Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Tom & James were working late nights in the MCU Squad Room. With half of the team working undercover, the other half was stuck doing the office work. James had run a background check on Cyrus Gates and found that the man had no apparent income. It was unclear how Gates could own a fabulous mansion & live the life of a jet setter without some means of making money. Unless of course his means were illegal. Everything that Tom & James found pointed to the fact that Cyrus Gates was dirty. Tom received word from a friend in the DEA that said Gates had connections in the Mexican Drug Cartel. An ATF Agent who James spoke with said that Gates was also linked to an International Arms Dealer by the name of Rico Sanchez. Tom remembered Sanchez's name from the bust that went down some time back. A large cash of weapons were found in the trunk of a car belonging to Clark Dean. Along with a briefcase full of money. Tom remembered that the NCIS Los Angeles office sent a couple of agents to pick up the Dean, the weapons & the money. NCIS was on Sanchez's tail since he was dealing in stolen weapons. These weapons were reported missing from different U.S. Marine & Navy Bases. They ended up in Sanchez's hands. Clark Dean was working for Sanchez at the time. Cyrus was living life well and all because of his dealings with the illegal activity.

In time, Tom & James found that not all their information on this case would come by phone. They had a very special visitor. A woman of small stature, but with an air of confidence about her paid the MCU a visit. She walked into the squad room carrying a briefcase. Tom watched as the woman came up to his open door. He rose to his feet, but before he could introduce himself she held up her hand and spoke. " You are Lieutenant Thomas Reed.......Highly decorated by the Los Angeles Police Department.......Some in parts of the city's power elite however feel that your wild west style of police work is better left in the past.....Yet you've risen to command the LAPD'S Special Task Force on crime. " Tom slowly sat down as his career was laid out before him. James just looked at Tom and shrugged his shoulders. The woman laughed then introduced herself as Henrietta Lange, Operations Manager of the NCIS Office in Los Angeles. Hetty as she was known by confessed to being somewhat of a fan of Tom's career. " It's not everyday that I get to meet a real life Dirty Harry. " James just sat there chuckling. This wasn't the first time someone had compered Tom to Dirty Harry. But normally it was Steve who teased Tom in this manner and not someone who they just met. Still Hetty Lange wasn't the type to hold back. She did however come for a reason and not to just socialize.

Kim didn't know about the extra work which Kacey had been picked for. During her patrol, Kim found that Kacey & Angel were gone. Also Kari was gone from her cell. Brenda stated that Kari went to the prison hospital ward because she was sick. This is were Kim found out about the special work program. Kim went to the hospital ward to check on Kari. She found out that Kari never made it to the ward. Somewhere between her cell & the ward, Kari disappeared. Everything that happened to Kari sounded just like what happened to other prisoners who vanished. Except for the fact that Kari never went to one of Gates's parties. Kim continued on her patrol ending up in the shower & dressing room area. It was here that Kim found inmates clothing stashed inside lockers and garment bags which once held dresses. This told Kim that Kacey & the others had been taken to Cyrus's party. Still she wondered what happened too Kari?

Kim's question was answered at Cyrus's party. Kacey & Angel were soon joined by Kari. She was dragged into the room by a couple of large well dressed brutes. They weren't the only girls from CIW. Just the ones who were up for sale this time. Cyrus came up to Kacey and back handed her acrossed the face. It wasn't hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to get his message acrossed. " No one messes with my plans.......Least of all some common street tramp! " Cyrus hissed out. He then told how Kari caved in and said what Kacey had done. Of course Kari had been tortured and Cyrus didn't hide that fact. A couple of men came up from behind and grabbed Kacey by her arms. " Kacey......I'd like you to meet Deputy Warden Vernon Hughes. " Cyrus said as Kacey was turned to face Hughes. He had just come into the room after Kari was brought in. Hughes lit up a cigar then stated how he and Kacey were going to have so much fun together. " Well fun for me......But not to much for you I'm afraid. " Hughes said with a wicked laugh. He then added that poor Kacey would end up getting shot when it was all over. " It seems that Kacey here killed a guard tonight.........Stabbed her over and over until Erica Perez was dead. " Once Hughes was done speaking. Angel & Kari were taken away. They were to be sold tonight. Kacey was also led away. But she was going down to the basement where a little play room had been setup. It was more of a torture room where Kari had spent sometime. Now Kacey would experience Hughes's special brand of fun before she was framed for murder and shot.
Evie's head snapped left as the slap came out of nowhere. For a moment she kept her head looking away and the sharp sting of the slap increased and deepened. Then slowly she brought her head back up and looked at the man in front of her. Gates was about 5'10 and in his early fifties. There was a lot about him which reminded Evie of Mason but perhaps that was more about character and business activity than it was about appearances. Evie clenched her jaw, still feeling the stinging in her cheek. She took a quick look at Kari who was red eyed and there was a bruise beginning to form just under her left eye. Then she was aware of Cyrus using her name... using Kacey's name. She looked back to Cyrus. As she felt someone taking hold of her, she stiffened and then came face to face with Hughes. She watched as he lit the cigar, saw the slight smirk playing around his mouth as he looked her up and down. He took a long draw on the cigar and then exhaled a cloud a sweet smelling smoke. His laugh almost made her shiver. And then the rest of what he was saying started to sink in.

"What?" She struggled for a moment; it didn't make sense. She shook her head a little. "What are you talking about. I haven't killed anyone." And then the name sank in. She swallowed. Kim was in trouble and there was absolutely nothing she could do to warn her. Nothing she could do to get her any help. Kim was on her own. She felt a hand grip around her upper arm. She looked left and saw some huge guy in a black suit and tie clearly intent in taking her somewhere. There was no chance that she was going to be able to resist; the man by himself would be able to literally just pick her up, let alone what his friends could manage. She stumbled a little on the first step as he pushed her forward. The group in the room seemed to divide and a route through to the door opened up before her. He led her out of the room and along a corridor. Half way along the corridor was a solid dark oak door with a brass handle. The man tugged it open and then pushed her through before following. Almost immediately there was a staircase leading down. The steps were concrete and Evie's heels clicked and scraped as she half walked and was half pushed down. At the bottom, a room opened up. There was a slight chill in the air. The walls and floor were stone, although there was a large red rug in the centre covering a large part of floor. Around the outside of the room however, there was a variety of fixtures. Wooden crosses and benches. Stocks. A cage. Strange chairs. There were hooks and metal rings hanging from the ceiling or fixed into the floor or the walls. Evie had never been anywhere like it before, but she knew what it was. Cyrus' very own torture chamber and a place where Hughes could get his twisted sexual pleasures.
Tom introduced James before Hetty explained why she came here. She laid her briefcase on the couch, flipped the locks and opened it. Hetty pulled out files on everyone linked to the case NCIS was working on. As it turned out, the main person whom they were tracking went right to who the MCU was after. Hetty placed Cyrus Gates's file down first. Everything inside pretty confirmed what Tom & James had found out from the FBI, ATF & DEA. The next file belonged to Khaled Muta Ghanem who was also on the MCU take down list. Hetty placed another file on to Tom's desk. This belonged to Rico Sanchez and the last file belonged to Isaak Sidorov. A Russian arms dealer and former FSB Agent who just happens to have 3 nuclear bombs. These nuclear devices are hidden somewhere on American soil and are up for sale to anyone who pays Sidorov's price. Information in these files told of increase traffic between Sanchez & Sidorov. Normally arms dealers don't deal with each other since they are in competition, but in this case Sanchez was acting in behalf of Khaled. Word spread quickly when Sidorov got his hands on 3 nuclear bombs. Khaled couldn't pass up the chance to lay his hands on 1 or more of these deadly devices. Each bomb was 17 kilotons in strength and could devastate an entire U.S. city. Tom & James were stunned by what they read. This case had turned quickly from one that was just about white slavery. Into a case which the fate of the whole country and possible the world hung in the balance. Hetty gave Tom & James time to get their thoughts together. She knew that this was a lot to lay in their laps. Hetty then said why she had come. She wanted her OSP team & the MCU to work together on this case. They were after the same people and it would be helpful not to step on each others toes.

Tom agreed to work with NCIS on this case. He was expecting Kim to call shortly and make a report. They just had to wait on Kim's call. Back at the prison, Kim was finishing her patrol. She was walking through the dining hall when Val appeared from the shadows. Val had a shiv in her hand. It was piece of metal about 5 inches long which was taped heavily around the bottom making a handle of sorts. The tip of this shiv was shape. Val planned on stabbing Kim many times in the back. This shiv would then find it's way to Cyrus's house were Kacey's finger prints would end up on it. It would then appear that Kacey had killed Erica Perez and in turn Kacey would have been shot during her attempt to escape. Kim stopped at one of the rear doors pulling out her keys. She noticed a shadow moving behind her. Kim showed no signs that she noticed this movement. She fumbled with her keys as the shadow grew closer. Kim then turned and tossed the keys into the face of the person behind her. Val was stunned and moved back. She then lunged at Kim who side stepped, caught Val's hand and pulled her into a well placed elbow. Val took the elbow to her face, breaking her nose. She dropped her weapon and the two women began fighting. Kim may have spent a lot of time as a porn star, but she learned how to defend herself. She had also been tops in her class at the academy self defense. Kim held a black belt and was trained in muay thai boxing. Val was larger in size, but lacking in skills. This fight ended the way Val's fight with Evie should have ended. Val was laying in a heap on the floor with Kim standing over her. The fight was over, but Kim knew that Val couldn't get out of her cell without help. Kim expected that whomever was helping Val would be showing up.

Kacey was led into the center of the room. The two men were joined by Hughes, Cyrus, Khaled, Sanchez & Sidorov. This was the first time that Sidorov had met Khaled face to face. Khaled wanted to treat Sidorov to a special night before they finalized their deal. Kacey was taken to what looked like a wooden table. She was forced to lay on it and they strapped her hands & feet down. Kacey's hands were above her head strapped down with leather belts which were attached to the table by short chains. Her feet were hooked up in the same manner, but spread wide open. This left Kacey unable to move her hands or feet. Hughes then walked as the other men gathered around the table. He told Kacey how by now Erica Perez would be dead and she would soon be tagged with her murder. But before that happened, Hughes would show Kacey what fear & pain were all about. Hughes then laid a large cloth over Kacey's face. One of the men who brought Kacey downstairs handed Hughes a gallon jug of cold water. Hughes then started to pour the cold water slowly over Kacey's face. Manly over her nose & mouth. This caused Evie to feeling like she was drowning even though she wasn't. The second man grabbed Kacey's head to keep it from moving. Evie was getting a crash course in the torture known as waterboarding.
Evie turned quickly as she heard the arrival of the five additional men. One by one they stepped into the room, all of them with their glass in their hand, three of them with cigars. They were all expectant, excited, enjoying themselves and anticipating what was to come. She swallowed hard. She was scared. She looked from one to the other and as she did so she took a step back. Half a step... And then she bumped into the solid frame of one of the men who had brought her down. His hands came up to the top of her arms, pulling them back just a little and holding her firmly as Hughes walked up to her.

"There's nowhere to go Kacey" he lifted his left hand and drew the back of his fingers down her cheek. Evie pulled her head away and Hughes just smiled. "I do enjoy myself so much more when I have a slut with some spirit visiting me down here." He looked at the man who had hold of Kacey and immediately the man turned her and pushed her towards the large wooden table. Kacey pushed back but it was a futile gesture. Everything from that moment suddenly moved so quickly. She felt herself being lifted up. Felt hands on her legs at her ankles. Other hands pulling up her arms. Something cold against her skin around her wrists and ankles. She squirmed and bucked and tried to pull each limb free but it was all pointless. And then almost as quickly as it started it calmed. She was lying flat, stretched out. Secure. The men were around the table looking down at her.

"Such a shame..." Cyrus said to Khaled as he stroked a hand down her right leg. "We could have made perhaps our best price ever for this." Khaled nodded. "I know men in Iraq and Saudi Arabia in particular who would pay a great amount for this one." He said in reply as he looked over what was laid out in front of him.

Kacey looked up, wide eyed, breathing a little harder. She watched as Hughes pulled out the cloth. As he placed it over her face, she squirmed again, moving her head left and right but almost immediately felt hands coming to the side of her head. Her heart was pounding. Then she felt the first drops of water. The cloth was soaked rapidly. Water flowed everywhere: in her mouth, in her nose, all over her face. Initially she could still breathe in some small gulps of air. But then each breath meant breathing in water into her lungs. She tried to take in as little water as possible and to resist suffocation by holding her breath but panic was growing and she couldn't do that for more than a few moments. Her body thrashed against the restraints which began to dig into her flesh. Her whole body started to fight against the sensation of suffocating...of drowning.
Captain Talbot appeared at the rear door to the dining area. She unlocked it with her key and stepped inside. A sly smiled appeared on her face when she saw the body of Erica laying dead on the floor, or so she thought. It also appeared that Val was killed since she was not moving. The room was only dimly lit and details were hard to pick out. However everything seemed to be going as planned. Talbot would have to find someone to take Val's place, but that wouldn't to hard. Talbot leaned down to check on Erica when caught her in the side of the head. With her head spinning, Talbot wasn't sure what was what. She soon realized that Erica wasn't dead. She was in fact hovering over her. " I'm gonna give you one chance bitch!........You tell me where Kacey and the others girls were taken! " Kim said while placing her right foot on Talbot's sternum. She then warned Talbot it wouldn't take much to shatter her rib cage. Kim told Talbot that her dealings with the missing inmates was already known by the police. Talbot told Kim that Cyrus took the girls to his house. She even told Kim how to find it. Kim dragged Talbot & Val over to one of the large serving table. These were huge metal tables which weighted hundreds of pounds. Kim handcuff to two of them together around one of the legs. She then announced that the highway patrol was on their way. They'd be picking them up. As Kim was leaving the dining area, she texted Tom everything that happened. He in turn called the highway patrol to raid the prison. Tom & James left the station to catch an LAPD helicopter. Kim at the same time sensing Evie was in grave danger left the prison for Cyrus's house. The trouble was, it would take everyone time to get there.

As much as Khaled would have liked to see how much torture this woman could take. He decided his need for the cash that she could bring was far greater then whatever enjoyment he got. Suddenly all Evie would know was the yelling. Khaled ordered Hughes to back off! He wanted this white whore unharmed. Hughes refused by telling Khaled to fuck off! Suddenly a gunshot was heard and the sound of a body hitting the floor. Cyrus removed the cloth from Kacey's face. He smiled down at her saying that Khaled has taken a liking too you. Cyrus then ordered Kacey to be freed, but a dog collar and leash were waiting for her. Once Evie was removed from the table. The large leather collar was slipped around her neck. Khaled himself took her by the led and pulled her along behind him. " Come bitch! " Khaled snapped out as he led the way closely followed by Kacey. Then Sanchez, Sidorov, Cyrus and his men followed. On the floor dead, or dying was Hughes. He had been shot once in the chest. Kari & Angel had already been removed from Cyrus's house. A helicopter was now waiting to speed the others way to another location.
The flow of water seemed to have stop but the wet cloth still smoothered her face and clung to her skin. She fought to take in air, fought against the coughing... panting... gasping. The was vaguely aware of the raised voices but her fight for air was talking almost all of her attention. And then the gun shot, echoing around the stone walls, seemed to silence everything except Evie's gasping. And then the cloth was gone. Evie gulped down air in between the choughs, eyes tight shut. She was aware of the restraints being removed and as soon as they were, she rolled onto her side, away from Cyrus, still coughing, retching a little and throwing up water. She felt herself being pulled up and as she was pulled to her feet, she gradually began to feel easier with her breathing at least. She lifted her head and opened her eyes. She glared at Cyrus.

"You s.... son of... you fucking...." her words were more hissed than spoken, but no-one seemed to be taking any notice of her. Someone grabbed hold of a handful of her now wet hair and pulled her head back and the man who had led her down the stairs appeared between her and Cyrus and secured the collar around her neck. It was firm leather, about four inches thick, and acted so that she couldn't lower her chin. When the man moved away, it was Khaled that was in front of her. He attached the lead to the collar and then gave it a sharp tug, telling her to follow. She was more than aware that her options were limited and so she did what she was told.

"So where do you think then Khaled? Saudi. Iraq. I have some associates in Afghanistan who might also be prepared to pay a good deal for an american whore."
Khaled knew that there were any number of wealthy men who would pay well for a feisty American whore. She would fetch a handsome price on the slave market. Khaled walked Kacey out of Cyrus's house like he was walking his dog. Too him, an American woman was no better then a female dog. Khaled never fucked an American woman before. He felt his seed was to good to be placed inside the cunts of such common sluts. Khaled would cum in their months, as he did with Tori James. This is the one gift he would give non Arab women. Khaled led Kacey to a waiting helicopter. They were joined by Cyrus and his men. Sanchez & Sidorov had their own arrangements made. They would met up again later when it was time to complete their deal. Kacey was made to sit on the floor of the helicopter, st Khaled's feet. He treated her just like one would treat a dog. Khaled would smack Kacey on the ass, or slap her acrossed the face when she over stepped her bounds. He pulled no punches when it came to letting Kacey know who was in charge. Khaled had just killed a man so he could sell her. This man had been important in his plans. But this would go to show Kacey that Khaled would do anything to get what he wanted. The helicopter lifted off and headed south west. It was still dark outside and it would be hard for Kacey to tell where she was at.

15 minutes after Khaled and the others left Cyrus's house. The first CHP units arrived the prison and at Cyrus's home. Kim was just behind the units that pulled up in the driveway of Cyrus's house. The CHP raid on the prison went as expected. The officers executed their warrants and found Hughes's ledger in his office desk. Captain Talbot was arrested on scene. The CHP would also arrest Backmen, Bass & Blair. It didn't take long for the finger pointing to start. Kim took charge of the scene outside of Cyrus's home. She entered with the CHP officers about 10 minutes before Tom & James arrived. A search of the house turned up Hughes down in the basement. He was clinging to life and was able to say that Khaled shot him before slipping off into a coma. Tom ordered every inch of the house searched. He wanted no stone left unturned. Tom and the others could only hope that something would point to where Cyrus & Khaled had gone.

About an hour after take off, Khaled's helicopter landed at a large estate. Kacey could tell that it was near the ocean. The waves could be heard and the sweet smell of the ocean breeze was fresh in the air. But with it still being night time, there was no way to know where along the ocean she was. The house was huge, done in a modern style. Khaled led Kacey into the house where she was handed off to one of Khaled's men. He took down stairs to the basement where she was placed inside a room with 14 other women. Here Kacey was reunited with Kari & Angel. The other girls came from different places. Some were kidnapped right off the streets. While others were brought here after answering adds for models, or actresses. The men removed the chain from Kacey's collar, but he warned her not to remove the collar. He said Khaled would come for her in time.
Evie followed Khaled up the stairs, down the corridor which was now quiet, out of a rear door and across a well manicured lawn. As she walked, she struggled to keep her head focused on the present... on trying to find a way out of the situation she was in. But her mind kept taking her back to the memory of being on the table, and of fighting for breath. The cool night air was a welcome relief and as she took a breath and it filled her lungs, she knew she wasn't drowning. She knew she was breathing. And then she was aware of the shadow in the dark. The engines of the helicopter hadn't been fired up but there was a feint green tinge from the front - the light from the dials and meters she guessed. She followed Khaled as he took her closer, looking behind her and catching the grin from Cyrus. Khaled stepped up into the rear of the executive aircraft and she followed; he sat down and she did likewise. And then she felt the sudden jerk around her neck, felt the hand on her ass pushing her off. She landed with a thump on the floor at Khaled's feet. She looked up at him wide eyed, surprised. Khaled said nothing.

Cyrus laughed as he sat down where Evie had only seconds before. "You better learn your place quickly bitch otherwise you are going have some hard lessons." Evie opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again. What could she say? She was on the floor stuck between two men with another two sitting themselves down opposite.

"All American women need to learn their place. Amercian men are weak that they do not keep them in their true place." Khaled was merely making a comment to Cyrus rather than actually talking to Evie. Evie shook her head and laughed. "Amercia isn't in the dark ages." She had barely got the words out before the led was pulled again. Khaled grabbed hold of her hair, and leaned forward. "Speak when you are spoken to whore. Only when you are spoken to. Do you understand me?" Evie stared up at him wincing as he pulled at her hair. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

"Yes... yes." Khaled pushed her head away hard into the legs of the man sitting opposite. He didn't move. He merely smirked. As the helicopter engines suddenly roared into life, Evie adjusted her position, folding her legs under her, rubbing her head a little. Feeling her hair wet reminded her of the water... the cloth... she took a breath... she swallowed down her fear and tried to push the memory with it. She stayed quiet for the rest of the journey. Khaled and Cyrus talked about their opportunities, each country Evie heard mentioned sounded as bad as each other. Former soviet territories. War torn countries. The men talked of brothels and private houses. They talked of money. They didn't mention names which was unfortunate but Evie tried to understand and remember everything. At some point they began to consider their future source of income... where were they going to get the girls from in the future with Hughes now dead as far as they were concerned. That reminded Evie... was Kim already dead? Had she managed to protect herself against whatever trap had been set for her.

She didn't know how long they were in the helicopter. It wasn't a particularly short journey; she guessed perhaps45 minutes, maybe a little more. When the helicopter landed and the rotors began the die. The men opposite Cyrus and Khaled were the first to stand. They opened the door and set down the steps. Cyrus stood up and stepped to the door. Khaled stood. He looked down at Evie and thought. He was tempted to make her crawl, but he decided that any futher lessons could wait. He stepped out and pulled on the lead. Evie was quick to get to her feet and she followed quietly. Again the cold air reminded her she could breath. Five minutes later, there was a repeat of what had happened at Cyrus's house. Khaled handed the lead to one of his men and she was led away. Evie could feel the panic starting to rise. Was she going to be subjected to the same thing? She didn't know if she could take that again. When the door to the basement was opened, she was not expecting to see anyone let alone another dozen or so girls. The wave of relief washed over her. She stepped into the room and stood as the man took the lead off. She watched him leave and heard the key turn in the lock. And then she heard her name... heard Kacey's name. She turned around and smiled, again hit with relief.

"Hey... are you okay.... I didn't think I'd ever see you again. Did they hurt you?"

"No... they just brought us here. What about you?"

"What... I'm fine." Evie pushed the thoughts away again. "We have to find a way to get out of here, before anyone comes back. Have you looked around." Evie reached up and eased her fingers around the edge of the collar. It was started to rub the skin under her neck raw. "Screw this..." she said to herself. She found the three buckles and undid them, slipped the collar off, tossing it into the corner of the room. She looked around. Looked at the door. At the lock. It was a big lock, designed to take a big key.

"Is anyone wearing an underwire bra." Angel looked at her as if she had gone mad.

"Its a long shot but maybe the wire will be strong enough to pick the lock."

A few minutes later she was on her knees in front of the door. One of the girls had removed her bra and Evie had pulled out the long curved piece of wire. She bent it and then manipulated the two ends into the lock.
The estate in which Evie found herself belonged to Khaled's Uncle Ahmed. He ran a telecommunications business which had it's headquarters in Los Angeles. Ahmed is a legitimate businessman who of course has deep family ties. He will do anything to help his nephew out. No matter what the cost is to him. The estate sits on 5.23 acres. The large house has over 11,000 square feet of living space. Armed guards patrolled the inside of the house & out on the grounds 24 hours everyday. The house is also protected by a crack security staff who monitor both inside & outside. They use cameras and motion detectors to alert them of movements on the property. If Evie were to get the door she's working on open. She wouldn't get far until guards swooped down upon her. Evie wasn't dealing with some common criminal. She was dealing with a man who gets what he wants. He lets nothing stand in his way. Not even the loss of Hughes worried Khaled. He had more then one way to get women. Whether it was through trickery or out right kidnapping. Khaled always gets what he desires most. Right now Khaled desired the nukes that Sidorov had. Three bombs which his cause could use against the American infidels. Khaled wanted nothing more then to see the west brought down to it's knees.

Cyrus had taken some shots of Kacey with his cell camera. Khaled sent those images to just a few people that he know would be interested in buying her. He was clearly happy with the amounts they were sending back. The bidding on Kacey hadn't started, but Khaled now knew how much she would bring in. The lowest bid was $75,000 dollars, the highest was $250,000 dollars. That was just from a few men. The price for Kacey would go much higher once her auction started. Kacey was in line to set a new record for an American whore. With the current stock of girls Khaled had. He expected to rake in at least 2 to 3 million dollars. This was a win, win situation for Khaled. He was making money by selling the American whores. Plus he was getting weapons and hopefully bombs to bring America down. He saw no way for him lose. Khaled had no fear of the police, nor did he fear any law enforcement agencies. He saw himself as above American laws. Just as he saw himself above American women.

Khaled, Cyrus and a guard made their way down to the special room where the women were kept. Cyrus was going to explain what would be happening in the morning. The auctions would start, live over the internet. The girls were expected to be ready. If they weren't ready then whippings would be in order. Middle Eastern men wouldn't want a whore who didn't know her place. So a few whip marks wouldn't bring down the price. The girls would be paraded in front of the web cameras. They would of course be naked and be expected to put on a sex show. This would allow the buyers to see who the biggest whores were. Some men wanted those innocent ones like Kari who cry. While others wanted the cheapest, nastiest whore they could find. Khaled and the others stopped just outside the door. They could hear an odd sound coming from inside. The guard quickly unlocked the door and yanked it open. Khaled looked down and saw Kacey there without her collar on. The fire grew in his eyes. His black eyes seemed to flash over with anger. Khaled lashed out at Kacey. He back handed her acrossed the face. " How dare you take your collar off! " Khaled snapped out at her. He then knelt down and picked up the wire Kacey was using on the door. " It seems that you need a desperate lesson in respecting your betters! " The other girls wanted to come to Kacey's aid, but they knew better. The other girls knew there was no escape. No one was looking for them and no one even knew where they were. The girls had been brought here during the night time hours. They had also been kept down in the basement in this room which had no windows. None of the girls had a cell phone. There was no way of contacting anyone for help. Kacey hadn't shared the truth of who she really was with Angel & Kari yet. Something like that could provide the hope needed for survival.
Evie hasn't expected none to be back so quickly. It was the middle of the night; surely these people had to sleep. The truth was the parts of the world that Khaled was dealing with we're waking up and in a sort time they would be expecting their usual morning online auction. Evie hasn't heard the men approaching on the other side of the door and the first she knew of their presence was hearing the key in the lock. She couldn't move quickly enough to get fully off her knees by the time the door was pulled open. She saw the highly polished shoes of the three men first then she slowly looked up, meeting Khaled's glare as he stared down. The slap made Evie squeal and was hard enough to knock her off balance. As she landed in a heap, she saw him pick up the wire and turn it in his hands as he spoke. Then he handed the wire to Cyrus and then he moved quickly stepped towards her and reached down. He wrapped one hand around her neck under her chin and the other took a handful of hair. She was half dragged half carried across the floor, her feet scrambling to try and get some purchase and her hands holding tight, one on each wrist of the hands which held her. She was picked up and slammed hard against the wall. Khaled's hand was large. It reach completely around the front of her neck. It squeezed just enough that Evie could feel constriction; she could feel his finger tips squeezing.

"I...I'm sorry" she gasped. "It was ...hurting my...neck. Please. I..I'm sorry" Khaled's leaned close to her. "YOU. WILL. BE." He whispered each word softly, carefully. The guard who had retrieved the collar stepped over to them. Khaled's let go of Evie and moved away. He didn't need to tell the guard what to do. Evie had slipped down the wall a little and was bent forward rubbing her neck and trying o catch her breath.

'Stand up.' The guard instructed in a thick middle eastern accent. She looked up and then stood slowly. The guard secured the collar back in place, smirking as he did so. When he was finished he pulled the leash fom his pocket and clipped it back into place. "Turn around...I said...." When Evie hadn't moved quickly enough, he grabbed hold of her shoulder and pulled then pushed, running her to face the wall. "... Turn...around" then he took her wrists and secured them into two thick leather cuffs which were in turn hooked together.

While the guard was securing Evie, Khaled's told Cyrus to instruct the rest of the women, but they would start with Kacey. He then turned back to Evie.

"Come here... Heel" Evie turned slowly, stared at him, looked at the guard...and then back to Khaled. Everything in her wanted to stand her ground but she knew it would be a pointless gesture. She stepped forwards. The guard moved behind her. Khaled led them up the stairs and into a room at the far end of a corridor. One huge wall in the room was made up of large TV screens, maybe 42'' each one with an image of men. Some in plush white marble rooms, others in oak panelled board rooms and one was in what looked like a tent. All the screens showed men of middle eastern origin. Evie gazed at then as she stepped into the middle of the room. Even as their expressions all seemed to change, it didn't click with her that they could see her...that they were watching her. It didn't click until she heard Khaled address them.

"Good morning Gentlemen."
While Evie stood in front of this group of men on the screens. Khaled spoke of the different girls he had for sale. He pointed at Evie saying that her name was Kacey and she was first on the auction block. Khaled spoke to a couple of his men. He spoke in his language ordering them to strip Kacey of her dress. The two men came up pulling out knives and cut the dress from Kacey's body. She was soon naked standing in the middle of the room. Each men on those screens had their eyes on Kacey. Two more men entered the room wearing robes. They removed these robes showing that they were naked. They were here to fuck Kacey in front of those watching. She was expected to perform a show for the men who were looking to buy her. Khaled was just about to tell the buyers everything about Kacey. Everything that her prison file told that is. But before Khaled started, his cell phone went off. Khaled reached into his pocket and looked at the text message on the screen. His eyes narrowed a little, then a sly smile came over his face. Khaled walked up in front of Kacey and held up his phone. On the screen were the words " She's a cop!" Khaled's finger passed over the screen and a picture of Evie came up. " It seems gentlemen we have a celebrity up for sale today!......A member of the LAPD who is also part of their Major Crimes Unit! " Khaled was quite pleased with this turn of events. He didn't see this as a drawback. This meant that the girl before him would only make him more money. " Those men on the screens will pay even more for a someone of your stature..........Don't be foolish to think that your being a cop will help you. " Khaled whispered to Evie then he turned around and faced the the screens. Evie was forced down on to her knees. Those two naked men came walking up and stood on each side of Evie. " Gentlemen!.........Detective Evelyn Taylor will now show that even American female police officers are nothing more then common whores! " Khaled boldly said as he held out his left hand towards Evie. One of Khaled's men grabbed Evie by the hair on the back of her head. He demanded that she suck his cock and the cock of his friend. Khaled started to laugh then he snapped his fingers and a tape of Evie started to play. This was taken in the shower of the prison and clearly showed Evie fucking Bass & Blair. It was very clear that she did this willingly and she enjoyed it. " Don't be shy...........Everyone here knows that all American women are whores..........You can't hide the truth. " Khaled had all his bases covered. He had planned on using this tape made in the prison whether Evie played along or not. Those men would get their show one way or another. Somewhere on one of those screens was the man who spotted Evie as a cop. These men deal in large sums of money and often in criminal activities. One had run Evie's face on a facial recognition program. This told the tail of who Kacey really was.
Evie looked around the rest of the room. It was practically empty. There was a small table in the far corner which held some glasses and a jug of water. Evie shivered a little a looked away. In the middle of the room was a large square leather foot stool. She thought it somewhat out of place as there was no other furniture around. When Khaled's men began to move towards her, she stepped back a little but they were quickly at her sides. They took hold of her and she squirmed but the appearance of the knives reduced her movements substantially. She heard Khaled comment that "as you can see, this whore will need substantial obedience training." But she was more occupied with the fact that she was being stripped. The was nothing she could do to prevent it though, particularly with her hands secure behind her. As Khaled talked she could see every face in the screens looking at her. Then she heard the door behind her open. She turned her head and saw the two heavy set middle eastern men walking in. She watched them disrobe. Then the phone ring echoed around the room. And if things looked bad before they suddenly turned a whole lot worse.

As Khaled showed her the phone, the picture, her whole body stiffened. There was nothing to deny. There was nowhere to go.

"My being a cop doesn't have to help me. But if you continue with this, then my being a cop will make things much worse for you and your friends." She looked towards the screens. "Don't think being behind those screens will protect you." As Evie was talking one of the men came up behind her and she was pushed down onto her knees. She squealed as her head was pulled back by her hair. Her mouth was open. One of the men rubbed his cock back and forth over her lips.

"Bite me bitch and I swear I will break your fucking neck, do you understand!" Evie looked at the man who had almost spat the words out. She knew he wasn't exaggerating. As she took him into her mouth, she heard Bass and Blair talking... She remembered the conversation... She knew what was being shown. The two men no in the room took it in turns to fuck her mouth, choking her, slapping her face, spitting into her mouth. Then one of them dragged her across the room to the large footstool. He picked her up and dropped her onto it, telling her to get onto her knees. The hook which held her hands together behind her was undone and her hands were brought in front of her only to then be rejoined. She was pushed down onto her hands and knees and as one man presented his cock to her mouth again, the other moved behind her. With each passing moment, Evie was beginning to forget the audience. She was getting more and more turned on by what these two men were doing to her. And soon her live moans and squeals began to mix with the recorded sounds of her with Blair and Bass. All the time Khaled provided a commentary, talking about what a whore she was and how once she was broken she would be insatiable.

"Tell these men what you are Evelyn" The man in front of Evie withdrew his cock and pulled her head round so that she was facing the screens. Khaled moved forward and leaned over her.

"You love cock, don't you Evelyn... Tell these men that you are a cock loving whore." When she hesitated, he slapped her face. "TELL THEM!" Khaled looked at the man behind Evie and nodded, silently telling him to fuck her harder. She moaned, squealed and then did what Khaled had instructed.

"I... I'm a ... Cock loving...whore... A cock loving whore."

"A cock loving whore who needs to learn obedience... Needs to learn her place. Say it" he slapped h face again.

"I'm a cock loving whore...needs to... Needs to learn my place... Needs to learn to obey." Khaled smiled, satisfied for the moment.
The tape of Evie's actions in the shower room had done it's job. Khaled snapped his fingers again and the tape was stopped. All that as left was Evie's own sounds. The men on those screens had heard what she had said. They could see that she was truly a cock loving whore. Her empty threats towards those men were quickly laughed off. Even Khaled felt that what Evie said was nothing more then a joke. He knew that her being in jail was a sign of the police looking into his operation. But since Khaled acted so quickly. There was no way for the police to know where Evie was. This was a sad and very true fact. Tom and the others had no idea where Evie was taken. The search of Cyrus's house turned up nothing. Cyrus himself was staying at Khaled's Uncle's estate. Once the auctions were over. Khaled & Cyrus would take all the women south into Mexico. There they would be shipped out to those who bought them. It surely looked as if all hope for a rescue was gone.

While Khaled's men worked over Evie sexually. He opened the bidding on her. The first bid came after Khaled spoke those words. It was $275,000 dollars. Khaled told how Evie also enjoyed having sex with other women. He had heard about Evie and her cell mate enjoying each other. This made the rise to $350,000 dollars, but it didn't stay there. It jumped to $400,000 dollars, then to $550,000 dollars. " Gentlemen.......We have here a whore who has an insatiable appetite........You can see for yourselves how much she enjoys it. " Khaled pointed out how Evie was really getting into the action. " Yusef.......imagine tossing her into a cage with your dogs?..........She would provide much sport for you my friend........I'm sure this whore would go down on your camel just to get some cock. " Khaled spoke openly to one of his friends on one of the screens, but his words were heard by all. The price again jumped. It reached $775,000 dollars and within the next few minutes continued to rise. Soon the price for Evie broke the $1 million dollars mark. Bidders were dropping out, but there were still two battling over Evie. $1.5 million was the next offer. This was countered with $2.5 million. Khaled's men fucked Evie harder and harder as the bidding went higher. The more money that was bid upon her, the harder they fucked her. They wanted Evie to put on a show of a life time. Khaled wasn't disappointed when the auction was finally over. The winning bid for Evie was $3.75 million dollars. The winning bidder was Amir Aziz a wealthy businessman from Egypt. All the other screens went blank for the moment. The other would return when the auction continued for the other girls. Right now Amir was left with his new prize. Once Khaled's men were done using Evie, she was dragged over to the screen where her new master was waiting. " I look forward to seeing you with my dogs! " Amir said with a sneer on his face. He made it clear that Evie would show her worth by pleasing his animals before he allowed her to enter his house and please him. Khaled laughed openly at Evie. He told her that she found a master who would treat her the way she needed.

Evie was given a simple dress to slid on before she was taken back to where the other girls waited. The hours passed by and each girl was put through the same auction. Once all the girls were sold, the auction came to an end. It was now morning. The sun was shining brightly over the fabulous estate. Soon the girls would be on their way to Mexico and their new lives as sex slaves. Khaled had made more money then he could have hoped for. The auction netted him over $5 million dollars. This was the best auction Khaled ever had. He still had one deal that needed finished. Khaled wanted those nuclear bombs. He was still in talks with Sidorov over the price. He needed this deal done before they would leave.
Khaled spoke, orchestrating the bidding with his words and at the same time, quietly encouraging the men in the room to fuck her harder, and the men in the room did indeed fuck her harder, pulling and pushing and twisting her body for their own purposes but also to show her off. Her cunt was fucked hard and then the man pulled out, and they turned the stool around showing the bidders her well fucked wet pussy. One man spread her wide as the other continued to fuck her mouth. It was those images which caused the bidding to reach $500,000. Later, Evie had been picked for a moment while one of the men laid down on the stool. Evie was then lifted on top of the man, his cock burying itself in her cunt. She was facing the screen. The man who had lifted her, then held her hands high above her head and had her ride his friend's cock as his hips thrust upwards. Evie's tits bounced and she squealed as his cock rammed into her. The bids increased again. Then she was pushed forward and the second man pushed his cock into her ass for the first time. As he did so, he grabbed her hair pulling her head back so that the bidders could see her face as he slammed his cock into her tight ass. Khaled walked across to Evie and leaned forward again.

"You like that don't you Evelyn. Tell these good men what you like." He slapped her cheek a few times. "Tell them Evelyn."

"I... I like ... it.... "

"What do you like Evelyn"

"I... like being fucked like this."

"Like what Evelyn" With each question, Khaled slapped Evie's cheek quickly with his fingers

"I like being... fucked ... in the ass... "

"Does Salem's cock feel good?"

"Yes... ohhh god... so... so good."

"Do you want him to fuck you harder Evelyn. Ask him... Beg him"

"Pl...please... please fuck me... fuck my ass harder.. please..." As Salem laughed and did exactly what the whore had asked him, Evie screamed.

"Yusef... imagine your dogs with this. Amir... what about your's. Can you imagine that Evelyn? Can you imagine a large dog fucking you so hard and fast. Have you ever watched a dog fuck a bitch Evelyn? He locks into her... sometimes for an hour or more... fucking his bitch... Imagine how that would feel Evelyn. Do you think you would enjoy that? Do you?"

"Arrrhh... y...yes...aaahhh ohhh fuck..." Khaled laughed and pushed her head away from him. "Gentlemen. I assure you we have never had a sale of something like this before and it will be a long time before there is anything similar."

Ten minutes later the bidding was done. Evie's cunt and ass where filled with cum and then she was made to suck clean their cocks before she was dragged in front of the screens and pulled onto her feet. She was breathing hard. There was now a single image of Amir but it was across all of the tv screens making him look huge and omipitant. When he told her he was looking forward to seeing her with his dogs, Khaled smacked her ass hard. "Thank your new master. He has invested much in you and the least you can do is thank him." Evie stared daggers at Khaled but he just stared back, his glare daring her to disobey him. She didn't. She looked back to Amir. "Thank ... you." Khaled smacked her again. "Thank you Master" Evie squealed. "Th..ank you... Master".

The girls had gotten a little sleep during the night, but not too much. Evie's body ached and she had worked hard. She had managed to get a few hours, sitting on the floor, propped up against the wall. In the morning, she was woken by the door opening and one of the guards stepping in, looking around and indicating for her to get up. She hesitated for a moment but then got to her feet. The guard led her up the stares and then up more stares. She was led into a room. There was a man in a dressing gown, stood at a window with his back to her. Once the guard had left, he turned around. It was Cyrus.

"I hear you had an enjoyable time with Khaled and his friends this morning. You made us a great deal of money. I never imagined that a cop would do that for me.". He stepped over to a table and poured himself some coffee. Then he walked up to her.

"Tell me. What were you doing in the prison. How did you know that you could get to Khaled through that prison?"

Evie shrugged. "I'm a good guesser." Cyrus smiled and then out of know where, he slapped her, open handed across the face, putting her down onto her knees.

"That's not a very good answer. Perhaps the former deputy governor's methods would be more productive." Evie stared up at him, wiping away a small trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth. "You can't run the risk of damaging Amir's property. Im worth a lot of money apparently."

"You're a cop whore. That's all. But Hughes' methods didn't leave any injury did they?"
The new day had dawned and the MCU returned to the Central Station. They had looked at everything. Cyrus's houses was gone over with a fine tooth comb. The CHP had taken everything from Hughes's office. Nothing pointed to where Khaled had taken Evie. Even thoughts in custody had no clue as to where Khaled was at. Everyone was worried about Evie and how she was holding up. No one had expected her to be taken in this manner. They had expected that she would have been returned to the prison. That didn't happen because Evie messed with Cyrus's plan. When Evie tried to save Kari by causing her to be sick. That changed what Cyrus wanted done. Cyrus still wasn't happy about that. But it all made sense to him after he found out that Evie was a cop. Now he just wanted to know what else she knew. " A few marks won't change anything. " Cyrus warned Evie as he grabbed her and forced for into his private bathroom. The bath tub was already filled with cold water. Cyrus placed his right foot against the back of Evie's knee. He forced her down towards the tub. They struggled a bit more before Cyrus planted a punch to Evie's stomach. Cyrus moved Evie's head over the tub and forced it down into the cold water. He yanked her head out and asked how she knew about Khaled and the prison. Evie's answer wasn't what Cyrus wanted to hear. He again forced her head down into the water. Holding it there for only a few seconds. Again Evie's head was lifted out and Cyrus asked his question. This went on and on for another few minutes until Evie told Cyrus how she knew.

Tom looked at his watch. He told James & Kim that they had a meeting with the NCIS in 45 minutes. This meeting was set up last night when Hetty came to see Tom & James. Tom had hoped that Evie would be part of this meeting since it was to share information on Sidorov and his bombs. Tom & the others left and headed for the Los Angeles office of the NCIS. After arriving at their office, the MCU team entered and met with Hetty. She introduced her team to the MCU. Tom & James knew Deeks from his undercover work with the LAPD. Tom shared that their fourth member Evie had been taken by Khaled. Hetty suggested that her ops team may be able to help with finding her. Both teams went the operations center where Eric Beale & Nell Jones were already working on tracking down Sidorov & Sanchez. Hetty asked them to look at Khaled's background and see if there was someplace he would be holding while in country. It took a little digging, but Eric & Neil found out about Khaled's Uncle Ahmed. Neil pointed out that he owned a house only 20 miles south from Los Angeles. The house sat on a high cliff over looking the ocean. Tom looked at the map of the are on the large computer screen. He nodded his head and pointed. " That's where they've taken Evie! " Tom was sure that Khaled would seek shelter from his family. Hetty agreed and said that her team would be happy to help with a rescue. Tom looked at around at James, then to Kim. He continued to look around at Deeks, Kensi, Sam Hanna and finally to Agent Callen. Tom knew as did each person here that by rescuing Evie. They would be showing their hand. This would likely scare Sidorov back underground and a chance to recover those 3 bombs would be lost. But each person nodded their heads saying that a rescue was more important. Tom thanked Hetty and her team for their help. Both teams left together on their mission to save Evie from whatever fate Khaled had in store for her.

Once Cyrus got the information he wanted. He ripped the simple dress Evie had on from her body. He then forced his cock into Evie's pussy. Cyrus Evie's head was held just above the water as Cyrus fucked her. " This is all you're good for!.......Remember that whore!......You're nothing but a fuck toy to be used by every man who comes acrossed you! " Cyrus spoke out as he slammed into Evie's cunt. " You'll always remember me!.........A whore doesn't forget the men who treat her like she wants to be treated! " Cyrus was fucking Evie like he hated her. There was nothing soft about the way she was being used.
Evie stared up at Cyrus as the fresh memories of the wet cloth clinging to her face and the water gradually filling her lungs with every breath she fought for played like a movie in her head. She could feel the fear beginning to take hold of her and as it did, she didn't really appreciate the speed with which Cyrus suddenly moved. She squealed as he grabbed hold of her hair and began to drag her across the room. She felt the carpet burning against her thigh and then her ass as she tried to turn and twist and find her feet, but he moved her easily... quickly... through into the bathroom where she slid easily across the glossy tiles. Then it was him turning and twising her body as he pulled her into the position he wanted. She lashed out with her hands but never seemed to find any contact. Eventually Cyrus caught one of her wrists and that made turning her even easier. She felt the edge of the bath in her ribs. He lifted her a little and she managed to get her feet on the floor. It was only for a moment however, as she quickly felt something at the back of her knees, making then crease. Again the edge of the bath hit her ribs, but now Cyrus had some momentum and suddenly her head was underwater. Her free arm lashed out, reached for anything but found only empty space and fresh air. He held her head down for what seemed like such a long time. Her chest hurt... it ached... she needed to breath... she had to...but then the water would be...

Cyrus suddenly pulled her up; she was gasping as he leaned in to her. "Why were you in the CIW?"

It was the easiest thing in the world to tell him that the Governor had given them the case. The file information had told them that inmates were disappearing. But she knew that Cyrus couldn't kill her; if he did she was sure that Khaled would take his revenge... $3.75m was a lot of money. But seconds after she opened her mouth, she couldn't for the life of her understand why she hadn't just told him. But she didn't.

"Fuck you" she managed to gasp out in between coughs and splutters. And then her head was pushed back down. It was an exact repeat of a the first time, except this time, already out of breath, Evie couldn't wait as long before she had to take the breath. And this time, Cyrus held her down for longer. It was only after the fourth time that Evie finally had no more fight left. She needed Cyrus to stop and maybe... maybe he would if she told him. Did it really matter why she was there? And so in between the coughing and the gasping and the throwing up water, Evie told him. For a moment after she had told Cyrus about the police file and the Governor had given to Tom, Evie really thought that Cyrus was going to leave her alone, but then she felt her dress being ripped and almost as soon as her mind had processed the thought, she felt his cock ram into her cunt. Her body slammed against the edge of the tub and she groaned. And then he withdrew and rammed into her again. Evie was in no doubt that Cyrus was enjoying himself... enjoying every minute, but he seemed to be able to fuck her for so long before he finally unloaded deep inside her. He grunted loudly as he did so, holding himself deep inside her. When he was completely done her pushed her head away hard.

"You aint ever going to forget that bitch, are you? Now get the hell out of my bathroom." Just as Cyrus turned around to walk out of the bathroom, tightening the belt on his robe, he was suddenly aware of what sounded like all hell breaking loose elsewhere in the house. Something wasn't right. He didn't know what exactly, but something was very wrong. He left quickly, slamming his room door behind him and giving no more thought to the whore he left on his bathroom floor.
Tom & James took Tom's car. Sam & Callen used Sam's car. Kim rode with Kensi & Deeks. Both teams were being led to Ahmed's house by Eric & Nell. They used satellites to watch the area and help the teams slip in without being seen. The two teams slipped quietly up to the edge of the large estate before they made their move. Callen & Sam struck from the rear while Kensi & Deeks moved in from the left side. the right side of the house faced the cliff. Tom, James & Kim moved in from the front of the house. Shouts of "Federal Agents" & "LAPD" caught everyone off guard. Gun fire soon started all around the house. Automatic weapons, shotguns and pistol fire. One of these was the very familiar sound of Tom's Desert Eagle blasting away. Both teams were wearing their bulletproof vest sporting their teams initials printed on them. Cyrus ran to a window his face was pale with fear. Khaled was a few rooms away yelling out orders to his men. He himself had an AK-74 in his hands. Cyrus was only dressed in a robe and he had no weapon. He frantically looked around for a way to escape. Cyrus made a mad dash for the right side of the house.

Sam & Callen fought their way to the rear of the house. They joined up with Kensi & Deeks and entered the house. Khaled heard the new sound of gun fire coming inside the house. He along with three men exited out a window. The gun fire was still hot & heavy in the front of the house. The MCU team held their own until Khaled's men were ether pushed back or laid dead or wounded on the ground. Tom, James & Kim hit the front door while keeping up their fire. The NCIS team called out who their were as they moved through the house. Tom & the others found themselves in another heated gun fight in the foyer of Ahmed's house. They were taking heavy fire from the upstairs area. A group of guards had taken up spots around the staircase.
Suddenly Evie was aware of the noise too. Initially it was voices. Heavy feet running down stairs. But then she jumped at the reports of gun fire. Was this a falling out between bad guys or was it a bust? Evie pushed herself off of the floor, groaning a little, feeling the bruises already starting to form on her hip bones where they had been repeatedly banged into the edge of the bath. She picked up the remains of her dress and then dismissed any possibility of wearing it. She stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to a closet...Men's clothes. She closed the doors and stepped over to a tall set f drawers. Socks. Underwear. Finally...t-shirts. She pulled out a dark blue Ralph Lauren cotton shirt. She didn't really have much choice. She guessed these must have been Cyrus' clothes. Slipping the t-shirt on, she kept looking through the drawers.

"Come on... there has to be something else..." Sweat pants, also dark blue. She pulled them out, closed the drawer and went back to the first one. She took a pair of sports socks and then tie. She put the rest of the clothes on and then tied the tie around her waist as a makeshift belt. But there was something else much more valuable in the drawer. She was sure she recognised the box. She opened it inside the drawer.

"Yes! Thank you God" inside the box was a Beretta 92FS stainless steel. It was the same weapon that Steve used; she knew it reasonably well if not as well as her own. It was heavier than the Glock which was the main reason she preferred her Glock. There was also two full clips. She loaded one but had nowhere to put the second. She would have to make her shots count. She took a breath and opened the bedroom door. The noise suddenly increased tenfold. There was a significant gun fight going on downstairs but she still didn't know which side, if any, she was on. As Evie moved along the upstairs corridor staying close to the wall, she came upon four men. They had their backs to her and were focused on what was happening downstairs. Could she take all four out before one of them took her. She'd have to move quickly...except there was really nowhere to go. And to move much further forward meant walking past doors when she had no idea what to who was behind them. Then she heard an unknown voice call out "NCIS...put the weapon down!" It was immediately followed by an exchange of fire. 'Someone didn't do what they were told' she thought and at least she knew that the Calvery had arrived and she knew what side she was on. So now she had no choice, she had to go forward, she had to help them out. She had to help herself. She took a few steps and then shots came from downstairs. One of the men went down and the other three ducked. She took the shots... Fired twice on one target...readjusted her aim and moved...fired twice...moving as she did so. In some ways it was just like the police house at the academy.... But the targets there didn't fire back. Three shots hit the wall next to her, the last one sending a piece of plaster flying into Evie's cheek. She pressed herself hard into a door frame as more shots came from downstairs. Then things quietened a little. Heart pounding she wiped her cheek, feeling a light trickle of blood running down. She took a breath and quickly looked around the doorway then pulled back. There were three bodies on the floor but she hasn't seen the fourth man. She swallowed and then slowly stepped out. Nothing. He took a few more steps and then suddenly a man appeared in front of her from the top of the stairs.

"Put the gun down. Now!"

Evie immediately saw the NCIS on the black vest of the man in front of her. She quickly lifted both hands. "I'm LAPD"

"Put the gun down! Easy! Badge?"

Evie almost laughed. "Do I look like I'm carrying my badge" Slowly she started to crouch down ready to put her weapon on the floor. But then he saw something, behind the man who was directly in front of him.

"DOWN!" She immediately reversed her movement and raised beretta back up. For whatever reason, the man in front of her dropped rather than simply opening fire on her. She fired three times into a white shirt. That was all she saw black vest...not NCIS...not LAPD. The guy from NC.i.s stood slowly looking behind him. Then he looked back to Evie.

"I take it you're Taylor?

Evie nodded. He seemed to recognise her question in his expression. "Callen. You okay." He pointed to her cheek. She lifted her hand and wiped it again. "I'll live."
Sam Hanna quickly appeared, his weapon swinging from right to left as he looked for a target. " G!.....You alright!? " Sam called out as he caught sight of Callen standing with a woman. He walked up lowing his weapon. Sam held out his hand towards Evie. " You must be Evie.....We've heard a lot about you from your team. " Sam said as gun fire was still coming from the front part of the house. It wasn't as loud, or as often as it had been. " Let's get you back where you belong. " Callen said as the three began to move back where Callen & Sam had come from. It was long before they ran right into Kensi & Deeks. " Evie!.....I see you're still looking hot. " Deeks said while a wink of his eye. Kensi just shook her and sighed. " Can't you leave the poor girl alone?.....She just got rescued and your slobbering all over her. " Kensi popped Deeks in the arm as she spoke. These two acted like a married couple. " Come on.......Lets hook up with the MCU. " Sam said as he moved out ahead leading the way.

The MCU team had finally cleared the foyer area of trouble from upstairs and down stairs. Soon the NCIS team appeared with Evie among their group. Kim's eyes flew open wide and she dashed for Evie. She through her arms around Evie's neck and hugged her. " It's good to see you partner! " Kim said while Tom & James came up. Tom drew his thumb over the cut on Evie's cheek. He looked at the blood on the end of his thumb. " It seems you were the only one to get wounded during the fight. " Tom said giving Evie a smile. He then put and arm around Evie giving her a hug. Everyone was glad that Evie was back and she appeared to be okay. Callen asked if anyone had seen Gates or Khaled during the fight. No one had seen ether men inside or outside of the house. Suddenly the sounds of a helicopter starting up was heard. Kim yelled out that they must be trying to get away! Tom was already gone like shot. He headed outside pulling the empty clip from his weapon and placing a fresh one inside. Tom took up a position between the house and the copter as it was lifting off. Everyone else followed just behind Tom getting the weapons ready to fire. Deeks held out his hands telling everyone to hold it. He just smiled as the members of his team looked at him. " Watch a master at work. " Deeks said as Tom opened on the helicopter. One thunderous crack followed another as Tom emptied a clip into the escaping chopper. The first shot mailed the helicopters tail rotor. This cause the chopper to swing wildly in the air. The others shots were just as deadly. The motor started to fill the air around it with thick black smoke. It then rolled over and smashed into the ground.

Units from the L.A. County Sheriff's Department started to arrive on scene. Kensi was amazed at what she had just saw. She looked at Evie quite stunned. " You work with a real life Dirty Harry? " Deeks just laughed since being a member of the LAPD, he expected this to happen. Kim & James joined Deeks in his laughter. Sam just looked at Callen and said "DAMN!" Evie's rescue was over and without anyone getting shot. The basement still held Kari, Angel and the other girls. Then there was the matter of finding out who was inside the now wrecked helicopter and there was still hope that Sidorov could be caught.
As Sam appeared, Evie immediately raised her weapon again, but Callen reached out and, placing his hand over the top of the barrel he had her lower it. "He's with me", he said. Evie relaxed and then nodded as the man spoke to her. "I hate to think, but I'm sure glad to see you guys." She held out her hand and the three of them introduced themselves before heading cautiously back down the stairs. As they approached a second pair of agents sporting the NCIS vests, Evie found herself taking a second look and a smile spread across her face just as Deeks said hello in his own inimitable style. She laughed and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Looking hot... in this... you're either blind or your way too polite." She paused for a moment and shook her head a little, surprised to see him. "How are you doing Marty?"

"You know each other", Sam asked.

Both of the nodded. "I was still in uniform... probably still on probation... you were undercover living rough on the street. I arrested him. Which did his street cred the world of good of course."

"I thought you said that no-one in LAPD liked you... you'd pissed off too many shields." Callen said.

"There are always the exceptions." Deeks added.

"Who said I liked him?" Evie asked, almost entirely straight-faced. The others - except Deeks, who feined hurt - started to laugh quietly as Sam suggested that they move. It didn't talk long before they met up with the MCU but the reunion was cut a little short with the sound of the helicopter and the subsequent excitement as Tom decided to shoot the thing quiet literally out of the sky. When Kensi asked about her working with Dirty Harry, Evie just shrugged and shook her head. "What can I say? He's a pussy cat really."

When the rest of them started to head towards Tom and the remains of the chopper, Evie said she was going to get the other girls out of the basement. James said he would go with her. He had been a little quiet, but as the team had only just gotten his sister back, he wasn't quite ready to let her out of his sight. As they walked back in to the house, Evie told James that there were about a dozen or so girls downstairs. She knew that two of them had come from the CIW but had no idea where the rest of them were from.

"I'd like to try and get Angel and Kari a bit of a break from the DA... particularly Kari. She should never had been in the CIW."

James smiled. "You are still a cop right... not a defense counsel?"

""Yeah... still a cop..." Evie started to laugh. "Remember that dinner when I came home and told Dad I wanted to go to law school."

"You almost gave him a heart attack." Their laughter died down as they approached the top of the stairs. James reached out and took hold of Evie's forearm, making her pause for a moment and look at him. "You're okay right?" he asked. "They didn't...". Evie stared at him for a moment; part of her wanted to tell him everything; part of her wanted to have her elder brother tell her every was going to be okay. But it wasn't the time and she wasn't entirely sure that she could tell him. She smiled despite what she was feeling inside and once again she pushed down the pain and the fear. "I'm fine... few bruises... probably a lot less than I'm going to get in a few weeks in the MMA thing." James didn't look convinced but he decided not to push it. They had to clear up the scene and see what they were left with in regard to the case. Maybe he would have a word with Steve or his Dad... see what they thought.
Kensi looked at Evie when she said Tom was really a pussycat. She gave her a smile while shaking her head. " That cat has some bite. " Kensi said while everyone looked at the wrecked helicopter. Tom holstered his weapon as Callen remarked that Dirty Harry was a pussy compared to Tom. He stated that Tom's .50 Desert Eagle was way more powerful then a .44 Mag. Tom turned and walked back joining the others. He suggested that everyone else search the grounds for signs of Cyrus Gates while Evie & James went to free the other girls. Tom looked at Deeks for a moment and shook his head. " You still haven't got a hair cut. " Tom sounded very disgusted as he spoke. He was in fact just teasing Deeks who looked almost hurt by the comment on his hair. " Really? " Deeks replied as Kensi pulled him away. Sam & Callen headed around back while Tom & Kim headed for the driveway which leads down to the main road. Tom asked the Sergeant leading the Sheriff's Deputies to get a helicopter up. He wanted the area surrounding the house searched as well. Kensi & Deeks started searching along the cliff area of the house. She asked Deeks if he had worked with Tom? Evie had already said that she knew him. Deeks said that Tom was at one time the top Sergeant in Homicide . They had crossed paths more then just a few times. Deeks said that Tom was always riding him about his hair. Which was more of a running joke then anything else. While it was true that Deeks had made more then a few enemies in the department. None of the MCU team disliked Deeks. Kim didn't know him at all since she spent so much time undercover. James had met Deeks a few times over the years. Working Vice for all those years almost always had James on the streets. Evie was the one on the team who knew Deeks better then anyone. They became friends after she busted him.

The three teams of two searched the area but found to trace of Gates. It did appear as if he had slipped away during the fight. The sheriff's crime scene techs found that Khaled was inside the helicopter when it went down. He was dead, as was everyone else in the chopper. Suddenly Eric's voice came over Callen's earpiece. He told Callen that they had eyes on Sanchez. They spotted Sanchez on a security camera. He had just entered a warehouse on South Santa Fe Avenue. Nell broken in and said that there was a large semi truck parked at the warehouse. It was was certainly big enough to haul all three of those bombs they had been hunting. Callen replayed the info to everyone else. Both teams would head back to L.A. and hit that warehouse with the hope that Sidorvo and those bombs were there.
Evie and James brought the girls upstairs. There had been a slightly uncomfortable reunion between Evie and Angel who wasn't too happy at the fact that Evie was a cop. For the most part her experience of cops wasn't good and Evie didn't blame her. James and Evie took them into a lounge upstairs and Evie got one of the paramedics to come in and check each one out. As Evie was about to start taking details, Tom came in and told her and James about Sidirov at the warehouse. Evie looked around... looked down at herself.

"I think you guys should go with the NCIS guys. I'll stay and do some clean up here. And I can hardly go and make bust back in the City when I don't even have any shoes. Did anyone find Khaled? Gates?" As she mentioned each man, her head flicked through images of the last few hours and she heard a replay of Gates telling her she wouldn't forget him. 'A whore doesn't forget the men who treat her like she wants to be treated.' Images of Khaled and Hill and Mccaffrey quickly came into her head. Maybe he was right.
When Evie said about not being dressed properly, Tom smiled slyly at her. He pulled out his cell phone and texted Kim to bring the in the bag. Within moments Kim appeared carrying an LAPD gym bag. Kim handed Evie the bag saying that there was a pair of Evie's jeans, her running shoes, her LAPD t-shirt, underwear, bra, her badge & ID and her Glock. Kim just smiled and said that she packed a bag ahead of time. Back when Evie was sitting at the city courthouse. Tom said that if Evie still wanted to stay at this scene. He was okay with that. Tom said that if Evie did stay she would be in charge over the scene. He then said that if she rather come with them. They were gonna be living soon, so she better change.

Tom told Evie that the sheriff's crime scene techs said that Khaled's body was in the twisted metal of the helicopter. He was quite dead. Gates on the other hand seemed to have escaped without being seen. The sheriff's helicopter hadn't stopped anyone in the area. It was possible that Gates had an escape plan just in case something like this happened. He hadn't flown under the radar this long by being sloppy. Gates was if anything very clever. It was possible that he even had any number of false identities. For now all anyone could do was hope that Gates would get picked up. The sheriff's deputies were still combing the area. The CHP had been alerted as was the LAPD and other locals police departments.
Evie smiled as she took the bag. It was going to feel good to get back into proper clothes. She thanked Kim and Tom for the forsight in planning ahead.

"Ten minutes. I promise. I'll be right back." Evie quickly disappeared. Ten minutes would give her time for one of the quickest showers she had ever had but the little voice inside her head was screaming for her to get rid of the 'stench' of Khaled and his men and of Gates from her body. A few years ago she had dated a guy in the Navy who had told her that a Navy shower was 3 minutes. At the time she couldn't believe that 3 minutes was possible... 5 maybe but not three. Now she was going to prove herself wrong. That would give her 5 minutes to get dressed and get her ass back ready to leave with her team and the NCIS guys. She ran upstairs and went into the first room she found; she certainly wasn't going back into what had been Cyrus' room. She turned on the shower and stripped. It took every bit of will power she had to pull herself out of the shower within the three minutes. She would have given almost anything to have been able to stay in the steaming hot water with fresh smelling soap. Maybe three minutes did become four in the end but she made up for it in her speed at getting dressed. Clean denims and an LAPD t-shirt never felt so good. She left the clothes she had found in Cyrus' room on the bed, and after slipping her badge and ID into her back pocket and taking out her Glock, she slipped the empty bag over her shoulder. On the way down the stairs she check the mechanism on the Glock, made sure it was locked and loaded.

"Here. Someone better log this, and the fact that its the kill weapon for a couple of bodies upstairs." When she arrived back in the lounge, she handed the Beretta to one of the Deputies.

"You're handing back the Beretta in favour of the Glock?" Deeks said as he walked into the room just at that moment. Evie turned to him and smiled. It was an old argument. Deeks also used the Beretta; swore that the manual safety on the 92FS had saved his life one time when a junkie had snatched his gun. Evie nodded.

"I'll keep my Glock thanks." Evie said as she slipped it into the back of her jeans and pulled her t-shirt over the top. When she looked back up, she saw that Deeks was still looking at her, smirking. "What?"

"Nothing. Ready?"

"Lead the way."
The two teams headed back for Los Angeles and the warehouse. Eric said that Sanchez hadn't come out and there was no sign of Sidorov anywhere. Sam knew that Sidorov could smell a trap 6 miles away. It wouldn't be easy catching him. Eric & Nell kept both teams in all three cars up to date while they made their way back to town. In time, the three cars pulled over about half a block from the warehouse. Eric said that there were 6 large loading dock doors at the front. The front also had two regular doors. The warehouse had one exit door on the left & the right side. There was also two exit doors in the rear. Callen looked at Tom and asked if he wanted the front? Tom smile and said sure. Callen then told Kensi & Deeks to cover the back. He & Sam would take the right side of the building. Tom placed Evie & Kim on the left side while he & James kicked in the front door. Everyone was linked up through the NCIS earpiece communicators. Once Tom & James had entered, they would call out for the other teams to strike. James stood just off to the left of the door. He was holding a Remington Model 870 12 gauge pump shotgun. Tom tried the handle and the door was locked. He just looked James shaking his head. James nodded back then moved in front of the door. Tom stepped away while James blew the hinges off the door. James kicked the rest of the door free. He and Tom entered while calling out to the other teams. " LAPD!! " Tom yelled out as gun fire had already started. Two men made a break for the rear. Sanchez and two others made a break for the left where Evie & Kim were entering. " FEDERAL AGENTS!! " Callen called out and the remaining men dropped their weapons. " They give up for them.......But they shoot at us. " Tom said to James on the fact that those men gave up when Callen & Sam entered and called out who they were. " They shoot at the cops but not the federal agents. " James and Tom moved up and helped to secure these men. There was still gun fire coming from the rear and the left, but it didn't last long. " Did we get Sanchez? " Callen asked not seeing him in this group.
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