Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

It took Evie a while to work it all out and it wasn't really until Kim began to remove the makeup that it started to make sense. When Kim cut the ties from her wrists, she reached round nod undid the knot at he back of her head. She stretched out her aching jaw and rubbed her raw wrists. Tammy had reached Kim and was helping her take off the artificial skin as James walked up to Evie.

"Are you intending to sit there all day?" He looked down at her and reached out his free hand, the other cradling his rifle. Evie looked at him and smiled, then reached up and let him pull her up. James saw the dried blood that was at the corner of her mouth and which had been smudged across her cheek by the gag. She nodded. James put his arm around her shoulders. "Come on. Let's get you checked out and I'll explain what just happened. Evie stared at him for a moment and then laughed.

"Yeah. I... I think maybe you might have to." As James led her towards a waiting EMT, seeing where they were heading, Steve headed for the same place, the three of them meeting at the open rear doors. When Evie saw her oldest brother, she forgot about her own aches and pains.

"What are you doing here?"

"Very little. You okay?"

"Better than you probably." She turned to look at James. What the hell are you thinking bringing him along. He should be at home. He's not supposed to be back at work for another two weeks." James smiled, looked at Steve and then at the paramedic who was about to check her over. "She's fine!" Evie was silenced but she looked from one brother to the other, exasperated. Steve smiled and patted his brother's arm. "Nice work."

"He's been practicing before the competition next month." Tom suddenly appeared and slapped James on the back. The Academy Competition was only a few weeks away and it was true tat James had been to the range a little more often recently. He knew his chances in the handgun competition were slim... Steve, Evie and Tom would all have to have bad days on the same day...but the rifle competition was something different. "Come on. I'll get you home." James said to Steve, who nodded, leaned down and kissed the top of his sister's head before shaking Tom's hand in an unspoken thank you. The brothers then headed back to the car leaving Tom and Evie and the paramedic. Tom waited till the paramedic had finished, confirming she was okay. Tom reached into his kit and took out a small cotton pad. He opened a bottle of water which he'd brought with him, poured some of it onto the pad and then handed he bottle to Evie which she took silently. He took hold of her chin, turned her head a little and then cleaned the dried blood off her cheek. Eve smiled a little and when he was done she took a long drink from the bottle. The fresh cool water was good. All the time, Tom watched her, making his own assessment. Evie eventually put the bottle down and smiled. She stood up slowly and took a step closer to him.

"I'm fine." And then she placed her hands on his chest, moved up onto tiptoe and kissed him. She held the kiss for a long moment as the stress of the last 24 hours eased from her.

In the hours that followed, Evie was filled in on what had happened in her absence once they were all back at the MCU HQ. she had Tom had had a full blown shouting match when she found out what he had done. Sacrificing his own career was not something she was at all happy with. By the end of the afternoon though word had come through that the King was not going to be demanding any action be taken against Tom. He knew his daughter too well. The State Department and the FBI had not been quite so gracious but Chief Beck had told them that any disciplinary action would be an internal police matter and nothing to do with them. He had made it clear to Tom though that he had been lucky and that had this gone wrong losing hs badge might have been the least of his problems. Then finally, just beore they were all about to leave and head to Malone's, three rookies walked into the MCU carrying bags and boxes. There was a note for Tom which came with them. He read it as Kim and Evie started to open some of what had been delivered.

"Oh my god!" Kim exclaimed.

"It's all of the clothes that the princess bought." Evie said telling them she remembered some of them from when she had helped her pick an outfit.

"There yours" Tom said, smiling.


"The King wants you to have them. A reward and...compensation for the actions of his employees."

James laughed. "He's scared you're going to sue him."

"But I can't take these. It's against Policy." She looked at Chief Beck. He looked at the clothes, at Tom, at Evie.

"The Policy is intended to ensure that officers aren't seen to be accepting what might be considered a bribe or a reward for doing the job they are paid to do. If as James suggests -and I agree with him - that these are given as a settlement offer for the injury done to you, then that is altogether outside of the policy and the decision whether to accept is yours. Fill the paperwork out making the declaration and I'll sign it. Goodnight Tom." And with that he was gone. Evie could hardly believe it. There was thousands of pounds worth of clothes and shoes in front of them on the desk and the floor.

"Can we go and get a drink now then please?" James said.

"That's not all that's in the letter. The king is going to have a formal dinner tomorrow evening. A thank you to the City. Us. The State Department. The FBI. We're all invited. To celebrate the safe return of his daughter.

"You'll have somewhere to wear one of these?" Kim said as she came across 4 designer gowns. Evie was still too surprised to say much. Between them they carried everything down to Evie's car with Evie telling Kim that they should share what was here. "We'll see what fits who best. Alyssa too!" As Tom and James walked behind Kim and Evie, carrying most of the bags between them, James looked at Tom.

"If you need somewhere to escape to when they decide to do that... You knw where I am."
The King had no plans on filing charges against Tom. He was glad that someone took action against his troublesome daughter. The King really wanted to give Tom a metal, but the dinner would do. The State Department & Warren Klein were to busy kissing the King's ass to worry about Tom. Special Agent Williams wasn't so easily put off. He felt that charges should still be issued, but he was the only one. With the King saying everything was okay. Many were know saying Tom's actions were a sign of his thinking outside the box. Like Jack put it. " One moment they're looking to hang you......The next they want to pin a metal on you. " This fit what Tom had and was going through.

The night of the formal dinner arrived. The guest list had become the hottest ticket in town. A,B & C list celebrities were doing anything and anyone they could to get into the Bonaventure Hotel Ball Room. The Governor of California was there. The Mayor of Los Angeles, Commissioner Fernandez & Chief Beck were there. Commander Okuda and Sergeant McWilliams from the police academy had been sent invites. Although McWilliams really wasn't sure why he was invited. He'd find out in time as the evening went on. Every station captain was there and damn near every Lieutenant in the department seemed to be there. Tom, James, Jack & Steve were there each decked out in their dress uniforms. On display were the metals, pins and awards each man received for actions during their careers as police officers. At parties like this, one would hangout with those they were comfortable with. The cops were on one side of the room, the politicians on the other and the celebs somewhere in the middle. The politician knew how to play the press game better then anyone else. They'd appear for pictures when the press started poking around. Pictures of famous people with politician were worth votes. For those seeking local votes. A picture with the MCU team was as good as getting one with a Hollywood superstar. And if the politician played his position just right. He could get a feel of Evie, or Kim's asses. Sometimes both.

One of the none police guests, but no less a celebrity to many in this room was Rick Reed. The King was so impressed with Rick Reed and how he built his life from nothing. King Al Khalifa spent most of the evening just chatting with Rick over drinks. The King found out about Rick's all female security force and loved it. This was something that King Al Khalifa needed. Members of his own family had just tried to pull a coup against him. These were also people who were trusted to protect the king. The King needed new bodyguards who could be trusted not to plot against him. Rick told King Al Khalifa that he could help with setting up his own group of fem fatales.
On the afternoon of the dinner, Kim and Evie headed back to Evie's place. The spent a few hours sharing a bottle of red wine and deciding what to wear from what had become known by them as the Princess's collection. There were maybe a dozen formal dresses... easily more than $150,000 of clothes. Kim and Evie tried everyone of them one, trying to decide who looked best in which one and which one they could get away with wearing.

"We could just go in our dress uniforms you know?" Evie said to Kim as she refilled their glasses, emptying the bottle in the process, before she sat back down on the bed. "It would be a lot easier."

"Yeah, but we never look as good in those as the guys do. They're not designed with us in mind." Evie shrugged. Kim had a point maybe. "So are you going to try that one one?" Kim pointed towards a flowing gold dress that was next hanging on the wardrobe door.

"You sure you don't want that one; the colour would look good on you. Your tan is better than mine."

"Noooo... your curves are better than mine and that dress deserves curves. Beside, I'm quite happy with this one." Evie nodded and stood up. She slipped off her bath robe, leaving her just in panties and she took down the dress, unzipped it and stepped into it. A few moments later, Kim got up and zipped her up and then stood behind her as they looked in the mirror.

"Now that is a dress." Kim said. "And you do fill very well." Kim smiled as she slid her hands down Evie's arms. Evie smiled. "You don't think its too much for tonight?"

"Definitely not. And I guarantee that there isn't going to be a man there tonight who will think that, not even your Dad." Evie laughed. "We'll, that might be a first" Evie said in response.

A few hours later, both women were climbing into the limousine that had been ordered for them by the King's people. One had also gone to James' and to Tom's. Rick had arranged to have Jack and Steve collected. Rick had offered to take Alyssa, but she had decided that it might not look to good at the Academy if she was getting those kind of perks just because of who her father was. Kim and Evie were amongst the last to arrive, although they weren't late. But when they got out of the car, there seemed to be plenty of uniformed men standing around. No-one they knew though... obviously they were already inside enjoying the champagne. Almost as soon as they had stepped onto the curb, Evie heard a familiar voice.

"Detectives Taylor and Gonzales. My my. Obviously the City pays its cops far too much if you can afford to dress like that." Both women turned and immediately saw the camera and microphone of Brent McBride immediately in front of them. "And don't you too make a perfect pair. Looking to secure that Sergeant's badge from this evening's work, Detective Taylor?" Evie took a step towards him and was about to open her mouth, when someone moved between her and McBride. It was a big man. Evie looked up. McWilliams. "I think we may be a little late Detectives. No time for any publicity this evening." Smoothly and swiftly he wrapped his arm around Evie's waist, turned her and started to walk her into the hotel. Evie looked back over her shoulder as McWiliams walked her away from him. Kim walked a few feet in front of them, relieved that McWiliams had come along when he had. McWilliams was looking at Evie as they walked into the Ball Room. He leaned down a little and his hand slipped down from the small of her back to her ass. "Are you remembering our night together? I bet you are Detective." If Evie hadn't been before, she was now but she didn't have time to respond.

"Wow. You two look..." James was stood looking at both Kim and his sister. Next to him was Steve, Rick, Jack and Tom. They were all smiling, even Jack.

"You guys clean up pretty well too." Evie said as she stepped to Tom's side and brushed some imaginary dust from his medals and ribbons. She turned and faced her family, leaning into Tom's arm as he wrapped it around her. A waiter came round with a tray loaded with champagne flutes and they all took a glass. Jack stepped forward into the middle of the little group and looked around. "I'm not quite sure how we're all still here, but we are and for that I am truly thankful. To our families... blood and badge... and to our friends." They all raised their glasses and confirmed the toast, each taking a drink. McWilliams was then staring at Steve's chest. After the toast, he stepped towards him and peered a little more intently at the display of medals and ribbons. Everyone was looking a little puzzled.

"Are you sure you can wear this one, boy? You know you have to be a pretty damn good cop to get that and with what I remember about you..." Everyone started laughing as McWilliams pretty much continued his harassment of Steve that he started at the barbecue. "YES I can wear that one Sergeant. And yes, you have to be a pretty damn good cop to get it." Steve smiled smugly but was taking everything in the spirit it was intended. McWilliams looked at him. "Good to see you learned something from your training then."
Evie & Kim each had the look of a celebrity. For anyone who didn't know what they did for a living. They could have been confused as one of the many Hollywood A listers hanging around. Tom certainly enjoyed having his hot looking woman on his arm. Evie was hot, but in a natural way. She was beautiful without alot of makeup, but when she did use it, she was even more stunning. McWilliams didn't roam to far from where ever Evie was. He enjoyed tormenting her with his words of what they'd be doing later. McWilliams would lean over and whisper something really dirty into Evie's ear before reminding her that she would be his later. There was possibly 400 people in the ball room and only Tom, Kim, McWilliams & Evie knew what would be happening later. The plan was that they would head back to Tom's boat for a few drinks and a special party. Evie & Kim would get it on for the guys to watch. Then Kim would have sex with Tom while McWilliams got Evie all to himself. McWilliams would brush up against Evie copping a feel of her ass, or tits. This was all done in plan view of people, but it was done in such away that no one noticed. It was all part of McWilliams teasing Evie. He wanted his slut to be hot and ready for sex. McWilliams couldn't wait to see Evie & Kim together. He's been longing to see Evie going down on another woman since the threesome. McWilliams like many men enjoyed seeing two or more women going at it. He wouldn't be disappointed with Evie & Kim. They had fucked each other a number of times since Evie went undercover as a porn star.

During this dinner, Tom filled McWilliams in on some details. He explained how Kim was a close friend and they had threesome with her before. Tom talked about how Kim controlled Evie. He spoke of how good Kim was at using humiliation to get Evie wetter than wet. " Evie likes to be forced.....But Kim has a way to make Evie into the dirtiest most wanting whore you could ever dream of. " The more Tom spoke, the more McWilliams had to fight back the urge to drool. McWilliams already wanted Evie, but he wanted her more now. He wanted to see Kim take control and treat Evie like the cheapest of whores. This would be a show McWilliams would never forget. As the night was coming to an end and before The King departed. He sent word to Tom that the suite up on the top floor was paid for through the weekend. The King said he'd even take care of the food & drinks if Tom wanted to use the room. Suddenly the idea of using his boat went out the window. They had a suite with full room service and bar for the weekend. Tom remembered that room came with a huge hot tub. He accepted the king's offer on the room. Tom then passed the word that the place for their party had changed. They'd be partying in high style on the top floor of the Bonaventure Hotel.
Tom spent a lot of the evening with the great and the good. He was the man of the hour and senior police officers, politicians and celebrities alike were spending time with him. The Taylor men stayed predominantly with other cops and were thankful that they could remain out of the full glare of the cameras and certainly talking politics was not something they envied of Tom. Evie had her fair share of attention despite trying to avoid it. She soon realised however that wearing that dress was not something which was conducive for anonymity. The handshakes, the polite kisses on her cheek, the photographs ... In between them all McWilliams always seemed to be close by. As politicians moved away, so he would step forward to her side, his hand frequently falling to the small of her back and then to her ass. Periodically he would lean in an whisper some comment in her ear. How the guy who was just walking away could hardly stop looking at the swell of her tits at the top of the dress, how he was walking away thinking about her without the dress...about what it would be like to fuck her.

"If only they knew what a dirty slut you were. So much more than in their wet dreams." Evie said nothing. She continued looking around the room, smiling to those who caught her eye. McWilliams's breath was hot on her neck and his hand firm on her ass. She made no attempt to pull away from him even when his hand rested on her hip and pulled her back against him. On one occasion, Tom managed to get a few moments away. McWilliams was stood behind her when Tom came in front of her. Tom took her chin and kissed her softly, smiling. She kissed him back.

"Is Herb looking after you baby?" He asked, knowingly, not expecting an answer. "I bet he's taking real good care of you. Make sure you be nice back." He kissed her again and then gave Herb a friendly nod. "Oh she's going to be very nice later on, I'm sure." Tom smiled and moved away again. As the evening moved on, McWilliams made it clear that him and Tom and Kim had planned out the end of the evening. A more private party. And then his whispered comments focused on what he was looking forward to...reminding her of their last evening together.

At dinner she was sat with Kim on one side of her and a female aide to the Governor on the other. The aide made polite conversation with both of them, and when she was talking to the person on the other side of her, Kim commented on how much fun this good everyone she'd been propositioned a dozen times, how McWilliams couldn't keep his eyes off Evie. At one point, she leaned close and whispered in Evie's ear.

"I think he's looking at you now and remembering how good your lips felt around his cock." Evie turned her head in surprise. "You know about....." She asked in surprise. Kim laughed and nodded. "Tom told me what a dirty little slut you were, but that's no surprise is it?"

After dinner, people slowly started to leave. James took Steve home recognising - much to Steve's annoyance - that the night had tired him out. Jack took Rick's offer of a ride home. Kim was now accompanying Tom as he said goodnight to various guests whilst McWilliams was back with Evie, his arm locked around her waist holding her close. Almost immediately he had started commenting in Evie's ear once again, asking her if she was getting wet at the thought of him fucking her again, commenting on her body, on what others were thinking when they kissed her goodnight. At one point, he took hold of her hand and brought it behind her, where he was stood. He brought her hand to the front of his pants, let her feel his cock. WHen he let go of it, he smiled when she didn't pull it away. He leaned in and whispered once again.

"You're hungry for it aren't you bitch? That's it...stroke that hard dick." Her hand moved a little on the front of his pants. "Say it... Say you want it."

Evie swallowed hard, looking around the room but no-one seemed to be looking at them and no-one would see anything if they did. "I want it... I want it."
McWilliams was enjoying how he was teasing & tormenting Evie almost as much as he would fucking her later. It had become like a wicked game. McWilliams would do something, or make Evie do something in front of other guests without those guests knowing about it. Evie was rubbing McWilliams's cock through his pants. Standing only a few feet away was the Major telling an old joke. It would have been so easy for Evie to get spotted, but she didn't. The rush of these bold acts made the danger even sweeter as the night went on. At one point Evie was standing behind a table while chatting with a Hollywood star. McWilliams stood just behind Evie with his right hand up her dress. Because the table blocked the view, this star had no idea that Evie was getting her pussy played with. Evie also had to become a great actor and not show the pleasure McWilliams was giving to her. He of course didn't make her cum. That wouldn't happen until much later. This was just McWilliams's way of getting Evie worked up. After the Hollywood star left, McWilliams removed his hand from under Evie's dress. He held his wet fingers under her nose. Evie's scent was all over McWilliams's hand. " You're wearing a dress that cost more then most people make in a single pay check........Yet you're a cheap whore at heart. " McWilliams grinned as Evie sniffed her own scent. " I could bend you over a table right now and fuck you in front of everyone here.......And you'd love it........I'll bet that cunt of yours is just dripping at the thought of me taking you here and now......Treating you like the whore you are.........Showing everyone just what a filthy cunt you really are. " McWilliams spoke while rubbing his fingers over Evie's lips. A scene like this couldn't have played out earlier, to many people were around. McWilliams knew that this bold play would work now because the crowd had thinned out. Tom looked around and spotted McWilliams with Evie. He took Kim by the hand and started to walk towards the main doors. McWilliams looked over and nodded his head. " It's time to go play baby. " McWilliams held out his arm for Evie to take. The pair walked out of the ball room and met Tom & Kim at the elevators. " We're gonna have one hell of a nice party. " Kim said as she wrapped her arms around Tom's right arm. They foursome could get drunk and fuck all weekend long. McWilliams liked the idea of spending all weekend fucking in a hotel suite. Guys like him could never afford rooms like the one the princess had. Not only was he getting a high class room. McWilliams was getting a cheap whore to go long with that. Life was sure sweet for McWilliams these days.
McWilliams seemed to be enjoying himself and it wasn't just because Evie was stood there stroking his cock. A few cops had noticed how much of the night they had spent together. They had noticed that Tom had spent a lot of the night with Kim and with his arm around her waist. There was a little speculation...gossip that maybe Evie was with Herb McWilliams now. There was always gossip about Evie and Kim and a lot of the female cops. It would disappear or change in a few days so no-one really took much notice with it. But Herb enjoyed a couple of congratulatory pats on the back, a few nods and winks and comments about wishing they were him although no-one actually asked the question or said it outright. Now as he stood behind her whilst she rubbed his cock, one hand holding a glass of expensive champagne whilst another rested on her hip he just enjoyed the moment. He leaned forward, spoke in her ear.

"Apparently a lot of people think I'm fucking you." He kissed he neck. "They think your screwing a guy older than your dad." He kissed her neck again. Evie's head tipped a little to one side. "At work for the next few days they're gonna be talking about you being with me." Another kiss. "Imagine what they'd say if the knew how hungry you were for that meat your stroking right now." Using his body and his hand he walked Evie a few paces towards a table and then, hidden by it, the hand on her hip began to gather up the skirt of her dress.

"No...wait...we can't not...ahhhhmmm" it was the first time that Evie showed any sign that she wanted McWilliams to stop but the words were all there was, and once he had reached the bottom of the dress and then slipped his hand beneath it, letting the fabric fall around his forearm as his fingers sank between her legs, her soft moan said something different.

"You don't tell me No Evelyn. You don't say we can't." He whispered again. And then some actor appeared in front of her on the other side of the table. Evie recognised them but couldn't at that moment remember their name. She struggled a little to maintain the conversation, but after a few minutes they moved on heading for Tom. Only then did McWilliams remove his hand, turning Evie round to look at him. She stepped a little closer, almost pinning her to the table as he commented on what she was and how he could fuck her right there. His scented fingers were immediately in front of her, running over her lips. Without thinking, she opened her mouth and as McWilliams slipped first one then a second finger into her mouth, she gently sucked them clean. The McWilliams saw Tom. Saw where he and Kim were heading. He told Evie it was time to go and Evie took the arm that was proffered.

As they stepped into the elevator Evie asked where they were going. McWilliams hadn't told her of the change of venue. Evie looked a little surprised.

"But we don't have any clothes or..." Kim let go of Tom's arm and turned to Evie. She drew her fingers down Evie's cheek and along her jaw line.

"You're not going to need them sweetie." Then she leaned in and kissed Evie. Initially it was a soft kiss but it became a little harder...deeper as Tom hit the button for the top floor. Even when the elevator stopped at the second floor where the gym was located and two men in their mid twenties got in, Kim didn't stop. She pushed Evie back until she was against the back wall of the elevator the two of them making out eagerly while the four men looked on. The elevator stopped again on 15 to let the guys out and then went all the way to the top. Only then did Kim step back.

"Hmmm...herb has really gotten you worked up hasn't he? I bet you're so wet" she let her hand slide down Evie's neck, over her shoulder, over her tits. "I bit that pussy is so needy right now. But you're going to have to earn it. You understand?" Evie nodded and whispered a yes. Kim smiled and squeezed her tit.

"Good girl. This is what your going to do. We're going to walk down the hallway and go into the suite. You're going to walk over to the windows...those big floor to ceiling windows that overlook the city. Then you're going to take that dress off. No-one but us will see but you'll really be stripping in front of the whole city. Showing the whole city what a whore you are." Kim leaned in a kissed Evie softly, briefly. "And your going to stand there and play with yourself until we decide what we're gonna do first." Kim kissed Evie again then stepped aside.

Tom and McWilliams were grinning as they watched Kim with Evie. Then the waited as both women stepped out of the elevator. Once in the suite Evie did what she had been told to do. Kim went with her to start with, undoing the zipper on the bak of the dress. Then she went back to where Tom and McWilliams were stood at the table. A champagne bucket was in the centre, and Tom was already opening the bottle, pouring out three glasses while McWilliams watched Evie remove her dress and then start to caress her own body.
Tom, McWilliams & Kim shared their glasses of champagne while watching Evie stand at the window. She stood there, her hands moving over her body. Tom remarked that even though they were at the top of the hotel. It was still possible that someone in a nearby building, or passing aircraft would spot a naked woman in the window. While there was no chance anyone could identify who this naked woman was. They'd know what she was doing. It was now easy to see where Evie's hands had gone. She was playing with her pussy & tits high over the city. There was a man standing in a window not far away. Could he see what Evie was doing? Why else would he be staring out his office window? Two security guards on the top of a building acrossed from the Bonaventure were no longer making their rounds. They could see the naked woman and they were share she was playing with herself. Kim moved up behind Evie. She looked over Evie's shoulder and noticed the security guards. Kim remarked that Evie was getting attention. Tom & McWilliams just laughed. Kim told Evie to move closer to the window. She wanted Evie to show these men as much as she could. " Play with your pussy like a good whore.........Show those men that you enjoy letting then see you. "

Tom refilled his & McWilliams's glasses while Kim continued talking with Evie. " You know those guards are thinking of you...........You know they want to fuck you............They want to use that hot little body of yours........You'd be their sex toy.......You'd like that wouldn't ya Evie?............Letting yourself be used by strangers?.........I'll bet your pussy is soaked now. " Kim spoke softly, but not so soft that Tom & McWilliams couldn't hear each word. She then reminded Evie that she couldn't cum without permission from McWilliams. He owned her this weekend and only he could give Evie permission to cum. Kim then said that perhaps this weekend McWilliams would let a couple of bus boys, or bell hops use Evie as their tip. It was his choice who fucked Evie. " You could be the house whore here at the Bonaventure this weekend......I'm sure there are many young studs working here who'd love a chance at a real whore. " Kim noticed that her glass was now empty. She slowly walked over to where Tom & McWilliams stood. Tom refilled her glass as McWilliams said he had alot to think about. The idea of letting some strangers come in and fuck Evie was certainly an interesting one.
Kim walked with Evie, closer to the window, just as McWilliams and walked her over to the table in the ball room downstairs. Evie could see her own reflection almost as clear as if she were looking in a mirror. She could see Kim soot behind her. Evie acknowledged everything that Kim said with a moan or a whimper or a nod of her head as she chewed her lower lip, one hand between her legs, the other on her tit. Then Kim spoke a little softer in her ear; words that Tom and McWilliams couldn't hear.

"Remember that first day on the movie set... everyone watching you... how you became such a whore for the camera. And then in Mason's later... Khalid's men... everyone else at the party watching you... wanting to fuck you just like those men do now out there." Kim stepped back a little and stroked her hand down Evie's back and over her ass.

"Look to the roof over there... you see the two men watching you..." she spoke again loud enough for Tom and McWilliams to hear again. "They can probably see you looking at them... they can see what a total whore you are. Don't cum now. And if you're a good little slut maybe the Sergeant will fuck you right here... hard against the window. A live show... just for them." She smiled as she let Tom refill her glass. And then Tom leaned down and kissed her, smiling back. Evie's mind was racing. Would they let strangers fuck her? Kim knew she had done it before. So did Tom. But guys who worked in the hotel? For just tips? Her thoughts were interrupted as Kim asked for the belt.

"Herb... give me your belt." McWilliams looked at Kim and then put his glass down. A few seconds later his pulled the black leather belt from his pants. Kim walked back over to where Evie was still playing... dancing without the music. Evie turned around to look at Kim as she stepped up to her. Kim smiled. She reached up and looped the belt around Evie's neck.

"We might not have a proper collar and leash but this is very appropriate dont you think. Subject to the Sergeant for the weekend... and his belt forming your collar" She slipped the end of the belt through the metal catch and slowly tightened it until the belt formed a neat collar around Evie's neck.

"God, you look so hungry right now... you want the Sergeant dont you. You want him real bad...Look at him." Evie did what she was told as Kim lightly trailed the now loose end of the belt over Evie's flesh. "Tell him what you need Evie.... tell him."

"I... I need him to... to fuck me... I want him... to treat me like ... like a whore..."

"Because that's what you are isn't it Evie... a dirty slut whore." Evie nodded and moaned softly.

"I think he deserves a little more before you deserve any reward though, don't you?" Kim reached for Evie's chin as she had in the elevator, turned her head towards her and kissed her hard. And the two woman began to make out again for the men inside the room and those who were watching outside.
The two guards acrossed the street had a nice view of the action. It could have been better if they were in the hotel, but this would have to do. " Oh man those rich people know how to live.......Did you see that hot little whore playing with herself right in front of the window! " Ben told his partner Max. " Hell yeah!........Now there's another girl and they're making out! " Max said as Ben added he'd give his next 5 paychecks for the chance at being in that hotel suite. The two men agreed that they could use that nasty whore just as good as anyone else could. " JEEZ Ben!........Look at those two girls going at it!..........Maybe they're making a porn at that hotel!? " The two guards could only guess at what was really going on inside the Bonaventure. They could see two hot women making out which was the same scene Tom & McWilliams saw. The guys moved over to the couch while removing their dress coats. Next the ties came off as did the dress shirts. Tom & McWilliams sat down on the couch wearing only their pants and t-shirts. It was going to be one hell of a weekend fuck fest. Tom was going to enjoy watching his woman get used and treated like a nasty slut. McWilliams was the perfect choice for the man who would control every action she made. Evie belonged to McWilliams until the weekended on Sunday night. Until then she'd do anything and everything McWilliams wanted. No matter how dirty, or nasty that order was.
"That's certainly the hottest thing I've seen for a long time, but I'm getting a little impatient and I've never really been a guy to sit by and watch.' McWilliams smiled at Tom as he stood up and walked over to where the two women were making out.

Ben and Max saw the old man appear and walk up to Evie and Kim. They watched as the man reached up his hand and grabbed hold of the naked woman by her hair, pulling her head back and making her look at him. They couldn't hear what he said but they could guess as they saw the woman getting down on her knees. They were pretty sure that they knew what was coming next. They didn't really notice as the woman in the pink dress walked away from the window and back into the main room. They were focused completely on the old guy and the naked woman on her knees who was getting her face stuffed.

When McWilliams had grabbed hold of Evie's hair he had initially spoken to Kim, suggesting that she might want to go and keep Tom company. Then he looked at Evie. He didn't say anything initially; he took his time and looked up and down her body as he held her head back.

"You are every bit the whore I thought you were when you walked into the Academy." He brought his free hand to her left tit, stroked it, squeezed it, slapped it. "Let's start off with something nice and simple. You're going to get down on your knees and you're going to suck my dick and then when I'm ready, I'm going to fuck you against that window. You're going to look out as I fuck you from behind while the guys outside watch every minute of it. You're going to like that aren't you. Every minute of it?" Evie could only gasp a yes as she was pushed down onto her knees. McWilliams didn't hesitate. He didn't allow her to take things slow or even determine the speed of this. He immediately pushed his cock ball deep into her mouth, choking her, holding her firm, nose pressed at his groin. And then after what seemed like an age, he pulled back before starting to fuck Evie's mouth. He was definitely going to enjoy himself this weekend.
Kim left McWilliams & Evie without saying a word. She just smiled knowing that Evie was in good hands. McWilliams was just the type of man that Evie loved. The type that would control every action she made. He'd make a great master for Evie. Kim removed her dress and panties as she walked over to the couch. She curled up on Tom's lap as they shared a glass of champagne. They spoke about how well McWilliams controlled Evie. Kim made the remark that Evie was born to be a whore. She didn't know Evie's mother. That was a subject that Evie never spoke of. Kim was sure that Evie had one, unless she was one of those test tube babies. That was in doubt since Jack had spoken of being married once. Kim did have to wonder if Evie's mother had been a whore? Perhaps Jack had fallen for one which wasn't to far fetched. It would explain why she disappeared and why Evie didn't speak of her. Tom held Kim in his arms as they started to cheer Evie on. " Come on baby!......Suck that cock!......Show Herb how much you missed being with him. " Tom said as Kim started kissing at his neck. In time Tom & Kim were making out. McWilliams had pulled Evie to her feet and spun her around. He made her face those security guards on the roof acrossed from them and just below. McWilliams slammed his cock into Evie's cunt forcing her forwards. Ben & Max had a clear shot of how Evie's body reacted each time McWilliams slammed into her. Tom decided that he & Kim should leave Evie alone with McWilliams. She belonged to him for the weekend after all. Tom knew that McWilliams would make Evie do some very dirty things. Tom & Kim went into one of the bedrooms and closed the door. They'd have their fun while McWilliams used Evie like the cheapest slut walking the streets. Ben & Max certainly thought that Evie must be a whore, or at least a porn star. They figured her to be some high class slut since she was staying in the Bonaventure. Downtown whores didn't usually end up on this side of town.
On her knees, Evie sucked McWilliams' cock hungrily. She savoured every inch of the huge tool. Working her mouth up and down the full length of it, licking, kissing, sucking on his balls all the time knowing that there were men outside watching what she was doing. McWilliams' occasionally moaned and sighed but usually he was simply commenting on what she was or telling her what to do.

"That's it baby... suck it good... show me what a dirty little whore you are... hmmmm make it wet.... look at me... look up... let me see those eyes... open your mouth... wider...look at me I said...that's better." All the time Evie did what she was told and all the time she felt her need for his cock grow deeper inside her. She didn't notice Tom and Kim leave and move into the bedroom. She was already focused just on the man who had been her drill sergeant. At the Academy the idea of him fucking her had never even entered her head; he was just a very fit strong old man and he was her very senior officer in all respects at that moment. Her life in the police had been entirely in his hands. And now she was here on her knees in front of him. In truth of course he was still her senior officer. And he was going to be every bit the drill sergeant.

After choking her a little on his cock, he finally pulled her up to her feet using the belt which was secured around her neck. He turned her around and pushed her towards the window.

"Why don't you just assume the position over there... you've told enough perps to do that now... you know what to do." Evie stepped to the window she reached up and put her hands up, palms flat against the glass. She stood about a foot away from the windows and so had to lean forward just a little. Ass pushing back and up. Her feet were shoulder width apart. She looked back over her shoulder waiting expectantly for McWilliams.

"Don't look at me... look at the guys out there.... look at your audience." Evie turned her head again and looked down a little towards the two guards. It took her a moment to see them and by the time she had, McWilliams was immediately behind her. He reached a hand around and took hold of her tit, squeezing it hard. His other hand guided his cock into wet cunt. He sank himself into her in one long smooth stroke.

"Does that feel good Evelyn? Is that what you've been wanting all night?"

"Ohhh fuck yes... aaarhhmmmmm.... ohhh god." Evie couldn't believe how good his cock felt inside her. Each stroke... long.. hard...deep.
Ben & Max continued to watch from the roof acrossed the street from the Bonaventure Hotel. The roof the two guards stood on was just a floor shy from being the same height as the Bonaventure. Ben & Max were staring up at the window where Evie stood naked to their eyes and the world while getting fucked. The men had a full view of the action and quickly forgot about the rounds they should have been making. As Ben pointed pointed out. " It 's not everyday you get to see some hot whore getting fucked right before your eyes. " Max agreed while they watched Evie getting slammed from behind. They figured the older guy must be some Hollywood big wig and the girl was looking for her big break. " Yeah she must be fucking her way up the ladder. " Max said as the men watched the action playing out just above them.

McWilliams grinned as he was slamming Evie's dripping pussy. " You know those two would give anything to fuck you..........Right now you're all they want.......I could take you over there and let them use you in that garage like a true whore. " McWilliams spoke in a firm commanding voice as his hips thrusted forwards, then backwards in a steady rhythm. Since McWilliams once worked the streets. He knew that some hookers, "the cheaper ones" would often use parking garages for a place to take their johns. He had busted more then his share in garages around the city. McWilliams placed one hand on the back of Evie's neck while he fucked her. This was to keep her head pointed the right way. " You keep looking at those two!........They want a show!.......If you look away at any time!.......I'll carry you over there and let those two have you anyway they want to use you! " McWilliams warned as his cock pounded Evie's cunt. He knew that she liked it hard and he wouldn't give it to her any other way. She was his whore for the weekend and McWilliams would use Evie like one.
Evie's mind was racing. It moved between wondering whether McWilliams would really do that... really take her over to them... to being overwhelmed by how good his cock felt driving hard and deep into her, how good his body felt against hers as he held her and leaned into her upper body, pressing her a little against the window. Each stroke lifted her off her feet just a little and her upper body moved up the long window. Then his hand came to the back of her neck. It held her firmly, his words reinforcing it.

"I'm looking... I wont look away... I promise." she gasped in between McWilliams' hard strokes. Truth was she wasn't seeing very much. She could see the men ... could see them both looking up at her, grinning, but by now the only thing that she was really interested in was the cock that was driving into her. She didn't really see as Max took out his cellphone. McWilliams could see but wasnt really sure what he was doing. As he continued fucking his tight little whore, he guessed the guy was probably phoning a friend. But then the phone on the table behind him rang. Evie barely heard it. McWilliams looked at it then back at the two guys. Max had his cell phone to his ear. Ben pointed at him and then put his hand next to his ear, with his thumb and little finger sticking out. McWilliams guessed what was happening. He smiled.

"Dont move." He said to Evie as he withdrew making her groan. Breathing hard she let her forehead rest on the window and closed her eyes. McWilliams walked over to the phone and picked it up. It was the front desk saying that there was a call for him. He told the desk to go ahead and put it through as he walked back to the window.

"Yeah she is a sweet little whore that's for sure." He grabbed hold of a handful of Evie's hair and pulled her back. "Your fans down there called to say Hi." He held the phone to her mouth. "Tell them guys what you want sweetheart. Tell them how much you want it." Evie looked at McWilliams and then back down to the two guards. "I... I want to get fucked... I want it so bad." Max laughed.

"You really are a needy little slut aren't you. You like that old man fucking you?"

"God yes."

"You like getting fucked in the ass?"

"Yes." As Evie answered Max's questions, McWilliams stroked his free hand down her back and over her ass and then back up, making her squirm slowly as he did so.

"Tell the old man you want him to fuck you in the ass. Beg him." Evie turned her head a little and looked at McWilliams.

"Will you... will you fuck my ass. Please fuck my ass.." McWilliams looked at the security guards and then at Evie. He smiled and then moved in behind her. "oh you remember how good that felt from before huh... you want me to do it again... while your new friends watch... push that ass out then bitch... assume the position." McWilliams moved around behind Evie. "Theyre gonna love hearing you scream." He rubbed his cock up her down her still wet pussy and then plunged it into her ass in one smooth stroke.
This was getting better then either Max or Ben could have dreamed. Neither man thought that the people in the room would really pick up the phone. Now that they did, the guys could hear and see the action. Evie was getting McWilliams's big cock straight up her ass. Each grunt, moan, groan, and scream was heard by the guys on the roof watching the show. They started to cheer McWilliams on. Telling him to rip that whore a new one and slam that bitch hard! McWilliams fucked Evie harder then he did that night at the boat. He wanted her as vocal as she could be. McWilliams told her not to hide her pleasure. He wanted those guys to hear everything. They were putting on a show for those two guys and Evie was the star. McWilliams fucked Evie like a savage. He wasn't soft or loving. He slapped her ass while pounding her without mercy. Each movement McWilliams made brought more & more sounds from Evie. She was holding nothing back. Even in the bedroom, Tom & Kim could hear the screams of pure pleasure coming from Evie. They laughed after Tom said that McWilliams was bring out the best in Evie. Tom & Kim didn't know that those screams were part of a performance Evie was putting on for those men on the roof. McWilliams continued to abuse Evie's ass until he blew his wad deep inside of her. He told Max & Ben to watch as this whore cleaned his cock. McWilliams removed his cock from Evie's ass then order her to her knees. They stood in full view of the two guards who didn't believe Evie would really do that. Max said that only the nastiest of whores clean a cock that was in their ass.
Of all the men she had been fucked by, of all the circumstances she had found herself in over the last year or so, she had never been fucked like this before. Past experiences on movie sets or in Khalid's house didn't come close to this. The assault on Evie's body was incredible and but for McWilliams holding on to her, Evie was sure she would have been on the floor long before she felt his hot cum filling her ass. She had finished up holding the telephone hand set, the heel of palm of the hand in which she held it against the window perhaps a foot above and to the left of her head. It picked up every noise she and McWilliams made and the guards got almost perfect sounds to go with the live scene they were watching. Each of them was going to have to take some time in the bathroom to get their own relief... unless of course they could persuade the old guy to send the whore over to them.

They heard McWilliams grunting as he came and then were suprised when he told them what was going to happen next. Evie groaned too as McWilliams pulled out of her ass. She hesitated for a moment... a moment too long for McWilliams' preference. He had grabbed hold of her hair, turned her and pushed her down onto her knees, telling her exactly what he expected.

"Just use that dirty little mouth of yours... no hands... open wide." He tipped Evie's head back and she opened her mouth, looking up at him, her eyes still hungry. He slipped his cum covered cock into Evie's mouth. "Suck it clear... show these guys what a total whore you really are." Evie did exactly as she was told, using her tongue, sucking and licking, as McWilliams moved her head back and forth.

"Hmmmm you like that don't you... " Evie mumbled in response. "Yes I know you do. Get it nice and clean. There's a good little whore." Evie stayed on her knees, hands on her creamy thighs, sucking, licking, every bit the obedient slut he expected her to be.
If Evie had really belonged to McWilliams, he would have consider giving her to those two guards. She however was only on lone for the weekend. McWilliams knew that he had a good thing going here. He'd become a member of a very small group who would get to use Evie from time to time. McWilliams didn't want to mess up his good thing. Plus there was always Evie's reputation to consider. Sure Evie was a hidden whore, but she was also a cop with an image that needed protected. Tom was doing a good job keeping Evie's hidden passions a secret to most everyone. It was possible that one, or both of those guards may have seen Evie on tv before. If they spotted her as a cop, her rep would take a major hit. McWilliams loved fucking Evie. He loved it so much that he'd protect her reputation until his dying day. So there would be no sharing with Max & Ben. McWilliams reached down, grabbed Evie by her arms and pulled her to her feet. He then slapped her on the ass and told her to get her horny little ass in the hot tub. McWilliams grinned at Evie as she moved away. He went to the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of bottles of beer. Evie was already in the hot tub when McWilliams appeared and handed her a beer. He climbed in and after their beers were open, McWilliams put an arm around Evie and pulled her close.

McWilliams confessed that Evie had always been one of his favorite students at the academy. He could see the shocked look on Evie's face. McWilliams said that he picked on those whom he liked as students. Those he felt would make the best cops. " I was just as hard on your brothers. " McWilliams gave a laugh while speaking. He also admitted that he was hard on Evie to make her tougher. McWilliams knew that she'd be a damn good cop. He also knew that people would be hounding her since her father & brothers were cops. " No matter what you do.........There will also be someone who will believe that you've received any promotion because of your father.........Or because you've slept with someone. " McWilliams took a long drink of his beer before telling Evie not to worry about those people. " You're a damn good cop Evie.......And you'll make a fine Sergeant. " McWilliams said while leaning over and giving Evie's forehead a quick kiss. He then told Evie never to tell anyone that he had a soft side, or what he said about her. McWilliams said it would wreck his reputation and people would lose the image of him being mean & nasty. McWilliams then leaned down and planted a deep long kiss on Evie's lips.
When McWilliams pulled Evie up, she leaned against him, looking up at him grinning, both of them forgetting the guards across the way. When he slapped her ass, she jumped a little, feeling the light sting burning into her ass cheek. The hot tub sounded like a good idea. She didn't say anything; she just smiled and turned, walking away and heading for the door which went out onto a small balcony where the hot tub was set. By the time McWilliams joined her, she had set the thing going and was sitting in it, her back against one side, arms stretched out. Once he was in, she didn't fight against him as he pulled her towards him. She listened as he told her why he had treated her like he had at the Academy. Her mind drifted back. There had been days when she really wasn't sure whether she was going to make it. She never questioned her decision - she was absolutely living her dream - but some days. And she had had no-one to go to. She couldn't talk to the men in her family - or at least she felt she couldn't. She suspected either they were tell her not to be stupid and that she needed to toughen up or maybe they would finish up disappointed that she hadn't been able to make it through. Part of her also considered that they might all be really supportive, telling her it was what everyone went through, but she just hadn't been able to take the risk. She had never said a word to anyone about those days. There weren't many of them... but there were a few. And it was that fear of being seen as a failure which had ultimately made her stay. She had gone to bed on those nights telling herself that she was going to prove she was good enough to get through, despite what McWilliams had said.

Looking back, he had toughened her up and once she was out of the Academy what she had gotten from some quarters was far worse than McWilliams had ever given her. She had never told her family about that either. The Academy they obviously could understand; the treatment she got once she had left they couldn't. Truth was, they way she had been brought up and the way McWilliams had treated her at the Academy meant that she was strong enough to deal with it. She smiled as McWilliams kissed her forehead and then as she felt his hand under her chin, tipping her head back to kiss her on the mouth, she kissed him back. With the bottle still in one hand, she broke the kiss and turned in the tub, moving over McWilliams so that she sat straddling his lap. She loosely rested her wrists on his shoulders. She kissed him softly for a moment.

"Your secret is safe with me Sergeant. And besides... I like mean and nasty... I like it very much." And she leaned in again and kissed him, drawing herself against him, kissing harder this time, deeper, hungry again.
It didn't take much kissing before McWilliams's cock had grown quite hard again. The fact that Evie was straddling his lap helped with that. Soon the pair was fucking again and this time in the hot tub. Although they were now on a balcony which over looked the city. The sounds made from the city stuffed out the sounds that McWilliams brought from Evie. McWilliams fucked Evie just as hard as before. He took her in many positions and made Evie cum over and over again. McWilliams came inside Evie's ass, mouth and pussy. He showed that a man in his sixties could be every bit the stud that younger man were often called. As the weekend unfolded, the foursome fucked and fucked and fucked. There were times when they ordered food and more to drink. Everything was being paid by the king. The foursome lived life to it's fullest. The bus boys bring up the food & drinks often spotted Evie & Kim running around naked. It was decided that the girls would stay that way until Sunday. The girls never tried to hide their bodies. In fact the girls were often very playful when the bus boys were in the room. Kissing & groping one another while the guys looked on. Sadly though, all good things must come to an end. Sunday came and soon everyone was leaving the Bonaventure. McWilliams was now part of the special inner circle of friends. He'd be fucking Evie again in the future. So there was no need for any goodbyes. Just see ya laters. Tom & Evie would see Kim at work the next morning where everything would return to normal. At least until the next foursome. McWilliams would return to the academy with great memories of one hell of a weekend, with more to come.

The MCU had no current cases in the works. Their Monday morning was spent working on past reports for old cases. Word reached the MCU squad room that morning that the body of Lucy Lee was found dead. The coroner's office declared her cause of death to have been an overdose. Not uncommon for hookers who work the streets of LA. She was one of the witnesses in the case against Chin Liu. This news would get over shadowed by the news of another death. It wasn't until late in the afternoon that an older man, grey hair well dressed and speaking with an English accent walked into the MCU squad room. He had been sent down the hall from Robbery/Homicide. He introduced himself as Professor Jonathan Gateman. He teaches English Literature at UCLA and was an amateur criminologist, as well as being an expert on the Whitechapel murders. He bowed to Evie slightly after saying who he was. " The people down at Robbery Homicide sent me here........They wouldn't listen when I tried to warn them about this. " Gateman said as he dropped the morning paper down in front of Evie. By now James & Kim had moved to where they could see the paper. The paper was folded so that the story of a murdered girl was showing. Her name was Mary Nichols. White female, age 22. She had worked as an erotic dancer at The Boom Boom Room. She was known on the streets as Polly. Mary had been butchered by someone Sunday night and her body was found early the next day near a dumpster. Gateman could see the puzzled looks on the faces of Evie and those just behind her. He stood as tall as his 5'6 frame would make him and announced that Los Angeles was being haunted by another Jack the Ripper. Tom was still in his office going over paperwork while Professor Gateman dropped his bomb.
Evie and Kim had gotten the hotel to let them borrow two pairs of sweat pants and two t-shirts - exactly like those worn in by the staff employed as trainers in the hotel gym. For Tom and McWilliams, it was much easier - they just left their ties and jackets off. Tom had also made a couple of calls to a store nearby where the owner owed him a favour from a few years before. They all had fresh designer underwear delivered direct to the hotel. And so around lunch time on Sunday, they all headed their own way. Tom went to the boat, changed and then went to see Alyssa and Rick. Kim, McWilliams and Evie all also headed to their own places. When Evie got home, she spent the afternoon doing very little, enjoying her own company, and then around dusk she decided to take a run. When she got back, she showered, called in with her family and then called Sam. She got no answer but just left a message asking if he wanted to put their training schedule back into place... not necessarily as full on as it had been before the MMA but something like it. She had been the fitness she had ever been in her life at that time and she missed how good that felt. About 30 minutes later, she got a call back - but not from Sam. It was Deeks. He said Sam had picked up her message but him and Callen were otherwise tied up at the moment. Sam wanted to let her know that he was more than happy to help her own. Evie and Deeks had then had a brief conversation, made an agreement to get the NCIS crew and the MCU out for a few drinks when the guys were back and then Evie was left to her own company again for the rest of the night.

The following morning, she got up early, went for her run, showered and dressed. She grabbed some fruit on her way out to the car and then called at the coffee shop on the way. She arrived at the MCU before any of the others. Feeling pleased with herself, she set a pot of fresh coffee going and then finished off a few loose ends before looking at the old cases. It was an agreed routine, although not one they did very often. When there were no new cases open, the MCU would start looking through the unsolveds. Checking to see whether there was anything new. Whether new technology might take the investigation further than had been possible in the past. It didn't take long before the others were in and all four of them were working on the old files. They were interrupted briefly when James got the call about Lucy. James knew Lucy well from his time in vice. It wasn't a surprise and no-once thought that there was anything suspicious about it necessarily, but James thought Lucy had been too smart to finish up that way. it had put a bit of a cloud over the rest of the morning, but attention shifted elsewhere when Professor Gateman had arrived and related his story.

"Jack the Ripper" Evie said, a little in disbelief. "As in Whitechapel, London... cut throats... mutilated bodies... that Jack the Ripper." James looked at her in equal disbelief. "You know of another Jack the Ripper?" he asked sarcastically. "No... but that was nearly 150 years ago and over 5000 miles away, so excuse me if I just double check that we're talking about the same man." James shrugged. It was a fair point. Kim went over to Tom's office. Tom looked up as she pushed open his door.

"I think you maybe need to hear this."
Tom came walking out of his office as Professor Gateman gave a chuck that everyone thought he was talking about the original Ripper. " No my dear lady........I'm not speaking of the same chap who stalked the streets of London......I believe it's a copy cat.......But I also believe he's work as if he thinks he's the original ripper. " Tom stopped in his tracks just behind the older gentlemen. Kim cleared her throat before speaking. " Ah Professor Gateman......This is our commanding officer......Lieutenant Reed. " Tom held out his hand as did the Professor. They shook hands while Tom asked what this was all about? Professor Gateman showed Tom the newspaper story of the body found early that same morning. Gateman pointed out that the dead girl had the same name as the ripper's first victim in London. " Well you have a point Professor.......But why come to us?.........We handle high profile cases........Major crimes........We don't investigate the murders of erotic dancers........That's what Homicide does. " Professor Gateman let out a sigh and then said how Detectives Webb & Pierce refused to take him seriously. Tom's first thought was to say well yeah, but he didn't say that. He instead said that it was still a case for Homicide and not the MCU. Professor Gateman looked at Tom slightly befuddled. He had read all about the MCU in the papers and followed their cases on the tv news. Professor Gateman felt that if anyone would listen, it would be the MCU. " I had hoped..... " Professor Gateman started to speak then he stopped. " Please forgive me.......I shall not bother you again. " Professor Gateman turned sharply and walked out of the squad room. Tom was about to speak, but what could he say? With the morning paper still in his hand, Tom again looked at the story. Tom felt bad for how the Professor was treated by Webb & Pierce. He also felt bad because there wasn't anything he could do to help him. " I'll call Lesley over in Homicide and see what she has to say. " Tom said as he looked at each member of his team. He could see similar looks on their face saying that felt bad for Professor Gateman as well. Webb & Pierce were a couple of grade A assholes. It was obvious that they ridiculed Professor Gateman. They could be good cops if and when they wanted to be. But neither man let doing real police work get in their way of a coffee break.

Tom spent the next 30 minutes on the phone talking with Lesley over in Homicide about Webb & Pierce. During that time another unsolved murder case was brought into the MCU squad room delivered by a unformed officer. He placed the file on Evie's desk since she was nearest to the door. The cover of that file read. " The Black Dahlia " " Good luck with that one. " The officer said with a chuckle in his voice. He left just as quickly as he came. The most famous unsolved murder case in LAPD history had landed in the laps of the MCU. This was turning out to be the strangest day since the MCU was formed. Tom hung up the phone after not getting anywhere with Lesley on Professor Gateman. He really didn't expect her to do anything since what the Professor said was only a theory and not something that would float with the higher ups in the department. It had only been moments after Tom hung up his phone when it rang again. He answered and couldn't believe what he was told. It sounded like something from a crazy Hollywood movie, but it was true. Tom grabbed his coat and ran into the squad room. " We've got a man down on Beverly Boulevard dressed in some kind of armored suit with a mini gun in one hand and a flamethrower in the other!........Let's roll! " Tom turned towards James and told him to grab a high powered rile from the weapons locker which was in their squad room and some armor piercing bullets. The MCU team was the only group in the LAPD who was aloud to have such ammo. They were given this because they had the power of the Governor behind them. The mini gun as it was called was often hung from the side of a helicopter, but could be used as a handheld weapon if someone knew how to use it. This weapon was a six-barreled Gatling-style machine gun with a high rate of fire. It could spit out between 2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute. To make matters worse, the man also had an M2 flamethrower. Tom & James jumped into Tom's car while Evie & Kim used Evie's mustang. They reached Beverly Boulevard to find cars on fire and police officers pinned down. Nothing the officers had could stop this madman. Even SWAT was powerless against him. The trouble for James was to get a clean shot without getting ripped into pieces by the mini gun or roasted by the flamethrower. Tom took command of the scene after leaping from his car. He ordered the officers to stop firing and to keep back! Tom told James to find a good spot and wait for a shot. The only other orders Tom gave James was if he had a head shot, take it. He then turned towards Evie & Kim. " We've got to draw his fire........Distract him so James can take him out. " Tom said as he pulled his Desert Eagle from his shoulder holster. He would be putting himself, Evie & Kim in the line of fire, but there was no other way.

Tom ran to the other side of the street from where James was waiting. He knew that Evie & Kim would be right behind him. He got into position behind a car and started to fire. Tom had the most powerful hand gun on the street and even his weapon did little but knock the man around a little. It didn't take long before the man turned and opened up on where Tom was hiding. Evie & Kim had taken another spot not far away from Tom, but in a different position. The car Tom was hiding behind began taking fire from the mini gun. It was ripping the car into shreds.
As Tom walked back to his office to call Lesley, Evie looked to the swinging door that the professor had just disappeared through. She stared at it, feeling as if they had just let the man down. Disappointed him. Dismayed him. She turned slowly to look at James.

"You know. If he's right. If we do have a copycat of Jack the Ripper, then Mary Nichols is only the first. There will be four more definitely... Maybe four more after that. How many serial killers were nearly caught really early on... We've just let that guy walk out of here and maybe..."

"We'll what would you have us do?" James asked.

"I don't know. But how profile do you think this is going to be if we get to death number 3 or 4 and the media suddenly put it together? What do you think McBride will say if he finds out the he professor came to tell us...."

The door to the oom opened again and Evie turned to see a uniformed officer approaching and dropping a file on her desk, smiling. She looked at what he dropped.

"What the...?"

"What is it?" James asked.

"Elizabeth Short... The Black Dahlia. Another unsolved murder." Before James had a chance to say nothing else, Tom came through and told them they had a problem down on Beverley Boulvard. Thirty minutes later, they were on the scene. Tom was deploying them... Sending James off to find a vintage point... Leading Evie and Kim to provide the distraction. Evie and Kim both had their weapons out. From behing the car each of them took their shots, then took cover. One after another. They fired. They took cover. They gave James time and each secretly prayed for the rifle shot to crack out and take this man down.
The distraction that Tom, Evie & Kim provided was enough for James to get into place and make the shot. James was using a Model 700 Remington with armor piercing rounds. He had climbed onto the top of a near by tracker trailer. His rifle cracked as one shot hit it's target. James had nailed the man in the neck causing him to drop almost instantly. Uniformed officers moved in slowly in case the man would suddenly pop back up, by that didn't happen. The suspect was disarmed as James joined his team mates standing near to where the man laid. They greeted James with pats on the back and hand shakes. James once again showed that there was no better shot with a rifle in the LAPD. The spot James hit was an area no bigger the 1 inch. That's all the room there was between the suspect's helmet and the rest of his armored outfit. James was 50 yards away from where the man stood when he made his shot. The paramedics rushed in, removed the armor and discovered that the man was still alive. He was in pretty bad shape from the gun shot, but he was expected to live. Tom let the watch commander take charge of the scene. He and his team headed back to the station to fill out their reports. Once the reports were done and filed, the MCU called it a day.

Tom & Evie left the Central Station, picked Alyssa up at the academy and returned to the boat. Alyssa & Evie cooked dinner that night and they ate out on deck. Alyssa had some great news that she announced during dinner. She had risen to fourth in her class thanks to all the help Evie & Kim were giving her. Alyssa was set to graduate with top honors and it was because Evie & Kim helped to tutor her since she arrived in LA. Soon Alyssa would have a completely new life. She never dreamed as a kid that someday she'd become a cop. Before coming to Los Angels, all Alyssa knew was life on the streets. Now her future was set and she would be joining her father in law enforcement. At graduation, Alyssa would get a silver badge. But she planned on one day getting a Golden Shield like the ones her father & Evie carried.

Evie spent the night on the boat. There was no longer any need for her not to hang around when Alyssa was there. Evie & Alyssa had grown close. Not in the way of a mother & daughter, but more like old friends who had common interests. It was well after midnight and Tom sat alone in the living room of his boat. Evie & Alyssa had long since going to bed. Tom told Evie that he'd be along soon, but that was almost two hours ago. He was typing up web searchers and reading over pages & pages of information on Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel murders. The room was dark expect for the light coming from the computer screen. Tom got the feeling someone was watching him. He turned to see Evie standing at the top of the short stairs which leads down below. The look on her face was already saying what are you still doing up long before she asked the question.
"You know...sooner or later this lucky streak of yours is going to stop. And then what use will you be around here?" Evie grinned as she holstered her own weapon and stood next to James, watching him break the rifle and return it to its case which was lying on the floor of the trunk of Tom's car. He threw her a filthy look. She smiled and patted his upper arm.

"Nice shot" she said and James nodded a silent 'thanks' in reply. "Guess we know who will be the star of McBride's show tonight." She added as she headed back to her car. James paused for a moment and groaned. "One of us means all of us. Remember that." James said. And he was right. McBride used the good work of any one of the Taylor's or Tom to take his usual shot at the rest.

Back at the boat that night, after reports were written and the team had called it a day, Evie saw the report with Tom and Alyssa just before they had dinner. There was always the description f Tom as the gun slinging cowboy. Always the same pictures. Always the comment about the Taylor men being dirty. Always the comment of Evie having gotten her badge and subsequent promotions because of something other than her ability. Always that picture of her on the beach in the swimsuit.

"What is it going to take to make that asshole change the damn record?" Evie said not really to anyone in particular. The moment of frustration soon passed though and the three of them had tea, celebrated Alyssa's success and then the conversation focused on both Tom's and Evie's experiences fresh out of the Academy.alyssa was the first to call it a night, with Evie doing the same about an hour later.

She woke up a couple of hours later and realised she was still alone in the bed. She got up and dressed only in one of Tom's t-shirts she padded barefoot up the stairs to the lounge area. She saw Tom sat in front of the computer, the light from the screen being the only light in the room. When he turned to look at her, she just looked puzzled. She walked over and stood at hs right shoulder. She stroked a hand down over the back of his head, neck, down over his left shoulder.

"What are you doing? Come to bed!" She said softly as she looked at the screen.
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