there was no way out. When Val waved her forward, she looked around for a moment and then stepped forward, matching Val's movement, moving left, as Val moved right, moving forward as Val moved back. She too took her shirt off as she moved. Then Evie was pitched forward. She knew she was moving before she knew why. And then almost as she felt where the shove in her back had been, she realised she was pitching too close to where Val was. She knew what was going to happen and she could see that Val did as well. Her forward movement was stopped almost immediately by the punch which landed squarely on Evie's jaw. It sent her movement sideways. Evie saw stars... Just like in the cartoons and she could swear she heard the tweeting of birds. She started to fall sideways and decided not to stop herself. Instead she moved into the fall, her brain telling her body to prepare for hitting the ground but to keep moving...roll through it and get distance. Landing and staying still was simply going to invite the continuing assault. The crowd cheered or gasped. Evie fell, turned a little as she did so, landed, rolled, rolled again, getting her hands and feet in place to push herself up as she ended the roll. She pushed the haziness out of her head. When she was on er feet, she was stood, facing Val. Evie raised the back of her hand to her mouth, pulled it away and saw a little blood there. She had caught the inside of her cheek on her teeth. Then Val was moving towards her, bent low. When she hit, both of them went dwn into the dirt and then it was a mess of kicks and punches and scratches and pulling at hair and clothes. After a few second the crowd were shouting words of encouragement, almost all of it for Val. val was where the power was after all.
Val was physically stronger then Evie. She had 3 inches on her while out weighting Evie by 15 lbs. But Evie had the edge when it came to a skilled fighter. Evie trained again men at the police academy. Those men were always bigger and stronger then she was. Yet Evie was taught how to defeat a bigger, stronger opponent. Val had Evie down on her back choking her, but Evie didn't stay there. Evie brought her legs wrapping them around Val's head. She brought Val crashing down, her legs locked around Val's head. Evie's legs were tightening making Val's face grow red. Val was able to force her hands in between Evie's legs and push. She muscled Evie's legs just enough to slip out from Evie's grip. The two women slowly rose to their feet glaring at each other. Val made lunge forward, her hands going straight for Evie's neck again. Evie side stepped Val's charge and sent a punch into her stomach. Evie moved backwards just slightly while Val gasped for air. As Val looked up, Evie sent a powerful punch smashing into Val's jaw. This rocked Val dropping her to one knee. Val staggered to her feet once again. She threw a number of punches at Evie, but never landed a shot. Evie however landed each one that she threw. This went on for a few more minutes until Val pushed Evie into one of her lackeys. This woman nailed Evie hard in the lower back. She and a second woman grabbed Evie by the arms. This kept her from falling. Val came up delivering three sharp blows to Evie's stomach.

Val then claimed victory as most of those watching cheered. She looked at Evie breathing very heavily. Val ordered her lackeys to bring Evie over to a nearby table. Val removed her pants and hopped up onto the table top. She spread her legs wide open as Evie was forced over to the table. Evie was then forced down onto her knees, her facing ending up right where Val's pussy was. " You're tough honey........But I won.......Now eat my pussy!........Show everyone here who the boss is! " Val smiled wickedly as she spoke to Evie. The women who had formed the circle were now in groups gathered around watching. Their eyes looked down on Evie. Everyone had a good view of the action that would follow.

Kim was glad that the fight was over, but she didn't like the fact that Val's lackeys joined in. She knew Evie would have won if not for the interference. Kim was going to step in and stop Evie from being humiliated, but Sergeant Backmen who just appeared stopped her. " The new girl needs to know her place! " Sergeant Backmen growled out which made Kim stop. Kim sighed and kept her ground. Sergeant Backmen said that Val would show Kacey who the top dog was.
Evie threw maybe the third successive hard punch which made contact with Val's jaw. She hadn't wanted the fight. SHe had given Val the opportunity to walk away. Val had been stupid and now Evie was going to maybe knock her out completely, although Val just wouldn't stay dwn. Maybe she had done enough. Breathing hard, Evie took a half step back and hesitated and that was all it took to switch the initiative. Evie had been the stupid one; arrogant; thinking she had won the fight before she had actually done it. The Academy Instructor would have strung her up for such a stupid mistake. The punch in the lower back had Evie's knees collapsing but before she hit the ground there was someone on her left and right talking an arm each and holding her up... Holding her open. Evie saw Val getting to her feet, saw her approaching, red faced but smiling. The punches were hard, quick, immediately making her nauseous. She was upright only because she was being held that way; her legs had gone.

She was dragged in front f Val once Val had sat down. Val took a handful of Evie!'s hair and pulled her head onto her telling her what to do. Val slapped her cheek with her free hand and told her to look up.

"Look at me, bitch. Look at me while you eat me out. Hmmmm that's it. Use that fucking tongue. You're just a dirty fucking whore aren't you...and now you know your fucking place." Evie had no choice but to do what she was told and as her tongue worked over Val's clit, Evie felt Val grinding herself into her.

"Oh I bet you earned a lot of money out there on your knees. Now you're mine. And you'll be on your knees whenever I say so, do you understand, sweetness?" Evie mumbled a yes and nodded which caused the women holding her to laugh.
Laughter didn't just come from Val's lackeys who were holding Evie. Others who were watching also laughed openly. 2/3 of the women watching were laughing and taunting Evie. A few were just standing around not really caring about Evie at all. Evie's friends however felt terrible for her. They had hopes that Evie would beat Val and take over. They would have then been close to the new boss. That didn't happen after Val's lackeys took steps that helped Val win. Sure what they did was cheating. But in a fight with no rules, it should have been expected. Now Evie's friends watched as Evie was being forced to eat Val's pussy. Others had been on this place. Brenda herself had been where Evie was now only 2 years ago. The calls of she's a whore and she's a slut rose up from the crowd. Val had just escaped the fight with her rep intact. She knew damn well that Evie would have won the fight if her girls hadn't stepped in. But Val still ruled the whites as their queen. She looked down on Evie just grinning from ear to ear. " You must have eat a lot of pussy on the outside.......Your pretty good at it sweetness. " Val tossed her head back after speaking. A rush of pleasure washed over her body. Val then ordered her lackeys to let Evie's arms go. She wanted more from this little slut then just her tongue. " Be a good little and I'll allow you the chance to cum. " Val said as she grabbed Evie's head and held it. She then started to grind Evie's face with her pussy. Val released Evie and told her to use her fingers. " Fuck me with your fingers!.......Make me cum in and all over your face! " Val then promised to treat Evie to some pleasure while everyone watched. By the blacks & latinos had also moved closer. They decided to watch Val break in her cunt.

Sergeant Backmen had disappeared for a few moments only to return carrying a gym bag. She had a huge grin on her face while watching Evie's public display. In the bag was a number of sex toys that she would deliver to Val once she was ready to fuck Evie in front of the other inmates. All Kim could do was stand there and watch her partner. There was no way of helping her. Knowing of how Evie's sexual appetite worked. Kim figured that Evie would be getting turned on and she would in time becoming very willing to whatever Val did too her. Kim was sure that having all these eyes watching Evie would only add to her getting turned on. Nothing that happens here would change how these people saw Evie. They all knew her as Kacey Rayne. Just another street whore who ended up in prison. So Evie was right where everyone expected her to be. Down on her knees giving out pleasure with her fingers & tongue.
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