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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Tom took the coffee cup while shaking his head. " You always have to be so formal. " Tom teased Evie before taking a slip of coffee. The time without food & water while only have Heroin injected into his body took it's toll. Tom was weak while looking very rough. This was a look Evie had never seen from Tom and certainly not one she wanted to see again. Tom apologized for attacking Evie the way he did. He had been told what happened in the alley by James earlier that morning. Tom then told Evie everything that happened too him. He hid nothing from Evie. Tom told her what Marie had done to make him think that she was Evie. He told her about the sex not wishing to hold anything back. They were in a relationship and he wanted her to know the truth. It would take time before Tom was back on his feet and back to duty. But Tom had plenty of time thanks to vacations days he had saved up. There was nothing major that needed the MCU's attention so time off was no problem. It gave Evie the time she needed to get ready for her fight. Kim was still trying to talk Evie into letting her fight. But Evie wasn't one to back down or run away from a fight. She would see this one through with the help of Sam & Callen.

While Tom was laid up, Rick set the wheels in motion for taking revenge against Marie & Cyrus. Rick made contact with the other major members of the cartel. He wanted to know if they would stand in his way? None of the other cartel members would stop whatever Rick wanted to do. They would just sit back and let whatever happens, happen. Rick made plans with his femme fatales. They would Rick's strike force against Marie & Cyrus. Rick didn't want a direct attack on Marie's place. A plan was formed to place a bomb that would take care of this problem. Natasha, Kelly and Kacey went to Mexico. It had only been a few days since Tom was rescued. They spent a few days watching and learning Marie's routines. They picked a perfect time when Marie & Cyrus would be together. From what the girls had seen every Wednesday Morning Marie & Cyrus took her limo into Tijuana. They waited until the next Tuesday Night came around. Kacey planted a bomb in Marie's limo while Natasha & Kelly covered her. The next morning the girls watched from a safe distance as Marie & Cyrus climbed into the limo and drove off. They waited until the car was safely away from the house before Kacey flipped a switch to activate the bomb. She then flipped another switch and set the bomb off. The limo went up in a huge fireball. No one escaped alive. The girls returned to the states and reported to Rick that the job was done. That was the same morning that Tom was finally sitting in bed and greeted Evie when she brought the coffee. Rick may not be a crime boss anymore. But no one messes with his family and gets away with it. Rick would do anything in the world to protect his son. Even if he had to order a hit on someone like in the old days.

Life would return to normal in time and everyone would move on. Evie had her MMA fight coming up with Cahill. But a surprising turn of events was on the horizon. A few months ago a young 17 year old prostitute escaped her abusive pimp in Chicago. She & a friend named Cindy fled to Miami with 6 diamonds that their pimp had. 6 diamonds may not seem like a lot. but these diamonds were prefect in cut, color, clarity and carat weight. Plus these diamonds were known as conflict diamonds and were illegal in America. Their pimp a man named Lamar "Lucifer" Jones was also a big time drug dealer. He was setting himself up as an international drug dealer by using diamonds given to him by Warlord from Africa to by drugs in South America. Lucifer would then get the drugs, take some for his own sale then ship the rest off to Africa. This went on for about a month before the two girls turned the tables on Lucifer and stole 6 diamonds from the last shipment to South America. Lucifer's drug connection down there wasn't happy when the amount of diamonds was off. He was expecting 200 diamonds and only received 194. The missing 6 diamonds were worth enough to piss the South American drug lord off. He cut the drug shipment to Lucifer and accused him of cheating him out of his payment. Lucifer had lost the drugs that the Warlords were waiting for. And by now he knew who had taken those diamonds.

Lucifer knew that there was no way he could explain this to ether the Warlords or his drug contact. They wouldn't care anyways. It was Lucifer's problem to deal with not theirs. Lucifer told his men to find those two bitches no matter where they went too! He wouldn't rest until those diamonds were his again and those two whores were dead. The two girls however seemed to stay one step ahead of Lucifer's goon squad. They knew they were being hunted. Once they couldn't unload the diamonds in Miami. The girls headed for Dallas, Texas. No one could be found there who would take conflict diamonds. The girls then headed for Las Vegas and once again no luck. Lucifer had put the word out to those who would take such diamonds. This was a small list of people around the country. Each time the girls tried to sell the diamonds, the dealer would contact Lucifer, but the girls would be gone before his men could arrive. Finally the girls ended up in Los Angeles. They would hopefully find someone here to buy the diamonds, or move on to Hawaii which was their last hope.

In a rundown motel room off of Hollywood Boulevard the two girls sat. Cindy was worried by now that they couldn't get away from Lucifer. She asked why they just couldn't send him the diamonds? Cindy thought that if Lucifer got his diamonds back, he may leave them alone. Alyssa just shook her head. " Are you nuts!?......He won't stop until he kills us! " Alyssa said as she was making up her face. They had been surviving by working on the streets which is something they had been doing for awhile now. Alyssa met Cindy after she started working the streets for Lucifer. He had been the pimp for Alyssa's mother Ariel who moved to Chicago from Los Angeles. Ariel had left behind someone she loved dearly just because she was afraid of commitment. She was young and wanted to live life. Ariel soon found out that she was pregnant and that changed her life forever. It was no secret who the father was. Ariel knew that the baby belonged to her former boyfriend from high school. The man whom she was going to marry before she got cold feet. She ended up staying in Chicago and because she had no real skills, Ariel started working the streets to take care of her daughter. In time Ariel fell in with a pimp name Lucifer Jones. He made so many promises, none of which he kept. Lucifer worked Ariel into the ground until she ended up getting hooked on drugs. When Alyssa turned 16 her mother died from an overdose. Alyssa was now lost in the world and soon fell into the same trap Lucifer laid out for her mother. It wasn't long before Alyssa was turning tricks in the windy city. She was using her mother's maiden name Goldman instead of her real last name, Reed. Alyssa didn't stay under Lucifer's thumb for long. She realized that it was Lucifer who hooked her mother on drugs and ultimately killed her because of the drugs. This was why Alyssa stole those diamonds. It was her way of getting back at the man who took her mother away.

Alyssa walked out from the dirty bathroom looking very hot. She had dark hair like her father. She also had her father's eyes & his attitude. Anyone who knew her father would be able to spot the family resemblance right away. Alyssa grabbed Cindy by the hand saying it was time to earn some money. They had hardly anything left from the road and needed to make some cash or they couldn't keep the motel room. The two girls hit the streets looking for action. The night had gone well for the two girls. They both had made some cash. Cindy had just left with a John leaving Alyssa behind. A car pulled up and the man inside asked Alyssa if she wanted to party. Alyssa was feeling pretty invincible right now. She climbed into the car and during the short drive she told this man how much sex would cost. The man wasted no time in pulling out his badge and slapping the cuffs on Alyssa. She had just been busted by the LAPD Hollywood Vice. Alyssa was take down to the Hollywood Station where she was placed into a cell.

It had been a busy night and a large number of hookers were picked up. It wasn't until morning that they started booking the last few girls. One of these was Alyssa, but since she was new on the streets and only 17. One of the detectives ran a background check on her. What came back shocked the detective so much he went to his sergeant with Alyssa's file. The Vice Sergeant almost choked on his doughnut when he saw who her father was. He told the detective to hold off booking this one. The sergeant the grabbed his phone and dialed the Central Station. By this time Tom was healthy and back to work. He & James had left that morning to transfer a prisoner into federal custody. They wouldn't be back until later that afternoon. It was just days away from Evie's big fight with Cahill. The men & women of the Central Station had a lot of money riding on Evie winning the fight. As luck would have it, Evie & Kim were in the MCU Squad room that morning when Evie's phone rang. On the other end was Sergeant Yamato from Hollywood Vice. He of course was looking for Tom. When he found out that Tom was out of town for a while. He asked if Evie wouldn't mind coming to the Hollywood Station? He had something very important that he wanted her help with.
She let Tom tell the story of what had happened to him; of what he could remember at least. When he told her about Marie having fucked him, making him think she was her, Evie was angry but her expression gave nothing away to Tom. She wasn’t angry at him. Her angry was very much for Marie and for Cyrus. When he had finished, she smiled. She took his face in her hands and leaned forward and kissed him softly. It was strange to feel the growth scratching at her chin and she definitely preferred him clean shaven but right then she needed to kiss him. She needed him to know that her feelings for him hadn’t changed. She broke the kiss and sat back still smiling.

“You know what Deeks would say if he were here right now?” Tom looked puzzled. “You need a haircut and a shave.” At that moment, Rick came in. “Couldn’t agree more and once Jen has been and checked him out, Im gonna get one of those chairs from the deck and set it in the shower and then I’m gonna call a friend of mine... barber in the City. We’ll get him here with his cut-throat and have you feeling a little more human in no time. We’ll get the sheets changed while you’re in the shower too.” Evie smiled. “Sounds like a pretty good plan to me.”

For the next few days, Evie would stay at her place, get up and run, call in and spend the morning with Rick and Tom then train in the afternoon with Callen and Sam, then go back to the boat for dinner before going home. Each day Tom started looking more and more like himself. On the third day after they got, he finally managed to persuade Rick to let him off the boat. He and Evie went for a walk along the harbour taking their time over it and just enjoying each other’s company. At the quietest end of the harbour, they had sat on one of the benches which looked out to sea and just made out, Evie sitting in Tom’s lap. Tom told her that once he was back fully fit and his father had moved back home then he was really going to have some fun with her. They kissed and giggled like teenagers, then eventually headed back when Tom’s cell phone rang and it was Rick checking that they were okay. When they got back to the boat, Kim was there. She gave Tom a hug and told him how much better he was looking. She stayed for dinner and while she was their Tom had an idea. While Evie was helping Rick wash up, Tom suggested to Kim that she take Evie out. The two of them should have some fun... some real fun. There was a twinkle in his eye as he spoke and it didn’t take long for Kim to understand what he meant. When Evie came back, Tom told her that Kim was going to take her out. When Evie tried to object, Tom convinced her that he wanted her to have some fun. She’d spent far too many days and nights cooped up. He wanted her to go out, get drunk, have fun. When she tried to suggest that she didn’t have the clothes, Tom reminded her that she had some clothes in his closet. Kim immediately took hold of Evie’s hand and playfully tugged at her saying she’d help her get ready and that they would have a great time; she knew just the place. Evie finally relented. Kim took Evie to a club in a quiet part of town; she had called Tammy and the three of them met up, spending a lot of the night drinking tequila and dancing. The three of them had then gone back to Kim’s place where they had a little more fun. Tom had gone to sleep that night imagining Kim and Evie together and remembering the night the three of them had spent at Evie's place. He was definitely looking forward to the day when he felt fully fit. He was going to spend some time with Evie treating her in exactly the way she liked.

That day had come the day before he was due to go back to work. He had finally gotten rid of his Dad the night before. He had spent the evening cleaning house and getting everything set. He had called Callen to say that Evie wasn't going to be training the following day. Sam understood perfectly. When Evie had arrived the following morning, Tom had practically taken her as soon as she had set foot on the boot. They barely spent any time vertical during the day and most of the time they were standing, Tom was still fucking her.

A week later, Tom and James had gone to make a prisoner transfer and the phone on Tom's desk started ringing. Evie picked up her phone and pushed a few buttons, transferring the call to her.

"Taylor... Hello Sergeant... He's not here. Won't be back for a couple of days. Him and James are doing a federal transfer.... What... erm... sure... I guess I can." She looked at her watch. "Give me about thirty minutes.... see you then." Kim looked at her as she stood up. Evie told her about the call. Kim asked if she wanted company, but Evie said she'd be okay... probably won't take too long. She took the Glock out of her drawer and slipped the shoulder holster on before pulling her jacket on and then she headed for the car. Twenty five minutes later she was walking into the Hollywood station.
Evie was pointed to where she could find Vice and Sergeant Yamato. Who was sitting at his desk looking very nervous. Once Evie came up and introduced herself, Yamato rose and shook her hand. He returned to his seat and started to talk. " Look Detective Taylor.....I don't want any trouble with your Lieutenant.......No one here knew that Tom had a daughter.......We certainly wouldn't have busted her if we had. " Yamato was clearly shaken as he spoke to Evie, but what he was saying was confusing to Evie. She knew Tom and his past. Evie knew that Tom had been married once, but no child came from that union. There were no pictures on Tom's boat and Rick had no pictures at his place. Evie knew the man whom she shared a bed with and he wasn't anyone's father. Yamato noticed that confused look on Evie's face. What she added in words made it clear that she didn't know about Alyssa Reed. Sergeant Yamato handed Evie the file his department had made up on Alyssa. It told why she was arrested by the LAPD. It also had a rap sheet from the Chicago PD that told of petty crimes and prostitute. She was never convicted of any of these crimes. One more item was in that file. A birth certificate from Cook County where Chicago is located stated that Thomas Reed from Los Angeles was Alyssa's father. Yamato said that they didn't book Alyssa, but they kept her in a holding cell. He pointed out that she was 17 years old. Yamato pulled a release form from his desk. It was already filled out and just waiting for someone to sign it. ' I can release her into your custody if you'll sign as her guardian. " Yamato said while sliding the form over to where Evie stood. " I'd rather she be gone......I'm sure Tom wouldn't want his daughter locked up. " Once Evie signed the release form, Yamato told her where the holding cells were. He told her to hand the form to the sergeant on duty and Alyssa would be freed.
Evie stared at the file. There it was in black and white. Tom's name as clear as day on the birth certificate. Had Tom lied... omitted to tell her. She couldn't believe that, which left one of two options. First Tom was the father but he knew nothing about it; second, that he wasn;t the father but some woman from his past thought he was. If it was the second, then Evie was sure that the mistake was genuine. If it had been some kind of attempt to skim money from Tom in the form of child support, then Tom would have known. And if Tom had known, he would made sure that the girl was his daughter and if she was he would have made her a part of his life. She wondered about calling Rick. At least he had brought up someone who was 17 once and Rick would definitely want to know that he had a granddaughter. Maybe she should call her Dad. He had experience of bringing up a 17 year old girl. But she couldn't just say no to Yamato and leave it to either of them. If she signed the papers, where the hell was she going to take the girl. Tom's boat? Her place? Rick's? She took a deep breath and exhaled. Then she looked at Yamato and nodded. She took the form without really knowing how or what she was going to do. She walked down to the holding cells and then followed the Sergeant to the desk. She took Alyssa's file with her.

"Alyssa. Miss Goldman" The Sergeant opened the cell and Evie stepped inside. She wondered for a moment whether the girl knew who her father was. She opened the file and pulled out the copy of her birth certificate and handed it to her. The girl took it a little puzzled for a moment but clearly there was nothing on there that she didn't already know. She looked at Evie.

"So? You have a copy of my birth certificate and you know I'm 17. You gonna give me some kind of lecture on getting a better life. Forget it." Evie shook her head. Great. Not only a teenager but a teenager with an attitude problem. Hardly surprising in terms of the life she had had at least for the last couple of years.

"No. I'm not. But your father might." That did surprise Alyssa. "I work with your Dad. He's out of town right now, but he's gonna want to meet your when he gets back. Come on. You can stay at his place until he's back."
At first Alyssa thought that this woman was just another social worker. Alyssa had seen more of those then she could remember. But this woman said she worked for her father. This told Alyssa that this woman was a cop. Alyssa looked Evie up and down before standing up from the bench she had been sitting on. " What ever. " Alyssa sighed as she walked passed Evie and out into the hall. The sergeant told Evie that this girl had a mouth on her like a sailor. He just wanted to warn Evie before she left. Evie walked along with Alyssa as they left the holding cells. " Would you have a cigarette on you? " Alyssa asked then added that she needed a smoke. It had been a long night in that cell and Alyssa needed one bad. She knew who and what her father was. But she didn't come to Los Angeles for a family reunion. She came here to make enough money off of those diamonds to live life the way she wanted. It wasn't long before Evie & Alyssa reached the outside of the Hollywood Station. " Nice car......Not what I'd expect from a cop. " Alyssa said as she looked over Evie's car. She liked older cars like the one Evie drove. " So you work with my father?.......What is it that you do for him? " Alyssa had a smirk on her face when she asked her question. " Are you like his secretary or something? " Alyssa asked as she climbed into Evie's car.

The men that Lucifer had sent to find the girls weren't far away. They were in Los Angeles figuring that this would be the next place where the girls would go. They in fact where driving down the same street that the Hollywood Station was on when Evie & Alyssa were walking to her car. They spotted Alyssa and turned around a few blocks down the street. Nether man know who the other woman was. But they would follow along and find out where she was taking Alyssa. They pulled over and waited until Evie's car pulled out. They then slipped in behind her keeping a close eye on Evie's car.
Evie smiled to herself as Alyssa walked passed her. A few weeks ago when she had been at Tom's while he was recovering she had caught an Actors' Studio with Liam Neeson. His least favourite word had been 'whatever'. Suddenly she had some sympathy with him. She turned and looked at the Sergeant, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. "Why doesn't that surprise me?" The two of them walked through the corridors and out to the car. At the request for a cigarette, Evie looked at her for a moment. Right then she would have really enjoyed a cigarette of her own, but she didn't actually have a pack. She rarely carried any around and tended to simply have a pack in her desk drawer at home.


That was all she said. At the comment about the car, Evie looked at her again. "Well I guess that means youre expectations are wrong then doesn't it?" She climbed into the car and waited for the girl to get in as well before she fired up the engine. She wondered again whether she should call Rick. How the hell was she supposed to keep this girl secure until Tom came back. She was talking to her again. Secretary?

"Yeah... or something."

They remained silent for the rest of the trip to the Harbor. The girl seemed pretty impressed at the fact that her dad lived out here for all she said nothing. She followed Evie down the Harbor and onto the boat. Evie tossed the keys down on the new table. "You want something to eat? There's diet coke in the refridgerator."
Alyssa looked around once they were inside the boat. She picked up a picture of Tom when he was in high school. He was dressed in a football uniform. A faint smile appeared on her face, then she set the picture down. Alyssa looked over at Evie when she said about diet coke in the refrigerator. " I'd rather have a beer......Does my old man have any? " Alyssa said as she walked around the room. She found one of Tom's paintings of Evie quite naked. The painting showed Evie in a pool of water with a waterfall behind her. " So are you close with my dad? " Alyssa asked with a raised eyebrow. She slowly walked over to Evie carrying the painting so that Evie couldn't see what was on the other side. Alyssa wanted to see how honest Evie would be. " You wouldn't by chance be his girlfriend.......Would you? " Alyssa was smiling and looking very smugly as she looked at Evie.

Lucifer's men had parked their car not far from where Evie's car was parted. They watched where Evie & Alyssa had gone. The two men then returned to Evie's car and checked it out. They quickly noticed the police radio inside the car. " This bitch is a cop! " The one man said. The other pulled out his cell phone and called Lucifer with the news. They had finally caught up with Alyssa and the diamonds and they said she was with a female cop. Lucifer said he was hoping a flight to Los Angeles and he'd be there by the morning. Lucifer told his men to keep those bitches in sight. He would deal with Alyssa and the female cop in his own way.
Evie watched Alyssa as she walked around the lounge, watched her expression has she looked at the photograph and then asked for a beer. For a moment she tried to decide what Tom's response to that would have been; truth was she didn't actually know. Tom wasn't really the kind of guy who would want to check a driver's license before letting a guest have a beer, but this wasn't any ordinary guest. This was his daughter. Would he automatically say no because of that or would he be more inclined to say yes. And ultimately, this was a girl who might well have been 17 years old but she probably had the life experiences of a 30 year old. A beer was nothing really in comparison to what she had almost certainly been consuming on a nightly basis whilst working the streets. She said nothing but disappeared into the kitchen and returned with an open bottle of beer. When she came back, Alyssa was stood at one of Tom's paintings. She handed her the bottle of beer, looked at the painting and looked back to Alyssa. There was no point in denying she was the woman in the picture; Tom was too good an artist for that. But how much did she say in response?

"Pretty close, yes. Your Dad and me don't just work together." She decided to let Alyssa fill in the blanks; she probably already had before she even asked the question. "So, your Dad wont be back in town until tomorrow at the earliest. Which means you and I need to spend some time together. Other than being on the streets, what is it that you do? is there a reason why you've suddenly turned up in LA?"
Alyssa was surprised when Evie left and brought back a bottle of beer. She was a minor after all and giving a beer to her was breaking the law. But it wasn't Alyssa was driving anywhere. She didn't even own a car. Alyssa also didn't have many places she could go. Her rundown motel room and here were the only places she really had seen, other then the street saw was working when she was picked up. Alyssa listened while Evie spoke of her relationship with Tom. She slowly slipped the beer as the tail unfolded. " For a cop......You're so bad. " Alyssa smiled. " I had expected you to be a real tight assed bitch.......You know......By the book. " Alyssa froze for a moment when Evie asked why she had come to LA. She couldn't just admit to stealing those diamonds from her former pimp. A cover story was needed and needed fast. Alyssa said that she and a friend decided that LA seemed like a place to earn some money. She said how they always talked about seeing Los Angeles & Hollywood. The story seemed pretty thin, but Alyssa hoped that it would satisfy Evie.

Once Alyssa finished her beer, she asked if there was a shower around? She also asked if there was a chance that so more comfortable clothes could be found? Evie showed Alyssa where the bathroom was. She gave Alyssa some extra towels and said that she maybe able to find some clothes for her. Evie had enough clothing here that something would fit Alyssa. There was something else that Alyssa needed to do. She needed to call Cindy and let her know where she was. While in the bathroom, Alyssa used her cell phone to call Cindy. She told her about getting busted and how her father's girlfriend got her out of jail. Alyssa then told Cindy how to find the boat. She told her to hop a cab and come down to King Harbor. Alyssa then jumped into the shower . She needed this after having a long night stuck in a holding cell.
Evie couldn't help but laugh a little as Alyssa took the bottle and started to drink from it.

"Your dad wouldn't probably say I am far too much by the book, but spending time with him has rubbed off and I'm nowhere near as bad... good... as I used to be."

Evie wasn't entirely sure she believed the story about simply wanting to see LA and Hollywood, but then there are thousands of girls from all over the US who do exactly the same every year; girls who think they look good and maybe they can sing a little, or have acted in their High School play and someone has told them that they could be the next Anne Hathaway or Liv Tyler. She said nothing though. Maybe this was just a case of two young prostitutes coming to the bright lights of the big city. She showed Alyssa where the shower was and while she was in there, she hunted out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, shirt, underwear. She laid the clothes out on the bed and left the girl to finish her shower and get dressed. In the meantime, she called Kim and told her what was happening and that hopefully she would be back in the office within the hour. Once Alyssa was out of the shower, Evie told her that she should stay on the boat. She said she would pick up some pizza on her way home but she needed to go back to work for a while. Evie told Alyssa that if she needed anything, she could call her.
Alyssa dried off and dressed quickly. She met with Evie in the living room where Evie explained about returning to work. The promise of pizza sounded good. As Evie was leaving, Alyssa sat down on the couch and switched on the tv. Perhaps 45 minutes after Evie left, Cindy arrived by cab. She found the boat and came aboard. Cindy was glad to see her friend again. She was worried that something bad had happened too Alyssa. They started talking about what to do now. Alyssa made it clear that she wasn't staying in Los Angeles. Cindy was a bit surprised since Alyssa's father lived here. But Alyssa pointed out that it was because of her father that she couldn't stay. Alyssa showed Cindy the awards that her father received as a police officer. She said that he was a respected Police Lieutenant and she was a street whore. Alyssa couldn't allow her background to tarnish her father's reputation. From when Alyssa was little her mother told her what a good man her father was. Ariel had kept tabs on Tom even after she left LA. She told Alyssa all the brave things her father had done. Alyssa had never met her father, but she heard many stories about him. " Having a whore for a daughter is something I can't lay on him. " Alyssa said as she stared acrossed the room to a replica badge just like the one Tom carried now. It was hanging on a plaque on the wall. Each member of the MCU was given one of these by the Governor. Alyssa said that they would leave town tomorrow. She was meeting with a man who maybe willing to buy the diamonds. After the sale, they could catch a flight to Hawaii and Tom's reputation would be safe.

meanwhile outside the boat. Lucifer's men were keeping a close and well hidden eye on the boat. They watched as Evie left and as Cindy came on board. They believed that Evie although a cop was helping with the diamonds in someway. Perhaps she was even going to get a cut after the sale? They called Lucifer and filled him in. He was already on his way to Los Angeles and would be there soon enough. Once there he would deal with all three woman. Lucifer was the type of criminal who wasn't afraid of cops. He would teach this LA cop that you don't mess around with Lucifer Jones.
Evie climbed into the car and headed back to the MCU headquarters. She wasn't entirely comfortable at leaving Alyssa on her own and she knew that there was a very real possibility that the girl would be gone when she got back. She didn't have too much choice though. She could hardly drag her back to the police station, she couldn't lock the girl in. Maybe she could have stayed with her, but she wasn't a prison warden and maybe giving her a little trust might be worth it in the end. When she arrived back at the office, she filled Kim in. Kim was as surprised as she had been at the fact that Tom had a child; she was sure that this was going to be news to him. "No way would he just walk away from either a woman carrying his child or from the child. If he knew about it, he would have been there right from the start." Evie agreed but she wasn't quite sure how he was going to react to the fact that he had missed his daughter's entire life. She hoped that Alyssa would give him the time to get to know her and build a relationship. She would certainly have to give both of them some room if the girl was going to give him a chance.

Three hours later Evie headed back to the boat, taking pepperoni, BBQ chicken, and a vegetarian pizza. She thought she had bought plenty and fully expected there to be a lot left, but she had no idea about Alyssa's preferences. In the end, when she got back to the boat, she found Alyssa had a friend. Evie agreed to the girl staying. Cindy showered and Evie found yet more clothes and in some surreal way, it became vaguely reminiscent of a sleepover. Evie didn't push too hard for information; she figured if she did she probably wasn't going to get anything like an honest response. She let the girls tell her what they wanted to and when they asked her question, she answered them. They called it a day around 11.00pm and went to bed.

Again, Evie was mildly surprised the following morning to find that both of them were still there. After a breakfast cooked by Cindy, she headed off to work, telling them both to stay on the boat.
Alyssa & Cindy said goodbye to Evie as she was leaving the boat. Cindy had said that they would stay here, but Alyssa already had plans for leaving for a short time. She wanted to go get the diamonds and their bags from the motel. It wouldn't take Alyssa very long to make a around trip and be back in case Evie stopped in for lunch. What they didn't know was that Evie wouldn't be back for lunch. Lucifer who was already at the airport told his men to grab the female cop. Evie made it to her car only to get hit from behind. The blow was enough to make it easier to handle Evie. She was tossed into the backseat and joined by Denzel. Curtis jumped in the front and drove off. Denzel took Evie's glock and used her handcuffs to secure her hands behind her back. They took Evie to a place which they had scouted out earlier. It was a rundown restaurant a few miles away from King Harbor. Lucifer was waiting they to meet his men. Once they arrived, they dragged Evie into the restaurant where she was freed, but tied bent over a table. Her legs were tied to the table legs as were her arms on the far side.

Lucifer told his men to go get Alyssa & Cindy. He would watch over the cop while they were gone. By the time Denzel & Curtis got back to the boat Alyssa was gone. All they found was Cindy. There was also no signs of the diamonds anywhere. Denzel & Curtis took Cindy by force and headed back to the restaurant. They hid her away until Lucifer was ready to torture her. The men knew that Lucifer planned on using the cop first. A bit of before he got down to business as Lucifer put it. Denzel & Curtis reported back that they couldn't find Alyssa at the boat. They also told how they searched, but couldn't find the diamonds. By now Evie was awake and in the same room as these three black men.
Evie was thinking about whether the two girls were likely to be there when she got back later in the day, when she was suddenly aware of someone behind her. She felt the momentary shot of adrenaline fuelled panic and started to turn but then she was literally aware of an explosion of light actually inside her head. She felt herself falling and she was conscious of the pain which seemed to follow the light. Then there was blackness. She didn't remember hitting the ground. She wasn't aware of being picked up and tossed into the back of the truck. She wasn't aware of her weapon being taken or of her hands being cuffed behind her. When she did start to regain her consciousness, it came slowly and it was as if her brain was working at half speed. It took her a while to decide whether she was standing up or lying down. Her head hurt. It hurt a lot. She tried to move.. to get up... but her hand wouldn't... she couldn't get... she lifted her head slowly and groaned as she opened her eyes. Her head hurt even more. She looked up and saw her arms stretched out in front of her. She tried to pull one towards her but it wouldn't move. As each minute passed gradually she began to appreciate where she was... how she was. Tied down. Bent over a table or a desk of some sort. The building was deserted... trashed... cold and damp. And then she realised that she wasn't alone.

"What the hell... you... " talking was hard and it made her head hurt again. 'This isn't going to end well for you. What the hell do you want." she groaned not really able to see who was behind her or how many people were there. She just knew that she wasn't alone.
Once Evie started talking the three black men moved in front of her. The man in the middle spoke as he looked down on her. " My name is Lucifer Jones BITCH!......I do whatever I want!.......And what I want now is my diamonds! " Lucifer growled out. He wasn't overly tall, standing just 5'6" and weighing 140 lbs. His hair was cut very short, but not as short as the two men with him. They both had shaved heads and wore sunglasses. All three men were dressed in black clothing. Pants, shoes, shirts and jackets. Lucifer looked at Denzel and nodded. He then moved around behind where Evie was tied. " My boyz saw you with that little cunt Alyssa......She took some diamonds from me and I want them back! " Lucifer moved a little closer to Evie. He knelt down and grabbed her by the chin. " I'll fucking kill anyone to get back what's mine........But first why don't we have some fun? " Evie's protests about the diamonds fell on deaf ears. they expected her to deny about knowing of the diamonds. Denzel's hands touched Evie's body. He slipped them under her and undid her belt. It wasn't long before her pants & panties were down around her feet. " You see baby.......We're gone use you because we can.......Does matter that you're a cop........You're a cunt with a badge.......Once we're done with you.......You'll tell us what we want too know........Or someone will die. " Lucifer said while still holding Evie's chin. He then leaned in and placed a hard forceful kiss on her lips. Denzel knelt down behind Evie. His fingers touched her womanhood, then his head moved closer. His tongue started licking in and around her clit while his fingers probed her inner depths.
"What? What diamonds. I don't... I don't know what our talking...." Evie wasn't sure whether her inability to understand was solely because her head hurt or whether what the man was saying genuinely didn't make sense. At the same time she was trying to work out how this guy finished up in charge - and he was clearly in charge. Somehow he reminded her of the runt of the litter. His friends were obviously keen however to do what he said. She suddenly became nervous when one of the men... Denzel ... moved behind her out of sight. She tried to look behind her but Lucifer kept hold of her chin. As he spoke and as she continued to try and tell him that she had no idea about any diamonds. The growing sense of panic jumped suddenly when he felt hands under her. Felt her belt bing undone...then her pants. And all the time there was nothing she could do. When she first felt hands on her, felt her pants being eased down....felt that first touch. She jumped...squirmed... Moaned but here was nothing she could do to get away and each passing moment she felt her body due spraying
Denzel's fingers probed deep into Evie's cunt while Lucifer forced his kiss on her. She was fighting against them at first, but soon her body began to betray her. Denzel's tongue worked over Evie's clit bring out small moans. Even Lucifer's kiss was starting to become pleasurable. They treated Evie roughly and without knowing it. They were making Evie feel the way she liked to feel. Lucifer broke the kiss and notice a look of want on Evie's face. It was almost like she was asking for more without using words. That wanting need grew fast inside of Evie. Denzel's fingers which started at one, but grew to two, three and finally four were helping to push Evie into her dark side. That side she showed only when certain people pushed the right buttons. That dark side which turns Evie in a wanting little sex whore. Hungry for hard cocks which she would have three. All black men who would treat Evie like a common street whore which they deal with all the time. Lucifer let Evie's chin go, but he grabbed her hair to keep her head up. He told her that they were going to fuck her and she should just enjoy it. Lucifer then let go of Evie's hair. He stood up in front of her and undid his pants. Curtis joined him and undid his pants. Both long black cocks hung in Evie's face. Denzel too stood up, his pants were already down. He pressed the tip of his cock at her slick hole. His hips thrusted forwards jamming his meaty dick deep inside of Evie's cunt. Evie's head was just at the right level that Lucifer could fuck her mouth like it was her pussy. He & Curtis would use her mouth for a while as Denzel used her pussy.
Evie couldn't believe how quickly things were changing. She'd been walking to her car and then as if at the click of someone's fingers she was in a run down commercial unit, tied to a desk, moaning softly in response to the fingers and then the tongue in her pussy. The legs of the desk scraped on the floor as she tried to pull herself free, squirming pointlessly. She felt Lucifer's tongue at her lips and she was aware of her mouth opening instinctively. Within seconds and without thinking she was kissing him back. As he broke the kiss but held her gaze, his hand holding her chin up, she could only look back up at him, whimpering softly in response to what Denzel was doing. Her whimpers became louder as he started fucking her with his fingers.

When Lucifer grabbed a handful of her hair and told her what they were going to do, she squirmed again but Denzel moved with her. Part of her wanted to fight more but something stopped her. The same something that had let her fuck strangers again and again in the past. Lewis and his friends. The movies. The prison. She watched as first Lucifer and then Curtis undid their pants. She looked from one cock to another. And then she groaned loudly, her sound echoing around the room as Denzel firmly slipped his cock fully inside her. Lucifer took the opportunity presented by her open mouth and stepped forward. Evie immediately began to suck hungrily on it. Lucifer smiled.

"We found ourselves a fucking whore with a badge boys." Denzel began to fuck her steadily as Lucifer fed her his cock. "Maybe you should come work for me. I know plenty of rich guys who'd pay well for this kind of service."
What Evie kept hidden away from most people was on display for Lucifer & his men. There was no way to hide the fact that she was a hidden whore. Her moans and how she just started sucking on Lucifer's cock told them what Evie really was. Lucifer stroked his hand over Evie's head as she sucked on his cock like a greedy whore. He smiled down at her while telling her how great she sucked cock. Lucifer then pulled his cock from her mouth. He told her to work on Curtis for a while. Curtis stepped closer holding out his cock. Lucifer held Evie's head in place while Curtis slipped his meat between her lips. Curtis began fucking Evie's face. His balls slapped against her chin each time his cock drove down deep into her throat. All while Lucifer told Evie that she could out suck every girl that he owned. If he wasn't here looking for those diamonds that Alyssa stole. Lucifer would just take Evie back to Chicago and put her to work. But those diamonds weren't his. He needed to get them back and quickly before his African contacts decided to send someone after his ass.

Denzel & Curtis were double teaming Evie like pros. This obviously wasn't the first time they had tag teamed a woman. They were using Evie like others had used her. Bass & Blair at the prison. Zack, The Snowman, King Hayes & McCaffrey at the night club. Webb & Pierce at her place. Khaled & his men at Mason Hill's house. Mason & the prisoners at San Quentin. They all used Evie like a whore. Treating her the way she wanted to be treated. Lucifer took notice of how Evie seemed to enjoy being face fucked. Soon it was his turn again and he started fucking Evie's face. Denzel never missed a beat. He fucked Evie hard & fast keeping up his rhythm.
Evie didn't know what she was doing. No that wasn't accurate. She did know, of course she did. She just didn't fully understand it. Here she was again...taken to some degree against her will but finding herself excited...more than excited, serving the men who took her...wanting to serve...not wanting it to stop. And the longer it went on the more she wanted. The more she craved.

She looked up at Lucifer as he stroked her head and fucked her mouth and spoke of how good she was and how good she could be and all the time she sucked nod licked and slurped and when he withdrew and Curtis stepped forward he took him hungrily in Lucifer's place. Moaning loudly as Denzel continued to drive his cock home.

"Tight fucking slut" Denzel said. "There are lots of guys back home boss who'd pay a lot for this piece of ass." With that he slapped Evie's ass hard, making her scream.
Lucifer & Curtis changed places a few times before Denzel came inside of Evie's pussy. Denzel then moved around in front of her so she could clean his cock. Curtis then took Denzel's place behind her. Evie's pussy was already dripping after the load Denzel shot into her. Curtis grinned when he saw the cum slowly dripping from Evie. He teased her clit with the head of his cock. This rubbed some of Denzel's cum against Evie. " Hey baby!?......Do you like having a black man's cum inside your tight white pussy? " Denzel removed his cock from Evie's mouth so she could answer. When an answer didn't come quick enough, Denzel slapped Evie acrossed the face. " Answer the question whore!.......Do you like having a black man's cum inside your pussy!? Denzel snarled as he held Evie by the hair. " Tell us how much you love being fucked by black men.......You're nothin but a white whore right baby!? " Curtis jammed his cock straight into Evie's dripping cunt. This was followed by a couple of sharp slaps to her ass. " COME ON BITCH!!......SPEAK!! " Curtis yelled out as he started his assault of Evie's body.
Evie was firmly secured to the table by her wrists, but even if the ties hadn't been there, she would have been pinned so effectively that she could barely move. The way Denzel held her and fucked her pussy hard had the edge of the table digging into her hips with every stroke. In the middle of everything that was going on, Evie was conscious of thinking that in the morning there was going to be a clear bruise. With the way she was pinned, she could do nothing but moan and suck and groan. As Denzel came inside her, she groaned louder than before. And then for a moment she was 'empty'; Denzel withdrew from her cunt and moved in front of her as Curtis moved around behind her. She was breathing hard, her chin wet with saliva. But her mouth was quickly filled again. This time she could taste her own juice on the cock that was pushed into her mouth... her own juice and cum. When Curtis asked her the question and Denzel pulled out of her, all she could do was whimper a little as the tip of Curtis' cock rubbed around her clit. She closed her eyes and whimpered and gasped. And then she felt the slap. Her head snapped to the left and she felt the sting on her cheek as her squeal echoed around the room.

"Yes... I... like having a black man's cum inside me." She squealed again as Denzel grabbed hold of her hair and pulled her head back to him and then squealed louder still as Curtis drove his cock inside her.

"OHHH FUCK... yes... I... I love being ... fucked... fucked by black men... I... I'm a... a whore." Denzel pushed his cock back into her mouth once more and she went back to sucking hungrily on the meat in her mouth.

For the next twenty minutes each of the men took their turn using her. When Lucifer was done, he decided that they were all done. The fun was over and he needed to get back to the business of getting his diamonds back. Evie was untied from the table and allowed to put her pants back on before she was manhandled to an old meat freezer. The power to it wasn't on any more, but it still worked perfectly well as a form of prison cell. She was pushed inside and a bottle of water was tossed in and then the door was closed. Evie hit the floor as she was pushed in and by the time she got her bearing back, she heard the door closing shut. She got up and moved quickly to the door but it was too late. She couldn't see what they had done, but the door had been firmly secured from the outside. She looked around. No other exits. No windows. No vents. As Evie bent down and picked up the plastic bottle of water, she figured that the room was probably airtight. It wasn't a tiny room so she wasn't in danger of suffocating any time soon, but she had absolutely no idea how she was going to get out of the place.
Alyssa's trip to the motel she & Cindy were using didn't take long. She popped in grabbed her bag & Cindy's bag plus the diamonds she hid in the room's air conditioner unit. Alyssa returned to her father's boat, but found the place had been ransacked. Cindy was gone and Alyssa was pretty sure that Lucifer's men had found them. Alyssa hadn't expected them to catch up so soon. Clearly she had underestimated Denzel & Curtis. The first thought Alyssa had was to call Evie and tell her what happened. But she decided that this was her mess and she needed to clean it up. Alyssa using her cell phone called Lucifer. As she expected, he was beyond pissed off. Alyssa tried to make a deal to free Cindy. At the time she didn't know that Evie was a prisoner also. Lucifer cursed her out for stealing from him then trying to make a deal. It was then that Lucifer told Alyssa about having both Cindy and her cop friend. Alyssa felt sick after hearing that Evie had been taken. She never wanted this to get this far. Alyssa had planned on leaving for Hawaii that same day. She could skip town on her own, but that would leave Cindy & Evie in Lucifer's hands. Alyssa couldn't let them suffer because of her. Lucifer demanded that Alyssa bring him the diamonds, or someone would die!

Alyssa tried to plead with Lucifer, but he would have none of her shit. He told his men to bring out one of the bitches, he didn't care which one! The other end of the phone grew silent for a short time. Then some screaming was heard by Alyssa. She couldn't tell who it was, or what was going on. Then the screaming stopped after a gunshot was heard. Lucifer told Alyssa that she had 45 minutes to bring the diamonds or the other bitch would die. The phone went dead as Alyssa closed her eyes and lowered her head. Alyssa knew that even if Lucifer got his diamonds back. He'd still kill everyone so no one could talk. Alyssa slipped the small bag holding the diamonds into the front pocket of her jeans. She looked around at her father's boat. Since her father was a cop, she figured that he'd have an extra gun stashed somewhere. Alyssa had to make her search a quick one. Time was running out for whomever Lucifer was still holding. Alyssa finally found an extra pistol in a box inside her father's closet. She opened the box and found a Walther PPK. It was the same type of pistol used by James Bond in the earlier movies. The gun had been given to Tom by Jack a few years ago as a Christmas present. Luckily for Alyssa it had one fully loaded clip. Alyssa loaded the clip and locked a shell into the chamber. She tucked the pistol into the back of her jeans. Alyssa then headed out for her meeting with Lucifer. She did however leave behind a note telling her father where she was going. Alyssa remembered that her father would be home today. She could only hope that it was soon. Alyssa left Tom's boat with the idea of catching a cab. This idea changed when she spotted Evie's car was still in the parking lot. Alyssa jimmied the lock and jumped in. She then hot wired the car to get it started. Skills she learned while on the streets. Alyssa drove off watching the time closely.

Tom & James were already back in town. They did make a stop for some coffee before heading to the Central Station. Both men were surprise at not seeing Evie in the squad room. Only Kim was there and she had one hell of a story to tell. Kim told Tom everything that happened while he & James were out of town. She even showed Tom the file on his new found daughter. Tom of course was speechless, but James wondered where Evie was? Kim said she had no idea. Evie never came in and she didn't call. The last thing Kim knew was that they were staying at Tom's boat. Tom had a bad feeling about this. Evie would have at least called to check in. Tom, James & Kim left the squad room and headed for Tom's car. They jumped in and were gone within seconds. While driving to the harbor, Tom called the guys from the Riptide and asked them to check out his boat. Nick & Cody went over and found the place was trashed. They found the note and quickly called Tom back. Nick read Tom the note which Alyssa left. Tom jerked hard the the steering wheel turning his car round. James grabbed the mic of the police radio and called for backup.

Alyssa reached the old restaurant with time to spare. She stepped out of Evie's car and pulled the pistol from the back of her jeans. She wouldn't let anyone else die because of her and she wasn't going down without a fight. Alyssa entered the restaurant slowly. Not far inside the side door which she came in through was Cindy's lifeless body. Alyssa knelt down cursing herself for getting her friend into this. She then heard a familiar laugh. It was the most blood chill laugh she'd ever heard and it belonged to Lucifer. He stepped out from the kitchen area followed by Denzel & Curtis who brought Evie with them. " Bout damn time you got here!........Now bitch where are my diamonds! " Lucifer yelled out as Alyssa rose up pointing the Walther straight at Lucifer. " You'll get your diamonds after you let Evie go and not before! " Alyssa hissed back at Lucifer. " I'm the one you want!......Not her!........She has nothing to do with this! " Alyssa said while slowly moving one hand down. She reached into her front pocket and pulled out a small black velvet bag. Alyssa held the bag into the air so Lucifer could see it. Lucifer smiled, but he couldn't let Evie go free. She knew too much and being a cop, she'd cause him trouble. " If you hurt Evie!.......I'll kill you right where you stand! " Alyssa never once lowered the pistol, or took her eyes off Lucifer. Anyone could see now that Alyssa had a lot of her father in her. She was certainly acting very much like Tom would in this position. " Your boyz may get me!........But you'll die first! "

Lucifer turned slightly looking at his men & Evie. It was easy to see that he was gonna kill everyone. His eyes told that story. Lucifer turned back facing Alyssa. He slowly started to walk with his hands held out at his sides. Lucifer finally stopped just in front of Alyssa, her weapon was pointed straight at his head. He showed no fear of Alyssa, or the weapon she held. Lucifer held out his right hand telling Alyssa to give him the diamonds, or Evie dies.
There was nothing for Evie to do except wait. In some ways the worst thing about it was that she didn't know exactly what she was waiting for. Was she just going to be left there to starve to death, although with only one small bottle of water which she was already half way through, she knew that she would die of thirst long before starvation killed her. Was she waiting for Lucifer or his men to come back and fetch her... to take her off to Chicago? No. That certainly wasn't going to happen. If they were going to come back then they were coming back to kill her. Or was she waiting for rescue. Tom and James should be on their way back but she had no idea when they would be back in the City. But then no-one knew where she was. Even if they were back how were they supposed to find her.

And then there was Alyssa and Cindy. Maybe they had already run; left the boat minutes after she had that morning. In some ways Evie hoped this was the case; at least it would mean that Lucifer hadn't gotten hold of them... not yet. She didn't give much for their chances though if the truth be told, not unless Alyssa had the good sense to find Tom and get his help.

She checked her watch for about the 10th time since being locked in the old freezer. She'd been in there for a little over an hour and then she heard the approaching footsteps. Her heart quickened and she stood up slowly. Was this the moment before her death. When the door opened, her fears didn't diminish when she saw Denzel stood there grinning.

"Come on. Boss needs to see you." Evie stepped back but she wasn't quick enough. Curtis took a long step forward and grabbed hold of her arm, pulling her towards him so hard that she thought her arm was about to come out of its socket. As she bumped into an expectant Curtis, he spun her round. He had a tight grip around her upper left arm and Denzil took a similar hold at the top of her right arm. Lucifer wasn't that far away. He grinned at her and stroked a hand down her cheek.

"Time for you to be useful." Then he turned and they all headed for the door to the outer restaurant. Evie was trying to work out how she was going to help him. When she saw Alyssa, her heart sank. And then it sank again when she saw the body on the floor. Mentally she shook her head. This wasn't going to end well. Alyssa had some guts, no doubt about it, but unless she called the police first, this was going to end very badly. She looked around. He own weapon was still in the holster sitting on a chair with her badge where Lucifer or one of his men must have put them before they strung her over the table. She had to find a way to get over there. She looked back to Lucifer and Alyssa. When she saw Alyssa pull the bag of diamonds out of her pocket, Evie let her head fall forward and closed her eyes in despair. There was absolutely no reason for Lucifer to keep either of them alive now - and every reason to kill both of them. Evie brought her head up; she knew what Alyssa was trying to do but Lucifer wasn't going to back down.

"Alyssa. Shoot him. Shoot him now." She could see Lucifer getting closer and closer. Lucifer turned his head and looked back. "Shut that fucking bitch up now." There was no shot. Almost immediately, Denzel let go of Evie's arm and reached inside his own jacket. Evie didn't need to wait to see what was coming out. She leaned into Curtis and kicked out her left leg, catching Denzel hard in the side and sending him sprawling. Then she reached her now free hand around and grabbed hold of Curtis, pulling him round and then pushing him hard towards Denzel who was just starting to get himself off the floor. Sam's lessons were offering some additional benefit over and above what might happen in the MMA.

"Alyssa... RUN! NOW!" Evie called out as she pulled Curtis around. Somewhere off in the distance the sound of police sirens could be heard. 'Just a few more minutes...' Evie thought to herself. She just had to keep herself and Alyssa alive for a few more minutes. She wasn't sure whether Alyssa had started to run; but she hoped that this time Alyssa would do as she said. She thought she had heard the footsteps. If Lucifer had a gun, then Alyssa needed to move and find some cover. She was watching Curtis, watching him fall but at the same time he was reaching into his jacket. Again Evie knew what was coming. She didn't stay to wait and see. She moved. Heading for the chair. She hoped maybe, if Alyssa had moved, then Lucifer's attention would be split between them with Curtis and Denzel tied in their own little knot. She couldn't worry about what was behind her. She just needed to move. She made it to the chair, but she didn't stop. Picking up her holstered gun, she kept moving past the chair and on to a second door which she guessed led back into the kitchen. Suddenly she heard shots being fired, heard first one... and then a second bullet punching into the back of some seats which were a few feet in front of her and slightly to the side. The third bullet sliced through her upper arm, making her hiss with pain, but she kept on moving, almost diving through the doors into the kitchen. As she did so, she heard someone crashing through the other set of doors. She turned quickly, pulling her weapon out and aiming it. Alyssa froze as she saw Evie point the gun at her. Evie smiled. 'Good girl' she thought to herself. Before she had the chance to say anything, shots rang out and bullets started thudding into the doors.

'Over here.' Evie moved further into the kitchen and crouched down behind a long workstation which gave her a good view of both doorways. Alyssa quickly joined her. "Watch the doors. Shoot anything that tries to come through there... unless its a cop."

"You're bleeding."

"Its not serious, but if they get in here, its going to be the least of our worries."
When Evie lashed out at Lucifer's men. The sounds of the fight made him turn, looking away from Alyssa. With Lucifer distracted, Alyssa delivered a well placed kick to his gut. Lucifer crashed to the floor in a heap holding his stomach. Alyssa learned a lot on the mean streets of Chicago. She learned how to jack a car and to fight which were just some of the skills needed to survive on the streets. When the gun fire started, Alyssa made tracks after Evie. She figured the safest place was with her. While they were making a stand in the kitchen. Alyssa told Evie how she left a note at her father's place saying where they could be found. The police sirens were growing closer by the second. Soon the sounds of screeching tires was heard. A low flying police helicopter was heard circling the area. Alyssa looked up at the ceiling hearing the sounds of the rotors. " Have you ever killed anyone in the line of duty? " Alyssa asked as an eerie silence spread inside the restaurant. She really didn't know why she asked Evie that question. It just seemed to fit the situation they were in.

Suddenly there were shouts coming from the area outside the kitchen. Voices yelling for Lucifer and his men to drop their weapons. These voices were unfamiliar to Alyssa, but Evie would know the sounds of Tom & James yelling. The doors near where Alyssa was kneeing opened. Two uniformed officers moved in with their weapons ready. They of course knew who Evie was, but they didn't know the girl holding the pistol. One officer told Alyssa to drop her weapon and raise her hands. Alyssa left the gun fall free and she raised her hands as she slowly stood up. Kim came through the doors where Evie had been. She looked down at Evie and smiled while slipping her glock back into the holster. Kim said that they had Lucifer and his men in custody. Tom & James had them placed in cuffs and removed to waiting patrol cars. Kim looked at the girl standing just a few feet away from Evie. It was obvious that she was Tom's daughter. Outside or the kitchen, Tom & James were kneeling by the body of Cindy. She had one gunshot wound in her forehead. Tom rose up and called out Evie's name.
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