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Golden Shields ( Katy1008 & CrimsonMaster )

Evie smiled as she lifted her arms over her head and let Tom ease the t-shirt off of her, leaving her naked in his lap. Her hands returned to his upper chest as she leaned forward and began to kiss him softly. His mouth. His chin. His neck. She stopped when he indicated that he had a surprise for her. She sat back up a little and looked at him, suspicious of what he would have done. The hint of the smile still on her lips though, she did as he asked and closed her eyes, in her head thinking through what he might mean by 'surprise'. When she heard the table move, she realised that there was someone else in the room. Her body tensed a little and butterflies appeared in her tummy. She wondered whether Tom had asked Kim to join them? Who else would he have... Then she felt the fingers and the hand on her back. It definitely wasn't Kim. It was a man. Rough hard hands. Her back arched as the hands slipped up her spine and onto her shoulders. As she followed Tom's instructions, tipping her head back, she moaned softly as the hands slipped down to her tits and as the first kiss came to her mouth. With Tom's hands holding her ass, the stranger's hands on her tits, her soft kisses slowly became more passionate. Her mouth opened to the stranger. Her tongue worked around his. And then she opened her eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat and her instinct was to pull back. McWilliams grinned.

"Surprise!" Evie stared at him wide eyed. "You wouldn't believe how many times I thought about this when you were at the Academy". He moved one hand up her body and took hold of her chin. "Then you turning up again a couple of days ago...twice, looking sweeter and tighter than ever..." He made no effort to hide his look over her body. "Then I got talking to Tom tonight... He said you were everything I thought you'd be and so much more... He said you were quite the hungry little whore... " As he held her chin he ran his forefinger over her lower lip before slipping it into her mouth. Evie instinctively began to suck on it, making McWilliams grin. "And here you are... Proving him right." He began to move his finger back and forth in her mouth. "I saw you in that MMA fight too..." He whistled softly. "You know most of the guys in the place that night were thinking about drilling this tight little cunt of yours. Hmmmm...your working my finger real good Taylor. I bet you'd like something a bit more tasty wouldn't you." When Evie said nothing, Tom slapped her ass hard.

"Answer the Sergeant Evie." She mumbled a yes and nodded her head. He let go of her still grinning. He stood up and started to undo his pants. "I got something I think you're gonna like." He took out his semi hard cock. Thick. Meaty. Evie's gaze shifted to it. It was a big cock...maybe bigger than Tom's. "Well what are you waiting for Evie? Show McWilliams your talents." Tom said. She leaned forward and opened her mouth, taking his cock into her mouth and immediately starting to work on it. McWilliams groaned.

"Fuck. You should be working in vice, girl. You're a fucking natural. Everything I imagined your be."
As Evie began suck on McWilliams's cock, Tom thought back to the barbecue. It was perhaps an hour after McWilliams arrived at the party. Tom & McWilliams were sitting in the backyard just catting about things while drinking beer. This is when McWilliams noticed Evie playing around with Kim. They were tossing water balloons at each other. Kim nailed Evie with a perfect shot which soaked her t-shirt and made it cling to her tits. This was the moment where McWilliams first told Tom how much he always wanted Evie and how many years his want had gone unfulfilled. Normally Tom just blew guys off that talked about Evie in this manner. He knew damn well that there were many guys and some women who wanted to fuck Evie. They'd never get the chance, but Tom decided to let McWilliams have a taste. When he spoke about Evie, Tom could tell that he really longed for her. So Tom set up this little fuck feast with Evie as the star. McWilliams could use Evie in every way he wanted. He could call her whore, slut and cunt. Tom knew that would just turn Evie on more. He made sure McWilliams knew just how to treat Evie. McWilliams of course like to treat his women roughly, so he knew just what would make Evie a hot little cunt. Tom watched Evie working over McWilliams's cock just like a whore. He smiled with a sense of pride. Tom loved Evie just as she was. He'd never ask her to change anything about herself. Tom wanted nothing more than to make Evie happy. If that meant setting up threesomes just so she could be treated the way she wanted. Then so be it. Of course Tom would pick carefully. He wouldn't just set Evie up with anyone. Evie would fuck only those who could be trusted not to tell anyone. Kim had joined that group long ago. Now McWilliams had become the newest member of that special group.

" Oh fuck yeah!.......That's it Evie! " McWilliams moaned out loud. He placed his left hand on to Evie's head as it bobbed up and down on his growing shaft. Tom then told McWilliams the story of how Evie fucked a guy while on duty and took money for it. He said at that moment, he knew Evie was something very special. Tom told every dirty detail of what Evie did that night with Lewis. McWilliams knew about that case, but he had no idea until now what Evie did. " Tell Herb how much you enjoyed letting Lewis fuck you......Tell him how proud you were when he gave you $ 200 dollars. " Tom said while the finger of his right hand started to tease Evie's tightest hole. McWilliams grinned down on Evie while she spoke. Once she was done, McWilliams told her that she must be a great fuck. McWilliams had worked Vice years ago. He knew what whores charged on the streets and very few ever got that much money from one John. McWilliams asked if Evie liked licking cunt as much as she did sucking cock? Without say who, Tom said" Oh yes. " McWilliams then told Evie that they'd have to set up another night with another woman. He said that Evie could put on a show lick cunt for Tom & himself. McWilliams then added that Tom could have the other woman while Evie would be all his for that night. " Would you like that Evie?.....Would you like to have a cunt and two cocks? "
Evie didn't know who had brought the balloons. She wasn't aware of who had thrown the first one. She'd guessed it had been someone from the station. Kim's squeal and laughter at a near miss had been what had drawn Evie's attention to it. She'd been walking back across the lawn heading for the house when one of the guys from the station had come running towards her, grabbed her and then started to use her as a shield. Before she knew what had happened a large aloon had hit her square in the middle of the upper chest. A loud cheer had gone up and everyone had been laughing, as a soaked Evie attempted to keep the now almost translucent fabric away from her body. She had eventually made it inside and had borrowed one of Steve's t-shirts but for the rest of the night she had been braless. McWilliams had barely taken his eyes off of her for the rest of the night.

And now here he was. She moaned softly and squirmed a little in Tom's lap as she fed hungrily on McWilliams ever growing cock. In between her licking and sucking, she told him about Lewis, about that night in the alley. She listened to both men planning the foursome and her mind drifted, moving from Kim to the women in the prison to the cop that Webb and Pierce had brought in. Tom knew about Kim and had probably guessed about the prison. When McWilliams asked her if she would like a cunt a two cocks, he grabbed hold of a handful of hair, twisting her head so she was looking straight up at him but still had her mouth at his cock. She had gasped an agreement and McWilliams had laughed.

"I always thought she'd be a hot piece of ass Tom, but your are one lucky SOB. You've got quite the little whore here." He turned his attention back to Evie. "Let's give you some of what you want then." He pulled her, still using her hair, off of Tom's lap. "Why don't you kneel on the table here...that's it...hands and knees." Evie did as he told her. McWilliams walked around her, surveying her, slapping her ass, her tits. He eventually came round behind her. "I can't tell you how many times I've imagined this moment." He took hold of her hips and sank his cock deep into her cunt, making she squeal.
There were many times McWilliams saw Evie on her hands & knees. Until today those images were in his mind. Now he was seeing Evie in the flesh. As McWilliams always imagined, Evie was a damn fine woman. Her body was in great shape. McWilliams was also in great shape for a man in his late sixties. He had a body and a cock that would put most men in their 20's to shame. McWilliams grabbed onto Evie's hips and sank his cock deep. He wasn't holding anything back. He would fuck Evie just like a cheep whore. " You made me wait all these years for your hot little cunt! " McWilliams growled out as he started slamming Evie's pussy. " I've wanted to fuck you since your first day at the academy!.........You always walked around in those tight shorts and t-shirts!.......Shaking your ass for all the guys!.........You were such a cock tease in those days!.......I jerked off many nights thinking about you!.......Now I'm finally fucking you! " McWilliams continued to speak without missing a beat. His cock was pounding away at Evie's sweet pussy. " I want you to look over at Tom!........Look over at your man!........He's gone watch me fuck you before he joins in!..........You're gonna show your man how big a whore you really are!.........Tom's gonna see all the pleasure on your face!.........He's gonna hear all those moans and groans you get from me! " McWilliams never slowed down once as he spoke. In fact he began fucking Evie faster & faster. " Let's hear those moans and groans!.......Don't try and hide them or you'll get spanked! " McWilliams warned as Tom looked on smiling at Evie while he slowly stroked his own meat.
As she gasped and moaned, her memory drifted back to her time at the Academy. Evie never really considered herself a flirt. Not intentionally so. She certainly hadn't gone around "shaking her ass for all the guys" and what she wore, she wore because she was required to by the Academy - according to whatever activity she was engaged in. She was herself. She didn't intentionally or overtly show herself off but she didn't hide herself away either. Outside of the Academy she wore the clothes that made her feel good. She had dated two guys in the six months she had spent at the Academy, both fellow new recruits. The first had started quickly... within a couple of weeks of them starting; he had washed out by the end of the second month and whilst it hadn't been a bad break up, the two of them had never spoken to or seen each other since. The second had started mid way through their third month. Her Dad hadn't liked the guy at all; Steve had positively hated him. In the end it turned out that both of them had been a better judge of character than she had. Her first posting after the Academy had been in South LA on 75th and Broadway. It was a hard 'tour of duty' and probably the best education she could have asked for. The guy she had been seeing for the last 10 weeks at the Academy had finished up in West Hollywood... a walk in the park by comparison. It took another three months before Evie had found out that he was sleeping with a desk sergeant from the same station. Had she been asked before this moment, she would had said that none of the instructors knew about either relationship and she certainly had sought either one out - they had just sort of happened. And she had certainly never imagined McGruff lusting after her or even thinking about her in this way.

When she looked across at Tom of course, as McWilliams plunged into her again and again, she and him both knew that he had seen this before. He had been at the very first filming. He had been at the wrap party in the afternoon when they had first come across Khaled. And she made no attempt to hide any of her moans.
Tom looked on as McWilliams fucked Evie. While it was true that he had seen her getting fucked before, it was something that didn't happen often. It was also something that Tom enjoyed. There was something about seeing Evie getting fucked that was a turn on. Just one of those desires that everyone has. Things that people enjoy and keep hidden from most everyone around them. Those who are very close however, are the lucky ones who find out about such desires. Tom & Evie were close enough to know the other's desires. They had brought Kim into their inner circle months ago. She had shared sex with them both and with just Evie. Kim's background was still a mystery for many. Even McWilliams didn't know why she disappeared just weeks before her graduation. Kim had been tops in her class at that time. She then reappeared years later and spent a week taking her exams before getting her shield. McWilliams had seen some pretty strange things during his time at the academy. But what happened with Kim was certainly the strangest by far. McWilliams was at this point thinking only about Evie. He was pounding away at her hot cunt. Bringing those moans & groans from deep within her.
McWilliams felt that all his Christmases had come at once. He had thought about this so many times but never imagined that he would ever get the chance to do this. He had also never imagined that the twenty-something he had led through the Academy all those years before was a secret slut, obviously hungry for a good hard fuck by someone who knew exactly how to handle her. All those times he had watched her in combat; those times he had watched her in the physical training; all those opportunities he had had to have his way with her if only he had known. But now he was going to make the most of the time he had. He reached forward and took hold of Evie's shoulder, pulling her up a little off her hands as he drove into her. Evie's back arched more and she squealed.

"Oh you love this don't you ?" Evie just groaned and McWilliams laughed. "But I bet a hungry little whore like you is never happy with just one cock. I bet you're already thinking about having another cock inside you aren't you?"

Tom smiled. He was more than aware of the accuracy of McWilliams' statement. He stood up slowly and moved in front of Evie. He took her chin and lifted it. "Oh Herb. She is happy with whatever she can get but she always like more, don't you sweetheart?" Still gasping and moaning as McWilliams continued to pound into her, Evie could only look up and grunt an acknowledgement. "I think it's time we quietened you down for a little while. Open wide baby." Seeing exactly what Tom had in mind, McWilliams let go of her shoulder and let her back down onto her hands which in turn meant that she could easily take Tom's cock deep into her willing mouth. McWilliams took hold of her hips firmly and began fucking her just that little bit harder as Tom groaned in satisfaction at the familiar feel of her mouth around his cock.
The double teaming of Evie had begun and she was ready for it. Evie loved hard cocks, however she really loved having more than one. At a moment like this with two hard cocks, she was in heaven. Tom reached down taking Evie by the hair. He held her head still while his hips started trusting his cock into her throat. Tom's forward thrusts soon matched those made by McWilliams. The two men were pounding Evie from both ends. McWilliams's cock stretched Evie's cunt each time he entered her. His cock never full exited. McWilliams brought the head of his cock to Evie's opening before plowing back into her. Each thrust was powerful. Showing that even though he was an older man. He could certainly hold his own against men younger then he was. The two men continued to use Evie in this manner for at least 10 minutes, if not longer. McWilliams then suggested a change. He wanted to give Evie's throat a break. This however meant that another part of her body would be used. McWilliams pulled his cock from Evie's pussy and laid down on the floor. The place he took was beside the coffee table where the action had taken place before. McWilliams told Evie to mount his cock. Tom moved around and waited for Evie. Once Evie would be in place, Tom would take her from behind. This was a position Evie would know well. She would be sitting on a hard cock while another would be deep in her ass. This was one of her favorite positions.
McWilliams and Tom and Evie continued enjoying themselves for another couple of hours. When they were all satisfied, McWilliams said his 'good nights' promising Evie that they would have to do it again soon. Tom and Evie showered and then went to bed. The following morning - Saturday - Tom persuaded Evie to give her run a miss. They had a long lie in, getting up eventually mid morning. Tom cooked some French toast and they had that for brunch with bacon and fresh coffee sitting out on the deck. In the afternoon, Tom went to his father's and picked up Alyssa whilst Evie went to Steve's. James had stayed with his brother the night before and by mid afternoon - just as Evie arrived - they had just about finished clearing up from the party the night before. James congratulated Evie on her good timing.

"Get here just as the work is finished. Perfect. You get more like him every day." James pointed vaguely in Steve's direction. Both of them looked at him and almost in perfect unison exclaimed...

"Not a chance." James laughed. "Thank you for making my point."
The Princess Najla Bint Hamed Al Khalifa, or just Najla had landed in Los Angeles. Her plane touched down very late on Saturday evening. Najla took a cab from LAX to the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. She expected her family would track her down in time. Najla didn't hide where she disappeared too. She used her credit card which would tell her father where she was. Najla planned on living it up until her father sent handlers after her. Her trouble now was what should she do first? Najla decided to go shopping for some more American clothes. She wanted to ditch the Washington D.C. t-shirt. By Sunday afternoon, Najla was out shopping in downtown LA. Meanwhile her father's security force along with the FBI had turned Washington upside down until they found where Najla had disappeared too. The King was notified that his youngest daughter had slipped off to Los Angeles. His first thought was to send a team of bodyguards after her. The King did however go with his second thought. Najla had always been a wild child and since the family would in American a while long. The King decided not to send any of his bodyguards. He did however ask the United States State Department if they'd have someone look after his daughter.

The State Department sent Warren Klein who was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State to LA. The Governor of California was called ahead and told of the Princess. He naturally held up the MCU Team as the right people for the job. By the time Warren Klein landed in Los Angeles, he was told who to look for and where to find the main man. It was just after 5 pm when Warren Klein arrived at Kings Harbor. It took some poking around, but he found someone who pointed him towards Tom's boat. As Warren approached the boat, he called out if anyone was around. Alyssa who was watching tv heard the strange voice. She came out on deck to find a skinny balding dressed in a suit standing beside the boat. Warren pulled his ID from his coat and started to tell who he was. Alyssa quickly cut Warren off by raising her hand and disappearing into the boat. A few moments later Tom appeared. Finally Warren was able to explain who he was. Tom invited him into the boat. Warren explained why he had come. He told Tom about the Princess and where she was at. Tom asked Alyssa to call Evie and have her come over to the boat right away. Alyssa picked up her father's cell phone and placed the call. " Hey Evie it's Alyssa.........My dad wants you to come over to the boat.....There's someone from the US State Department here......Dad wants you here asap. "
Steve managed to get rid of his siblings before his 'physiotherapist' arrived; he had dinner planned and the last thing he needed was James and Evie getting in the way. James and Evie had gone from Steve's to their dad's. Jack had been back at work for a few weeks and was soon going to be signed off all together. Then he could get out from behind his desk. The three of them decided to go out for dinner but it was as they were heading back to James' car, that Evie's cellphone rang. She listened for a few minute and then she looked puzzled.

"The state department? What the hell...never mind. Tell Tom I'm on my way." She hung up the phone and looked apologetically at her family.

"Sorry. It was Alyssa. Apparently we're about to start working for the State Department and Tom wants me at his place. I'll call you." She kissed her dad on the cheek and climbed into the mustang, leaving her Dad and James to take James's car.
To Tom, this was a simple case of protection. The other team members would be brought up to speed later. For now the princess needed bodyguards. Once Evie arrived at Tom's boat, she was filled in. Warren Klein told her the same story he told Tom. The job was clear, the MCU was to serve as bodyguards while the princess was in Los Angeles. Tom & Evie would take the first 12 hour shift starting at 8 am Monday morning. James & Kim would then take the next 12 shift starting at 8 pm Monday night. The two team would switch on and off until the princess's family came for her. Warren Klein said it should only last for a few days. The King and his family was returning home Friday morning. Warren gave Tom & Evie the information on room and hotel where they'd find the princess. Klein left Tom's boat leaving Tom & Evie to fill in their team on the details. Tom called James and gave him the rundown. James was told he'd be working with Kim on this case and they'd be working 12 hour shifts. Each team would spend 12 hours everyday with the princess. Where ever she went, they'd go. Najla hadn't really gone anywhere, but shopping. That would however change come Monday when the princess decided on how her schedule would unfold. After both James & Kim where told of the new MCU case. Tom asked if Evie would just rather stay at the boat for the night. Normally Evie didn't want to hang around while Alyssa was there. But Alyssa wasn't bothered by having Evie around. It was time that Evie start staying instead of going.

Back in Washington General Hussein Refki Pasha head of King Al Khalifa's security force was plotting against the king and his family. General Pasha was married to the King's only sister. Pasha decided a strike at the king's wild daughter would give him room to take over. The king's mind would be on what happened to Najla. This would give Pasha and his followers the moment to strike. Once the princess was dead that is. The coup was set and General Pasha dispatched Nagi Hassan & El Sayed Jaffa to Los Angeles. They were hired muscle with ties to Al Qaeda, Hamas & the Muslim Brotherhood. General Pasha gave Hassan & Jaffa the same information Warren Klein gave to Tom & Evie. The two assassins would arrive in LA on Monday. Then they would begin stalking their prey.
Evie wasn't a huge fan of protection work...glorified babysitting. It could be easy work but much depended on the person being watched. If they were a pain in the ass then it could easily be a nightmare. A young princess didn't sound too onerous but if she turned out to be some selfish spoilt brat then Evie would probably have little patience. Evie agreed to stay at the boat despite Alyssa being there. Evie and Alyssa cooked a dinner of pasta and chicken while Tom made the calls to James and Kim. By the time he was done they had set up dinner on the deck outside in the cool evening. Tom brought up a bottle of wine as Evie brought up salad. As she placed the bowl on the table, she saw Cody stepping off of the Riptide looking very smartly dressed.

"Looking very nice there. I hope she appreciates it." Evie called out. Tom looked across to see who she was talking to and smiled a little when he saw Cody. Cody had just been about to climb into his truck when Evie had called out to him. He stopped and walked a little way back towards Tom's boat.

"Well Evie, I was kind of thinking maybe you and me could blow this place. I gotta be better than the old guy you're with right now." Evie smiled as she felt Tom moved behind her.

"Hey! Less of the old. And you..." He turned to Evie. "Stop flirting with the amateurs next door." Tom pulled Evie against him and they wrapped arms around each others waists. Evie looked back to Cody.

"Guess I'm stuck with the old guy. Maybe next time." Cody smiled and waved and climbed in the truck. Evie looked back up to Tom, went onto tiptoe and kissed him briefly. "Let's eat." She said just as Alyssa brought up the pasta. They sat outside for the rest of the night, the three of them talking mostly about police work and protection as they ate dinner and drank wine. Alyssa seemed to just soak up any and all information on police procedures and her dad told good stories about various protection jobs he and Jack had had in the past. Eventually Alyssa called it a night and turned in. Evie went below deck with her and poured a very large scotch which both she and Tom could share before she returned back upstairs to Tom.

Tom had stood up and he was leaning against the rail looking out across the harbour. He couldn't help wondering what he'd done to deserve all of this. A job he loved. A home that plenty of people envied. A newly built relationship with a daughter who a year ago he didn't even know he had. Then he heard Evie returning and he turned and watched her walking back towards him. There were plenty of people who envied him over her too. She smiled a little as she walked towards him, handed him the glass and then slipped between him and the rail, leaning into him as his free hand came to rest on her hip. She had her back to the harbour and her attention was only on Tom as he sipped on the scotch. Evie moved her hands to his chest, caressing gently, undoing the buttons on his shirt, softly kissing as she pulled the fabric aside. Tom set the glass down and wrapped both hand around her, pulling her hips towards him, his hands moving onto her ass.

"Did you text Sergeant McWilliams today and thank him for last night?" Evie stopped kissing his chest for a moment and looked up. She shook her head. Tom looked down at her and gave her a mock annoyed look. "Now that wasn't very polite after you obviously enjoyed yourself so much."

"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise." She went back to kissing his chest. She couldn't help but wonder how her next training visit to the Academy was going to go down.
Tom was glad that Evie agreed to stay the night. It was the first time she had stayed while Alyssa was there. Alyssa really enjoyed cooking dinner with Evie. Ever since Alyssa came to Los Angeles, Evie had become her closest friend. Alyssa had hopes that Evie and her father would someday marry. But Alyssa wouldn't let that change the friendship she had with Evie. They would always be close friends. After dinner, everyone worked to clear the table and do the dishes. Soon it was time for bed. As usual, Evie wore one of Tom's t-shirts to bed. The lower area of Tom's boat featured two bedrooms at the bow end. One on each side of the hallway. There was one storage room acrossed from the kitchen, or galley in the center of the boat. The bathroom was located beside the kitchen before the stairs which leads up to the living room area. In the morning the three acted like a family. They shared duties like cooking breakfast and taking turns getting showered. Once breakfast was over, they all cleaned up. Evie & Tom drove Alyssa to the academy in Evie's Mustang and dropped her off. The pair then went on to the Hotel Bonaventure. Tom & Evie arrived just before 8 am and went upstairs. The princess was staying in one of the suites on the top floor. She had the Presidential suite which was the largest the hotel had. It was build much like a large apartment would be. Having a living room, three bathroom, three bedrooms, a kitchen and a large hot tub. The princess was even now eating her breakfast delivered by room service while plotting out her day. She wasn't expecting the surprise of two police officer who were just stepping off the elevator.
To say the hotel was luxurious was an understatement. Cool grey marble and dark brown wood gave way to thick beige carpets with the same dark brown wood and lush green foliage in the lobby. They checked in at the desk and were directed to the top floor suite. The elevator was quiet and fast and in no time at all Evie and Tom were stepping out and walking along the short corridor to the oor of the suite. Tom let Evie lead. She knocked on the door wand the two of them waited.

Eventually the door opened and they came face to face with a young pretty girl still in a bathrobe, still munching on a piece of toast which she held in her hand.

"Good morning. Princess Najia?" The girl nodded looking a little puzzled but not scared or worried at all. Evie held out her ID.

"My name is Detective Taylor. This is my partner Lieutenant Reed. We've been sent here by our State Department to.... To look after you while you're in our city and... And until your family can be here. May we come in please."

The girl hesitated for a moment and then opened the door wide and returned to the table. Evie and Tom followed her. Evie looked around the place. Truly stunning a definitely somewhere where he could work her whole life and still never be able to afford. She watched the princess sit back down and return to the city guide that had been provided by he hotel.

"Is Ana..heim near by?" She looked up at the two detectives expectantly. 'Great' Evie thought to herself. She had never been a fan of Disneyland, even as a kid.
Tom stepped in taking a good look around. This place reminded him of his dad's house. The princess would enjoy staying at Rick's house. It had everything a rich American could afford. But knowing Rick he'd put the moves on the pretty princess and cause an international incident. Tom noticed a slight look of disgust slip over Evie's face when the princess spoke of Anaheim. Tom stepped up and said it wasn't too far away. He then asked just what was in Anaheim that the princess wanted to see? Tom didn't know of Evie's dislike of Disneyland, but that wasn't the only place tourist sought out. Anaheim was also the home of Knott's Berry Farm, the Boeing Jet Company and the LA Angels baseball team payed there. Plenty of things to see and do in and around Los Angeles. It just depended on what the princess had in mind. Trying to out guess a young woman who led a sheltered life wouldn't be easy. Tom explained that where ever the princess would go, they would go. He did add that they wouldn't be getting in her way. She was free to have fun and go where she wanted. They would just be around to watch over her while she was in LA.

Meanwhile at LAX, the plane carrying Hassan & Jaffa just landed. The two men would slip through security by using forged ID's. General Pasha gave them ID's stating they were with his security force. The real backgrounds of Hassan & Jaffa would be hidden from the TSA workers. It wouldn't be long before these trained killers where on the trail and this simple babysitting case was turned upside down.
The Princess looked up at Tom when he asked her what she wanted to do in Anaheim.

"Everything... except perhaps the Jet Company. My father has dragged me around many factories and I am not particularly interested in seeing how a jet engines and passenger planes are made. But I want to see Disneyland and to go to the fairground and ride a carousel and a roller-coaster. And we can go to a good baseball game, yes? Have a hot dog and popcorn and..."

"If you wanted to see a good baseball game, you should gone to New York rather than come here." Tom threw Evie a look of mock disgust but said nothing. Evie just smiled back at him.

"Why? Is there no baseball in Los Angeles." the princess asked. Tom turned back to her. "Excuse my partner. She is having a joke at my expense. There is baseball in LA... some very good baseball, but there may not be a game today. We would need to check the schedule. How about we start today with Knott's Berry Farm?" Tom turned a little to Evie, almost asking her as much as their protectee. Evie shrugged a little and nodded. The last time she had been there had been when she was home on vacation from college. She and a group of her former high school friends had all decided to have a kind of reunion and to make a day of it out at Knott's Berry Farm. She had screamed so much she was practically hoarse by the time she got home, she had gotten soaked on one of the water rides and they had gone on every roller coaster in the park.

The Princess seemed happy with the suggestion. She stood up.

"Help yourself to some coffee and some breakfast. I will just go and get dressed."
After the princess left to get dressed. Tom made a quick phone call and found out that the Dodgers were in town and playing the Arizona Diamondbacks. The game wasn't until later so they could go to Knott's Berry Farm first. The Dodgers may not be on top of their game, but their hot dogs were still first rate. The Dodger Dogs were known around baseball as being the best tasting hot dogs. The princess was in for a treat when tasting these ball park delicious. Anyway the Angels were in no better shape and in all honesty neither were the Yankees. At least the Dodgers were setting in second place, even though they were luck to be there. Tom decided to sit and have some coffee. He had a feeling that the princess would take her time dressing. The princess had 15 bags of new clothes she bought yesterday. She was having trouble picking the right outfit for an amusement park. Najla stepped out of her bedroom wearing only her bra & panties. She asked if Detective Taylor would help her pick something suited for an American amusement park. Tom almost choked on his coffee when the princess appeared almost naked. This was something he hadn't expected. Yet since the princess was from another country with different ways. It was possible that what she did was normal for her.
"You're kidding me right. You want me to go and watch the Dodgers play?" Tom just grinned at her as he booked the tickets over the phone. Evie shook her head and turned away to look out of the floor to ceiling windows which gave a panoramic view of the City. Evie suddenly realised that in all the time she and Tom had been dating they had never been to a ball game. Maybe it wasn't too surprising in light of where their respective loyalties lay but the subject had never even come up. She knew that it was work but at the same time, it would be a nice way to spend an evening, although she probably wasn't going to tell Tom that. Evie also knew that going to a Dodgers game meant that she would get to see Clayton Kershaw play. Rarely was there a headline about the Dodgers these days which didn't include a reference to him somewhere and whilst she would never give Steve, James or her dad... and now Tom... the satisfaction of letting them know that she thought the Dodgers had any quality player, seeing one of the best modern pitchers wasn't altogether a bad thing.... even if he did play for the wrong team.

Her attention was suddenly brought back to the room when the princess reappeared in her underwear and asked for some help choosing her outfit. Evie watched her disappear back into the bedroom and then followed. "Not shy is she?" she said to Tom as she walked past him. She stepped into the bedroom. Evie couldn't help thinking that her entire apartment would fit in there. The closet doors were wide open and it was clear that the woman had certainly spent some money the day before. Evie smiled at the Princess who was just waiting patiently by the open door.

"Wow... you have some pretty nice clothes here." Evie thought that the wardrobe probably cost more than her annual salary. Every outfit had a designer label attached to it. "If you want to ride roller coasters and have some fun, then most of these are probably are little too nice for that. You just want something simple. Jeans. Sneakers. A t-shirt. Sunglasses. You'll look great..." She looked through the wardrobe a little more. "... or if you want something a little cooler... did you buy any cut off jeans or any shorts?" Najia walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of stone washed Levi 501 shorts. Evie nodded. "They'll be great. You will certainly get lots of guys looking at you in those."

"Is that a bad thing?" The princess asked in all seriousness.

"Erm... I'm not sure you're father would like it, but ... probably not... not really. There will be plenty of girls there wearing a lot less.... I'll go wait outside." Evie went back out and joined Tom. She poured herself some coffee and sat down in the chair that the Princess had been in. "I don't think Ive been in the company of someone so young who is clearly so rich! She might even out do your Dad. Not that I'm jealous of course."

"Oh of course not" Tom said as he finished his coffee.
Tom made a mental note to tell James that the princess can and most likely will pop out of her bedroom in her underwear. He didn't want James almost choking if the princess did that again. Tom made the comment that the princess was 23 years old and richer then his father. The king's net worth was in the Billions. Suddenly the princess appeared wearing those shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was grinning. The princess asked how she looked as she moved between Tom & Evie and did a spin. The spin was a slow turn. The princess looked st Tom then at Evie as her turn stopped. Tom just nodded his head, as words failed him at that moment. Najla was beautiful and certainly had a rocking body. Tom figured he and Evie would be spending the day driving off men trying to get a feel of what the princess was showing. Which was quite alot. Normally the princess couldn't dress in this manner. Her normal dress was mush more formal and she was kept hidden most of the time. Hidden in the sense that she couldn't go out. The princes then asked which of her protector would ride the rides with her? She said that it would be no fun riding alone. The princess looked at Tom, then turned towards Evie. A smile playing over her lips. She was perhaps the richest 23 year woman in the world. Certainly richer then Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus put together. It was possible that the princess had more talent then those three. That wouldn't be hard for Tom to believe. Before leaving Tom laid down some ground rules. He told the princess that she must be with him or Evie at all times. If she needed to use the rest room, Evie would go with her. While in the hotel room, only those protecting the princess would open the door from now on. Tom gave the princess a police department issued cell phone. Tom said that it was programmed with all the numbers the princess needed, even 911 on speed dial. The threesome left the suite and headed for the lobby by elevator.

Hassan & Jaffa made it through airport security. Rented a car at the airport and drove to the Bonaventure Hotel. Hassan parked the car out front, acrossed from the hotel. Jaffa went inside and sat down in the lobby. He grabbed a newspaper to read while waiting for the princess to appear. They figured the wild child would stay hidden inside her suite for very long. Not when America was like a shiny new toy for her royal highness to play with.
Evie lifted an eyebrow as the princess re-emerged from her bedroom. There was no doubt the she was a beautiful woman; perfect figure, perfect teeth, perfect smile and the clothes looked god on her. But then probably anything would have looked good on her. She watched her spin, showing off her body. Evie couldn't help wondering how the woman was so confident and self-assured when she'd spent her life being hidden away. Evie didn't ask the question though. She nodded and told the princess she looked great and then she headed toward the door. The princess picked up her bag and followed and Tom followed her, closing the suite door behind him. They got into the lift in that order and then all turned 180 degrees such that Tom was stood immediately in front of the doors and Evie and the princess stood side by side a few feet behind him.

"You should have changed to. I could have loaned you some clothes that would look better than what you're wearing at the moment." Evie looked at her. Was she aware of the insult she had just thrown in Evie's direction? Probably not. She certainly showed no indication of it as she looked Evie up and down.

"Thank you. But these are perfectly suitable whilst I'm working." The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. The three of them walked purposely through the lobby to Evie's car, not noticing the man in the lobby reading the paper.
Jaffa looked up from his paper as the elevator doors opened. This must have happened 75 times since Jaffa came into the hotel lobby. But finally it was the princess, however she wasn't alone. Jaffa & Hassan had been told that there would be no security with the princess. They were told that the king didn't send any for his wild daughter. Jaffa & Hassan didn't know that that the king asked the state department to help with security. Even General Pasha wasn't told of the king's request. Pasha expected the king to ask him to send some men after Najla. He would have then sent Hassan & Jaffa to kill her. Everything had changed now. Najla walked passed with a man & woman. Jaffa couldn't be sure who they were. It was possible that they could be FBI, NSA, or even CIA. Jaffa noticed how the princess was dressed. She looked just like an American whore. He felt like pulling his weapon and dropping the hussy here and now. But he knew the dangers of acting out without knowing their enemy. Jaffa rose up and slowly followed the threesome out of the hotel. He could tell by the way the man moved that he carried a large pistol under his coat. Jaffa also wore a sports coat, shirt and pants. He wasn't wearing a tie. He quickly walked acrossed the road joining Hassan who wrote down the license plate number of Evie's car. They would check the plate number and find out who this car belonged to. It would lead to them finding out who they were dealing with. Evie jumped into the driver's seat while Tom let the princess in the back. Tom slipped into the passenger side before Evie took off. Once Evie's Mustang was out in traffic. Hassan pulled out to follow them. These men were trained killers and trained to trail a subject.
Evie and Tom weren't looking particularly for any tail. The princess hasn't been targeted by anyone. They were just babysitting her. As Evie pulled out though, she checked the rear view mirror. What she saw behind her was the same as any other morning in downtown LA. a mixture of back and silver and red and white coupes and station wagons and SUVs; explorers and priuses and Porsches. A mixture of everything but nothing obviously stuck out.

It was normally a 20-30 minute drive to Knotts Berry Farm from downtown. Getting through morning traffic initially was slow but soon Evie was on roads going in the opposite direction. Once she was on I-5 it was much quicker. They were into the park early and after setting themselves up with day tickets they had coffee and then let the Princess lead them around the park... One area to the next... One ride to the next.... With Evie joining her n most of them. It was certainly a good job she wasn't prone to sickness. Truth was she had fun. She enjoyed the rides, maybe not quite as much as she would had she been with family or friends but it was fun.
Hassan & Jaffa stayed close, but not to close. They followed the princess and her American bodyguards south from Los Angeles. Soon they entered the park just to keep an eye on the threesome. Jaffa had sent the license plate number to General Pasha. The two men were also concerned about not being told of these bodyguards. This now made their job much harder. General Pasha assured his men that he knew nothing of bodyguards. He told his men that this fact changed nothing. The princess would still die and if need be. So would her American bodyguards. Hassan asked for a couple more men which General Pasha agreed to send. Hassan & Jaffa decided to wait until their backup arrived in LA before a hit would take place. This would give the princess another 24 hours to act like an American whore. Hassan left the park, but not the area. They would keep the princess and her bodyguards under a watchful eye until the hit. Hassan & Jaffa returned to their car and waited.

While the princess & Evie were going from ride to ride, Tom kept an eye out for trouble. Other then some single guys checking out Najla in her short shorts, nothing happened. Najla finally tasted cotton candy which she enjoyed. She also tried Nachos & chili cheese fries. Najla found that she really liked milkshakes. Soon it was time to leave. Najla however refused to leave until she had souvenirs. She went around to each gift shop buying bag fulls of souvenirs until she was happy. It was becoming clear that Najla was quite the brat when she wanted to be. The threesome left the park and returned to Evie's car. Tom noticed that he & Evie still had 6 hours left with the royal highness.
More often than not as they walked from one ride or attraction to the next, Najia would walk next to Tom with Evie walking a few paces behind. She smiled to herself as she watched the woman increasingly starting to flirt with Tom. The space between them as they walked got smaller. Occasional touches on his arm became more frequent and lasted longer. She giggled and laughed at every one of his jokes...even when they weren't meant to be jokes. Evie wasn't worried though. She trusted him. She found it quite amusing as he started to realise what was happening and periodically threw her a 'help me' look. Evie just smiled back. By the time they were walking around looking for souvenirs she was holding his hand and hanging onto his arm.

When they headed to the car, the only thing Evie was worried about was whether the Princess would be sick in the back of her car. If she was then there was no doubt that she would be paying for the full valet.

"Are we heading to the ball park now or calling in somewhere else first?"
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