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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Tom said that they should head for the ball park. It was another 20 or 30 plus minutes until they reached downtown Los Angeles. Traffic coming into town wasn't bad, but started to get heavier once they got closer to Dodger stadium. The Dodgers were playing a day game against their division rivals. The tickets Tom ordered on his phone were waiting for them at the gate. The threesome was soon inside the ball park. Najla had never seen anything like this. So many people were here to watch these men chase a ball around. It all seemed so silly, but she found it amazing. Tom bought them seat right behind the Dodger's dugout. They were sitting right long the first base line in the front row. Tom had hoped that he could get Evie in between himself and the princess. Sadly that didn't work when the princess pushed her way past Evie in order to take the seat next to Tom. He just gave Evie a look of despair. The game started and at first it seemed like it would be a pictures duel between Zack Greinke of the Dodgers & Randall Delgado of the Arizona Diamondbacks. Tom bought sodas for everyone at the start. It was a hot day and the sun was shining down. The princess demanded a Dodger hat so she could look like everyone else. Then she added a need for a Dodgers t-shirt. While Tom was away, the princess couldn't help but talk about how handsome he was. She spoke openly of taking him before she left and even spoke of him coming home with her as her personal bodyguard. Tom returned in time with two Dodger hats and one each of the t-shirt they were selling at the stadium. All the t-shirts were for the princess as was one of the hats. The other hat was for Evie. Tom gave it to her and suggested that she put it on. It was really more of an order then a suggestion.

The Dodgers struck first by scoring a run in the 4th. By the 5th they tacked on two more runs. The princess was now ready for a hot dog. When a man selling them passed by, Tom bought three Dodger Dogs and three more drinks. The 7th inning came and the Dodgers scored 2 more runs. Each time Tom rose up to cheer the princess either grabbed his ass or when Tom sat down, it was on the princess's hand. It all seemed playful enough, but Tom was growing annoyed with Najla. She could no longer keep her hand to herself.
Evie thought maybe it was the heat. Maybe it was the traffic getting backed up and idiots on the road. But she could feel herself getting increasingly irritated. Her patience was wearing thin. She continued to try and persuade herself that it was not the woman they were being forced to babysit who was annoying her. Except as the minutes ticked by, she became less and less convinced by her own arguments. The only thing the Princess ever seemed to talk about was herself and what she wanted... except when she was talking about Tom. Evie wondered whether her earlier relaxed disposition to the flirting was starting to give way to something a little darker. Was she getting a little jealous? She knew she had nothing to worry about; and it was more than obvious that Tom was getting as tired of the woman's attention as Evie was. In fact the only person who didn't seem to notice it was Princess Najia. Evie wondered whether any man had ever denied her anything before? Perhaps she really had never heard the word 'no' before.

After parking the car, Evie had followed Tom and Najia into the stadium and then to the seats. She had almost been pushed over the back of her seat into the row behind when the Princess had decide that she was going to sit next to Tom. For the most part, when Tom was there, Najia barely acknowledged Evie's presence. Only when Tom went to fetch whatever 'toy' she wanted did the woman talk to her. Evie had initially volunteered to go and do the fetching but it was obvious that Tom needed a break from the woman and she couldn't deny him that. When she had commented on how good Tom looked, Evie nodded and smiled politely. When she had talked of 'taking him', Evie had said nothing. When she had suggested that Tom might go home with her, she had laughed out loud. When the Princess had looked at her in surprise, Evie had shook her head.

"Obviously, feel free to ask him, but I'll warn you now. You should prepare yourself for disappointment. I'll put everything I will ever earn in the rest of my life plus my pension on him wanting to stay right here." The Princess huffed a little. "You may be surprised Detective. Men often do lots of things out of character when they are give the right offer."

"Yeah. But you don't Tom Reed. I do." At that moment, Tom edged his way back to the seats and Najia's attention was back on him. Tom handed Evie a dog and a drink. Evie could never deny that the Dodger dogs were about the best she had ever tasted and she enjoyed every mouthful. Whilst she had avoided most of the sugar and dairy crap that the princess had been consuming most of the day, Evie knew that she would need to run a little longer in the morning. She thought about calling Sam, seeing whether he was back in the City, whether she could train with him again for a while. She had never been fitter than when she did the MMA fight and it had felt good. She knew she had lost a little of that over the last few months and had gone back to her usual fitness regime, which was still pretty good - but it wasn't the challenge that Sam set out for her.

Finally the game came to an end with a Dodgers victory and they made their way back to the car and then edged their way closer to the hotel. James and Kim were waiting in the lobby and they handed the princess over. Tom briefed James privately about what to expect and James in turn would tell Kim. Eventually Tom and Evie got out of the hotel. Once out of the lobby, Evie slipped her arm around his waist and walked close to him as they headed back to the car.

"Do you want to go somewhere for dinner on the way home or... we could just go back to the boat... I think there is some salad and chicken left from last night.... we could open some beer... relax... fool around a little if you want."
Tom was glad when the day finally came to an end. Sadly though, it was only day one of what would be at least a five day stay. It was possible that the king and his family would leave earily. Tom however didn't feel that lucky. Once the princess was handed over to James & Kim. Tom placed his arm around Evie as they walked out of the hotel. The pair passed right by Jaffa as he had come into the hotel and saw the hand off of the princess. He exited the hotel as Tom & Evie were reaching her car. The sound of dinner out with his girl was a wonderful one, but Tom was ready for a beer and a chance to relax. " You know that salad and chicken left overs from last night sounds great. " Tom smiled as he climbed into the car. He looked over at Evie and reminded her that they had four more days of this. Tom then asked Evie to remind him to shoot Warren Klein in the face. As Evie pulled away, Jaffa returned to where Hassan was parked. He told of a second team with the princess now. This made matters worse. Moments later General Pasha called with the information on who was guarding the princess. Pasha explained that it was an elite LAPD Task Force known as the Major Crimes Unit. He told his men not to take them lightly. They may only be police officers, but Pasha said that the current and former shooting champions were on this team. Plus another member was regarded as the finest rifle shot in the department. The General was of course speaking about James. Pasha told his men to get the job done without killing the police. He was worried that would only cause him more trouble. Hassan & Jaffa weren't worried about some American police officers. They just laughed at the thought that mere police officers could stand against them. The two men would continue to wait until their backup arrived the next morning. Then they would make their strike at the princess.
Evie watched as Tom sat back in the passenger seat and closed his eyes. She smiled to herself as she put the car in gear and pulled out of the lot. She reached over the patted him on the chest.

"Maybe you should swap with James... give him the day shift and you take the night... at least then she would probably be asleep through most of it." Tom opened his eyes and looked at Evie in disbelief. "Are you kidding. I'll spend the entire night trying to stop her dragging me into bed. I'll take my turn when sleeping isn't part of the normal routine." Evie smiled. "Good point. You could requisition some help. Give James the day shift and get Steve to cover the night shift if he's given the okay to get back to work... or Dad if he's not."

"Your oldest brother would probably agree to her requests and we'd find ourselves in the middle of an international incident and you're Dad would shoot her! You know how many times I had to listen to him telling me about you when you were a teenager... how many times he wanted to have you locked up in a cell? With her, I think he'd go straight to the homicide and right now, I'd back him on any claim for self-defence though." Evie laughed as Tom ranted a little from the passenger seat. When they got back to the boat, she switched on the TV and had him sit down. She fetched him beer and a plate of left overs and then she cleaned up while he watched the news. Afterwards she brought him a fresh bottle, as well as one for herself and sat down next too him, nestling in the curve of his arm as it wrapped around her and rested on her hip.

"What do you think she's gonna want to do tomorrow? Universal Studios? Chinese Theatre? Getty Centre?"

"How about we take her to the Santa Monica Pier. Then if it gets as bad as today I could push her in the Pacific." Evie laughed and leaned closer kissing Tom on the cheek.

"Awww... it must be hard having someone who wants you so bad." her laughter clear in her voice, but she did feel a little sympathy for him.
Never in Tom's life had he ever felt so manhandled and it was by a woman. Evie's question of what the princess would want to do tomorrow only brought images of places where Tom could get rid of Najla. Like the zoo where he could push her into the lion's pit. But she'd likely nag the lions to death before they could eat her. Tom suggested to Evie that they take Najla to LAX. They could then put her on a plane to San Francisco, or even better Hawaii. " We should let Five 0 deal with her. " Tom said as he pulled Evie closer. Evie's comment about Najla wanting Tom made him think for a moment. He told Evie that he doubted if she really wanted him. Tom said that he could just be a conquest to her. Something she doesn't have, but wants. Tom pointed out how Najla was acting all day and how it grew worse as the day went on. She acted as if everything was hers by right. Tom said it was because she was brought up in a sheltered family life. Sure they had more money then some countries, but that didn't get them any happiness. Tom also pointed out that the king had 4 wives and 12 children and Najla was just one of those 12. All of the king's children were adults by now. He stopped having kids a long time ago. Tom said that all of this made Najla into a spoiled brat. She wants everything and has the money to buy most of it. What she can't buy she'll take, by force if necessary. That sent a chill down Tom's spine. Could she really try and force him into sex? Tom wouldn't have sex behind Evie's back. Evie had to be part of it, or she had to know ahead of time. That time down in Mexico didn't count since Tom was drugged and tricked into sex. Evie understood when Tom explained about that. Tom & Evie loved each other dearly, but they had become an open couple sexually. He was willing to share Evie with special people like Kim & Herb McWilliams. In fact they had a foursome coming up when they found time to clue Kim in and when everyone could get together. " Perhaps she'll just settle down. " Tom said, then he thought about what just came from his mouth. " She'll only settle down if someone gives her a good spanking. " Tom added.
Evie laughed as she drank her beer and as Tom went through the various places he could get rid of her.

"From everything I've heard of Commander Steve McGarrett, he will definitely shoot her if you send her there. Although by all accounts... everything I've ever heard about him, he'll have the arrogance to presume that he'll get away with it."

"He has a right to be arrogant." Tom said. "He was a Navy Seal and a damn good one. Maybe McGarrett is exactly the kind of person to deal with our little Princess." Evie smiled. She reached up and gently took hold of Tom's chin, turning his head towards her. "How come we're spending the evening talking about her ladyship." She reached up and kissed Tom on the mouth then sat back a little. Tom didn't seem to notice and simply carried on voicing his thought, suggesting that she might settle down... after a spanking. Evie simply leaned forward again and kissed him, a little harder this time, for longer. Finally Tom seemed to take notice and he kissed her back, his hand moving up to the middle of her back. Evie pulled back, looked at him, smiling.

"You want to keep talking about her?" Tom shook his head, grinning.

"Sure?" He nodded. "Definitely." Evie leaned in and kissed him again. And as she did so, she moved over him, sitting in his lap, her knees either side of him, her arms loosely round his neck as she kept kissing him, the half empty bottle hanging loosely in her hand. They seemed to sit like that, just kissing each other, enjoying the taste of each other for a long time. Eventually, Tom put his own bottle down and then, hooking his hand underneath her, he simply stood up and carried her through to the bedroom, not really noticing that they were leaving the TV on.
Sex with Evie is always amazing. It was far better then any roller coaster, or wild ride at any amusement park. Evie was the most amazing lover anyone could wish for. Tom was damn glad that she was his. In time after have mind blowing sex, the lovers fell asleep in each others arms. The alarm seemed to come way to early. Tom switched it off with a groan as he looked at the time. He leaned over and kissed Evie on the lips. " I'll get the coffee and breakfast ready if you want get a shower first. " Tom pulled Evie closer giving her another kiss. In a little more then two hours they'd be back with the princess from hell. Tom had a dream during the night where she was Satan's daughter and she was after him. Normally Tom didn't have nightmares, but suddenly they seemed to just pop up. An hour outside of Los Angeles, a jet plane was coming closer. Two of the men on board were the extra muscle Hassan & Jaffa were waiting for. Once the new men landed, they'd call Hassan. He'd then leave Jaffa at the hotel to keep watch while Hassan drove to the airport. Hassan would return once the men were picked up. They'd track the princess again today. This time however they were planning on making the hit on her. If her bodyguards were foolish enough to get in their way. They to would end up dead.
Evie moaned as Tom moved to switch off the alarm and then again when he kissed her. A very different kind of moan. She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his neck, her eyes still closed. Tom was by far her favorite way of waking up but she much preferred it when there was no pressure to actually get out of bed. When she was with Tom, Evie was not a morning person. When she did open her eyes at the end of the second kiss, she smiled, and kept her arms loosely around his neck.

"You know you could call James... tell him we're gonna be late... let them take another couple of hours?"

"No we couldn't." Tom said firmly but with a smile on his face. "You wouldn't really subject your brother to more time with the Princess would you?" Evie made a play of weighing up the options. "Against you and me getting to spend a little more time in bed... damn right I would." Tom laughed and kissed her again. "Shower. Now." Still Evie kept her arms wrapped around him.

"Well, we could skip breakfast...have it at the hotel once we arrive. It's not as if her ladyship will be ready when we get there. We could get a coffee from the shop on the way out of King Harbour... and then maybe take a shower together... " Evie smiled.

"NO. We couldn't." He reached up and took Evie's arms from around him and then stood up, heading for the door. "If you're not up in the next two minutes, I'm gonna throw you overboard. Don't think I won't do it." Evie groaned again. "okay okay." Tom watched as she pushed herself out of bed. As they were on their own, she walked naked through to the bathroom and took her shower. It did the trick and 15 minutes later, she was walking into the kitchen area. She picked up a slice of bacon from Tom's plate as he was watching the morning news. As she walked past him to retrieve her Glock from the bottom drawer of his desk he swatted her ass hard, making her squeal. Evie wanted to go without her jacket so she ditched the shoulder holster in favour of the waistband clip. Tom was ready about 15 minutes later by which time Evie had had her own breakfast and the two of them headed for the Hotel downtown.
Tom & Evie took his unmarked police car this time. They arrived at the hotel and were spotted by Jaffa. Hassan had already left for the airport. The two men were there waiting to be picked up. Jaffa watched as Tom & Evie walked through lobby and went to the elevators. He saw them step in and the doors close. Jaffa looked on as the elevator went up and up and up until it stopped at the top floor. He already here the staff talking about the bitchy princess in the presidential suite. Now Jaffa knew that the suite was on the top floor. During the ride up, Tom kept telling Evie he may have to shoot the princess today. Soon the doors opened and they stepped out. Suddenly Tom felt like he was being led to his execution. He wondered if this is how men on death row felt? Images of the satanic princess from his nightmare were still fresh in his mind. Tom & Evie stopped at the door. He looked at Evie and grabbed her hand to keep her from knocking. Tom told her all about his nightmare from last night. Told Evie how the princess was really Satan's daughter, or at least she was in his nightmare. Tom released Evie's hand and she knocked. Kim opened the door and let Tom & Evie in. James looked like he lived a lifetime in one night. It was obvious that the princess was playing her games with him as well.

30 minutes after Tom & Evie arrived, Hassan pulled up outside. Jaffa quickly joined Hassan. They went over what Jaffa had learned while Hassan was picking up the two men. Jaffa pulled out a couple of 9mm's and passed then back to the men. The mission was to kill the princess today and they wouldn't let anyone stop them. James & Kim stayed in the room until they reported what happened last night. This took some time since the princess was a major pain in the ass until she went to sleep.
Whilst Evie felt a little amused by the position that Tom found himself in, she also felt a little sorry for him and it was certainly true that she had never seen him so spooked before by any case they were doing. Before she knocked on the door, she assured Tom that she would protect him. "Satan's daughter isn't going to get her claws into you while I'm here Lieutenant." When she knocked and when Kim opened it, she noticed a slightly amused look on her face but she said nothing. She was going to wait until both Tom and Evie got a look at James for themselves. James had already picked his jacket up off the chair but his tie was loose and the top button on his shirt was undone. He was definitely in a hurry to get out of there. Tom recognised a fellow tortured soul as soon as he walked in.

"You too huh?"

"Her highness is taking a shower. I hope for your sake it's a cold one. Are you sure we can't find someone else to take this detail? Why the hell does it need the City's elite team..."

"Because the State Department want us on it. I've told you that at least a dozen times.' Kim said, trying hard not to laugh.

"Well I'm telling you now boss. I'm bringing a tranquilliser gun with me tonight. I'm not having another night like that." With that James moved past Tom and his sister. As he did so he caught the smirk his sister was trying so desperately to hide. "It's not funny." Evie tried. She really did but she just couldn't help it. "Well... it's a little funny... really it is. And now you know what it feels like."

"What what feels like. I don't care what you say, you've never had some sex obsessed guy constantly trying to get you into bed." Both Kim and Evie laughed out loud.

"Excuse me. Try all through high school... " Kim said.

"And all through College... and the Academy." Evie added.

"And the station house isn't much better at times."

"Okay okay. But it's just not right for a woman to do it." Kim thought she was about to hit her partner. "Oh... and its okay for a guy to do it to a woman."

"I didn't say that. I...."

"James. Go home. Get some sleep. Before you dig yourself any deeper into that great big hole you are already in." Tom advised his friend. James nodded and headed out. Kim followed but she didn't look like she was going to let him off the hook that easy. As the peace descended on the suite, Tom walked across to the table and poured out two cups of coffee. Before he could take his first sip, the bedroom door opened and the Princess walked out in a towel.

'Tom. I missed you." She walked over and stood next to him, talking hold of his arm. She took no notice of Evie "I want to go to the movies and to the Zoo. Can we go to the Zoo Tom?" The image of her inside the lion cage came into his head, but he simply told her she could go wherever she wanted. He smiled through gritted teeth and extracated himself from her hold, telling her she needed to get dressed before they went anywhere.
After the princess walked into the bedroom to dress, Tom looked at Evie and shook his head. " The Zoo.......Who could have seen that one coming? " Tom reached down and picked up his cup of coffee. It didn't take long for him to finish the first cup. Tom poured himself another which also quickly disappeared. By the time the princess returned, Tom had downed four cups of coffee. Way more then what he normally drank, but then this wasn't going to be a normal day. Tom asked Najla what movie she wanted to see. Najla opened the paper and pointed at the movie. Tom looked down where her finger was. " Purgatory in Paradise? " Tom asked as he looked over at Evie. He hadn't heard of this movie before. The movie did star two of Hollywood's hottest young stars Tori Summers & Lee Richmond. It also starred a great veteran of Hollywood. The famous British Actor Edwin Gage. Tom suggested that they go to the zoo first. They could see the movie later in the day. Najla grabbed Tom's ass while saying that sounded wonderful. Tom damn near jumped out of his pants. The princess asked if they really needed the ball n chain with them? Najla said it would be better if they could be alone in the movie. The princess was of course talking about leaving Evie behind. She never once looked at her or even acted like Evie was in the same room. Tom said that Evie needed to be with then at all times. Najla pouted a bit, but Tom told her it was time to go. They walked out of the room, down the hall and into the elevator. Soon they were walking trough the lobby and headed outside where Tom's car was parked.

Hassan & Jaffa watched as the police and Najla climbed into the dark blue ford crown vic. Hassan pointed out that the man was Lieutenant Thomas Reed. The woman was Detective Evelyn Taylor. They looked on as Tom pulled out and headed for the zoo. Hassan followed keeping back just enough. Once they reached the zoo, Hassan & Jaffa decided that they couldn't afford an attack in this place. General Pasha wanted them to keep a low profile. The assassins would wait and keep watching for the right time. " Allah will not fail us.......He'll lead them into our sights. " Hassan said.
Evie watched as the Princess walked out, finally dressed in some Versace sun dress, flat pumps and sunglasses perched on her head. At least if they were inside a movie theatre the woman would have to keep her mouth shut, Evie thought and she picked up a bottle a chilled mineral water from the table. When she picked out the movie and Tom looked at her, Evie shrugged and shook her head. It wasn't something that Evie had heard of either. 'Ball and chain' Evie said to herself quietly and then she chuckled to herself.

"You know... Princess... if you're not careful Im sure I could persuade my colleague from last night... Detective Gonzales to come back and relieve Lieutenant Reed here. And then you'd be left with the two of us, until your father decides to come and fetch you."

Najia threw a dirty stair in Evie's direction, looking at her as if she were something the princess had just stepped in. Before she could say anything though, Tom told her again that they should get moving. Evie smiled as she saw the hint of a temper tantrum and part of her wouldn't have been surprised had the woman started stamping her feet. As it was she turned her back sharply on Evie and walked out with Tom. Evie smiled, shook her head and then followed. They said nothing on the way down in the elevator or on the way to the car. Tom made sure that the woman was deposited in the rear seat; the last thing he wanted was her sitting next to him when he was driving. As he pulled out into traffic, the girl started reading about the LA Zoo in the guide book she had brought from the hotel. Tom drove the relatively short distance to Griffith Park and the three of them walked around the animal houses and the botanical gardens. The woman got quickly bored of the gardens though and wanted to go somewhere nice for lunch. Tom drove them up to the Cafe at the End of the Universe up the hill at the Observatory. It was a simple cafeteria but there was a patio with views out over the Hollywood sign. The Princess loved it as she tucked into a burger and fries and yet more milkshake. Evie was amazed that she could put away such high calorie, high fat, food and still keep the figure she had. A couple of hours later they headed back into the city and found a cinema which was showing Purgatory in Paradise. The Princess insisted on another hot dog and then complained when it didn't taste as good as the one at Dodgers Stadium and she wanted popcorn - salted and sweet. The seating arrangements went as they had at the ball game but at least this time, Tom had no need to get up from his seat.
There was little chance that fat would form on the princess. All her bitching and moaning most likely worked it all off. It was also possible that fat was just to afraid to settle on her body. Tom believed that if an animal bite the princess. That animal would die hours later after being in excruciating pain. So far the princess was being have as she walked around the zoo. There were no real complaints until she ate the hot dog. Tom had to explain that not all hot dogs were Dodger Dogs. He said that many places around Los Angeles had great hot dogs. They often had their own unique tastes from one place to another. The drive to the cinema wasn't very long and Tom was thankful for that. Tom bought three tickets, sodas, popcorn and candy. The threesome went in and sat in the last row with their back against the wall. This prevented anyone from getting the drop on them from behind. Not that Tom was worried, but he always believed in being safe before being sorry. The movie started and it didn't take long for him to notice that the characters on the screen were copies of him, Evie and Simon Randell. Oh the names were changed slightly. The male lead Lee Richmond was playing Sergeant Thomas Reese. Tori Summers was playing Detective Eve Tyler. Edwin Gage was playing a madman called Randy Simon. The makers of this film obviously didn't let facts get in the way of putting the picture together. Tom would never say things like. "You're just a disease Simon, and I'm the cure." Tom Reese did in the movie. Also Evie wore clothing that made her look professional. If by chance those clothes also made her look sexy. Well then that was okay. Evie didn't walk around with her tits hanging out like Tori did. At times the movie painted the character Tom as a gun nut. It also painted the Eve character as a bit of a nympho. It was clear that these characters were based on Tom & Evie. It was also clear that whoever made the characters never met Tom, or Evie. This just pissed Tom off royally. Outside of the cinema, Hassan, Jaffa and their men waited to strike. They do this drive by style. Starting at one end of the street and driving by while blasting away. This was a common action used by LA Street gangs. All eyes were glued on the front doors and their watches.
As they walked out of the theatre into the sunlight, Evie was too dumbstruck to say anything. Tom was also quiet. Only Najia was talking commenting on how good the movie had been, on how Tom and Evie needed to be more like what she had just seen on the big screen. Suddenly both Tom and Evie turned to her at the same moment and told her to shut up. She positively flinched as both of them snapped at her but she didn't have time to say anything before their attention was elsewhere. To Evie, time suddenly seemed to slow down. They heard the screech of tyre wheels and both she and Tom turned to look at the source of the noise. They both watched the black Lincoln move along the street. As the seconds ticked by, both of them noted the fact that the men in the car looked middle eastern. The car moved closer... Closer... And then both of them saw the semi-automatic weapons appear at the open car windows, front and back. Evie started to call out a warning. Tom immediately moved towards the princess, barrelling into her, taking her off her feet. She screamed at the moment of impact but it was quickly drowned out by gunfire and the screams of others. Evie was calling for people to get down. Bullets ripped into concrete and glass which shattered and crashed to the floor. Tom and the princess landed on the concrete just behind a parked car, the windows of which were quickly shattering above them. And then the shooting stopped. Another squeal of wheels. Then time seemed to go back to normal speed. People were crying, screaming, bleeding. Evie looked over at Tom. Both he and the Princess looked unscathed as they got up, Najia crying and wailing.

"Get her back to the car. Take her to the hotel. I'll stay here. Wait for the cops to arrive and then meet you back there later." As she spoke she pulled out her phone. Tom led Najia away as Evie called for ambulances. They were lucky. No-one had been killed. Evie moved from one person to another working basic triage were she could, getting people who were unhurt to help. There were a couple a bullet wounds but nothing life threatening as long as they could staunch the blood flow and the paramedics got there fast. There were cuts from broken glass and someone had a broken arm from being pushed to the ground. Police and paramedics were quickly on the scene and it took about an hour for her to hand the scene over. Just as she was finishing up, giving a statement to a uniformed Lieutenant, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and came face to face with her Dad.

"You okay?" He asked. Evie smiled and nodded and then realised he was looking down at her t-shirt. "It's okay. It's not my blood." Jack nodded and then looked around the scene.

"Where's the princess?"

"Tom's got her back at the hotel I hope. They're both fine." Evie finished her statement and then filled her Dad in on what had happened. In the end she asked if he'd give her a lift back to the hotel. He agreed and 15 minutes later he was dropping Evie off in the underground hotel parking lot. Neither of them noticed Hasan and his friend sitting in a stolen ford explorer, watching. As Evie was about to get out, her dad said he had a clean t- in the trunk. She looked down at herself again. Maybe walking through the hotel lobby in the state she was in would be a little problematic. Jack popped the trunk and Evie found the white t-shirt in a sports bag. She pulled it out and then climbed into the back seat of the car. She quickly took the soiled t-off and replaced it. It was a little big on her but her dad wasn't as big as Tom, she climbed out and tucked the t-into the top of her pants.

"Thanks. See you later." Evie headed off towards the hotel. But she was never going to make it to the room. As her Dad drove away, he didn't see the man come up behind Evie, and hitting her firmly on the back of the head with the butt of his pistol. Evie collapsed into his arms and he easily picked her up and carried her to the explorer which pulled up at the curb with the rear door open.
It was quite clear that the hit on Najla had failed. Hassan should have waited longer before moving out. They rushed the job with the princess standing near a parked car. That gave her the perfect cover with Tom as her shield. His body protecting her. Hassan should have seen that car and not acted. He now decided that a switch in tactics was needed. The police were no doubt tipped off that the men driving that car were middle eastern. It didn't take a great detective to know that someone was now trying to kill the princess. Hassan now planned on kidnapping Evie. He would use against the police and Tom. It wasn't hard to see that Tom & Evie had feelings for each other. They walked out of the hotel with their arms wrapped around each other. Hassan would make a deal. The princess for Detective Taylor. If Hassan didn't get the princess. He'd send Evie back to the police, piece by piece. Hassan, Jaffa and their men dumped the Lincoln and picked up anther vehicle. This one they hide in the underground parking area. Hassan figured that Evie would try and slip into the building and rejoin her partner. That couldn't be allowed to happen. They waited for the right moment. The moment where Evie was alone and they struck. Evie was carried to the SUV and it drove away.

Tom was upstairs talking on the phone to Sergeant Woods down at the Central Station. Woods was an LAPD sketch artist. Tom was giving his a description of the man sitting in the passenger seat. Tom had gotten a pretty good look at the man was was also one of the shooters. Tom also asked for uniformed officers to watch the lobby area and the top floor. Once Woods had all the details he needed, Tom hung up the phone. The phone line wasn't clear for long. Tom called James & Kim and told them about the hit. He told them to come right over to the hotel. Tom looked at his watch and started to wondered where Evie was? He figured that she'd be back by now. He was expecting her to walk through the door any second, but the seconds continued to pass and no Evie. Tom tried her cell phone, but had no luck. He then started to call the hospitals in case she was hurt and didn't know it at the time.
Evie's head hurt. She knew she was lying down and she knew her head hurt worse than any hangover she had ever had before. She was still for a moment. Had last night been the barbecue? No. That had been days ago. Was she in bed? No. Hard. Cold. She was lying on concrete. That wasn't a good sign. Could she open her eyes? Slowly she tried. It took a moment and initially she thought maybe it was the middle of the night but gradually she realised she was in a basement somewhere. It looked industrial and the small windows at the top of one wall seemed to look out at ground level, litho ugh seeing through the glass wasn't possible, at least not from where she was. So now she needed to move. Check whether anything other than her head hurt. She moved slowly, but other than more pain in her head...dizziness...stars literally in her eyes... Her other bones seemed in tact. As she stood up she reached a hand round the back of her head and found a large tender lump. She hissed a little in pain as she looked around and started to remember. The movie theatre. The drive by shooting. Her dad driving her to the hotel. She checked her hip; her weapon was gone and her phone but she still had her ID for all it would help. The basement room looked about 15ft square. Concrete. Empty. She couldn't reach up the the windows and there was nothing to climb on. She spotted the door and just about managed to walk over to it. There was no handle on her side. Nothing to take hold of. No key hole. No lock to pick. At the moment there was nothing she could do except wait.
Tom couldn't find Evie at the hospitals and her cell phone seemed to be turned off. Repeated tries only ended up at her voice mail. James & Kim arrived quickly at the hotel as did the uniformed backup Tom had asked for. Six officers took up positions down in the lobby. The top floor was sealed off. Two uniformed officer stood guard at the elevators while two more guard outside the princess's suite. They were given orders that on one gets into the suite without the okay of Tom, James, or Kim. Tom relayed the news about Evie seeming to disappear to James & Kim. They hadn't heard from, or seen her since this morning. Tom explained that he left Evie in charged of the crime scene at the movie theater. She wanted him to take the princess back to the hotel. Tom had a feeling that something bad happened to Evie. It wasn't like her to disappear without a message. Tom called dispatch and had them put out an all points bulletin, or APB on Evie. All patrol units, special units, swat teams, undercovers and extra units at each station were given this alert. The APB was also sent to the LA County Sheriff and the CHP. Moments after the alert was issued, Jack called and said he dropped Evie off at the hotel almost an hour ago. Tom explained that Evie didn't show up. He then told Jame to head down to the hotel's security office and check their cameras in the parking area. It only took a few minutes for James to find out that Evie was kidnapped.

After James reported back what he had found, Tom changed that APB to a 207. That was the LAPD code for a kidnapping. After running the face of the man Tom saw at the theater. The computers came back with El Sayed Jaffa. The man who struck Evie was identified as Nagi Hassan. These men were on the FBI's most wanted list. They were being hunted by many nations for terrorism. The news was just getting worse and worse. Then the phone rang and a man with an arabic voice asked for Tom. Once Tom answered he found Hassan on the other end. Hassan said that he had Evie, but he figured that Tom would know that by now. Tom demanded that Hassan release Evie. Hassan just laughed and said that would only be done if a deal was made. Tom gritting his teeth asked Hassan what he wanted? Hassan said he'd let Evie go if the princess was handed over to him. Tom refused to make such a deal. He again demanded that Evie be let go now! Again Hassan laughed before telling Tom he had 24 hour to think it over. Hassan would call again tomorrow and if he didn't get his deal. He'd send Evie back to Tom piece by piece. Tom gritted his teeth even harder. " Remember this Hassan.......If you harm Evie.......There is no place in this world you can hide........I will track you down and I will kill you. " Just after Tom finished his line Hassan hung up the phone. Tom suddenly felt sick. He should have sent Evie back here with the princess. At the crime scene it wasn't Evie's call to make and Tom knew it. He was her commanding officer and he should have stayed. Tom told James & Kim what Hassan said. Everyone looked at the princess who seemed not to care what was being said. She wasn't leaving her hotel suite until her safety was assured. As much as Tom disliked the bratty little pain in the ass, he couldn't give her up. But Tom couldn't let those butchers just hack Evie into pieces. Tom knew that they would do just that. Hassan & Jaffa had done it before almost 5 years ago to another kidnap victim. They had taken the daughter of a Saudi Arabia General and held her. They demanded the release of some prisoners which the Saudi's didn't do. The girl was put to death slowly. They cut her apart a little at a time. Starting at her pinky and working up her arm to her shoulder then on to her chest. The girl was then mailed back to her father in boxes. Before these animals killed her, they used her like a common whore. This was filmed and sent along with the first box. Thinking of what those animals would do to Evie sent a chill up Tom's spine. He had to save her. Tom had to think of a plan.
Evie paced around the room for a while. But there was nowhere to go nd nothing to do. Her frustration levels rose with each passing minute. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know who had taken her and she didn't know why! Was this related to the princess? Was there a link between the men who had tried to kill her and Tom along with the princess and anyone lose unlucky enough to be standing around. If it was the same people it was a pretty quick change of plan. As she paced she let her mind move from one thought to other, trying to provide an explanation. At the moment there was no way out that was for sure. Eventually she stopped pacing, walked over to the wall opposite te door, turned to face the door and slid down the wall. And then she waited. And she thought. Logic said this was about the princess. The drive by earlier was also probably about her; if it were former cons with a score to settle with Tom or her, there are more reliable ways than a drive by. So if the drive by was an attempt on Najia's life, and as it didn't work, it certainly wasn't illogical to think that she was taken or the sole purpose of becoming a bargaining chip. Something the bad guys...whoever they were...could use to get the Princess. If that was the case, her captors probably wouldn't be long.

And when they arrived, then what? And what was Tom going to do. Like all law enforcement agencies, the LAPD didn't strike deals with terrorists or anyone else. But they would probably let her kidnappers think there was going to be some sort of exchange. That meant they had to come face to face. Sooner or later. She could almost picture it now...a scene straight from a movie. Tom and Najia on one side and then opposite and some distance away, Evie and the kidnappers on the other. They would never give the princess up, but a meeting was the only way they would stand a chance of getting Evie back... Unless Evie could do it herself. But what was she going to be ale to.... At that moment, she heard footsteps on the other side of the door. Heard a chain rattling as it was unlocked. Evie stood up slowly not entirely sure what she was expecting. Eventually the door opened. A middle eastern man walked in carrying a bottle of water and a pack of sandwiches. He walked up to Evie and held them out to her.

"Whatever it is that you want, I guarantee you won't get it this way." The man said nothing. He wasn't big, but Evie thought he'd pack a pretty hefty punch - metaphorically and literally. Evie looked over his shoulder trying not to make it obvious. The door was open. No-one was there. Could it be that easy. Evie reached out to take the bottle and food, but in the end she swatted both away. She moved quickly. Threw a punch to the face and then the gut nod then using her momentum she turned and kicked and hen barrelled past the man who wa just about to hit the floor. Evie was running. Across the room. Through the door. Left. Along a corridor. There was another doorway which led to steps. Steps leading up. Suddenly mid stride she felt something catch her arm from the side, catch hold and pull nod turn. She was being spun round and the only thing that was going to stop that spin was the wall. She hit it hard. And then blackness descended for a second time.

When she woke up, she was back in the same room she had been in before. Alone. But now she was strung up over some large pipes that worked over the ceiling. A rope had been tied around her wrist, tossed over the pipe and attached to her other wrist. He height of the ceiling and the length of the rope were such that she was just about on tiptoe. Almost hanging. And a gag had been tied around her mouth. So much for getting out by herself.
Tom stood looking out of a window in the suite. From here he could see the city stretching out before him. Tom however didn't see the city. In his minds eye, Tom could see Evie. As close as Evie was to her family, they didn't know about her secret desires like Tom did. Tom knew how easy it would be to turn those desires against Evie. Making her want those whom she hated. There was no doubt in Tom's mind that Hassan & Jaffa would use Evie for their own pleasures. It was part of their M-O. These men would be taking Evie and treating her just the way she loved. It made Tom even sicker, but he knew Evie couldn't help herself. Tom & Evie never talked about what happens at times like this. They never spoke of what she did at the prison, or at Gate's house. They never spoke of what she did with Khaled and his men at Mason Hill's house. They never spoke of what happened at San Quentin. Tom knew that Evie did what she had to do in order to survive. Tom expected Hassan & Jaffa to force Evie into sex, but in time she's fall into a well of pleasure and enjoy how they treated her. Most men couldn't live with or love a woman who had such a dark desire. Tom wasn't like most men. He loved Evie just the way she was and he loved her dark desire. All Tom could hope for was that Evie would stay strong and know that he'd free her somehow, someway.

The large door slowly opened and Hassan & Jaffa walked into the room. They moved over to where Evie hung like a side of beef as the door closed behind them. The two men began circling Evie like hungry sharks looking for a quick kill. They spoke in Arabic to each other while slapping at Evie's ass or grabbing at her tits. Hassan the older of the two man stopped in front of Evie and ripped open her shirt. Jaffa who was perhaps 7 years younger was standing behind Evie. He pulled a knife from his coat pocket and started to cut the clothing from Evie's body. It wasn't known right away to Evie, but standing in the corner not more then 20 feet away was a man and a video camera. This man would be moving around as the action heated up. He'd be catching just what a dirty whore Evie really was on film. This film would be seen by everyone once Hassan released it to the press. Evie herself would be dead by then, but her family would haunted by these images. Hassan & Jaffa worked until Evie's clothing was in rags around her feet. The cameraman moved a little closer for a nice shot of Evie's tight body. " Not at all flabby Hassan.......She's more fit than I had expected. " Jaffa said from behind as he looked Evie's body over. He slapped her hard acrossed the ass. Hassan laughed and said American whores get alot of work in different positions. He felt that Evie was so fit because she worked extra hard kneeling and rising. Hassan then reached out and grabbed Evie by her chin. He moved her head so she was looking straight into the camera. " We are making this so your loved ones will have something to remember you by. " While Hassan was speaking. Jaffa was roughly squeezing Evie's ass checks. No one had to tell Evie what was going to happen. It was pretty clear that he was getting used and it would be on film. However Hassan did tell her that this film would be released to the American press. While most of this film would never be seen on tv. It would get coverage over the internet. Members of the press like Brent McBride would brand Evie as whore and point out how they were right about her all along. Hassan left Evie's chin go as his fingers stroked down over her stomach. He found her womanhood and start to slowly play with her clit. Jaffa leaned forward and whispered into Evie's ear that they'd pleasure her slowly until she'd openly beg for them to fuck her. While Hassan worked on Evie from the front, Jaffa worked on her from behind.
Evie's shoulders were aching but that went out of her mind as she heard the door open behind her. She couldn't see the three men as they walked into the room. She wasn't even sure how many; only when two of them began to prowl around her did she assume that it was just two. She couldn't hear anyone else at that time but her attention was on the two walking around her. Her eyes were wide and the gag in her mouth was damp with her own saliva. She saw the look n their eyes and they inspected her body as they walked around her. She saw the slightly sick grins they wore as they moved steadily around. She had nowhere to go; she could barely move; no escape and no means of attack or defence. She groaned a little as the mauled her ass or tits, squirming as she hung from the ceiling. When the older man stopped in front of her, stared, smirking, she stared back. When he ripped her shirt open, sending buttons flying, her muffled squeal echoed around the room. Any question she had about what these men were going to do was suddenly gone. She knew what was going to happen.

She felt her clothes being cut from behind, felts hands pulling at the fabric but it didn't taken long before she was hanging naked. One of the men evein took her shoes off. She was breathing hard through her nose, her chest heaving. And then she was aware of the third man...of the camera as he too walked slowly around her, moving the camera to get every curve and swell... Her shoulders and tits, waist and hips, legs and ass. She squealed again as she felt the sudden sharp slap on her ass and the three men laughed. Her body tensed when the older man stepped forward and took hold of her chin. In some ways Evie was reminded of Khaled. He was older...stockier... But there were similarities. Not just in his looks but in his confidence, his bearing. When he took her chin, she tried to pull away. He took a firmer hold and jerked her head back to look at him and then he turned it towards the camera as he explained what was going to happen. Her heart sank at the idea that her family might ever see what was going to happen. Only Tom was going to be able to stop that and there would be little she could do to help. She groaned a little... And then again as the man behind her began to squeeze her ass. And the camera recorded every detail.

When the man in front of her let go of her chin, her head dropped a little but the man behind grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back.

"No no. Let's keep that head up for the camera. The world should see the pleasure of a whore when she's treated properly." Evie's groan changed into a whimper as she felt fingers moving over her skin...down over her abdomen and then between her legs. Her squirming did nothing to move her away from either man. It didn't take long before her body began to respond to the way it was being treated. The man in front smiled but kept his fingers moving in exactly the same way. The man behind was still leaning in, kissing at Evie's neck, biting at her shoulder. He spoke again into her ear but loud enough for all to hear and for the camera to reord it.

"You're starting to think about our cocks inside you aren't you. Hasan's fingers feel good but they're just not enough for a whore like you. You want more don't you. You need more." Evie only whimpered in response until Hasan slipped two fingers inside her which made her moan. Evie closed her eyes and immediately felt a slap on her face followed by an instruction to open them. To look at Hasan. To look at the camera. The man behind moved her head as he spoke. And Hasan moved his fingers deeper, starting to finger fuck her slowly. And then Evie began to move her hips...just a little...back and forth. Both men recognised it and smiled.
The scene Evie was now playing out with Hassan & Jaffa, had been done many times by these men. They had become experts in driving a kidnap victim into being a wanting little whore. To them Evie was just another name they could add to their list. The cameraman worked with Hassan & Jaffa in the past. He had filmed the daughter of the Saudi General. The man knew just what shoots Hassan wanted on film. He did close ups of Evie's face as the signs of pleasure were starting to appear. It was hard to fight and as much as Evie tried, she was losing. More & more her face began sporting those looks of lust. Hassan & Jaffa were slapping at her tits, pulling her nipples, kissing her body, finger fucking her pussy and slowly building the passion in Evie's body. Evie was by now working her hips along with Hassan's finger movements. The camera caught all the details. The cameraman smiled when he saw Evie's body starting to react. It was only a matter of time now. Evie was like putty in the hands of two skilled artists in the world of sexual perversion. They wanted Evie to become a panting bitch in heat. Only once she begged for them to fuck her, would they grant her wish. While Hassan & Jaffa continued to work on Evie. The cameraman panned down on her body while cutting the gag from her mouth. As he returned to camera to Evie's face, the gag had disappeared. The sounds of building pleasure were no longer stifled by the cloth gag. The camera was now picking up clearly the moans & groans of building passion.
It was only a matter of time. With the gag gone, her moans more than audible, the questions and comments of Hassan and his friends... She was soon begging in response to every prompt they gave he. And once she had begged enough, they fucked her just as she wanted. Hassan and Jaffa each took their turn fucking each of her holes and the cameraman recorded everything. It became quite the movie and one which people from Evie's past would have been proud to put their name to had it been made for commercial purposes.

As dusk fell, Tom, Kim and James settled into the hotel room. Although settled might have been something of an exaggeration. All three of them were frustrated by the inability to do anything. Tom was struggling not completely lose his temper with Najia who seemed altogether unconcerned by Evie's disappearance. James was on the point of hitting her when there had been a knock on the door. When Kim had opened it, she found Steve stood there holding onto the door post and breathing a little heavier Han he should be. James then directed his anger at his older brother.

"What the hell are you doing? It took a team of expert doctors plus a ton of aftercare including private care paid for by Rick Reid to get you from a dirty floor in a deserted warehouse to this moment. Are you trying to throw that away and send me to an early grave. You don't think it's enough that Evie is out there somewhere..."

"I couldn't sit at home ...waiting for the call. And I couldn't go to the station. Dad told me where you were." The admission took the wind out of James tantrum. "We'll sit down before you fall for god's sake."

Almost as soon as he had, the princess was introducing herself to Steve and talking about what fun she had had over the last few days...all the places she'd been... The places she still wanted to see. Steve stared at her, confused by her attitude. He looked at James, his expression asking 'who the hell...'. James had just shook his head and forced himself to ignore the woman before he brought Steve up to speed on what they knew.

Meanwhile, a few miles away, Hasan and Jaffa had finished with Evie. They had in the end thrown her in a shower and provided her with a t-shirt and some sweat pants that they had initially got or the princess to change into as soon as they had her. Evie was then left alone in the room but thankfully whilst her wrists were tied, she wasn't left strung up. Now it was a question of being patient and hoping that Tom would persuade the brass that at least making it look like they were willing to do the exchange was their best hope. Her best hope.
Dusk had fallen, Hassan & Jaffa were done using Evie. They had made a movie which would have made Mason Hill proud. Now all there was to do for Hassan, Jaffa and their men was to wait. 20 hours....15 minutes and 38 seconds before another call would be made. Hassan sat quietly sharping the blade he would use to cut Evie into pieces. He was expecting that there would be no deal made for Evie. That was how American police departments treated these types of cases. Tom knew that there would be no deals made. Captain MacDonald, Chief Beck, Commissioner Fernandez and the Governor all said no. They didn't even want Tom to make any moves without the involvement of the FBI which had an agent even now in talks with the state department. They seemed more worried about Najla then they were about Evie. Tom wasn't pleased that the FBI & State Department would be taking over this case. They'd likely leave Evie out to dry. She'd become a sacrifice. For now, Tom & his MCU team were still in charge. The living room area was heavy with a dark mood. The princess who seemed totally unaffected by what was going on around her continued to act like all was right with the world. Her antics were growing very thin with Tom. It all came to ahead when Najla threw herself at Tom placing a kiss on his lips. This was no friendly kiss, but the type lovers would use. Steve, James & Kim all stared with their mouths wide open. Tom pushed the now laughing princess away from him. Najla saw this as all some big game. She again tried to kiss Tom and was again pushed away. This time the push was harder and Najla fell into a chair. Tom was at his end when it came to this bratty pain in the ass. He started yelling at her that he loved Evie and Najla wasn't even in the top 10 of women Tom would consider dating. Tom told Najla just what he thought about her. In fact he said that everyone thinks Najla was a spoiled brat. No one dared to ever speak this way to Najla before. She rose up from the chair and tried to slap Tom. He however caught her hand with his right and grabbed the chair she had been sitting in with his left. He pulled the chair closer and sat down pulling Najla down on his lap. Steve, James & Kim still sat in stunned silence. Tom began smacking Najla's ass like her father should have done years ago.

Tom's hand had tattooed Najla's backside for the fourth time when Warren Klein & FBI Special Agent Mark Williams entered the suite. They were both shocked to see this assault being carried on by Tom and his team doing nothing about it. Tom dumped the crying princess on the floor as he stood up. Warren helped Najla to her feet and into her bedroom. Williams came up and got into Tom's face. Callen & Sam had told Tom all about Mark Williams since they dealt with him many times before. Williams told Tom how he would be bring him up on charges for assault. He also made the comment about taking Tom's badge. Tom glared at Williams and told him to go ahead and take the badge if he was man enough. Williams slowly turned and told Steve, James & Kim that they'd be facing charges as well. Steve just laughed at Williams. " You're nothing but a little piss ant.......Just like the pencil pushing geek who's babying the princess right now. Warren Klein appeared just in time to hear what Steve had said. His face grew red as he threatened everyone with the lose of their jobs. " You two don't take over this case until tomorrow.......I'm still in charge and in command until then.......If anyone wants my badge I'll give it up only to those I work for and not a couple of paper pushers. " Tom was letting out all of his rage that had been building up since he learned of Evie's kidnapping. " You two had better remember this......If anything happens to Evie........Nothing and no one will stop me from killing Hassan & Jaffa......No matter where they hide! " Tom fully expected that by tomorrow he'd be out of a job anyway. Spanking the princess wasn't the smartest thing he'd ever done. But Tom was seen spanking her in front of Klein & Williams. Tom figured that Najla told Klein what a monster he had been to her. Though no one else said anything to Tom. Everyone also thought Tom would be asked to hand over his shield come tomorrow.

The next day arrived with grey skies over the city of Los Angeles. Tom hadn't slept a bit all night. No one had any sleep. They all made small talk throughout the night just to pass the time. Tom looked at his watch while Kim was telling Steve all about her friend Tammy the make up artist. She spoke of Tammy's skills making new faces for undercover work. Tom leaned back into his chair felling powerless. Suddenly what Kim was talking about struck a cord in Tom's memory. Tammy had made a new face for Evie. She mad Evie into a new and different looking person. Not even members of Evie's own family would have known who she was without some clue. Tom looked back towards the bedroom door of Najla's room. He then looked at Kim who took notice of Tom staring at her. Kim asked why and Tom asked if she could call Tammy. The answer was sure, then before Tom could say why, the phone rang. Tom picked it up and found Hassan on the other side. It hadn't been a full 24 hours, but Hassan decided that Tom had enough time to say no to making a deal. Besides, Hassan wanted to get to work taking Evie apart bit by bit. Hassan was however taken back when Tom agreed to make the switch. Tom said he'd be happy to get rid of that bratty little bitch. Hassan right away expected a trap. He'd have to see the princess's face before he'd let Evie go. Still he wasn't planning on letting anyone go. Hassan said that the switch would be made at Forrest Lawn Memorial Park. Tom would meet Hassan & Jaffa in the middle of Crystal Lane which runs between Magnolia Drive & Ascension Road. Tom was told to only bring the princess and he was to use the Ascension Road side. The meeting place and the time of 10 minutes after 10 am was agreed on. Tom hung up the phone and finally told Kim why she should call Tammy.

Kim made her call and Tammy arrived some 45 minutes later. During that time, Tom filled Steve, James & Kim in on the what, where and when. Both Steve & James said that it all smelled like a trap. Tom agreed, but added they'd be setting their own trap. James would be going along to provide that end. Kim would be made up by Tammy to look like Princess Najla. Even though Steve couldn't get involved with any gun play. He could by standing by in a car ready to call in backup. Najla was still sulking from the way Tom treated her, but Kim talked her into parting with some clothing. Tammy had Kim made up and dressed like Najla long before Williams and a couple of other FBI agents arrived. When asked if the kidnaps called, Tom just said no. He, James & Steve all left and met Tammy & Kim in the underground parking lot. James, Steve & Tammy rode in one car from which James would slip into the cemetery. Kim looking like Najla would ride with Tom. To make it look good, Tom cuffed Kim's hands in front of her and put tape over her mouth. Kim could still reach and pull her hidden weapon without any trouble. Tom brought along his backup glock in case he could get it to Evie.
Evie had propped herself back up against the wall, her head leaning back, eyes closed, hands resting on her knees and secured at the wrists with a plastic tie which was starting to dig into her skin. She was clean but her body was aching after the exertions of the evening. Her mind wasn't as much on the events themselves as the movie that was made. When she had been videoed as Tori James she had looked like someone else; she had a different identity. This time it was her; if Hasan did what he said he was going to do then her life would be over. She couldn't imagine the reaction of her family... of her Dad. Tom knew her 'preferences', seemed to accept them and even enjoy them. But her family probably couldn't even begin to imagine... And if Brent McBride had it... she would have to quit the force unless of course she was kicked out. And then what? This was possibly the start of a nightmare that she wasn't going to be able to wake up from. She drifted in and out of sleep for the rest of the night.

Suddenly, she was awake, hearing approaching footsteps... the outside lock being undone... the door opening. Jaffa walked directly over to her. He said nothing but simply grabbed hold of a handful of hair before pulling her up. Evie scrambled to get to her feet but squealed as Jaffa pulled. Once up, she swung out with both hands, catching Jaffa in his stomach. He grunted and staggered back a little, before regaining his balance and smacking Evie back hard across the face. But for the wall which she bounced against, she would have finished up back on the floor. Jaffa grabbed hold of her again, turned her and slammed her against the same wall.

"You need a serious attitude adjustment bitch." As he pinned her hard against the wall, he took out a handkerchief with a large knot tied in the middle of it. He forced the knot into Evie's mouth and tied the ends in a new tight knot at the back of her head.

"Time to go. Your boyfriend agreed to the switch. We're going to get the Princess but I think he's going to be disappointed when all he gets back in return is your body." Evie's mind was racing and she could feel the sense of panic rising. How was Tom getting to do an exchange? It couldn't be for real. There was no way the Police Department or the State Department for that matter would allow him to actually hand over the Princess. If Tom was exchanging anything there had to be something else that Hassan and Jaffa didn't appreciate. Question was did Tom appreciate that their intentions weren't exactly honourable. Hands tied, wind knocked out of her, the taste of blood in her mouth behind the makeshift gag, there was little Evie could do at the moment. Maybe trust in Tom and the rest of the team was the best she could do. Jaffa took her out of the room, gripping her upper arm painfully hard and led her through the empty building and outside to a black chrysler. Evie guessed it was another stolen car. Someone must have found the SUV on a security tape from the hotel by now. Evie imagined black SUVs all over the City being stopped and checked. She was led to the rear of the car and then picked up off her feet and tossed into the trunk. Before she really had a chance to do anything, it was closed and she found herself in darkness. A few minutes later the car was moving.

Twenty minutes later the car was brought to a stop. Evie heard and felt the engine switch off and she waited. Sure enough within a minute, the trunk was opened and she was pulled out. She looked around as she found her feet. Forest Law Memorial Park, the final resting place of an awful lot of Hollywood's former greats. The place seemed to be deserted as Hassan led her around towards the front of the car. And then Evie saw a car parked opposite on the road, perhaps fifty feet away. Tom was stood there with the Princess. Evie looked around. She saw no-one. This wasn't making sense unless... Surely Tom hadn't gone independent on this? At this rate, she wasn't the only one who was going to be out of a job.
Evie could have no idea that Kim had been made up to look like the princess. It looked very much like Tom had gone rogue. What appeared to be Najla was standing beside him, cuffed with tape over her mouth. Jaffa pointed this fact out with laughing. This made Hassan & Jaffa believe that who they could see was Najla. Only a man who encountered Najla could do this to shut her up. Tom pulled his Desert Eagle from his shoulder holster hidden under his coat. He grabbed the princess around her neck and held the weapon to her head. Tom demanded that Jaffa move away from Evie, over to the other side of the car. Hassan & Jaffa were taken by surprise at Tom's desperate action. Tom seemed on the edge and ready to blow Najla away. Evie found herself standing with Hassan. Jaffa had moved away and was now standing clear. Hassan asked that Tom not act out rashly. He said that Evie would go free. None of what General Pasha was planning would work if Najla was shot by a rogue American cop. It had to be done as part of the coup. Kim played her part well. She looked about as frightened as a person could look. Tom removed his arm from around Najla's neck. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the handcuff key. Tom unlocked the cuff's which held Najla's hands together. He then shoved Najla a few feet in front of him while demanding that Hassan free Evie. Hassan pulled out a small knife and cut the plastic tie from around her wrists. He then told Evie to walk. Jaffa slowly pulled a pistol which was hidden behind his back. The moment of the trap snapping shut had arrived. Hassan looked on, but nothing happened. He looked to his right, then looked to his left. His two men should have opened on Tom. Hassan looked back at where Jaffa stood looking just as dumbfounded. The men hadn't acted and neither Hassan or Jaffa knew why.

Jaffa raised his pistol as Najla & Evie met in between the two cars. Najla grabbed Evie and pulled her aside while whipping out a hidden glock. Jaffa suddenly found his weapon shot from his hand. Hassan made a grab for his own weapon, but it was useless since Tom & Najla were aiming straight at him. Once Najla started to speak it was clear that Hassan & Jaffa had been scammed. Najla helped Evie up then started to removed the makeup. Tom used his radio and called in James & Steve. Tammy was driving the car Steve was riding in. James appeared from deep within the rows of tombstones which gave him cover. He was using a silencer on his rifle which helped to keep his position hidden. Tom and the others had pulled off a scam which was worthy of a Hollywood movie. Even Evie had been fooled by Tom's crazy actions. Just behind Steve's car, a couple of black n whites pulled in. Hassan & Jaffa were arrested on sight. Their men who were injured by James, were arrested but taken to the hospital.

News of the arrests found it's way to Mark Williams & Warren Klein. Williams was pissed, he felt Tom played him as a fool in all this. Word of the plot against the princess reached her father. He along with his family left Washington for Los Angeles. Along with them was General Pasha who was expecting to hear that Najla was dead. Tom was still on the hot seat for taking action against orders. Assault charges against Tom were pending on a further investigation. Long before any crime scene techs arrived, Tom searched Hassan's car. He found Evie's badge, ID and weapon in the glove compartment. Tom also found a single DVD disk under the driver's seat in a large yellow envelope. The disk was marked with Evie's full name which was obviously taken from her ID. Tom stashed the DVD into his coat. He made sure Evie got everything else back now. The disk he'd give her later on in private. Tom was still expecting that his job would be over. Evie's job was safe which was all Tom cared about. Things however have a way of working them selves out.
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