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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

When Alyssa's told Her that she'd left a note at the boat, Evie was a little puzzled. Who had she left the note for and how did she know anyone would find it? Mentally, she shook her head. It didn't matter. Obviously someone had found it which meant salvation was hopefully only a few moments away. The next question left her surprised rather than puzzled. Did she want to know that if needed Evie would be able to do the job... To keep both if them safe? Evie stared at her for a second. Then nodded. A few pictures flicked through her memory... Images of the people she had killed in the past. She nodded.

"A few. If I've had no choice." Was that what she wanted to hear. It had been the truth although there were some who argued there was always a choice. Before either of them could say anything else, it became obvious that there was going to be no need for her to to it now. Alyssa moved as if to get up. Evie pulled her back down. "Not yet. Let the cops do their stuff." At that moment the doors opened and two uniforms were immediately visible.

"She's with me!" Evie said. "Alyssa. Put the gun down." Alyssa was already doing just that. When Evie saw Kim, she smiled, stood up and then slipped her gun inside its holster even though it wasn't back on her shoulder yet. "Thank you." She mouthed. Kim smiled and nodded back. "Your new friend left a note. Nick told us exactly where we needed to be." Kim saw the wound on Evie's arm. "Come on, let's get you to a paramedic."

At that moment, she heard Tom calling her name from outside. She looked at Kim. "It's fine really." Then she looked at Alyssa. "You ready to meet your dad?" Alyssa looked at her, wide-eyed. "I don't know. What if he doesn't..."

"He won't. I promise." Evie was sure that Tom wouldn't reject her. She was sure he was going to want to make up for lost time. "Come on." She headed out to the restaurant followed by Kim who had her arm around Alyssa's shoulders.

"What took you so long?" She said as she approached. Both Tom and James looked at her and smiled. But then Tom noticed the girl with Kim. Evie stood next to James and let Kim bring Alyssa to them.

"Tom... This is Alyssa. Alyssa... This is your Dad."
Tom & James were glad to see that Evie was alive. They laughed when Evie asked what took them so long. James just replied that they came as quick as they could. But it was damn hard passing all those donut shops along the way. Suddenly the laughter stopped when Alyssa came into view. Tom stood in front of his daughter as Evie introduced them to each other. Very few times in Tom's life was he every at a loss for words. This time however was one of those times. Alyssa just smiled and held out her hand. " It's nice to meet you Sir.....ahmmm....Dad. " Alyssa said as Tom took a hold of her hand. He then pulled Alyssa into a hug. They stood there just holding on to each other for a long moment. " I noticed your car was parked out front. " Kim said as she walked up to Evie. " I think the boss will be busy for a while.......How about a ride back to the station? " Kim asked, then James said only after Evie got her arm checked. Kim nodded and said that Sam & Callen wouldn't be very happy with her. The fight was just around the corner and Evie got herself shot......again. The three left Tom & Alyssa to get acquaint with each other. They had 17 years of lost time to make up. Alyssa also had a grandfather she needed to meet.

Tom & Alyssa walked out of the restaurant. The scene had been turned over to the crime scene techs and the uniformed officers. There were so many things they needed to talk about. Tom felt that the best place to start was over lunch. They could sit and chat, then he would take Alyssa to meet her grandfather. Tom had a feeling that Rick would be pleased. He had always wanted grandchildren and now Rick had a granddaughter to spoil. As Tom & Alyssa climbed into his car. A crossed the street a man looked on. He was wearing dark sunglasses, a large black fedora hat and a black trench coat. His skin was heavily scarred on his face. He stood well back in the crowd of on lookers, but he was able to see everything. " The time is almost right........My rebirth is almost complete........Soon.......We'll be reunited and vengeance will be mine. " The man whispered in a gravely voice as he watched Tom drive away followed by Evie's car.

Tom didn't return to work that day. His team could deal with things while he connected with his daughter. News quickly spread about Evie's injury. This news wasn't taken well by those at the Central Station. They had bet heavily on Evie to win and any type of injury now put their money at risk. The Interdepartmental Women's Championship MMA belt was on the line as was a ton of money being bet on both Evie & Cahill. It wasn't just the LAPD and the CHP doing the betting. The LA City Fire Department, LA County Fire Department, LA County Life Guards, LA County Sheriff and EMS Services were in on the betting. Even the Mayor of Los Angeles had bet heavily on Evie. It was hard to find anyone in the city or county governments who hadn't bet on this up coming fight.
Evie laughed when James said that they had had a hard time passing all the donut shops. "What? You didn't think to bring me one? Typical!" In truth of course, James rarely ate donuts despite the reputation of cops. James maybe didn't run every day but he was fit and healthy and donuts were not his thing. Any time she or her Dad decided to have one, if James or Steve ever got to hear about it they would go on about it for days. By this time, James was already looking at her arm, pushing up her t-shirt sleeve and assessing the damage. When Kim told her that her car was out front, she looked a little puzzled and then looked across to Alyssa. Before she worked everything out though, he attention was drawn by Alyssa and Tom stood close, talking. She smiled and looked back at Kim. "I think so too." The three of the headed outside and walked over to Evie's car. James said he would drive and he waited for the key and then he saw what Evie was looking at. The shimmied lock. Evie opened the door slowly to find the wires hanging out from under the steering wheel.

"She broke into my car. She broke in and she hot wired it!" Evie looked over to where Tom was just settling Alyssa into the passenger seat of his car.

"We'll fix it. But right now, let's get you fixed huh?" Evie looked at James and saw his expression making it clear that he was driving, keys or no keys. "It's a scratch. Nothing else." she said as she walked around to the passenger side. "Evie. Even I know you're not gonna win this one, so give it up huh. Let the man get you checked out." Evie gave Kim a mock glare but she knew that she was right. Evie climbed in without saying anything else.

An hour later they were back in the MCU. James had made a detour to the ER and Evie had had the wound cleaned out before getting a half dozen stitches. A light bandage had then been put around the wound to keep it clean. Evie really wasn't feeling that much. The wound itself stung a little, but it didn't affect the use of her arm at all. And she made the same point to every man and woman who came into the MCU to check out if she was okay... or more importantly if their money was in any greater danger now than it had been a few hours ago. She was just about to head home when Callen and Sam came in. Before they had a chance to say anything, she told them it was fine.

"See. Look. I can still move it perfectly well. I can flex the muscle. Its a flesh would. A few stitches that's all."

"And if I give your arms a couple of swift punches, how long do you think those stitches are going to hold."

"Oh!" Evie hadn't really thought about the fact that the injury would almost certainly become a target for Cahill during the fight.


"Hey. Its not as if I did it on purpose. And to be honest, a graze across the arm is a lot more preferable to the bullet in the head that was almost certainly the intention."

"Okay okay... guys... Evie... lets just calm it down a little huh?" James stepped in as Callen opened his mouth to say something else. "We'll deal with it as best we can. As long as we keep the bandage well packed and tight, it'll be fine. Sam looked at him and then at Evie.

"6.00am tomorrow. NCIS gym. Do not be late." Evie stared at him and then came to attention and gave him as smart salute. "Sir. Yes Sir." A marine's response.
Word of Evie's gunshot wound had made it's way from the Central Station to the NCIS OSP in Los Angeles. Most likely someone called Deeks who then told Sam & Callen about Evie's injury. The two special agents had put in a lot of time training Evie and they didn't want all their hard work going for naught because she got hurt. That's why they appeared a the Central Station to check up on Evie. Before Sam & Callen left, they asked where Tom was? They were then filled in on Tom having a daughter he didn't know about. Sam thought that was amazing since he had a daughter of his own. He told Evie to give Tom his best when she saw him. Not long after Sam & Callen left Chief Beck appeared in the MCU Squad room. He was there to check on Evie's injury like so many others had. Chief Beck told Evie that she was on restricted duty until after the fight. He didn't want anything bad happening to Evie. Restricted duty pretty much meant that Evie would be riding a desk until after the fight was over.

Tom called Evie from time to time to check on how she was doing. He wasn't surprised to hear how many people showed up to check on her. That was expected since so many people had a lot riding on Evie. They were worried about their bets, but they bet on Evie because they had faith in her. They believed that Evie could beat "The Killer" in their fight. The last time Tom called Evie, he asked her to have dinner with him & Alyssa. He said that Alyssa felt bad about stealing Evie's car and she wanted to make it up too her. Tom said that they would pick Evie up at her place around 7 pm. He agreed to have Evie home at a decent hour since she had an early session at the NCIS Gym.

Tom & Alyssa picked Evie up as planned. They went to a Thai restaurant where Alyssa apologized and promised to pay for the damages on Evie's car. During dinner Alyssa found out that Evie was fighting in an MMA bout. Alyssa though that as cool and she added that she wanted to see Evie kick that other woman's ass. Tom said that Alyssa could have a ringside seat. Alyssa smile then she leaned over and whispered to Evie. " For entrance music.......Think Eye of the Tiger. " Alyssa gave Evie a wink before returning to her food. After dinner Tom, Evie & Alyssa paid a visit to Jack at his place. This was Jack's first chance at meeting his ex partner's daughter. It also gave Tom a chance to talk with Jack about raising a daughter who was Alyssa's age. Tom could use all the help he could get and Jack was a great choice for giving out help. He had pretty much raised two boys and Evie on his own while still being a cop. Jack said that Evie could be of some help also. Not as any kind of mother, but as someone who could be a friend. Jack was sure that Alyssa could use a female friend or two right now. Tom was sure that both Evie & Kim would help Alyssa whenever she needed it. The evening ended when Evie was dropped back off at her apartment. Alyssa admitted that she never had much use for cops before. She then said that kind of thinking was wrong. She had enjoyed meeting most of the people that her father works with. In Alyssa's words, they were all pretty cool.
Sam had left telling Evie that she was going to pay for the sarcastic salute and as she watched him and Callen leave she knew that he wasn't kidding. She took a deep breath and grinned, shaking her head a little, still struggling to fully comprehend how she had gotten herself into this. By the time the Chief came down, Evie had pretty much had enough of everyone calling in to see if she was okay just because they were worried about their cash. Up until that moment, she hadn't really been aware of how many people were following this; she'd never heard about any inter-departmental MMA championship before, even when Steve had been into it. Maybe she had just been blind but this was certainly much bigger than she ever envisaged it being. When the Chief had told her she was on restricted duty, she had told him... a little more firmly than she should have done... that she was fine and she didn't need to be confined to a desk. Again, James stepped in before Evie could do any real damage to her career assuring him that he would be making sure that Evie was well and truly secured to the desk and if she made any attempt to leave the building other than when she was heading home, he'd personally handcuff her to the desk. Evie had just smiled when the Chief turned and left and then she had looked at James. He looked at her and simply smiled back, and pointed to her desk.

"How much have you put me winning this?"


"Well if its a lot, then it might actually be worth losing." James wasn't looking at her any more but was heading back to his own desk and sitting down. "What makes you think I've put any money on you at all?" Only then did he look up and smile. Kim just burst out laughing and sat down at her own desk.

When Tom called for the third time, he had invited her to dinner. It sounded good but she really wanted to make sure that Tom felt he had as much time and space as he needed to get to know Alyssa. He didn't need to worry about her. When he said Alyssa had felt bad about her car, Evie laughed. "Did you tell her exactly how much it's gonna cost to repair and 1967 CLASSIC mustang?" Tom said he hadn't quite broken that to her bit they'd sort it out. Evie laughed and told him to tell her not to worry. She was just glad she hadn't gotten in it and tried to run.

Evie had gone home and showered, wrapping plastic wrap around the bandages, and changed. It had been a long day. Her body was aching and the bruises she knew would come were starting to appear. She put on fresh black jeans and a white t-shirt, and pulled out her black leather jacket. Just as she had finished getting ready she heard the car horn outside. Alyssa was sat in the front seat next to her Dad, but she didn't think anything of it as she climbed into the back seat and Tom drove to the restaurant. Evie reassured her that she didn't need to worry about the car. "You were looking to save your friend and it took a lot of guts to do what you did. It was stupid, but it took a lot of guts." When the conversation turned to the MMA and Alyssa suggested the music, Evie put her knife down and picked up her glass of water, thinking about it for a moment.

"Survivor huh... I think that might be the one we use that one if I win. Deeks... he's an NCIS agent who keeps telling me that he is helping me out with this... apparently he thinks Back in Black... ACDC... is the thing to go in with. He thinks everyone will use Eye of the Tiger... which is probably right. Either that or the theme from Rocky I. I kind of like this piece of classical music... from the Planet Suite by Gustav Holst. Its called Mars: Bringer of War.

When they got to Jack's place, Steve and James were both there. Evie disappeared into the kitchen with Alyssa and introduced her to both of them whilst Tom was talking to her dad. It wasn't long before the conversation turned to the MMA and five minutes after that, Steve had dragged Evie out into the back garden and they were playing around with some moves, despite Evie telling him that if he wanted this full on then she was probably going to finish up throwing up a very good meal all over him. James and Alyssa had just sat on one of the benches and laughed. Pretty soon all thoughts of MMA rules went out of the window and Steve had tackled Evie to the ground and they were in all out wrestling mode with Evie squealing whist Steve told her she needed to get out of these kinds of things if she was going to have a chance. They weren't exactly taking anything serious though and pretty soon the garden was awash with laughter.

The following morning, she arrived at NCIS HQ at around 5.45am. Sam was outside waiting for her, which wasn't a good sign. He said nothing as he led her in through security and down to the gym. When she walked in, she knew she was in trouble. Callen was in sweats and a vest and was warming up with a body bag. She had never actually fought Callen before. She worked out with both Deeks and Kensi and had worked through individual moves with Sam before. But a full on round with Callen. She wondered how much he was going to hold back. She wondered whether he was going to hold back at all.

An hour later she hit the floor for the ... she'd lost count of how many times he had hit the floor. Callen stood over her, hands on hips. "You had enough?" he asked. She prized open one eye and looked up at him. She groaned. "NO!" Callen smiled and reached out his hand. "Good."
Evie's training continued until the day of the match arrived. Sam & Callen just a light workout that morning. Nothing major, just enough to keep up her edge. The day passed quickly and in the late afternoon, Sam & Callen met up with Evie at the Central Station. They along with Tom left for the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena where the fight would take place. Sam did a little sparring with Evie back in her dressing room. Go over moves & countermoves. Sam & Callen had done some spying on Cahill where she was training. They watched some of her old fights on dvd. The guys knew how she fought and they learned how to beat her. Callen said that Cahill likes to use her power and go for a quick knockout. She had never been taken to a full three rounds. In fact, Cahill had won all her bouts by knockout in the first round. " She's all offense and has no real defence......That's her weakness. " Callen added as Sam tapped up Evie's hands. Sam used the same tape that boxers use on their hands. Evie's ankles and around the heel of her was also taped. Out in the arena, people were arriving for the show. Evie's fight was just one of six bouts taking place tonight. Tom took a minute and pulled Evie aside once she was ready. He told her that all the work she had done to get here was amazing. Tom said he was very proud of Evie for getting to this point. " Just go out and do your best. " Tom then gave Evie a kiss before Sam yelled that it was time to go. Callen helped Evie on with a blue satin robe which was trimmed in yellow. On the back of the robe in bold yellow letters was the name "The Eliminator."

Tom, Sam & Callen all dawned MCU t-shirts which had Evie's name on their backs. Callen lead the way out of the locker room followed by Evie. Tom & Sam walked just behind Evie one on either side of her. Tom was carrying towels, a water bottle, Evie's mouth guard and a bucket filled with other items. Sam was carrying Evie's gloves. These gloves weren't as large as those worn by boxers. They were sleeker and wrapped around the hand then attached with velcro. As Evie and her cornermen hit the aisle which leads to the cage. The music Evie had picked came up. About the of the audience started to cheer, the other half booed. Sitting in the front row near Evie's corner was James, Steve, Jack, Rick, Alyssa, Kim, Deeks, Kensi & Hetty. Also along this row was Chief Beck, the Mayor and the Governor who came to support Evie. Everyone was wearing one of the new MCU t-shirts. Even the Riptide guys were sitting a few rows back cheering Evie on. Along the aisle where Evie was coming down Kari & Angel sat. Tom & Evie helped them both to get an early release from prison.

Once both fighters were inside the cage the announcer stepped in. " Ladies and Gentlemen.......This bout is 3 round for the Interdepartmental Women's Championship MMA belt!.......First the challenger!........In the blue corner........From the Major Crimes Unit of the LAPD!......Weighing in at 134 and 1/2 pounds.....Here is Evie "The Eliminator" Taylor! " Half the crowd again cheered wildly for Evie. " Now for the Champion!.........In the red corner.........From the California Highway Patrol........Weighing in at 137 and one quarter pounds.......Carol "The Killer" Cahill! " Those supporting Cahill cheered while those on Evie's side booed Cahill. One of Cahill's cornermen held the title high above Cahill's head. The referee called the two women into the center of the cage. He went over a few rules before telling them to have a good clean fight. He told them to go back to their corners and wait for the bell. Tom, Sam & Callen wished Evie good luck as they stepped outside the cage. The bell rang and the fight was underway.
Evie sat watching Sam as he taped her hands, listening to Callen and nodding in the right places. Periodically she would clench her fist and Sam would pack the tape a little harder. "So... erm... what you're saying is that I gotta survive the first round and then maybe.... Great! Just great."

"You've got to move and you've got to attack." Evie exhaled and then she started to laugh as she saw both Sam and Callen staring at her. "What the hell ever possessed me to think I could do this."

"Hey. You can do it. If I didn't think you had a chance I'd tell you. Okay. If you don't have any faith in yourself, then... have a little in me." Sam smiled at her as he packed her hands a little harder. Evie smiled back and nodded. "Just do what we taught you and don't panic. You're gonna get hit; you're not going to be able to avoid them all. But you've taken G hitting you enough times. You can take it. Just keep moving... find a way in." Evie nodded again.

This was nothing like she had expected. The noise outside was incredible and as she walked out and the ACDC fired out over the sound system, she felt like she was literally being hit with a wall of sound. She walked quietly behind Callen, trying to swallow down the feeling of nausea as her heart pounded so hard that she thought it was going to beat its way out of her chest. The arena was pretty dark except for the cage in the centre and the spot light that picked her up and followed her as she made her way to it. The cage itself looked huge. Four days ago, Sam had taken her to a place he knew so she could get use to fighting in the cage. They've worked out there almost every since and with Sam telling her how to use the 'walls' to turn a defensive move into an offensive one. Now she knew why. It seemed like a long walk. When she got there, Cahill was already there, strutting around like a peacock. Evie decided to let her have her moment. With a little luck it might be her last for a while. The announcer introduced both of the women and again walls of sounds washed over them. Evie had been surprised yesterday when she had officially weighed in. She was inches smaller around the waist and the hip thanks to Sam and Callen but she weighed almost the same. Now she was more toned and had a greater muscle definition. She was fitter and stronger than she had been in her whole life. She went back to the corner and smiled nervously as the guys wished her luck. Tom took the robe from her. As Sam and Callen secured a glove on each hand, Evie looked at them.

"Thanks guys... for everything... all the time you guys have put into this... I don't mind losing really... I just really don't want to let you guys down after everything you've done."

"It's not going to happen. Just... move fast."

"Move fast. Right." And then they were gone and the cage was being closed off. She turned around and looked at Cahill in the opposite corner. The bell rang and as far as Evie was concerned, all hell broke loose. It was possibly the wildest three minutes of her life which started with her being put down inside of 30 seconds. Evie was up almost as soon as she was down. 'Keep moving. Move fast.' Cahill was insatiable and she hit hard, but there was some relief for Evie when she learned that Cahill didn't hit as hard as either Sam or Callen. But no matter what Evie did, Cahill kept coming. She caught Cahill maybe twice, both times with a punch but she knew exactly what Sam was going to say if she ever made it back into the corner.

It was a long three minutes and when the bell went, Evie almost didn't hear it. But Cahill turned and headed away from her which made Evie look around. Sure enough Callen and Sam and Tom were getting into the ring. And sure enough as soon as she had sat down, Sam started.

"You gotta move quicker kid and you have to put in some attacks. At the moment you're nothing but defense."

"I... I can't get... get near her."

"You got to find a way in... hey... you got through the first round though so now... this is new territory for her. Let's see how much stamina she has. All that running you did. This is why!"
The shot Evie took in the opening moments of the fight brought a groan from those supporting her. Their cheers grew louder when Evie popped right backup. This surprised Cahill since that was her best knockout punch and Evie didn't stay down. After the first round was over, Cahill returned to her corner. She was now aware that Evie wouldn't be the barbie doll push over she had first thought. Evie was here to fight and there would be no quick first round knockout. The second round started with Cahill coming at Evie like a bull in a chain shop. Sam & Callen were yelling at Evie to stick and move! The first round had been won by Cahill. The second round however was much closer. Evie was able to get inside and delivered some hard hitting blow. One staggered Cahill to the point where she sailed backwards into the cage. It was a close second round, tough to call. But Cahill was holding a slight lead in the points. When Evie returned to her corner the guys were there. Sam knelt down in front of Evie while Tom gave her water and Callen used a towel to dry her off. " That was a good round!......But you can do better! " Sam said.

Sam told Evie to work inside again, but this time stay on Cahill. He said if she goes back, don't wait on her, go after her! The bell for round three sounded. Cahill looked visibly shaken at not being able to put way Evie as she had the others. As the final round got underway. Cahill came out slowly. She was ahead on points and was just going to keep away from Evie. Sam & Callen noticed this and yelled for Evie to go after her! Evie didn't wait and she didn't hold back. She moved right in on Cahill who backed away. Evie however kept coming and started landing some major blows. Cahill grabbed Evie by her head trying to keep her from landing those punches, but Evie then started landing knee shots. She placed her right knee into Cahill's stomach. Evie's left knee caused Cahill to lose her hold on Evie's head. Cahill again threw some punches which didn't seem to hurt Evie. It was now or never and Evie knew it. She just started pounding Cahill with everything she had. Evie's hands were flying so fast she landed 20 punches in less than one minute. Just over a minute left in the round and Evie landed a left jab followed by a vicious right hook which sent Cahill spinning until she crashed to the mat. The referee began the count. With each number the crowd counted along with him. Even Tom, Sam & Callen were counting. The referee then waved his hands in the air signaling a knockout. He walked over and raised Evie's hand into the air. The cage door opened fly open. Tom rushed in grabbing Evie in his arms and lifting her into the air. Someone from the outside handed Callen the championship belt which he carried inside. Evie was now being carried around the cage on Tom & Sam's shoulders. Callen handed her the belt which she raised above her head. " In 2 minutes and 10 seconds of the third round!........Here is your winner by knockout!..........And NEW Interdepartmental Women's MMA Champion!........Evie "The Eliminator" Taylor!!! " The crowd erupted like they were part of an old rocky movie. Many were chatting Evie's name while she was carried around the cage. A big celebration was planned for after the fight. Win, lose or draw. Because Alyssa was a minor. The normal celebration place, Malone's was out of the question. The gang all headed for Evie's place where plenty of food and drinks were waiting thanks to Rick who was paying for Evie party.
The second round was hard but strangely the longer it went the better Evie felt. She'd taken what Cahill had to give in the first round and in some ways he had given even more at the start of 2. But the longer it went the more Cahill seemed to be losing heart. Maybe it was a lack of stamina. Maybe it was despair. But by the nod of 2 Evie wasn't feeling her punches and kicks as hard. At the break she didn't say anything. She just nodded, catching her breath, thinking through what Sam said and then when Cahill came out so slow, maybe for the first time Evie started to think maybe a victory was possible. Truth was, Evie didn't actually think about her moves in that final round. She just moved. She let instinct and training take over. When Cahill ultimately went down, Evie was sure it was only going to be for a second or two. She was sure in the next second she'd be up. Evie went to a neutral corner, staying n her toes, her hand lose, waiting, expecting, not really aware of the count even. Se knew Cahill would get up.... Right up util the second the ref called it. And even then she wasn't quite sure what had happened. The next 15 minutes were a blur. Tom and Sam carrying he. The belt being handed over. She had no idea how she got from the ring back to the dressing room where James and Steve and her Dad were already waiting. More hugs and cheers. Bottles of champagne were opened and sprayed around like the end of a Grand Prix. Eventually she was left in peace nod given the chance to shower and change. The competition doctor came in and checked her out. A gaze on her chin, some bruised knuckles and a slight swelling on a cheek bone were the only visible signs. Her renewed the bandage on her arm, but the stitches had held nod then he gave her the all clear.

By that time practically everyone had gone. When she came out of the dressing room, Sam, Callen, and James were waiting. Sam grinned at her. She smiled back.

"Not bad I guess." Sam said.

"Not bad? That's it? Not bad!"

"Yeah well.." Sam shrugged. Evie smiled and stepped close to him before giving him a hug. Followed by Callen.

"Thanks. I... I don't know what I would have done without you guys." Callen smiled as he turned away and said "You would have lost."

A few minutes later, James was driving Evie home, with Sam and Callen immediately behind them. Evie didn't think there had ever been so any people at her place before. Family. Friends. Lovers. She was grateful though that they all seemed to know when to leave. About three hours after arriving home she was seeing out the last of the guests. Rick took Tom and Alyssa back to the boat. Nick Cody and Boz made their own way back. The NCIS team went back in their own cars. Jack took his sons home and dropped Kim off on the way. And finally Evie got to be and was asleep practically before her head hit the pillow.
Two months had passed since the night of the fight. Evie had a new trophy hanging on her wall. It was a replica of the Women's MMA belt she had won from Cahill. Tom & Alyssa grew closer in that time. Living a structured life was new to Alyssa. Before life on the streets was all about survival. Living with her father she had to become a responsible person. Alyssa gave up working the streets. She studied hard and got her GED a week before her 18th birthday. A week after Alyssa's birthday party, she entered the LAPD Police Academy. She had decided to follow in her father's footsteps and become a cop. Alyssa was worried that her checkered past could come back and haunt her. But Evie had told her that she couldn't live in the past. Alyssa had never been convicted of a crime. So there was nothing that would keep her from becoming a cop. There was a long road ahead for Alyssa before a badge was pinned on her. She was studying law at night while attending the academy during the day. Alyssa was determined to make something of herself.

The work days melted away and the weekend had come. During the warmer months, it had become something of a ritual for everyone to gather at Jack's house on the last Saturday of the month. This was a time to drink beer & barbecue food while Jack told and retold his famous stories. Since Alyssa was new, all the older stories were retold. Much to the delight of Jack's kids. However on this Saturday, Jack & Steve would get call away on business. A big time celebrity had been found dead of an overdose. The shock rocker Johnny Grunge had given himself a shot known as a speedball or powerball on the streets. This often lethal mixture is made from having heroin & cocaine in the same syringe. Narcotics was given this case because there was no sign that Johnny was murdered. The official cause of death had been reported as accidental. A large stash of heroin was found in Johnny's Bel Air home. Almost $30,000 dollars worth was taken out by Jack's detectives. The following week Jack & Steve tracked down a Hollywood pusher by the name of "Doctor Feelgood." He was known as the pusher to the stars. It was this man who sold Johnny the cocaine & heroin. Jack & Steve now had to work on him to find his supplier. The Doctor's supplier found out that Jack & Steve were snooping around. This was welcomed news since Jack & Steve had been like a nasty rash that won't go away. For years now Jack had been pulling some of the biggest drug dealers in Los Angeles behind bars. Jack had even helped to nail one of the biggest international drug dealers. General Chan Liu of the Red Dragon Tong.

The Red Dragon Tong had been hurt badly when General Liu was busted. Since his capture, General Liu has been sitting in a maximum federal prison which doesn't allow for visitors. The Tong's activity in America had been cut way back. But like a bad weed it began to grow again. General Liu's younger brother Chin Liu came to America and took control. The 42 year old Chin came in with a ruthless attitude wiping out anyone who would stand in his way. The fact that Jack & Steve were cops wouldn't save them. Chin planned their execution almost from the moment he stepped on America soil. He wasn't going to kill then because they busted his brother. Chin was thankful his brother was in jail. It allowed him the chance to take over and get a bigger slice of the pie for himself. Chin wanted Jack & Steve dead because they were a major threat to his livelihood. Chin knew that a high profile death would put Jack & Steve on the case. He knew that they would find Doctor Feelgood and in time he would tell Jack & Steve what they wanted to know. How did Chin know all of this? He set up the trail from Johnny to the Doctor which would end with the Red Dragon Tong. Chin knew that Jack couldn't resist the chance to destroy the Tong in Los Angeles once and for all.

Everything was going just as Chin had planned. Jack & Steve were closing in day by day. During this time the MCU team had been called out of town. A serial killer was loose on the Streets of San Francisco. The MCU teamed up with Lieutenant Mike Stone & Inspector Steve Keller of the San Francisco Police Department. A madman known as "The Butcher" was hacking women to death at an alarming rate. He seemed to come and go without being seen. But he would always leave behind bloody bodies. He attacked an apartment one night with four young college students in it. The girls were living together in order to save money and because they thought it would be safer. The girls were wrong when the Butcher came. He forced his way into the apartment just after midnight and began brutally attacking the girls with a meat cleaver. He often used a meat clever or extra large butcher's knife for his work. The Butcher had killed all four girls in less then 15 minutes. Their bodies hacked into pieces and the press had a field day. This is why the MCU was called in by the Governor. He wanted his task force on this case and the SFPD was grateful for the help.

While the MCU was out of town. Jack & Steve continued to follow leads until they got the break they needed. A huge shipment of drugs was coming into LA that day. A freighter called "Wing Cong" would be off loading various items at the LA Docks. Among these items is 20 crates which are marked kitchen utensils. Each crate is marked 1 to 20. The information Jack received was that each odd numbered crate after 1 had drugs in the utensils boxes. These crates would disappear at the warehouse. Jack, Steve and five of their men stood ready to make their raid. It was something they had done many times before, but always used six extra men. One of the detectives called in sick today. Still the team went out as planned. They broke into the warehouse and searched, but found no one. Jack then ordered that each odd numbered utensils crate be searched. The trap had been set and it was about to spring closed. As the Jack's men were searching the crates. A delivery van from the Golden Dragon Restaurant pulled up outside. Four men exited from the back and two from the front. One was Detective Nate Long who had called off that day. He was working for the Red Dragon Tong. Nate had a taste for expensive items. Items cops can't normally afford. He did however keep this a secret from those inside the department. Chin Liu however found out about Nate and used his money & power to buy a police officer. One that he used against Jack & Steve. Nate was often the one who found the information, or got someone like the Doctor to crack. The six men entered the warehouse, four of them carried AK-71's. Nate and the other man named Chao were carrying hand guns. Chin wanted Nate to take part in his teams downfall. Nate was receiving a lot of money for the deaths of Jack, Steve and the others. Gun fire broke out seconds after the men entered. Jack and his team were wearing flack jackets, but the Tong were using AK-71's which the jackets couldn't stop. The gunfire ended when all the police were laying on the floor. Nate was told to go around and check their bodies. Chin didn't want anyone left alive. Nate noticed that Jack & Steve although shot up pretty badly were still alive. He never thought that they would survive their wounds. So Nate returned and told Chao that all the cops were dead. They could leave and report back to Chin that the job was over.

A Chinese hooker by the name of Lucy Lee was walking down the street when she saw an American and five Chinese males run out of the warehouse carrying guns. They jumped into the Golden Dragon van and drove off. Lucy wasn't sure what they had been up to, but she was sure it was nothing good. Against Lucy's better judgement she took a look around the warehouse. She spotted the bodies laying on the floor. Steve was reaching out to her asking for help. He was clinging to life. Lucy didn't want to get involved, but she called the police. Before the first patrol cars arrived, Lucy split. But Steve got a good enough look at her. Steve's trouble now was staying alive to tell someone. He mumbled some words which a uniformed office wrote down. Steve then fell into a coma caused by his blood loss. All the fallen officers were rushed to the hospital. Everyone of Jack's team except for him and Steve had died. No word would be released to the press until the next of kin was notified. In the case of Jack & Steve the next of kin were in San Francisco. Captain MacDonald of the Central Station called Tom and gave him the news.

When Tom's cell phone went off. He had a feeling it was bad news. He first noticed that it was an LA number. Then he noticed it was Captain MacDonald. This obviously wasn't going to be good news. Tom wondered if something happened to his dad, or perhaps to Alyssa. After answering the call, he found out that they were fine, but Jack & Steve had been gunned down. Hearing that Jack & Steve had been shot was just like hearing that his father or daughter had been injured. Even before Tom and Evie started dating. Tom was like a member of the Taylor family. Included in on the family parties and all the joking around the siblings did. Now Tom had to tell Evie & James what happened to Jack & Steve. The news hit Evie & James hard which was to be expected. Tom & Kim did their best to console their friends. San Francisco was not the place for them now. Tom told Evie & James to head back home. He & Kim would wrap things up here and get home as soon as possible. Tom Kim drove Evie & James to the airport. The Governor had sent a special plane after hearing the news. It would carry them back to LA. Tom & Kim watched as the plane lifted off and headed for Los Angeles. They still had work to do here before they could join their friends.
Evie and Alyssa had become pretty good friends. They would go shopping at the weekend and Evie had helped her with GED a couple of evenings a week and now with her Constitutional Law classes and the California Penal Code. Evie wasn't staying at Tom's as often as she had been and Tom rarely stayed at her place now. Evie didn't mind at all; how could she have any bad feelings about a man and his daughter wanting to get to know each other. She was glad that Alyssa had been content to stay. Once or twice a week though, Alyssa would stay with Rick. He had a relationship to build too and Alyssa seemed to like the fact that she had a very very rich grandfather with a very very questionable past. When Alyssa was at Rick's, Evie and Tom had the time to themselves. And then there were the nights at Jack's... an extended family for Alyssa. Evie was convinced that Alyssa had a crush on Steve and she teased her mercilessly about it but only in private. She hadn't even said anything to Tom and she certainly wasn't going to embarrass the girl by saying anything to Steve. Which of course had been completely unlike her father who had had no misgivings about embarrassing his own children at every opportunity. And if he wasn't embarrassing them he was boring them rigid with police stories going back decades.

The routine got interrupted when they got the call to go to San Francisco. The arrangements were made for Alyssa to stay at Rick's while Tom was away and they team packed their bags and headed 350miles north. It was lunch time on the second day they were there and Tom, James, Kim and Evie were sitting with Mike and Steve in the SFPD squad room, looking at the evidence they had and trying to work out what it was telling them. When Tom's phone rang, he stepped outside the room and left the rest of the team talking things through. When he walked back in, Evie knew there was something wrong as soon as she saw him. She stared at him... met his gaze and then watched as he looked at James... then back to her. The fact that he looked at both of them... something inside her told her what he was going to say.

When he did Evie thought she was going to throw up; right there in the office. She felt her world suddenly shudder to a halt. She looked across to James and saw the shock and fear and pain in his face. It was a possibility that they all knew about. Unknown to his children, Jack had had long conversations with Tom when there were on duty. First they had been about whether Jack should quit the force... what would happen to his kids if something happened to him. If something happened before Steve was at least 18, they would have little chance of being kept together. Tom had promised him he would make sure they were fine. Then it had been about whether he should try and discourage Steve from joining the police when he had first declared that to be his intention. When James had then said he was following them, Jack had pretty much resigned himself to a life of worry. Things had been a little different when his daughter had returned home and told him she had enrolled in the Academy. Steve and James could take care of themselves better maybe, and this was Evie... his little girl. With each one Tom had told him that he doubted anything Jack might say would dissuade them; Jack had taught them well and had been a role model that they were naturally going to try and live up to. With James, it wasn't just Jack he was emulating. He had a big brother too and he wanted the respect of the men he in turn respected and cared about the most. Tom had agreed that maybe the case was different with Evie, but he had asked Jack whether he thought he could really stop her and what might trying cost him in terms of their relationship. And then, once in, each one of the children had come to learn the risks and had learned to live with possibility that any one of them might finish up getting killed in the line of duty.

When Evie and James finally made it to the UCLA Medical Centre it was early evening. Jack and Steve had been shot four hours ago and they had been in surgery almost since they had arrived at the hospital. Evie and James had hardly spoken since Tom had told them. Both of them were fighting against their own fears. But they stayed close to each other; the simple presence of one providing as much comfort for the other as there could be at that moment. Neither one could tell the other that everything was going to be okay; neither of them knew enough to be sure enough to say it. And so they pretty much stayed quiet lost in their own fear. Once they arrived, they were told that both Jack and Steve were still in surgery and were likely to be for another couple of hours. They were taken along to a waiting room and they were told that when someone knew something, they'd come and see them. And so they sat drinking machine coffee... one cup after another... side by side but lost in their own thoughts and memories... united in those memories in many ways. Maybe it was a result of Jack's wife leaving, but the four remaining members of the Taylor family had a pretty unique bond; all three of the children had a great relationship with their father and with each other. More than family. Or perhaps the best that the notion of 'family' could mean together with the choice of friendship and respect and pride. When Evie couldn't sit anymore, she started pacing, but unsurprisingly it didn't make the time go any faster. Eventually it began to wear on James.

"Evie. Just.... just sit down will you."

"I've been sitting down all day. What the hell is taking so long? There has to be something we can do."

"There isn't! We just have to wait."

"Wait for what? Until a doctor with a god complex decides to walk in and tell us they're both dead." As she said the word, her eyes began to prick and the tears began to fill them. James saw and was immediately on his feet. He wrapped his arms around his sister and just held her as she held tightly to him.

"I'm sorry." she whispered into his shoulder as she fought the tears back.

Before James had a chance to say anything, the door opened. A doctor in green scrubs walked in. Both of them stared wide-eyed at him. Expectant. Fearing the worst. Hoping for something else. He held out his hand. "Hi. I'm Dr. Michael Dorien. Okay. First. Your Dad is going to be fine. We took three AK-47 shells out of him but fortunately whilst it looked messy and there was a lot of blood loss, we managed to patch him up. He's in recovery now and should be moved to a room in the next hour." Both of them gave a silent prayer but they both knew that there was a but coming. They both guessed that things weren't going to be so good when it came to Steve. It was James who eventually asked the question.

"Your brother is a little more complicated. One of the bullets nicked his pulmonary artery. There is a surgical team doing an arterial graft now but it is a long operation. At the moment all I can say is that he is fighting, and he's strong and fit and his chances are good. But the operation isn't without risks." The doctor smiled sympathetically. "Once you father is settled, I'll get someone to come and fetch you and you can stay in his room until we get news about your brother." James nodded and thanked the man and then as he left, James hugged his sister hard again. When they were advised about 30 minutes later that they could see Jack, Evie stepped outside on the way and called Tom to let him know. From then on James and Evie waited and kept a vigil over their father as he slept. It was another three hours before they got word that Steve was out of theatre. The next few hours were going to be critical now.
Tom & Kim left the airport and headed back into San Francisco. They didn't speak much to each other expect for the current case they were working on. Their hearts had flown home with Evie & James. But they still had a job to do and Tom was going to make sure "The Butcher" was caught. Jack would expect none the less from his former partner. Earlier that day, before the phone call brought tragic events. The MCU team was going over the evidence with Lt. Stone & Inspector Keller. They knew that no one had ever seen anyone suspicion leaving the scene of the crimes. Tom knew that the killer was leaving by some means. On the drive back from the airport, a thought hit Tom. He believed that the killer must be leaving the scenes in an unusual manner. One back at the SFPD Homicide Office, Tom looked carefully at the crime scene photos. Most of the crimes took place out in the open. The most brutal of the crimes took place inside an apartment which just happened to have a backdoor which leads into an alleyway. Tom, Kim, Lt. Stone & Inspector Keller visited all the crime locations. Each one put an piece of the puzzle into place for Tom. He told the others that he believed the killer was making his escape by using the sewer system.

All of the bodies had been found with in 50 yards of a manhole cover. In the case of the apartment murders. A manhole was less then 6 feet from the rear door, which was the door that had been forced opened. Lt. Stone ordered forensic tests run on the manhole covers from each location where the murders took place. It didn't take long for blood traces to be found on all manhole covers where the bodies where located and at the apartment. The question now was. Did the killer just use this as an escape route, or was he living in the sewers? Tom cover all the bases, a search of the sewers was ordered. Teams of SFPD SWAT Officers, uniformed officers and detectives each took different points of the city and started their search underground. Each of the teams started on the outskirts of the city and slowly worked their way towards the center. The police knew that they were looking for a white male. Standing over 6 feet with brown hair and powerfully built. The DNA evidence told them part of this. The fact that he was able to move manhole covers told them that he was large and powerful.

Tom, Kim & three uniformed SFPD officers were moving slowly through a tunnel when they came upon a doorway. It was to an old maintenance area. This place had been used back in the 70's & 80's as a place where sewer workers could go while working beneath the city streets. It served as shop & break room back then. These rooms hadn't been used in years, but there was a strong smell of something cooking coming from the inside. With the uniformed officers covering. Tom & Kim opened the door and slipped inside. A pot of coffee was sitting on a hotplate. Newspapers were tossed about and those featuring stories on the killings were taped to a nearby wall. It was clear that someone was here, or had been here recently. Then Tom heard a noise which made him turn slightly. A crate had fallen over and a door about 20 feet away was slightly open. The sound of running feet could be heard just beyond the door. Tom ran to the door kicking it open. He saw a large man running away down another tunnel. He yelled for the uniformed officers to tell the others teams a suspect had been spotted. Tom & Kim then gave chase.

The sewer chase lasted 2 or 3 blocks before the killer crawled to the surface. He came out in the middle of a busy street. The killer made a mad dash for an alley where he hoped to make his getaway. The alley however had a police car at the other end. Tom & Kim rose up from the sewer and pursued the suspect. He was blocked from both ends, so the killer took to the roof tops. He climbed a building and started to run. Tom & Kim were by now hot on his tail. The killer leaped from rooftop to rooftop trying to lose Tom & Kim. He pulled out a pistol and began shooting when he would stop. Tom & Kim returned fire, but the chase didn't end. The chase continued over 4 city blocks while the SFPD tried to keep up below. The killer turned at one point while still moving backwards. He fired twice at Tom & Kim, but ended up falling through a skylight. The killer ended up in an apartment, but the fall only slowed him down. Tom & Kim jumped down into the apartment and continued the chase which lead out into the street. The killer took off down the sidewalk then moved out into the street. Tom & Kim exited from the apartment, quickly spotted their suspect. Tom yelled out a warning to stop which was ignored. He then raised his Desert Eagle and fired at the man. The shot hit the fleeing suspect in the back dropping him to the ground. Tom & Kim moved up on the fallen man. Kim kicked the weapon away from his hand as the SFPD arrived. The man was placed into custody and taken to the hospital. A search of the maintenance room he had been living turned up the meat cleaver & butcher's knife used during the killings. They also found blood rags which he used to clean his tools of murder. The man had been living like an animal under the city. He was identified as William Leech. A one time city sewer worker who had mental troubles and slipped through the cracks of society. Leech had disappeared months ago after serving time in a mental hospital for brutally beating his wife and her sister.

Tom & Kim didn't smell very well after their adventure in San Francisco's sewer. Once they got back to the police station. They showered and were given t-shirts & sweat pants from the SFPD. This would do until they could get back to their hotel rooms. It was while Tom & Kim were still at the police station when Evie called with the information on Jack & Steve. Tom passed on the news that Jack was doing better, but Steve was still touch & go. Lt. Stone thanked Tom & Kim for their help and everything the MCU did for the people of San Francisco. He also expressed his best wishes on Jack & Steve getting well. A police car drove Tom & Kim to their motel, then drove them to the airport. Tom & Kim boarded a plane and headed for home. Tom's car was waiting for them at LAX when they would arrive.

Word of what happened spread through the academy. Alyssa was shaken to her core when she heard the news. She had only known Jack & Steve for a short time, but she felt them same sense of family for them as her father felt. Alyssa had come to look on Jack like an Uncle and she did have a crush on Steve. She always did have a soft spot for the bad boys and Steve was certainly that in the Taylor family. Alyssa called her grandfather telling him the horrifying news. Once her day at the academy was over. Rick picked Alyssa up and they went to the hospital. Both Jack & Steve were under heavy guard, but James was close by and told the guards to allow Rick & Alyssa in. Alyssa ran to Evie throwing her arms around her beck. She was still wearing her cadet uniform. Rick & James stood at the foot of Jack's bed talking.
Evie sat at the side of her dad's bed holding onto his hand and trying to avoid the drip tube that was inserted into the back of his hand. James was sat in a chair on the opposite side. Both of them conflicted; relief at the fact that their father was going to be okay, but still worried that they were all going to lose Steve. They had taken one bullet out of Jack's side and had removed his spleen. A second bullet had gone into his chest. Perhaps the effect of the vest taking so much speed out of it, somehow it manageed to miss everything important. The third bullet had gone into his left shoulder and buried itself in the soft muscle tissue. It took perhaps another hour before Jack managed to fight his way out of the fog of the anaesthetic. Evie felt him squeeze her hand and she was on her feet instantly, closely followed by James. Jack groaned.

"Hey there old man. It's about time you woke up." James said, his smile wide. Jack struggled to focus for a moment as he shifted his half open eyes to his son and the hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

"When I get... out of here... you're gonna pay for that."

"Just name the place." James brushed a stray lock of hair from off of his father's brow.

"Steve?" The word was a question and for a moment it chilled them both. What were they supposed to say? Evie looked across to James and saw his smile disappearing. She couldnt say anything for fear that she would fall apart. "He's alive and... and he made it through surgery." James couldn't lie to his Dad and he hoped that maybe it was all that Jack needed to know. Unfortunately it wasn't... not quite.

"How... bad?" When no answer came he looked from James to Evie and saw the tears in her eyes. He squeezed her hand. "Hey! Your brother... is a fighter... you know that... He never quits. Stubborn... hard headed... pain in the... " Evie started laughing and the first tear slipped down her cheek. "When you... when you see him... you tell him... he'd damn well... better not make... a liar out of me." Evie nodded.

"What about you. Do you need anything. Do you want me to..." Jack smiled at Evie and shook his head. "I'm just gonna... sleep a little longer..."

"Okay. We'll be here when you wake up okay." As Jack closed his eyes again, Evie leaned forward and kissed hinm softly on the forehead.

Another hour ticked by and James stepped out to get more coffee. As he was on his way to the machine he bumped into Rick and Alyssa. He had the officers on the door let them in and see Evie and then he and Rick went to get coffee. When the two of them came back, Dr. Dorien was approaching Jack's room. James stopped and waited for him looking expectantly. if this was going to be bad news then maybe it would be best if he got it first and told Evie. He braced himself as the Dr. approached.

"I hear your father was awake for a little while? That's good." James nodded. "Yeah... he was... he was asking about Steve." Now it was Dorien's turn to nod. He hesitated for a moment and looked at Rick. "It's okay. Rick is a family friend." The Dr. nodded again. "You can see your brother if you'd like. He's been settled into a room along the corridor. You just need to be prepared... there's a lot of machinery in there and it tends to make things look bad. Steve's had himself one hell of a day and he doesn't look to good right now, but he's pretty much as good as we could have hoped." James' smile flashed across his face and the relief was more than evident. For a moment Rick thought he might have to pick the lad up of the floor, the relief was so palpable. "Frankly... your brother is a..."

"A stubborn, hard-headed, pain in the ass who never quits." James recited his Dad's words almost directly. Rick took the coffees off of James and headed in to Jack's room. James' asked him not to say anything to Evie yet. He wanted to check things out first. Rick agreed and once inside simply told Evie that James had gone to get some air. Evie seemed to accept it easily enough; they'd been stuck in one room or another for hours. She told Rick when he came back, maybe she'd do the same. Rick told her that Tom and Kim were on their way back. Tom had called him as they were leaving their hotel in San Francisco. When James did come back though, outside was the last place that Evie wanted to be. James practically had to hold her down to stop her up and running right down the corridor. "Look. Wait a minute..."

"What do you mean, wait a minute. You should have told me. We should have..."

"I... I just wanted... I had to see..." Evie stilled a little. And then she nodded. As close as they all were, there were bits of their relationships which were unique. Steve and James were brothers and it was a bond that Evie couldnt understand; it was different to the relationship that each of them had with her and with their father. "And... I wanted to be able to tell you what to expect." He paused for a moment and then he filled Evie in, just as the Dr had with him. Alyssa and Rick stayed with Jack while James took Evie along to where Steve was. Nothing that James had said really prepared her. "Just remember... stubborn pain in the ass who never quits. He's gonna be fine." Evie looked at James... a long hard look. James absolutely believed what he said. Somehow... something gave him the confidence to just know that his brother was going to be okay. James put his arm around Evie's shoulders as he walked her up to the edge of the bed. "And when he gets out of here and needs to spend weeks recouperating at home, he's gonna be an even bigger pain in the ass." Evie started to laugh quietly as she leaned against James. She looked at Steve for a long moment. Then she looked at the monitors with their steady slow repetitive sounds almost calming. She looked back at Steve.

"He really does look like crap. When the two of them do get out of here... you get to look after him. I'll look after Dad."

"Not a chance." He smirked at Evie although at that moment the fact that they were likely to have to look after them both was a miracle that neither of them had imagined when they got off the plane at LAX. "Look, why don't you stay here. I'll go back to Dad and Rick." Evie nodded and then pulled up the chair near to Steve's bed as she had done in her father's room. James headed back as Evie settled down. She just watched him, watched his chest rising and falling, one memory with Steve after another from her life moving through her head. It was only about 10 minutes after James had left before the door opened again. When Evie looked around, she saw Rick standing there.


"How you doing kid?" He stood at her side and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I don't think I can remember a worse day in my life, but... I'm fine now." She looked at Rick and smiled and the single tear which slipped down her cheek was followed by a second and a third and so the dam began to break. Rick saw what was happening and he reached out and he pulled Evie up into his arms and he held her as she wept. All the tension and the fear and the panic suddenly showing itself. Rick just held her knowing there was nothing he could do to make her feel better except just hold her.

"I'm not dead yet." The was a half whispered croak which was just about audible. Evie turned quickly, wiping her eyes, and then laughing when she realized Steve had woken up... just... and he was sufficiently aware to know she was upset.

"Heeeey. Oh God. Well its about time. You scared the crap out of us. How you feeling."


"He's gonna be fine. James is with him." Steve smiled a little.

"Did they get him?"

"Get who? I told you Dad was gonna be okay?"

"No. Chin Liu. General's brother. We... we were set up."

"Chin Liu?" Evie was remembering one night before the MCU had gone off to San Francisco. One night at Jack's when him and Steve were filling them in. Her mind starting working, sorting, planning. "Hey, don't worry about it. You just need to get better. You need to rest. Let LAPD do their job."

"Find Nate. He.. he came late... sick but... sure he was there. He might have seen them."

"Steve. Let it go. We'll find who do this. But you just have to worry about getting better. Please Steve... just..."

"Okay... I'm gonna..." and then he slowly drifted off to sleep. Evie watched him for a few minutes and then it was as off she remembered that Rick was there. She stood up and turned back to him.

"Could you go and let James know... I'm just... I'm gonna go and get some fresh air." Evie wanted to start making some calls. She was going to find Chin Liu whatever it took, and she was going to start with Nate Long. Rick looked at her for a moment. Evie never was a very good liar. He didn't know exactly what she was going to do but getting some fresh air was only part of it. "Come back with me. I think you should be the one to tell him." Evie hesitated for a moment but the truth was she couldn't come up with any reason to say no. She smiled and nodded and the two of them turned to go back to Jack's room.
The jet carrying Tom & Kim landed at LAX. They rushed through the airport quickly grabbing their bags and headed for Tom's car. Once in the unmarked police car, it was lights & siren all the way to the hospital. While driving through the city, Tom called his father. Rick told his son that Jack had come round and Steve was out of surgery. This was before Rick had joined Evie in Steve's room. Tom & Kim arrived at UCLA Medical Center and quickly went to the floor where Jack & Steve were resting. The floor was covered by many off duty uniformed police officers. They had all volunteered for this extra duty. Tom & Kim first went to Jack's room where Alyssa & James were sitting. Alyssa greeted her father was a hug while James filled in the details. He said that Steve was in bad shape, but still fighting. This news was what Tom had expected. Steve was always tough as nails. Upon hearing new voices, Jack opened his eyes. He looked at Tom & Kim standing at the foot of his bed. " I assume you caught the killer? " Jack asked sounding as if he was still Tom's training officer. " Did you expect anything less? " Tom replied as he moved around the bed taking Jack by the hand. Jack just smiled and shook his head. " No.......I trained you to damn well. " Jack added while gripping Tom's hand a little tighter.

Kim moved around to the other side and told Jack that she had one hell of a story to tell him about the capture. Jack laughed and said that it better pretty damn good. Kim laid a hand on Jack's forehead and told him to rest. That story would wait until he was feeling better. James stayed with his father while Tom, Kim & Alyssa went too see Steve. As bad as Jack was, Steve was hurt worse. His room was filled with machines helping in his recovery. Rick turned his head when the figures appeared in the doorway. He smiled at seeing his son, granddaughter & Kim. Alyssa was shaken at the sight of Steve. She really had no idea how badly he had been hurt. Alyssa held her emotions in check. Tom walked over to where Evie was and took her into his arms. He kissed her on the forehead then asked how Steve was doing? Rick noticed how Alyssa was effected by Steve's condition. He suggest that they go get something to eat at the hospital's cafe. Alyssa agreed, but she walked up and placed her hand against Steve's just for a moment. After Rick & Alyssa left, Kim came up and hugged Kim. She told her that they got the killer.
Evie was about to head out of Steve's room with Rick when the door in front of them opened and in stepped Tom, Alyssa and Kim. She half expected it to be James, checking to see that she was okay, but when it turned out to be Tom, she said nothing, but took the two or three steps and closed the gap between them. She held him almost as tightly as she had held Rick when she had her brief breakdown, but her defenses were back in place now and the emotional release meant that she had regained control once again. Having been convinced that her father was going to be fine and having had her confidence of Steve's recovery significantly boosted, she was - mentally at least - already refocusing some of her pain into anger which was directed at those who brought the Taylors and their friends to this place. She needed to speak to Nate Long and get his report of what happened. Then she needed to find Liu. But for some reason - and Evie probably couldn't have explained it even if she had consciously thought things through - she didn't say anything to Tom about Liu. She just held onto him for a few moments

"He.. he was awake for a little bit a few minutes ago. Asking about Dad. He erm... he said that he wasn't dead yet."

"That certainly sounds like your brother." Tom said as he set Evie back and looked at her. "I just spoke with your Dad. He seems pretty good considering."

"He's awake again?"

"He was. He fell back to sleep just before we came away." Kim said. Evie gave her friend a hug. "He's worried about Steve I think, but trying not to show it." Evie offered as an explanation for why her Dad couldn't settle.

"He's worried about all his children. Always has been." Tom corrected. Evie noticed Alyssa moving to Steve's side. She smiled a little. "I think he's made it through the worst of it.. "She moved over and stood next to Alyssa, putting her arm around her shoulder. "They took some... stuff... from his leg... he needed a graft onto his pulmonary artery." Alyssa just looked over Steve clearly shocked to see how bad he looked. When Rick suggested that they go and get something to eat, she hesitated for a moment. She really wanted to leave; she didn't like seeing her friend like this, but she didn't want to be seen to be running out on her other friends. She looked at Evie who smiled and gave her a slight nod. And that was all the encouragement Alyssa needed. Kim hugged her again before she left with them, telling Evie that they had caught the killer in San Francisco. And then it was just Tom and Evie with a half sleeping, half unconscious Steve, in the semi darkened room. Tom came and stood by her side. Evie stared to Steve.

"We have to find who did this. I've never really wanted someone dead before but... I don't think sending them to a state pen for the rest of their lives is gonna be enough to make this right. We have to find them."

"Your dad was never one for vigilantes. Steve isn't either. Both of them believe in the badge. And what it stands for. Neither one would want you... " Evie turned and looked up at Tom. "Right now, I don't care about the badge. And neither one of them is fit to tell me what they would want right now. That's part of the problem." With that she turned and she left the room, leaving Tom to watch the closing door. He looked down at Steve. "You keep fighting Steve. You aint never let your family down before. Don't start now."

Evie walked along the corridor past the various cops who were in the corridors and the waiting rooms and she headed outside. She past one of the desk sergeants and asked him if he had a smoke she could have which he gave her willingly. As soon as she was outside she lit up, inhaling deeply cold air and nicotine. It felt good. She pulled her cellphone out of her pocket and called the Station desk, asking for the contact details of Nate Long. He was her first port of call.
Tom understood Evie's need to right the wrong done to her family. He to wanted revenge against those who did these terrible acts. Police officers are trained to control their emotions when handling any type of case. It's not easy to control humans emotions and no one expects police officers to be robots, but as they say at the academy. " Don't let things get personal. " At a moment like this, that statement was easier said then done. Tom knew Jack's feelings on vigilantes. But part of him also knew that Jack would want to settle the score if Tom were laying in a hospital bed. As Tom stood at Steve's bedside, he pulled his badge from his coat pocket. Tom looked at the golden shield trimmed in blue. He looked at the words Lieutenant written acrossed the top. Then his eyes looked at LAPD-MCU written in the middle and his number below. Tom knew that Jack would risk everything for him. Jack Taylor may not believe in vigilantes, but Jack was the type of man who would do anything for his family and friends. Even place his career in danger if need be. Tom tucked his badge back into his coat. This case was going to be a bloody affair. Tom would do just as Jack would do. He would put his career on the line to avenge the acts done against those who were like his family.

Tom left Steve's room as a nurse came in to check on Steve's vital signs. He checked on the floor's security before returning to Jack's room. Kim had stayed with Steve until the nurse left. She felt that Tom was going to do something. She just wasn't sure what that would be. Kim rejoined Tom in Jack's room. Tom was on the phone talking with the Sergeant in charge downstairs. He told the sergeant that a man needed to be stationed in each room. Tom didn't want Jack or Steve left alone. He also wanted everyone triple checked. Tom said he didn't care if it was someones mother. No one get's into those rooms without being checked and rechecked. After speaking with the sergeant, Tom asked James & Kim to step outside. It was pretty clear that someone set Jack & Steve up. Everything that Tom heard pointed to them being targets for assassination. Out in the hall, Tom laid it on the line. He told James & Kim that whoever did this was gonna die. Tom then said that he wasn't going to ask them to take part in this. He said that they would be putting their careers on the line. Tom was willing to risk his, but he wouldn't risk theirs. The choice of whether they wanted in was theirs to make. Tom said that they could stay and help guard Jack & Steve, but Tom was going after the people who did this and he was gonna put them down.

Kim looked at James for a moment before looking back at Tom. They would be risking a lot, but then so would Jack & Steve in their places. Kim nodded her head while saying that she wanted in. Hell she flaunted the law for most of her career while undercover in the porn world. Stepping over the line now would be nothing new. She then looked back at James. He of course knew his father's feelings on such matters. No one would fault James if he sat this one out and watched over his family. The choice however was his to make.

News that Jack & Steve had survived reached Nate at his Hollywood apartment. This news wouldn't make Chin very happy. It wasn't long before Nate's phone rang. He picked it up only to find Chin on the other end. As expected, the news reached Chin and he was pissed. Chin told Nate that Jack & Steve needed to die. He then told Nate that it was his job to see that they did die. Chin didn't care how it happened, he just wanted the job done. In return, Chin would let Nate live and pay him $200,000 dollars. Chin then warned if Nate didn't do the job. He'd make sure Nate never saw another sun raise. Nate hung up the phone. He was in a fit now. It would have been easier if Jack & Steve had died at the scene. He never expected them to live long enough to even reach a hospital. Nate would have to go in there and make their deaths look natural. Unexpected things happen all the times in hospitals and people die. He just had to make sure that no one could find out that it was murder.
James looked at both Tom and Kim. He stared at them for a moment and then he shook his head.

"No." He paused for a moment. "I don't mind breaking the rules and I'll hand my badge in right now if it'll guarantee that whoever did this goes to the chair, but... I'm not going to commit murder in the name of revenge. I don't want you guys doing that either. And I'm not going to let my sister do that because a week or month or year afterwards, she's gonna regret it. Tom, as I understood it, Dad put a lot into making you the cop you are. I think he'd be pretty pissed that you'd throw that away because of him. Even if it were just Steve lying there, he would *not* let you do this. Plus... you have a daughter now. Do you really want to send her a message that says you think you're above the law and that when things go wrong you can just do whatever you want? You got responsibilities now that you didn't have before. So... if you want the MCU to take this case on the record or on the QT, I don't mind, but we do it right. Or we don't do it at all. We're not crossing the line." James patted Tom's arm as he walked past him and headed to find his sister. James wasn't really one for speeches but when he wanted to make his point, no-one was ever left in any doubt as to what he was thinking.

He checked Steve's room, making sure his brother was doing okay, before asking the officer on the door whether he saw which way Evie had gone. When he headed outside, he found her sitting on a bench, one arm wrapped around her, one hand holding a lighted cigarette. He walked over to her.

"Steve would smack you so hard if he could see you right now." Evie turned and smiled. She looked at the cigarette, took a last drag from it and then dropped in on the ground and put her foot over the top of it to extinguish it. "He might find he has more of a fight on this hands these days. MMA Champion!" James was smiling too as he sat down. "I hate to break it to you but my money would still be on him, NCIS trained champion or not."

"Yeah. Maybe you're right."

James noticed the cellphone in Evie's hand. "Who you calling?"

"What? Erm... no-one." Evie saw James' unconvinced look. "The desk sergeant. Steve mentioned... Nate Long. You know him? He was supposed to be on the thing this morning... yesterday... Steve said he was late but the desk has him calling in sick. Steve is sure he was there."

"Maybe Steve made a mistake. Maybe he's confused. But let's not get into it right now okay? Let's make sure that Dad and Steve are gonna be okay and let Narcotics take it."

"Not get into right now? What are you talking about?" Evie shifted a little in the seat away from James. "We nearly lost them both James... and now we're sitting around doing nothing and the bastards who did this are just... Most of narcotics is gone. Nate Long is it. I'm done sitting around." And as if to make the point she stood up. "I'm gonna go inside and I'm gonna make sure they're okay and then... then I'm going to work."

James stood up and as Evie turned to walk away, he reached out and grabbed her upper arm. "You need to get some sleep. You're not thinking right. This isn't what you do Evie."

"Well... maybe this is the time to start." She pulled her arm free of James' grasp and headed back inside.
Tom understood James's feeling on this matter and he knew that James spoke from the heart. But Tom could feel that they were going to get bloody on this case. The people who trapped Jack & his men were ruthless and wouldn't let anyone, or anything stand in their way. They weren't the type who get arrested. They were the type who shoot it out with police until they're dead. The person, or persons who were behind this hit wouldn't go to jail. They would end up in a graveyard despite the high ideals that some had about right & wrong. Tom would still plan for war with these people. Because a war is what they started. Tom was pretty sure where Evie stood on this. Her actions a short time ago spoke as to where her feelings were. Kim was still willing to do this however Tom wanted it done. Sometimes it was easy to forget that Tom had the reputation for being a cowboy cop. He earned that rep over many years. It was also easy to forget that Jack wasn't always a by the book man ether. In his younger days, Jack bent over the line a few times. It was almost a year ago that Tom set out to free Evie from McCaffrey. He did that by stepping over the line. To this day Tom doesn't regret what he did to save Evie and her reputation on the force. Tom did what he felt needed done. He did what he felt was right and Tom knew that he was right now.

Tom placed a call to Chief Beck. He asked the chief to put this case on his command. Chief Beck agreed since what Evie had said was mostly true. Most of the Narcotics detectives were ether dead, or in the hospital. Besides Nate, there were four others who worked Narcotics. None however had worked on this case. They were working on other cases. Chief Beck felt that the MCU was suited to handle such a case. It fit the reason why the MCU was created in the first place. From this point on, Tom was in overall command which was better then Nate being in charge. Nate Long was now the ranking officer in Narcotics. Had this investigation fallen into his lap. It would have died a very quick death. Nate was even now planning a quick death for Jack & Steve. It was the only way to save his ass and get a huge payday. Tom told Kim that they would play this close to the vest. Soon Rick & Alyssa reappeared carrying bags of sandwiches & drinks from the cafe downstairs. Alyssa felt that the officers on duty would need some food & coffee. This was a nice treat since most hadn't eaten in hours. Alyssa stopped and spoke with her father & Kim for a while. She then returned to Steve's room and sat down beside his bed. Alyssa decided to tell Steve about her day at the academy. She doubted that he could hear her, but she wanted to talk with him anyway. Alyssa had been bugging everyone for insight on their days at the police academy. She wanted to see if it was the same for everyone. Alyssa had learned so far that it's very different for each person. " So I ran the 100 in 12.5 seconds today.......Let me tell you that many of the guys were embarrassed since I had the best time. " Alyssa said softly but added a chuckle at the end.
"Shit" James said to himself as he watched Evie walked back into the hospital. Having gone through one day where he repeatedly considered the possibility of losing both his father and his brother, now just when it seemed like they were both going to make it, it looked like his sister was heading for some 'lone wolf' action which might very well see her losing her badge if not her life. And if Tom was looking to go off like some avenging demon... He had to find a way to convince Evie that she was making a mistake. If he didn't then maybe he was going to finish up losing her instead. he shook his head and then headed inside, following in his sister's footsteps.

When he got back upstairs, he found Tom and Kim in with his father, both chewing on sandwiches; Rick and Alyssa were with Steve. He walked over to his father's bedside and checked on him as Tom told him that Chief Beck had given MCU the case. James was a little surprised. Cops weren't usually allowed to work on cases where they had a personal involvement and it was hard to deny that this case wasn't going to be personal for any of them. Tom offered him a sandwich and a fresh cup of coffee. He took it a little hesitantly.

"When was the last time you ate? If you don't have something soon, you're gonna finish up in a bed down the hall too. Now eat." Tom said to him, a grin playing around his mouth. James nodded and sat down in one of the chairs.

"I'm still not going to agree to execute the guys who did this Tom. A sandwich aint going to make me change my mind."

"Hey? Do you really think I would do that? Do you? You said it yourself; your dad had a lot to do with the cop I became. So do you think that's what I would do?" Tom waited for James to answer, confident that he would cone to the right conclusion. James looked at Tom and took a breath and then he shook his head and exhaled.

'Good. When I said before that they were going to die, I didn't mean I was going to kill them in cold blood. But you've been around long enough to know that these guys are probably not going to take to any kind of pleasant arrest. They'll go down shooting. All I was saying was that when it comes down to it, I'm gonna return fire first and Im going to shoot to kill rather than look to read them their rights." James looked at him and nodded again. "Okay. Sorry." Tom smiled and gave James' shoulder a friendly pat. James took a bite from the sandwich and as he did so he suddenly realized how hungry he was. He looked around.

"Did Evie come back here?" Tom shook his head. Kim suggested that maybe she'd gone to Steve's. James nodded and hoped that was the case. "I don't think she's thinking too straight right now. I got a feeling she is gonna do something stupid."

At the same time, Evie was turning down the offer of sandwiches from Rick. She took the fresh coffee and sat down in the chair next to the bed again. Dawn was just breaking outside the window. As Alyssa continued to tell Steve about her day, Evie was trying to put some order to the bits and pieces of information she had. What did she have. The desk sergeant had been adamant that Long had called in sick. But Steve had been sure that he had seen him. Maybe James was right. Maybe Steve had just been confused. it would hardly be surprising in the circumstances. But maybe Steve hadn't been confused and maybe both men had been right. There was supposed to be a full narcotics team hitting the warehouse. Six guys. Long called in sick so that left five of them. Was Long just lucky? Did he feel better and decide to meet the team at the warehouse getting there just a little too late. No. That didn't make sense. If Long had found them, he would have called it in. And it had been a hooker who had called the police. So how would Steve see Long. Long would have to have been there before or during the shooting and... and he would have had to have left after it had taken place. Left saying nothing. Left assuming that everyone was dead. Left with Chin. It was the only thing that made sense. If Steve was right in thinking he had seen him there then it was the only explanation. Evie decided she needed to talk to Long. In fact she was a little surprised he hadn't turned up. Three of his team get killed and two more seriously injured. She definitely needed to talk to him, but she'd wait until the day shift started and then she'd call.
What James had said about Evie's state of mind brought a chill to Tom. He knew that she was capable of killing and if anger was driving her. Evie could and would be very lethal. She was the current shooting champion of the department. Tom suggested to James that perhaps it was a good idea if Evie went home for a while. He felt that some rest could do her good. It could help Evie clear her mind and allow her to think better. Tom noticed the sun was rising. He had lost track of time. His team would be fighting fatigue as well as those who they needed to start searching for. No commanding officer want his people in such a state. People make mistakes when tired and as a cop such mistakes can end up being fatal. Kim stayed with Jack while Tom & James went down to Steve's room. Again the fact that they had been here all night struck Tom after seeing Alyssa. Once her Story telling was done. Tom said that she still had to be at the academy in a few hours. Alyssa hadn't noticed the passage of time. They had been her for hours, but it still seemed like they just got here. Rick said that he would take Alyssa to his house, then drop her off at the academy in time for her classes.

Tom thanked his father for staying all night. He then gave Alyssa a kiss & hug. Alyssa passed around the hugs & kisses before she & Rick left. She planned on coming back to the hospital during her lunch time. Alyssa knew that she could get a ride in a patrol car. Once Alyssa & Rick had left, Tom moved closer to where Evie was. He placed a hand softly on her shoulder. " Hey hun.......Why don't you try and get a few hours of sleep? " Tom asked in the nicest and most pleasant voice he had. He to was going to try and get some sleep. Jack & Steve had 20 uniformed officers on this floor alone. The first floor had at least 30 more guarding the area and patrolling. They had plenty of protection of the time that everyone would be away.
Evie was almost completely lost in her thoughts when James and Tom came in. She barely noticed and she didn't take her gaze from Steve. She had been aware of Alyssa talking but not really of what she was saying. She was thinking. Trying to work out what had gone down. Where the first leads were going to come. Who she needed to talk to. It wasn't until she felt Tom's hand on her shoulder that she fully came back to the present. She prised her gaze from her brother and looked up. She heard what Tom said and thought about it a little.

"Is Dad still asleep? Is he okay?

"Sleeping like a baby. Everything looks good. Last time the nurse came in, she said everything was where it needed to be." Tom's hand stroked down her hair. She smiled a little weakly and looked back to Steve.

"You should go home. Get a shower and some sleep nod some proper breakfast I'll stay here. I promise I'll call if anything happens." Evie stared at James as he laid out his offer. Her face was expressionless. She was angry with him. She couldn't understand how he seemed so calm and controlled. How he didn't seem to want to do anything to get the people who did this. She said nothing. She looked back up at Tom. She could get a few hours and then call Long. See what he had to say. She pushed herself slowly out of her chair.

"I guess a few hours would be good." She walked up to Steve 's bed. He didn't really look ny different. Maybe there was a little more color in his cheeks but that was relative. He still looked pretty grey. She placed her hand softly on his cheek and drew her thumb alng his cheek bone under his eye, as if she were wiping away a tear. Silently she told him to keep fighting, that she loved him and that she needed him. And then she turned back to Tom. She left the room saying nothing to James and ten minutes later she was in patrol car being taken home.

James looked down at his brother when everyone left. "What the hell do I say to her? I got a bad feeling about this ad I could really do with ome help here Steven. So the sooner you decide you've had enough of lazing around here the better."
Tom left Steve's room and made a stop in Jack's room. He just wanted to check on his former partner before turning in. Tom had decided to sleep here in the hospital. He still had fresh clothing in his bag. The floor where Jack & Steve had their rooms was sealed off. No other patients were on this floor. Those that had been here were moved to other floors. Tom would just stay in one of the empty rooms. He told the officers on guard to wake him if anything happened. Tom didn't care how small it was. He wanted to know the moment that something happened. Tom crawled into bed. He laid there wishing that he had gone with Evie. As tired as Tom was, he could have used a little pleasure from his woman. Tom did feel that Evie wouldn't have been in the mood for sex. No one could blame her after the day she had been put through. Kim also left hitching a ride in the same way Evie had. She crashed quickly after entering her apartment. Kim never even bothered to head for her bedroom. She just laid on the couch and closed her heavy eyes. Tom didn't bother telling James to get some rest. He was sure that James would get some shuteye ether in Steve's room, or his father's. Each of the rooms had chairs and all one had to do was bring a couple of them together. It would be the most comfortable place, but it was better then nothing.

The night passed peacefully at the hospital. The guards would have nothing to report. Nate had a restful night's sleep. He was worried that something could go wrong and he could be caught. But the thoughts he had of all that cash made his fears melt away. Once Nate woke that next morning. He decided on how best to kill Jack & Steve. Nate would use a drug on Jack to cause his heart to fail. With so many nurses in and out. It would be hard to point the finger at anyone person. Nate would use a drug which clots blood. This would cause Steve to suffer a major stroke and ultimately die. With the major surgery Steve had been through. A blood clot causing a stroke wouldn't seem odd. Even if questions were asked. Those questions would be aimed at the doctors & nurses. After all the police were their to guard their own. Nate was sure that he could get away with this. Then Nate would get his hands on some huge money and he'd become the new commanding officer of Narcotics. Chin Liu would then control the drug trade in Los Angeles. His enemies would be crushed at his feet. The Red Dragon Tong would be well on it's way to becoming the most powerful criminal group in the US.
Evie walked into her apartment and into the kitchen. She put on a pot of fresh coffee and she switched on the TV. At that moment, beyond knowing that she wanted to speak to Nate Long and other than being sure that the one thing she wasn't going to do was get some sleep, she wasn't really thinking about what she was doing. She was almost on automatic pilot. She headed to her bedroom and then the bathroom and turned on the shower. The only thing she was consciously thinking about was Nate Long and the fact that he was still alive but Steve had seen him. The shower was hot and she stayed in there a long time letting the jets of water pound on her skin. Eventually she pulled herself out of the shower. She threw on a sweat pants and a t-shirt and went back through to the kitchen. She poured herself a coffee and then she sat down at her computer. She logged on to the Police Computer from home and starting searching. Files on Chin Liu and then on his associates. Nate Long's arrest record; she couldn't get into his service record or any of his personal data. She did manage to get his home address though. She scribbled things down on bits of paper and made links some of which seemed logical; others were complete shots in the dark. Nothing she read though showed any kind of link between Nate and any of Chin Liu's men. The only thing that made Long a part of this was his supposed appearance at the warehouse yesterday. She had to speak to him. And she needed it to be in person. She wanted to see his face. She went back into the bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans and a fresh t-shirt with an open shirt over the top. Thirty minutes later she was parked outside of Nate Long's apartment. She sat for a while just watching but eventually she eased herself out of the car and headed into the building.

About the same time as Evie was pulling up outside of Nate Long's apartment building, James was just waking up. He was conscious of the stiffness in his body first off and it took him a few seconds to remember where he was and how come his bed suddenly felt so bad. Then he was conscious of something else. He opened his eyes and looked across to Steve. He was surprised to be met by the blue eyes of his brother looking back at him. Not quite as bright as usual, but there was life in them at that was all that James cared about at that moment.

'Well it's about time." Steve croaked out. James almost tripped over his feet in his rush to get to Steve's side. It brought a smile to Steve's face.

"Steve. How long have you been awake? How are you feeling? Anything hurt? You need anything?"

"Woah there... one question at a time huh?" Steve looked to his side and James followed his gaze to the jug of water. "Can I get some of that?"

"I don't know. Let me call a nurse."

"She look good?" As he reached for the call button, James hesitated and looked at his brother in surprise and then he laughed. If Steve was interested in how his nurse looked then that was only good news. "Too good for you, you bum, particularly right now. You should see how bad you look, man." James told him as he pressed the button. The nurse came in and checked out the machines and his dressings and his temperature. When James told her that Steve had wanted a drink, she had shaken her head and told them that she would bring him some ice chips. She disappeared and returned a few minutes later with a cup of chips and a plastic spoon slotted inside it. James fed him a couple of spoonfuls and Steve savoured the cool water as it soothed his parched throat.

"So how are you feeling?" James asked again.

"Remember Mitch's wedding... the morning after?" James started to laugh. Mitch had been a high school friend of Steve's. Steve, James, a couple of other mutual friends had gotten so very drunk that night and the following day had not been pretty. It had become folklore. "That bad huh." Steve nodded as he let his head ease back down onto the pillow.

"So do you know what happened yet?" Steve asked. It puzzled James for a second; he had the impression that when he'd woken up before... Maybe it wasn't that Steve didn't know but he was just asking if he knew.

"What happened? You and the old man walked into a set up, that's what happened. You got your asses shot from under you and you scared the crap out of me." Steve opened his eyes and looked at his brother. 'Yeah... sorry about that. Is Dad okay?"

"Yeah. He's gonna be fine. But it was close. You erm... " James shook his head a little and swallowed down the lump in his throat. "I don't ever want to be that scared again."

"I hear you, man." he reached up and patted James' forearm. "Is Evie with Dad?"

"No. Tom persuaded her to go home and get some sleep. She's not taking this good. I got a bad feeling... and I can't seem to make her see that she can't go after whoever did this to you on her own." Steve lifted his head off the pillow, the pained look on his face as he understood what his brother was saying. "James, she can't take Chin Liu on her own. He'll kill her in a second.' Steve coughed and then groaned.

"Hey hey... easy. I know. But she aint exactly listening to me right now."

"I mean it man. You gotta make her listen; whatever it takes, you gotta stop her from ... Tell her, if she goes anywhere near him, she'll think that Cahill was her fairy godmother by the time I'm done with her." he coughed again and groaned louder.

"Look will you just calm down. I'll deal with it. You just worry about yourself okay?" He reached out and put his hand on Steve's shoulder, easing him back into the bed. At that moment the doctor walked in. "Detective Taylor. You need to listen to your brother. The surgeon is going to be most unhappy if you undo the work him and his team did yesterday.
Morning came quicker then most wanted. Those who did get some sleep would have wanted more, but that wasn't in the cards. Tom climbed from the bed, showered, shaved and dressed. He made checks with the guards on duty and the sergeant downstairs at the command post. After hearing that everything was okay, Tom paid visits to Jack & Steve. He stayed for a few minutes in each room. Tom however had work to do and he couldn't do it here. He had to write up a report on the San Francisco case for the Governor. Tom left the hospital and returned to the Central Station. Rick got a tired Alyssa out of bed and over to the academy on time. Alyssa would use her lunch time to visit the hospital and check on Jack & Steve. Showing up in a limo drew a lot of attention to Alyssa. She would get attention anyway because her father was not just a police Lieutenant, but the commander of the Major Crime Unit. Alyssa was also very pretty which was another reason people watched her. Having a rich grandfather who just happened to a former crime boss was the final piece that put Alyssa under a huge spotlight. Alyssa would be spending time at the shooting range today. She's be shooting at targets before lunch and doing the combat range after lunch. Alyssa would be wearing her glock all day today.

Chin Liu was the type of man who partied hard and still woke early the next day. He was always well protected no matter where Chin was. At his home Chin had 30 heavily armed men patrolling the grounds. Normally Chin always had 6 men all dress in black suits guarding him. Chin had a big day planned for today. He was opening a new art gallery downtown. Part of the false image he was building. Chin wanted to make the general public see him as a pillar of the community. Someone who helps the poorest people. All the money made by his art gallery would go to helping the poor in Los Angeles County. This money was just a drop in the bucket to Chin. He made his money on drugs. Another important part of Chin's day would be the news that Jack & Steve Taylor were finally dead. Nate would call Chin after the job was done.

Nate was halfway dressed when Evie showed up outside his apartment. He had his pants on and a wife beater undershirt. Nate wasn't a big man. He stood 5'8 and weighted 165 lbs. Nate was in his late 30's and had been a cop for 15 years. He would make a stop at the Central Station first. With Jack & Steve in the hospital, Nate was now in command of the Narcotics Division. Nate had worked in Narcotics longer then ether Jack or Steve. But when it was time for a new commander. The Chief picked Jack to be the new Lieutenant. Jack was then transferred over from Homicide. Steve who was already a sergeant was brought in by Jack to be his second in command. Nate wasn't happy with being over looked. He didn't hate the Taylors, but he felt that they had moved in on what should have been his department. Nate felt that to get what was rightfully his. The Taylors needed to die.
Evie knocked on the door. It didn't take long for it to open. She didn't quite know what she expected but this wasn't it and he took her a little by surprise. She knew Nate Long... well enough to say hello to in the corridor. He'd been at the bar on more than a few occasions when she had been there. But they had never had a long conversation. After her initial surprise she was quick to put a smile on her facing, hoping that it didn't look too false.

"Hi. Erm... I heard you were sick yesterday and as you didn't make it to the hospital, I thought I'd stop by. See how you were. I'm sorry about your team. I... I was kind of hoping you could maybe... give me some background into your case. If you're feeling up to it, I think the MCU is probably gonna get handed the case and I figured maybe you could bring us up to speed."

She watched him. What that a fleeting moment of panic? Was he unnerved that she had just called by? He stepped back and opened the door for her. She walked in. It was a tidy apartment. Very functional. She walked into an open plan lounge kitchen which had doors leading off of it. She walked through, conscious of him closing the door and walking a few steps behind her.
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