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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Nate was surprised to see Evie standing at his door. His first thought was that she somehow found out about him & Chin. Evie however didn't act like she knew anything. Still that didn't mean she wasn't playing some game set up by Lieutenant Reed. Evie said about the MCU taking over the case. This news wasn't surprising. Nate thought that the now famous MCU team would become the new targets of Chin Liu. With Jack & Steve out of action, the MCU was the only major obstacle standing in Chin's way. Anything standing in Chin's way was subject too being wiped out. Nate leaned against the door jam as Evie spoke. He found Evie quite attractive, but then so did many others. It would be a damn shame when her body turned up with AK-71 bullets in it. " I'm feeling better today. " Nate said, he then told Evie about having some bad Thai food the night before the raid. He said that he would be stopping by the hospital later in the day.

Nate's apartment didn't show any signs that his bank account was loaded. Nor did it show that he had 6 cars & 4 motorcycles in a garage acrossed town. Nate owned a beach front house where he spent his weekends. This apartment looked very much like one which any single man would have. A few pizza boxes sitting on a small kitchen table. A few beer bottles setting about along with old news papers and clothing. " All the information we have on Chin is in your father's office at the station. " Nate added before he asked if Evie wanted to come in for some coffee?
Evie accepted the offer of the coffee and while Nate was pouring it, she looked around. If he was making money from some kind of crooked dealing then there was nothing obvious on display. She smiled as he handed her the mug of steaming coffee and he waved towards the couch inviting her to sit down. He couldn't help smiling a little as he watched her ass as he followed her. There were plenty of guys at the station who had wanted a piece of that. The night that Tom had gotten his promotion and they had all been celebrating at Malone's, he'd sat at a table in the back with some of his friends and they all talked about what they would do with her if they had one night... anything they wanted.

She sat down and looked up at him. He wiped the smile from his face and pushed the memory back into the box. He sat down in a chair opposite. leaning forward, elbows on his knees. He related everything that she had already read earlier. The death of some high profile celebrity no-one that Evie had never heard of, then Dr Feelgood, then the Red Dragon Tong and Chin. He told her what they had been told about the crates. As for what happened that morning, he was as much in the dark as she was. He had no explanation for it other than the obvious - they'd been set up. Somewhere along the line somebody found out that the Narco-boys had them in their sights.

"Now three are dead. And you're Dad and Steve are... "

"Yeah. I... I bet you never thought you'd be grateful for bad Thai." For just a second there was a look which said Nate didn't understand what she was saying and then she thought it looked like he remembered. She stood up. "I'll get going... leave you in peace. Erm... make sure you take your ID with you if you're going to the hospital. Tom has it locked down tighter than Guantanamo at the moment." She headed for the door with Nate behind her and he couldn't help but watch her ass again as she headed out.

She climbed back into the Mustang and headed home. She was more convinced that ever that Long was involved with this and he was involved on the wrong side. Her Dad wouldn’t have taken the team in unless they were sure of what they had. They would have checked and rechecked. Johnny Grunge to Doctor Feelgood to the Red Dragon Tong and Chan Liu. The only way someone on the outside would have found out about what Narcotics were doing was if there was a tip off from the inside.

"Bad Thai my ass" Evie said to herself and she headed back home. Getting there she made more coffee. She was living on coffee at the moment. She turned the TV on and then the computer and started looking back at files again. Then she heard the TV news anchor mention the name. Chin Liu. Gallery Opening. Downtown. She picked up the remote and turned the volume up. Then she went on line and looked up the Gallery. A voice in her head told her loud and clear that she had to get into that Opening. This was going to be an opportunity that she might not get again. She looked up at the TV and saw the smiling face of Chin Liu. Back on the computer, the Gallery website was still offering the last few tickets for the opening that evening. The cheapest ticket was $500 but she didn't give it a second thought Ten minutes later she had a confirmatory email telling her that her name would be on the guest list and that she needed to arrive for 6pm.

She called the hospital and made sure that her Dad and Steve were okay. She thought about calling James but he would just ask too many questions. She thought about calling Tom but again, she had nothing to say. And she couldn't take the risk that they would say something to persuade her out of it. She pulled her 'little black dress' out of the closet. Plain simple classic. Fitted every curve of her body. Showed off just enough of her cleavage to keep her on the right side of 'slut'. She found the highest pair of black heels she had. And she had a black purse that was big enough to take the Glock. She didn't really need anything else in there. She would get Chin to admit what he did and she'd... she swallowed hard and closed her eyes.
Nate felt better when Evie left his place. He hadn't expected her to take his offer of coffee, but she didn't learn anything new. Nate was pretty sure that Evie was as clueless as she was beautiful. He left just after Evie did. Nate arrived at the Central Station a short time later. The station was very somber after the set up of Jack's team. Nate strolled into the Narcotics Squad Room. Only two detectives were on duty now. Normally this place was buzzing with activity. Nate walked over to his desk and checked for messages. He then went into Jack's office and sat down in Jack's chair. Nate was now in his new office and it would be his once Jack was dead. One of the other detectives notice this and went to see what Nate was doing. Barney felt that it was damn disrespectful of Nate to be sitting in Jack's chair like he was the boss. Sure, Nate was the highest ranking detective now. But no official word had come down on who would take over. Barney told Nate that he shouldn't be in Jack's office. Nate just blew him off by saying he was in charge now. " Jack maybe alive......But we don't know if he'll ever be well enough to return. " Nate added as he leaned back into the chair. Barney just sighed and walked away. Nate glared at Barney as he returned to his desk. He would have to ship Barney out once he was in command.

Once Tom had his report for the Governor done, he sent it out. Tom then used his computer to find out details on what happened to Jack & Steve. He found reports filed by the first officers on the crime scene. Tom read over the reports and found one that stated an unknown woman called the crime in. There was nothing in the reports of who she was. Tom wondered who would be in the area of the docks at that time of day? It wasn't an area where shopping was done. It could have been just someone passing by, but that seemed unlikely. Tom felt that it had to have been someone who was in that area for a reason. He knew that some hookers often passed through that area. The hookers who try and get the sailors from the cargo ships. Tom put a call into Vice and asked for information on the hookers who work the docks area. It would take Vice some time to come up with the info. Tom then decided to go to Jack's office and see if anything there could help fill in the blanks. The trip to the Narcotics Squad Room didn't take long. Tom walked in saying hi to Barney and the other detective. He then froze after seeing Nate sitting in Jack's office like he owned it.

Tom walked straight into Jack's office. Nate was still in the chair, but had his back to the door. " Just what the hell do you think you're doing! " Tom snapped out which made Nate spin around in the chair. Nate had no answer for the question. He just stammered as he looked up at Tom. " Get your ass out of that chair!.......No one has put you in command Long! " Nate stood up and moved away from the chair. He said that he was sorry. Nate said that since he was the highest ranking detective, he thought it was his place until Jack returned. Tom glared at Nate while saying that he maybe the highest ranking detective, but that didn't mean his ass belonged in Jack's chair. " Your desk is out there detective!.......Don't forget that! " Tom told Nate as he pointed at the squad room. Nate left the office under Tom's watchful stare. Tom spent the next 30 minutes looking over Jack's files and reports on current cases. He found out about Johnny Grunge and the pusher known as Doctor Feelgood. Tom read everything that Jack had on the Red Dragon Tong. Jack had a file on Chin Liu which told just how ruthless Chin & his people were. Jack left a note in the file which talked about the raid in which Jack & Steve were shot. This note said that Nate Long got word of a drug shipment at the warehouse where the team was gunned down. Tom looked out to the squad room where Nate's desk was, but he was gone. He would have to speak with Nate in the future about this tip he got.

Tom left the Narcotics Squad Room. He returned to his own office where a list of names was waiting for him. This list was the information Tom had wanted from Vice. They also sent mugshots of each of the women. The list had 8 names and address for each woman. Tom went to dispatch where the phone call reporting the shooting came in. The ran the recordings made of the voice that called in the crime. The woman was clearly an oriental for the sound of her voice. Their was only one oriental woman on the Vice list. Her name was Lucy Lee. By the time Tom returned to the MCU Squad Room, Kim was sitting at her desk. Tom asked if Kim had seen Evie yet? Kim said that Evie had shown up. Tom thought that perhaps Evie went back to the hospital, or perhaps she was getting some extra rest. He told Kim to grab her coat, they had some work to do. Tom & Kim left the station jumped into his car. He told Kim that they were going to find a hooker named Lucy Lee. Tom handed Lucy's mugshot to Kim so she would see who they were looking for. Unknown to Tom, Nate had gone down to Vice to see one his friends. Nate learned that Tom wanted information on hookers who worked the docks. He also found out that it was a woman who made the call that saved Jack & Steve. Nate followed Tom steps and stopped at dispatch. He told them that he was looking for Tom. Nate said that he and Tom were working on trying to find a hooker. The dispatchers told Nate what Tom had found. Nate left and quickly called Chin with the news that a hooker named Lucy Lee had been at the warehouse. He pointed the finger of blame at her for Jack & Steve being alive. Chin told Nate to take care of Jack & Steve. He would see that this hooker was dealt with.

It took a few hours to track down Lucy. She wasn't at her apartment and Tom & Kim searched her haunts. By late afternoon, they tracked Lucy down to a bar she often visited. Chin's men had also been looking for Lucy. Like Tom & Kim, they searched until they found the same bar. Tom & Kim entered T'S Tavern. Lucy was sitting at the far end of the bar. They walked up to her flashing their badges. Lucy looked at them shaking her head. " I had a feeling you'd find me. " Lucy said speaking English pretty good, but she had distinct oriental accent. Tom wasted no time in asking Lucy about the warehouse and the shooting. Lucy said that she didn't want to get involved, but Tom wouldn't let go. She finally said about seeing five men getting out of the Golden Dragon Restaurant van. Lucy said that one of the men was white. Kim asked her to describe this white man. Lucy just laughed and said all white men look alike too her. At the moment two of Chin's men walked into the bar. They spotted Lucy talking with Tom & Kim. They pulled out hand guns which Lucy saw. She screamed which made Tom & Kim turn. They hit the floor as the two men opened fire. These men weren't concerned about anyone innocent getting hurt. They wanted Lucy dead and if anyone else got hurt, oh well. Tom & Kim returned fire while protecting Lucy. During the exchange of gun fire, both of Chin's men were killed.

Tom checked over the bodies of the two Chinese men. He noticed that each man had a small red square with a spike in the middle on their hands. This was a Red Dragon Tong tattoo. All of it's members wore this tattoo on their hands. Tom called James at the hospital. He told James that the Red Dragon's just tried to kill him & Kim while they were talking with a witness in Jack & Steve's shootings. Tom said that he and Kim were taking the witness to the station and putting her under protective custody. James updated Tom on how Jack & Steve were doing. Tom found out that Evie hadn't shown up at the hospital. The thought of call her crossed Tom's mind, but he thought that she must be just catching up on some rest. Tom & Kim took Lucy to the station. There they had her looking at mugshots of white man in the hopes that she could spot the man who was involved with the shooting. So far it was showing no signs of working. None of the men that Lucy saw looked like the man she saw.

The day was growing late. Evening was quickly coming and Tom was no closer to finding out who this white man was. Alyssa arrived at the hospital after her day at the academy was over. She was beaming since she had done so well on the range today. Alyssa had spent her lunch time here, but that was short. She could now spend more time, but Rock had said that it wouldn't be as late as yesterday had been. Alyssa paid a visit to Jack first before moving on to see Steve. With Tom out of the hospital, James was in overall command of the security. He spoke with Alyssa when she arrived. James then went down to the command post to check on things. He was worried that with the attack on Tom & Kim. The Red Dragons would try getting into the hospital. Nate arrived at the hospital while James was in the command post. He was allowed to pass and went upstairs. Nate was a little worried about how tight security was, but he couldn't let that stop him. He made his way past Jack's room and continued on until he reached the room Steve was in. Nate opened the door and stepped inside. Alyssa had already been there for sometime and was sitting beside Steve's bed. Nate told the officer inside that he would stand guard for a while. The officer nodded and left. Nate looked at Alyssa. He saw that she was wearing a cadets uniform.

Steve was again sleeping peacefully. Nate walked up and asked if he could have a moment alone with Alyssa. She didn't see anything wrong with that since he was a cop. Nate asked why a cadet would be here, then he noticed her name tag. He asked if she was related to Tom. Alyssa nodded and said that she was his daughter. They continued talking for a for more moments before Alyssa left. Back at the station Tom finally had an idea. It was a long shot and most likely wouldn't pan out, but it was worth a shot. Tom knew from Jack's note that Nate had gotten the trip that lead to Jack & Steve getting shot. It was also clear that Nate hadn't taken part in the raid. Tom brought up a picture of Nate on his computer. He then asked if she knew this man? Lucy looked at the picture and said that he was the man she saw. Kim asked if she was sure? Lucy nodded and said 100% she was sure. Tom told Kim to take Lucy to Homicide and have them watch her. He then said for Kim to meet him out front quickly. Tom grabbed his phone and called James. He was already heading for his car while telling James to watch out for Nate Long. Tom said that he would explain once he got there. James left the command post for a look around the first floor. He walked up to the officers at the front doors and asked if they had seen Nate Long? Both men said that Nate was inside the hospital. James took off running for the stairs. Kim met Tom out front of the station and they headed for the hospital with lights & sirens going.

Alyssa stopped to get a drink of water before she walked down to Jack's room. She realized that her notebook was still in Steve's room. Alyssa turned around and walked back. She entered the room and spotted Nate holding a syringe. He was about to inject something into Steve's IV tube when Alyssa yelled for him to back off! Nate turned seeing the young cadet. " Get lost little girl.......You don't wanna mess with the people I work with. " Nate said as he looked back at the syringe. Alyssa pulled her glock from the holster on her hip and again warned Nate to stop. He again looked at her, but did stop since she was holding a gun. Nate raised his hands as Alyssa stepped towards him. She reached for her handcuffs and just took her eyes off of him for a second. Nate was hoping for this. He charged Alyssa knocking the weapon from her hand. Nate slammed Alyssa into the wall which brought a groan from her. Alyssa raised her right foot and kicked Nate in the knee. He fell backwards losing his grip on her. Alyssa then punched Nate in the face twice. He was shaken at how tough she was. Alyssa learned how to fight on the streets. " Your dead you little fucking cunt! " Nate said as he pulled his own pistol out. Alyssa stood with her back against the wall right beside the door. Her own gun was laying on the floor a few feet away from Steve's bed. There was no way she could reach her weapon.
James reached the top of the stairs and pulled hard on the door. He had already drawn his weapon. He stepped into the corridor. The police officers in the corridor appeared calm and if anything it was his bursting in from the stairwell which surprised them. The first door he came to was his father's. He asked who was inside. The officer on the door appeared a little taken aback. "No-one. Just your father." He had replied. James asked him if he had seen Nate Long.

"Sure. He's just gone in to see your brother. He's in with Alyssa." James looked down the corridor and then moved quickly. As he approached the door he heard the thud followed by the groan and shortly after a few more grunts and groans. He didn't wait any longer. He raised his gun and burst through the door to immediately see Nate on the floor pointing a gun up at Alyssa who was stood with her back to the wall.

"Put it down Nate. It's over." James said. Nate looked at him, weighing up the odds. James could see him trying to decide whether it was worth it. "I got a really itchy finger here and the way this looks to me, you just tried to kill my brother. Regardless of anything else, I think that pretty much gives me a reason." Nate tossed the gun down. Alyssa moved quickly to pick it up. James asked if she was okay and she said she was fine.

Nate was picked up off the floor and cuffed and sat down in a chair. Whilst a couple of uniforms kept an eye on him, James checked on Steve and was relieved to find him still asleep and the IV untouched. James then turned and glared at Nate.

"What's this about Nate?"

"It's about him setting up his own squad." James looked around as Tom and Kim came into the room. "It was your tip that told Jack about the warehouse. You then called in sick, but you were seen getting out of a van with members of the Red Dragon Tong who then gunned down your own team."

"That's crap. You can't prove that. You think anyone is going to take the word of a hooker."

"When we put it together with everything else? Damn right they will."

"Your bluffing. You've got no more than your girlfriend had this morning" James and Tom looked at each other, both wondering what happened this morning. "What are you talking about?" James asked, grabbing hold of Nate's shirt.

"Evie. He sent her round to see me first thing to try and get me to say something I shouldn't. Nice piece of ass but she left empty handed."

James glared at him. "Get him the fuck out of here before I blow his head off." Tom took hold of Nate and handed him over to uniform. Kim, Tom, James and Alyssa then stood looking at each other. James pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and called Evie. There was no answer. Tom did the same. Still no answer.

"Look" Kim suddenly pointed at the TV which was on with the volume muted. The pictures were showing a allergy downtown. The text across the bottom of the screen said "Chin Liu donates $1m art collection to the City." Alyssa reached the remote and turned the volume up just as the announcer was talking about the allergy opening. James suddenly bolted. Something told him exactly where he was going to find his sister. He charged back down stairs, out of the building and into his car. Putting the blues and twos on straight away, he hit the gas and sped away.

Evie had arrived at the gallery a little before 5.45pm. She had walked into the gallery, taking a glass of champagne as someone passed her with a loaded tray. She wandered around pretending to look at the art but really looking for chin Liu. Then she spotted him surrounded by a group of perhaps six men in full black suits. She could see the bulge just under their left or right arms indicating that they were all armed. At that point though she really didn't care. She finished her drink and placed the empty glass onto another passing tray and then slowly she walked up to Chin Liu and his group. Soon the men picked up her approach and began to watch her. None of them made the slightest move for their weapons and it seemed clear that they didn't see her as any kind of threat. Chin Liu saw her. Looked her up and down and smiled. Evie smiled back and came to a stop. Evie lifted her right hand to her purse which she carried in her left.

"There you are. I thought I'd never find you." Suddenly out of nowhere, James appeared grabbing hold of Evie's right arm. Evie was taken by surprise. "What the..."

"We're leaving. Now" James hissed quietly as he turned his back to chin Liu and his men.

"The hell I am. That man tried to kill my family." Evie didn't keep her voice down and Chins men immediately covered their weapons. James cringed a little and then turned around.

"Mr Liu. I apologise for my sister. She is... Upset. I'm going to take her home."

"James...let me..,owww" James began to forcibly walk his sister away.

"A very wise idea. We wouldn't want any misunderstandings."


"Evie. If I have to I'll fucking arrest you including the cuffs". He whispered hoarsely in her ear. "Is that what you want." With that she relented and James literally marched her out of the building. He was too angry to say anything else at that moment. In part he was still imagining what might have happened had he arrived a few moments later. He practically threw her into the car and the wo of them remained silent all the way back to the hospital.
Had James arrived a few minutes later then he did, this scene would have been much worse. There would have been blood and bodies laying in the area around Chin. Evie would most likely have killed Chin, but she would have been cut to pieces by his men. It was possible that Evie could have nailed one, or two others before she was dropped. Chin's men were armed with light machine guns which would have hit many bystanders in the gun battle. The news of this massacre would have been broadcast in real time. 3 different LA TV stations were covering this event. James however arrived on time and saved Evie & Chin.

Chin was aware of who Evie was when she closed in on him. He wanted to see if she had the balls to pull a gun on him. Chin felt that Evie would have pulled the gun if James hadn't arrived. He just laughed as Evie was taken away. There would come a time when they would meet again. Of this Chin had no doubts. Chin pulled out his cell phone and ordered flowers for Evie. These flowers would get to the hospital about the same time that Evie got there. Chin enjoyed rubbing salt into open wounds. He knew that Evie was on the edge. Her wounds were running deep. So deep that she would risk gunning him down on city wide tv. These flowers were meant as a slap in her face. The note on the flowers would read. " No Hard Feelings"

Nate was taken down by Tom while Kim stayed at the hospital. She was in command until James returned with Evie in tow. Down at the station, Tom told Nate that sooner or later word that he was arrested would reach Chin. It was pretty easy to what Chin's next move would be. Chin of course would order a hit on Nate. This hit could happen almost anywhere. Chin had men in most of the prisons in California. Not even the city jail would be safe. Chin would just have a few of his men arrested. No matter how tough Nate had been acting. He wasn't a fool. Nate knew that Tom was telling the truth. Whether or not a jury would believe a hooker over him now seemed less important. Nate knew that Chin wouldn't let him leave long enough to see a court room. Nate was willing to deal, but Tom would have to speak with the DA first. Tom did manage to keep the fact that Nate was under arrest a secret. Kim called Tom when James & Evie returned. Tom said that he'd be right back over. He wanted a word or two with Evie about her actions.
James pulled the car into a parking bay. As he climbed out of the car he told Evie to get out. When he realised she wasn't moving her went round to the passenger side. He pulled open the door and grabbing his sister's upper arm he pulled her out of the car. She struggled a little and ultimately James finished up slamming her against the side of the car hard enough to make her groan and then stop fighting. James went to say something but then stopped. He was still too angry with her. Instead he simply told her to get inside. She didn't move and just stared back at him, eyes blazing. The idea of putting her brother down crossed her mind. Somehow James guessed what she was thinking.

"Oh please! Just try it. That MMA belt doesn't make you invincible and you really don't want to test me right now. I *swear* I will put you down." Evie stared at him. She had never seen James like this before. As she looked at him she suddenly knew that it was no idle threat. When she didn't move, James eased his grip and told her to go indoors.

As she walked into the hospital her heels clicked on the highly polished floor. The police officers stood around watched her surprised at how she was dressed. Evie was oblivious to the looks. She went up the stairs and headed into Steve's room. Her anger subsided a little when she saw her brother. Alyssa was still in there. She was surprised by Evie's entrance and confused by how she was dressed. She wondered whether she had been on a date.

"Evie? Everything okay?"

Evie looked at her as if noticing her in there for the first time. She nodded but before she could say anything, the door opened again and James stepped in. He looked around and saw Alyssa. He walked over to her and put a hand on her arm.

"Hey. Could you give us a minute please." He asked. Alyssa shrugged. Smiled. Nodded. "Sure." She picked up her book and walked out to go to Jack's room. Evie nod James watched her leave and then stared at each other. Before they said anything the door opened again. This time it was Tom. He walked over to James.

"What happened?"

"What happened?" He looked at Evie. "You tell him.

"He nearly killed them James. Don't you care about that? It was dumb luck that he didn't. I'm not going to stand around and do nothing."

Tom sill looked confused. "She went to the Gallery. Went looking for Chin Liu. With her weapon!" James' voice started to rise. The room door opened for a third time and an officer walked in carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. He took them to Evie. She was confused. She pulled out the card.

"I don't believe this." She walked over had slapped the card hard against James' chest. "He's bragging about it! You should have let me do what you don't have the balls to do!"
Tom listened as James explained where Evie went and what she had planned to do. He was surprised that Evie would have per planned to commit murder. Tom didn't believe her capable of such a thing. Sure part of him wanted to see Chin's broken & bloody body laying lifeless on the ground. But not from a cold blooded murder. Back when Tom went after McCaffrey, he knew that it would end up in a gun fight. It wasn't like Tom just walked up and blew McCaffrey away. Tom was defending himself during the fight. He expected Evie to be hurt and very pissed. Hell everyone was who cared about Jack & Steve. Still Tom expected Evie to use her head and not go off half cocked. James looked at the card that Evie slapped against his chest. " Chin is trying to make you strike at him. " James said as he showed Tom the card. " He would love nothing more then to see you go down for murder. " Tom added as he ripped the card up. James agreed and said that's what would happen if Evie shot Chin without good reason. It was possible that Chin's men wouldn't have fired on Evie. The press would have had a field day if a member of the MCU gunned Chin down on tv. Evie's actions could have ended up with the team being broken up. It certainly would have made Tom look bad since he is Evie's commanding officer. Evie's actions would have brought shame down on her family. The Taylor Family would have been marred by this for years. " Right now we have the witness who saw Nate at the warehouse!......We also have Nate locked up down a the station!.......We have the tools to bring Chin down for this and more!..........What we don't need now is you committing murder!.......That would blow our case out of the water! " Tom spoke in a tone that had never been used on Evie before. Her actions put their chances to nail Chin in great danger. His eyes were flaring as he spoke. His words were harshly spoken in a tone which didn't hide his anger.

Chin was now back at his home. He had been watching the time carefully all night. Nate should have struck by now, but there wasn't any phone calls. Chin could feel that something wasn't right. Nate should have called in whether he did the job or not. It was possible that Nate was just waiting for the right time. It was also possible that Nate fucked up and got caught. Chin did believe that the MCU would hide the fact if Nate had been caught. Things needed to be checked out. Chin told his number 2 man Chao to look in to this. They had missed killing the hooker earlier in the day. She was no doubt being watched by the police at this moment. If Nate had been stopped, which it seemed very likely. He to would be under the watchful eye of the police. If that was the case, then a strike against the Central Station would be called for. Chin wasn't afraid to openly hit a police station. He wouldn't let anyone stand against him. Chin was building an empire and even the police weren't safe. Still a little tac would be need to keep his public image in good order. Any attack on the Central Station wouldn't come from his people. He would hire others to do his dirty work.
Somewhere deep inside Evie knew what James and Tom were saying was right, but at that moment the only voices she could hear in her head were ones which reflected the fact that she was hurt and angry and scared and she wanted someone to pay for what had happened to her family. She knew that had her father and oldest brother died, it was have devastated James enough that she would have effectively lost him too. The prospect of that so clear in her head made any kind of rational thinking almost impossible. Tom clearly didn't understand how she felt and that hurt her too.

Staring at James and Tom, she said nothing. In some ways too angry and upset to say anything. They didn't understand and nothing she said was going to make them understand. She stepped back and came to a decision. It was the only decision she could come to - at least that's how Evie saw it at that moment. She opened her purse. She took out her service issue Glock, her badge and ID and placed them on a table at the foot of Steve's bed.

"I quit! MCU. LAPD. I'm done with it." And with that she turned around and walked out the door. She didn't really know where she was going initially as she headed downstairs. Her car was back at the Gallery. She decided to pick it up in the morning and just get a cab home.

Back in the room, Steve had woken up and Tom and James had filled him in on what had been happening. Steve was surprised at what Nate had done and he was annoyed by his sister's actions. James told him he'd speak to her tomorrow. He had no intention of letting her quit.
Tom was stunned by Evie's actions. He had expected her to argue her point, but her quitting never crossed his mind. Tom picked up Evie's glock and slid it into the waistband of his pants. He placed her badge & ID into his coat pocket. Tom was pretty sure that Evie would change her mind. However just in case she didn't, he'd have the necessary paperwork written up. If Evie really wanted to quit the force, she'd have to sign some forms first. Tom did in fact know how Evie felt, everyone them did. They all wanted to make Chin pay for his crimes. But going out just to gun someone down wasn't how they did things. Tom's cowboy rep came from old west style shootouts with the bad guys. He never once shot anyone who wasn't shooting at him. Some say that Tom uses his weapon to often. They think that the bad guys can be talked into giving up. These people don't face the bad guys that Tom had faced over the years. There is a certain type of bad guy who doesn't want to talk. They want to kill and kill they do. This is the type that the MCU faces now. Those bad guys who could care less about lives or the law.

Tom stayed for just a short time while Steve was awake. He left the brothers alone to talk. Tom made sure that Alyssa went back to her grandfathers house for the night. He checked in on Jack, then tripled the guards on the floor before heading back to the station. Kim stayed at the hospital to help with security when Tom left. Tom typed up the forms Evie would need to sign if she really wanted to quit. He then spent much of the night filling out reports of what happened at the bar when they found Lucy Lee. She was currently in an LAPD safe house under guard. Tom went down to the holding cells where Nate was being kept. He brought Nate upstairs to the MCU Squad Room. It was there that Tom questioned Nate about his involvement with Chin & the Tong. At times Nate would clam up, thinking that being quiet would somehow save his ass. But Tom would just remind Nate from time to time that Chin most likely knew that he was busted. Thus saving his ass meant helping to bring down Chin before Chin could send someone after Nate. Throughout the night, Nate gave Tom information that would aid the police in bring down Chin. By morning Tom had set up another safe house, this one for Nate. He would drive Nate over, then return to the station and call him team together. Tom however didn't know how much of a team he had left? This question wouldn't be answered until Evie was heard from again.
Evie had of course finished up just going home. Where else could she go? All the places she would normally go in moments of crisis in her life weren't 'open' at the moment (her Dad's place, Steve's, James') and the people she looked to for advice and solace weren't there either. In some cases, they were on the opposite side - or at least that's how it felt. At that point though, she wasn't really thinking like that. Truth was, she wasn't really thinking at all. She went home, fetched a bottle of scotch and a glass from the kitchen and went into the lounge. She called the hospital and checked on her Dad and her bother, and then she sat down, switched on the TV and poured herself a very large drink. For the rest of the night she watched bad TV without really seeing any of it and drank good scotch.

She woke up the following morning, still on the couch, still dressed in the black dress. She had been woken by loud banging on her front door. As she eased herself up, wincing a little at the sore head and on seeing the half empty bottle, she was aware of a key being slipped into her lock. She turned to look back to the door just as James walked in. The Taylors all had keys to each other's places in case of emergencies. Perhaps somewhere in Evie's subconscious, she wasn't surprised to see James and even the key in the door hadn't been something which had worried her. Burglars don't use keys of course! James reached up to take his key out of the lock and then stopped when he saw his sister on the couch. They just looked at each other for a moment. James was half expecting her to ask what the hell he thought he was doing but she said nothing. Then she turned away. She picked up the bottle and the glass and then stood up, stifling the moan as her head exploded in pain. She was surprisingly steady on her feet. She walked into the kitchen, saying nothing to James. What was there to say. She guessed he was there to persuade her that quitting the force was not the answer, to convince her that they would get Chin. She wasn't sure that she wanted to hear it.

James watched her walk into the kitchen and disappear. He closed the door. He didn't really know what he was going to say to Evie but he wasn't leaving until her had her thinking properly. Steve was usually the one who did this kind of thing. When it came to Evie, he normally took the more subtle approach, whereas Steve preferred the swift kick in the ass. He was prepared to have to be a little more direct. He slipped his jacket off and placed it on the back of the couch. He stepped across the lounge and opened the doors which led out onto the beach. Fresh air. But then suddenly he heard the sound of breaking glass from the kitchen followed by a sharp yelp and a few choice words. He moved quickly and found Evie stood at one of the counters, a pool of scotch and broken glass at her feet, blood dripping from her hand. Saying nothing he stepped over, took hold of her wrist and led her to the sink.

"I can manage." Evie said. James didn't reply. He turned on the cold water faucet and pulled her hand under it. She didn't fight him. She watched him as he made sure that there was no glass in the deep slice in the heel of her hand. He reached out and picked up a relatively clean white towel that was near the sink. Taking her hand out of the water and switching off the faucet he placed the towel over the cut. He led her to one of the stools and told her to sit down. Then he disappeared into the bathroom returning a few minutes later with her first aid kit. He patched her up, all the time neither one of them saying anything. It was only when he was finished that he broke the silence.

"When we get to the hospital, you should have someone look at it. Make sure it doesn't need any stitches." He looked at her and couldn't help but smile. "You look like shit." He turned around and rifled through a couple of drawers until her found a plastic bag. Then he disappeared into the lunge and found an elastic band from Evie's desk. When he came back he put the bag over her newly bandaged hand and then slipped the elastic band over her wrist to keep it in place.

"Go get a shower. Put something more appropriate on for 10.30 in the morning. I'll put some coffee on. You want some breakfast?"

Evie shook her head and stood up. She wanted to say something. She knew she should say something. But suddenly she realised that there was no fight left in her. There was no nothing left in her. She was lost. More than she had ever felt in her life before. She went through and had a shower, spending 10 minutes just standing leaning against one wall on her good hand, head down, letting the water hit the back of her neck and her shoulders. The enormity of what she had done the previous evening... the Gallery... quitting...and of what James maybe stopped her doing seem to hit her, one strike after another. What the hell was her Dad going to say? She finally forced herself out of the shower, dressed in jeans and t-shirt with an open shirt over the top. As she stepped back into the kitchen, she was still rolling the sleeves up. James had ignored the fact the she had said she didn't want breakfast. Whilst she had been in the shower, he had cooked eggs and bacon, wholemeal toast, and poured fresh orange juice. Evie couldn't help but smile at the sight of everything laid out on the table. And then she realised how hungry she was. She hadn't had anything since Alyssa had brought her the sandwich... was that yesterday morning.

"What did I do to deserve this." James was taken a little by surprise by her presence and her question. Suddenly he wondered whether his sister was back... rational... logical... clear headed.

"Not much. But I figure with the day you're about to have, you need it regardless."

Evie sat down. "Why? What kind of day am I going to have?"

"Well you need to apologise to Tom for a start and then ask him for your badge and your gun back for a start. The you gotta face big brother." He saw the question in her face as she picked up her fork. "You're little rant last night woke him up. He wanted to know what was going on."

"And you told him"

"Seemed the least I could do." James flashed a smile at her and then poured her out a steaming cup of coffee.

Again, Evie couldn't help but smile. Whilst she would have preferred that neither her father nor older brother knew of her stupidity, in some ways it seemed the least she deserved. As the pair of them ate breakfast, she asked how both Jack and Steve were, and James told her that he had been at the hospital first thing before he had arrived at her place. After breakfast, they cleaned up and then James said her would drive her to the hospital. He was intending to call in at the MCU on the way, where he knew Tom was, but he wasn't quite ready to tell Evie that yet. Just as they were about to get into the car, Evie stopped.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "I... I'm sorry... about last night. I.. I don't know what I would have done if... if you hadn't arrived when you did. I don't think I would have... but... I'm sorry." James closed his door and leaned on the car, both forearms laid on the roof. "Evie... sometimes... we can all lose it for a while. But that's what family's about. We keep each other right. And no matter what, we're always there."

'I know. But if I had..." James stepped back and opened the door again. "You didn't and that's all that matters. Now, can we get moving."

It was about 10 minutes into the drive when Evie realised that they weren't going to the hospital. When James told her, she opened her mouth to argue but then closed it again saying nothing. Sooner or later she had to face Tom and maybe getting it out of the way was the best option... not that it was her option.
Tom wasn't at the Central Station, which James & Evie would soon find out. He was driving Nate to a safe house where he'd be stashed away. Lucy Lee was already tucked away in one. The hope was to keep them safe from anything Chin or his people would do. Tom was driving his unmarked grey police car down Fletcher Drive in the Glendale section of Los Angeles. Nate was sitting slumped in the front seat next to Tom. They were only a block and half away from the safe house. A car about 50 feet in front suddenly turned hard sideways blocking the middle of the street. 4 men jumped from the car and started firing at Tom's car. Tom had already turned his car hard left bring the ass end around. Traffic behind Tom's car in turn each skidded sideways to avoid the car in front. The street was now cut off on both ends. Tom & Nate exited the unmarked police car when the shooting started. They were in a bad place if an attack was coming from behind. The men doing the shooting from the front were using mp 5's. Tom's car would give them protection until it was known whether another attack was coming. Once Tom felt that it was safe, he returned fire on the suspects. He kept Nate down and out of sight. Tom noticed that all four men were Asian. Possibly working for Chin and here to kill Nate & Tom.

Tom would normally have his team as backup for a mission like this. But his team was fighting fatigue and fractured. At least as far as Tom knew since Evie quit last might. He was sure that they would have gotten a good night's sleep after last night. Still they were one short now. Bullets and glass was flying all over the place. Tom reached into his car and grabbed the mic of his police radio. By now dispatch had received many calls about the gun battle. But they didn't know Tom was in the middle of it and alone. " This is 1 L 90!........Shots fired officer needs assistance!........3000 block of Fletcher Drive........I need backup! " As Tom was talking, he noticed one of the men was moving down the sidewalk. He was trying to get a better shot, but Tom nailed him hard. The man dropped down dead. The dispatch quickly found the location where Tom was at. It fit with the 911 calls. She flicked a switch which sent a steady tone over the radio. This was the warning tone for an important message. " All cars on all frequencies stand by.......All units in the vicinity......3000 block of Fletcher Drive.........Assist 1 Lincoln 90........Shots fired.......Officer needs assistance........All responding units handle code 3. " The channel was cleared once the dispatcher was done.
The warning tone came over the radio and ended the conversation between Evie and James about how her Dad and Steve were doing in the hospital and what James and her were going to do when the two of them got out. Steve in particular was probably going to need time at home and almost certainly was going to be fighting to get back to work the whole time. When the details of the emergency message came over the radio, Evie turned white and looked at James. He immediately hit the brakes and then threw the car into a 180. They weren't that far away from Fletcher. Evie picked up the radio and gave her brother's call sign and indicated they were responding. Evie felt her heartbeat quicken. Hanging on to the handle above the passenger window as James turned hard, wheels screeching, Evie couldn't help but feel this was her fault. If she hadn't... then Tom wouldn't have been on his own... and if anything happened to Tom... Because of her....

As the car turned the next corner, they both saw the mayhem in front of them. Cars spread across the road and in the middle of it, Tom's unmarked bullet riddled Crown Vic sideways on. They could both see Tom and Nate hunkered down behind it. Just as they were about to get out of the car, James reached down and pulled out his Smith and Wesson Bodyguard 380 from his ankle holster and offered it to her. Evie looked at it for a second before she suddenly remembered that she didn't have her Glock. She took it and climbed out of the car. Then she and James became the initial back-up. Behind them more police vehicles were arriving and it didn't take long before the Asian men decided they were significantly outnumbered and their opportunity had gone. Suddenly they got back into the car and the drive hit the gas hard, swerving onto the sidewalk to get around the traffic, before rejoining the road and disappearing into the distance.

James and Evie approached Tom's car just as they were getting up.

"You okay?" James asked.

'Yeah. Not sure for how much longer though if you hadn't shown up." He grinned and patted James on the arm then looked at Evie. The smile disappeared from his face. "I thought you quit." Evie stared at him. She didn't know what to say. "I know. But I... I wasn't..."

"Later. We need to get Nate here somewhere safe." Evie looked at Nate. Met his gaze. This was the man who set her family up, who watched them get shot and literally left them for dead. She swallowed down the bile rising in her throat and took a deep breath. Then Kim appeared. She checked everyone was okay, before Tom asked her if she was in her car. When she said yes, he decided that would allow him to get Nate to the safe house. Tom called for Nate to follow him and said to James and Kim that he would meet them back at the station when he was done.

"He's not going to make it easy is he?" James gave her shoulder a conciliatory squeeze as he turned and headed back to his car. Kim looked puzzled then started following James now her car had been requisitioned. "Make what easy? What's going on?"

Evie stood watching Tom and Nate walk away.

"You can always come back to Robbery Homicide, cupcake." Evie jumped as she heard the familiar voice and felt a hand brushing across her ass. She turned her head and saw Pierce and then almost immediately felt someone on her other side... Webb. They must have heard Tom saying that he thought she'd quit. Both men were grinning. "We'd welcome you back, you know that."

"EVIE" James called out as he was about to climb into the car. She smiled at Pierce and Webb. "Thanks guys. I'll... I'll take it under advisement." And then she squeezed between them and headed back to the car.
Evie's quitting wasn't official yet. Tom had a feeling since she showed up that she changed her mind. He wasn't going to let her off easy though. Evie would get her badge back, but only after they had a long talk. Tom used Kim's car to transport Nate to the safe house. The trip to the safe house went quickly and soon Tom was heading back to the Central Station. The officers at the scene of the shootout found that the man Tom shot was a member of the Red Dragon Tong. It was the second hit on a witness in two days and both times Tom was right in the middle. This is just what Tom had expected all along. He knew that the Tong wouldn't stand for anyone being alive that could finger them. The gun battle in the residential neighbourhood proved Tom's point that war had been declared. This is what meant by a very bloody affair. There would be those who would spin this against the police. But those people were always around. They were the ones who always attacked Tom for being a cowboy cop. Brent McBride was one who was the most vocal when it came to police shootouts. Members of the press had already gathered outside the Central Station. Most were there long before Tom appeared. Brent fired off questions at Evie moments after he spotted her, James & Kim. " We have here members of the LAPD Hit Squad known as the MCU. " Brent said while flashing a smile into the camera. That camera then swung around and caught Evie, James & Kim in full view. " How many kills did the MCU score today!? " Brent shouted his question as he shoved his microphone in front of both Evie & James. " The MCU has been involved in two major shootouts in as many days.......Do you have any comments to share with the viewers!? " Brent again fired off another question as he moved along with Evie, James & Kim. He wasn't afraid to overstep the bounds of good taste and Brent was about to prove that. " Sergeant Taylor!.......Isn't it true that your father Lieutenant Taylor & your brother were shot while strong arming drug dealers for money........Isn't true that they are both dirty cops and on the take!? " After each question Brent kept that same smug smile on his face.
When McBride suggested that Jack and Steve were dirty, James stopped in his tracks and the press including McBride screeched to a halt with him. Everyone was expecting James to lose it and even McBride was bracing himself but then he'd have story he wanted. A second or two later, Evie and Kim realised and they backtracked a couple of paces. Evie held her breath. James was normally the one keeping everyone else calm. He wasn't the one to lose control. In truth, James was fighting his own demons at that moment. He wanted nothing more than to plaster McBride all over the sidewalk. But he knew that the momentary pleasure he would get old be far outweighed by the shit storm that would follow. He took a deep breath. Evie appeared at his side and hidden from the camera she slipped her hand into his. He looked at her. Squeezed her hand and then turned back to McBride and his camera but he addressed the group.

"Lieutenant Jack Taylor and Sergeant Steven Taylor, both highly decorated police officers, were brutally gunned down and left for dead two days ago. The assault saw three other police officers shot and killed. Those who perpetrated this act intended to take out all the officers who have worked so tirelessly to rid the streets of LA of the dugs which ruin our citizens. Today members of the same gang tried to take out Lieutenant Tom Reed and a police witness. Because of the courageous actions of Lt. Reed one more member of that gang was shot and killed. If we have to take these people one at a time we will. And if we have to put up with cheap tacky journalism from some sections of the press while we do it, then we will. That some sections of the media are not prepared to support LAPD in their efforts is ... Disappointing, but we don't work for the Press. We work for the good honest people in this City who want their families to be safe. Lieutenant's Taylor and Reed and Sergeant Taylor are amongst LA's finest and any attempt to slander their reputations will always fail." Then he glared at McBride, smiled back at him and turned to leave.

"Detective Taylor. How quickly do you expect to be made Sergeant now you're sleeping with Lieutenant Reed?" McBride was obviously unphased by James' response or certainly not phased enough to stop...he merely changed target and made sure that his camera was refocused on his favourite female cop. James felt Evie flinch but he kept hold of her hand and didn't stop moving. Only when they were inside and away from the press did he let her hand go.

"That man is the lowest piece of press scum... One day someone is going to..." James was talking as much to himself as he was to the girls as they walked upstairs. And as he walked and ranted, he sent a text to Tom to warn him that the press including McBride were acting as a welcoming committee. When he was done they headed into the MCU. Both James and Evie had a pile of messages on their desks from other cos wishing their family well. James said he was going to go see some of his old team and let them know and that he wouldn't be long. Evie went to make some coffee and Kim followed a minute or so later. Evie was stood leaning on the counter waiting for the coffee to drip through the machine. Kim walked up to her side and then ran her hand up and down her back, rubbing it compassionately. Evie looked up at her a smiled.

"Tough couple of days huh?" Kim said. Evie turned towards her and smiled. "Oh yeah." Kim stepped a little closer. It was just the two of them and there was no danger of anyone walking in unseen. She put one hand on Evie's hip and then drew the finger's of her other hand softly down her cheek. "Everything will work out. You'll see." Kim leaned forward and kissed Evie softly on the mouth. Evie didn't pull back. It was an act of gentle kindness that contrasted with everything Evie had been through since they were in San Francisco. Kim felt Evie relax just a little as the kiss continued. As the coffee machine finished its work, Kim broke the kiss. She grinned.

"Now what do you think McBride would have paid to get a picture of that!" Evie laughed out loud and nodded. Then she looked at Kim. "Thanks"

"You're welcome. And you know where I am if you need to ... relax some more." Kim turned and started pouring out two mugs of coffee.
Tom got James's text warning about the press just a few blocks away from the station. He was sure that the warning was meant because Brent McBride was there. McBride made his living from putting cops down and making it seem like they were the bad guys. When Tom pulled Kim's car into the parking lot, the reporters flocked around the car. McBride was right there microphone in hand. Tom said nothing as McBride fired off the same questions he launched at Evie, James & Kim. It wasn't until Tom reached the door to the station that he turned and faced the cameras. " Ladies and Gentlemen of the press.....The City of Los Angeles is under siege by a group of criminals known as the Red Dragon Tong......They have already wounded two fine officers and killed others only a few days ago.......These criminals have tried twice to kill witnesses who can place many of them behind bars.......During these gun battles myself and my team were able to save lives of citizens by killing those who were doing the shooting......We did this because they gave us no other choice......It is our duty to protect the people of Los Angeles from those who break the city's laws. " Tom then waved to the press and opened the door. He had only taken a step before McBride moved in close and asked about sleeping with Evie. Tom stopped, turned slightly and looked McBride right in the eye. The two men were face to face at this point. " Detective Taylor is a fine officer and she'll make Sergeant once she pases the exzam. " Tom started to walk again, but stopped and turned to face McBride and the other members of the press. " Mr. McBride......I do have a suggestion for you........Perhaps in the future......You could start using a stronger mouthwash before coming out in public. " The others members of the press corps began laughing at McBride as Tom gave them a wink. He entered the station leaving them all behind. McBride just growled as Tom disappeared. He wouldn't be using Tom's rip against him, but the other stations in town would play every word.

Tom walked on until he reached the MCU Squad Room. The door was open so Tom just walked in. Evie was sitting at her desk with James standing beside it. Tom tossed Kim her car keys while thinking her. He looked at James, but shifted his gaze down to Evie. " Nate said that a shipment of drugs was coming into Chin's art warehouse today.......These drugs are being smuggled in with pieces of art coming in from the far east........He said that Chin has been packing his drugs in coffee grounds to throw off the drug sniffing dogs.......Based on what Nate gave me I'll have a warrant to search the warehouse by noon.......The drugs are due in around 1 pm this afternoon.........We find those drugs and we'll have Chin by the balls........Nate is willing to admit that Chin ordered the hits on Jack and Steve........We can deal a major blow to the Red Dragons today........I'm sure both Jack and Steve will be happy that we've been able to finish up the work that they started. " Tom laid it all out. He then told everyone that starting today the MCU would oversee all narcotics operations until Jack & Steve were back on their feet. The Narcotics Division would have to be reformed. Until then Tom & James would do double duty in commanding both the MCU & Narcotics. Tom asked James to call Barney and ask for all on going cases. They had alot of reading to do on current operations. Tom looked again at Evie who had stayed silent. " I have your paperwork ready to be signed if you really plan on quitting.......They're on the desk in my office. " Tom slowly walked towards his officer, opened the door and stepped inside. He walked over removed his coat, hung it on the rack and sat down.
Evie swallowed hard as she watched Tom walk away and into his office. She looked across at Kim who looked at her sympathetically. She looked up at James as he placed a hand on her shoulder. He raised his eyebrows as if to say "Well, you knew this was coming." She eased herself lowly out of her chair and walked across to Tom's office. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Tom picked up two pieces of paper from his desk and handed them to her as he sat down.

"Tom... " she looked down at the papers in her hand and then back up to Tom. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said last night at the hospital. I want thinking.... I don't ... I'm sorry."
Tom rose from behind his desk. He walked around the front and sat down on the edge facing where Evie was sitting. He leaned over and took the papers from Evie's hands. " You and I both know you've come to far to quit now.........I was hoping that once daylight came......You'd come to your senses and make things right. " Tom then ripped up those two pieces of paper and tossed them into a nearby waste can. " I need you now more than ever Evie........This team needs you. " Tom said while leaning back over his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out Evie's badge & Glock. " We'll be walking into a hornet's nest this afternoon........I can't do that without having my team together. " Tom said while handing Evie her badge & weapon. He then rose to his feet looking at Evie smiling. " You know with everything going on........Alyssa has been staying with my father........Perhaps after work we can get together and blow off a little steam? " Tom said while touching Evie's cheek softly. He then said that if she played her cards right, she'd make Sergeant by morning. Tom's little joke was made to relieve the tension in the room. He didn't want Evie to think that what happened last night caused any major trouble between them. Everything Evie said came from the heat of the moment. A natural human reaction to everything that piled up over the last few days. Tom then handed Evie a folder with the layout of the art warehouse in it. He suggested that Evie, James & Kim go over it. Tom had to make the call to get the warrant.
Evie watched as Tom stood up and walked around the desk, sitting on the edge in front of her. She wasn't sure what he was going to do or say. When he told her he hoped she'd come around and then when e ripped the forms up, she couldn't help but smile. When he handed her her badge and gun, her smile broadened. She looked down at the badge in her hand and ran her thumb over the front of it. She remembered the first time she had seen that shield. The gold on the silver...the blue lettering. The first one she had ever had in her hand had been her Dad's Detective shield; she was maybe four or five... Needed both hands to hold it. She remembered Steve's and James' first Police Officer badges. Her first one had had Policewoman in the ble letters. Her whole life practically had been about these shields. She looked back up at Tom as e stood up and took a step towards her.

"That sounds good to me." At the suggestion of a promotion, she laughed out loud. "McBride would think all his Christmas' have come at once." She took the folder back outside and dropped it on James' desk. "One minute." James picked it up, smiling at Evie as she walked to her desk, slipped her gun in her bottom drawer as was her habit. She clipped her badge into her belt and then headed back to James' desk, noticing him looking at her grinning.

"Feel better"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

Kim joined them and they started to go over the warehouse details.
Tom made the phone call and got the search warrant. He joined his team in the outer office and went over the floor plans. These plans detailed all points of the art warehouse. Tom wanted everyone to wear their protective vests on this bust. They were dealing with dangerous men who wouldn't think twice about killing a cop. Everyone of course knew this, but it was worth repeating. After picking up the warrant, the MCU headed for Chin's art warehouse. Tom & James watched the place from a back alley. Evie & Kim were watching from just down the street from the warehouse. Just before 1 pm a delivery truck appeared. It passed in front of the gallery then turned the corner and drove down past where Evie & Kim sat. The truck slowed down at the warehouse and turned into the rear alley. The name on the side of the truck was Win Kong Imports. This was a front company owned by Chin. Tom using his hand helded police radio told Evie & Kim to get ready. They were the ones holding the warrant. It was their job to enter into the warehouse office and serve the warrant. Tom & James would enter through the rear and stop anyone from destroying the drugs, or trying to hide them. Tom then called the backup units and told them to get ready. The truck moved to the loading dock area then backed in. Tom gave them 5 minutes before he told Evie & Kim to make their move. " Let's go. " Tom said to James as they climbed out together. He would give Evie & Kim a few minutes before entering with James and calling in the backup units. If all went well, this could go down without a fight. But Tom felt that wouldn't happen. Chin and his men were stone cold killers.
Evie and Kim climbed out of the car once they had word from Tom. Wearing the blue bullet proof vests marked up with LAPD on both te front and back made who they were very obvious. They moved quickly inside through the small street side door. This took them into a small front office; desk, phone, filing cabinets, coffee machine, fax, photocopier. There was a heavy set Asian man in his thirties sitting in a chair reading a magazine which had a title written in Chinese script and a half naked girl on the front. He turned in his chair a little as the door opened. He was surprised to see two good looking women walk through the door, but then he saw the lettering their vests. As her turned a little more his knee lifted against a button for a silent alarm which was built into the underside of the desk. Neither Kim nor Evie saw what he had done. Both approached the desk smiling.

"Afternoon" Evie handed him the warrant. "You speak English?" The man looked up at her as he took the papers. "What do you want here?" The man asked in perfect English.

"Your boss! But you'll do for starters." Kim said. The man made a sudden move but his size meant it want quick. Both girls drew their weapons n him quickly. "Just give me a reason." Evie said as she pointed the Glock directly at his head. The man raised his hands slowly, a grin appearing on his face.

"You looked better last night. That black dress was...hmmmm" Kim threw Evie a slightly puzzled look but then quickly had her attention back on the man. Evie didn't recognise him but he had obviously been at the gallery. "Yeah? Well that's the last time you will see anything like that with where you're going. You're under arrest." Kim pulled out her cuffs and walked around the desk. As she did so, the sound of gun fire erupted from the other side of the office wall. The man grinned. "Don't count on it bitch." Evie and Kim exchanged a look, a silent conversation. 'I got him. You go'. Kim moved behind the guy, taking one wrist behind him, pushing him down hard over the desk. Evie moved through the interior door and into a corridor. Moving quickly, she followed it, through another door at the end which opened into the warehouse. The gun fire was suddenly much louder. As she moved between high metal shelves stacked with boxes, she saw a man run past the end of the aisle she was in. Chin! Her heart rate kicked up and she followed him.
Just before Tom & James entered through a rear door, Tom called for the backup. Black n whites which were only a block or so away came flying in with lights & sirens. Tom & James quickly entered the warehouse and announced that they were the police. There were 8 men dressed in grey overhauls. They were just there working. These men threw up their hands. They weren't the loyal ones who would lay down their lives for Chin. He wasn't paying them that much. The trouble came from the 5 men dressed in all black suits. They were the ones who'd kill just because Chim wanted it done. They pulled out pistols and started shooting. Tom & James returned fire. Moments after the shooting started. Uniformed officers came in through the same door that Tom & James had gone through. Tom & James soon had enough backup to on Chin's men. But by now one of them had grabbed an AK-71. Two uniformed officer were hit. Tom was thinking of calling for a retreat, but soon Kim appeared and shot the men with the deadly weapon. Over the next few minutes the gun battle was over. Each of Chin's men in black were dead on the floor. They died doing what was expected of them. Chin was nowhere among these men. Tom had some of the uniforms arrest the men in the grey overhauls. While he had others searching the newly arrived crates for drugs. Tom then looked around, but didn't see Evie anywhere. " Where the hell is Evie!? " Kim just shook her and while saying Evie rushed in here after the gunfire was heard. Chin was nowhere to be found and Evie was also missing. " The uniforms will secure this place.......We need to find Evie.......Now! " Tom said to his remaining team mates. They all started to search just outside the warehouse. Kim found a black n white with two officers who had been shot. They were both alive, but hurt and in need of medical attention. Kim called for another ambulance on their radio. One however had already been called for. Tom & James continued down the street looking for signs. Kim quickly caught up with them before they reached the alleyway Chin used for his escape.

During the gun battle, Chin made his escape outside. After exiting the warehouse, Chin ran straight into a black n white. He pulled a 9mm and fired into the car striking both officers. Chin then continued to run down the street before ducking into an alleyway. Unknown to Chin, Evie was hot on his tail. Chin had a car parked one street over in case trouble started. He reached that street, but not the car. A voice stopped Chin in his tracks. This voice was a familiar female voice.
Evie followed behind Chin as close as she could but he clearly knew his way around and managed to move quicker around the man-made alleys inside the warehouse. Evie wasn't going to give up though. This man was not going to get away unless it was over her dead body. She made that decision without even realising it. She saw Chin disappear through an outside door at the side of the building. She heard rapid gun fire. Four shots... Two then the briefest of pauses and two more. As Evie broke out into the daylight, she looked around. She saw the police car...saw two uniformed officers on the floor. She looked and saw Chin running. He couldn't leave the officers though without getting some help. She stepped to the car and reached in, pulling the radio mic off its hook. She gave her call sign, her location, requested the ambulance, repeated it. As she did so she checked the officer nearest to her. He wasn't critical at the moment. From what she could see of the second the same was true of him. She looked again in the direction that Chin ran just in time to see him rounding the corner and out of site. This wasn't happening. She tossed the radio in the car and started a hard sprint. Sam would have been proud and certainly before the MMA training she could not have run that fast. She turned the corner to see Chin approaching a car which was across the street from where he was.

"CHIN! CHIN! Take one more step and I swear I will blow you away." She was breathing hard, but the sights of Glock were firmly trained on the back of his head. It may have been almost a year since she on the shooting competition but she went to te range three times a week. Evie knew she could make the shot. She knew she could just squeeze the trigger and the man would be dead. She started to walk towards him.
Chin held his hands just out to his sides at a 45 degree angle from his body. He had tucked the pistol into his belt before leaving the alley and stepping out into the street. Chin was wearing a fine tailor made suit. The cost was more then most people make in a month. " Detective Taylor.....It's always a pleasure. " Chin slowly turned to face Evie. He kept his hands in plan sight, but his pistol was hidden under his coat. " I see you're dressed more for business then pleasure.......Such a pity..........Your taste in form revealing dresses is quite good. " Chin said while flashing his best disarming smile. " If you hadn't had the gun with you that night.......I would have assumed you came there throw yourself at me. " Chin continued. " That black dress did scream come fuck me. " Chin was pretty proud of himself. He was of course playing mind games with Evie. Hoping to catch her off guard if only for a brief moment. Chin never once moved his hands. While talking he watched Evie's every move.
She walked slowly towards him, making sure of her footing with each step. Second by second she closed the distance until there was about seven or eight feet between them. He was not going to get too close...not yet. She was sure he would have a weapon somewhere; he'd shot two police officers and he wouldn't have just thrown it away but she also suspected he was more than able to defend himself...and attack... Without a weapon. Evie swallowed hard but she kept the Glock well aimed.

"Fuck you? You tried to kill my family... My father... My brother... Lie down. Get on your knees and then lie down putting your hands on your head. You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney." She spoke each line of the Miranda carefully. Clearly. "If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you. Now lie down before my trigger finger cramps up."
Chin just laughed at Evie when she demanded that he lay down. " This suit costs more then most people make in a month........Do you really expect me to just lay on this dirty sidewalk? " Chin slowly turned to face his car. He did this to bring Evie in closer. As she thought, Chin was able to defend himself even without a weapon. " Did you get the flowers I sent too you? " Chin asked as he looked over his shoulder at Evie. " I had them pick out the most beautiful flowers they had........I thought you would enjoy them and we could bury the hatchet between us. " Chin continued to smile as he spoke. " You know a smart woman like yourself would go far working for me........I could pay you more than the city does.......You'd be a rich and very powerful woman........You'd have a voice only second to my own. " Chin was trying a new tactic in his mind game against Evie. He really didn't think that she would take his offer. But he felt that it would press the right buttons and cause her to make a mistake.
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