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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

So far gathering the lists had been easy. By tomorrow Evie & Kim would have checked out all the females who currently rode motorcycles for the department. It may take another day or so to check out those who had retired. Evie & Kim would have their list checked before weeks end. This was at least some good news since the list of males was much longer. What the team needed was a break in this case. Right now they were looking for a needle in a haystack. But then again the MCU is always looking for a needle in a haystack.

As much as Tom wanted to say no, he couldn't answer Evie's question that way. Tom didn't like how it sounded, but he did feel that they were real cops. He admitted his feelings to Evie, saying that at this point in time it could be no one else. All the none cops who played cops were either in jail, dead, in mental institutions or had moved on to other ways of making money. Plus none of those people were violent. As Tom & Evie sat there, his thoughts became fixed on these killer cops. How deep did this run in the department? Was anyone he knew taking part in this? The thought of death squads patrolling the city made a chill run down his spine. It sounded like the plot for some Hollywood movie. People having no rights and cops being judge, jury & executioner. That's not what Tom signed up for and not what he wanted for the future of law enforcement. Hollywood could keep it's Judge Dredd. Tom would rather keep things as they were now.
Evie got up the following morning early, despite the late time to bed, and went for her run. By the time she got back, Tom was just getting out of the shower. As he then made coffee and toast, Evie showered quickly and dressed. They left in their separate cars with Evie telling Tom that she should be at work probably just after 10.00. She drove out to Steve's and used her key to get in, calling out to him as she entered. Steve was a couple of weeks away from being able to go back and fly a desk. Her Dad was going back in a few days which at least meant he could take charge of Narcotics again - even it is was from his chair.

Steve was sat at the table, with his gun. For a moment, Evie looked a little worried and her mind starting thinking some very bad thoughts. Steve was desperate to get back to work even though he couldn't walk yet without crutches or for very long without having to sit. Could he really be that stir crazy? He looked up at her and said hello, was about to look away and then he saw the look on her face. He laughed.

"It's okay. I'm just cleaning it." That laughter was rich in his voice as he spoke. Evie smiled, more than a little relieved. They spoke for a few minutes about how he was and what the physiotherapist had said to him and about a particularly pretty friend of Rick's who was helping him get his physical strength back. As Steve was talking she watched him clean his gun. The Beretta 92FS stainless steel. She remembered the cadet at the Academic. Nick.

"Why did you pick the Beretta? She asked out of nowhere.

"What?" Steve turned the gun in his hand as he reassembled it. "Because it's better than the Glock!" His answer reflected the years of discussion in the Taylor household over which was best. Then he shrugged. "I don't know. I guess you find something that feels right in your hand. Why do you prefer the Glock?"

"Because its better than the Beretta!" Evie quipped back, grinning. "Did you use that at the Academy."

"No. I changed after I'd been on the street for a about a year. Tom, Dad and I went to the range. Tom let me have a few shoots with the Desert Eagle. Not my style but something bigger than the Glock just felt better."

"And a .44 magnum is for pussies." Evie said slowly and quietly, remembering what Nick had said to her.

"What? Who the hell told you that?" Evie got up from her chair slowly. "Steve. I gotta go to work." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you!" A large grin slowly appeared on her face. Steve looked at her as if she was going a little loopy. He watched her disappear out of the door. "Good to see you. Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice day" he said sarcastically to an empty room.

Evie must have broke a dozen speed limits as she headed to work. Her tyres screeched to a halt in the parking garage at the Station. She charged up the stairs taking them two at a time and bounded into the MCU office. Tom, Kim and James were stood at the video wall.

"They're not cops!" she said fighting for breath. "They're cadets." The three of them looked at her wide eyed, surprised by her sudden bursting in. Her breath slowly calming she laid out what had happened at the Academy. TOld them about Ward and McCoy and Perry. She described them physically and told her team mates the weapons that each of them had used. And she told them what Ward had said about real justice.

"Its not cops."
Tom James & Kim stood silent as Evie explained her theory about the killers being cadets. Most would have said that Evie was drinking way too earily in the morning. Others would have said Evie needed a vacation. Tom and the others knew Evie to well not to believe her. She wasn't the type to point fingers just for the hell of it. Still Evie had no hard evidence. The description of those two men fit many guys on the force. Right now all they had was a theory and circumstantial evidence. None of which would convict anyone of anything. Tom told James & Kim to do background checks on Ward, McCoy & Perry. He wanted everything from their past on his desk yesterday. Tom then asked Evie if she wouldn't mind going back to the academy. It was possible that she could find out more from that end. Commander Eric Okuda was currently in charge at the academy. His second in command is Lieutenant Alan Briggs who also serves as advisor to Zebra Squad. Even now the members of Zebra Squad and their advisor were debating over adding a new member. The current question was should Alyssa Reed be asked to join? Nick liked the idea, Alyssa was cute and she was the daughter of Tom Reed. Jessie hated the idea of adding Alyssa. She told her teammates that Alyssa maybe a good shot and able to handle herself. But she wasn't at the top academically. Jessie said that Nick just wanted Alyssa in the group because he idolized Tom Reed. She added that Alyssa Reed was a danger to their group. Unlike Nick, Jessie didn't think that Tom Reed would expect what they were doing. In fact Jessie was worried when Evie showed up at combat. Lieutenant Briggs & Tim agreed with Jessica. They couldn't trust Alyssa without knowing where she stood on the issue of true justice. Briggs reminded his cadets that if justice really worked. The scum who walk the city streets would be dead and not on the streets or lounging around in some federal country club. He said that it was their job to show everyone the right path to justice.
Evie looked from Tom to James to Kim. They were all staring back at her and for a moment, she thought they were all going to tell her she was being ridiculous. But then Tom turned to the others and told them to start checking backgrounds. As James walked past her, he patted her arm in a silent 'nice job'. She smiled but then turned to Tom as he asked her to go back to the Academy.

"Sure. What am I looking for?" Tom suggested that she go back and see McWilliams. "See if you can get hold of some of the spent bullets from our would-be vigilantes. We can match them to what we have from the victims."

"That's pretty good thinking." Evie turned and headed out again.

"Twice in two days. McGruff is gonna think she has a thing for him." James said as she left. Evie stuck her head back around the door. "In his dreams." And then she was gone.

In mid morning traffic, it took Evie nearly an hour to get out to the Academy. She parked in almost the same place as she had the day before and headed into the main office. She showed her badge and asked the officer on the front desk if he could tell her where she might find Sergeant McWilliams. He told her he had a PT class and started to give her directions. She told him she remembered. Ten minutes later she was stood watching an outdoor class with a different group of cadets in self-defence and hand-to-hand combat... no firearms today. She waited patiently, remembering back. It seemed like a life time ago. McWilliams saw her waiting but he wasn't about to interrupt his class. When he was done, he looked across at her.

"Well, Detective Taylor. Back again. Care to join us."

"I'm not exactly dressed for...."

"Oh excuse me. I didn't realize that you got changed into something more comfortable before you made an arrest." He was stood staring at her, hands folded across his chest. Evie grinned and looked around the class, all of whom were looking expectantly. "I thought you were supposed to be some local champion of something or other. Do you only fight when there is a referee to make sure you don't get hurt." Evie laughed. She started to walk towards the group, taking off her jacket as she did so and removing her holster and weapon. She handed them to McGruff as he called one of the cadets forward. Derek Reynolds was 6'2 and 220lbs of solid muscle and a former MP in the US Army. He stepped forward, smiling. She looked from Reynolds to McGruff. "Really.' She took a deep breath and nodded. She looked back to Reynolds. She lifted her right hand and used her fingers to wave him forward. "Bring it on, Army." It wasn't that Evie was being cocky or arrogant; but having been trained by a Navy seal she had a certain confidence. Truth was Reynolds could have been just as good... just as well trained as Sam. Fortunately he wasn't. He was no pushover, but Evie had the speed that he didn't. He had some power and Evie was certainly going to go away with some bruises, but it took about five minutes before Reynolds was face down, with Evie's knee in his back and his hands being pulled into cuffs behind him. Reynolds took it well though and the two of them shook hands - once Evie had removed the handcuffs.

McWilliams dismissed the class and handed Evie her jacket and holster back. "What are you doing back her Taylor?"

"I need your help Sergeant. Have you got a few minutes?" He looked puzzled for a moment and then nodded. "Come on, you can buy me a cup of coffee."
Alyssa stood with some 17 other students who were taking part in the PT class. From a time when she was young, Alyssa learned how to defend herself against people twice her size. It was one of those useful skills needed to survive on the mean streets of Chicago. Alyssa had excelled in PT class. Just 20 minutes before Evie arrived at the academy, Alyssa had put Reynolds down. His pride had been hurt twice in less than an hour by two different women. Alyssa spotted Evie quickly and wondered why she was here again so soon? Her thinking changed when Sergeant McWilliams talked Evie into fighting. Alyssa started quietly making bets with those who didn't know Evie's background. She maybe on her way to becoming a cop, but Alyssa had some rogue in her. Of the 17 other students who looked on. Alyssa made bets with 14. She stood to make alot, or lose alot. Alyssa however had faith that Evie would beat Reynolds. A smile drew slowly over Alyssa's face as Evie waved Reynolds forward. The fight lasted a few minutes. Reynolds made a couple of good moves, but Evie out classed him. Once Reynolds was down, Alyssa collected her money. Alyssa gave Evie a sly smile after she was dismissed by Sergeant McWilliams.

Sergeant McWilliams walked with Evie acrossed the training grounds to the far end where a roach coach was parked. This lunch wagon was famous at academy. It was owned by the family of a former police officer who died while on duty many years ago. Since then the department allowed the family to park this lunch truck on the grounds everyday from the hours of 10 am until 5 pm. McWilliams told Evie he took his coffee with cream and no sugar. He watched as Evie passed him and walked to the lunch truck. McWilliams tilted his head to the right as he noticed Evie's ass. This was the first time he notice what a fine looking woman Evie really was. Normally McWilliams wouldn't allow himself to notice any of the women around him. Most were students and much younger than he was. McWilliams had a rule about not getting close to his students. This rule was never broken in all the years McWilliams spent here. Evie was no longer one of his students, but still he never noticed her until now. Evie soon returned with the coffee and they started walking. " So you said something about needing my help........Just how can this broken down old training officer help you out Evie? "
Evie kept her jacket off so the curve of her ass under her pants was unobstructed. As she handed McGruff his coffee and started walking she asked him about nick and Jessica and Tim. Predictably he didn't know anything about them outside of what he'd seen in the academy. Evie wasn't sure about how he was going to react when she laid out the case and her theory. In the end he seemed unphased by it. He said they were good cadets and they had the skills to do what she was suggesting. But he wasn't sure that they actually had done it. Evie asked about the bullets. McGruff looked at her as if she'd gone mad.

"Do you know how many spent rounds we have here?' She shrugged. He shook his head in despair. "We might be able to get the ones from yesterday." He looked over to where some of the cadets were loitering before their next class.

"Reed" he called out. Alyssa looked up and then trotted over to him. "Why don't you look after our guest while I go try find the needle she's looking for. Both of them smiled as McWilliams walked away. Evie and Alyssa continued to walk around the track. To start with they talked about the hand to hand. Evie was impressed she'd taken out Reynolds. She was pretty sure she couldn't have done that when she was at the Academy. Alyssa then asked about her Dad and told Evie how great things were at Rick's. There was a pause in the conversation then Alyssa looked at Evie.

"You know, you don't have to stay away when I'm at Dad's." she smiled at Evie.


"You never stay over when I'm at dad's but you can. You don't have to leave on my account. And I can deal itch the idea of my Dad having sex." Evie laughed out loud.

"That's not..." She stopped at turned to look at Alyssa. "Your dad and you have a lot of time to catch up on. He missed...your whole life pretty much. I just don't want him to have to divide his attention. You and him deserve ...."

"But he's ... Happier when your around. I'm not saying he's unhappy when you're not. But he's different when you're near by. I think he's pretty hooked on you."

"Your dad is a pretty special guy."

At that moment McWilliams came back. He's walked onwards Evie getting a very nice view of her as he approached. He handed her a clear plastic bag filed with spent bullets and shells. She took it.

"That's the best we can do right now. Everything from yesterday's combat."

"What's going on?"

"Nothing for you to worry about." Evie saw Alyssa's slightly disappointed look. "It's a hypothesis at the moment... On an active case. I need to check out whether there might be something more than the hypothetical about it." Alyssa nodded. Evie thanked McWilliams, then said her goodbyes and headed back to the station.
Alyssa was left with some cryptic comment about why Evie needed bullets from yesterday on the combat course. McWilliams left just after Evie did not adding saying anymore. Alyssa was bright enough to know something was going on which involved the combat course. She decided to play detective on her own. Alyssa already knew about the cops killing those criminals. It was all over the news. " Evie came here to get bullets from the combat course.......She suspects one or more of the cadets. " Alyssa spoke openly to herself. 15 minutes later Alyssa was standing in the student's lounge looking at a current newspaper. Descriptions of the three cops ran in the news article. Alyssa knew the students, she worked with them everyday. She saw them in various states of dress. Alyssa thought back to who took part in combat that fit the description in the paper. Three people came quickly to Alyssa's mind and she was sure Evie was on the same track. " Nick......Jessica and Tim. " Alyssa was sure that if she cracked this case. People would see her in the same light as her father, Evie, James and Kim.

Alyssa took the newspaper with her. She decided to pay a visit to Lieutenant Briggs. He was after all the adviser to Zebra Squad. Alyssa didn't have to wait long when she told why she was there. Briggs wanted to see her right away. Once in Briggs's office, Alyssa laid put everything she knew. She even told Briggs that her father and his MCU team was hot on the trail. Alyssa said she expected her father to be showing up soon to make the arrests. Lieutenant Briggs acted like he understood Alyssa and was going to help her. This however was nothing more then a ploy. Briggs had sent a text warning Zebra Squad that Alyssa Reed figured out about them. Nick and his team planned a trap for her. Briggs told Alyssa that they should go see Commander Okuda. They left Briggs's office together. Zebra Squad waited until Briggs & Alyssa were alone to strike. They jumped Alyssa from behind clubbing her over the head. Tim duct taped her mouth, hands and feet together. They carried Alyssa down to Briggs's car which they had pulled around to a rear door. The three then dumped Alyssa into the trunk. " Dump the little bitch in the ocean.......Then get back here.......We could have more trouble coming if she was telling the truth about her father and the MCU. " Briggs told Tim who jumped into the Lieutenant's car and pulled out.
Evie climbed back into her car tossing her jacket onto the passenger seat and as she was about to fire up the engine, her cell phone rang. The screen showed her a picture of her brother smiling with a bottle of beer in his hand which told her that it was James calling.

"Hey. What's up?"

"How's McGruff?" James asked teasing her.

"He's fine. What do you want James?" James then proceeded to give her the background histories of the three members of Zebra squad, together with a potted history of zebra squad itself and of its current leader, lieutenant Alan Briggs. "Maybe Briggs might have a perspective on his current crop of superstars." James suggested.

"Okay. I'll go see if I can find the Lt." She climbed back out of the car as James then changed subject and told her Steve had called, checking she was okay because he had left in such a rush that morning. Evie laughed. "He's really going stir crazy. Maybe we should do something....I don't now... How about a barbecue at his place at the weekend. Get Dad over there too. Tom. Kim. Alyssa. Rick. Did you know about this woman that Rick has giving Steve some PT?" She heard James laugh. "Steve maybe mentioned her... Once or twice." Evie suspected that James knew a lot more that 'mentioned once or twice' would tend to suggest but she didn't push it. "Right. I'll go and find Briggs. See you later."

She headed back to the main office and then was asked to wait which she did. Fifteen minutes later she was escorted to Briggs' office. Everything neatly laid out. Books and pictures and shiny trophies adorned shelves on one wall behind him. A good looking man in his 40s dressed in full police uniform stood up from behind his desk. He held out his hand and welcomed Evie and asked for two coffees to be brought up. He indicated that Evie should sit down. As she did so he couldn't help but notice her curves, with the t-shirt tucked into the top of her pants, her badge pinned to her hip.

"Thanks for seeing me Lieutenant. I appreciate your busy. This may sound a little strange but I wonder if you could tell me about Zebra squad." She decided to be direct and see what his reaction would be.
Zebra Squad had been around the academy since the 1960's. It was a special group made up of the top students. However getting into this group in the past few years was more political then having real skills. Each of the students in the group were good, but not always the best. Tom was third in his class, but because of who his father was. The members of Zebra Squad black balled him. Zebra Squad always fell under the watchful eye of an officer at the academy. During Tom's time that officer was Lieutenant Ramos Gomez. These days it was Lieutenant Alan Briggs. 10 years ago, Briggs was once a station Captain and had an inside track on becoming a Commander. All that was tossed on the garbage heap when Briggs was involved with an off duty shooting. A month before the shooting Briggs's wife was raped & murdered. It didn't take long to track down a suspect, but sometimes mistakes are made. Although the police had the right man. The warrant arresting him was not signed in the right place. All evidence found in his apartment was tossed out. The case had fallen apart and a rapist killer had walked. Briggs started trailing the suspect day and night. Finally the suspect made another move against a woman. Briggs was there to stop him. He shot and killed the suspect. The department couldn't condone the fact that Briggs went against orders. He had been told to stay away from this case. Briggs took it upon himself to hunt down and execute the suspect. From that day forward, Briggs always said Justice failed him. The department stripped Briggs of his rank. He was kicked down to patrol officer. Briggs made Lieutenant only after expecting a teaching position at the academy.

Briggs kept a close eye on all the new people coming into the academy. He had long dreamt of crating a special group who would dispense justice by the barrel of their weapons. Briggs found the right people in Nick, Jessie & Tim. They were to be his swords of justice. However, Briggs was beginning to think that his swords would have to be turned against those who fought for law & order. Twice in the same day someone had come asking questions about his team. The first was Cadet Alyssa Reed who was even now heading for a watery grave. The second was Detective Evie Taylor of the MCU. Briggs smiled brightly as Evie asked about Zebra Squad. Briggs told Evie that they were with a doubt some of the finest young people he had ever met. He then pulled out their files and handed them over to Evie. The files told stories of wholesome white bread coated with a thick layer of sugar. These three students made Gandhi look like a part animal. Briggs lied through his teeth while smiling. The folders Briggs gave to Evie were the ones he cooked up. False files made so that Briggs's hand picked people passed muster. Nick, Jessie & Tim had really been part of a paramilitary group which was taken down by Tom & Jack almost 5 years ago. While Evie was busy reading Briggs's false files. He sent another text warning his team of more trouble. Jessica texted Nick saying that something needed to be done about Evie Taylor. Nick texted back that Jessie was free to take Evie out if she wanted too.

Tim pulled Lieutenant Briggs's car off the pacific coast highway. He got to a place where he'd dump Alyssa's body off a cliff. Tim went around, opened the trunk and was met with Alyssa's feet. She kicked Tim right under his chin knocking him out. It took a few minutes, but Alyssa freed her hands from the tape. She jumped into the car after tossing Tim into the trunk. Alyssa then headed for the Central Station. While on route she called her father by police radio. Alyssa said she had a gift for him.
Evie listened to Briggs, nodding, smiling in the right places and all the time thinking that the man was a jerk. He was either completely stupid or he was in on this with the three members of Zebra Squad. Evie had heard some of the myth behind them when she was at the Academy but it wasn't something she had even invited to join. She was no superstar at the Academy. There was never a question of her not making it but most of her real strengths had come out once she was on the job. Of the four Taylor's who had been through the Academy, Steve had been the strongest and even he hadn't even invited it. Evie wondered whether any if them would have said yes had they been asked.

When Briggs handed her the files of the current team members she flicked brought them. The few bits and pieces she caught didn't match anything that James had told her on the phone. These seemed to be different people. That probably meant that Briggs had give her doctored files. If James and Kim could get the details in a morning, then the Academy should have those same details. Finally, Evie stood up and thanked him for his time and for the information. She made some small talk about how things hadn't really changed. He escorted her out. And she headed back to the car. This was actually starting to fit together and it was looking increasingly like her theory had some legs to it.
One of Briggs's jobs at the academy was administration. He was the one who had all the files on those in the academy. Briggs changed the files to build a new backgrounds for his group. It was unlikely that anyone would ever run a real background check on Nick, Jessie & Tim. Certainly not anyone from the academy. Briggs smiled as Evie finally left his office. He was damn glad that she was gone. Briggs was getting a bad feeling that Evie knew more then she let on. He retreated to his desk, opened a top drawer and pulled out his pistol. Briggs slipped the 9mm into his holster then exited his office from a rear door. He began trying to contact Tim, but he received no reply to texts or calls. Briggs then texted Nick and said they should meet out back. Jessie also get the message, but she had something else to do. As Evie walked to her car, Jessica moved in behind her. Jessica called out to Evie which made her turn. Standing about 7 feet away from Evie, dressed in a motorcycle patrol uniform was Jessica. She told Evie how this group was the blueprint of what justice would like in the future. The two women took verbal jabs at each other and their beliefs over the next few moments. " You can either join us......Or get out of way..........If justice worked......Then scum wouldn't be wondering our streets spreading their poison..........We take care of the filth that shouldn't be allowed to live.........Anyone not with us......Is against us and is a target. " Jessica said as she stood holding her hand just above her weapon as if she'd be shooting it out with Evie any second.
When she heard her name being called she turned and was a little surprised to say the least. She didn't expect a direct approach so quickly from Jessica ad she certainly didn't expect to see her in a full motor cycle patrol uniform. She tossed the files into the open window of her car and then looked back at Jessica.

"You're either stupid or you're insane. You really think what you're doing is about justice? Who the hell are you to decide who deserves your kind of justice or not? We catch the bad guys and we put them in front of a judge and a jury. "

"The system is broken. Too many walk out of the court with a slap on the wrist. Nod those who get locked up finish up at some country club. Even if they get the death penalty, they get another 10-12 years of appeals."

"Have you even been to a federal prison. I can promise you its no country club. But thinking about it.... You're gonna get to experience it first hand."

Jessica just smiled. "I hardly think so. No jury is going to convict me." She pulled her weapon and pointed it squarely at Evie. Evie smiled. "What? You're gonna shoot me the parking lot."

"If I have to. But I think you'll walk back quietly with me to Lieutenant Briggs' office. But you can hand me your Glock first. With your left hand." Evie smiled. At that moment she had no idea of a way out. She needed time to think and maybe time when someone might come looking for her.
Jessica reached out taking Evie's weapon. She then waved with her pistol for Evie to move ahead. They went around the administration building where Nick & Briggs were waiting. Nick also was wearing a motorcycle officer's uniform. They were planning an even bigger hit today. Briggs found out that the three Gibson brothers makers of porn movies would be holding an open casting call. Zebra Squad would go in and wipe out all three brothers. The trouble was that Tim hadn't come back yet. Briggs spun Evie around then frisked her. He then pushed her into Nick's arms. Nick Ward had kinda of a crush on Evie since she showed up during combat. " It's to bad you won't be joining us........We'd be so much better with you on our team.......We could have been great together. " Nick spoke softly while holding Evie close to his body. " She doesn't even like you Nick!.......She's dating Lieutenant Reed!......So stop playing the sap!.....She's nothing but trouble! " Jessie hissed out. She was the more volatile of the group. The person who had the chip on her shoulder. Nick just glared at Jessie for a moment before looking back to Evie. " You could always change your mind Evie........What we're doing is the future of law enforcement..........Surely you can see that?.........Remember what The Red Dragons did to your father & brother?........We could have made them pay for their crimes..........Pay with their own lives!...........An eye for an eye! "

Alyssa pulled over and parked outside the Central Station. Tom, James & Kim were waiting on the sidewalk. Alyssa explained what had happened at the academy, then she opened the trunk. Inside was Tim Perry looking very confused and alittle pissed. Tom & James helped Tim from the car. Then they started questioning him. Tim had nothing to hide, he was proud of the work Zebra Squad had done. He admitted to being the first one with a kill. Kim called out a couple of uniformed officer to hall Tim away. Tom and the others then jumped into Briggs's car. It was only right to return the car to the academy.
Evie moved in front of Jessica and headed back to the administration building conscious of Jessica a few paces behind her. Sod's law said that they managed to make it to Briggs office without coming across anyone else. When she walked back into Briggs' office she was grabbed by him and given a quick frisk. He took her back up weapon from her ankle and then shoved her hard in the back towards Ward. For a moment Evie considered fighting back. She had no doubt that she could take down any one of these three; part of her considered her chances against two of them to be maybe 50:50. They were Zebra Squad though and the chances were that either Nick or Jessica would have some skill in hand-to-hand combat. To think she could succeed against three of them, finish with the upper hand and without getting a bullet in her back... she assessed her chances to be pretty slim. As Nick held her she pushed against his upper chest, her back arching as he held her around the waist. She looked at Jessica.

"That's pretty much the first accurate thing Ive heard you say since I met you." She looked back at Nick. "I don't like you and you will never be anything like Tom Reed. As for the rest of it..." she pushed a little harder, squirming in an attempt to break Nick's hold without instigating any real aggression. "The future of law enforcement? What... Batman, Robin and Bat Girl... that's how you see yourselves." When Nick mentioned the Red Dragons and her father and brother, she tensed. Swallowed hard. Glared at him.

"I wont ever forget what they did to my family. And as much as the anger and the pain made me want them dead... I was wrong. If I had killed Chin that night at the Gallery I would have sunk to their level. I would have become the very thing I claim to despise. You quote the Bible like every vigilante... every supporter of the death penalty... For your own ends. But it also says something else. 'Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.' You're not the future of law enforcement. You're the very thing that law enforcement has to fight against. Now. LET. ME. GO!" Finally, she took a swing, cracking the side of Nick's face with her open hand. It at least had the desired effect of making him let her go. But almost immediately, he returned the 'compliment', but he did it with a closed fist. Evie went down on her knees, her lip bleeding. As she wiped her mouth, Briggs hooked a hand under her upper arm and lifted her up then tossed her towards the chair she had sat in not that long before. Then he turned to Jessica and Nick.

"Find out where the hell Tim has got too. It shouldn't have taken him that long to get rid of that Reed girl."

"What?" Evie stood up quickly and turned around. "What have you done with Alyssa. I promise you, if you have harmed a hair on her head, then you will not live to see the end of today." Briggs turned and glared at her and then pushed her back down in the chair. "I've had just about enough of you. Sit down and shut the fuck up."
Jessica walked up towards Evie after Briggs told her to sit down and shut up. " You just gave us a high and mighty speech about not taking revenge and then you add a useless threat that we won't live if Alyssa is harmed!......Funny how ideas change when someone close is involved! " Jessie yelled at Evie. " She's dead now!.......So what the fuck are you gonna do about it! " Jessie openly taunted Evie. " You won't do anything to avenge her!........You don't have the guts to do it!......You're a by the book cop!.......All talk and no action! " Briggs pulled Jessie away from Evie. He told her to settle down. Briggs said that Nick & Jessica had work to do. Jessie glared at Evie for a long time. She then spit on the ground in front of Evie while hissing out the name "BITCH!" Nick & Jessie hopped on a pair of police motorcycles and roared out from a rear parking lot. Briggs pulled his weapon on Evie and instructed her to start walking. They headed back around towards the front of the administration building. Upon reaching the front, Briggs noticed his car that Tim took was back in the front parking lot. " A bout damn time! " Briggs growled out. He then chuckled and told Evie that Alyssa Reed really was dead and soon Evie would be joining her. " Evie will be joining me sooner than you think. " Alyssa said as she appeared from behind a large bush just in front of Briggs & Evie. Briggs was stunned to see Alyssa Reed who should be dead. He didn't however have time for anything else. Tom, James & Kim all appeared with their weapons pointed at Briggs. Alyssa walked up and removed Evie's glock from Briggs's pants. She handed the weapon back as James & Kim put the cuffs on Briggs. " I guess we'll see how the criminal justice system works for you Lieutenant Briggs. " Kim said as she spun Briggs around. Tom explained to Evie that Alyssa took Tim out and brought him to the station. He added that Tim was very talkative about Zebra Squad's plans for today. It was then that Tom found out that Nick & Jessica had left. Tom told James & Kim to take care of Briggs. " Let's go get the last two. " Tom said to Evie as he headed for her car.
"If you've hurt her, then i'm not the one you have to worry about." She turned and looked at Nick. "What do you think Tom Reed will do Nick, when he finds out. What do you think he'll do?" Before Nick had a chance to answer, Briggs sent them off. When he pulled the gun on her she stood up slowly and walked our of the rear door. Briggs was staying too far behind her at the moment for her to do anything. As she walked though she kept half an eye behind her, slowing down a little in an attempt to close the gap between the two of them. Then Briggs spotted the car. Evie looked around, searching it out, spotting it. If Tim had killed Alyssa and had ome back where was he? How come he hadn't come straight to Briggs on getting back?

But before she could work out any answers to her own questions, Alyssa was there in front of them, followed quickly by her team. Evie smiled. She took her gun back off Alyssa still smiling. "Nice job" she squeezed her shoulder as Tom told her what had happened. Evie finished off with an explanation of what had happened here ending with the fact that Nick and Jessica had left. When Tom said he knew where they were and suggested they go find them, Evie tucked the Glock back in her holster and walked with him ack to the car, telling Alyssa to go and let McGruff know what had happened. Evie handed her keys to Tom and then climbed in the passenger set.
Alyssa did as Evie told her. She took off and found Sergeant McWilliams, then brought him to where James & Kim waited with Briggs. Tom had Evie call the station on her cell and ask for a black n white to pick up James, Kim & Briggs. McWilliams would inform Commander Okuda of what happened with Briggs and Zebra Squad. Tom & Evie were fast on the trail of Nick & Jessica. From what Tim had said earlier, Tom knew that Briggs had picked the three Gibson brothers as their next target. The brothers Gibson were holding open casting calls for the next top stars in porn. Briggs and the Zebra Squad saw the brothers as part of the troubles society has. Nick & Jessie pulled their motorcycles up in front of 3-G Productions. People just passed by without giving them a second look. Perhaps if it had only been one of them? The papers did point out that the killer cop always struck alone. They stepped from their bikes and walked into the building. 3-G Productions was on the fifth floor of an 8 story building. Evie's Mustang came to a screeching halt just in front of where the two police motorcycles were parked. Tom & Evie jumped from her car and headed into the building. After entering the building, Tom & Evie found a security guard who had been shot. He was alive and told them where the cops had gone. The guard had been shot by Jessie when he dared ask where they were going. Tom & Evie headed for the stairs. It would be quicker than taking the elevators.

By the time Tom & Evie reached the fifth floor. Shots and screams could be heard from just down the hall. The pair went down the long hallway with weapons ready. They found 3-G Productions, it's door partway open. The sounds of women crying and shouting was heard. As they entered the office area, Tom & Evie spotted a group of women laying on the floor. They could now hear the voice of Nick speaking of how they were cleaning up the city of it's filth. Just then Jessie's voice could be heard saying that everyone in this office should die. That's when Tom & Evie made their move. They jumped out into the opening pointing their weapons at Nick & Jessica. Tom yelled for Nick & Jessie to drop their weapons. The pair facing Tom & Evie weren't alone. Nick & Jessie had a couple of women close by. A couple of bodies were laying at their feet as Nick & Jessie held their captives close. These women had become human shields. " They don't have what it takes to shot us! " Jessica yelled out as she and Nick backed away. The pair was backing up towards a rear staircase used for emergencies. Suddenly they entered the stairs. Tom yelled for a girl sitting at a desk to call for an ambulance. Evie headed for the stairs followed by Tom once he checked the two bodies. One female was dead, the other was a male who was alive.

Tom followed Evie into the stairwell. Tom looked down seeing that Jessica was making a run for the street. She had let her hostage go one floor below them. " Go get her!.......I'll take care of him! " Tom dashed up the stairs following where Nick had gone. Tom felt that perhaps Nick was trying to escape to another building. That wasn't going to happen. Jessica was sure that by escaping on her own, she'd get away. She was sure that Tom & Evie would follow Nick since he kept his hostage. Jessica was far more dangerous than either Nick or Tim could ever dream of being. She had shot a guard downstairs just for asking a question. But still Jessie thought that she could out think Tom & Evie.
Tom and Evie had worked together for long enough now. They knew how each other moved, they knew what each was thinking as they moved through the building, from one room to another nod then into the stairwell. When Tom told her to follow Jessica, she didn't hesitate. She chased down the stairs and out onto the street. Almost as soon as she did, two bullets bit into the concrete just above her left shoulder. Evie flinched, ducked but kept moving. She picked up where Jessica was - running hard in the direction of her bike. Evie kicked into a sprint. She didn't know how to ride a motor bike even if the keys were in it and so following her on the bike was not an option. Tom had the keys of the mustang so she couldn't follow in her own car. She had to catch Jessica now. And she was closing fast. Jessica was obviously no runner at least compared to Evie and the motor cycle gear slowed her down even more. When Jessica approached the bike she slowed to a stop and that was enough for Evie to close the rest of the gap. Taking a deep breath, Evie launched herself letting her momentum carry her into Jessica and beyond. The two women fell together over the motorcycle, which fell heavily, crashing to the ground on its side as the women hit the ground beyond it. Jessica squealed as she hit the concrete and then Evie landed on her. Momentum kept them moving... Rolling onto he sidewalk.

Evie was marginally quicker to her feet, quicker getting her bearings. She stepped towards Jessica as she was still getting up, grabbed her shoulder, lifted, spin, throwing her hard against the side of a van owed by the Gibson brothers.

"Not quite as good as you thought huh?" Evie grabbed hold of the back of her neck and her right hand, twisting it behind her back and bouncing her body against the van fora second time. Using her own body to pin Jessica she reached for her cuffs.

"Don't worry though. You'll get to spend a long time now at the country clubs you think should be shut down. And I can tell you now.... They are going to just LOVE you. You'll be made very welcome I'm sure." She secured Jessica's wrists and then pulled her off the van. She walked back to the mustang, setting Jessica in the rear seat, before calling for some black and white support.
Nick dragged his human shield up to the top of the 8 story building. His planned escape from the roof would have worked, but Nick a a few mistakes. The building on the left was 10 stories tall. The building on the right was 12 stories. It was impossible for Nick to jump acrossed to the other buildings. No escape could be made from the front or the back. Nick suddenly realized he was trapped. Yet he still had his hostage and he believe Tom would do whatever demanded. As Tom exited from the door leading to the roof. He quickly spotted Nick holding the young woman in front while holding his pistol to her temple. They were standing towards the front of the building on the far corner from where Evie was standing below. Tom pointed his Desert Eagle, holding it with his right hand. " It's all over now!......There's no point in any more killing!......We've got Briggs and we've got Tim downtown!.......I'm sure by now Evie has Jessica wrapped up down below!.......So let the woman go and lay your weapon down at your feet! " Tom spoke with a commanding yet calm tone. He slowly stepped forward closing the gap between him and Nick.

Nick looked down below and saw that Jessica was indeed wrapped up. He then looked back at Tom. " Take another step and I'll blow her head off! " Hearing Nick's words Tom stopped. He then told Nick that they could get him some help. Tom said that he'd be happy to make sure Nick received the best care possible. Nick just laughed believing Tom was just using empty words. " I really thought that you and Evie would see the value of what we were doing!.........You have an image of being a modern day gunslinger!........You two should have joined us!!........Why didn't you!? " Nick was clearly becoming unstable. Tom just shook his head. " You can't believe everything the press prints..........Evie and I aren't killers.......When we kill it's in the line of duty and the people we kill are killers themselves........We don't pass judgement on anyone.......We defend ourselves and the lives of citizens. " Nick started shaking his head and tightened his grip on his hostage. " NO NO NO!!! " Nick screamed out. He then started running off names & dates. Each was linked to a shooting Tom had been involved with over the years. Nick had done his homework on Tom's past. " YOU ARE A KILLER!!......JUST LIKE ME!!!.......WE ARE TWO OF A KIND!! " Nick yelled out. Tom said that each time he fired his weapon. He was defending himself, or someone else. " We are nothing alike Nick.........And you don't know me as good as you think you do. " What Tom just said made Nick laugh again. Nick then ordered Tom to drop his weapon.

Down below a crowd was gathering to watch what was happening above. They could see a cop holding a woman hostage while another cop held a gun on him. Jessie looked up and told Evie that Nick wouldn't give up. She said that Tom didn't have the guts to match his reputation. Jessica predicted that Tom would end up letting Nick go to save that tramp's life. From down below people could see Tom lowering his weapon down to his side. No one could hear Tom repeating that Nick didn't know him at all. Tom raised his weapon quickly and fired off one shot striking Nick on his exposed shoulder. The impact of the bullet cause Nick to lose his grip on his weapon. He stumbled backwards pulling his hostage closer to the edge. Tom reached out with his left hand grabbing the girl and pulling hard on her arm. She was pulled free from Nick's grip causing him to lose what balance he had left. Nick fell from the building crashing down on top of the van owned by the Gibson Brothers. Tom walked to the edge and looked down. He shook his head and escorted the woman back down stairs.
Evie stood a little off from the small crowd, looking up, partly holding her breath. For the most part she was more than confident that Tom would make sure that the hostage was safe, but Nick's mental stability brought in that small doubt. With someone clearly in the middle of a breakdown there was always the possibility of disaster. When the black and white arrived, Evie took Jessica from the back of the mustang. The two of them walked slowly back to the cruiser both of the looking up. When Jessica talked about Tom not having the guts, Evie laughed a little.

"How is it that you think you know him or me or anyone of us ... When you've never met us before? You also don't know anything about that woman and yet you write her off."

Any further comment was then cut off by the explosion of the desert eagle and screams from some in the crowd. When Evie looked up again, she saw Nick falling backwards through the air, legal and arms outstretched. When he hit the roof of the van, there was a second explosion of noise as the metal work impounded and the windscreen shattered. Jessica had audibly gasped when she had looked back up; she was genuinely surprised by what she saw. She called out his name but there was no response. Evie handed her over to a uniformed policeman.

"I guess his reputation is still in tact. Enjoy the country club."

Evie walked away from Jessica to meet a number of police cars which were now rolling onto the scene. She had no means of getting into the top of the van to check whether Nick were alive or dead. He hasn't made a noise, so she suspected it was the latter. Police officers went onto crowd control, taking witness statements and securing the scene. Tom appeared with the former human shield and handed her over telling the officer to get her checked out medically and to get her statement. Tom looked around to see Jessica being driven away as Evie walked up to his side.

"nice job." He said.

"You too"
Nick Ward was dead at the scene. His teammates Jessica & Tim along with their advisor Lieutenant Briggs were all convicted and sent to prison. Life had looking up for the Taylors & the Reeds. Jack returned to work, Steve grew closer to his physical therapist. A lovely lady who worked in Beverly Hills. Normally Steve couldn't afford such special treatment. But Rick Reed decided that since the LAPD worked for him through his taxes, he'd personal pay for Jack & Steve's recovery. To make Steve feel even better a barbecue was planned at his place. When that Saturday came, everyone was there. Besides the normal people, Rusty came over with cases of beer. Doctor Jennifer Lee took the day off and the Riptide guys got an invite. Those remaining members of narcotics also stopped by. An invite had been sent to the members of the NCIS office in LA, but they were all away on a mission. A surprise visit was made when Sergeant McWilliams showed up. He wanted to pay a visit to the biggest pain in the ass he'd ever met. Which was of course Steve.

Steve was chomping at the bit to come back. He did need much more physical therapy. But Steve was following orders and doing what his new lady was telling him. The fact that Steve was listening to anyone, let alone a woman wasn't lost on those around him. Evie & James enjoyed using that against their older brother. During the party Kim finally told everyone the daring rooftop chase she & Tom took part in. She explained in great detail how Tom made 15 foot jumps from roof to roof without stopping. Kim then explained how they caught the killer in the streets of San Francisco. This was a story Jack had been waiting to hear. He loved to hear a good story almost as much as telling his own. Of course he had one to share once Kim was done. In time a random poker game broke out between Jack, Jennifer, James, Tom & Alyssa. In less than hours Alyssa had showed something else she had learned on the streets. How to hustle people at cards. Alyssa had beaten the two best poker players in the LAPD, her father & Jack. Jennifer commented after losing $50 dollars that you could tell Alyssa was Tom's daughter. The party went on for hours. Those who were ready to leave, did so in Rick's limo. He made sure everyone was taken care of. Los Angeles wasn't the only place where a party was held. Beside many places around the country, a party was held in Washington D.C. in honor of King Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa of Ajir (Azhir).

The King and his family had been visiting countries in Europe before coming to America. King Al Khalifa brought all four of his wives, plus all 12 of his children. The youngest of his 3 daughters was the very beautiful 23 year old Princess Najla Bint Hamed Al Khalifa. She was born a wild child much to her fathers grief. Najla loved everything about America. She had always wanted to come here. Sadly Najla knew that she'd never be able to really see America the way she wanted. She wanted to see America the way Americans see it. Najla wanted to know what it was like to eat a hot dog. Ride a roller coaster and see a real baseball game. The country Najla came from was very rich in oil. Her family was worth more then many countries in the world. Ajir sits along the western shores of the Persian Gulf. A tiny nation ruled by constitutional monarchy, but a major player on the world stage. Najla set upon a plan to see America for herself. She knew that once she was discovered missing. Her father would send people to track her down. Najla however planned to keep a low profile and keep moving. She attended a performance of the opera while in Washington on Saturday Night. Najla noticed a large map of the United States during her visit to the White House that day. She picked out where she would be heading for. The City of Los Angeles also known as the City of Angels sounded like a fun place. Not long after the opera had started, Najla went to the restroom. There Najla made a switch from formal clothes to something more fitting for US streets. Najla stripped out of her dress and into blue jeans and a t-shirt. She climbed from the window in the lady's room and made her escape into the night. It would be some time before anyone noticed that she was gone. Najla tied her hair into a ponytail then disappeared. 45 minutes later, Najla bought a plane ticket for Los Angeles. She was on the plane and out of Washington an hour into the first intermission of the opera.
Despite numerous attempts by James and Jack, Steve insisted that he take charge of the cooking. James eventually relented but went a fetched a stool from the kitchen. He persuaded Steve to compromise. "You cook... you sit." Without any good grace whatsoever, Steve sat. On a least a dozen occasions though, when the rest of the Taylor's were looking elsewhere or were inside the house, Tom saw him standing up flipping burgers and turning steaks. Steve had smiled sheepishly. In truth he was thankful for the seat but hell would freeze over before he admitted it. He was for the most part off of all medication, so Evie kept him supplied in cold beer and used that as an excuse to keep a check on him. When McGruff arrived, Alyssa hadn't been too impressed. Suddenly she felt like she was permanently on parade, but once Jack had put a bottle in his hand and once McGruff had started talking about Steve at the Academy, she relaxed a little. McGruff was telling stories that none of the Taylors had ever heard before.

"Will somebody get this man out of here before my reputation is trashed."

"Who said you had a reputation to trash?" James said before ducking quickly out of the way. At that particular moment in time, Steve wasn't quick enough to catch him. When the food was done, Evie sat outside with Steve, McWilliams, Cody and Nick. When Evie went to fetch four more beers, she looked in on the poker game. She hovered for a while over Tom's shoulder and as a new hand was dealt, he had wrapped his hand around her waist and asked her if everything was okay. She smiled, nodded, leaned down and kissed him before moving on into the kitchen, with Tom watching her as she went. Once she was out of sight, he turned his attention back to the game, only to realize that everyone was watching him, including James and Jack. Before Tom could say anything they all burst out laughing. When Alyssa had wiped them out, Tom went out in search of Evie and the two of them decided to head home. Alyssa was going back to Rick's which gave Tom and Evie the boat to themselves. In the limousine, Evie sat closed to Tom, with his arm wrapped around her, and the two of them talked about various things that were said and done at the BBQ.

When they got back, Tom opened a bottle of wine and Evie went and changed into one of Tom's t-shirts - what she generally slept in when she stayed at the boat. When she walked back into the lounge Tom was sat on the couch with late night TV on. She picked up her glass of wine, but instead of sitting next to Tom, she stood in front of him for a moment, then straddled him and sat down on his lap. She sipped her wine.

"That was a pretty nice night."
Tom always enjoyed seeing Evie in a more relaxed state. There was something about Evie wearing nothing but a t-shirt that was very sexy. Her trim, tight body was showing in all the right places even thought she was wearing one Tom's t's. It was obvious that whatever was on the tv wouldn't be an issue. Tom quickly noticed that Evie wasn't wearing her panties. Normally she would have them on. This meant that Evie was planning on things getting playful. " The night's not over......And we still have all day Sunday as well. " Tom took the glass from Evie's hand and set it on the stand next to the couch. He was still wearing his blues jeans from earlier that day. Tom's t-shirt that he wore was already gone. It was removed and laying on the handrail which led down below on his boat. Tom's hands rubbed over then squeezed Evie's bare ass. He then teased her about trying hard to get that promotion to Sergeant. In all honesty, Evie had enough time on the force to become Sergeant class 1. But being a detective she could jump a grade and move to Sergeant 2. When she first became a detective, Evie had spent 6 1/2 years on the force as a patrol officer. She served the proper amount of time and aced her exam. It was now just slightly a year later and certainly Evie was ready to become a Sergeant. Yes, there would be those who would point a finger and say she got her stripes by sleeping with Tom. But those people would do that no matter how long Evie waited. It would be nothing new since Evie had been hearing those same people bitch since she became a detective.

Tom pulled the t-shirt up just enough to expose Evie's fine ass. " Are you looking to be a bad girl? " Tom asked tilting his head a little to the right while smiling at Evie. He waited only a few seconds before giving her right ass cheeks a swat from his hand. " You had better be quick with your answers or I'll have to spank you. " Tom warned Evie in a stern, but playful tone. " Are you looking to be a bad girl tonight? " Tom asked again as his hand rubbed over the area his just smacked.
Evie smiled as Tom took her glass and told her they had tonight and tomorrow. As she felt Tom's hands coming to her ass, she adjusted her position moving a little further up his lap, moving closer to him. Her hands rested on his upper chest, caressed softly over his shoulders and upper torso. She laughed a little when Tom brought up the sergeant promotion.

"Can you imagine McBride's response to that. He'll paint me as the whore of Babylon."

"Everyone will now what he says is crap; are you going to let him stop you..."

"God no. I'm just saying... Everyone else who'll think I got them through sleeping with you will be nothing compared to him." Tom squeezed her ass and she moaned softly as a punctuation o re comment. When he asked her if she was looking to be bad, her smile widened and then she yelped in response to his firm slap. She started to giggle softly.

"Oh yes Lieutenant. I'm very much looking to be a bad girl." She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the mouth, her tongue brushing gently against his lower lip.
Tom gave Evie the wickedest smile when she spoke of being a bad girl. " Good......I'm glad to hear it. " Tom smile seemed to beam with pride and lust. He told Evie how he enjoyed her darker side. That side that loved dirty sex. That side that loved to be treated like a whore. While Tom spoke, he & Evie kissed. He removed the t-shirt she was wearing which exposed her naked skin. Tom told Evie how he set something special up for her. He then told Evie to close her eyes and keep them closed until she was told to open them. The person had slipped into living room while Evie went to change. The sound of the coffee table moving could be heard. This meant that the whomever Tom invited to join them in sex was standing right behind Evie. Once Tom said that Evie's eyes were closed. This stranger reached out and touched the skin on Evie's back. At first it was just the touch of fingertips. That changed when this person's hand made contact and started to move upwards towards Evie's shoulders. Those strong, powerful hands began to massage Evie's shoulders and neck. Tom told her to title her head backwards and turn her head to the right. He wanted her to properly greet there guest with some of her sweet kisses. The stranger's hands quickly moved down then around Evie's body. The hands ended on on her tits where the fingers teased her hard little nipples. Once Evie's head turned, the stranger met her with a kiss. Their kiss grew more passionate until their lips broke so their tongues could dance around with each other. Finally Tom told Evie that she could open her eyes. Now Evie could see the person making her feel so good was none other then Sergeant McWilliams.
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